Issue 147, Year 3 UK £2/ EU €2.50 March 11, 2018 Interview The many Head of Tunisia’s China’s challenges Institute for Middle East of Arab Strategic Studies ambitions women Page 8 Page 17 Pages 12-13 Saudi crown ’s visit to UK ushers in new ‘strategic partnership’

Mohammed Alkhereiji said in a statement. “This is a significant boost for UK prosperity and a clear demon- London stration of the strong international confidence in our economy as we n a trip motivated by political prepare to leave the European Un- and economic considerations, ion.” Saudi Arabia’s reform-driven “The United Kingdom and Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Arabia committed to a long-term Salman bin Abdulaziz con- partnership to support implemen- Icluded a state visit to the United tation of Vision 2030″ in various Kingdom. areas, a joint statement released In London to solidify long- March 9 said. The countries “re- standing relations as well as iterated the importance of the to promote his Vision 2030 re- defence and security relationship form programme, Crown Prince for mutual security and regional Mohammed’s itinerary includ- stability.” ed meetings with British Prime While confirming the impor- Minister Theresa May, Foreign tance of a political solution to Minister Boris Johnson, Chan- the crisis in Yemen, the state- cellor of the Exchequer Philip ment called for an end to secu- Hammond, Defence Minister rity threats to Saudi Arabia and a Gavin Williamson and the Arch- halt “to the Iranian support for bishop of Canterbury Justin Welby. militias and a withdrawal of Ira- “We believe that Saudi Arabia nian elements and Hezbollah from needs to be part of the global econ- Yemen.” omy,” Crown Prince Mohammed Factoring into discussions with said in an interview with the Daily British officials was Saudi Aramco, Telegraph. “People need to be able which the United Kingdom hopes to move freely and we need to ap- is working to have its initial public ply the same standards as the rest offering (IPO) listed on the London New prospects. Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II receives Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin of the world. After Brexit there Stock Exchange. However, it has Abdulaziz at Buckingham Palace in London, on March 7. (Saudi Royal Palace) will be huge opportunities for Brit- competition from New York. ain as a result of Vision 2030.” “We would like the Aramco The visit included the inaugural share option to be issued in the kingdom,” Falih said. Religious tolerance was also on flourishing of those of different meeting of the UK-Saudi Arabia United Kingdom and we will con- After a meeting with Crown the agenda. Welby, who met with faith traditions and to interfaith Strategic Partnership Council. The tinue to suggest the city would be Prince Mohammed, who serves as Crown Prince Mohammed, said: dialogue within the kingdom and council is to meet on an annual the best place for it,” junior foreign Saudi defence minister, and Wil- “The crown prince made a strong beyond.” basis to discuss matters pertaining office minister Alistair Burt told liamson, BAE Systems announced commitment to promote the Crown Prince Mohammed is on to security and joint economic en- parliament. that Riyadh had signed a prelimi- an ambitious international tour. deavours. It is unclear when Saudi officials nary agreement to purchase 48 Besides and the United “The meeting agreed a landmark will make their choice; however, Eurofighter Typhoon fighter jets. “The United Kingdom Kingdom, he is to visit New York ambition for around [$90.3 billion] Saudi Energy Minister Khalid al- “This is a positive step towards and Saudi Arabia and Washington later this month. of mutual trade and investment Falih hinted in an interview with agreeing a contract for our valued opportunities over the coming Bloomberg News that the IPO list- partner,” BAE said in a release. committed to a long- Mohammed Alkhereiji is years, including direct investment ing, which was initially scheduled “We are committed to supporting term partnership,” the Gulf section editor of in the UK and new Saudi public for 2017, might be postponed. the kingdom as it modernises the The Arab Weekly. procurement with UK companies,” “Between December 31 and Jan- Saudi Armed Forces and develops a joint statement the British prime minister’s office uary 1 there is no value lost for the key industrial capabilities.” released March 9 said. P2,6 Migrants can expect worse times after Italy’s elections

Mahmud el-Shafey votes in the March 4 election. them making the journey across the The Five Star Movement indi- Mediterranean to Italy. cated it would end its long-standing However, given the chaos in Libya London policy of not joining coalition gov- since an Italian-backed military in- ernments, meaning the movement tervention in 2011, it is an increas- igrants are facing an is a contender to form Italy’s next ingly difficult mission. uncertain future in government. The Italian election results cre- Italy following elec- Perhaps the biggest winner in ated fear among centrist parties tions that saw the rise the elections was Matteo Salvini’s and governments across Europe. of populist anti-mi- far-right League, which took more German Chancellor Angela Merkel’s Mgrant parties across the board. than 17% of the vote and became plan seeking to make EU funding An anti-immigration coalition of the senior partner in the right-wing contingent on a country’s receipt of right-wing parties secured 37% of coalition. migrants is now facing major oppo- the vote — not enough to govern “Italians have chosen to take back sition. alone but more than enough to en- control of the country from the in- The outcome also energised Eu- sure a strong hand in talks to form a security and precariousness put rope’s anti-migration advocates, coalition government. in place by [former Prime Minister including Hungarian Prime Minis- Matteo] Renzi,” Salvini said at a ter Viktor Orban whose right-wing news conference. ruling Fidesz party is expected to In the run-up to the “Our guiding principle is: Ital- easily win April’s parliamentary election, the right- ians first,” Salvini said during the Fates in the balance. A migrant balances a ball at a makeshift camp in elections largely because of its wing coalition pledged campaign. “If saying ‘Italians first’ Via Cupa in downtown Rome. (Reuters) anti-migrant message. to deport hundreds of is xenophobic, then I don’t know “A quarter of people supported thousands of illegal what to say.” parties in favour of immigration, migrants back to their While the make-up of Italy’s next Agata Ronsivalle told the Guardian. Libya since 2013. Most Italians vot- while three-quarters backed parties government is unclear, hundreds of “It is not right. They’re just boys ed for parties that pledged to seek against immigration,” Orban said of country of origin. thousands of migrants and refugees and they’re scaring them to death.” to repatriate failed asylum seekers the Italian vote. “It will remain that face an even more uncertain future Prior to the election, the right- and clamp down on future immi- way across Europe over the next Italy’s populist anti-establish- amid growing antipathy towards wing coalition pledged to deport gration. 10-15 years.” ment Five Star Movement, which their presence in Italy. hundreds of thousands of illegal Italy has sought greater en- expressed an anti-immigration mes- “The fear produced by the propa- migrants to their countries of origin, gagement in Africa, including an Mahmud el-Shafey is an Arab sage during the campaign, secured ganda of the Italian right among mi- regardless of their circumstances. increased military presence, to Weekly correspondent in London. nearly 33% of the vote and was the grants, especially minors, is unfor- More than 600,000 migrants deter migrants crossing the Sahel individual party that won the most givable,” volunteer Italian teacher have arrived in Italy by boat from to reach Libya and then to prevent P3 2 March 11, 2018 Cover Story Saudi crown prince’s tour ‘Strategic partnership’ defines Saudi crown prince’s visit to UK

Mohammed Alkhereiji The aim of the tour is to solidify long-standing relations with allies and generate international invest- London ment to buttress the Saudis’ Vision 2030 reform programme. audi Arabia’s Crown Crown Prince Mohammed has Prince Mohammed bin rebranded Saudi Arabia as a mod- Salman bin Abdulaziz’s erate and tolerant country open to official state visit to the the world and ready to engage in United Kingdom ushered global business. Sin a new “strategic partnership” “This stereotypical image of the between Riyadh and London. kingdom as a religiously extremist Crown Prince Mohammed, ac- country and an exporter of ineffi- companied by a high-level del- ciently spent oil barrels was pro- egation, began his visit with lunch moted intently by the West and with Queen Elizabeth II. The agen- needs change from within rather da included meetings with Brit- than from overseas,” wrote Ahmad ish Prime Minister Theresa May, al-Jmia in the Saudi newspaper Al Chancellor of the Exchequer Philip Riyadh. Hammond, select members of par- “It requires political leaders who Traditional alliance. Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz (2nd R) conducts a liament and the leaders of major transform social reality and base meeting with Britain’s Prime Minister Theresa May (2nd L) and other members of their delegations UK banks. international relations on the basis inside 10 Downing Street in London, on March 7. (AP) The crown prince and May in- of interests.” augurated the UK-Saudi Strategic “We believe that Saudi Arabia Partnership Council, which is to needs to be part of the global econ- international law. His positions were not unnoticed language publications carried full foster Saudi economic reform ef- omy,” Crown Prince Mohammed Jubeir, speaking at a news con- by Saudi media. translations of his interview with forts, strengthen cooperation on said in an interview with the Daily ference with British Foreign Sec- “We should not stand idly by the Daily Telegraph in which he educational and cultural issues Telegraph. “People need to be able retary Boris Johnson, said the while [Corbyn] leads a campaign stressed security cooperation be- and reinforce defence and security to move freely and we need to ap- Iran-allied Houthi militias weren’t against the kingdom,” Saudi dai- tween the two countries. collaboration. ply the same standards as the rest serious about dialogue. He said ly Okaz Editor-in-Chief Jameel On Twitter, the Saudi populace’s “The meeting agreed a landmark of the world.” there had been more than 70 al-Thiyabi wrote. “He is compro- preferred mode of expression, ambition for around [$90.3 billion] The crown prince acknowledged meetings but the Houthis had mising his country’s stable rela- Crown Prince Mohammed’s visit of mutual trade and investment that Saudi Arabia needed to im- been indifferent to them. tions with Saudi Arabia to seek received overwhelming support. opportunities over the coming prove its human rights record; British opposition leader Jeremy party interests.” Many users posted pictures of years, including direct investment however he asked that critics be Corbyn, known for pro-Iranian Thiyabi said the Labour Party the crown prince during his visit, in the UK and new Saudi public patient. views, tried to generate controver- leader’s experience did not go be- as well as photos of procurement with UK companies,” “We are getting better and we sy about the crown prince’s visit. yond the backbenches of parlia- welcoming him to the United the prime minister’s office said in have come a long way in a short ment. Kingdom. a statement. time,” he said. The last day of the crown “Crown Prince and leader of the “This is a significant boost for The Saudi crown prince was also prince’s UK visit focused on secu- vision Mohammed bin Salman bin UK prosperity and a clear demon- met with protesters demanding an rity-related matters. There was a Abdulaziz is in London to improve stration of the strong international end to the war in Yemen. meeting with British Defence Min- economic ties and achieve Vision confidence in our economy as we Saudi Foreign Minister Adel The crown prince and ister Gavin Williamson, which, 2030,” Saudi user Battar tweeted prepare to leave the European al-Jubeir, in an interview with BBC May inaugurated the local reports said, centred on to his 33,200 followers. Union.” Radio 4’s “Today” programme, UK-Saudi Strategic arms sales, including the poten- Saudi Twitter user Shabban al- Crown Prince Mohammed was said the protesters’ positions were Partnership Council, tial purchase of up to 48 Typhoon Bana posted a photo of the crown on his first official foreign tour, based on misunderstandings. which is to foster Saudi fighter jets. Crown Prince Moham- prince with the archbishop of which started in Egypt before the “They criticise us for a war in med also serves as Saudi defence Canterbury, writing: “Making his- trip to the United Kingdom. He is Yemen that we did not want, that economic reform minister. tory and creating glorious and to travel to the United States later was imposed on us,” Jubeir said, efforts and strengthen Crown Prince Mohammed’s trip prosperous future for his country this month. adding that war was supported by bilateral cooperation. dominated Saudi media. Arabic- and its people God willing.” After crown prince’s visit, Egypt and Saudi Arabia ties ever stronger

Ahmed Megahid Mohammed demonstrates. against followers of other religions. theatres. Saudi women have also largest Arab investor in Egypt, with “As a politician, he shows that However, it was clear the crown been given the right to drive, as of $45 billion in government and pri- Saudi Arabia is open to all reli- prince’s visit to was less about June, and attend sports competi- vate investments. Cairo gions,” said Saudi writer Khalid Ma- the present and more about the fu- tions, in what many said was a huge While in Egypt, Crown Prince jrashi. ture. break with tradition. Mohammed was present for audi Crown Prince Mo- Crown Prince Mohammed’s visit He visited the Cairo Opera House Saudi Arabia has also begun an the signing of several agree- hammed bin Salman bin to Cairo was the first leg in a for- and attended a performance by aggressive campaign against reli- ments, including one to initiate a Abdulaziz has wrapped eign tour that subsequently took young actors. In this, the Saudi gious extremism by establishing an $10 billion fund for the develop- up a visit to Cairo, his first him to London and is scheduled to heir apparent was showing a Saudi international anti-terrorism centre. ment of parts of Sinai so that they to Egypt since becoming take him to the United States from interest in culture and the arts in a Given developments in the re- can integrate into NEOM, a Saudi Sheir apparent in his oil-rich king- March 19-22. country that is known as the home gion, Egyptian political analysts megacity planned for along the Red dom. The crown prince’s itinerary The Egyptian leadership has of Arab arts. said the talks between Sisi and Sea coast. in Cairo was largely symbolic and been struggling to reform religious Months before travelling to Crown Prince Mohammed were indicated the change Saudi Arabia discourse, fight terrorism and em- Cairo, Crown Prince Mohammed timely. wishes to project to the world, ana- power its Christian minority. Crown set in motion cultural changes in US President Donald Trump re- Crown Prince lysts said. Prince Mohammed’s visit to the Saudi Arabia, including moves to cently sent emissaries to the Gulf Mohammed’s visit to “The Saudi crown prince was Coptic Orthodox Church, Fahmi open cinemas, an opera house and to discuss the crisis caused by keen during his visit to Cairo on said, showed that the Egyptian and Qatar’s alleged funding of extrem- the Coptic Orthodox projecting an image that is both Saudi leaderships were united in ist groups. Trump has talked about Church showed that new and revolutionary,” said Tarek their desire to fight religious big- a peace plan between the Palestin- the Egyptian and Fahmi, a political science professor otry and eliminate discrimination ians and the Israelis, even as details Saudi leaderships at Cairo University. “He showed the of it remain largely unclear. Iran’s were united in their traits of an open-minded politician influence in the region is expand- who is ready to effect radical change ing, specifically in Syria, Lebanon, desire to fight in his country and the region.” Yemen and Iraq. religious bigotry. Egyptian President Abdel Fat- An Arab summit scheduled for tah al-Sisi received Crown Prince this month in Riyadh was pushed Mohammed at Cairo International to April by the Arab League, which The hope in Cairo is that the fund Airport on March 4, breaking well- said it did not want the summit to will perk up the tourism sector, es- established diplomatic protocol. conflict with Egypt’s presidential pecially in Sinai, and bring Egypt Sisi’s personal welcome demon- election March 26-28. much-needed tourism invest- strated the extent to which Cairo “These are all issues that needed ments. has pinned hopes of greater cooper- coordination between Egypt and Ministers accompanying the ation between Egypt and Saudi Ara- Saudi Arabia, by far the largest two Saudi crown prince also had talks bia on Crown Prince Mohammed. Arab countries,” said Saad al-Zunt, on irrigation and agricultural coop- The Saudi crown prince used the the head of local think-tank Strate- eration with their Egyptian coun- visit to burnish his image as a re- gic Studies Centre. terparts. formist. He visited a Coptic Ortho- Behind Egypt’s warm welcome of “Egypt stands to benefit a lot by dox Church in eastern Cairo and Crown Prince Mohammed lies a de- becoming part of the NEOM pro- met with Orthodox Pope Tawadros sire by Cairo to advance economic ject,” said Rashad Abdo, an eco- II. In their talks, the crown prince cooperation with a country that has nomics professor at Cairo Univer- highlighted the need for coexist- been an unwavering political and sity. “It will open the door for huge ence and the fact that Islam calls for economic ally. investments in the Suez Canal and respecting other faiths. Saudi Arabia has given Egypt bil- Sinai regions.” The visit, experts said, was Warm welcome. Egyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi (L) greets lions of dollars in financial aid since brief but highly symbolic of the Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz on his 2013 and continues to offer political Ahmed Megahid is an Egyptian kind of leadership Crown Prince arrival in Cairo, on March 4. (AP) support. The oil-rich kingdom is the reporter in Cairo. March 11, 2018 3 Cover Story Migrants in Italy

Populists are the big winners in Italian elections

o party or bloc in common apart from wanting to came out as an promote “Made in Italy” products outright victor in and berating establishment po- Justin Salhani Italy’s elections litical parties. With immigration but parties es- such a fiery issue, however, there is an Arab Weekly contributor pousing populist is fear that a pair of reactionary in Milan, Italy. rhetoric gained parties may target society’s most Nthe most ground. vulnerable. The Five Star Movement, a The Five Star Movement has populist party founded in 2009 by flip-flopped on immigration. a comedian and a web strategist, “The Italian ‘third pole,’ repre- was the single largest vote-getter, sented by the Five Star Move- winning 32% of the vote. The ment, has always expressed a largest bloc, however, was the very ambiguous attitude regard- centre-right, including the party ing the migration issue,” Bor- of former Prime Minister Silvio dignon said. “It officially wants Berlusconi and a few of his allies to revise the Dublin regulation on the far right. That bloc won that states migrants must stay in 37% of the vote. the country in which they first The surprise was the success of landed in Europe and have toned the League, the far-right party of back any anti-immigrant or anti- Matteo Salvini. Formerly known Muslim policies but it’s also used as the Northern League, Salvini’s dog whistles in the past that indi- party has been characterised cate where its true loyalties lie.” by racist, anti-immigrant and Last summer, Rome Mayor Vir- Eurosceptic rhetoric throughout ginia Raggi, a Five Star Movement the campaign. Salvini’s campaign member, demanded “a halt” to message — “Italians first” — immigrants arriving in Rome. echoed Donald Trump’s “America Should the Five Star Movement first” message that resonated and the League unite, immigrants with many white Americans in could face a serious opponent in 2016. the national government but the Most polls and analysts had prospect might be moot given predicted Berlusconi’s Forza Italia that the Five Star Movement has party would win the most votes Rightward surge. Supporters of populist Five Star Movement vowed not to join other parties in in the centre-right bloc with the (M5S) party wait for their leader Luigi Di Maio to arrive at a coalitions. League close behind but Salvini’s meeting in Acerra, on March 6. (AFP) “There has been some specula- party pulled in 17.4% to tion that the Five Star Movement Berlusconi’s 14%. could seek to form a radical, This means a couple of things. put ‘Italians first’,” said Fabio Moroccan in Milan told Reuters. Eurosceptic government with First, Berlusconi’s weak showing Bordignon, a political science pro- Immigrants regularly complain the anti-immigrant League and indicates the previously suspect- fessor at Urbino University. “Fear of verbal attacks in Italy and the the right-wing Fratelli d’Italia,” ed prospect of a grand coalition is widespread in Italian society. recent campaign was also marked said Peter Ceretti, Italy analyst at between centre-left and centre- More than 40% of people say that by a serious racial issue in the the Economist Intelligence Unit. right is almost certainly off. It ‘strangers’ represent a threat to central town of Macerata. “This is ultimately unlikely, as does not help that the centre- public order and people’s safety.” After the arrest of a Nigerian there are vast ideological differ- left’s leading party — the Demo- The election results indicate man suspected of killing an ences between these parties and cratic Party — had a poor showing, that almost 50% of Italian vot- Italian girl, a former League can- it is unclear whether Five Star’s winning less than 20%. ers supported parties espousing didate for local elections drove voters and its members of parlia- Second, while Berlusconi was populist rhetoric. The Five Star through town shooting at black ment would allow Luigi Di Maio, never going to be prime minister Movement is a Eurosceptic party people, wounding six. He draped Five Star’s 31-year-old prime min- The only saving due to a court ban on him serv- that has often provided simple an Italian flag over his shoulders isterial candidate, to do a deal ing, he cannot even play king- answers to complex policy is- and gave a fascist salute to a war- with established parties.” grace for maker for a centre-right coalition. sues and made large promises it time statue. The only saving grace for im- immigrants and Should the centre-right somehow proved unable to keep when in Salvini and his colleagues in migrants and minorities in Italy minorities in Italy cobble together a government, office. The League, meanwhile, the centre-right used the incident may be that no government will Salvini would likely be prime would be a nightmare ruling party to highlight Italians’ frustrations come together with much ease. may be that no minister. for immigrants and people of over immigration. “Regardless of the majority that government will “Matteo Salvini’s League colour. There have been rumours that will govern Italy in the months to has openly reinforced its anti- “I really hope they don’t make it the Five Star Movement and the come, it will be very difficult to come together immigration stance, saying we even more horrible to stay in this League could form a coalition, al- implement a coherent governing with much ease. need to stop an ‘invasion’ and country,” Ibrahim, a 35-year-old though the two groups have little programme,” Bordignon said. Election results will make life even more miserable for Italy’s illegal migrants

n optimist would been asked to work harder for the welfare spending, or forging an to accept responsibility for the ex- call the results of same wages to compete in a glo- alliance with the right-wing North- traordinary violence it used when Italy’s parliamen- balised world. This suits Germany ern League on a platform of tough colonising Libya in the early 20th tary elections a and Holland, which have capital curbs on immigration, higher defi- century and the 750,000 Ethiopians Francis Ghilès damning indict- account surpluses, but not Italy. cits in defiance of EU budget rules killed during its brutal conquest is an associate fellow at ment of the politi- Italy’s future is jeopardised by and protectionism. and occupation of what was then the Barcelona Centre for cal classes that have the lethal combination of four fac- The Northern League was known as Abyssinia from 1936-41. International Affairs. governedA Italy for a generation. A tors: lack of productivity growth, transformed by its leader, Matteo The younger generation of Italians pessimist would call the results a a negative demographic outlook, Salvini, into a far-right nationalist know nothing of the mustard gas shipwreck. high levels of public debt and a party along the lines of France’s used against the Christian people of What is not in doubt is that vot- political impasse in the eurozone National Front. It won 18% of the Ethiopia. ers have held politicians responsi- that both puts the country at con- vote nationally and emerged as The Italian political, bureaucratic ble for Italy’s shortcomings, which tinuous risk of speculative attacks the leading conservative politi- and financial establishment was include two decades of economic and renders elections superflu- cal force, usurping former Prime looking forward to playing its part stagnation and waves of illegal ous, engendering a sense of loss of Minister Silvio Berlusconi’s centre- in the long-awaited Franco-German migration that have left 650,000 sovereignty that fuels nationalism right Forza Italia party, which initiative on closer eurozone and African and Middle Eastern men and populism. polled only 14%, 8 points down EU integration but the humiliating and women stranded in the coun- Pervasive corruption and the from 2013. Together, the centre- defeat of the Italian centre-right try since 2014. flight of young, educated Italians, right coalition, which includes the (Forza Italia) and centre-left par- Regardless of which coalition who have voted with their feet for Northern League, Forza Italia and ties, which basically support the ends up ruling Italy, the vote a generation, make for a brittle two other smaller, right-wing par- initiative in Italy, has dashed that will raise the stakes of the coun- political climate in which blaming ties, gained 37% of the vote. hope. Another deep concern in try’s fraught efforts to overhaul Africans and Arabs is an easy vote- A year ago, Salvini called for a European capitals is that the Five Europe’s asylum system. Italy, winner. “mass cleaning of Italy, street by Star Movement has built a sprawl- being the main arrival point for Two parties triumphed in the street, neighbourhood by neigh- ing network of websites and social immigrants from Libya, will push early March elections. The insur- bourhood, square by square and media accounts that spread fake hardest to reform EU rules, which gent protest Five Star Movement, through the use of force if need news, conspiracy theories and stipulate that asylum seekers must founded by comedian Beppe Grillo be.” A former Northern League pro-Kremlin stories to millions of be processed in the member coun- and political activist Gianroberto candidate recently open fired on Italians. Pervasive try they first enter. Casaleggio in 2009, won 33% of the immigrants in Macerata. For the many illegal immigrants Uncontrolled immigration is vote overall and reached close to The anti-fascist organisation living in refugee camps or working corruption and the tearing Europe apart and voters at 50% in much of southern Italy. Infoantifa ECN said there have as virtual slave labourers in farms flight of young, the coalface in Italy know there is The party, which says it is the been 142 attacks by neo-fascist across south Italy, life will become no way to assimilate so many peo- only path to cleaning up Italian groups since 2014. The National more dangerous. No senior political educated Italians ple of different cultures. With the politics, has drawn support from Association of Italian Partisans, voice in southern rim Mediterra- make for a brittle exception of Germany and Sweden, both the left and the right over the founded by members of the Italian nean countries will dare speak out political climate in no European country has shown years. Its Neapolitan leader, Luigi resistance against former dictator in their favour. Salvini belongs to solidarity with Italy and accepted a Di Maio, 31, will have to choose Benito Mussolini, drew up a list of a growing list of political leaders which blaming significant number of refugees. between making a deal with dis- 500 internet sites praising fascism who, like Turkish President Recep Africans and The recent wave of migration to sidents of the humbled centre-left in Italy. It failed to get the sites Tayyip Erdogan, stir racial hatred Europe needs to be considered in Democratic Party of former Prime blocked by authorities. to win elections. The voices of dia- Arabs is an easy light of stymied living standards Minister Matteo Renzi on a pos- The Italian state, unlike Germa- logue in the Mediterranean vote-winner. across Europe, where people have sible platform of greater social ny’s and much like Austria’s, failed are getting fainter. 4 March 11, 2018 News & Analysis Syria History is repeating itself in the cruellest ways in Eastern Ghouta

