Pahayagan ng Partido Komunista ng Pilipinas ANG Pinapatnubayan ng Marxismo-Leninismo-Maoismo English Edition Vol. XLI No. 20 October 21, 2010

Editorial Expose and oppose the Aquino regime's deception and militarism

ot for a moment since Benigno Aquino III's new regime took power did the Armed Forces of the (AFP) N relent in its counterrevolutionary military campaign against the Filipino people. The US-Aquino regime is making full use of the political capital it gained from the last election to court support for its campaign of repression. But it is this same cam- gime is turning out to be no dif- paign that is rapidly dissi- ferent from its predecessor in pating whatever political cap- terms of the intensity and bru- ital Aquino has left. The peo- tality of its fascist repression. ple who were blinded by the The AFP has been conducting glare of his promise to change a relentless and allout military the old ways are gravely disap- campaign for more than two pointed with the ex- months now in Ilocos-Cordillera, tension of the US-Ar- Bicol, Eastern Visayas, Negros royo regime's and practically the whole of bloody Oplan Mindanao. Up to seven Philip- Bantay Laya pine Army divisions are now (OBL). The launching military operations present and sowing terror among the re- people in these areas. AFP mili- tary operations have also contin- ued in other regions. These operations have result- ed in myriad cases of fascist vio- lence and human rights viola- tions and wrought havoc on the people's livelihoods. The AFP has been brazenly abusing human rights and international humani- tarian law.

Workers strike This issue’s Family massacred Severe power crisis in Agusan del Sur in Albay PAGE 3 in Mindanao PAGE 10 highlights... PAGE 6 In a matter of a little over two alist master. particular big foreign comprador months, soldiers and other military Second, there has been an out- and bourgeois comprador projects. operatives have committed massa- pouring of US support to the AFP These campaigns are aimed at sup- cres, abductions and torture, de- and the puppet Aquino regime's pressing the people's resistance to stroyed crops and other sources of counterinsurgency program. The US plans to initiate and expand the livelihood, conducted illegal has recently approved $434 million operations of large-scale mining searches, theft and forcible recruit- in aid for programs related to the and agro-industrial companies as ment and terrorized civilians. There counterrevolutionary war, on top well as other plunderous projects has so far been an average of more of the financial aid and sur- that are detrimental to the peo- than one victim of extrajudicial plus military equipment it ple's interests. killing per week under the new re- has been providing to the No matter how much the US- gime. AFP and the police. The Aquino regime and the AFP rely The renewed spate of fascist 2010 Cooperation Afloat on psywar gimmicky and lies, suppression by the AFP in the first Readiness and Training they cannot cover up the few months of the new puppet (CARAT) is currently be- brutality of their fascist Aquino regime is driven by three ing held in various are- acts. The AFP has been factors that are inextricably inter- as of Luzon involving taking instruction twined. more than 4,000 from the US Counter- The first are Aquino and the American soldiers insurgency Guide to AFP top brass' marching orders to and 1,000 elements rev up its psywar and crush the people's armed revolu- from the Philippine Navy civil-military operations tionary resistance in three years. and Marines. The US continues to (CMO). Thus, alongside its military The orders were issued after the intervene and call the shots in the operations, the AFP has been con- AFP's failure to defeat the NPA de- AFP's counterinsurgency opera- ducting showcase medical and den- spite a decade of the bloody OBL. tions. It is the moving force behind tal missions. Alongside its terroris- Aquino has ordered its extension the new operational plan being tic acts, the AFP has continuously while he prepares his own “internal drafted for next year, which will fo- been prating about “advocating security operational plan” for next cus on stepping up psywar and po- human rights.” It has been utiliz- year. He has practically doubled litical gimmickry to justify and ing the mass media to spread dis- the AFP budget for 2011, an- support an intensified campaign of torted information and malign the nounced plans to expand the mili- suppression. NPA and the revolutionary move- tary and is now begging for more Third, current massive military ment. military assistance from his imperi- campaigns are closely connected to Aquino and his subalterns have also been going on and on about ANG “peace” despite the absence of any Contents decisive step towards the resump- tion of talks with the National Editorial Vol. XLI No. 20 October 21, 2010 Oppose the US-Aquino regime’s militarism 1 