A Supplement for German, Norwegian, Polish, Russian

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A Supplement for German, Norwegian, Polish, Russian REPORT RESUMES ED 020 704 FL 000 659 A SUPPLEMENT FOR GERMAN, NORWEGIAN, POLISH, RUSSIAN, AND SWEDISH TO THE 1962 SELECTIVE LIST OF MATERIALS FOR USE BY TEACHERS OF MODERN FOREIGN LANGUAGES IN ELEMENTARY AND SECONDARY SCHOOLS. BY- HARMON, JOHN T., ED. MODERN LANGUAGE ASSN. OF AMERICA, NEW YORK, N.Y. PUB DATE 65 EDRS PRICE MF -$0.50 HC -$3.24 79P. DESCRIPTORS- *ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHIES, *SECONDARY SCHOOL TEACHERS, *LANGUAGE TEACHERS, *MODERN LANGUAGES, *INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALS, GERMAN, NORWEGIAN, POLISH, RUSSIAN, INFORMATION SOURCES, LANGUAGE LEARNING LEVELS, EVALUATION CRITERIA, FLES TEACHERS, LANGUAGE INSTRUCTION, INCLUDED IN THIS ANNOTATED SUPPLEMENT FOR GERMAN, NORWEGIAN, POLISH, RUSSIAN, AND SWEDISH MATFRIALS ARE (1) MATERIALS PUBLISHED SINCE THE PRINTING OF THE ORIGINAL LIST, (2) REVISIONS IN SOME OF THE ORIGINAL EVALUATIONS, AND (3) ITEMS INADVERTENTLY OMITTED FROM THE ORIGINAL LIST. PRICES, GRADE LEVEL, PROFICIENCY LEVEL, AND BRIEF CRITICAL EVALUATION ARE GIVEN FOR EACH ITEM IN THE SUPPLEMENT. THE APPENDIXES INCLUDE THE CRITERIA FOR EVALUATING MATERIALS AND A LIST OF PRODUCERS AND DISTRIBUTORS. (AF) TC00' for german,norwegian, polish, russian &swedish tothe MLA SELECTIVELIST OF MATERIALS for use by teachersof modern foreign languagesin elementary and secondaryschools apublication of modern language association 4 washington place, new york, n. y. 10003 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION & WELFARE OFFICE OF EDUCATION THIS DOCUMENT HAS SEEN REPRODUCED EXACTLY AS RECEIVED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION ORIGINATING IT.POINTS OF VIFW OR OPINIONS STATED DO NOT NECESSARILY REPRESENT OFFICIAL OFFICE OF EDUCATION POSITION OR POLICY. A SUPPLEMENT FOR GERMAN, NORWEGIAN, POLISH, RUSSIAN, and SWEDISH to the 1962 Selective List of Materialsfor use by teachers of modernforeign languages in elementary and secondary schools prepared under the direction of John T. Harmon by the staff of the MATERIALS CENTER Modern Language Association 4 Washington Place New York, N. Y. 10003 1965 0.0 00 0 O Li. - - "PERMISSION TO REPRODUCE THIS COPYRIGHTED MATERIAL HAS BEEN GRANTED BY H. TO ERIC AND ORGANIZ OHS OPERATING UNDER AGREEMENTS WITH THE U.S. OFFICEOF EDUCATION. FURTHER REPRODUCTIONOUTSIDE THE ERIC SYSTEM REQUIRES PERMISSIONOF THE COPYRIGHT OWNER." Copyright 1965 by the ModernLanguage Association ofAmerica. CONTENTS v -vi INTRODUCTION . LIST OF EVALUATORS vii -ix GERMAN BASIC=as . 1 BIBLIOGRAPHIES & RESOURCE LISTS 2 BOOKS OF CULTURE & CIVILIZATION 3 BOOKS OF SONGS . 4 CONVERSATION BOOKS 5 DICTIONARIES . 5 DISCS&TAPES: CULTURAL a 5 DISCS&TAPES:LANGUAGE 6 DISCS&TAPES: LITERARY . 8 DISCS&TAPES: SONGS 10 ELEMENTARY READERS. 11 FILMS:DRAMATIC&DOCUMENTARY . 14 FILMSTRIPS 15 INTEGRATED PROGRAMS 15 LINGUISTICS . 19 LITERARY TEXTS 19 PERIODICALS . 22 REFERENCE GRAZOIARS . 23 REVIEW GRAMMARS . 0 24 SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS 25 NORWEGIAN BASIC TEXTS . 27 BOOKS OF CULTURE&CIVILIZATION 27 BOOKS OF SONGS . 28 DISCS&TAPES: SONGS 28 LINGUISTICS 28 MAPS 28 REFERENCE CRAMMARS . 29 SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS 29 POLISH ELEMENTARY READERS 30 DICTIONARIES . 30 T 7, RUSSIAN BASIC TEXTS . 31 BIBLIOGRAPHIES & RESOURCELISTS 32 BOOKS OF CULTURE &CIVILIZATION . 33 BOOKS OF SONGS . 33 . 33 DICTIONARIES . 35 DISCS & TAPES:CULTURE . DISCS & TAPES:LANGUAGE . 35 . 37 DISCS & TAPES: LITERARY . 39 DISCS & TAPES: SONGS . 41 ELEMENTARY READERS . 42 FILMS:DRAMATIC & DOCUMENTARY . 45 INTEGRATED PROGRAMS . 46 LITERARY TEXTS. 47 PERIODICALS ; . 48 REFERENCE GRAMMARS . .. 48 SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALS . TEACHERS COURSE GUIDES . 