Sami Moubayed the sandals of messengers from Damascus. The Eastern Ghouta revolt was Beirut the brainchild of Abdul Rahman Shahbandar, a ranking Damascus s the Syrian conflict ap- physician, statesman and former proaches its seventh foreign minister educated at the anniversary on March American University of Beirut 15, all eyes are trained (AUB). He aimed at creating havoc on Eastern Ghouta, the against colonial rule in the coun- DamascusA countryside presently tryside of Damascus, hoping to dis- the scene of one of the bloodiest tract French forces from their on- chapters of the Syrian war. slaught in the Druze Mountain or, Held by the armed opposition by some miracle, succeed in crush- since 2012, it has been a thorn in ing the French Army and marching the backside of Damascus, rain- on to liberate the Syrian capital. ing the Syrian capital with mortar That was a far stretch, he knew shells whenever Russian and Syr- only too well, impossible without ian firing on rebel pockets became the cooperation of his fellow Dam- too intense. ascenes, who were unenthusiastic The opposition strikes were ama- about bringing the revolt to the Syr- teurish and imprecise, often land- ian capital, seeing that it would dis- ing in civilian neighbourhoods rupt the flow of their commercial rather than military targets, whip- activity. When the revolt reached ping up a big death toll in eastern the gates of Damascus, some even Damascus, where the Christian refused to close their shops. districts are located, along with the The French responded to the ancient Old City. Eastern Ghouta uprising with great A massive operation started in force, setting entire villages ablaze. mid-February, aimed at retaking They poured gasoline on homes, Eastern Ghouta fully from the re- torching all those within them. It bels, with 11,000 ground troops was a brutal punishment for the Long history. Women from the family of Umm Saeed grind corn using a traditional method in Saqba and cover from the Russian Air residents of Eastern Ghouta and in Eastern Ghouta. (AFP) Force. Three weeks later, govern- for the Damascenes who support- ment troops had retaken 35% of ed them. They were collectively market surrounding the Umayyad ployed emergency aid to Syria Egyptian liner headed to France, Eastern Ghouta, promising to fin- rounded up and sent to jail, either Mosque was destroyed, especially through Near East Relief and the the disgraced Sarrail spoke to a ish off the rest in weeks. to Arwad, off the coast of Tartus or Midhat Pasha and the Al Hamidieh Red Cross officially demanded that journalist from Le Petit Parisien on to the Great Citadel of Damascus. Market, whose roof was blown off the French government provide November 10, 1925. “What could Neither the residents On October 18, 1925, the French and nearly 100 metres of its market compensation for the damage to have I done?” he asked. “Give the went a step further, shelling Da- collapsed. The streets of the Old the US companies. It was quickly city over to the bandits? Attempted of Eastern Ghouta nor mascus for 48 hours. They were City, usually swarming with people made clear, however, that this aid to fight them on the streets?” When those of Damascus responding to the advance of 400 busy with commercial activity, were would go to US citizens in Syria and he arrived in Paris, demonstrators imagined that less armed horsemen from Eastern showered with broken glass, de- not to Syrians. marched outside his home shout- than 100 years later, Ghouta to Damascus, all headed stroyed merchandise and remains So angry were the Americans ing “Assassin!” the Damascus for the ancient Azm Palace, home of the dead. In the areas of Bab that they requested that two de- The new commissioner started of the 18th-century governors of al-Jabieh, al-Kharabeh and Shag- stroyers, USS Coghlan and USS talks with Syrian nationalists but countryside would get Damascus, within the walls of the hour, 150 homes were destroyed. Lamson, be dispatched to the did not end military operations torched again. Old City. Among the mansions that suf- shores of Beirut, to serve as a de- until 1927. By that time France had The French had used it to lodge fered the most was that of the terrent to the French Army. The US regained the entire countryside, Residents of the agricultural its top officers since occupying Quwatli family in Sidi Amoud, Consul to Syria wrote to the State ending the Syrian revolt. fields surrounding Damascus, Syria in 1920. The Syrians hoped home of future President Shukri Department: “It is the presence Neither the residents of Eastern known as Eastern Ghouta, rose in to ambush the French high com- al-Quwatli, founder of Syria’s inde- here of American destroyers alone Ghouta nor those of Damascus revolt against French colonial rule missioner, whom they believed pendence. The intense shelling led that have given a sense of security imagined that less than 100 years 93 years ago, bringing the “Great was based inside, and trade him for to the death of 1,416 Syrians and to the population.” later, the Damascus countryside Syrian Revolt” to the gates of Da- thousands of prisoners in French the displacement of 336 others. Meanwhile, international papers would get torched again and bombs mascus. They were responding to jails. No sooner had they entered During the raid, several US com- reported on the developing story, would land on civilian neighbour- a call to arms from veteran Druze the Old City, than bombs began panies, including Socony-Vacuum showing great sympathy with the hoods of the city — yet again — re- commander Sultan Pasha al-Atrash falling on and around the Azm Pal- Oil, sewing machine manufacturer residents of Eastern Ghouta and peating history in the cruellest of in the summer of 1925. Rifles were ace. Damascene merchants begged Singer Corporation and the liquo- Damascus. ways. smuggled into Eastern Ghouta’s the rebels to leave the city, with no rice firm MacAndrews & Forbes, Worried that anti-French activ- villages on mules, with military luck. The shelling continued for were accidentally hit by French ity would spread to North Africa, Sami Moubayed is a Syrian instructions carried on the wrap- two days, non-stop. bombs Paris recalled General Maurice historian and author of “Under the pers of cigarette packs or sown into Nearly every shop in the old The US State Department de- Sarrail. Onboard the Sphinx, an Black Flag” (IB Tauris, 2015). Viewpoint New rebel coalition brings fresh threat to Syria’s splintering war

he Syrian Liberation condemnation. Zenki allied with JTS seems more willing than its willing combatants. It was initially Front (JTS), a newly Jabhat al-Nusra to form HTS, predecessor alliances to fight HTS. reported, Tsurkov said, that Ahrar formed insurgent which Zenki eventually left. Zenki advanced in Aleppo fighters were refraining from James Snell coalition in northern Ahrar al-Sham, similarly, has governorate, seizing towns such as “doing the heavy lifting” in is a British journalist. Syria, was conceived troubling associations. It is Darat Izza and “ending HTS’s confronting HTS but now, she in and exists for war. variously considered a hard-line presence… on the western side of noted, Ahrar’s “leaders [seem] able Formed by an jihadist faction, though not a Aleppo city and (for a few days) to convince their fighters to fight Tagreement between the Islamist global terror movement. Tsurkov managing to seize the border this time instead of retreating.” group Ahrar al-Sham and the more said she believed Ahrar “went crossing at Atmeh,” O’Farrell said. JTS has the tacit support of ideologically flexible Nour al-Din through a genuine process of Ahrar “cleared HTS from much Turkey, which has attempted to al-Zenki Movement, JTS was moderation,” including of the southern half of Jabal diminish the strength of HTS, bolstered by defections from appeal[ing] to public support as a Zawiya, adjacent areas of north including mounting a campaign of other, smaller Islamist factions. source of legitimacy… associat[ing] Hama and forced HTS to evacuate assassinations against the group’s Together, Ahrar and Zenki claim itself with the flag of the revolu- its stronghold at Khan Sheikhoun,” leaders. Turkey was also involved to be capable of fielding more than tion.” while its Suqour al-Sham sub-fac- in a recent attempt to get [Ahrar] 25,000 fighters. When combined The new coalition is ranged tion “cleared much of northern back on its feet — to reorganise [its] with other factions, this presents a squarely against HTS. Analyst Jabal Zawiya between Ariha and units, prepare them for elite substantial front. JTS could Ryan O’Farrell said via social Maarat al-Nu’man,” said O’Farrell. combat,” Tsurkov noted. dramatically change the situation media that the announcement of This conflict has brought in Turkish troops are now across in north-western Syria, displacing JTS’s formation was “preceded by heavy weaponry, Tsurkov noted, northern Syria. Turkey under- al-Qaeda-led Hayat Tahrir al-Sham the killing of a prominent HTS with JTS and other rebel groups writes and allies with Free Syrian (HTS) and potentially presenting a official at a Zenki checkpoint, using TOW missile launchers to Army factions. The continued challenge to the regime of Bashar which Zenki claims was a mistake destroy HTS vehicles. TOW strength of HTS is anathema to Assad, which has set its sights on but which HTS media outlets missiles are difficult to procure Turkey’s attempts to protect its insurgent-controlled portions of quickly seized upon.” and replace. Their use against an territory and secure its border. Idlib and Aleppo provinces. Those groups that make up JTS insurgent faction, rather than the All this means JTS will have The exact composition of JTS is all have reasons to fight. Ahrar lost regime, indicates the seriousness consistent support. It justifies in doubt. Elizabeth Tsurkov, a territory and the control of various with which JTS is pursuing its HTS’s perception that this new research fellow at the Israeli sources of revenue to HTS. Its conflict with HTS. coalition represents a serious Forum for Regional Thinking, said fighting HTS alone was not a Fighting remains fierce and threat. O’Farrell noted that “HTS’s by telephone that Ahrar and Zenki serious option. Ahrar “knows it confused, though JTS advances most prominent opponents have “did not dissolve themselves and cannot take on HTS on its own,” appear to have slowed. Tsurkov reversed many of HTS’s gains at form one group.” Instead, they Tsurkov said. “Zenki knows the noted that there are “groups their expense, consolidated their formed an alliance featuring same.” O’Farrell noted that both switching allegiances to avoid positions and forced HTS onto the leading figures from each. groups “have been sidelined, being destroyed,” demonstrating defensive.” Fighting remains JTS has declared itself a guard- weakened and on several occa- the confusion of the situation and Hassan Soufan, the leader of fierce and ian of the Syrian revolution but the sions militarily defeated by HTS.” the violence of the confrontation. Ahrar and a central figure in JTS, statement is not entirely accurate. The new coalition is intended to Things remain unclear. HTS announced he was open to a confused, though Zenki was expelled from a rebel make the inevitable confrontation spent years “indoctrinating their ceasefire, saying JTS had “broken JTS advances joint operations room for human between the groups more feasible. fighters,” Tsurkov said. HTS can the siege on West Aleppo” and its rights violations; its fighters After the new coalition was mobilise and fight faster and with “rights have been returned.” appear to have have committed shocking acts declared, clashes broke out zeal. Whether this leads to a lessening slowed. that have brought international immediately. Zenki’s fighters are known to be of hostilities remains to be seen. March 11, 2018 5 News & Analysis Iraq Warming Iraqi-Turkish ties could turn up heat on PKK militants

The Arab Weekly staff


n improvement of rela- tions between Turkey and Iraq is likely to see the two sides take part in joint operations against theA Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) Gathering in the Qandil Mountains of north- steam. Turkish ern Iraq. and Iraqi Turkish Foreign Minister troops, some Mevlut Cavusoglu, during a visit to holding their Vienna, said the joint Iraqi-Turkish national flags, operation could start after the May participate in 12 elections in Iraq. Iraqi authorities a ceremony have yet to officially comment. at the Habur- The military cooperation would Ibrahim Khalil target any Islamic State (ISIS) mili- border crossing tants in northern Iraq. with Iraq near “We are in close contact with the Silopi in south- Iraqi government… regarding both eastern Turkey, eradicating [ISIS] from the region last October. completely and wiping out PKK,” (AP) Turkish Prime Minister Binali Yildi- rim said. The PKK is listed as a terrorist or- ganisation by the United States and the European Union, as well as by Turkey. Ankara frequently insists it will treat ISIS and the PKK the same as both are deemed threats to Turkey. The Kurdish militants have waged an insurgency in Turkey signal a major shift in Iraqi policy Government (KRG), which is domi- During the same period, Hadi said in January. since the 1980s, leading to the towards Turkey. nated by Masoud Barzani’s Kurdis- al-Amiri, the leader of the Iran- Turkey maintains that its fight death of more than 40,000 people. Plans for a joint offensive follow tan Democratic Party (KDP). backed Badr Brigade militia, against the PKK is inseparable from Turkey frequently launches opera- a Baghdad-Ankara rapprochement At the peak of a Turkey-KRG al- warned that his fighters “will not its war on ISIS. Simultaneous terror tions into northern Iraq in pursuit stemming from both countries’ liance, Turkish troops took part in allow the Turkish forces to violate attacks by both groups in 2015-17 of PKK militants who maintain strong opposition to a referendum supporting the peshmerga to liber- Iraq’s sovereignty.” left Turkish security forces over- bases there. last September in Iraq’s Kurdistan ate Bashiqa from ISIS. Turkey’s ties Turkey is engaged in an offensive stretched. Terror attacks in Turkey paused region that resulted in a yes vote for with the KDP cooled considerably in Syria’s Afrin to drive out Kurd- Iraq and Turkey expressed fear of in 2013 following peace talks be- separation from Iraq. since the KRG referendum. ish militants it considers to be an ISIS fighters slipping into their ter- tween Ankara and the PKK but The warming of ties is a far cry While accepting support from extension of the PKK. Cavusoglu ritories from Syria but both sides sit resumed in 2015. More than 1,200 from late 2016 when Iraqi authori- foreign forces in the fight against said Turkey’s offensive into Afrin, on opposing ends when it comes to Turkish security personnel and ties branded the Turkish military ISIS, Iraqi Prime Minister Haider which began January 20, could be their position towards the Syrian civilians have been killed in PKK- presence in northern Iraq “an inva- al-Abadi drew the line at Turkey’s completed by May. regime. Iraq views Syrian President linked attacks since then, Turkish sion.” participation. Turkey warned that its military Bashar Assad as the legitimate lead- figures claim. At least 319 people Turkish troops were training “We do not want war with Turkey operation in Syria could expand as er of Syria and Turkey is backing have lost their lives in ISIS attacks Kurdish peshmerga as well as Arab and we do not want a confrontation far east as Iraq. rebels who seek to overthrow him. in Turkey in the same period. fighters against ISIS in Nineveh with Turkey but, if a confrontation “We will rid Manbij of terror- Iraq and Turkey are unlikely to Ankara has long been urging province. Turkey had deployed ap- happens, we are ready for it. We will ists [in Syria]… and our battles will find common ground there. Baghdad to act against the PKK in proximately 700 troops at Bashiqa consider [Turkey] an enemy and we continue until no terrorist is left Iraq but the call has fallen on deaf camp. The area was under the will deal with it as an enemy,” Abadi until our border with Iraq,” Turkish The Arab Weekly staff and news ears. If followed through, it would control of the Kurdistan Regional said in 2016. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan agencies. Viewpoint Iraq’s trial of dead caliph is out of this world

video has emerged sumably, would have either been on trial for murder in the modern porters have a penchant for whip- on social media alive in the early half of the eighth day is going even beyond revision- ping up hatred against the Sunni that reignited century and witnessed the events ism and is just plain ridiculous. population. By putting the Sunni Tallha Abdulrazaq discussion on or gone through a wormhole and However, and as is usually the case Umayyad caliph on trial, for exam- is a researcher at the University the sorry state of turned up in the 21st century to in Iraq, the reason why these prac- ple, they were making him answer of Exeter’s Strategy and Security sectarianism in Iraq help throw the book at the caliph. tising lawyers decided to put on a for crimes against a Shia saint. Institute in England. and how it is used The trial was so ridiculous that the show is for sectarian and political This is no different from how for- toA distract the people from real Iraqi judiciary had to issue a state- reasons. Partisanship has become mer Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki issues that affect their day-to-day ment distancing itself from it and extremely common in Iraq and, de- described peaceful and unarmed lives with sectarian theatrics and arguing that the “court” was acting spite a show of a democracy, many Iraqi demonstrators in 2013 as asinine antics. only symbolically and not trying people vote along ethno-sectarian being “from the camp of Yazid,” The video appears to show the to offer judicial opinions on events lines. another Sunni Umayyad caliph, lawyers’ syndicate in the Iraqi from the very distant past. Whenever an election is coming, versus his government, which was Shia holy city of Najaf putting a Clearly, putting an ancient ruler Shia Islamist parties and their sup- from the camp of Hussein ibn Ali, formerly powerful caliph on trial another major figure in Shia Islam. for murder and sentencing him to Such rhetoric is designed to stir death. This caliph is, of course, not hatred within their voter base so the pretender caliph of the Islamic pro-Iran Shia Islamists like Maliki State, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. No, and his successors can disguise the they decided to put on trial Hish- real issues affecting Iraqis and how am ibn Abd al-Malik, an Umayyad these politicians are responsible caliph who has been dead for for them. almost 1,300 years. Iraq ranks among the most cor- Imagine the scene: A roomful of rupt countries in Transparency some of the legal profession’s sup- International’s 2017 “Corruption posedly most educated men gath- Perceptions Index.” That is, of ered witnesses to give testimony course, not to mention its political against the alleged murder of Zayd persecution of minorities, sexual ibn Ali, an important figure in Shia violence against female detainees Islam, that happened well over a and war crimes perpetrated by millennium ago. state-sponsored militias who serve After much careful deliberation Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard about a man who, in effect, ruled Corps (IRGC) and not Iraq as a sov- from Damascus and therefore fell ereign, free country. Sadly, these stunts outside Iraqi jurisdiction (let alone Sadly, these stunts have become modern Iraq’s historical era), the a normal part of Iraqi politics since have become a judicial panel decided to sentence Iran-backed Shia Islamists rose to normal part of Caliph Hisham to death. This can power and imported Tehran-style only be described as peak live-ac- sectarian politicking, where almost Iraqi politics since tion role-playing, or LARPing as it every political or economic issue is Iran-backed Shia is known among its highly imagi- somehow related to some tragedy Islamists rose native proponents. that may or may not have occurred I am certain that, had Caliph a millennium ago. to power and Hisham’s soul been able to stand in It is time for these political dino- imported Tehran- the dock, it would be crying with saurs to either evolve and deal with hysterical laughter. the issues affecting Iraqis or go style sectarian The trial involved witnesses, Sectarian politicking. Shia clerics talk at a religious school in extinct and spare us their deadly politicking. including a journalist who, pre- Iraq’s holy city of Najaf. (Reuters) and divisive theatrics. 6 March 11, 2018 Opinion

Editorial Preventing wars in the Middle East is a global responsibility study released by the World Bank and the United Nations makes a strong case for conflict preven- tion. “Pathways for Peace: Inclusive Approaches to Prevent- ing Violent Conflict” states that wars cost an average of $70 billion inA economic losses every year and that, from 2005 to 2014, the number of deaths caused by armed conflict increased ten-fold. More than 65.6 million people — half of whom are children — have been displaced or rendered refugees. Wars in recent decades tended to last longer. “While conflicts that ended in 1970 tended to last an average of 9.6 years, conflicts that ended in 2014 had lasted an average 26 years,” notes the report. The Middle East and North Africa region finds itself in the eye of this storm. MENA countries, the report says, “have seen the most rapid expansion and escalation of violent conflict. Although home to only 5% of the world’s population, in 2014 the region accounted for 45% of the world’s terrorist incidents, 68% of battle-related deaths, 47% of internally dis- placed people and 58% of refugees.” Sobering numbers and the future could still be dire. “By 2020, it is estimated that almost three- © Yaser Ahmed for The Arab Weekly out-of-four Arabs could be living in countries vulnerable to violent conflict,” the report warns. Syria is home to the planet’s worst killing fields, with more than 400,000 dead, 5 million refugees and 6.3 million internally displaced. When the new Saudi “The Syrian war is one of the defining crises of the contemporary era,” the report says. Syrian children have been continuously victimised, thrust into the middle of armed Arabia met the new Egypt conflict: “The proportion of children under 15 being recruited by armed groups has increased Khairallah Khairallah from 20% in 2014 to more than 50% in 2015,” is a Lebanese writer. notes the report. The wounds of Syria’s war will take generations Saudi-Egyptian relations must flourish for the sake of safeguarding to heal, if ever. “In real terms, Syria’s GDP was estimated to have contracted by 63% between the region from terror and from Iranian expansionism. 2011 and 2016,” the report states. “In cumulative audi Crown Prince Egypt and Egypt’s need for Saudi Saudi Arabia is going through terms, the loss in GDP amounted to an The new estimated $226 billion between 2011 and 2016 — Mohammed bin Salman Arabia. This does not mean that profound changes. After having approximately four times the 2010 GDP.” bin Abdulaziz’s recent the enormous problems facing Saudi-Egyp- received Lebanon’s Maronite Internecine wars are gaining in complexity visit to Egypt was special both countries will be swept tian relations patriarch in November 2017, the around the world, with Syria again the prime by all norms and has set under the rug. Both countries Saudi kingdom will soon wel- example. new standards for what need to educate their citizens to are based on come the Coptic pope. Further- “In 1950, there were an average of eight armed Sfuture inter-Arab relations should make it possible to speak about Saudi Arabia’s more, Riyadh is going to have its groups in a civil war; by 2010, the average had be like. important common projects and need for own opera house. jumped to 14. In 2014, more than 1,000 active It was a meeting between a new about rejecting religious extrem- Egypt and Saudi Arabia is abandoning old armed groups were estimated in Syria alone,” the Egypt and a new Saudi Arabia; a ism by both societies. practices. Those practices had report says. It is no surprise that peace or even a meeting with a clear regional The new Saudi Arabia was Egypt’s need taken root as a reaction to Iran’s ceasefire has been so elusive. dimension. It was a meeting visiting the new Egypt. Crown for Saudi ideological expansionism, which The report, however, suffers from a major between two Arab countries Prince Mohammed put in motion started in 1979. We always come oversight: It fails to acknowledge the degree to Arabia. seeking practical ways of comple- a real social revolution in Saudi back to 1979, the year marking the which armed groups serve as proxies for regional Arabia. He not only freed Saudi powers. “Many of today’s armed groups have no menting each other and not just beginning of the Islamic Republic (or little) formal connection to a state and are an opportunity to repeat mean- society from old and crippling of Iran and its efforts to export its categorised loosely as non-state armed groups,” ingless slogans. complexes but initiated a real war revolution. Saudi Arabia was a the report contends. This statement does not Strictly speaking, it was a on corruption that did not spare target for that revolution so it reflect the reality on the ground, where Iran- breach of protocol when Egyptian princes or high officials. It was no responded by closing itself sponsored militias, for instance, span the region. President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi coincidence that his visit to Egypt socially and culturally. The proliferation of armed groups and con- welcomed the Saudi crown prince came after the publication of The important thing is that tinuation of conflict are linked to the fraying of at Cairo International Airport in Vision 2030 and after announcing both Egypt and Saudi Arabia have the state. Moreover, “illicit economies” thrive in person but the gesture was a sign the mega project of NEOM in the decided to learn from their such environments, creating another vicious of the very close cooperation border zone between the Saudi painful past and move on towards circle. Such parallel economies finance militias between both countries and an kingdom, Egypt and Jordan. a brighter future in bilateral and terrorist groups, as has been the case in expression of their desire to It was normal then that Crown relations. These relations will Syria, Iraq, the Maghreb and the Sahel. pursue their mutual benefits. This Prince Mohammed and Sisi’s encompass not just common Violent conflicts do not appear out of thin air is normal since both countries route from the airport included projects but also a common and the report accurately observed that conflicts face common challenges requir- several stops at sites that inti- strategic vision for the entire in the MENA region “take place against a ing real solutions. mately link the Suez Canal and region. background of domestic grievances, particularly a breakdown in the prevailing social contract in Everything about the visit the Red Sea to both countries. The That strategic vision begins these countries.” indicated there was a departure route included a stop at the with protecting the Red Sea and, Young people often feel excluded and disen- from the usual classical approach beautiful city of Ismailia, which consequently, the Suez Canal and franchised. They might enjoy better standards of in the bilateral relations between used to be the preferred residence safeguarding future projects like living than previous generations but they also both countries. It is no longer just of foreign communities in Egypt NEOM, for example. There is a share greater ambitions and frustrations, Saudi Arabia giving aid to Egypt before the nationalisation of the need for a common vision on how especially as they are better educated and more and Egypt exporting labour to Suez Canal and whose presence in to deal with the situation in aware of the wider horizons in the world. Saudi Arabia. Egypt was priceless on many Yemen, with Sudan and the Climate change is another underlying cause of Saudi-Egyptian relations have levels. countries in the Horn of Africa, conflict. Drought, for example, engenders migra- moved to a phase of complemen- In an unprecedented move, the including the lawlessness in tion flows and makes life in rural areas unsus- tarity in many domains for Saudi crown prince met with Somalia. tainable. security, economic and political Coptic Pope Tawadros II and The entire region is going From 1980-2010 “climate-related disaster purposes. Even geographically invited him to visit Saudi Arabia. through a difficult period. A [coincided] with approximately 23% of armed both countries are reaching out to It was clear that the Saudi leader- threat to the security of the Red conflict outbreaks,” the World Bank and the each other irrespective of which ship shares Egyptian concerns Sea is a threat to the security of United Nations say. With water growing scarcer one owns which island in the Red about Egypt’s national unity and the Suez Canal. The region is in MENA, future wars already have a built-in trigger. Sea. backs its war on terrorism. The coveted by Iran and Turkey. For As crucial as they are, these factors are In simpler terms, both countries message here is that Saudi Arabia more than half a century, Saudi- exacerbated by the role of foreign and regional are showing enough maturity by is no longer a source for extremist Egyptian relations suffered the powers. The use of proxies and airpower make abandoning the old mind frames religious ideologies. consequences of useless jockey- wars limit the number of casualties for outside of venomous competition in the The Saudi crown prince went to ing for Arab leadership between forces tempted to fight to the last Iraqi, Syrian or region. Egypt feels it has nothing Egypt with several messages. The leading figures such as Gamal Libyan civilian. to gain from any harm that could first was the Saudi leadership’s Abdel Nasser, , Convincing such actors to refrain from come to Saudi Arabia and vice- belief that Egypt belongs to all Saddam Hussein and Hafez pushing their agendas through reckless military versa. : Muslims and Chris- Assad. These relations can now intervention might be easier said than done but The question in Saudi-Egyptian tians alike. The second was that flourish under new leaderships in it is prerequisite for preventing and containing relations is no longer who leads Saudi Arabia is open to all cul- Egypt and Saudi Arabia. They conflicts. Outside interventions without the Arab world, for there is no tures. To that effect, the crown must flourish for the sake of well-thought exit strategies can cause endless more one Arab world. In fact, the prince and the Egyptian president safeguarding the region from disasters. Western-led campaigns in Iraq and new Saudi-Egyptian relations are attended a play at Cairo’s Opera terror and from Iranian expan- Libya are cases in point. based on Saudi Arabia’s need for House. sionism. March 11, 2018 7 Opinion Contact editor at: [email protected] Why Hezbollah is anxious about Saudi Published by Al Arab Publishing House