Democratic Front of the Philippines Fascist state on a rampage (NDFP). In perpetuating the poli- Ang Bayan is published in Pilipino, Family massacred in Albay 3 cies that have served as stumbling Bisaya, Iloko, Hiligaynon, Waray and NPA thwarts military operation in Ilocos Sur 4 English editions. SC hit for upholding Anti-Terrorism Law 4 blocks to the peace talks' resump- Karapatan dismayed with Aquino 5 It is available for downloading at tion, Aquino has shown his lack of EV labor leader freed 5 the Philippine Revolution Web Central Agusan del Sur workers strike 6 intention to resolve the roots of located at: ABS-CBN workers set up picket line 6 the civil war through political ne- KMU rallies vs. Philhealth hikes 6 gotiations. Ang Bayan welcomes contributions Drivers launch picket 6 in the form of articles and news. NPA military actions in Panay 7 The large-scale campaign of re- Readers are likewise enjoined to send NPA operations in Bicol 7 pression and unrelenting violence in their comments and suggestions for People’s court orders arrest of AFP officers 8 Promised jobs, a sham 8 against the people expose the US- the betterment of our publication. You Mining in Cagayan Valley 9 Aquino regime's militarist, reac- can reach us by email at: Power crisis in Mindanao 10 tionary and antipeople character [email protected] Homelessness in the US 10 lurking behind its promises of Ang Bayan is published fortnightly by the Central Committee change. Aquino's much-vaunted of the Communist Party of the Philippines “straight path” is in fact a crooked 2 ANG BAYAN October 21, 2010 road paved by fascism and FASCIST STATE ON A RAMPAGE watched over by his armed forces in order to give full vent to for- eign monopoly capitalists and Family massacred in Albay their big bourgeois comprador, landlord and bureaucrat capitalist massacre in Albay and widespread violations of human rights in cohorts to plunder and oppress Samar province are among the reports compiled by Ang Bayan the people. A this October. Aquino's intensification and October 20. A ten-year old ily belongings. The soldiers re- expansion of his campaign of re- boy was wounded in the foot turned after a week to make Ro- pression and violations of the when soldiers of the 49th IB salie's seven-year old child sign a people's rights are stoking the rained automatic fire on the house document stating that her mother people's anger and fuelling their of a civilian in Sta. Lourdez, Bar- was treated well. determination to defend them- celona, Sorsogon at around 6:30 A week after the incident, selves and wage resistance. a.m. more than 20 troopers of the 34th We must pull out all stops to October 11. Elements of the IB launched another operation, expose and oppose the deceitful 2nd IB massacred a family in Ba- this time in Barangay Bunga, Mo- US-Aquino regime's worsening rangay Nabas-an, Daraga, Albay at tiong, Samar. The soldiers bought militarism and oppression. around 2 a.m. Shot dead were Ba- food worth `4,000 on credit from The Filipino people must unite rangay Councilman a store owned by against the puppet regime's US- Wilfredo Lotino, his Irene and Serafin dictated militarist policy. We must wife Evelyn and Pacios. Before they continuously expose the US-Aqui- their nephew Anjo left, they took oth- no regime's pretenses and its Martos. The Lotinos' er items worth sham promises of change. We must daughter Jenny was `2,000. The couple support the widespread clamor to wounded. could no longer de- resume the peace talks in order to The victims mand payment be- seek a just and lasting resolution were sleeping in cause the soldiers to the civil war raging in the their house when did not give their country. the soldiers forced names or say who We must fire up the people's themselves in and their commanding courage to resist the various ways mercilessly gunned them down. officer was. The same military unit by which the military and the The soldiers perpetrated the mas- had earlier bought things on cred- state's armed forces have been sacre a few hours after the NPA at- it from a store owned by Wences- brutalizing and terrorizing the tacked the 2nd IB's tactical patrol lao Jomagdao in the same baran- countryside and urban areas. The base in Barangay San Ramon, Da- gay but also failed to pay him. people must mobilize themselves raga. This same unit under the 34th in their numbers to show that September. Soldiers from the IB also stole crops from Arcenia they see through the US-Aquino 34th IB trained their guns at Ro- and Jose Labong of Barangay Bu- regime's deceptions and have not salie Gagbo, 30, and hit her neck nga and trampled on the family's been crushed. several times with a piece of wood rice fields, ruining the crop. They The NPA must step up its tac- on September 20. They did this in also failed to pay for items bought tical offensives to thwart the front of Gagbo's three young chil- on credit from Remedios and Ga- AFP's