The OSCE Asian Partnership for Co-operation Reflections and Perspectives ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Booklet design and printing courtesy of the generous contribution from the Permanent Mission of Slovakia to the OSCE, Chairmanship of the OSCE Asian Partners for Co-operation Group in 2020. The booklet was prepared by Ms. Marietta S. König, Senior External Co-operation Officer, with the support of Ms. Liliya Buhela, Office of the Secretary General, External Co-operation Section. The editors thank the Asian Partners for Co-operation, as well as colleagues in the OSCE Transnational Threats Department, at the Conflict Prevention Centre, and the OSCE field operations in Central Asia for their valuable contributions to this publication. OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY GENERAL, EXTERNAL CO-OPERATION SECTION WALLNERSTRASSE 6, 1010 VIENNA TEL: +43 1 514 360 | FAX: +43 1 514 36 6190 EMAIL:
[email protected] THIS BROCHURE IS ALSO AVAILABLE IN PDF FORMAT ON THE OSCE WEBSITE: Design: red hot ´n´ cool, Vienna Photo credit front cover: dollarphotoclub Photo credit back cover: OSCE The OSCE Asian Partnership for Co-operation Afghanistan Australia Japan Republic of Korea Thailand The OSCE Asian Partnership for Co-operation 4 Joint Foreword 7 Introductory note by 2020 APCG Chair Slovakia 10 Introductory statements by the Ambassadors of the five Asian Partner Countries 12 I The 25th anniversary of the OSCE Asian Partnership for Co-operation 24 II Founding Documents 28 III A selection of projects implemented under the OSCE Asian Partnership for Co-operation 52 IV Afghanistan: engagement and strategic co-operation 62 V Prospects for increased co-operation with regional organizations in Asia 70 The OSCE Asian Partnership for Co-operation 6 7 Joint Foreword The OSCE enjoys an excellent level of co- inviting the Republic of Korea to attend the operation with the Asian Partners, who display Budapest Summit.