Arabia’s comeback in Lebanon Publisher and Group Executive Editor Haitham El-Zobaidi, PhD Mohamad Kawas is a Lebanese writer. Editor-in-Chief Riyadh seems convinced that opposing Iran and its Oussama Romdhani proxy militias must be an international effort. Managing Editor Iman Zayat ery little solid infor- French President Emmanuel Hezbollah and justified its armed coordinating with other pro- mation has filtered Macron’s trip to Lebanon because militias. Hezbollah, of course, Saudi parties. Hariri seems to Deputy Managing Editor out about Lebanese it conflicted with “previous mounted a media campaign have taken for granted that he and Online Editor Prime Minister Saad commitments.” France is leading against Saudi Arabia and was won’t be the only representative Mamoon Alabbasi Hariri’s talks in Ri- European efforts, in coordination found guilty of militarily aiding for Saudi interests in Lebanon. yadh. However, the with the United States, to rebels in Yemen. Riyadh was Saudi Arabia seems to be Senior Editor Vselfie Hariri posted showing him pressure Iran into giving up its growing impatient with not genuinely interested in building John Hendel with Saudi Crown Prince Moham- expansionist policies and stop its reaping the dividends of its healthy relations with all politi- med bin Salman bin Abdulaziz and ballistic missile programme. political investments in a cal forces — except Hezbollah — Chief Copy Editor the Saudi ambassador to Wash- By postponing Macron’s visit, country that is clearly growing in Lebanon. During his visit to Richard Pretorius ington is quite telling about the Paris does not wish to bless a anti-Saudi by the day. Beirut, Saudi envoy Nizar atmosphere of the talks and sends political regime in Lebanon that Riyadh seems convinced that al-Aloula had positive words Copy Editor the right signals to Lebanon about is under complete Iranian opposing Iran and its proxy about Lebanese Parliament Stephen Quillen the nature of Saudi-Lebanese rela- influence. Riyadh, by contrast, militias should involve more Speaker Nabih Berri. This can be tions with the Hariri family at the feels that it is the spearhead in than just Saudi means. It must be read as Saudi interest in develop- Analysis Section Editor helm. opposing Iran in the region and an international effort. ing relations with Shias inside Ed Blanche It is possible that Riyadh must reinforce its presence in Riyadh is aware of mounting Lebanon, whether through Berri East/West Section Editor wishes to edge closer to Iraq and Lebanon without going international pressure on Iran. or other Shia leaders not con- Lebanon, as it had previously as far as opening opposition Whether that pressure will lead nected to Hezbollah. Mark Habeeb done with Iraq. In Iraq, Saudi fronts to Iran in those countries. to war or to peace, an Arab side They are also interested in Gulf Section Editor must be ready for negotiations Arabia chose to “revive” its It seems that the purpose building bridges with Christian Mohammed Alkhereiji presence even though many had behind inviting Hariri to Riyadh on the fate of the region. political blocs. Their relations said it was a wasted effort. was to convince him to revive the Saudi communications with with Aoun and his movement are Society and Travel Riyadh is trying to recapture its political strategy he has followed Hariri never ceased. There may a given considering the fact that Sections Editor historical presence in Lebanon. since he backed Michel Aoun’s have been tensions at times but the leadership of both countries Samar Kadi One, however, should not risk candidacy for the presidency of both parties have always been in must always be in contact. any comparison between Saudi Lebanon. However, Hariri’s contact. This probably explains The biggest loser in this Syria and Lebanon policies in Iraq and in Lebanon. strategy was quite in tune with why Hariri expected Riyadh’s political game is no doubt Section Editor Saudi Arabia had always enjoyed Saudi wishes and Riyadh had not official invitation and why he Hezbollah, which remains Simon Speakman Cordall close relations with practically objected to it. was quick to acquiesce to it. very wary of this sudden Saudi all political currents in Lebanon. It seems that Riyadh is quite Hariri’s visit must have been comeback. Hezbollah had Contributing Editor Those relations were based on upset with Aoun’s pro-Hezbollah prepared for quite some time. thought the crisis created by Rashmee Roshan Lall the Taif Agreement and the positions. Aoun has defended The hullaballoo raised by Saudi Hariri’s impetuous resignation political vision of the Hariri clan. Foreign Minister Adel al-Jubeir’s announcement in November had Senior Correspondents expected visit to Lebanon Mahmud el-Shafey (London) That was not the case with That Saudi banned him from Riyadh’s Iraq. Saudi-Iraqi relations had indicates that the political class agenda. Lamine Ghanmi (Tunis) always been tense, even under comeback coincides in Lebanon has taken notice of For Hezbollah, a Saudi come- Saddam Hussein. The countries with growing Saudi Arabia’s comeback. The back in Lebanon represents a Regular Columnists had common borders but they international Saudi presence will certainly threat to Iran’s plans for Claude Salhani had diametrically opposed concern about Iran’s colour the May 6 elections in Lebanon. That this comeback Yavuz Baydar political systems. Lebanon. coincides with growing interna- Before French Foreign Minister expansionist tactics Lebanon’s Future Movement, tional concern about Iran’s Correspondents Jean-Yves Le Drian’s visit to simply adds to led by Hariri, announced its expansionist tactics simply adds Saad Guerraoui (Casablanca) Tehran, Paris had postponed Hezbollah’s anxiety. candidates without necessarily to Hezbollah’s anxiety. Dunia El-Zobaidi (London) Roua Khlifi (Tunis) Thomas Seibert (Washington) While Russia is making inroads, Washington Chief Designer Marwen el-Hmedi is stuck in gunboat diplomacy era Designers Ibrahim Ben Bechir Claude Salhani Hanen Jebali is a regular columnist for The Arab Weekly. The geopolitical map of the region is changing and Moscow has Subscription & Advertising: [email protected] reacted in a manner that has caught Washington by surprise. Tel 020 3667 7249

he combined efforts of would not exist were it not for US doing in the Middle East, having noted through military actions US Presidents Barack military and financial support, has learnt the hard way in Afghanistan using drones and warplanes while Mohamed Al Mufti Obama and Donald been playing up to Moscow with that gunboat diplomacy is passe. Putin has proved to be an astute Marketing & Advertising Trump and the lack Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Moscow’s charm offensive began negotiator, establishing cordial Manager of a comprehensive Netanyahu visiting Putin. This is in earnest during the tenure of relations with practically every foreign policy have despite Trump recently declar- the previous US administration country in the Middle East, includ- Tel (Main) +44 20 7602 3999 Tceded the United States’ position ing that the US Embassy in Israel but picked up its pace with the ing Israel, Turkey and Iran and, Direct: +44 20 8742 9262 of leadership in the Middle East to would be moved from Tel Aviv to changing of the guard in the White with the exception of Syria, the Russia. Indeed, both Obama and Jerusalem. House. The chaotic atmosphere Russian military did not need to Trump are responsible for rel- The United States maintains an that enshrouds the Trump admin- deploy. egating the United States behind important air base in Qatar despite istration has not helped American Putin has succeeded where Moscow in terms of political clout accusing the country of support- diplomacy, either. the Soviets failed and has raised in the Middle East. ing terrorists. Bahrain serves as Add to the travails of the White Russian prestige to previously Despite a continued military regional headquarters for the US House the shortcomings of the US unattained levels. Regretfully, presence in several countries in Navy’s 5th Fleet. Additionally, the State Department, where numer- Washington still doesn’t seem to the region, the United States is in United States has outposts in Iraq, ous important positions remain get it. Politically, Trump is lost a position of political weakness Syria and Afghanistan. While the unfilled more than a year into in the fog of the 1970s and ‘80s, US Publisher: while Russian President Vladimir United States has failed to under- Trump’s first — and hopefully wanting to devote incredible sums Putin is emerging as the new tsar stand the importance of Syria in only — term. of money to build up US forces Ibrahim Zobeidi of all of Russia’s regions of influ- the Arab world, Putin jumped on Putin is re-establishing close when emphasis should be given to (248) 803 1946 ence. the occasion and has obtained links with former Soviet clients by diplomacy. Washington maintains impor- what he wanted all along: access offering new business incentives. President Theodore Roosevelt tant bases for the US Air Force and to year-round ports for the Rus- Moscow’s penetration in the Mid- was quoted as saying “Speak softly Navy in many countries in the sian Navy. dle East should be ringing every and carry a big stick.” Trump is region, along with, the Carnegie The geopolitical map of the alarm bell from the White House concentrating on building a big- Endowment for International region is changing and Moscow to the State Department and ger stick, ignoring the need for Peace said, some 55,000 military has reacted in a manner that has across the river at the Pentagon. dialogue. and civilian contractors. Diplomat- caught Washington by surprise. Part of the problem is that there “We’re not acting like a state ically, however, Washington has It used to be that Western powers is practically no one at the White with global responsibilities and been missing in action across the would call on their militaries to House with enough knowledge interests,” said Jessica Mathews, a Arab world or at best left standing back up their diplomatic and po- of the Middle East to make any distinguished fellow at the Carn- Al Arab Publishing House on the sidelines as US diplomats litical initiatives. Thus derived the inroads and the alarms may well egie Endowment for International Quadrant Building are often left without a proper term: “gunboat diplomacy.” be ringing at the State Depart- Peace. “We are building tanks we 177-179 Hammersmith Road sense of direction. In recent years, however, gun- ment, except that they are ringing will never need, aeroplanes that London W6 8BS Saudi Arabia and the United boat diplomacy seems not to have in empty offices. Also empty — cannot operate in modern combat Arab Emirates, which have always worked. Instead, what is needed is incredibly as it may seem — are the airspace.” been staunch US allies, are queu- a reverse policy in which politi- offices of the US ambassadors in “No great nation has ever been ing up to visit the Kremlin and cians and diplomats back up the Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syria, Turkey built on military strength. The Tel: (+44) 20 7602 3999 confer with Putin, the new centre military rather than the other way and, of course, Iran. Soviet Union tried and left its peo- Fax: (+44) 20 7602 8778 of power and political influence around. The United States has been ple standing in line for soap and in the region. Even Israel, which This is what Moscow has been engaged in making its presence matches,” said Mathews. 8 March 11, 2018 News & Analysis Maghreb

Interview Seeing the ‘political crisis’ behind Tunisia’s economic morass

Lamine Ghanmi who defeated scores of suspected adding: “Tunisia has huge re- ISIS members who crossed the sources in salt, silica sand, marble Libyan border and attempted to (and) natural gypsum.” seize control of Ben Guerdane by Jalloul said the country “can Tunis storming a National Guard post build diversified industries from and military barracks. these resources and create a huge hile Tunisia Tunisia has been free of serious number of jobs.” has over- terrorist incidents since then and Large solar energy farms could come the foreign tourists have returned to provide cheap energy and resolve threat the country in increasing num- Tunisia’s water problems to posed by bers since early 2017, a sign of re- expand agricultural irrigation, he jihadists to stored confidence in the security said. its nascent climate. “From the sea, Tunisia can start Wdemocracy, it remains embroiled For years after the 2011 upris- various businesses of pharmaceu- in economic and social crises ing that toppled former President tical, cosmetic and food products. because of the failure of political Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali, groups Instead of tapping (into) such elites to harness the country’s affiliated with ISIS and al-Qaeda wealth we are turning our back to potential, said the head of the made Tunisia a prime target in the sea,” he pointed out. Tunisian Institute for Strategic the Maghreb. Their activities He said Tunisia could use its Studies (ITES), a think-tank intensified after presidential and marble, natural gypsum and affiliated with the Tunisian parliamentary elections in 2014. phosphates to develop local presidency. ISIS-affiliated terrorists killed industries that create jobs and aid “Tunisia has defeated terror- more than 60 foreign tourists neglected regions. ism. The threat from jihadists is in two attacks in 2015, one at a Economic instability and social now behind us. Tunis is as safe as museum in Tunis and the other at tensions have persisted, particu- Paris or other European capitals,” a beach resort in Sousse. larly along the country’s fragile ITES Director-General Neji Tunisian forces cooperate borders, with smuggling and Jalloul told The Arab Weekly in an closely with NATO as well as contraband often a main source interview. European and US military and of revenue. Smuggling along the Jalloul, 60, a former minister intelligence services. country’s Algerian border to the of education, is a historian by Tunisia’s main challenge is west and Libyan border to the training and has a doctorate in now economic. Since 2011, the south poses significant challenges archaeology from Paris-Sorbonne small North African country’s to Tunisia’s security and social University. indicators have shown lower GDP stability. Jalloul said he is confident that growth, higher unemployment Recurrent protests have forced Tunisia’s security forces can deal and increasing foreign debt. Cor- the government to be in catch-up with the jihadist threat. “Tuni- ruption increased with the expan- mode, trying to appease the res- sia’s National Guard forces, who sion of the informal economy. tive population in affected regions are at the forefront of the fight Political instability, with eight with temporary job schemes and against jihadists, have become a successive governments, has not social assistance fixes. world reference in the successful helped the situation. “People in these regions where fight against jihadists. Experts “Tunisia’s economic crisis is the Neji Jalloul, director-general of the Tunisian Institute for Strategic the present time is literally sus- and security officials from several result of a political crisis. There Studies. (ITES) pended in the past do not need foreign countries are seeking to is a breakdown of the political palliative economic measures,” learn from them and from their class. There is a divorce between said Jalloul. experience,” he said. the political class and what the Jalloul argued that Tunisia “Why isn’t there a marble ITES, founded in 1993, has country needs in terms of forging could resolve its economic and industry in Thala? Why isn’t there conducted studies on the main a national project, a project for its Tunisia remains social problems if its political a phosphate-based industry in issues of concern to Tunisia and society,” Jalloul said. elites forged a “national consen- Gafsa? Why isn’t there a gypsum- its future, including jihadist ter- However, Tunisia has “huge hu- embroiled in sus” to put the country on the derived industry in Tataouine?” rorism. man resources, competencies and path towards a “self-sustainable” asked Jalloul, referring to towns “[The Islamic State (ISIS)] had skills in all fields,” he added. economic and social development project by relying in western and southern Tunisia been crushed first in Tunisia “The political landscape has on natural resources. shaken by social unrest. before it was defeated in Iraq and turned (into) an arena in which crises because of the Instead, Tunisia remains stuck “What people in these areas Syria. Its defeat in Ben Guerdane each party is accusing the in economic and social crises be- demand and need is to be able to preceded its defeat in Iraq and other. As a result, the elites with failure of political cause its political elites failed to play a role in economic and social Syria,” Jalloul said. knowledge, skills and expertise tap into Tunisia’s great potential, development and in the creation He was referring to a watershed are deserting the political parties elites to harness the which includes “abundant natural of wealth,” he said. battle waged by Tunisian soldiers because of the infighting and the resources,” he said. and security forces — helped by lack of interest in focusing on country’s potential. Such resources are not limited Lamine Ghanmi is an Arab local civilians — in March 2016, development projects,” he said.w to oil and gas, he pointed out, Weekly correspondent in Tunis. Tunisia’s local election prospects spark self-searching among modernists

Lamine Ghanmi compete in the municipal elec- cessive governments since 2011. forces which are opposed to de- lay the groundwork for a future tions as a rival to Ennahda, which They are hoping the large num- mocracy.” power base. was formed as a political group ber of diverse candidates bodes “Ennahda is and will remain Some say such fears are exag- Tunis in the 1970s as an affiliate of the well for the competitive spirit of a political force for stability and gerated. Tunisian Institute for Muslim Brotherhood. Currently, the elections despite warnings of participation. Competing should Strategic Studies (ITES) Director- unisia’s Islamist party it denies any link. voter apathy, analysts said. remain a democratic and civilised General Neji Jalloul discounted Ennahda fielded more Outside the two main parties, Less optimistic experts said the race with programmes aimed at predictions that Ennahda could candidates than any there are several other forma- municipal elections might allow resolving the problems of the come in first in the municipal other political party tions with lower numbers of Islamists to expand their base of population because the munici- elections. for municipal elections candidates. The leftist Popular support and use the democratic pal action is to resolve peoples’ “Ennahda will not get more Tscheduled for May. The filings Front, considered the fiercest process to carry out their agenda problems,” said Abdelkarim than 20% of the seats in the mu- prompted serious self-exami- opponent of the Islamists, pre- of the Islamisation of society. Harouni, president of the Shura nicipal elections. It will not come nation among modernists about sented 119 lists of candidates They argue that the Islamists Council, which regroups main as the first party in the vote. En- the political significance of those and the centrist Free Destourian want to repeat the experiences leaders of the party. nahda is the equivalent of a far- numbers as well as about the abil- Party presented 31 lists. The lat- of Islamist movements in Turkey right party in Europe, no more,” ity of secularists to broaden their ter is a relatively new formation and Algeria by adopting a long- he said. bases of support and counter the that competes with Nidaa Tounes term strategy of double discourse Other anti-Islamist figures also reach of Islamists. over ideological affiliation with and self-serving appeasement. dismissed fears of an Ennahda Ennahda presented 350 lists of the legacy of modern Tunisia’s Many of them see the mu- victory, saying that if such a pros- candidates for the 350 munici- founder Habib Bourguiba. nicipal elections as a test run for A total of 2,173 lists pect were to materialise, modern- palities. It was followed by secu- The lists were approved March Ennahda’s ambitions regarding of candidates will be ists would have only themselves larist Nidaa Tounes party, with 3 by the High Independent Elec- legislative and presidential elec- vying for 7,287 seats to blame, and that they should 345 lists, in an illustration of the tions Authority ahead of the elec- tions scheduled for next year. instead focus on improving cam- polarisation of the political land- tion campaign, scheduled for “The vote is not only the real in the 350 paigns ahead of elections. scape and the organisational abil- April. The vote is set for May 6. barometer of Ennahda’s readi- municipalities. “Just demonising Ennahda is ity of the Islamists. A total of 2,173 lists of candi- ness for the next presidential the programme of those who Nidaa Tounes and Ennahda are dates will be vying for 7,287 seats and parliamentary elections but have no programme,” said uni- perceived as the main political in the 350 municipalities, official it also gives it an open ground to versity teacher and secularist in- actors in Tunisia. Ennahda has figures indicate. A total of 57,020 strengthen itself within the coun- tellectual Raja Ben Slama. 69 deputies, the highest number candidates representing 25 po- try to control the mechanisms of Sofiene Ben Hamida, a journal- of members in parliament. It is a litical parties and more than 700 the whole political game,” said Treading cautiously, the gov- ist with secularist views, said the partner in the coalition govern- lists of civic activists are running political analyst Walid Ferchichi. ernment announced the suspen- real problem is the inability of ment led by Nidaa Tounes, which as independents. “If Ennahda is copying the sion of 35 imams, who are among many of the parties to mobilise has 56 parliamentary members Analysts said the high number Turkish Islamist experience that the election candidates, from large constituencies. after losing about 30 deputies to of candidates is an encouraging allowed (Turkish President Recep preaching until after the vote. “Something has to be done other factions because of leader- sign that there is strong support Tayyip) Erdogan and his party to Secularists in Tunisia also fret to change the current situation ship infighting. for the electoral process among rule Turkey for so long, the result about the prospect of Ennahda where only 25 political parties The two parties forged an alli- Tunisians despite the social and in Tunisia will not be different,” controlling the majority or earn- among a total of 211 have been ance after the parliamentary elec- economic hardships of the coun- he added. ing a huge plurality of the munic- able to field lists for the munici- tions in 2014 despite their many try’s democratic transition and Ennahda’s leaders said allega- ipalities next May. They say the pal elections. I am concerned that political differences. the disappointment of many with tions that they have a hidden party could use such a victory to such a situation could repeat it- Nidaa Tounes said it would the performance of the eight suc- agenda are spread by “political spread its Islamist narrative and self in future elections,” he said. March 11, 2018 9 News & Analysis Lebanon Lebanon’s civil society challenges traditional parties in upcoming vote