fascist military operations dren. Gagbo, wife of a village briel Pacleta. and punish it and the Aquino re- councilor of Barrio Casaba, Jia- Meanwhile, in the towns of gime for their atrocities. Let the bong, Samar was being forced to Matuguinao and San Jose de Bu- US-Aquino regime shake to its confess membership in the NPA an, helicopters used rice fields as very foundations as it confronts and provide information on the landing pads, wreaking wide- tactical offensives growing in Red fighters' alleged base camp. spread havoc on the farmers' scale and intensity. Let us show She was then forced to sign a doc- crops. The helicopters were bring- the entire nation that the nation- ument stating that they did not ing in supplies for a large-scale al democratic revolution continues hurt her. Before the military left, operation that began in Septem- to advance and gain strength. ~ they stole chickens and other fam- ber. ~ ANG BAYAN October 21, 2010 3 FASCIST STATE ON A RAMPAGE NPA thwarts AFP operation in Ilocos Sur ed fighters under the Alfredo Cesar Command (ACC) of the New lages of Galimuyod, Candon, Sta. People's Army (NPA) in Ilocos Sur thwarted a massive military on- Lucia and Salcedo. They stole the R slaught that had been wreaking havoc in the province since June. masses' farm animals and pets, At least 500 soldiers from the 86th, 50th and 77th IB as well as Scout cleaned out their fishponds, ex- Ranger and CAFGU elements conducted the operation. torted and held up even pandesal The NPA did not suffer any cas- copter providing support to the vendors, aside from committing ualties. Instead, two soldiers were soldiers crashed after being hit. other acts of banditry. killed and at least three elements The military operation has re- Such banditry and criminal acts on the enemy side were wounded sulted in violations of human are marks of the soldiers of the rul- in a firefight in the villages of Sa- rights. The worst was the abduc- ing classes, said the ACC. “We call pang and Conconig East in Sta. Lu- tion and extrajudicial killing of ci- on the masses and the public to cia on September 10. A Huey heli- vilians Nicolas Ramos of Poblacion carefully discern these elements Norte, Salcedo on July 28 and El- masquerading as NPA members. We mer Valdez of Conconig East on trust that they will be able to dis- September 12. tinguish between the ways of the The fascist troops brusquely disciplined army of the poor and searched residents' houses and the bandit troops of the AFP.” stole their personal belongings and “In its more than 30 years of produce. They terrorized, mauled, operating in Ilocos, the NPA has harassed and threatened residents proven that it is a revolutionary ar- who happened to be at home, and my that is disciplined and truly required them to give them sup- stands and fights for the interests plies like rice and chickens. The of the poor and exploited masses. military also set up checkpoints in The masses evidently continue to various places. support and value the NPA even in Elements of the 50th IB also the face of hardships and amid posed as NPA guerrillas in the vil- gunbattles.” ~

rorism Law since 2001. Progressive groups assail SC BAYAN secretary-general Rena- to Reyes said many persons have already been illegally arrested, tor- affirmation of Anti-Terror Law tured, placed under surveillance rogressive organizations expressed dismay at the Supreme Court af- and subjected to other abuses ter the latter dismissed their petition questioning Republic Act since the law was enforced in P 9372 or the Human Security Act of 2007 (HSA 2007). The law al- 2007. Reyes added that their stand lows warrantless arrests of suspected terrorists and detention without against HSA 2007 has not changed charges. with Benigno Aquino III taking the In a 45-page decision penned declare illegal the cases filed reins of power. Up to 16 persons by Associate Justice Conchita Car- against activists under HSA 2007. have already been killed, two ab- pio Morales, the Supreme Court Karapatan asserted its opposi- ducted and three arrested under threw out on October 11 the peti- tion to HSA 2007. Said Karapatan the new regime. tion filed by Bagong Alyansang Ma- deputy secretary-general Jigs Even the Catholic Bishops Con- kabayan (BAYAN), Karapatan, Kilu- Clamor, HSA 2007 will pave the way ference of the Philippines is also sang Mayo Uno, Integrated Bar of for further human rights abuses by against HSA 2007, saying that the Philippines, Southern Hemi- elements of the state. Karapatan Aquino's enemies will only multiply sphere Engagement Network Inc. and other groups have been fight- with the Supreme Court's recent and BAYAN-Southern Tagalog to ing the enactment of the Anti-Ter- decision. ~ 4 ANG BAYAN October 21, 2010 FASCIST STATE ON A RAMPAGE Karapatan dismayed at Aquino regime arapatan has expressed dismay at the administration of Benigno tion, and Manalo and his brother's Aquino III, saying