Chess Fought out the Game at Least of Sorts, Versus Step Ri Ght Up, Ladies and Genis, (Ind Try YO Ll R Skill ! So Yoll Which Came to This Position

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Chess Fought out the Game at Least of Sorts, Versus Step Ri Ght Up, Ladies and Genis, (Ind Try YO Ll R Skill ! So Yoll Which Came to This Position AUGUST 1960 OUR STUDENT TEAM \ I j • \ 60 CENTS ·"bscr'iption Rate )NE YEAR 56.00 • - 1 White to move 2 Btack to move Two former champions of Here Black has position, A DOUBLE CHANCE! chess fought out the game at least of sorts, versus Step ri ght up, ladies and genIS, (Ind try YO ll r skill ! So yOll which came to this position. material, and he also has a can all ("orne lInough, tel! ya what we're gonna do: each und White s~e m s circumscribed : pi ece under fi re. We won't every position here has appeared some time this ye ar in tllO ugh hi s P awns are on the consider hi s tem, or CHr.SS R EVIEW. So ya can wi n by remembering how or. of ri ght color fo r his Bishop, the position wouldn't be up cou rse, you may he able to solve the posi tions out of han:! or that worthy is stj]] confined. for gasps, would it? So what oU l of mind, as it were. Score excellent for 10 correct solu­ And White is due to lose his can be Black's delectable tion;;; g('od for 8 ; fa ir for 6. adva nccd Pawn, too. What win ning line'? It's yo urs to Solutions on page 249. mighty strokc can win '! pick and choose. 3 White to move 4 Black to move 5 White to move 6 S lack to move Here is almost the reve rse Here W hite has j ust pl ayed Here material is ali el'en, Black's Queen for Rook of position 2. White has posi­ 1 RPxP, uncovering an attack or will be wil en Wllite reca p· a ud Bishop aud Pawn cuts tion; hut, if he actually has on Black's Queen. The move tures that Kni ght - well, the edge mighty close here, pieces enou gh, still they' re IlIIts W hite a Pawn u]) as well le,'s not be hasty. 1 BxN j' and the mere sIVa I) after 1 ... not all available for now. as threatens Black's Queen. will evcn up matte rs ; but is N·K6 does n"t enhance that Just the same, Black is un· So the q uesti on of how Black that good enough to win ';' [t edge. T his is a good position derdeveloped, also, and it is is to vd n, and tha t, of course, hardly seems so. But then fO I" befuddlement in a rapid plainly a matter for Whi te is the questi on, becomes a what is good enough to WHl , transit tournament. In case to finish him off before he bit obscure. 3 m not too ob­ considering that White is 11 yo u should ever fi nJ yourself can develop. How? ~c llr e for you, surely? whole Rook down ? in such, find the win now. 7 White t o move 8 Black to move 9 White to move 10 Black to move In this position, the wi n Here is a nice, open posi­ Here as White you have a As Jack Collins suggested would be simple exce pt that tion with free play for the Pawn to the good and a pros· in the July issue, it is a Bl ack is threatening a mate pieces, and no material di s­ pective Queen-side majority mo ral obligation to win bril, on the move. Obviousl y, no advan tage. In fact I . .. HxP at that. With such fl ourish. liantly when possible, by Jefense to the mate is ade· is qu ite obvious, isn't it? ing prospecls, it h a r d I y some schools of thought, that quate to wi n, and, eq l1all~ ' J ust to add a IlUse r and to ~eems the time for 11 rousing is. Here any retreat of the at, ubviously, the answer mu .~t in si.4 un exactitude, though, explosive 1Il0,'e, does it? tacked Knight costs Black. lie in a counter-attack. S" cunsider if yo u as Black have Still , rcmemher tile quickest So his brilliancy is forced. much then is obvious, surely a n ~' beller way to win . See a way to win is the surest. And Ye~ . Black wi ns thi s game. then the win is too? good move ; find a better! what is that? Do yo u see how'! FROM THE MOSCOW "NEWS" CHESS s a fo rmer fellow student uf Tahl's in Q: I)u y" ur regard chess as recreation A the De lJarlment of Philology in the or as mental wo r l.:'~ REVIEW Uni versit y of Latvia, I tried tu get the A : Thi ~ de llends on the way you play. 