DOE/EIA-0478(96) Distribution Category UC-950 Uranium Industry Annual 1996 April 1997 Energy Information Administration Office of Coal, Nuclear, Electric and Alternate Fuels U.S. Department of Energy Washington, DC 20585 This report was prepared by the Energy Information Administration, the independent statistical and analytical agency within the Department of Energy. The information contained herein should not be construed as advocating or reflecting any policy position of the Department of Energy or any other organization. Contacts This report was prepared by the Energy Information Ad- Exploration, production, employment, and marketing ac- ministration (EIA), Office of Coal, Nuclear, Electric and tivities: Alternate Fuels. General information about this document may be obtained from the National Energy Information Douglas Bonnar on (202) 426-1249; Center (202/586-8800), or John C. Geidl (202/426-1200), or email address:
[email protected] Director of the Office of Coal, Nuclear, Electric and Al- ternate Fuels, and Robert M. Schnapp (202/426-1211), Feature article, reserves and resources: Director of the Analysis and Systems Division. Technical information about this report may be obtained from Dr. Z. Taesin Chung on (202) 426-1128; D. Nikodem (202/426-1179), Chief of the Nuclear Fuel or email address:
[email protected] Cycle Branch. Survey methodology and operations: Specific questions regarding the various sections of the report should be addressed to the following staff person- Charles Johnson on (202) 426-1178; nel and/or section authors: or email address:
[email protected]. ii Energy Information Adminstration/ Uranium Industry Annual 1996 Preface The Uranium Industry Annual 1996 (UIA 1996) provides (1) the country of origin and the seller of any current statistical data on the U.S.