that the number of human rights violations ordeal in the hands of the military. K had increased in its first 100 days. The United Nations Human Compared to the 18 activists ments of the state involved in hu- Rights Council (UNHRC) also issued killed in the first six months of man rights violations. a resolution holding the AFP and 2010 (the last months of the Ar- Meanwhile, Amnesty Interna- the reactionary government ac- royo regime and OBL), there were tional (AI) also denounced the fail- countable for the killing of Benja- up to 16 victims of extrajudicial ure of the Aquino regime to act on line "Beng" Hernandez by military killings in Aquino's first 100 days human rights issues in the Philip- forces. Hernandez, then deputy in power. Violations were bra- pines in its first 100 days. This secretary-general of Karapatan- zen—houses were forcibly entered came after the mothers of abduct- Southern Mindanao was killed in and victims dragged, tortured and ed students Karen Empeño and North Cotabato in 2002. The killed in front of children and fam- Sherlyn Cadapan attended an AI UNHRC said that the Philippine ily. conference last October 8 along government violated the Interna- Aquino has failed to fulfill his with another victim, Raymond tional Covenant on Civil and Politi- promise of solving extrajudicial Manalo. They recounted before the cal Rights. killings. He formed the Truth Com- delegates the circumstances sur- In October 2008, the UNHRC al- mission, but its mandate does not rounding their daughters' abduc- so called the government to ac- include resolving human rights is- count in the killing of Eden Marcel- sues. The Morong 43 lana and Eddie Gumanoy. Marcella- and 338 other politi- na, secretary-general of Ka- cal detainees are still rapatan-Southern Ta- behind bars. Aquino galog, and Gu- has even extended manoy, president Oplan Bantay Laya until of KASAMA-Timog December 2010. Katagalugan were killed in To date, the Aquino regime has Oriental Mindoro in 2003. yet to mete punishment on ele- Meanwhile, calls are mounting for Aquino to free the political detainees, partic- Detained labor leader released ularly the Morong 43 who have been incarcerated for eight months astern Visayas labor leader Vincent "Bebot" Borja, 41, was re- now. Over 1,000 professors and Eleased after three years of languishing in jail due to false char- groups of health workers as well as ges slapped by the military. past secretaries of the Department Borja was found innocent of killing Marianito Calibo on July 8, of Health signed a letter pressing 2006. He was also accused of killing Junie Manigo and Simeon Ca- Aquino to release them. The letter bonegro. The 19th IB, which arrested and fabricated charges was published as a paid advertise- against Borja boasted of having a witness who would nail him. But ment in the national broadsheet in a hearing held October 13, the witness failed to identify Borja, Philippine Daily Inquirer last Octo- resulting in his immediate release. ber 18. The health secretaries who Borja is a member of the Kilusang Mayo Uno National Council signed the letter were Dr. Esperan- representing Eastern Visayas. He is also the regional coordinator of za Cabral (Arroyo), Dr. Jaime Gal- the Anakpawis Party and leader of the workers' union at the Philip- vez-Tan (Ramos), and Dr. Alberto pine National Oil Company in Leyte which led a successful strike in Romualdez (Estrada). The US-based 2004. He was arrested on May 7, 2007 in Malinao, Ormoc City at the Association of Democratic Lawyers height of the election campaign. ~ earlier sent a similar letter to Aquino. ~ ANG BAYAN October 21, 2010 5 Workers in Agusan del Sur strike OVER 1,000 workers of the country's biggest palm fits and the regularization of contractual workers. plantation launched a strike to protest the company's The workers demanded a `130-150 hike in their antilabor schemes. daily wage. But the company only offered a niggardly Led by the Filipinas Palm Oil Plantations Inc. `4 increase. It also refused to provide 25 other bene- Workers Union (FPPIWU), the workers barricaded the fits stipulated in the CBA. premises of the Filipinas Palm Oil Plantations Inc. in Responding to the company's demand to quell the Rosario, Agusan del Sur last October 5. FPPIWU sup- strike, the DOLE assumed jurisdiction over the case porters also held a rally the next day at the FPPI of- and ordered the workers to return to work last Octo- fice in Paseo de Roxas, Makati City. FPPIWU is an af- ber 13 although none of their demands had been met. filiate of the National Federation of Labor Unions. Put up in 1979 by billionaire Dennis Villareal, FP- The union demanded favorable action after nego- PI covers 8,429 hectares, equivalent to 30% of the tiations for a Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) land area occupied by all palm plantations in the Phil- collapsed. It also pressed for higher wages and bene- ippines.