Samar Kadi litical divisions in the country can didates who are totally different reflect on the political directives from the traditional hopefuls that and preferences of the various civil we are used to seeing in the elec- Beirut society groups.” toral race.” Lebanon’s 128-seat parliament The coalition includes leading ampant corruption, suc- is divided equally between Chris- civil society groups such as the cessive dysfunctional tians and Muslims. The current “You Stink” movement, Li Baladi governments, poor eco- chamber extended its mandate in (“For My Country”), Badna Nha- nomic conditions and 2013, 2015 and 2017, citing security sib (“We Want Accountability”) rising unemployment, and technical concerns. and the Lebanese Civil Gather- Ramong other problems, consti- ing, among others. Members of tute the backdrop against which the groups were mostly active in Lebanon’s first general elections in The National anti-government protests in the nearly a decade are to take place. Coalition’s candidates summer of 2015, which were trig- A new election law introduces include both men and gered by the garbage crisis and the aspects of proportional represen- women and come from government’s inability to agree on tation for the first time in Lebanon, different backgrounds, solutions to the country’s chronic offering an opportunity for break- waste management problem. throughs in different constituen- age groups and Zouein said that while not all cies by political alternatives to tra- religious sects. groups in the coalition share the ditional parties. same political orientations, they A new dynamic initiated by the The National Coalition, an alli- have a common political basis law contributed to the rise of new ance of 11 civil society groups led upon which they can build their political alliances by “civil society by the new Sabaa (“Seven” in Ara- joint electoral programme. actors” to participate in the May 6 bic because it has the shape of a “Each group might have some elections. victory sign) party, expects to com- distinct programmes or different “They (civil society groups) pete with complete lists in elector- ways of doing things but they are have a chance to breakthrough in ates across the country. unified in substance and adhere to all electoral constituencies, es- “We are seeking to cooperate common principles such as safe- pecially in the big ones like Bei- with all active civil society groups guarding national sovereignty, rut, Mount Lebanon and even the that have the ambition to foster building a strong state, transparen- (Hezbollah-dominated) south and change in the country to run with cy, non-sectarianism and abiding Baalbek-Hermel district,” said po- comprehensive and unified lists,” by the constitution,” he said. litical analyst Amine Kammourieh. said Ribal Zouein, the coalition’s Though the electoral mood is “They can actually grab five or election campaign manager and uncertain, civil society groups are six seats on the sole condition that member of the Sabaa Executive hopeful of reaching parliament. they compete as a unified front Committee. “People are listening to us because and agree on a unified electoral list The National Coalition’s candi- they want to see some change. with the strongest candidates.” dates include both men and wom- They are simply sick and disgusted However, the challenges are big en and come from different back- with the ruling political class that when it comes to defying a long- grounds, age groups and religious has achieved nothing over dec- established, sectarian-driven po- sects. ades,” said Mark Daou, a member litical establishment in a country “They represent the average citi- of the campaign Hada Minna (“One with a sectarian-based political zen and the Lebanese social fabric of Us”) and candidate for the Druze system. in general. Our aim is to create a seat in Aley district. Fostering change. Young members of the new Sabaa party are “Coming up with a unified pro- new political class that is reflective “We are trying to have complete seen in front of the American University in Beirut. (Sabaa party) gramme or political agenda is a of the people close to them and lists in Aley and the Chouf elector- challenge in itself,” said Kammour- (that shares) their problems and ates by joining hands with other ieh. “They might agree on develop- grievances,” Zouein said. civil society groups as well as in- litical allegiances, Kammourieh The parliamentary elections are mental, economic or social issues, “It is not acceptable that the po- dependent candidates,” Daou said. said. a test for the “forces of civil socie- such as combating corruption and litical power remains the monop- The major challenge for such “The key for them is to unify ty” to prove their worth by fighting unemployment, but when it comes oly of a certain class with money groups remains the establishment their ranks. The existing political the battle in a proper and organ- to political matters you might have and power. Our candidates don’t of a unified front against tradi- establishment will definitely at- ised manner, Kammourieh added. some who could feel closer to the have big financial means but they tional political parties, based on a tempt to weaken their efforts and political agenda of one pole or an- are active and seek achievements. relevant electoral programme that prevent them from having a uni- Samar Kadi is The Arab Weekly other. Definitely, the existing po- You will see a new type of can- convinces voters to shift their po- fied front,” he said. Travel and Society section editor. Viewpoint The man who knew too much

ven before Beirut relationship between him and doubting any of its content. ber of supposed crimes, ranging established its repu- an appropriately sultry Swedish- Thus, it was not really the fault of from corruption to the more seri- tation as a capital for Israeli handler. the public but rather the (Leba- ous and fatal charge of collabora- Makram Rabah Western hostage tak- From the moment of his ar- non’s) decrepit media outlets.” tion with Israel. is a lecturer at the American ing, this small Medi- rest by the General Directorate Fidaa Itani claimed the security Even after the Syrian exodus University of Beirut and author of terranean city was a of State Security (GDSS), Itani agency, through collaborating of 2005, the power of the ac- “A Campus at War: Student Politics scene for spies and was branded a collaborator, his with the media, established a cusation of Israeli collaboration at the American University of Etheir spymasters playing the Cold infamy growing as details of the credible fiction in which Itani lingered and continued to be Beirut, 1967-1975.” War’s greatest game. In the 1960s, investigation into his supposed the actor was cast as a cunning used to subdue any intellectual Beirut was home to the famous activities were leaked to a variety and dangerous spy and, more who dared challenge Hezbollah’s British spy and Soviet double of media outlets, including his importantly, “spun a story of a narrative of resistance. agent Harold “Kim” Philly, who alleged confession. tall blonde female Israeli agent Lokman Slim, an independent used the various bars and hotels Many were quick to condemn who seduced Ziad, turning this political activist and an outspo- to recruit and collect information Itani but a few dared to challenge into a virtual sex show, which ken critic of Hezbollah, said hav- before defecting to Moscow. the prosecutor’s elaborate narra- unfortunately the public seemed ing the accusation of “spying for Over the years many spies, tive. One of those was journalist to like.” Israel or the West hurled at them some of them Lebanese, were ex- Fidaa Itani (no relation), who Many have presumed the ac- is both unimaginative yet very posed and their subsequent sto- questioned the actor’s crime tor had fallen foul of the power sinister and effective.” ries seem more the stuff of John and published counter reports, struggle between the GDSS, Rather than merely looking at le Carre than historical fact. It’s which claimed that Ziad Itani was which is loyal to the Maronite the case of Ziad Itani, Slim said also true that, like all works of a victim of an elaborate scheme President Michel Aoun, and the there should be an examination fiction, many of them were fabri- orchestrated by Hajj. intelligence branch of the Sunni- of the accusation itself, which re- cated to either serve or discredit Fidaa Itani accused Hajj of leaning Internal Security Force mains an especially potent “form their principals. Now another fabricating the charges against (ISF). In reality, the case reaches of blackmail used to subjugate equally bizarre story joins their the actor in revenge for a screen beyond the internal rivalries of the entire Lebanese population, ranks, that of the Lebanese actor shot he had taken of one of Hajj’s Lebanon’s security forces and including those who are cur- and journalist Ziad Itani. Twitter posts perceived as insult- speaks to the president’s resur- rently in power.” Itani was arrested last Novem- ing to Saudi women. Ziad Itani gent Maronite faction’s ambition With the looming parliamen- ber and accused of spying for the passed the screenshot to a news to reclaim its hold over the state, tary election, Ziad Itani, who be- Over the years Israeli intelligence agency Mos- website, leading to Hajj losing a hold that has been challenged longs to one of the biggest Sunni many spies, some sad. However, information has her post as head of the cyber- by the Sunnis for the past two families in Beirut, was lucky to come to light that he was framed crime unit. decades. benefit from the intervention of of them Lebanese, by the former head of the Leba- However, for the journalist, Underlying the immediate po- Sunni Prime Minister Saad Hariri. were exposed and nese cyber-crime unit, Lieuten- the implications of the case litical and security context of the While the actor and journalist their subsequent ant-Colonel Suzanne al-Hajj. reach beyond the immediate and case are the concerns many as- might soon find himself released The new revelations indicated reflect the sinister role played sumed had been dead and buried from jail, his tacky and fabricated stories seem more Hajj instructed a hacker known by the media throughout the since the Syrian occupation of spy tale will live on, an enduring the stuff of John le to her unit to infiltrate Itani’s affair. Fidaa Itani said that “from 1990-2005. During that time, any- reminder that Lebanon remains personal computer and social the moment Ziad was arrested one who thought of even straying a police state that only sporadi- Carre than media accounts and plant many of the media outlets leaked from the Syrian line would find cally masquerades as a struggling historical fact. evidence establishing a faux the investigation without ever themselves accused of any num- democracy. 10 March 11, 2018 Spotlight ISIS in Syria and Iraq Lost amid the headlines, for Syria, ISIS threat remains

Simon Speakman Cordall


s the world’s great pow- ers tussle for advantage over Syria’s battlefields, the Islamic State (ISIS) has receded from the headlinesA and public conscious- ness. Though ISIS languishes in iso- lated pockets throughout much of Syria’s desert hinterlands or within the jails of the Syrian Democratic Forces, the philosophy that fuelled its nihilistic ambition thrives. It is ingrained in the central tenets of groups such as al-Qaeda-linked Hayat Tahrir al-Sham and Jaysh al- Islam and lies, hidden from camer- as, among Turkish militias besieg- ing the Kurdish province of Afrin. As the carnage and chaos of a rap- idly metastasising conflict extracts its blood price from the people of Idlib and Eastern Ghouta, the ap- peal of jihadism’s certainties to the young and disenfranchised of Syria remains as strong as ever. However, for ISIS, denied the ter- rain and territory that established the group’s dominance, the un- dimmed hatred of the regime and its allies that rages within Idlib and Eastern Ghouta may bring only a limited advantage. There are thought to be 6,000- 11,000 active ISIS fighters in Syria. Poisonous legacy. An ISIS flag flutters above a destroyed house near the Clock Square in Raqqa, last October 18. (Reuters) Hundreds more are in crowded prisons of the US-allied Kurds. Oth- ers, considered by the Kurds to pose difficult to collect during battlefield helps ISIS,” Colin Clarke, a politi- ISIS’s core attraction was always any popular support they still en- no imminent threat, returned to captures. cal scientist at the RAND Corpora- its state-building activities. Other joy is likely more a result of hatred their villages. The fate of thousands Like so much of what remains in tion, said in e-mailed comments. groups were satisfied in aiding the for the Assad regime than anything of foreign fighters who flocked to ISIS’s wake, confusion appears to “With so many shifting alliances long march to the destined cali- else.” Syria to wage holy war remains a be the dominant factor and, within and groups fighting on the ground, phate but ISIS established a cali- Lost within the confusion of source of international dispute. Syria, it is this that will help what there is little agreement between phate in Syria and Iraq. Syria, ISIS remains and its poten- For the captured international remains of the group. states and non-state actors that ISIS Denied physical control of the tial threat cannot be dismissed. As ISIS fighters nothing is certain. “I think Syria’s chaos definitely is the number one priority.” towns, cities and services whose David M. Satterfield, the US State Russia has indicated it may repat- The weakness of the Syrian state existence stood as proof of its di- Department’s acting top Middle riate its fighters but many other plays a role in creating a vacuum vine mandate, ISIS can continue to East diplomat warned a US Senate countries are refusing. where ISIS could possibly recover. occupy territory but its ability to in- hearing in January: “Many of its The legal issues are overwhelm- Denied physical “Because the Syrian regime can’t spire is uncertain. core leadership and cadre avoided ing. As the Washington Post re- control of towns, cities project force into all of the areas “ISIS enjoys very little popular the fight. They remain present and ported in January, many countries, and services, ISIS can of its territory, ISIS will seek these support in the areas they still oc- they remain coherent.” including the United States, are places out, rest/rearm/recuperate cupy,” Clarke said. “[It is] no longer proving reluctant to repatriate ISIS occupy territory but its and seek to persist until they are providing the services of a state, Simon Speakman Cordall is the fighters without evidence to pros- ability to inspire is strong enough to launch further as [it] once did during the apex of Syria/Lebanon Section Editor for ecute them, something intensely uncertain. strikes,” Clarke said. their caliphate and, furthermore, the Arab Weekly. Dealing with captured ISIS members is no easy task for Iraqi authorities

Mamoon Alabbasi experts estimate that 20,000 sus- November that an SDF-ISIS agree- the UN High Commissioner for Hu- most prolific users of the death pects are being held in government ment allowed hundreds of ISIS man Rights said Iraq executed more penalty. Scores of people were jails and approximately 4,000 oth- fighters, with around 3,500 of their than 100 people last year, most of sentenced to death by courts after London ers are in prisons run by the Kurdis- family members as well as tonnes whom were convicted of terrorism unfair trials and executed by hang- tan Regional Government. of weapons and ammunition, to charges. ing. The death penalty continued fter declaring victory The number of foreign ISIS mem- leave Raqqa and spread across Syr- Iraq’s legal system has tough sen- to be used as a tool of retribution in against the Islamic State bers in detention is also unknown ia. Some ISIS members, including tences for members of ISIS or those response to public outrage after at- (ISIS) in December, Iraq but there are reports that about 500 foreign fighters, reached the coun- who have helped the militants, tacks claimed by [ISIS],” the report is facing a dilemma in women and 800 children are de- tryside of eastern Syria, near the even if they were non-combatants. said. dealing with captured tained for alleged ties to the group. Iraqi border. Membership in ISIS could warrant The rights group accused Iraqi membersA of the militant group Iraq insists that foreign nation- A similar Hezbollah-ISIS deal the death penalty. There are con- authorities of issuing arrest war- amid domestic pressures and inter- als, including women, convicted in August gave an estimated 400 cerns that due process may have rants for lawyers defending sus- national expectations. of membership of ISIS must serve armed ISIS fighters and their fami- not been observed. pected ISIS members: “These ar- The domestic pressures include their sentences — including death — lies passage from the Lebanese bor- “Courts continued to admit rests caused concern among other genuine security concerns about in Iraq. Female foreigners who have der to the Syrian border with Iraq. ‘confessions’ that were extracted lawyers that they could be arrested the resurgence of ISIS, whose threat been convicted solely of illegal en- Many reportedly crossed into Iraq. under torture as evidence. Many simply for defending [ISIS] sus- to civilians cannot be overstated. try to Iraq have been allowed to re- With a continued ISIS threat of those convicted after these pects.” Hence the need to set an example turn to France and Russia. from within Iraq’s borders and unfair and hasty trials were sen- Iraq is also engaged in an ideo- for would-be terrorists. Traffic has not been one way. Iraq beyond, Iraqi courts appear to be tenced to death,” read a report by logical war on ISIS. Iraqi state TV There is also the urge for the gov- extradited Ismail Alwan Salman al- engaged in a sentencing spree of Amnesty International. airs a weekly programme in which ernment to do something — even Ithawi, who was ISIS’s minister of suspected militants. The office of “Iraq remained one of the world’s ISIS convicts — many of whom have enact revenge — after a terror attack religious affairs, from Turkey. been sentenced to death — confess that left an angry public dismayed The threat of ISIS, nevertheless, to crimes and express regret. at apparent security shortcomings. continues in Iraq. Civilians, police In Mosul, Islamic scholars are International expectations in- and Iran-backed Shia militiamen training volunteers to counter clude demands by human rights have been killed in recent attacks ISIS’s ideology with the messages groups that insist on due process, by the group. of peace in Islam. upholding the law and banning the ISIS members are present in vari- The volunteers are tutored on torture or extrajudicial killing of ous areas in Iraq. They hide in the “faith, Islamic jurisprudence and both suspects and convicts. There deserts of predominately Sunni the Hadith (sayings of Prophet is the security concern, expressed Anbar province. They have sleeper Mohammad) to allow them to by US officials, that mistreatment cells in Shia-majority cities. They counter the ideas of [ISIS] and its of innocent people is a powerful have formed alliances with pre- intellectual terrorism,” Sheikh recruitment tool for radicalisation dominately Kurdish militants, such Saleh al-Obeidi, president of the and must be avoided. as the White Banners and Ansar al- Ulema Forum of Mosul, told Agence There is also the wish by Euro- Islam. France-Presse. pean countries for their ISIS nation- There is a continued threat of However, such soft power is like- als to be tried in Iraqi courts instead ISIS crossing into Iraq from Syria, ly to be more successful if the gov- of being sent home but, for that especially after reports the mili- ernment does not contradict the to take place without risk of being tants made deals with some of their messages of justice and tolerance involved in moral conflicts, they adversaries in Syria, including the preached in the forum. would like Baghdad to suspend the Kurdish-led Syrian Democratic death penalty. Forces (SDF) as well as the Assad re- Mamoon Alabbasi is Deputy There are no official figures for gime and Lebanon’s Hezbollah. End of journey. An Islamic State member looks out from a cell in Managing Editor and Online Editor detained ISIS members in Iraq but A BBC investigation revealed in the Iraqi city of Sulaymaniyah, last year. (Reuters) of The Arab Weekly. March 11, 2018 11 News & Analysis Palestine Israel Apparent leadership crises add to Mideast peace hurdles

Mamoon Alabbasi In the United States, the Trump administration is embroiled in a number of domestic crises, the London most serious of which is alleged il- legal dealings with Russia. omestic problems faced While US President Donald by top Palestinian, Is- Trump’s announcement recognis- raeli and American of- ing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital ficials are likely to add and to move the US Embassy to the to the hurdles to restart city pleased some in his voter base, Dthe Middle East peace process. as well as the Israeli government, it Palestinian Authority President was met with overwhelming inter- Mahmoud Abbas has been facing national rejection. mounting criticism domestically The decision put many US offi- over his security coordination with cials in an embarrassing position: Israel and his intolerance to dis- By flouting international law, the senting views in the West Bank. He Trump administration found itself continues to rate poorly in opinion at odds with its allies in NATO and polls. the European Union. A poll by the Palestinian Centre There are reports that France for Policy and Survey Research may mull pushing for an EU-led indicated that 70% of Palestin- peace process initiative as the ians asked said they want Abbas to United States is no longer consid- quit. “[Abbas] is not a charismatic ered an “honest broker” by the Pal- leader. He’s seen as all talk and estinians. no action. His threats lack cred- “Trump wanted to separate and ibility and, as far as the public is isolate the issue of Jerusalem from concerned, he’s not up to the chal- the peace process and ended up lenge,” Khalil Shikaki, the centre’s isolating the United States,” said director, told the Financial Times. chief Palestinian negotiator Saeb Following the announcement Erekat. by the United States in December There is a possibility that the to recognise Jerusalem as Israel’s A political morass. Permanent Observer of the State of Palestine to the UN Riyad H. Mansour addresses a US president may walk away from capital, Abbas was placed in a more Security Council meeting on the situation in the Middle East, on January 25. (AFP) seeking to secure “a deal of the difficult position as the Palestinian century” between Israel and the Authority had relied on Washing- Palestinians. Trump may instead ton’s support to counter critics. decided to stand against the nega- most difficult period of his political “If Netanyahu thinks the police, assume that he might have more Nearly 83 years old and in ill tive consequences of the American career. He is struggling to fend off the prosecution and the attorney success in reaching a deal with health, Abbas has not made any dangerous and illegal decision of corruption investigations and may general are persecuting him, he North Korea or rival Gulf countries indication of stepping down but moving the US Embassy from Tel be forced to call early elections. should resign and do battle with that he invited to the White House. there were reports that the Pal- Aviv to Jerusalem and recognising them but as long as he remains the Additionally, the loss of top- estinian leader planned to install the occupied city as a capital of Is- prime minister, his denunciations secret clearance by Trump’s son- Mahmoud al-Aloul as his vice- rael,” Arab League Secretary-Gen- of them are illegitimate,” stated in-law and senior adviser Jared president. It is likely that rivalry eral Ahmed Aboul-Gheit said fol- an editorial in Haaretz. “If no less Kushner may hinder Kushner’s within Fatah would flare up until lowing a meeting of Arab foreign a person than the prime minister role in handling the portfolio of the a successor to Abbas takes charge. ministers in Cairo. thinks these institutions are act- Middle East peace process. In a bid to agree on a “new politi- Abbas, however, does not enjoy With different ing unfairly, what will the ordinary “Former US and international cal programme” to counter the US the wholehearted support of the citizen think? How will he trust officials say that even if Kushner move on Jerusalem, the Palestin- region’s leaders, some of whom regional priorities them?” stays, his job won’t be the same,” ian National Council, which serves back his rivals in Fatah and Hamas. in mind, many Arab Domestic pressures appear to reported the Associated Press. as a parliament of the Palestine With different regional priorities states are not in have resulted in Netanyahu mov- Reaching a US-brokered deal Liberation Organisation, is to gath- in mind, many Arab countries are mood to challenge ing even further to the right to between the Israelis and Palestin- er on April 30. not in the mood to challenge the the Trump pander to his anti-Palestinian con- ians was never going to be easy Arab countries have officially Trump administration, whose sup- stituents and coalition partners. but with the leadership challenges backed Abbas’s rejection of the US port they seek. administration, This will likely make any compro- faced by the parties involved, any decision on Jerusalem. Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin whose support mise deal — if there ever were one serious attempt to find a resolution “The Arab League has already Netanyahu is possibly facing the they seek. on the table — more difficult. is likely to be further delayed. Viewpoint Israel’s encroachment on Hebron is devastating to Palestinians

t has been 24 years since by a crowd soon after the mas- Palestinian residents. panied to school to protect them Jewish Israeli terrorist sacre. Since 2015, Israel has declared from settler abuse and violence. Baruch Goldstein killed 29 Unlike attacks by Palestinians various parts of the old city Rather than the Israeli military Kamel Hawwash Muslim worshipers in Alkhal- against Israelis, Israeli authorities “closed military zones,” forcing protecting the children, they pro- Palestinian shops to close. Up to is a Britain-based Palestinian il Hebron’s Ibrahimi mosque, did not demolish the home of the tect the settlers. 18 military checkpoints have been university professor and writer. known to Jews as Cave of the perpetrator. Rather, his grave has Since the Palestinian uprising Patriarchs. The attack hap- become a shrine for the Jewish set up around the entrance to the in 2015, the Israeli military has Ipened during dawn prayers in the extremists and the inscription on mosque and to control access to carried out several extrajudicial Muslim holy month of Ramadan. his tomb reads: “He gave his life Palestinians and visitors to the old killings in Hebron, alleging poten- Goldstein was an immigrant for the people of Israel, its Torah quarter. tial knife attacks by Palestinians. from New York to Israel who was and land.” The security arrangements This includes the Elor Azaria’s active in the extremist Kach politi- The city has never been the bring continuous misery to the infamous killing of Abdul Fattah cal movement in the nearby Israeli same since. Palestinian residents who face al-Sharif, who was lying on the settlement of Kiryat Arba and he Following the massacre, the daily oppression through the need ground heavily injured. The shoot- was known to Israeli intelligence. Israeli government enhanced se- for permits to enter their homes, ing was captured on camera and He was found and beaten to death curity for settlers across occupied restrictions on vehicle move- outraged Palestinians and their Hebron. In addition, the Ibrahimi ment causing them difficulties in supporters. mosque was divided, with Muslim bringing in goods and materials to Israel’s providing full protection access reduced to approximately homes and businesses. and access to Jewish settlers in 40% of the site. The other 60% Hebron makes a major contribu- the city and designating roads as was allocated to Jewish worship- tion to the Palestinian economy, settler-only have brought accusa- pers, who entered the site from a including 40% of its GDP and tions that it implements discrimi- separate entrance. The Palestin- 40% of its exports, the Palestine nating policies in the city. ians saw this as a reward for Economy Portal stated. Hebron The city’s future is likely to see Israeli terrorism. contributes one-third of animal further restrictions on the lives of The security measures, which production in the West Bank. How- Palestinians and an embodiment of prevail to this day, saw parts of the ever, Israel’s repeated closures and the settlers, particularly following city near illegal Israeli settlements restrictions on economic activity the naked bias of the US adminis- closed to Palestinian residents. have restricted the city’s potential tration in favour of Israel through Hebron is the largest city in the to lead Palestine’s economic devel- its recent decisions that culminat- West Bank, which the Palestinian opment and is heavily affected by ed in its recognition of Jerusalem Central Bureau of Statistics said the occupation. as Israel’s capital. Israel is likely to is home to more than 200,000 Its centre has been devastated reinforce its grip on the city, mak- Palestinians and some 800 il- through the forced closure of ing the lives of Palestinians in its legal Jewish settlers, which Israel businesses, including those on the centre so miserable that they will moved into the old quarter of the famous Shuhada Street, the main move out to escape the terror of city after its occupation in 1967. thoroughfare and commercial hub the settlers and the military. The settlers are protected by an of Hebron (next to which three of Israel may expand the presence entire military brigade. the four Jewish neighbourhoods of the settlers, helping to take more The Hebron Protocol, signed by are located). The street, which is Palestinian homes and to build Binyamin Netanyahu in January closed to Palestinian traffic, looks new illegal housing units as it did 1997, during his first term as Israeli like a scene from a ghost town. in 2017 following the prime minister divided the city Apart from the economic effects UNESCO decision to list Hebron’s into two sections: H1, 80% of the of the occupation of Hebron, the old city as an endangered city under full Palestinian control; settlers make the lives of Palestin- Palestinian world heritage site. H2, where four Jewish neighbour- ians miserable and often violently The Palestinians face a battle Worsening toll. Palestinian men walk past closed shops in the hoods are located under full Israeli attack them. Children in the centre with Israel not only over Jerusalem West Bank city of Hebron, last December. (AFP) control but includes 40,000 of the city often need to be accom- but also over Hebron. 12 March 11, 2018 Special Focus Arab Women