'HI ,.'CU'.' CHUS MAOAIINI fi rst interview with the wo rl cl champion To have a good game of chess with a pal Vo lume 28 Num be r 8 Aug u St , 19£0 when he was still half a point from win. in your leisure hours is r ecr eat ion, hut EDI T ED II. PUBLISHED BY ning the t it le. Althollgh his victory participation in chess tournaments is I. A. Horowitz seenwd a ~~ ur ed, Tahl as the chall enger work and q uite strenuous, too. TABLE OF CONTENTS thought it impro pe r to say anything he· Q: W hat pa rt d oes chess play in your fore the ue ll had rung. life ? FEATURES With victory came many new du t i e~. A: A bi;:: Ilarl, certainly, hut the amount Adventure of Obstruent Chessmen . 238 Game of the Month .. .............. 232 Tahl was invit ed to many places al the of time I devote to chess varies. In any Postal Chess Ratings .. .. .. .. .. 251 same timc. the newsmen were a fter him. case. a player, particularly one who par­ World Championship Matc h ... .. 239 and he ha rdy f" und ti me 10 see me and t icipates in tournaments, hil S to ha ve reg· ular training to maintain good form. DEPARTMENTS answer my q uest ions. Ch essboard Magic! ..... .. .. .. 233 Q: W hen did you r eally fed confident Q : Why d id you choose the Department Chess Club Directory .. .. ... facing 256 enough tn challenge t he world tit le? of P hilology'? Chess Vignettes .. .. .... .. .. ... 231 A: I never set mrself exactly Ihis tar· A : I enl ered t he Univen ity at the a ge Event of the Month .... ... .. .. 226 get. Even without it playing wit h strong, of 16. T he Department of Philology was Finishing Touch ...... .. .. .. ... 236 opponents gives a very g reat artistic sat· the only de lJa rtment that would accept me Games from Aece nt Events . .. ... .. 242 is faction. It is natural, however. that in at thai a gc. In 1958, I graduated in Rus­ On the Cover . .... .............. 227 any contest rou try to du yUU l" hest. And sian lang ua ge and literature. I am not at Past Masterpieces .. .. ... .... .. 226 a ll sor ry about it. The Department of Post al Chess .... .. .. ....... ... 246 so I reached the decisive match without P hilulogy contri uutes a great deal to one's Solitaire Chess .... ..... ... ... .. 256 ever thinki ng ahout it. Spotlight on Openings .. .. .. ..... .. 234 Q: How did you prepare fo r this match'! general ed ucation. At present, I ed it the magazine Sachs ( Chess in Lat~· i an ). and Tournament Calendar .... .. .. .. .. 230 A: Ale xa nder Koblenz. my coach, and ! my work combines literary endeavor with World of Chess ........ ... .. .... 227 devuted uu ]" main attentiun tn the ana lysis that of a chess player. EDtTOR of games played uy But l" innik. against Q: How do yOt! feel after the tellsion 01 I . A. Horowitz whom I had never played befu[e. and also EXECUTIVE EDITOR the recenl eight weeks '? 10 ~ tud y in g the la te;;'1 stylcs in upenin g~ . Jack Straley Battell A : Most likely I am very tired, hut so in the Suvi et Union and in uther coun· CONTRIBUTINQ EDITORS far I don't feel it. A. B. Bls/:"uler, I . Chernev. J . , .,. Collins, tries. I a lso did physical training as it was Q: Whal a re YO llr plans and your most T. A. Dunst, Dr. M. Euwe, Hans Kmach, necessary to stand the cmn peLili on againsl W. KOTn, Fred Rel nteld. cherished d reams? the best player in the w{) r1d. CORRESPONDENTS A: I had one cherished d ream, but hap. Alabama E . M. Cockrell. Q: Were you ~ ure of win n in g before Alaska S. H. O'Neill. pily it has come true. t he match began? California Dr. H. Ralston, M. J. Royer. When Tahl said this, he smiled broadly COlorado J. J. Reid. A: Of course not. Bot l'inn ik's skill is Connecticut Edmund E. Hand. and looked at his charming wife, who was Delaware M. R. Paul. quite we ll known. But it is alsu self·ed · with us in his s uite at the Muskva HOlel. Fl orida R. C. Eastwood. dent tha t I wo uld n ot haw [eft Higa for Q: When and where do you intend to Georgia Braswell Deen. Moscow had not belicvcd in winning. Hllnols J . G. Warren. if J rest? Indiana D. C. H!l!s, D. E . Rhead. Q: \Vhich of the games "f this ma lch do Eve t! a s the world champion , I have Iowa W. G. Vanderburg. A: Kentucky J .
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