ABS-CBN workers put up picket line Drivers launch picket-rallies

RETRENCHED workers belonging to ment of Labor and Employment's PROGRESSIVE drivers launched si- the Internal Job Market Workers (DOLE) decision last August order- multaneous protest actions na- Union (IJMWU) put up a picket ing ABS-CBN to reinstate and tionwide last October 13 to press line in front of ABS-CBN in Quezon recognize as regular employees for the scrapping of a Department City last October 12 to protest the 114 workers it had laid off. of Transportation and Communica- government inaction over the DOLE also called for the conduct tion (DOTC) order that imposes company's retrenchment cam- of certification elections for the higher penalties for traffic viola- paign. formal recognition of the union. tions and to oppose continuing oil Workers of Kowloon House and IJMWU had earlier launched price increases. members of Anakbayan, Kabataan protest actions seeking a stop to Led by the Pinagkaisang Sama- Party and Bagong Alyansang Ma- unabated retrenchment and the han ng Tsuper at Operators Na- kabayan-National Capital Region company's union-busting moves. tionwide (PISTON), drivers gath- also took part in the protest ac- It also denounced the Aquino re- ered at the Quezon City Memorial tion. gime for not acting on the issue Circle at around 8 a.m. before Alain Cadag, vice-president of of contractualization among work- marching towards the central of- IJMWU said they are demanding ers of ABS-CBN and other compa- fice of the DOTC in Ortigas, Man- the implementation of the Depart- nies. daluyong City. They then held a picket-rally at the main office of KMU protests hike in Philhealth contributions Petron Oil Corp. inside the San Mi- guel Complex in Ortigas Center. MEMBERS of the Kilusang Mayo Uno (KMU) held a picket-rally outside The drivers also launched pro- the Philhealth office last October 12 to oppose the 200% hike in Phil- test actions at local branches of health contributions of professional and self-employed workers starting the Land Transportation Office in this month. Biñan, Laguna and in the cities of The KMU said that members will be paying up to `600 quarterly this Legazpi, Iloilo, Roxas, Bacolod, year and `900 per quarter next year. The previous contribution was Davao, Cagayan de Oro and Gener- `300 per quarter. al Santos. The hike is unjust, said KMU secretary-general Roger Soluta. Mem- PISTON expressed dismay at bers have to pay three times more than the original contribution while Aquino's refusal to scrap the Oil the government reduced the Philhealth budget from `5.17 billion this Deregulation Law which allows oil year to `3.5 billion in 2011. The health budget has also been slashed companies to freely hike prices. It by `2 billion from `40 billion, Soluta added. The KMU demanded that is poised to launch a massive the government raise the health budget instead of passing the burden transport strike if oil price in- to workers through hiked Philhealth contributions. creases continue. 6 ANG BAYAN October 21, 2010 VICTORIOUS NPA OFFENSIVES gaan, Gubat at around 6:30, and in NPA military actions in Bicol Barangay Sangat, Gubat at about 8:00. Sapper operations are a type en soldiers were killed and two were wounded in nine military ac- of warfare using explosives and tions launched by the New People's Army (NPA) in different parts done behind enemy lines or in T of Bicol from October 9 to 18. close combat to lend support to In Masbate. The Jose Rapsing Barangay Boton, Casiguran at ex- main military actions. Command (JRC) of the NPA am- actly ten minutes past noon on Oc- In Albay. Three harassment bushed two policemen last October tober 11. The blown up truck was operations were launched by Red 18 in Barangay Buenasuerte, Pio V. immediately cordoned off by Phil- fighters against a 2nd IB detach- Corpus. Killed were PO3 Nonilon ippine Army soldiers to hide their ment in Barangay San Ramon, Da- Agbones and SPO1 Nilo Abejuela casualties from the public. raga last October 10 and another who were actively building an in- In the morning of the same detachment in Barangay Taplacon, telligence network in the area. A day, two soldiers were killed when Camalig. Earlier, the NPA also har- caliber .45 and a 9 mm pistol, the NPA launched sapper opera- assed the 2nd IB tactical command magazines and ammunition were tions in Marinas, Sorsogon City at post in Barangay Cabran Pequeño, taken from them. around 5:30, in Barangay Cabi- Camalig. ~ A day before, two soldiers were killed and two others were wound- ed when another team from the JRC-NPA peppered their vehicle with bullets in Barangay Maravilla, Palanas. In Sorsogon. Four soldiers of the 49th IB under a certain Lieu- tenant De Jesus were killed and a number were wounded when the NPA detonated a bomb that hit a military truck in Sitio Cagdagat,

