Pahayagan ng Partido Komunista ng Pilipinas ANG Pinapatnubayan ng Marxismo-Leninismo-Maoismo English Edition Vol. XLI No. 20 October 21, 2010 www.philippinerevolution.net Editorial Expose and oppose the Aquino regime's deception and militarism ot for a moment since Benigno Aquino III's new regime took power did the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP) N relent in its counterrevolutionary military campaign against the Filipino people. The US-Aquino regime is making full use of the political capital it gained from the last election to court support for its campaign of repression. But it is this same cam- gime is turning out to be no dif- paign that is rapidly dissi- ferent from its predecessor in pating whatever political cap- terms of the intensity and bru- ital Aquino has left. The peo- tality of its fascist repression. ple who were blinded by the The AFP has been conducting glare of his promise to change a relentless and allout military the old ways are gravely disap- campaign for more than two pointed with the ex- months now in Ilocos-Cordillera, tension of the US-Ar- Bicol, Eastern Visayas, Negros royo regime's and practically the whole of bloody Oplan Mindanao. Up to seven Philip- Bantay Laya pine Army divisions are now (OBL). The launching military operations present and sowing terror among the re- people in these areas. AFP mili- tary operations have also contin- ued in other regions. These operations have result- ed in myriad cases of fascist vio- lence and human rights viola- tions and wrought havoc on the people's livelihoods. The AFP has been brazenly abusing human rights and international humani- tarian law. Workers strike This issue’s Family massacred Severe power crisis in Agusan del Sur in Albay PAGE 3 in Mindanao PAGE 10 highlights... PAGE 6 In a matter of a little over two alist master. particular big foreign comprador months, soldiers and other military Second, there has been an out- and bourgeois comprador projects. operatives have committed massa- pouring of US support to the AFP These campaigns are aimed at sup- cres, abductions and torture, de- and the puppet Aquino regime's pressing the people's resistance to stroyed crops and other sources of counterinsurgency program. The US plans to initiate and expand the livelihood, conducted illegal has recently approved $434 million operations of large-scale mining searches, theft and forcible recruit- in aid for programs related to the and agro-industrial companies as ment and terrorized civilians. There counterrevolutionary war, on top well as other plunderous projects has so far been an average of more of the financial aid and sur- that are detrimental to the peo- than one victim of extrajudicial plus military equipment it ple's interests. killing per week under the new re- has been providing to the No matter how much the US- gime. AFP and the police. The Aquino regime and the AFP rely The renewed spate of fascist 2010 Cooperation Afloat on psywar gimmicky and lies, suppression by the AFP in the first Readiness and Training they cannot cover up the few months of the new puppet (CARAT) is currently be- brutality of their fascist Aquino regime is driven by three ing held in various are- acts. The AFP has been factors that are inextricably inter- as of Luzon involving taking instruction twined. more than 4,000 from the US Counter- The first are Aquino and the American soldiers insurgency Guide to AFP top brass' marching orders to and 1,000 elements rev up its psywar and crush the people's armed revolu- from the Philippine Navy civil-military operations tionary resistance in three years. and Marines. The US continues to (CMO). Thus, alongside its military The orders were issued after the intervene and call the shots in the operations, the AFP has been con- AFP's failure to defeat the NPA de- AFP's counterinsurgency opera- ducting showcase medical and den- spite a decade of the bloody OBL. tions. It is the moving force behind tal missions. Alongside its terroris- Aquino has ordered its extension the new operational plan being tic acts, the AFP has continuously while he prepares his own “internal drafted for next year, which will fo- been prating about “advocating security operational plan” for next cus on stepping up psywar and po- human rights.” It has been utiliz- year. He has practically doubled litical gimmickry to justify and ing the mass media to spread dis- the AFP budget for 2011, an- support an intensified campaign of torted information and malign the nounced plans to expand the mili- suppression. NPA and the revolutionary move- tary and is now begging for more Third, current massive military ment. military assistance from his imperi- campaigns are closely connected to Aquino