48 SWEDISH . 49 BASIC TEXTS . BIBLIOGRAPHIES & RESOURCE LISTS . 49 . 49 ELEMENTARY READERS . 49 REFERENCE GRAMMARS . APPENDICES: 1. CRITERIA . 51 2. LIST OF PRODUCERS AND DISTRIBUTORS . 62 INTRODUCTION This is the third of a series of supplements to the MIASelective List of Materials, published in 1962 under contract withthe U. S. Office of Education through the National Defense Education Act. The production of these supplements has been supported by a grant fromthe Carnegie Corpo- ration of New York, since they had no government support. As their name indicates, they are intended to supplement and not toreplace the Selec- tive List of Materials. The supplements include 1) materials published since tha original List went to the printer in 1961, 2) revisions in a few of the evaluations, and3) items omitted from the original list through inadvertence. Each item has been evaluated according to criteria set up by committees which were appointed by their respective teachers associations and the Modern Language Association.For each type of itemthere are several categories of criteria and the item has been judged excellent, accept- able, or unacceptable in each of these categories.If an item is judged unacceptable as a whole, it does not appear in this supplement. The amount of current activity in the production of foreign language teaching materials may be gauged by the fact that the present supplement, which is largely made up of items produced since 1961, contains almost half as many items as were on the original 1962 List. In the left margin Arabic numerals indicate the grade or classlevel (7-9 for junior high school). When an item is considered useful at more than one grade level, each applicable level is indicated. Roman uumerals indicate language proficiency levels (I for beginners). "T" indicates materials for the teacher. The name or initials in capital letters in each entry is the code name for the producer, whose f-111 name and address arelisted in Appendix 2 on pp. 62-64. List prices are given. The names and addresses of foreign producers are also includedin this list on pp. 62-64. Materials produced in foreign countries maybe ordered directly from the producer or from an American distributor offoreign materials. Dollar prices given for such items are approximate, and they are based on quotations from variousAmerican distributors of foreign materials. Persons wishing to order from an American distributorshould get exact quotations from a particular distributorbefore ordering. A list of American distributors is given on pp. 65-69. In the notation "lEEA, 2A, 3AAU," etc., the numbers refer tothe criteria for the category of this material. The letters are the ratings given by the evaluators: E - excellent, A - acceptable, U - unacceptable. If all evaluators agree on a rating, this letter appears only once. The criteria appear in Appendix 1 on pp.51-61. We are indebted to many persons for whatever virtuesthe present supple- ment shows, to the forty-six evaluators onthe committees, whose names appear on pp. vii - ix, to Mrs.Ariadne Renko, New York University, and to Mr. James F. O'Brien,Columbia University, who were extremely helpful in the evaluation of various materials: to members of the MLA staff the Director of (Patricia A. Manes, Eileen Marron,Mary A. Stern) and to the Materials Center, JohnT. Harmon. cooperation to We wish also to express ourgratitude for their splendid evaluated here. Their the many publishers andproducers of the materials possible the evalua- generosity in donatingmaterials has not only made teaching materials tions but has also contributedgreatly to the display of maintained in the MaterialsCenter of the Modern LanguageAssociation. of com- Despite our efforts, we are surethat the supplement has errors appeared too late to be mission and omission. Some excellent materials included; others were