Iman Zayat Arab mothers describe cross-cultural is the Managing Editor of The Arab Weekly. International Women’s Day, a time to reflect on gender experience raising a child in the UK

rights in the Arab world Dunia El-Zobaidi way they want to live their life but if it was normal then two people from the same gender could pro- nternational Women’s Day, The situation is not that dim. London duce offspring. Although I treat celebrated March 8, serves Many Arab women are active homosexuals as anyone else, as an opportunity to hail members of their societies, playing other’s Day is an my daughters push me to accept advances in women’s rights key decision-making roles in the important celebra- them as the norm and their father and voice support for women family and enjoying the right to tion of the pivotal backs them up.” around the world. This equal pay at the workplace. This role that a woman Slaymaker’s daughters have year, the observance drew while issues of gender inequal- has in the life of her learnt to accept that it is hard for Iattention to the Middle East and ity in the workplace persist in the Mchild and in society. Arab mothers their mother to change her men- North Africa, where some of the United States and Europe, serv- described their experience rais- tality and resolve culture clashes most exciting reforms and positive ing as a troubling reminder that ing their children in the United by coming to a common under- developments have emerged. Western liberalism has also failed Kingdom and the effect both Brit- standing. For the first time, Saudi Arabia women. ish and Arab societies had on the “What they have learnt to ac- was at the top of the list. Over the While Arab women have indeed mothers’ decisions. cept is I need time to accept new past year, the kingdom introduced faced many challenges, their Zaheira Barok, a Yemeni mother ideas. I try to adapt to their way landmark reforms for women’s achievements have surpassed of three daughters, spoke about of thinking but it’s hard because I rights and promoted women to key expectations. her experience dealing with Ar- was brought up in a different soci- positions in government. In the United Arab Emirates, a abs after her divorce. ety,” Slaymaker said. “My daugh- The process began in February regional pioneer in women’s em- “Arab people judged me be- ters say religion was written for a 2017 when Sarah al-Suhaimi was powerment, about 70% of school cause I was on benefits,” Barok different time but for me, religion appointed the first female chair- and university students over the said. “If I was English I don’t applies to every generation. man of the Saudi Stock Exchange past five years have been female, think I would be judged as much. “I don’t want my daughters to (Tadawul) and Rania Mahmoud the World Economic Forum’s Being an Arab Muslim, we have be like me because that’s impossi- Nashar was named the first female Global Gender Gap Report 2017 to be more aware of society ble as they are raised in a different chief executive officer of a major stated. around us. society but I want them to under- Saudi banking firm, Samba Finan- Since its establishment on stand my culture. If I was married cial Group. December 2, 1971, the UAE has ena- to an Arab, I think my daugh- This was quickly followed by the bled women to occupy leadership ters’ understanding will be a Saudi government granting women roles in the state and private sec- Lina Slaymaker, an lot better. If I was an Arab the right to drive and announcing tors. Women have played key roles brought up in England, it it would open more jobs and career in the country’s development drive Iraqi mother of two would be a lot easier as opportunities for Saudi women. and have held positions in govern- teenage daughters, I would understand the In February, Tamader bin Youssef ment, from ministers to speaker of spoke about her culture more.” al-Rammah was appointed deputy the Federal National Congress. experience raising Maha al-Mufti, an Iraqi minister of labour and social devel- From Tunisia to Saudi Arabia, her daughters mother of a daughter and opment. times are changing in the Arab a son, explained how she The exemplary reform move- world and women are gaining whose father is raised them when they ment is the brainchild of Saudi more and more rights — a fact Italian-English. were teenagers. Crown Prince Mohammed bin much of the world is still ignorant “I tried to treat my Salman bin Abdulaziz, whose Vi- of. While many in the West have a “Over time I decided to ignore son and daughter sion 2030 aims to modernise and distorted view of women in MENA, what society thought of me and equally but there are diversify the Saudi economy. A they have been busy securing decided to raise my girls the way certain things I kept in key part of this process is ensuring hard-fought rights. I saw fit. I found a way to answer mind for my daughter equality for women. Looking ahead, their struggle people and I think this is where such as reputation,” Saudi Arabia was not the only should continue with the same my aggression comes from. I felt she said. “However, country to see improvements in urgency. Despite the progress I constantly had to justify my morals and daily women’s rights. Tunisia passed made, there are elements of soci- actions and decisions. Then I practice is exactly legislation to protect women and ety — particularly of the Islamist thought: ‘Why do I have to justify the same. At home ensure equality between the sexes. creed — that are determined to roll myself?’” it is not 100% pure Last summer, Tunisia — along back women’s rights and reshape Barok said she had to lie that English, neither with Jordan and Lebanon — society into how it was centuries her daughter was mar- 100% pure Arabic scrapped legal provisions that al- past. ried after or Muslim tradi- lowed rapists to evade punishment It is up to all of us — men and she learnt tional way of life. by marrying their victims. The Tu- women — to make sure their her daugh- “My children nisian parliament also passed a law project does not suc- ter was preg- were exposed to criminalising all violence against ceed and that women nant out of both cultures women, which was hailed by UN continue to be wedlock. and all beliefs. Women, a gender equity group, as empowered and “I only told one friend “a major step towards achieving respected in all at work that my daughter gender equality.” areas of life. fell pregnant out of wed- Last lock,” she said. “I had to tell Septem- everyone else I knew that she ber, was married. If I was English, I Tu- wouldn’t have to lie. nisian President Beji “My parents were angry be- Caid Essebsi took on bigger cause they are traditional but challenges. He overturned a they never let the grandchildren law that prohibited women from feel the anger. My family em- marrying non-Muslim men and set braced them straight away. Even in motion legislation to reform the though they are traditional, they country’s inheritance law, which have very good foresight. My currently allots men double the parents never blamed me for my amount of their female counter- daughter’s actions even though parts. society straight away blames the If legislation granting men and mother.” women equal inheritance rights is Lina Slaymaker, an Iraqi mother approved, it would cement Tuni- of two teenage daughters, spoke sia’s status as a leader on women’s about her experience raising her rights in the Arab world. daughters whose father is Italian- While women must continue English. striving for their rights — in “It is challenging raising chil- schools, universities, courtrooms dren of two cultures,” she said. and all public spaces — their strug- “There are a lot of clashes start- gle must also be championed by ing with religion. Even though I That’s why they accepted and Arab men. After all, empowering wasn’t raised very religious, we understood our culture. The only women is important for all of soci- believe in God and we follow ba- difference is my son was allowed ety. We cannot succeed unless we sic Islamic principles. out late whereas my daughter protect and invest in all citizens, “I teach my daughters about Is- was not unless it was with a close men and women. lam but they are constantly being family friend. My daughter pro- Lingering gender inequality in influenced by their friends. For tested this. The reason I imposed the Arab world taints the region example, my daughters say I’m this rule is because she is a girl and presents a negative image. Much to celebrate. Saudi Zumba homophobic but I am not. They and I felt she could be abused. Many in the West believe that instructor Nouf Khayat jumps think I’m weird. Although I could However, in reality, both genders women in Arab societies live un- during a running event marking be wrong, to my understanding are vulnerable so it is wrong.” der conditions of marginalisation International Women’s Day in this is not the norm. Mufti said she would not have and oppression, secluded from Old Jeddah, on March 8. (Reuters) “I found it hard to explain to my raised them any differently but public life. girls that I respect people in the would have influenced them with March 11, 2018 13 Special Focus Arab Women

Call on Egyptian Arab mothers describe cross-cultural women to remove experience raising a child in the UK hijab provokes a heated debate

their choice of friends more. it as she feels Arabs judge more she grows up, she can research Hassan Abdel Zaher ures to further their agenda. “My son always preferred non- than English do. My son’s expo- more if she wants.” In the 1970s, the Muslim Broth- English people whereas with sure to the Arab culture is limited Mufti experienced the influence erhood tried to convince female my daughter all her friends are but he practises it much more.” of Islamic extremism with her Cairo university students that covering English. I found my daughter’s Mufti’s daughter is married to son. their hair and body was a sign of settlement and integration is an English-French man and is “I was concerned about the in- book urging women religious piety. The Brotherhood much better than my son. She pregnant. Mufti said she wanted formation that was passed on to to stop wearing the Is- even bought scarves as gifts for accepts the English culture to teach her granddaughter the him by his friends. He said hijab lamic headgear known female university students who without judging. My son basics of Islam. and niqab [are] compulsory but as the hijab is stirring agreed to wear the hijab. judges,” she said. “For my granddaughter, I can I explained this is not the case heated debate in Egypt “We paid for these scarves from “Although my daughter’s only advise but I cannot inter- and he understood,” she said. “I andA unnerving the country’s Is- our own pockets to encourage the exposure to the Arabic cul- fere,” she said. “However, when told him not to listen to friends lamists, especially its ultra-ortho- girls to wear the hijab,” Brother- ture is a lot more than my I have my granddaughter with and they might not understand dox Salafists. hood leader Mahmoud Ghozlan son’s she does not practise me, I plan to pray in front of her, Islam properly. I advised him not In “Urgent Message to Egypt’s said in 2012 at the height of the read the Quran and speak Arabic to search on the internet about Women,” controversial author movement’s political empower- because Arabic is the language of Islam because most of it is wrong Cherif Choubachy says the hijab ment in Egypt. Islam. I want to give her the and not to listen to preachers in became widely worn in Egypt in basics and pillars of mosques. He should pray in a the late 1960s and early 1970s with Islam. Once mosque and leave.” the rise of political Islam and the Asmahan Alkarjosli, a Syrian Muslim Brotherhood movement. Choubachy said mother of three sons, explained The emergence of that attire Islamist movements the importance of perfecting Eng- coincided with the 1967 defeat of use the hijab to exploit lish while living in England and the Egyptian Army by Israel and not letting another language and the occupation of the Sinai Penin- political and economic culture prevent that. sula, entailing the collapse of Arab failures to further “In Syria I was an artist and an nationalism, which was strongly their agenda. art teacher so I wanted to be a propagated by late pan-Arabist teacher when I arrived in Eng- leader . land,” she said. “Before I came “Instead of nationalism, the here my English was really general public, suffering deep Egyptian writer Farida al- bad. I felt people didn’t re- frustration at the time, found sol- Naqqash said the group specifical- spect me because I didn’t ace in religion,” Choubachy writes ly sought poor female university speak English well even in his book. students from the countryside though I was more ed- This retreat from Arab nation- who considered the free headgear ucated than a lot of alism into religion was aggres- a gift they should not miss. them. However, I took sively manipulated by the Muslim “This was how they ensured English courses and Brotherhood and other Islamist that the largest number of women involved myself movements to achieve political would wear the hijab,” Naqqash in English society goals. said. which I love to do.” “One of the objectives was, She said she recalled Mohamed Alkarjosli said of course, for the radical think- Mahdi Akef, the late head of the she was proud ing of these groups to prevail. In Muslim Brotherhood, saying that to be Syrian but this, the hijab turned from a mere the group would only prevail she felt women’s headgear to a political statement,” when all Egypt’s women wore the rights were pre- Choubachy said. hijab. vented there. That Egypt’s Muslim conservatives, Choubachy said he saw more has led her to re- the Salafists in particular, were women wearing the hijab day af- sent the society she angered by the call that those ter day. However, he noticed that, was raised in. who want women to be allowed as the society covered up, sexual “I have always been to show their hair “only want to harassment and unregistered rebellious in Syria. I re- spread vice.” marriages among university stu- ally pushed for women’s They rejected the notion that dents increased. rights,” she said. “Even the hijab was linked to the rise He first called on women to take though there are a lot of things of political Islam. “The hijab was off their hijabs in an April 2015 I don’t agree with about Syrian present hundreds of years before Facebook post, which triggered society, I still consider myself Syr- the world came to know politi- angry reactions including being ian because I spent my childhood cal Islam or the Muslim Brother- called an “enemy of Islam.” there. I tell my sons they are Syr- hood,” claimed leading Salafist In his book, he cites some of the ian even though they don’t know Walid Ismail. “This is less about Facebook messages he received in Arabic and only went to Syria hijab and more about the anti- response to his call. For two years, once. I never let them forget they Islam sentiment some authors are he says, he received virulent and are Syrian.” trying to promote in our society.” often obscene messages, mostly Choubachy, who spent from people claiming to defend an 20 years in Paris working at important tenet of Islam. UNESCO and then for Egypt’s Choubachy said he was not Asmahan Alkarjosli, a Ahram newspaper, said Islamist surprised that his call made him Syrian mother of three movements use the hijab to ex- a nemesis of Egypt’s Islamist sons, explained the ploit political and economic fail- groups. importance of “I expected a shocking reaction to this invitation,” he said. “I was perfecting English considered a disbeliever be- while living in fore, anyway.” England. He specifies that his call is addressed only to women who are co- erced by male family Although Alkarjosli taught Ara- members to wear the bic in England, she did not push hijab. In encouraging her children to learn Arabic. women to revolt against “I was against teaching my chil- male domination he dren Arabic. Even though I taught wants them to be free. Arabic to English people in a “My battle against school, I don’t want my children the hijab is one against to have any influence from Ara- despotism and suppres- bic society. I didn’t want my chil- sion,” Choubachy writes. dren to be split minded about “It is a battle against their identity and I was afraid the coercion of women if I spoke to them at home in and turning them into Arabic, it will hinder their abil- second-class creatures.” ity to speak English well,” she said. “Even though it’s benefi- Hassan Abdel Zaher is a cial to have a second language Cairo-based contributor to in the long-term, I wanted to The Arab Weekly. give my children the choice to learn it when they grow up.” Cover of Cherif Choubachy’s “Urgent Dunia El-Zobaidi is a regular Message to Egypt’s Arab Weekly contributor in Women.” London. 14 March 11, 2018 News & Analysis Turkey Ahead of EU-Turkey summit, prospects of normalisation uncertain

Thomas Seibert the danger that high-profile cases pose for its standing abroad and how they limit the chances of a rap- Washington prochement with Europe.” The Cumhuriyet employees are urkey may have im- accused of supporting the move- proved prospects for rap- ment of Fethullah Gulen, a US- prochement with Europe based Islamic cleric and former with the release of two Erdogan ally who is seen by Ankara high-profile government as the mastermind behind the 2016 Tcritics from detention ahead of a coup attempt. The accused jour- key meeting with EU leaders but nalists could face 43 years in prison further calls by Brussels to widen if convicted. free speech in Turkey and other Rights activists said charges sources of friction suggest normali- against 17 defendants, 16 of whom sation is uncertain. have been freed pending the out- Turkish President Recep Tayy- come of the trial, were drummed ip Erdogan is to meet with EU up to silence Erdogan critics. leaders in the Bulgarian Black The reporters are accused of sup- Sea resort of Varna on March 26 porting Gulen’s group as well as the for a summit aimed at resetting separatist Kurdistan Workers’ Party Turkish-European ties after years (PKK) and the left-extremist Revo- of crises over Turkey’s human lutionary People’s Liberation Par- rights record and Ankara’s com- ty-Front (DHKP-C), organisations plaints of EU Islamophobia. that are ideologically opposed to A failed coup attempt in 2016 in one another. Sik was detained for a Turkey led to a massive wave of ar- year in 2011 for criticising the Gulen rests of suspected Erdogan critics, movement when the cleric was Er- putting more than 50,000 people dogan’s political partner. in detention and leading to the dis- Even as Sik and Sabuncu left missal of around 150,000 public prison, courts in Turkey continued sector employees. their crackdown on dissent. Also In a decision that could im- on March 9, Turkey’s top appeals prove Turkey’s chances of a new court in Ankara ordered the retrial beginning with the European Un- of Can Dundar, another former edi- ion, a court at a vast prison com- tor of Cumhuriyet, and Ankara bu- Sensing danger. Freed journalist, Cumhuriyet Turkish daily newspaper’s Ahmet Sik, surrounded by plex in Silivri outside Istanbul on reau chief Erdem Gul, seeking up colleagues speaks at the newspaper’s headquarters in Istanbul, on March 10. (AFP) March 9 ordered the release of to 20 years in prison for espionage. Ahmet Sik, a prominent reporter of A day earlier, another court sen- the Cumhuriyet opposition daily, tenced 25 journalists from former are Ankara’s top priorities for the da” with comments that are criti- gean. Other Turkish Navy ships and Murat Sabuncu, the paper’s pro-Gulen media outlets to prison Varna summit but the European cal of the government. The Turkish disrupted exploratory drilling for editor. The two had been in deten- sentences of up to seven-and-a- Union says Turkey must fulfil a leadership has said it is ready to energy resources in waters off Cy- tion for almost 500 days without a half years each. number of criteria first. One key change the law but has not done so. prus. The actions prompted Eu- verdict. Ankara had shrugged off EU criti- condition is strengthening free Ankara was aware of the impor- ropean Council President Donald Akin Atalay, chairman of the cism of the crackdown for a long speech by amending Turkey’s anti- tance of good ties with Europe, Tusk to say that European officials newspaper’s executive board, re- time but recently became more re- terror law to prevent trials against Eissenstat said, adding: “Turkey could cancel the Varna meeting. mains behind bars at least until ceptive to demands from Brussels academics, journalists and others needs the European Union. Europe More recently, Turkey arrested the next trial date on March 16. Sik because Turkey was increasingly for spreading “terrorist propagan- is an immensely important source two Greek soldiers on espionage and Sabuncu were freed despite isolated in the Middle East and es- of economic support and direct in- charges. Athens said the men are prosecutors’ demands they be kept tranged from the United States due vestment.” being held as “hostages” and de- behind bars, which is rare in cases to a row over Syria. Under a 2016 Rights activists said Still, Eissenstat said he was manded their release. with high political significance in deal to stop the flow of refugees via sceptical about the possibility of a “Erdogan feels that the demon- Turkey. Turkey to Europe, Ankara commit- charges against 17 broader rapprochement. EU offi- stration of toughness and militancy Howard Eissenstat, associate ted to tightening controls over its defendants, 16 of cials warned Turkey that improved gets results,” Eissenstat said. “This professor at St Lawrence Univer- sea border with Greece and the Eu- whom have been relations and the Varna summit it- almost ensures new crises and sity in New York and non-resident ropean Union said it would look at freed pending the self are at risk because of Ankara’s makes ‘normalisation’ extremely senior fellow at the Project on Mid- granting visa-free travel for Turks outcome of the trial, tensions with EU members Greece difficult.” dle East Democracy in Washington, in Europe. and Cyprus. said in an interview that the release Securing free travel for its citi- were drummed Last month a Turkish Navy ves- Thomas Seibert is a of Sik and Sabuncu could be seen zens in Europe and a new push up to silence sel rammed a Greek Coast Guard Washington correspondent for “as a sign that Turkey recognises for stalled EU membership talks Erdogan critics. boat in a disputed area of the Ae- The Arab Weekly. Viewpoint With its ‘global purge,’ Ankara puts Interpol in a tight spot

lthough for and jihadist armed groups, should of terrorists” is a toxic pattern that problems in relations between various reasons it have been an eye-opener. can be copied by similarly intoler- Ankara and its Western allies. It is doesn’t seem to That he was arrested by the ant regimes intent on silencing something that everyone knows Yavuz Baydar have registered demand of the AKP government their opposition. is happening, but political leaders is a Turkish journalist and regular with democratic came as a shock to the organisers It was reported that soon after and diplomats are reluctant to call columnist for The Arab Weekly. governments, of the elite international confer- the attempted coup in Turkey it by its name,” Nate Schenkkan, Turkey stands ence, whose name coincidentally in July 2016, Ankara sent out re- a director with Freedom House, outA among the Western allies by included the term “security” and quests for approximately 60,000 wrote in Foreign Policy. far the least tolerant of peaceful was an embarrassment for the Turkish citizens abroad to be What raised the eyebrows was dissent and the most aggres- VIP-level participants from the rounded up by Interpol and extra- the way Deniz Yucel, a German- sive against those who disagree major countries of the West. dited. The requests were rejected Turkish journalist working for with the views of the Justice and Muslim was released but the but that did not deter Ankara from Die Welt, was released after what Development Party (AKP) and its damage was done. Prague will pursuing its endeavours even if he described as a “dirty deal” be- leader, President Recep Tayyip probably be abandoned as an op- this time on a smaller scale. tween Ankara and Berlin. (He was Erdogan. tion for future meetings of think- Now, Ankara and Interpol seem unlawfully held for a year mostly The oppression has long spilt tanks, considered a “non-secure” at odds about whether the red in solitary confinement.) over across Turkey’s borders. venue. In any case, invited guests bulletins for arrest were abusive. Reports said there are at least The government and its security will have to think twice about go- Recently, the pro-government five more Germans, three Ameri- apparatus attempt to engage two ing there should they feel threat- Turkish daily Sabah reported that cans and an unknown number of main tools to assert its repressive ened by the Turkish government. Interpol “suspended” more than Dutch dual citizens held in Turk- will: First, by applying the meas- Yet, no matter what, the trend 50 such bulletins, which include ish jails. Their situation appar- ures through the red bulletins continues. Deutsche Welle report- lists of people wanted by Ankara. ently causes not only concern but sent to Interpol, it tries to have ed that Ankara has sent a formal If true, this is a sign that the in- also extra caution in the West’s all dissidents, mainly Kurds and request to Stockholm for Muslim, ternational security mechanisms relations with its Turkish ally. Gulenists, extradited to Turkey who was allegedly seen in Swe- seem keen on drawing lines that Most recently, the arrest of two from across the world. Second, it den, to be arrested and extradited are not to be crossed. Greek soldiers patrolling the Turk- has turned the arrests of foreign to Turkey, although Muslim is not Yet, given the oppressive frenzy ish-Greek border and its aftermath nationals within its borders into a Turkish citizen. It was not clear in Turkey, such arm-wrestling is showed that Ankara would insist a kind of a routine, leading to the whether Sweden had responded likely to continue. The reason for on the pattern of what Schenkkan coining of hostage diplomacy. to the Turkish request. this may be that most EU coun- called “hostage policies.” The remarkable part is that Cynics may associate such tries either watch what is called Turkey asked for the extradition these unending practices con- moves with Erdogan’s attempts “Turkey’s global purge” from the of eight Turkish officers accused Trying to utilise tinue as the allies of Turkey watch to win votes for the upcoming balcony or are too timid to alien- of taking part in the attempted the Interpol “from the balcony,” as one furious elections. He banks on presumed ate Ankara because of their fear of coup as a swap deal, which Athens Kurdish politician active in a propaganda value from the arrest the jihadist threat. The European fiercely refused. The rift is an system in favour of centre-left party in the European and imprisonment of a major Union’s appeasement policies are, issue for the European Union, persecuting Union said recently. figure. no doubt, perceived by Ankara as NATO and the United Nations, dissidents abroad In this context, the arrest in the This trend, however, has an a weakness to be used. with an unknown outcome. Czech Republic of Saleh Muslim, effect far beyond developments in However, the arrest of foreign How long this behavioural is a toxic pattern the ex-leader of the Democratic Turkey. Trying to utilise the Inter- nationals, including an American pattern will go on depends very that can be copied Union Party (PYD), the Syrian pol system in favour of persecut- pastor and German citizens, has much on how — or if — Turkey’s Kurdish party that collaborated ing the Turkish and Kurdish dis- deepened concern. Western allies will redefine their by similarly with the Western coalition to sidents abroad by branding them ”Turkish hostage-taking has relations with the ruling AKP intolerant regimes. combat the Islamic State (ISIS) all “terrorists” and “accomplices become one of the most pressing government. March 11, 2018 15 News & Analysis Iran Soft power did not prevent failure of Le Drian’s mission in Tehran

The Arab Weekly staff nian President Hassan Rohani told the Tasnim News Agency that Iran should be ready for any Tunis “unfavourable” consequences of hardening international attitudes. ranian Supreme Leader Aya- However, he said negotiations tollah Ali Khamenei, risking and diplomacy remained the best further international sanc- options for maintaining the 2015 tions, remained intransigent treaty. in the face of European en- “Remaining committed to the Itreaties to limit his country’s mis- accord would prove to the world sile programme and scale back that the negotiation and diploma- support for its proxy militias in cy is the best way to solve prob- the Middle East. lems but the collapse of the deal The latest failed attempt was means that political talks are a by French Foreign Minister Jean- waste of time,” he said. Yves Le Drian, who visited Tehran “Our weapons are meant to pro- on March 5 intending to reaffirm mote peace, strengthen stability European support for the 2015 and security and to prevent oth- nuclear agreement that loosened ers from invading our country. No sanctions on Iran in exchange for one should be concerned about scaling back Tehran’s uranium en- Iran’s weapons and missiles.” richment programme. Khamenei described the pres- His visit coincided with a Teh- ence of US military forces across ran exhibit of ancient artefacts the world as “malicious and sedi- loaned by France’s Louvre Mu- tious.” He said Iran would not seek seum. the permission of Washington Khamenei did not seem im- in maintaining its foreign policy. pressed. Speaking after Le Drian’s “We will negotiate with America departure, Khamenei was quoted when we want to be present in by his official website as saying: America,” he said. “European countries come (to Iran has consistently challenged Tehran) and say we want to nego- US allies and objectives in the re- tiate with Iran over its presence in gion, frustrating both Israel and the region. It is none of your busi- regional rival Saudi Arabia. Fur- ness. It is our region. Why are you ther to its active role within the here?” Syrian war and support of Yem- Under the terms of the 2015 en’s Houthi rebels against the Sau- agreement, signed by the United di-led coalition, Iran is thought to States, Russia, Germany, France, have deliberately antagonised Is- Britain, China and the European rael, playing a critical role in the Union, Iran was to curtail its ura- downing of one of the country’s nium-enrichment programme for F-16 fighter planes on February 10. access to international oil and gas Tehran’s funding of Lebanon’s markets. militant and political group Hez- However, the Trump adminis- Mission Impossible. Iranian President Hassan Rohani (R) welcomes French Foreign Minister Jean-Yves bollah has also fuelled Western tration has consistently expressed concerns about Iran’s behaviour. Le Drian at the start of their meeting in Tehran, on March 5. (Iranian Presidency Office) misgivings about the treaty and Iran has been actively support- called on Iran to limit ballistic ing Shia militias in Iraq amid signs missile production, halt its in- some of its precision-guided mis- leaving for Tehran. of unending political encroach- volvement in regional conflicts siles able to strike within the bor- “If not tackled head-on, this ment. and open its military bases to in- ders of its sworn enemy, Israel, country risks new sanctions.” Iranian Defence Minister Amir ternational inspectors, provisions and other countries in the region. After Le Drian’s visit, a senior Hatami was quoted as saying by not covered in the 2015 treaty. “There are ballistic programmes commander of Iran’s Islamic Rev- the Tasnim News Agency that US President Donald Trump has of missiles that can reach several If not tackled head- olutionary Guard Corps said Teh- Tehran was ready to offer “mili- repeatedly threatened to with- thousand kilometres, which are ran had increased its missile pro- tary advisory and security” sup- draw from the accord if the deal is not compatible with UN Security on, this country risks duction three-fold, the Fars news port to Afghanistan in that coun- not altered to his liking. Council resolutions and exceed new sanctions. agency reported, without giving a try’s fight against terrorism, a Iran is thought to have one of the sole need of defending Iran’s time frame for the increase. reference to the Islamic State the largest missile production borders,” Le Drian told the Journal French Foreign Minister Anticipating further sanctions (ISIS) and Taliban insurgents ac- programmes in the region, with du Dimanche newspaper before Jean-Yves Le Drian after Le Drian’s departure, Ira- tive in the country. Viewpoint Time for an elegy for the Iranian nuclear deal?