and his subalterns have also been going on and on about ANG “peace” despite the absence of any Contents decisive step towards the resump- tion of talks with the National Editorial Vol. XLI No. 20 October 21, 2010 Oppose the US-Aquino regime’s militarism 1 Democratic Front of the Philippines Fascist state on a rampage (NDFP). In perpetuating the poli- Ang Bayan is published in Pilipino, Family massacred in Albay 3 cies that have served as stumbling Bisaya, Iloko, Hiligaynon, Waray and NPA thwarts military operation in Ilocos Sur 4 English editions. SC hit for upholding Anti-Terrorism Law 4 blocks to the peace talks' resump- Karapatan dismayed with Aquino 5 It is available for downloading at tion, Aquino has shown his lack of EV labor leader freed 5 the Philippine Revolution Web Central Agusan del Sur workers strike 6 intention to resolve the roots of located at: ABS-CBN workers set up picket line 6 the civil war through political ne- www.philippinerevolution.net KMU rallies vs. Philhealth hikes 6 gotiations. Ang Bayan welcomes contributions Drivers launch picket 6 in the form of articles and news. NPA military actions in Panay 7 The large-scale campaign of re- Readers are likewise enjoined to send NPA operations in Bicol 7 pression and unrelenting violence in their comments and suggestions for People’s court orders arrest of AFP officers 8 Promised jobs, a sham 8 against the people expose the US- the betterment of our publication. You Mining in Cagayan Valley 9 Aquino regime's militarist, reac- can reach us by email at: Power crisis in Mindanao 10 tionary and antipeople character [email protected] Homelessness in the US 10 lurking behind its promises of Ang Bayan is published fortnightly by the Central Committee change. Aquino's much-vaunted of the Communist Party of the Philippines “straight path” is in fact a crooked 2 ANG BAYAN October 21, 2010 road paved by fascism and FASCIST STATE ON A RAMPAGE watched over by his armed forces in order to give full vent to for- eign monopoly capitalists and Family massacred in Albay their big bourgeois comprador, landlord and bureaucrat capitalist massacre in Albay and widespread violations of human rights in cohorts to plunder and oppress Samar province are among the reports compiled by Ang Bayan the people. A this October. Aquino's intensification and October 20. A ten-year old ily belongings. The soldiers re- expansion of his campaign of re- boy was wounded in the foot turned after a week to make Ro- pression and violations of the when soldiers of the 49th IB salie's seven-year old child sign a people's rights are stoking the rained automatic fire on the house document stating that her mother people's anger and fuelling their of a civilian in Sta. Lourdez, Bar- was treated well. determination to defend them- celona, Sorsogon at around 6:30 A week after the incident, selves and wage resistance. a.m. more than 20 troopers of the 34th We must pull out all stops to October 11. Elements of the IB launched another operation, expose and oppose the deceitful 2nd IB massacred a family in Ba- this time in Barangay Bunga, Mo- US-Aquino regime's worsening rangay Nabas-an, Daraga, Albay at tiong, Samar. The soldiers bought militarism and oppression. around 2 a.m. Shot dead were Ba- food worth `4,000 on credit from The Filipino people must unite rangay Councilman a store owned by against the puppet regime's US- Wilfredo Lotino, his Irene and Serafin dictated militarist policy. We must wife Evelyn and Pacios. Before they continuously expose the US-Aqui- their nephew Anjo left, they took oth- no regime's pretenses and its Martos. The Lotinos' er items worth sham promises of change. We must daughter Jenny was `2,000. The couple support the widespread clamor to wounded. could no longer de- resume the peace talks in order to The victims mand payment be- seek a just and lasting resolution were sleeping in cause the soldiers to the civil war raging in the their house when did not give their country. the soldiers forced names or say who We must fire up the people's themselves in and their commanding courage to resist the various ways mercilessly gunned them down. officer was. The same military unit by which the military and the The soldiers perpetrated the mas- had earlier bought things on cred- state's armed forces have been sacre a few hours after the NPA at- it from a store owned by Wences- brutalizing and terrorizing the tacked the 2nd IB's tactical patrol lao Jomagdao in the same baran- countryside and urban areas. The base in Barangay San Ramon, Da- gay but also failed to pay him. people must mobilize themselves raga. This same unit under the 34th in their numbers to show that September.
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