they took pictures of her and NPA military actions in Panay claimed she was a victim of NPA ix shotguns, a 9 mm pistol and assorted military equipment were strafing. seized by the New People's Army in Panay in six military actions July 27. A soldier was killed S launched from June to August. Two soldiers were also killed and when an NPA unit harassed anoth- three more were wounded, according to the September 2010 issue of Da- er 82nd IB detachment in Baran- ba-daba, the revolutionary mass paper in Panay. gay Osorio-1, San Remigio, An- August 20. A unit under the when they were ambushed by the tique. The incident was hidden Napoleon Tumagtang Command of guerrillas. In a separate incident, from the public. the NPA-Southern Front harassed a another NPA unit also successfully July 13. A soldier of the 47th detachment of the 82nd IB and launched an ambush operation, IB was killed when an NPA unit CAFGU in Barangay Molina, Tubu- carting away three shotguns. foiled an enemy operation in Ba- ngan, Iloilo. July 29. An NPA unit harassed rangay Ipil, Calinog, Iloilo. July 30. Three shotguns, a 9 a sleeping Reengineered Special June 25. A sergeant serving as mm pistol and rounds of ammuni- Operations Team (RSOT) in Baran- the commanding officer of a 47th tion of various caliber were seized gay Bagacay, Igbaras, Iloilo. Out of IB detachment was wounded in a from a barangay captain in a dis- fear, the RSOT fired back indiscrim- sniping operation launched by a arming operation launched by the inately, hitting the leg of civilian unit of the Jose Percival Estocada Nonito Aguirre Sr. Command of the Juanita Española who was sleeping Command of the NPA-Central Front NPA-Eastern Front. Two of the re- in her house in adjacent Barangay in Barangay Sto. Rosario, Jamin- sponding policemen were wounded Passi. To cover up their shame, dan, Capiz. ~ ANG BAYAN October 21, 2010 7 Defense Secretary Voltaire Gaz- People's court orders arrest min and AFP Chief of Staff Gen. Ri- cardo David had recently admitted of 2 generals, 5 colonels that Bayles' assailants are both soldiers. However, the AFP claimed people's court in Negros issued arrest warrants against two gen- that the two were not ordered to erals and five colonels of the Armed Forces of the Philippines kill the victim. A few hours after A (AFP) responsible for the June 14 killing of Benjamin Bayles and the killing, police arrested them at the escalation of human rights violations in the island since the US-Ar- a checkpoint in Silay City, Negros royo regime took power. Bayles was a former Bayan Muna member of Occidental. Two caliber .45 pistols Himamaylan City. were taken from them. Frank Fernandez, spokesperson torena, Lt. Col. Ricardo Bayhon and The two, who identified them- of the National Democratic Front Lt. Col. Ramil Bitong. selves as Roger Bahon, 26, and (NDF)-Negros said last October 13 Porto is chief of the 3rd ID-PA Ronnie Caurino, 24, are presently that all NPA operational commands based in Camp Mariano Peralta, Ja- imprisoned at the Silay City Jail and units have been ordered to ar- mindan, Capiz in Panay. Replaced and are facing a criminal case rest the seven military officers. by Caro, Gaverza was former chief lodged at the Regional Trial Court. The subjects of the arrest war- of the 303rd Brigade based in Mi- But last October 9, Col. Edilberto rants are current or former officers noyan, Murcia, Negros Occidental. Surante, Philippine Army Adjutant of the 3rd Infantry Division of the Yano was also replaced last June by General, issued a certification Philippine Army operating in Pa- Ochotorena as 302nd Brigade com- proving that the two are actually nay, Negros and Guimaras: Maj. manding officer. Bayhon and Bi- PFC Rafael Cordova and PFC Rey- Gen. Vicente Porto, Brig. Gen. Jo- tong are commanding officers of gine Luas, both 61st IB soldiers sue Gaverza, Col. Cesar Yano, Col. the 61st IB and 11th IB, respec- under Bayhon. The 3rd ID had ear- Maximo Caro, Col. Manuel L. Ocho- tively. lier disowned the two. ~

underdeveloped countries where The myth of new jobs wages are low. Most of those em- ployed in this sector are either col- ontrary to the promises of Benigno Aquino III, the new regime lege graduates or dropouts who get shows little seriousness or has hardly made significant steps to- hired for their proficiency in Eng- C wards solving the grave problem of unemployment. lish regardless of the courses they The Department of Labor and workers and violations of trade un- took in college. ~ Employment (DOLE) has nothing to ion and other workers’ rights take show but the “new jobs” expected place in the EPZs where contractu- to be created by the entry of new alization is a staple. foreign investments in export proc- Moreover, investments and pro- essing zones (EPZs), business proc- duction in the EPZs are geared for ess outsourcing (BPO) and other the export of semi-processed man- similar services such as customer ufactures from imported compo- service, clerical jobs and driving. nents. It is divorced from the en- It has been proven in the past tire Philippine economy and con- that EPZs do not contribute sub- tributes no real benefit for the na- stantially to the solution of the un- tional economy. Instead, it shack- employment problem. Foreign com- les the economy to semimanufac- panies in the EPZs now directly em- turing and impedes the develop- ploy only 600,000 workers—only ment of genuine national industry. 