Tkh E F I L S
TkH E ORTH SOUTH, filsi® VOLUME 11. NEW BUITAIN, CONNECTICUT, SATURDAY. MAY 28, im. NUMBER 80. T H • THl BAIV OOHOBST. And are aboat to ^ off to the bwr-diop, to ** lliy atookings are mended ahready, old boy ; History of IVcw Britoia, make room for yoa," «iid Wihwn, with roook and thy beat waistoeat, too. Doat think wo do Millions of tiny rain drops And tha famii^loa Faailj of Towns Are f»Uiaff all araand; dderanee. nothing all daTf QVut) M'co) Dritain lonrnal. Th^'re dftnoing on the houRetop*, " No, don't do thatj" mH Kate. I wkh to Qeoiwe looked at har in ailenoe. Not ao Mr. rbe valley of the Oonnectiout, to use a te They're hiding in the ground. BMMU BVBRITT •<llt*r, hoar you talk. What joa nOd just u Sally Robert Sykes, to iriMm thia gentle answer was appropriate to the hardahip and bntTery of t I.. M. ClUKBNSBV Prsprlntcr. opened th« door, abovl ^ poor mn'a rig^ta, aoiaething new. undertaking, waa eanried at four pmnta, durii Th«v are Mry-like musiaiani waa very good. I like to heat you. I want to WIU, SB IMUID IVRRT 8ATVRDAT With anything for Iceys, •• Why Sally thee'rt aiad!" be oried. What's the year 1680. Almoat simultaneously with t. know all about iV" done with thj dieek, owd laaaT" From tha Printing Offlee of tk» Proprietor, In th« BoMBiant o • Denting tunes upon the windows flnt settiement of Hartford, Windsor, and Wei the B»pUit Chuioh, NEW BKITAIH, OOMN. Keeping time upon the trees.
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