ith Donald a solid multilateral agreement.” ary 26 gave an interesting in- Bigdeli, perhaps over-optimisti- Trump in More recently, Iranian Deputy terview to Fararu, a Farsi news cally, assessed human rights and the White Foreign Minister Abbas Araqchi website, which is also available in missile tests as “less problematic” Ali Alfoneh House, the told the independent London English, Spanish and Arabic. He issues. He deemed the return of is a non-resident senior fellow at Iran nuclear policy institute Chatham House: complained: “We are indifferent Iranian forces from Syria, Iraq and Rafik Hariri Centre for the Middle deal faces the “[W]e cannot remain in a deal to European efforts and mostly elsewhere as more problematic for East at the Atlantic Council. prospect of that has no benefit to us.” treat them badly.” Tehran. Wfalling apart but Iran still hesitates The comments from both “The British foreign minister Then there is the view taken to help the European Washington and Tehran must be visits Iran and, not only leaves by publications at the other end Union’s efforts to preserve the taken with a grain of salt. After all, empty-handed but is hurled with of the political spectrum. The deal. French Foreign Minister candidate Trump often promised insults” in a reference to Boris February 26 edition of Sobh-e Jean-Yves Le Drian’s largely appar- to declare the Iran nuclear deal Johnson’s unsuccessful visit to Sadeq, the Islamic Revolutionary ently unsuccessful visit March 4 to null and void on his first day in Iran in December, aimed at free- Guard Corps’ weekly, condemned Tehran is the latest of those efforts. office but he has twice certified ing a British-Iranian dual national the “shameless behaviour of In the end, Tehran may come to that very deal and could do so from imprisonment in Iran. the European troika.” It said its bitterly regret its hesitation. again and again instead of termi- “What can we expect of the behaviour makes “the European Trump announced in January nating the agreement. Europeans under such circum- game indistinguishable from the he had “not yet withdrawn the The threat held out by Iranian stances,” Khorram asked, going on American.” United States from the Iran nucle- President Hassan Rohani, Zarif to conclude: “Trump is trying to Sobh-e Sadeq stressed the ar deal.” He said that would hap- and Araqchi of leaving the deal is persuade the Europeans to follow “strategic redlines of Iran.” These pen, however, unless “the deal’s just as unlikely. Their political ca- his path… and we have not taken include the non-negotiable nature EU countries are disastrous flaws” are fixed, which reers are based on the promise of a single positive step forward… of “Iran’s missile capability” and doing their utmost means it should allow for the fol- a negotiated solution to the crisis We… chased the Europeans into “its regional defence capabilities.” lowing: “Immediate inspections over Iran’s nuclear programme. Trump’s arms.” It would also not be willing to to come up with at all sites requested by interna- Even so, the Europeans take the Fararu also had international accept inspections of its military solutions that tional inspectors” and removal of possibility the deal might unravel affairs expert Ali Bigdeli com- sites. Sobh-e Sadeq urged the the “sunset” provisions on limits very seriously. EU countries are menting on German and French government to use Russia and would keep the to Iran’s nuclear programme and doing their utmost to come up attempts to keep the Iran nuclear China to counter the pressure Trump new restrictions on Iran’s long- with solutions that would keep deal alive. “The German foreign from Washington and the Euro- administration range missile programme. the Trump administration com- minister [Sigmar Gabriel] raised pean Union. Iranian Foreign Minister mitted to the deal without caus- the human rights issue. Next, Tehran may regret turning its committed to Mohammad Javad Zarif respond- ing an uproar in Iran. he raised the issue of Iranian back on the European Union’s the deal without ed on Twitter that the deal was Tehran, however, does not forces [in Syria, Iraq and the like] efforts and its dependence on not negotiable and that the US seem particularly helpful. Its returning to Iran and third [jointly Moscow and Beijing, which may causing an uproar president’s stance “amounts to former ambassador to the United raised by the French], is the issue abandon it in pursuit of their own in Iran. desperate attempts to undermine Nations, Ali Khorram, on Febru- of Iran’s missile tests.” interests. 16 March 11, 2018 News & Analysis The US and the Middle East US policy on the Middle East just got foggier

Thomas Seibert proved the sale of approximately $200 million worth of equipment to upgrade Doha’s air force. “This Washington proposed sale will contribute to the foreign policy and national sraeli Prime Minister Biny- security of the United States by amin Netanyahu’s visit to the helping to improve the security of White House deepened uncer- a friendly country that has been, tainty about the United States’ and continues to be, an important Middle East policy by demon- force for political stability and Istrating a growing gap between US economic progress in the Persian President Donald Trump’s official Gulf region,” the Defence Security pronouncements as a would-be Cooperation Agency, an arm of the peace broker and practical steps US Department of Defence, said in that run counter to the goal of a a statement. peace plan. Critics say there is a lack of stra- Trump met with Netanyahu just tegic planning by the White House, weeks after announcing he would partly due to the big turnover of move the US Embassy from Tel advisers in Trump’s team, which Aviv to Jerusalem on May 14, the makes long-term designs diffi- 70th anniversary of the founding cult. The resignation of Trump’s of Israel. While Trump’s decision chief economic adviser Gary Cohn to recognise Jerusalem as Israel’s was the latest in a series of high- capital fuelled Palestinian frus- level departures that have left the tration with Washington, the US Trump administration struggling president stated it had increased, to put together coherent policy not diminished, the prospects of a plans. Dina Powell, a deputy na- peace agreement. tional security adviser and a key “Nobody could get past, number figure in Middle East affairs, left one, Jerusalem,” Trump said at a the White House in January. news conference with Netanyahu “It is pretty clear that this admin- March 5. “We’ve taken it off the istration doesn’t know where it’s table. So this gives us a real op- going,” said Ori Nir, spokesman for portunity to peace. We’ll see how Americans for Peace Now, an ad- it works out. The Palestinians, I vocacy group in Washington cam- think, are wanting to come back to paigning for a peace settlement be- the table very badly.” tween Israel and the Palestinians. Trump did not explain why the Trump’s peace plan was unlikely Palestinians would agree to talks to include anything that would be when the United States had ful- workable for the Palestinians, Nir filled a major wish of the Israelis said, adding: “There seems to be — recognising Jerusalem as Israel’s nothing there.” capital — before negotiations even As in the Saudi-Qatar dispute, started. He also did not say wheth- the United States is not considered er he would travel to Israel for the an impartial broker in the conflict opening of the embassy in May. On shaky ground. US President Donald Trump (R) walks with Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin between Israel and Palestinians Trump was equally vague on his Netanyahu at the White House in Washington, on March 5. (AP) but as a power allied with one side administration’s promised Middle more than ever. While Trump has East peace plan. He said his team, supported Netanyahu, he has cut led by his son-in-law Jared Kush- for a robust stance against Tehran sidered it a “great honour” to host between Israel and Sunni powers aid for the Palestinians. Trump’s ner, was working on the plan that and used a speech at the American Netanyahu. In return, the Israeli in the Middle East but a crisis be- “hopes of being the neutral guy are offered a “very good chance” for Israel Public Affairs Committee prime minister likened Trump to tween Qatar and a Saudi-led bloc of long gone,” the New York Times peace. The president did not pro- (AIPAC) conference in Washington the Persian King Cyrus the Great, four countries is frustrating efforts said in an analysis of the Netan- vide details or say when the plan a day after his meeting with Trump who ended the Jews’ Babylonian to unite the Sunni camp. Two US yahu visit. would be published. to warn against what he described captivity in the sixth century BC. envoys were in Doha recently to Nir said the Trump administra- Netanyahu later said Trump had as a growing threat of Iranian ex- To confront Iran, the United help overcome the row but there tion’s public display of engage- not given him details about the pansionism in the Middle East. States wants to forge an alliance was no word on whether they ment for a Middle East peace deal plan and that the two spent 15 min- “Darkness is descending on our achieved anything. despite the lack of substance was utes of their 2-hour meeting on the region. Iran is building an aggres- The US initiative to mediate in telling. Washington wanted to give Israeli-Palestinian conflict before sive empire,” Netanyahu said. “I the dispute has been undermined the impression that the search for moving on to the Iran issue. have a message for you today. It’s As in the Saudi-Qatar by public statements from Trump, an agreement was ongoing when Israel wants Trump to take the a very simple one: We must stop dispute, the United who has taken the side of the Sau- in fact the administration had no United States out of the interna- Iran. We will stop Iran.” States is not dis and severely criticised Qatar. intention to start a serious initia- tional nuclear agreement with During the White House meet- considered an However, in a step that signalled tive. The aim was to “use the pro- Tehran. The president, who faces ing, Trump and Netanyahu praised Qatar, home to a huge US mili- cess to avoid peace or at least to a May deadline for a decision, has each other as dedicated allies. “The impartial broker in the tary base, is seen as an important avoid the level of complexity and said he wants to fix the accord or relationship has never been better,” conflict between Israel partner in Washington, the ad- delicateness that real peace-bro- let it collapse. Netanyahu pushed Trump said, adding that he con- and Palestinians. ministration announced it had ap- kering entails,” Nir said. Viewpoint US to protect Kurds in eastern Syria despite Turkish threats

he United States has boost in polls in Turkey for playing military commanders are taking Third, US military commanders called on Turkey to the nationalist card, his words and the opposite approach. Instead of do not see the YPG as a terror- use “restraint” in its those of his associates are doing indulging Turkey, they have firmly ist organisation but as an integral Gregory Aftandilian operations against nothing to lower the temperature opposed Ankara’s policies, for sev- component of the SDF that has is a lecturer in the Pardee School the Kurds in Afrin in between the two NATO allies. eral reasons. been instrumental in fighting ISIS. of Global Studies at north-western Syria During a recent meeting of de- First, US military commanders Although the United States has University and a former US State but has not come to fence ministers in Rome, Turkish like those who fight. In the anti-ISIS designated the PKK as a terrorist Department Middle East analyst. Ttheir aid. Washington seems to be officials accused the United States campaign, the Syrian Kurds have organisation, it has refused to pin pursuing a different policy, how- of keeping ISIS pockets in Syria in proven to be the most trustworthy that label on YPG, much to Ankara’s ever, towards the Kurds in Manbij place to prolong the war there, to and dedicated fighters and, through dismay. and further east, as they played an which an angry US Defence Secre- their sacrifices, have helped to rid Finally, there is a lingering mis- instrumental role in defeating the tary James Mattis responded that Syria of most ISIS positions. trust by the US military over Tur- Islamic State (ISIS). “we don’t bypass ISIS” and that US Funk said he remained confi- key’s role in the Syrian conflict. For Despite strong Turkish objections policy towards ISIS was “annihila- dent in the SDF leadership: “When several years, Turkey allowed jihad- and threats, US military command- tion.” nobody else could do it, they retook ists from Europe and elsewhere to ers in Syria are not lessening their The US-Turkish row has been Raqqa [from ISIS]. I think that has enter northern Syria through Turk- support for the Syrian Democratic deepened by the Trump adminis- earned them a seat at the table.” ish territory, which bolstered the Forces (SDF), which are made up of tration’s proposed budget for fiscal Second, the US military sees the position of ISIS. Jarrard indirectly Syrian Kurds and Arabs but are led year 2019, which calls for $300 mil- Turkish incursion into the Afrin referred to this terrorist pipeline by Kurds, most of whom are affili- lion to train and equip Syrian oppo- area as an unwelcome diversion when he recently stated that, before ated with the People’s Protection sition forces against ISIS and $250 from the fight against ISIS pockets the SDF arrived in Manbij, “this Units (YPG). million for a border security force. in Syria, as the YPG has had to send was a highway for Islamist terrorist In response to Turkish threats, The Turks see this force as enabling reinforcements from eastern Syria fighters into the physical caliphate US Army Lieutenant-General Paul the YPG, which Ankara considers to Afrin to aid their comrades under from all over the world.” Funk, the anti-ISIS coalition com- to be an appendage of the Turkish siege. Despite US diplomatic efforts to Despite US mander, told the New York Times: Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) The spokesman for the Manbij smooth over differences with Tur- diplomatic efforts “[If] you hit us, we will respond terrorist group, to further entrench military council (led by Syrian key, US military commanders are aggressively. We will defend our- itself in north-eastern Syria. Kurds) lamented to the New York taking the lead on the Turkish-Syri- to smooth over selves.” Because of longstanding NATO Times that the fight against ISIS an Kurdish dispute and US Presi- differences with Turkish President Recep Tayyip ties, the US military traditionally “has had to be minimised as we dent Donald Trump often defers to Erdogan answered Funk’s message has indulged Turkey. When the US reduce our power there to defend the military. Although it is unclear Turkey, US military with more threats: “To those who Congress has been critical of Turkey Afrin.” US Army Major-General if the Turks will make a move into commanders are say, ‘If they hit us, we will respond and threatened to stem assistance Jamie Jarrard, head of US special Manbij and areas further east, US taking the lead on with force,’ it is clear they have or block arms sales to Ankara, the operations in Syria and Iraq, said military commanders are standing never experienced the Ottoman Pentagon often weighed in on Tur- that anything that disrupts the firm and are signalling they will aid the Turkish-Syrian slap.” key’s side. focus against ISIS “takes our eye off their Kurdish allies in these regions Kurdish dispute. Although Erdogan is getting a This time, the Pentagon and US that prize” and is “not good.” if they come under attack. March 11, 2018 17 News & Analysis China and the Middle East

New routes. The Chinese Navy’s guided missile destroyer Chang Chun with the Byzantine-era monument of Hagia Sophia in the background is docked at Sarayburnu pier in Istanbul. (Reuters)

China muscles into a new Great Game in Red Sea

Ed Blanche 4,000km of coastline. Beijing also China’s military announced that turbulent Red Sea zone, suffering recently acquired the deepwater it “fully agrees” with the ruling setbacks from the Yemen war in- New Silk Road port of Hambantota in Sri Lanka un- party’s controversial measures that volving Saudi Arabia and the United Beirut der a 99-year, $1.1 billion lease. would allow Xi to remain president Arab Emirates, as well as US anti- should boost India, which has long dominated for life and will “resolutely support terror operations. China in Mideast hina is steadily encroach- the vital shipping lanes in the In- the constitutional amendment pro- Nearby Somalia, which has been ing into the Middle East dian Ocean, is engaged in a contest posal.” a violence-ridden basket case since Ed Blanche and Africa militarily and with China to acquire naval fa- The fallout from all this could the collapse of national govern- economically and Presi- cilities between the Bab el Mandeb heavily affect the Middle East just ment of dictator Siad Barre in 1991, Beirut dent Xi Jinping’s apparent Strait, which links the Red Sea with as China’s ambitious plan to build is being torn apart by a brutal, Cdrive to make himself president for the Indian Ocean, and the Strait of a multitracked modern Silk Road decades-long conflict between a hina will depend on Mid- life is a startling development that Malacca, the chokepoint between trade route to the rest of Asia, Eu- weak and corrupt Western-backed dle Eastern oil supplies could affect the troubled region as Malaysia and Indonesia that joins rope and the Middle East, moves government and the jihadists of al- to bolster its economic it struggles with a cauldron of con- the Indian Ocean with the South forward Shabab. build-up, so it’s not sur- flicts. China Sea. Gulf oil supplies are crucial for There’s little enough for China in prising that Beijing is Xi may step up China’s effort to As China steps up projecting its China, so it will not want to do an- Somalia but the bloodletting there Cbending over backward to keep all establish a bridgehead in the Middle power westward, including the re- ything that might jeopardise that increasingly threatens to stress that sides in the region happy, particu- East as the United States disengages cent visit by its submarines to Sri flow — pegged at 51% of China’s im- neighbouring Kenya and other East larly energy-rich Saudi Arabia and after a half-century of dominating Lankan ports, Middle Eastern coun- ports in 2014 by the US Energy In- African countries, such as gas-rich its arch-foe Iran. the region and Russia seeks to fill tries are growing alarmed about the formation Administration. Mozambique and Tanzania, are Both countries, but particularly the geopolitical vacuum. balance of power. However, China may find itself having to battle the jihadists. Iran, will play significant roles in the The Middle East, gripped by a “The Horn risks violent conflict drawn ever deeper into the region’s That gives China a potentially un- new Silk Road, a modern version of chain of interlocking wars and tee- in what has become a high-stakes conflicts, especially the Sunni-Shia settling opening to battle the jihad- the trading system that flourished tering on the cusp of additional con- chess game for both Middle East- rift between Riyadh and Tehran, ists on someone else’s turf. in the Middle Ages to link east and flicts, could well be affected by Chi- ern and African adversaries,” James both of which have a dialogue with If China has its way, these coun- west. na’s westward military expansion. M. Dorsey, a senior fellow at the Beijing. tries, long mismanaged and reli- Beijing’s $900 billion, multitrack “Globalisation has created a Chi- S. Rajaratnam School of Interna- Bear in mind that China was ant on economic handouts, would plan is intended to champion glo- nese monster,” the Washington- tional Studies, wrote in the South among the world powers with provide Indian Ocean ports for oil balisation, a system that once-reclu- based online journal Foreign Policy China Morning Post. which the United States shaped the exports and other minerals that Bei- sive China has embraced in recent warned. “It’s a game China inevitably will landmark 2015 nuclear agreement jing needs for its ever-burgeoning years as it emerged from behind The announcement on China’s have to play a hand in, despite the with Iran. economy across the Indian Ocean, the Bamboo Curtain to put it on the official news agency that the Com- risk of being sucked into the re- China has deployed troops to its where China is steadily expanding road to being a major trading power. munist Party’s Central Committee gion’s expanding battles.” first foreign military base on Dji- its military clout to control the busy Work has already begun on some recommended scrapping a two- The anxieties being expressed bouti, where its facilities are cheek shipping lanes. elements of the plan, unveiled in term limit on the presidency and the about China’s intentions follow by jowl with a strategic US facility China’s efforts to expand its mili- 2015. It is officially labelled the Belt prime ministry marked a sharp turn two years of intense propaganda by that coordinates much of the US war tary influence across the oil-rich and Road Initiative. for China because it had seemed to Beijing lauding Xi’s success in trans- against terrorism in the region. South China Sea and the Malacca It envisages that China, long a be opening to international interac- forming China into an economic On the face of it, China seeks not Strait suggest that it is prepared to global backwater with a population tion after decades of tight commu- giant. only to create new partnerships use its growing military muscle to of 1.38 billion locked away from the nist control. This has given added weight to in the Middle East and East Africa keep open such strategic channels rest of the world by a leadership that That means Xi would be able to concerns that Xi is seeking to aban- with trade, energy and infrastruc- in any future conflict with the Unit- feared contact with the liberal West run for a third 5-year term in 2022, don the collective leadership intro- ture deals, it is looking at the stormy ed States and India. would contaminate the world’s with the odds that he would win duced in the 1980s to avoid repeat- geopolitics of the region and the po- Hambantota “gives them not only most populous country, will build hands down. Most observers see ing the calamitous cult of Mao and litical perils they generate. a strategic access point into India’s new ties with the West. that as a throwback to the iron rule one-man rule. Xi made his first visit to the Mid- sphere of influence through which It will do this via high-speed rail of Chairman Mao Zedong and fear These anxieties have valid- dle East in January 2016. He was the China can deploy its naval forces but links from Beijing to Brussels, a net- that the gains China made since that ity. Observers say that Xi, 64, has first world leader to visit Tehran af- it also gives China an advantageous work of super-highways spanning time are in jeopardy. been chipping away at the Chinese ter the 2015 agreement was signed. position to export its goods into In- a score of countries and a maritime “A bombshell,” commented Su- constitution since he was elected During his regional swing, he articu- dia’s economic sphere,” Australian sector that would open the riches of san Shirk, a leading China specialist president in 2012 and has, in recent lated a new “Arab policy.” security analyst Malcolm Davis told Central Asia, long cut off from the in the United States. “I wasn’t an- years, overseen a draconian round- An intensified military-backed CNN. “So it’s achieved a number of West by Soviet paranoia and ready ticipating such an open declaration up of those who fear a takeover. push by Xi could unbalance the strategic aims in that regard.” to make itself part of a new and freer of the new regime… I thought that Meantime, like the Middle East, era. maybe he’d stop short of this…” the Indian Ocean region simmers. The energy-rich Arab world, lying The party sought to dismiss re- Political unrest is brewing in the between Europe and Asia, is expect- ports that Xi was effectively tak- Maldives, which, like Sri Lanka, has ed to play a major role in bringing ing power. The party-run tabloid, long been considered to be within East and West together. the Global Times, claimed in an India’s embrace. “For this purpose, China needs English-language editorial: “The There is political turbulence too to develop infrastructure such as change doesn’t mean that the Chi- in the Seychelles, Eritrea and Ethio- bridges, roads, railways and ports nese president will have a lifelong pia, which bodes ill for the Red Sea across Central Asia and the Middle tenure.” region, as the India-China confron- East to facilitate trade in both direc- Shirk, however, cautioned: “This tation gathers momentum. tions,” observed Cesar Castilla of was the one formal rule that could While on the face of it, Xi’s “Arab the independent Institute for Se- have blocked him from staying on policy” is designed to leverage Chi- curity and Development Policy in and being leader for life. So elimi- na’s trade, energy and infrastruc- Stockholm. nating it really brings the intention ture investment, some analysts say The Chinese initiative might help out in the open and I think it elimi- it will eventually drag China “into improve Iran’s fractious relations nates any ambiguity about what’s the geopolitics and cleavages of the with the West, particularly in Eu- going on here.” region.” rope, which is more inclined to do The move came as China inau- business with what many regard as gurated a military base on the tiny Ed Blanche is a regular a rogue state. Horn of Africa state of Djibouti, contributor to The Arab Weekly. “Iran, in particular, is a linchpin straddling the important shipping He has reported on the Middle of such plans,” Castilla stressed. lanes of the Gulf of Aden and some East since 1967. 18 March 11, 2018 Economy

Latest technologies discussed at Casablanca’s African Digital Summit

Saad Guerraoui an e-commerce website but there is always this frustration regarding e- customers who are still reluctant to Casablanca make online payments and would rather prefer to pay on delivery.” oice research, net neu- Moroccan telecom operator Inwi trality, digital adver- was the most successful company tising, the future of of the 2018 African Digital Sum- marketing studies and mit, sweeping four awards in three television in the digital different categories. Inwi won the Vera were among topics discussed at “Gold Award” for its platform “Inwi the fourth African Digital Summit e-League,” the first open competi- (ADS). tion for all gamers that helps struc- The 2-day meeting emphasised ture and develop the gaming sector that voice research and the use of in Morocco. voice as a human-machine inter- It won the first and second prize face were among the most impor- in the category of “Best Integrated tant inventions for the future of the Digital Campaign” and the “Silver search engine optimisation. Award” for its “Inwi Days” cam- Amine Bentahar, chief operat- paign, in recognition for its com- ing officer and digital officer of- Ad mitment to supporting entrepre- vantix Digital, said in a speech that neurs and project leaders in all “this is a channel that is growing in regions across Morocco. the United States, Europe and Asia, Coach’in app, which allows peo- dominated by the four big play- ple to get together for group sports, ers — Alexa (Amazon), Siri (Apple), won the Bronze Award for “Best Google Home (Google) and Cortana Mobile Application of the Year.” (Microsoft).” The African Digital Summit is the During his talk on “Tech: Joint largest annual gathering in Africa Venture for Big Companies and devoted to digital technology for Start-ups,” Mamadou Doumbia, advertisers, merchants, industry a serial entrepreneur from Cote Hot topics. Laura Sophie Dornheim, head of communications eyeo in Germany, speaks at the fourth professionals, publishers, media d’Ivoire, stressed the links between African Digital Summit (ADS) in Casablanca. (Saad Guerraoui) and advertising agencies. big and small firms in the digital More than 1,700 participants — a age. record high — and dozens of digital “The idea today is to get big how users will perceive your adver- tising represented 8% of advertis- experts took part in the meeting, groups to look at small businesses, tising,” Dornheim said, adding that ers’ marketing budgets. which had 500 people in attend- especially start-ups. Despite stiff More than 11% of internet users are blocking Digital marketing attracts a very ance in 2017. competition in the markets, large ads. small share of communication Mounir Jazouli, president of GAM companies can partner with small “Ad blocking helps you to protect budgets even though 76% of Moroc- and ADS founder, said 18 African businesses to find solutions to- 1,700 you from all these ads to let you can companies devoted their finan- countries were among the 30 over- gether for the benefit of consumers, browse the internet in peace again,” cial resources to it, the study said. all participating in the event. through partnerships,” said Doum- participants — a record she said. “Publishers are getting In 2017, approximately $326,000 “This is a good evolution for us bia. high — and dozens of less money from ads. So they’re was allocated to digital marketing and we’re proud, even if our goal “We really need to go beyond trying to think of how they can — 8% of budgets allocated to the is to very soon cover all the African incubators and accelerators and digital experts took part make more ads to make more users communication of brands, which countries. Our ambition is to be the combine synergies to set up a new in the meeting. click. Of course, at some point, a lot was no more than in 2016. number one annual meeting for company in which the large com- of users say enough is enough and Imane Lmrabet, director-general digital actors in Africa,” said Jazouli pany could provide the necessary inundated the internet in the last use Adblocker, which means rev- of Data Attitude, said her company during a news conference. He said means and the start-up would bring decade. She exposed the worst on- enues will go down for publishers,” eyed all management, communica- the summit’s goal was to be Africa’s its agility.” line advertising inventions such as she added. tion, marketing and purchases. reference for digital technologies. Laura Sophie Dornheim, head of pop-ups, clickbait and scam adver- The 2018 “Digital Trends Mo- “We do digital campaigns for the communications eyeo in Germany, tisements. rocco” study, by the Moroccan As- advertisers and e-newsletters for Saad Guerraoui is a contributor addressed the ecosystem dilemma “Do not think about key perfor- sociation of Advertisers (GAM) and niche markets,” said Lmrabet. “We to The Arab Weekly on Maghreb of online advertising, which has mance indicators but think about Ipsos, revealed that digital adver- are also in the process of launching issues. Algeria resorts to ‘easy money’ to avoid IMF’s conditional reforms