1.68% of the 36.3 million Filipinos Most of the so-called “new listed as employed. Even doubling jobs” are in the BPO sector with the number of EPZs will not solve 80% in call centers. Some 500,000 the problem. Filipinos work in this sector. Worse, the harshest forms of The US and other imperialist exploitation and oppression of countries outsource such jobs to 8 ANG BAYAN October 21, 2010 Destructive mining in Northern Cagayan oreign mining corporations have been operating in the towns of areas have expressed their dismay Northern Cagayan for several years. The scope of the operations in- and opposition. Five hundred farm- F clude the area between Aparri and Lallo and the towns in the north- ers set up a barricade in 2008 to west of the province such as Sanchez Mira and Pamplona. block the project but they were The mining operations center netite. suppressed by the police. on a 16-hectare area along river The government itself pushed In 2007, reformist groups like banks in the towns of Aparri, Ca- for such large-scale mining in Caga- Akbayan tried to enter the affected malaniugan and Lallo. The projects yan. It entered into an agreement areas to convince the residents to are supposedly being undertaken with a Taiwanese company in 2006 enter into a settlement with the by several entities including a Tai- for the Cagayan River Basin Flood corporation and abandon their mil- wanese corporation which curious- Mitigation Project in exchange for itant struggle. ly list the same office address. In the province’s magnetite. All major rivers from Buguey fact, local bourgeois compradors Due to the massive quarrying, town up to Sta. Ana, Cagayan are led by the Enrile dynasty are be- rains bring floods to the riverside now quarrying and mining sites. hind the projects. communities, washing out crops The operations mainly serve the Magnetite is the main mineral and drowning ricefields. The dry construction of Port Irene, a major being mined in the region. The season, on the other hand, quickly part of the Cagayan Economic Zone province of Cagayan has the largest dries up the Apagonan River which Authority, a project of the Enriles. deposits of the mineral in the is a local source of livelihood. The quarrying and mining oper- country. Magnetite is naturally The arrival of big foreign min- ations are making the rivers deep- found mixed with sand in seas and ing corporations has destroyed the er, destroying the water supply of rivers where it serves as ballast river which provided the locals fish hectares of rice paddies. Wangag protecting against the erosion of and clams for decades. River, once considered the cleanest coastlines and riverbanks. Sand Since the outset of the mining river in the country, has not been from the area contains 60% mag- projects, residents of the affected spared. ~

Peasants march for land reform Aquino waters down hostage report PEASANTS successfully launched a mass action from PRES. Benigno Aquino III has watered down the re- October 18 to 21 to demand genuine land reform. port and recommendations of the Incident Investiga- Dubbed “Lakbayan ng Magsasaka at Anakpawis para tion and Review Committee (IIRC) led by Justice Sec. sa Lupa at Hustisya,” the mass action was led by the regarding the hostage-taking incident Kilusang Magbubukid ng Pilipinas (KMP) and affiliat- in Luneta on August 23. ed organizations. Aquino particularly rejected the recommendation The peasants marched from Central Luzon and to file charges of criminal negligence against officers Southern Tagalog to Mendiola in Manila. The march of the PNP and certain top government officials. He started in Hacienda Luisita in Tarlac and Sta. Rosa in instead ordered the filing of administrative or lesser Laguna with support from farmers from Bicol, Caga- cases against the officials involved. yan Valley and Negros. The president shielded his close friends Interior The marchers called for the junking of the Com- Undersecretary Enrico E. Puno and Manila Mayor Al- prehensive Agrarian Reform Program Extension with fredo Lim from possible criminal charges. He had ear- Reforms (CARPER) and the Public-Private Partnership lier refused to disclose the recommendations to the Program of foreigners in the country. They also de- public and released only the first part of the report. manded a stop to the extrajudicial killing of peasants However, the entire report was leaked on the inter- and activists. The Katipunan ng Magsasaka sa Timog net. Katagalugan and the Alyansa ng Magbubukid sa Git- Aquino’s indecision to hold accountable his in- nang Luson denounced the intensifying militariza- competent officials drew much flak. Even Hongkong tion of the countryside and the planned Balikatan officials have expressed disappointment over Aqui- excercises in Hacienda Luisita. no’s decision to reject the IIRC’s recommendations. ANG BAYAN October 21, 2010 9 Severe power crisis in Mindanao he longrunning power crisis in Mindanao continues to worsen. The Instead of finding solutions to people in the entire island suffer up to five-hour brownouts every- the siltation of the lakes and riv- T day. ers, the government entered into Mindanao suffers power shorta- As a result, the 727-megawatt contracts with private companies ges of between 300 and 500 mega- capacity of the Agus plants has in the power industry to cover the watts (MW) due to the reduced ca- been reduced to 125 MW, while the gaping power shortage. pacity of hydroelectric power 255-megawatt capacity of the Pu- These contracts are anomalous plants that supply most of the is- langi plants is now down to 100 and only favor the independent land’s power needs. These plants MW. The actual power output of power producers (IPPs) which pro- generate electricity from the flow these plants is only around 10% of duce electricity by burning import- of dam water which has been their capacity. Water in the dams ed diesel fuel or coal. In their pur- weakened by the siltation of rivers at times reaches critical levels, suit of bigger profits, these IPPs due to destructive logging and threatening to halt the operation often pass on to consumers the mining. of the power plants altogether. enormous costs of such inefficient