omittedbecause they are notgenerally available; criti- others were not submittedfor evaluation. We will be grateful for cisms of the supplement as awhole and we will begrateful to know believe should be sub- authors, titles, andpublishers of items that you mitted for evaluation in anyfuture edition. here should be ad- All inquiries concerningthe evaluations published dressed to the Material? Centerand not to theevaluation committee members, since all files aremaintained at the MaterialsCenter. evaluated in this supple- Some committee members areauthors of materials different ment. An item authored by anevaluator was always referred to a committee even though itwould normally have been sent tothe committee of which the author was amember. MATERIALS FOR MODERN HEBREW. Since teaching materialsfor Modern Hebrew include were includedin the Selective List,it was originally planned to sent by them in this supplement aswell.Only one new text, however, was with Professor Abraham I.Katsh, publishers. Therefore, in consultation Chairman of the Modern HebrewCommittee, it was decided,in view of the paucity of the materialssubmitted, to refer teachers tobibliographies available elsewhere: periodically; available from: 1) Hebrew Abstracts, published National Association of Professorsof Hebrew Room 41, 80 WashingtonSquare East New York City, N.Y. available from: 2) A Bibliography on Teachingof Hebrew to Adults, Department of Cultureand Education of theJewish Agency 515 Park Avenue New York City, N.Y. The abbreviation sum forSelective List of Materials,1962, is used throughout the supplement. Donald D. Walsh, Director Foreign Language Program vi , 4' EVALUATORS GERMAN Professor Karl-Heinz Planitz (General Chairman) Chairman, Department of German and Russian Wabash College Crawfordsville, Indiana Basic Texts, Conversation Books, Mr. Donald Erlichmann Integrated Programs: Henry High School Minneapolis Public Schools Mr. Jermaine Arendt (Chairman) Minneapolis, Minnesota Consultant in Foreign Languages Minneapolis Public Schools Mr. Robert D. Hummel Minneapolis, Minnesota Purdue University Barker Memorial Center Mr. Percy Fearing Michigan City, Indiana Consultant, Modern
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    THE HISTORY OF TBE DEPARTMENT OF GERMAN OF THE OHIO STATE UNIVERSITY on the occasion of the University's centenary by OSK.AR SEIDLIN LIBRARY OHIO STATE , UNIVE ' RSITY II LD'4-a,i,S,i., 1969 U4SS'fa / / PREFACE The history of the German Department which is told on the follo,dng pages needs no introduction, but a few initial words of appreciation are very much in order o Our thanks for putting the histroy together go to two people. First to Mr. Robert. Popham, one of our undergraduate majors, who gathered much of tha historical material and who did so with skill and understanding. And second to the history's author, Oskar Seidlin. I suppose it must be difficult for anyone to write the story of a department in whose squabbles and successes and fortunes he has been intimately involved for many, many years. For Oskar Seidlin, however, the task was doubly difficult. The history of the department's rise to excellence over the last three decades is in fairly large measure the same history as that of Seidlin's own career .. As one of the most distinguishec scholars at this or any other university, he had the well­ nigh impossible task of telling the story objectively without at the same time sounding shamelessly vain. To avoid the latter danger he presents a less objective chronicle than another writer would have done. For while one certainly gets an impression of his stature as scholar and teacher from the narrative, his fear of appearing immodest has led him to give his own accomplishments and the many honors he has brought to Ohio State considerably less than their proper due.
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