Lamine Ghanmi such as low-interest rates, were inefficient to ignite growth during the global crisis of 2007-08. Tunis The “easy money” policy, also called quantitative easing, would he Algerian central bank require the central bank to buy as- is flooding the country sets, including government debt with “easy money” to fi- with a long maturity term. nance budget deficits and The Algerian Finance Ministry avoid borrowing from said in January that the govern- Tthe International Monetary Fund ment needed $5 billion to cover the (IMF), which would demand eco- deficit of 2017 and $151 billion to fi- nomic reforms. nance the expected budget gap this The Bank of Algeria pumped out year. The ministry said $5 billion $191 billion to plug budget gaps for would be needed for the expected 2017 and 2018, the country’s official budget deficit of 2019. gazette reported. The government Algeria had usually financed its said it resorted to printing money deficits from earnings from oil and to skip tough choices linked to bor- gas exports but the decline of oil rowing from the IMF and to avoid prices in 2014 caused financial dif- increasing taxes. ficulties for Algeria that worsened Loans from the IMF are usually this year. pegged to reforms that often in- “Without unconventional financ- clude cutting subsidies and shut- ing, Algeria will have to borrow $20 ting down money-losing enterpris- billion from the IMF annually for es. Such measures can inflate living five years,” Algerian Prime Minister costs and increase the country’s Ahmed Ouyahia said in January. Tough options. A man counts Algerian dinar banknotes in Algiers. (Reuters) unemployment rate, which is 11% “Easy money” is referred to in — about 2 million people. Algeria as “unconventional financ- Algeria experienced reforms un- ing.” money that was hoarded outside of Lyon, said: “The Algerian state would have financed the develop- der an IMF deal in 1994 that led to “With such financing, we will the banks. has no coherent economic strategy ment of economic enterprises to the closure of more than 1,000 state avoid introducing taxes increases The Central Bank urged in a no- and doctrine.” create a national offer of goods and small and medium enterprises with in the 2018 budget,” he added. tice to the banks in February to “Algeria had gained around services,” he said approximately 300,000 workers Algerian economists said, while show more flexibility to encour- $1 trillion between 2002 and 2014. “My estimate is that [$500 bil- made redundant. unconventional financing would age Algerians to deposit money in Such a huge amount of money lion] went to foreign firms that had The government said Algeria bolster economic growth, it risks them. The central bank said an esti- built highways, tramways, dams needed to avoid such drastic chang- fanning inflation. Economists mated $40 billion were outside the and houses. es to retain social stability before critical of the government policy banking system. The government needs “I also estimate that $300 bil- presidential elections in April 2019. said the move showed the country If that money were in the banks, $5 billion to cover the lion was squandered on imported The “easy money” policy by the lacked a strategy to develop the the government would borrow it to deficit of 2017 and consumer goods in the period of 12 Algerian central bank is similar to economy, including reform of the finance deficits and development years. The rest of the money was policies used by the US Federal Re- banking system. programmes, economists said. $151 billion to finance wasted because of corruption and serve and central banks in Japan They said an efficient banking Algerian economist Lahouari the expected budget other waste like over-pricing of im- and Europe when financial tools, system would have drawn the huge Addi, who teaches at the University gap this year. port bills.” March 11, 2018 19 Economy

Adapting to water shortages, Egypt reduces rice cultivation Briefs

Hassan Abdel Zaher No talks yet Cairo about extending gypt is reducing cultiva- tion of water-consuming OPEC output crops, including rice, rais- ing concern about a dete- cuts into 2019 rioration of the quality of Ethe country’s most fertile farmland OPEC officials have not discussed and fears of increasing food prices extending production cuts into next and shortages. year, the group’s president said, “By suspending the growing of adding that shrinking global crude some crops, we are risking the loss supply inventories remain its focus. of massive farmland,” warned Na- Suhail Mohamed al-Mazroui, UAE der Noureddine, a professor of agri- oil minister and OPEC’s current culture and irrigation at Cairo Uni- president, speaking in an interview versity. “This will affect the salinity ahead of the CERAWeek energy of the soil in some farmland, which conference in Houston, said: “We will be devastating to the agricul- feel there is still market overhang.” ture sector.” He added that there were “no talks An average of 1,400 litres of wa- about (extending cuts into 2019) at ter are used in the production of this stage.” every kilogram of rice. Egypt used to cultivate 445,000 hectares of (Reuters) farmland with rice, producing 4.4 million tonnes yearly. This sat- isfies local demand (3.8 million Egypt’s inflation tonnes) and leaves the rest for ex- port. Cairo imposed an intermittent declines to 14.4% rice export ban since 2008 to pre- serve stocks for domestic markets. Limited resources. Farmers transplant rice seedlings in a paddy field in Qalyub in Egypt’s El-Kalubia ahead of election Egypt’s rice cultivation required governorate. (Reuters) about 1.8 billion metres of water in The Central Bank of Egypt said evaporation, transpiration and irri- inflation dropped to 14.4% in gation every year. Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam that need huge amounts of water,” treatment plants. February from 17% the month be- This year, however, agricultural project. When the hydro-electric Khalid said. “Growing crops like rice The government of President fore, continuing a decline since in- authorities specified 284,100 acres dam goes online, it is expected to and exporting it is akin to exporting Abdel Fattah al-Sisi has a plan to flation peaked last summer. of farmland for rice cultivation. significantly reduce the amount water, which should not be allowed establish 100,000 greenhouses to Inflation surged beginning in The government threatened to fine of water available to Egypt via the for a country like Egypt.” produce major vegetables and fruit 2016 after President Abdel Fattah farmers who grow rice in areas not Nile, Egypt’s main source of water. Egypt suffers an annual deficit of yields utilising comparably small al-Sisi’s government slashed sub- specified for crop cultivation and Egyptian media reported that more than 566 million cubic metres amounts of water. sidies and floated the currency, Egypt’s Supply Ministry has kept in the expected plan would have of water. The filling of the Ethiopian Agriculture consumes more than austerity measures needed to se- place a rice export ban for the com- seen Egypt accept a deduction of Renaissance dam will create greater 80% of Egypt’s water resources and cure a $12 billion loan from the ing harvest. 425 million cubic metres of water water shortages. experts said the country must insti- International Monetary Fund. Those The Ministry of Irrigation said out of its annual share of 1.56 bil- tute strict measures to cope with in- actions caused the prices of basic the drop in rice cultivation space is lion cubic metres over three years creasingly severe water shortages. goods to spike and took a heavy toll necessary if Egypt is to ensure that the Renaissance dam reservoir was Egypt’s rice “We have to economise on our on poor and middle-class Egyptians. it has sufficient water to cultivate to be filled. cultivation required water consumption or we will not The latest figures indicate core other groups and for domestic use. To make up for the loss of agricul- about 1.8 billion be able to produce food for this inflation, which excludes more vola- “We cannot do anything else in tural produce during those years, metres of water in growing population,” said Gamal tile commodities such as food and the light of the limited amounts of Egypt would see increased imports Seyam, a professor of agricultural energy, of 11.9% , down from 14.45% water we have,” Abdelatif Khalid, offset by Ethiopia. evaporation, economics at Cairo University. in January. head of the Irrigation Department at While it is unclear if this deal is transpiration and Egypt’s population, now 96 mil- the Ministry of Irrigation and Water viable following the unexpected irrigation every year. lion, is expected to grow by about (The Associated Press) Resources, said. “We have to grow resignation of Ethiopian Prime Min- 55 million by 2050. less rice to save the water for other ister Hailemariam Desalegn, im- “Suspending the cultivation of uses.” porting certain crops could be less Suspending the cultivation of wa- rice will destroy large swaths of Turkey could The plan to grow less rice — costly for Egypt than growing them, ter-consuming crops is only one of farmland in the Nile Delta, the most among other measures — comes particularly water-consuming pro- a series of measures Egypt is taking. fertile in this country,” Noureddine retaliate against amid reports of a potential deal be- duce, at home. Cairo is spending billions of dollars said. “Increased salinity will mean tween Cairo, Khartoum and Addis “Egypt is water-poor already on building seawater desalination that the farmland will be destroyed US tariffs with Ababa to end a deadlock over the and it cannot keep growing crops projects and establishing sewage forever and in an irreversible way.” duties on cotton

Turkey could retaliate against po- ARC development aims to boost Aqaba’s touristic appeal tential US steel tariffs by hiking du- ties on imports of American cotton. Roufan Nahhas Zarqa governorate, where unem- US President Donald Trump has ployment was 11.4%. said he would impose broad tariffs “Through various investments, on imports of steel and aluminium Aqaba ASEZA aims to create job opportu- to protect American national secu- nities, which is considered a huge rity, sparking concern from US trade ordan’s Red Sea port city of challenge and we hope that we will partners and causing turmoil in Aqaba is looking to boost be able to create 10,000 jobs by 2020 global stock markets. tourism by transforming the and 20,000 by 2025,” Faraya said. “Starting with Turkey, countries city and overcoming chal- In 2017, Aqaba experienced an affected by the US tax imposition lenges posed by regional con- increase of 27.1% in the number are preparing to answer the United Jflicts. of travellers and the number of States in alternative goods, such The Aqaba Recreation Centre international flights grew 12.6%, as Turkey in cotton,” Cemil Ertem, (ARC), a 13,000-sq.-metre enter- with four new routes connecting an Erdogan adviser, wrote in the tainment centre that, when com- Europe to Aqaba’s King Hussein Milliyet newspaper. pleted, will provide a variety of International Airport. Budget car- entertainment facilities lacking in rier Ryanair’s entry into the Jorda- (Reuters) Aqaba is seen as a strong step to- nian market is expected to boost the wards targeted tourism. numbers. The multimillion-dollar ARC pro- “There is definitely a need for Lebanese ject will provide the city of more change in Aqaba’s approach towards than 188,000 people and a 27km a better tourism. Every summer we dollar reserves shoreline a “high-level tourism en- go there and we do the same things recover from last vironment with an excellent service all over again because not much to locals and tourists from eve- Expanding sector. A view of the Movenpick complex in the Red has changed. That is why I think year’s crisis rywhere,” Khalil Faraya, commu- Sea port City of Aqaba. (Provided by Roufan Nahhas) this project will bring the aspired nications officer at Aqaba Special change. The project might take The Lebanese central bank’s dol- Economic Zone Authority (ASEZA), “Tourists will be able to enjoy a project will be a great addition in some time to materialise but at the lar reserves climbed by $1.4 billion said. virtual tour of Aqaba and its sites the life of many people who enjoy end it will offer more variety and in the first two months of the year “The strategically located pro- using the latest technology that visiting the city,” Abu Ezz said. badly needed entertainment,” said and its total assets in dollars exceed- ject in the centre of the city and its generate realistic sensations as if “We also expect that the project Amman resident Khaled Tabaza, 34. ed $43 billion, recovering from a de- closeness to the hotels make it a you were there, just by wearing spe- will create many job opportuni- “As visitors, whether local or for- cline during a political crisis at the perfect addition to Aqaba’s tourism cial headsets.” ties and will increase the number eign, we are seeking more options end of last year, its governor said. efforts and will provide various en- Aqaba resident Ahmed Abu Ezz, of tourists coming here as we re- to extend our stay in Aqaba. I be- Central Bank Governor Riad Sala- tertainment options.” 25, a shop salesman, said the ARC ally had bad seasons in the past few lieve this can be achieved through meh said political conditions in “The ARC project will offer what Project will be an excellent attrac- years due to conflicts around us.” the offer of more and better enter- Lebanon had “returned to normal” we believe is lacking in the city, tion for both locals and tourists. Jordan’s Department of Statistics tainment,” he added. following the crisis in November, such as movie theatres, five-star “Imagine a touristic city without said the unemployment rate in the In addition to the ARC, Aqaba is when Prime Minister Saad Hariri an- restaurants, children’s entertain- a movie theatre or a closed enter- country was 18.5% in the third quar- planning a marine life station, birds nounced his resignation, which he ment facilities, museums, branded tainment facility because in sum- ter of 2017. It stood at 15.4% among garden, Olympic village and medi- later withdrew, in a broadcast from coffee houses and a global amuse- mer it gets really hot here and we males and 30% among females in cal centre. Saudi Arabia. ment appeal in addition to using need covered air-conditioned plac- that same period. Aqaba registered technology such as virtual reality,” es. Aqaba is also famous for its div- the highest rate of unemployment, Roufan Nahhas is a journalist based (Reuters) Faraya added. ing sports and shopping. This new at 19.8%. The lowest rate was in in Jordan. 20 March 11, 2018 Society


Nadine Sayegh is a freelance journalist based in Dubai and Beirut, focusing on society, culture and regional politics. Child protection is crucial in times of crisis

ssues of child protection are children at great risk. important in any context. A greater concern, an independ- However, there are extreme ent child development and parent- variations between contexts ing specialist based in Amman said, in the West and in the Arab is that many children are unable to world. recognise what violence is. Due to Faced with inflation, tax generally higher levels of violence Ihikes and a refugee influx, the at schools and in homes, children social dynamics of countries such allow unsafe situations to continue as Jordan and Lebanon, among because they are unaware that others, have changed, particularly what is happening is wrong. in low-income households. How do changing circumstances put children in increased danger? Children must In Jordan, information avail- able on child protection is difficult feel they are to access, to say the least. Due to surrounded by The more the merrier. Fadi Kidess (R) and and his brother George at a concert in Amman. (Roufan Nahhas) cultural reservations on the topic caring and as well as a shortage of effective protective mechanisms through supportive which information can be accessed, adults who the resources are slim. will listen 14-year-old Jordanian For example, in 2015, one source placed the number of child abuse should they crimes at around 600. However, report abuse. within the report is the statement: violinist with a big heart “The public security directorate’s family protection unit said in its annual report that the number was That encourages violence among inaccurate, due to many attacks not or directed towards children. An being reported.” example of this, said a research par- makes a difference Physical abuse has manifested ticipant working at Oxfam Jordan in one of the multiple forms due as well as the Jordan River Founda- Roufan Nahhas daily meals to the poor,” Fadi said. musician with a big heart.” to declining geopolitical contexts, tion, is encouraging young boys to “This year, we will volunteer “He has the right talent and has notably in child labour. In 2016, the use violence. Rather than reporting and play music for patients of King always been an ‘A’ student at our International Labour Organisation incidents of bullying, which is of- Amman Hussein Cancer Centre for a whole conservatory. His initiative shows reported that, in Jordan, “the num- ten viewed as cowardice, boys are month and will visit the elderly how big heart he has despite his ber of child labourers has roughly encouraged to use violence against he simplest acts of homes on Mother’s Day (March 21) young age. At the NMC we strong- doubled to more than 69,000 since those attempting to intimidate kindness are by far to play a couple of pieces.” ly support his initiative for free,” 2007, with around 44,000 engaged them. more powerful than Fadi said he misses George, who Rizqallah said. in hazardous work.” Key concepts that must be re- “ a thousand heads is studying in the United States. “Mohammed Othman, our direc- As part of research on issues layed to children in the region, par- bowing in prayer.” “We stay in touch on daily ba- tor, has been with Fadi for a long of child protection in Jordan, a ticularly due to changing contexts The sayingT by Mahatma Gandhi has sis and continue to discuss how to time as his teacher and mentor. He number of findings have been and detrimental cultural teachings, inspired two Jordanian brothers make better music and expand. We gave him a lot of support and even made. With a combination of rising should be done by skilled child pro- to bring hope to underprivileged have so many ideas to share,” he stood beside him in several con- taxes and a heavy refugee influx, tection officers, teachers, parents children through music and spread said. certs playing together. We hope to low-income households have seen and other relevant stakeholders. awareness about the role of music Composing original music is an- see more students doing the same a rise in the number of individuals Children must feel they are sur- in the community. other talent that Fadi developed thing under the name of charity.” sharing a home. rounded by caring and supportive “Music for Charity” is the idea of through his passion and practice. For example, large number fami- adults who will listen should they 14-year-old violinist, composer and “I have composed three pieces lies will share a room and often the report abuse. They must learn pianist Fadi Kidess and his brother and one song. ‘Oh Brother’ is dedi- parents will have intimate relations that it is their right to say “no” to George, 18, who saw an opportu- cated to my brother George who in the same room where their child something that instinctively makes nity to help others by sharing their has been my role model and guide. Three concerts have is sleeping. This is problematic as them feel at risk. These are a few in music. The song can relate to anyone who been organised the child does not learn nor under- many strides that must be taken to “I have this strong passion loves his brother and had to be under the Music for stand that this is a private engage- protect the children of this region. for music and at the same time separated from him,” he said. Charity initiative ment and the act is normalised. Finally, to better inform interna- bringing joy to others,” Fadi said. Challenges are part of doing This makes the child think that this tional agencies working to improve “In 2013, I saw, with my brother good things. For Fadi, the main with more planned action is “safe” and lowers their living conditions of vulnerable chil- George, that we need to play and one is to keep this initiative alive. this year. defences against sexual predators. dren, access to accurate informa- share the good vibes of music with “That requires the involvement This is but one of several tion is imperative. Only then will others. We thought that is better of other parties. As they say, the phenomena occurring due to the we be able to provide than organising musical events and more the merrier and I like to see changing social dynamics and the safety and security a child allocating their proceeds to helping the society involved in such events Fadi’s father, Ghassan, who compounded with existing cultural needs to flourish in a difficult underprivileged children.” because there are many people played a key role in developing his tradition of child-rearing that put environment. “It was a simple decision but re- who need help,” he said. son’s talents, said Fadi’s passion alising it was not easy. However, Fadi’s friends and colleagues for music and the compassion of to our surprise, we received all the support him in organising con- the two brothers made it happen. support we needed and this en- certs, which, he said “is part of “The making of a musician these couraged us to plan bigger events,” sharing responsibility towards our days requires a lot of commitment added Fadi, who said he started to society and mainly underprivi- and dedication. A huge challenge play violin at the age of 4. leged children.” for the kids is to leave smartphone Three concerts have been or- Rana Rizqallah, the adminis- apps and PlayStation and dedi- ganised under the Music for trative manager at the National cate time to music. If it wasn’t for Charity initiative with Music Conservatory (NMC), passion, it would have never hap- more planned this year. described Fadi as “a brilliant pened,” Ghassan Kidess said. “Proceeds from the “Parents must support their chil- first concert went to dren as much as they can. I hope the Islamic Centre and there are more opportunities for the Jesus Heart Soci- the kids in Jordan such as music ety. The second con- competitions, etc. Unfortunately, cert’s proceeds went to we don’t have a philharmonic or- the Domestic Violence De- chestra and this was a big disap- partment at the Social Develop- pointment for Fadi. It’s all about ment Ministry and the third to support for music and musicians.” Al Rahmah Restaurant, Behind his big glasses, Fadi’s which pro- eyes shine when he speaks about vides his father who shouldered him all the way and taught him that the secret to feeling good is giving. “I owe everything to my fa- ther who stood beside me even when I felt frustrated for not do- ing enough or not having enough courage to go on and play. His ad- vice and logic made me continue working for this initiative because Unique talent. Fadi Kidess plays the violin at a concert organised I believe that music is good for the Needing protection. Two children play with a bicycle at the Azraq by Music for Charity in Amman. (Roufan Nahhas) soul and the body too,” he said. camp for Syrian refugees in Jordan. (AP) March 11, 2018 21 Society Religion in Egypt Church licensing still a prickly issue in Egypt

Ibrahim Ouf patriots who can easily construct new mosques or restore old ones.” One of the problems facing the Cairo licensing process is that the com- mittee formed by the prime minis- gyptian Prime Minister ter to investigate licensing requests Sherif Ismail’s decision to includes several government agen- legalise 53 churches did cies, which creates another bu- little to impress Egypt’s reaucratic quagmire. Christian minority. Labib called for reducing the EOne of the reasons is that they number of committee members. are just a fraction of the unlicensed The committee should be limited churches in Egypt and do not have to the prime minister, the housing state security presence because minister, the minister of local de- they are not officially recognised. velopment and a representative of At a time when Islamist militants the church submitting the licensing have been attacking Egypt’s Chris- request, he said. tian minority, this is a major source The difficulties Christians face of concern. in securing government approval “The Christians are afraid to for the restoration of old churches pray at hundreds of churches, even or licensing for the construction of though they do not have any alter- new ones does not reflect the deep natives, because they know that ties between Christians and Egyp- the prayers will incite the radicals tian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi. and cause bloodshed,” said Hani Sisi takes personal responsibility Sabri Labib, a Christian lawyer for the protection of the Christians, campaigning for church licensing. lobbies for equal citizenship rights “There is total frustration among for both Muslims and Christians Christians because of the failure and tries to eradicate decades-old of the government to legalise the stigmas related to the rights of churches.” Christians. Church construction and licens- He is the first Egyptian president ing have been major issues for to attend Christmas celebrations at Egypt’s Christian community in re- the Coptic Orthodox Church. This cent decades. year, he attended the celebration Although the population of the Hopes and concerns. Worshippers pray during a service at St Cyril Greek Catholic Church in Cairo. at a church whose construction he Christian minority is estimated at (AP) ordered in the new administrative 9 million, almost 10% of Egypt’s capital being built on the outskirts population, there are only 6,000 In August 2016, the Egyptian move, describing it as “one good of the other churches to meet the of Cairo. churches in the country. Many parliament approved a church con- step” towards ending church li- growing needs of the Christians for Ibrahim said, however, the dif- Christians must travel long dis- struction and restoration law. The censing as a problem. houses of worship,” said the Rever- ficulties the Christians face in li- tances to reach a church. law made it necessary for churches “We have hopes that the govern- end Polis Halim, spokesman of the censing church construction and About 150 villages in south- built without licensing to be li- ment will speed up the licensing church. restoration do not reflect a lack of ern Egypt do not have access to a censed. The prime minister formed Despite the church’s official wel- political support for Christians but church at all and most of Egypt’s a committee to consider requests come of the government decision, demonstrate the need for wide- churches are concentrated in for church licensing. many Christians expressed disap- spread cultural change in Egypt. Cairo, Giza province and The Coptic Orthodox Church, the pointment that only 53 churches “It is low-ranking government Alexandria. Roman Catholic Church and the Many churches in were licensed and called on the li- employees who hinder the paper- Many churches in Egypt need im- Anglican Church requested licens- censing committee to do more. work at the end of the day, even mediate restoration but Christians ing for 3,615 churches built without Egypt need immediate “Some Christians are deprived as the president stands up for the say they are unable to begin resto- prior licensing. Last month, the restoration but of the right to pray, simply because Christians,” Ibrahim said. “This is ration work because of complicat- committee approved the licensing Christians say they they do not have access to church,” why a cultural change is needed for ed bureaucratic processes. Church of just 53 churches, even though are unable to begin said Ishak Ibrahim, a researcher at everyone to realise that the Chris- construction is similarly curtailed, other churches on the list met li- restoration work NGO Egyptian Initiative for Person- tians have a right to pray to God, meaning that most churches built censing requirements. al Rights. “This is a problem that t o o .” in recent years have technically The Coptic Orthodox Church, because of complicated needs to be solved if the govern- been constructed illegally and re- which is followed by most of the bureaucratic ment is really keen on equating the Ibrahim Ouf is an Egyptian quire licensing. Christians in Egypt, welcomed the processes. Christians with their Muslim com- journalist in Cairo. Fearful for their future, Egypt’s Sufis back Sisi’s re-election bid