US homeless growing in number he continuing economic depression in the US is The amount is but a pittance compared to the $787 Tmarked by rising homelessness and foreclosures. billion the government has released to bail out the The National Alliance to End Homelessness esti- banks and finance companies responsible for the mates that up to 3.5 million Americans lose their anomalous housing bubble. homes each year. Meanwhile, a new scandal was exposed in Sep- Some 670,000 people spend nights without a tember involving banks and finance companies that roof over their heads, most of them sleeping in the extend housing credit. It was revealed that the streets and in parks. Others live in their cars or mo- banks are rushing the processing of foreclosure doc- bile homes. Yet others live with relatives or friends, uments. Banks have been falsifying documents to pitch tents in public places or find refuge in shel- “complete” the requirements of foreclosures in or- ters run by the government, the church or private der to place the affected houses back in the mar- charitable organizations. ket. Among the homeless are middle-class profes- Ally Financial (formerly GMAC Mortgage) was sionals who lost their jobs, small businessmen who forced to stop its anomalous foreclosure of houses went bankrupt, Iraq and Afghanistan veterans and after successive investigations throughout the US ordinary soldiers. Among veteran soldiers, up to shed light on the illegal practice. The US govern- 400,000 are homeless in every given year. ment owns 53.6% of Ally Financial, one of the big- Up to eight million out of 90 million mortgaged gest companies bailed out by the government from home owners defaulted on their amortizations in bankruptcy with $17.2 billion in credit. The revela- May. Some 1.2 million houses will be foreclosed this tions also compelled JP Morgan Chase, PNC Finan- year. cial and Bank of America to stop its foreclosures. Poverty is worsening in the US with one in sev- They are also among the big banks and finance en Americans living under the poverty line in 2009. companies bailed out by the US government. In 2008-2009, the number of Americans living in Due to the scandal, calls are mounting for the poverty reached 43.6 million after four million peo- declaration of a moratorium on all foreclosures. ple joined their ranks due to the recession. An es- However, President Obama refused to sign a bill re- timated 40 million Americans now live on food cently approved by the US Congress making it eas- stamps. ier for homeowners to dispute the foreclosure of Under conditions of rising unemployment in the their homes in court. The Obama government fears US, poverty and homelessness are bound to become that such a law would slow down the recovery of more widespread. The Obama administration has al- the US economy if not further shake the nation’s fi- located $1.2 billion for programs for the homeless. nancial system. ~

10 ANG BAYAN October 21, 2010 power generation. rently owns 20 hydroelectric power plants, 13 thermal In February, Aboitiz Power Corporation (APC) won plants (including two geothermal and three coal-fired the contract for filling the power shortage in Min- plants), seven distribution facilities and two electric danao, especially in the southern and northeastern service and consultancy companies. Most of these were parts. The APC is expected to supply an additional 200 purchased from the government since the enactment MW of power. of the Electric Power Industry Reform Act (EPIRA). APC, through its subsidiary Therma Marine Inc. APC is under the Aboitiz clan's holding company— (TMI), bought and now operates the NPC’s two old and Aboitiz Equity Ventures (AEV). Aside from its power idle coal-fired power barges, each having a capacity of business which accounts for the biggest part of its 100 MW. The APC purchased the barges for only $30 revenues (56% of its `8.3 billion net income in million (`1.4 billion) although their actual price is 2009), the AEV also has interests in banking, food and around $47 million (`1.5 billion). transportation. The APC can easily recoup its investment in the The Aboitizes have had strong connections with power barges with its contract with the NPC amount- previous regimes and now has close ties with the new ing to `1.58 billion annually, covering not just the US-Aquino regime. Current Department of Energy Sec- actual power consumption but the entire power gen- retary Jose Rene Almendras was treasurer of Aboitiz & eration capacity (ancillary charge) stipulated in the Co. and Aboitiz Equity Ventures before joining the contract. TMI now collects ancillary charges ten times Ayalas. The DOE manages and controls all energy-re- bigger than in the previous year. lated plans and projects in the country. As a result, electric power cost shot up to Aside from the Aboitizes, the Lopezes and other `1.3209-`1.4028 per kWh from `0.1830 per kWh or a big compradors in the country who own big business- 622-627% increase. es in the power industry, the puppet regime is also Aboitiz control over power supply. APC's control urging foreign companies to invest in the privatiza- over electric power supply is national in scope. It cur- tion of power service in the country. ~

ANG BAYAN October 21, 2010 11