Amr Emam tical Sufis a bunch of heretics who deserve to be killed, at worst; mar- ginalised, at best,” said Sameh Cairo Eid, a researcher in Islamist move- ments. “This is why the Sufis al- ufis organised a public ways have a strong aversion to rally in the southern city the Brotherhood and the Salafist of Luxor to declare their jihadist.” support for the re-elec- When the 2011 uprising erupted, tion of Egyptian President causing an unprecedented secu- SAbdel Fattah al-Sisi as part of their rity vacuum, hundreds of Sufi nationwide mobilisation to get out mosques were destroyed by radi- the vote for the March 26-28 polls. cals. “We have a plan to organise dif- Muslim Brotherhood follow- ferent events to back the presi- ers and Salafist jihadists targeted dent,” said Abdel Hadi al-Qasabi, mausoleums and graves of cel- leader of the Supreme Council for ebrated Sufis, considering their Sufi Orders, the government body presence to be heresy. Sufis often responsible for regulating Sufi or- construct elaborate burial sites ders in Egypt. “Sisi is a man who and shrines for revered imams and has a wonderful track record in the sheikhs. presidency.” “The presence of a burial cham- With more than 15 million ad- ber inside Sufi mosques, radicals herents, Egypt’s more than 75 Sufi believe, contravenes the notion of orders have strongly backed Sisi the oneness of God,” Eid said. since he became president in June During the 1-year rule of Mus- 2014. lim Brotherhood President Mu- A second presidential term hammad Morsi, Egypt’s Sufis saw would give Sisi time to try to eradi- their religious practices banned Hoping for a brighter future. Egyptian Sufi Muslims participate in a ritualised “zikr” (religious cate terrorism, a major concern for and their religious freedoms cur- invocation) in old Cairo, last March. (Reuters) Egypt’s Sufis after an Islamic State tailed. That is why when the ar- (ISIS) attack on the Sufi’s al-Rawda my-backed uprising against Morsi “We will have other conferences jihadism and a former member of Qasabi said, would put up pro-Sisi mosque in the Sinai Peninsula re- erupted in 2013, the Sufis were at in other cities to rally support for Egyptian Islamic Jihad. “They are election banners and distribute sulted in the death of more than the forefront calling for the down- the president, the best one to lead also always ready to offer support literature listing the incumbent 300 people. fall of the Islamist president. Egypt at this stage,” Qasabi said. to the regime in return for protec- president’s achievements. Egypt’s Sufis have witnessed Before the uprising, the Sufis Egypt’s Sufis have rarely backed tion,” he said. “Sisi is the most suitable to lead something of a renaissance dur- founded their own political par- an anti-establishment candidate, Apart from the public rallies, the Egypt in the coming four years, ing Sisi’s presidency, particularly ties and ended their traditional supporting Gamal Abdel Nasser, Supreme Council for Sufi Orders, given the enormity of the chal- following the outlawing of the non-political stance. The Egyptian Anwar Sadat and . lenges facing this country,” Qasabi Muslim Brotherhood, which has Liberation Party, for example, bills “The Sufis do not have any po- A second presidential said. “He succeeded in holding an ambivalent attitude towards itself explicitly as a Sufi party. litical ambitions. They do not call term would give Sisi Egypt together and wants it to be a Sufism. However, terror attacks There are several Sufi members for the application of Islamic law time to try to eradicate strong state, which is why we back targeting Sufis increased fears of of parliament, including Qasabi, like the Brotherhood does and him.” Salafist jihadist groups as well as who has been campaigning for none of them has been implicated terrorism, a major the Muslim Brotherhood. greater protection for Egypt’s in terrorist activities,” said Ka- concern for Egypt’s Amr Emam is a Cairo-based “Both groups consider the mys- Sufis. mal Habib, an expert on Islamist Sufis. contributor to The Arab Weekly. 22 March 11, 2018 Culture

Turkish soap operas a casualty of regional politics

The Arab Weekly staff


t appears that the Gulf Coop- eration Council’s love affair with Turkish soap operas has come to a screeching halt, a casualty of frosty relations Iwith Ankara. Saudi-owned MBC broadcaster Substitute pulled Turkish-produced serial programming. melodramas off the air in what the A general view network described as a drive to of the MBC produce and nurture indigenous building at content. Media City “We will try to replace Turkish in Dubai, on soaps with premium-quality Ara- March 5. (AP) bic dramas that embody the values and traditions of the region,” MBC spokesman Mazen Hayek told Agence France-Presse. He said production of Arabic drama costs $40,000-$100,000 an hour compared to $250,000 an hour for the Turkish equivalent. Turkish soap operas were being shown for six hours a day on MBC. Turkish soap operas dubbed in the Arabic language have been a phenomenon across the Middle East, leading to a spike in Turk- ish tourism and bringing in rat- ing numbers very few Hollywood independent streaming services ter’s husband,” Saudi Twitter user show host Amr Adib, known for their countries’ internal affairs and counterparts achieved. Turkish TV such as Netflix, which has many @boazoooz55 said. his anti-Muslim Brotherhood support for radical groups, such as series exports jumped from $1 mil- Turkish soap operas in its reper- Despite originating from a coun- views, lauded the move by MBC Hamas, the Taliban and the Mus- lion in 2007 to $130 million in 2012, toire. try whose government is aligned and said he hoped Egypt would lim Brotherhood. the BBC reported. Regional viewers both praised with the Muslim Brotherhood, follow suit. “Airing such series via In an interview with Egyptian MBC was a catalyst for the and blasted the cancellation of the series’ programming often Arab TVs promotes Turkey and media, Saudi Crown Prince Mo- broadcasting of Turkish soap ope- the Turkish-produced television featured female-driven plots that pumps money into its interests,” hammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz ras in the Middle East. It was not series. The hashtag “cancellation included adulterous affairs and he said. said Turkey, Iran and radical Is- known whether another regional of Turkish series” trended across alcohol consumption. The pro- Saudi Arabia and its allies, in- lamic groups formed a “triangle of broadcaster would try to take its the Middle East and North Africa, grammes’ popularity gave Ankara cluding the United Arab Emirates evil” and that Ankara was trying place. with more than 27,000 mentions both soft power and capital. and Egypt, do not agree with Tur- to re-establish a system of gov- The Turkish-friendly, Qatari- in Saudi Arabia alone on March 6. In Egypt, where relations with key on many issues, especially its ernment built on the Islamic ca- owned Al Jazeera network, which Many Saudi viewers called the Ankara are also strained, TV talk support for the Muslim Brother- liphate, which collapsed with the is banned in most Gulf Coopera- ban long overdue. Others said the hood movement, which is out- fall of the Ottoman Empire nearly tion Council countries, is unlikely content was inappropriate for local lawed in all three countries. a century ago. to reach the same demographics, consumption. They also oppose the Turkish News of the Turkish series’ can- making any deal with Turkish pro- “Turkish series are completely MBC was a catalyst to government’s backing of Qatar, cellation was not received well in ducers cosmetic. lacking in modesty; a son betrays the broadcasting of which the Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Ankara. Turkish Culture Minister The only option for Turkish net- his father with his [father’s] wife, a Turkish soap operas in Bahrain and Egypt severed ties Numan Kurtulmus said “neces- works to reach such a high volume girl becomes pregnant before mar- with last June over what they de- sary initiatives” would be taken by of viewers is to put content on riage, a mother with her daugh- the Middle East. scribed as Doha’s interference in the Foreign Ministry. Exhibited legacy of Lebanese cartoonist rings true today

Samar Kadi cature from October 2000 about Jerusalem and the injustices suf- fered by the Palestinians couldn’t Beirut be timelier. A drawing about the 1973 Arab-Israeli war showed US isitors to Beirut’s Sur- President Richard Nixon and So- sock Museum were viet leader Alexei Kosygin weep- thrust back decades, ing tears in the form of rockets on watching Lebanon’s re- the Middle East. A 1965 caricature cent history marred by shows Egyptian President Gamal Vwar, Israeli occupation and politi- Abdel Nasser’s presidential candi- cal instability displayed at “Pictur- dacy referendum getting 99.99% ing History,” an exhibition of the support from voters. work of Lebanese political car- During his career, Sadek experi- toonist Pierre Sadek. enced threats, efforts at intimida- The exhibition, the first since tion, warnings and muzzling. The Sadek’s death in 2013, features 720 exhibition featured drawings that drawings that commented on the were censored or never made it to events of Lebanon and the region print. over five decades of political and “In 1968, Pierre was tried in a violent turmoil. Daringly sober. A 1965 caricature about Egyptian President Gamal Abdel Nasser’s presidential military court for one of his infa- (Pierre Sadek Foundation) “What you see here is only 2% candidacy referendum getting 99.99% support from voters. mous caricatures that appeared in of Pierre Sadek’s archives, which An-Nahar mocking the authentic- include some 30,000 caricatures,” bleed anew,” Abela said. evised animated caricatures fol- and analytical as the lead front- ity of the elections that were tak- said Ghada Sadek Abela, president Sadek’s images recorded history lowing nightly newscasts on LBC page story. ing place during the mandate of of the Pierre Sadek Foundation and but sometimes also helped to make and FTV. When he worked in An- Sadek’s drawings captured ma- President Charles Helou,” Abela re- the artist’s daughter. “Chronologi- it. He was a man of few words but Nahar, newsstands and bookshops jor political phases in Lebanon called. “However, the sentence was cally, the works recount the histo- the shorthand language he devised sometimes displayed the newspa- and the region. These included the not implemented as he was later ry of Lebanon since the late 1950s spoke directly to the conscience per’s back page rather than its front heavy-handed control of the Sec- pardoned by the president.” until his death. They also cover and unsettled the course of na- page, because his caricature was ond Bureau or Army intelligence The Pierre Sadek Foundation was major events that took place in the tions. “Pierre’s cartoons sometimes so popular and attracted readers,” under Presidents Fouad Chehab established a year after his death to Arab region and internationally.” shook governments and sped their Abela said. and Charles Helou; the Palestinian safeguard his legacy and share it “Each of his caricatures tackled downfall. We, as his family, often guerrilla presence, which became with future generations. “We have a timely issue. Pierre Sadek left an felt threatened from retaliation to so entrenched in Lebanon that Pal- already published a book compil- entire archive, a legacy that we are his drawings,” Abela said. estinian leader Yasser Arafat would ing 54 of his main drawings and we seeking to conserve and transmit Sadek contributed to several During his career, brag about controlling the country; seek to promote his work through to the young generation,” Abela Lebanese and Arabic dailies and Sadek experienced the period of Syrian military he- exhibitions,” Abela said. said. local television broadcasts, mainly threats, efforts at gemony over Lebanon, which end- The foundation organises the an- Sadek’s main cartoon character the leading An-Nahar newspaper — intimidation, ed in 2005 with the assassination of nual La Plume de Pierre (Pierre’s was Touma, who personified the where he spent more than 20 years warnings and former Prime Minister Rafik Hariri; Pencil) award, for arts university average Lebanese citizen, a re- — LBC TV and Future TV. He was the suffering of the Palestinians students. spectable working-class person, published internationally by vari- muzzling. under Israeli occupation and the Sadek was honoured by Lebanese honest and humble, bearing the ous magazines, newspapers and 1967 Arab defeat at Israel’s hands, presidents in 1972, 1997 and 2012. suffering of war, injustice, failed news agencies such as the Associ- In the 1960s when a caricature among others. He received several awards, includ- politics and daily mishaps. ated Press, United Press Interna- was a small drawing occupying the One drawing from 1970 depicting ing the Dubai Press Club Award “When Pierre hid behind the tional, Time magazine, Le Matin, inner pages of newspapers, Sadek’s the Middle East as a ticking time (2000), the Lions Award (2000), the persona Touma, he could laugh, be France-Soir and the Washington drawings covered eight columns bomb, being the battleground be- Liberty Lions Award (2000) and a sarcastic, angry and critical poking Post. on the top of the back page of An- tween Moscow and Washington, is Recognition Award from the Tunis at wounds without making them “Pierre Sadek pioneered tel- Nahar as they were as informative as true today as it was then. A cari- Festival of Art (2013). March 11, 2018 23 Culture

Egypt debates bill to toughen penalties on artefact theft, smuggling

Hassan Abdel Zaher which have yet to be officially reg- istered in ministry records. This means that many antiquities could Cairo have been stolen without authori- ties being aware of the theft. gypt has begun a bid to Egyptian antiquities officials -ex protect its antiquities from pressed frustration and alarm as theft amid allegations they see historic national artefacts that tens of thousands of being sold at international auction priceless ones have disap- houses, such as when the bedroom Epeared. of Egypt’s King Farouk was put The Egyptian parliament is de- for sale at a US auction house in bating legislation that would in- January. crease penalties — possibly to life in In late 2016, antiquities officials prison — for those convicted of ille- learned about the sale of the statue gally excavating, stealing, damaging of Sekhemka at a London auction or smuggling ancient artefacts. house when Egyptians living in the “Toughening penalties in cases British capital started a campaign to of antiquity theft is necessary if we prevent the sale of the statue. want to protect our heritage,” said Last August, a street cleaner raid- Nader Mustafa, a member of Egypt’s ed an antiquities warehouse in the Culture, Media and Antiquities par- southern Cairo district of Maadi and liamentary committee, which is de- placed 200 small relics in a burlap bating the legislation. “We cannot sack before attempting to leave the Symbolic gravestones. Issam Kourbaj’s tribute to Syrian refugees drowned while fleeing violence. leave our antiquities to be easy prey building. He was arrested by secu- (Penn Museum) for thieves like this.” rity guards. If enacted, the artefacts bill would The new legislation seeks to en- replace a law that allows individuals sure that antiquities stealing and to maintain possession of antiqui- smuggling ends by ensuring that Islamic artefacts featured ties they obtained through inherit- punishment serves as an adequate ance. deterrent. Apart from imprison- Egyptian law states that anyone ment, the bill raises fines in cases found guilty of smuggling arte- of conviction of antiquity smug- at British Museum’s exhibit facts out of the country could be gling to 10 million Egyptian pounds sentenced to 15 years in prison and ($566,000), up from 100,000 pounds fined 1 million Egyptian pounds ($5,660). ($56,600). The maximum penalty on world’s religious faiths for stealing an artefact, including the illegal removal of newly un- There are 72 antiquities earthed antiquities, is ten years in warehouses in Egypt, play in religious beliefs. In the of the show prevented the use prison. Karen Dabrowska period of the Lion Man, keeping of images and the choice was so Critics calling for harsher sen- all of which are owned the fire going was a vital activity vast we could not depict religious tences say the profit that can be and supervised by the London because it was needed for cooking buildings of any faith, only the made from stealing and smuggling Ministry of Antiquities. and protection from wild animals. home altars and objects used in antiquities far outweighs the pun- 14th-century glass The glowing glass lamp from them,” she explained. ishment. It would punish people who move lamp from Taqi al-Din Taqi al-Din mosque is covered with “Many of the visitors found the Antiquity theft has been on the antiquities from one place to an- mosque in Aleppo is a passage from the Quran written calligraphy of the shahada (Islam- rise in Egypt, with security at Egyp- other without permission from the the first of 160 objects in calligraphy which describes ic testimony) depicted by (Iraqi tian museum warehouses said to be authorities with up to seven years in the British Museum’s Allah as the light of the heavens calligrapher) Mustafa Ja’far in- inadequate. Last August, a senior in prison. Those who excavate an- exhibitionA “Living with gods: peo- and earth. teresting and informative, saying official at the Antiquities Ministry tiquities without licence would be ples, places and worlds beyond.” Augustus Wollaston Franks, an they learned from it and asked for estimated that 32,600 artefacts had sentenced to seven years in prison. The last item in the exhibit is a important museum curator, ac- information about where it comes been stolen from ministry ware- Alaa al-Shahat, head of the central child’s shirt dipped in plaster from quired the lamp in 1875. “We do from and about the Quran.” houses nationwide. administration department for Cairo the Syrian artist Issam Kourbaj, a not know where or from whom he Ayman Ashmawy, who heads the and Giza Antiquities, described the memorial to the thousands of Syr- got it but wonderful glass of this Ancient Egyptian Antiquities Sec- bill as a “good step” towards pro- ian migrants who drowned fleeing kind was highly valued in Europe tion at the ministry, said most of tecting the antiquities and scaring violence in their homeland. even in the 14th century when the artefacts were stolen during the thieves away. “You cannot prevent The exhibition features objects the lamp was made,” said exhibi- chaotic period following the 2011 the smuggling of the antiquities associated with belief from soci- tion curator Jill Cook. “It is pos- When choosing revolution. or excavation by thieves without eties around the world, from the sible that this piece was in a Brit- items of Islam, There are 72 antiquities ware- toughening penalties,” he said. time of Sumer in ancient Iraq un- ish family collection when Franks Cook wanted to houses in Egypt, all of which are There is universal approval of the til today. The show looks at key bought it but we do not know for owned and supervised by the Minis- bill inside the Culture, Media and themes of belief: the significance certain.”. be sure the try of Antiquities. Thirty-five of the Antiquities parliamentary commit- of light, water, fire and energy, Shrines and places of worship, five pillars warehouses are part of or adjacent tee, Mustafa said. aids to prayer, places of worship including a Sumerian limestone were represented. to museums. If the bill passes committee, it and items used in religious rituals female temple figure from the However, there are questions would be referred to the general par- and on pilgrimage. Sounds, music Kingdom of Lagash (2500BC), are about warehouse security, includ- liamentary session for voting. Even and silence associated with reli- showcased. The figure has a great ing issues involving record-keeping if the legislation is enacted, Mustafa gious practice are combined with sense of patience and humility — systems. said, its effectiveness would depend lighting effects. key elements in religion. “You cannot protect the antiqui- on Egypt’s security apparatus en- The show’s synopsis, which Displayed in the section featur- Graves and places of burial mark ties without introducing new securi- forcing it. states that there are 4,000 reli- ing religious rituals are a colour- the end of life in religions but ty systems to the warehouses,” said “Law enforcement is what mat- gions and sects globally and that ful ceramic bowl from Morocco thousands of Syrians drowned at Mohammed Hamza, a former dean ters at the end but the presence of 85% of the people in the world are for water or soup taken to break sea and have no grave. At the end of the College of Antiquities at Cairo the law is always a first step on the believers, asks whether the hu- the fast, a man’s white cotton ih- of the exhibition, white memori- University. “We have a huge number road to change,” Mustafa said. “After man species should be defined as ram worn during haj and bottles als made from children’s shirts of antiquities at these warehouses approving the bill, the parliament wise homo sapiens or believing for collecting holy water from dipped in plaster are symbolic and they need to be protected.” will keep an eye on its enforcement homo religious. Zamzam; tasbih (Muslim prayer gravestones. Kourbaj inscribed The warehouses contain tens of to ensure that our antiquities are Before entering the exhibition beads) made of wood and gold “girl 3 months” and “unknown thousands of artefacts, some of kept out of the hands of thieves.” halls, visitors come for reciting the 99 names of boy aged 6 months” in Greek and face to face with God and Arabic on the shirts. a remarkable water “We felt that we could not ig- 40,000-year-old chestnut nore the terrible plight of peoples mammoth ivory beads be- persecuted for their faith or dis- sculpture known as longing to a placed by war,” Cook said. “The the Lion Man, which dervish. exhibition tries to look at what we depicts a lion’s upper When choos- share in the many ways in which body on the lower half ing items of Is- we express beliefs and it would of a man. It is the oldest lam, Cook said not be true to life if it did not ac- known evidence of she wanted knowledge how we sometimes religious belief to be sure fail. in the world and the five “Understanding the impor- comes from the pillars tance of believing and belonging Hohlenstein- were through the use of ritual must Stadel Cave, repre- surely beg the question of how Baden-Wurttem- sented. we allow so many to go to graves berg, Germany. without remembrance.” The spiritual “Mosques “Living with gods: peoples, journey begins with are indeed places and worlds beyond” will an examination of the vi- very beautiful be at the British Museum through tal role that light and fire but as the design April 8. Priceless heritage. An archaeological technician uses a chemical injection to renovate a pharaonic shaped animal that belonged to Karen Dabrowska is an Arab Spiritual journey. A 14th-century mosque lamp from Syria. (British Museum) the Golden King Tutankhamun in the conservation centre of the Weekly contributor in London. Grand Egyptian Museum. (Reuters) 24 March 11, 2018 Travel


Dubai: Through April 7

Global Village is a large cul- tural event that offers festivals, shopping and entertainment in an open-air theme park. This entertainment and shopping destination involves more than 70 countries with presentations in dozens of pavilions. Par- ticipants can enjoy more than 50 rides and 26 restaurants offering food from around the world.

Doha: Through April 25

Souq Waqif Spring Festival brings together street perform- Visitors are seen at ers, puppet and musical shows, the Blue Desert in along with African circus South Sinai. (Wikimedia) performers, magicians and a range of slightly surreal one-off events, including a human can- nonball and bungee jumping.

Amman: Sinai’s ‘Blue Desert,’ a work of art Through May As part of Friends of Jordan Festivals, Al Hussein Cultural attracting tourists and pilgrims Centre will host a Classical Concerts Cycle with acts from Japan, France, the Czech Re- public and other countries. Ahmed Megahid Beirut: March 13-18 South Sinai Beirut International Women hen he dyed in blue Film Festival (BWFF) is an the rocks and boul- annual event in the city. ders of the desert in Gathering film-makers and South Sinai in 1980, cinema lovers from all over the Belgian artist Jean world, BWFF includes films WVerame could not have expected about women or produced by the area to turn into one of the won- women. ders of Egyptian desert life. Verame painted the rocks of this Tafraoute: part of the desert, a few kilometres March 15-18 from the Red Sea resort of Dahab and the St Catherine Monastery, to The Almond Blossom Festival, celebrate the 1979 Egyptian-Israeli celebrated every year in Mo- peace treaty, the first between an rocco, sees villagers mark the Arab country and the Jewish state. almond harvest with Berber The innovative artist used tonnes dancing, singing and almond of blue — the colour of peace — paint tastings. International musi- donated by the United Nations. He cians and actors mingle with spent days dyeing the rocks and local performers for live events stones of the area, once a battle- based on Moroccan folklore. ground in the 1967 war between Egypt and Israel. Luxor: Now known as the Blue Desert, March 16-22 the area remains a wonder carrying the marks of man and nature in the The Luxor African Film Festival heart of Egypt’s desert. is an annual event in Egypt. In Visitors sit between two giant blue rocks in South Sinai. (Ahmed Megahid) “The area is a work of art that its seventh year, the festival combines the beauty of nature and will screen films produced in the artistry of man,” said tourism African countries in Long Nar- specialist Hassan al-Dali. “The idea their names from their natural col- every month. It contains the relics and the senses. ratives, Long Documentaries of creating it by the Belgian artist ours, such as the White Desert and of St Catherine and its well-pre- “The Blue Desert is very easy to and Short Films categories. was untraditional at first but the the Black Desert in the western part served church displays Greek and reach from any of these places,” said motivation behind this work was of the country. Roman heritage. Mohamed Sedki, a computer en- Zammour, Tunisia: really great, namely to highlight the The Blue Desert is most known to Not far from the Blue Desert, the gineer in his mid-40’s who said he March 17-20 importance of peace and coexist- tourists and pilgrims visiting Mount Dahab resort on the Red Sea is a ma- never visits Dahab without an out- ence,” Dali said. Sinai and the St Catherine Monas- jor attraction for beach tourism. The ing into the Blue Desert. “The place The second Zammour Fest Verame’s selection of blue com- tery, the site where God is believed resort has hotels suiting all types of is more than wonderful especially takes place in a Berber village plements Sinai’s deep blue sky and by many to have appeared to Moses. budgets and boasts some of the Red for those who want to spend times in the Tunisian Sahara. Over matches the arid desert, creating a The monastery, the oldest con- Sea’s most eye-catching beaches. in the serene atmosphere the desert four days and three nights, rare mix with the yellow sands and tinually inhabited, was built in the An outing into the Blue Desert provides.” visitors camp in Bedouin tents, the brown of rocks and boulders. seventh century and receives thou- from any of the nearby sites can be trek or bike in the village, visit In Egypt, some deserts derive sands of foreign and local visitors rewarding, especially for the eyes mountains, attend folklore par- The Blue Desert is ties and enjoy traditional food. most known to tourists Marrakech: and pilgrims visiting March 18-24 Mount Sinai and the St Catherine The 13th International Con- Monastery. temporary Dance Festival “On Marche” will include partici- pants from around the world The Blue Desert is most visited taking part in workshops, during the Christmas season. classes and conferences. Dance At night, the blue-dyed objects performances will be staged in look like stars denting the vast de- the streets of Marrakech during sert. Some painted stones are more the festival. than 30 metres tall. At times they appear to be giant balloons or great chewing gum bubbles. We welcome submissions of Karim Mohamed, a tour guide calendar items related to from the area, said he offers a full cultural events of interest to list of activities for visitors of the desert, including camping, moun- travellers in the Middle East tain climbing and cycling. and North Africa. “This is a place that is full of fun. It is very simple, very austere. Yet it has an amount of charm that Please send tips to: makes it unforgettable for visitors,” [email protected] Sand covers blue desert rocks in South Sinai. (Ahmed Megahid) Mohamed said.