TkH E ORTH SOUTH, filsi®


T H • THl BAIV OOHOBST. And are aboat to ^ off to the bwr-diop, to ** lliy atookings are mended ahready, old boy ; History of IVcw Britoia, make room for yoa," «iid Wihwn, with roook and thy beat waistoeat, too. Doat think wo do Millions of tiny rain drops And tha famii^loa Faailj of Towns Are f»Uiaff all araand; dderanee. nothing all daTf QVut) M'co) Dritain lonrnal. Th^'re dftnoing on the houRetop*, " No, don't do thatj" mH Kate. I wkh to Qeoiwe looked at har in ailenoe. Not ao Mr. rbe valley of the Oonnectiout, to use a te They're hiding in the ground. BMMU BVBRITT •$t.SO per nnnum, in Advnnoe. In bundles not, she Mt down at tha taUa; while Bob Sykea young lady," vsfield, John Winthrop, aoo of Gov. Winthro] «f Are or more to one mddreM, A light and airy treble nearly twisted his AmIa^ in erder to avoid B<% looked at Kate and souled tin hit great of Maaaadittaetta, broke gtotind for a ffartru^ They piny upon the stream, puffing a smoko-elond vlMrpre^ face. But wbiake««l foea MiTahi^ 1 f , . jja^lfas sent ou Uamberi of Nwrttal Sohool, •nbioribinc In •

hKve no Mief irv (he oce^rronre, or evim possi- During the M*to«n yeRW which had elapMd Tha LUiai Oommlttce fl»r th« Antnsa fair. TliE orwo 'VK7'OFLJLj1D&, since the arrival of the Mayflower there had boin bility of war or bloodshel, i>«tvir«en tlMI two sec- II if ftlite likely that many if nol all the comparative peace and good neighborhood be- tions of the Union, in cnM of thtit seperation, ladles of New Britain, who saw their names on L0V90V, viw Tomi. tween them. The Engli^ plantation! wore ail by mutual oonsent. I should be tho Igit porson tho Committee of Armngemonts for ^e Aatumn Saiurday, April 80,—Nineteen more flUluroe Friday, Ithy 20.-.^rho oflTect of this new confined to the sua board. The villages occu- to advise inch a seperation, if such wns to bo Pftlr, wera not a little larprised to find them- wore added to Iho provioas tWmity-oight yestdr* war upon the rights and intercuts of the United pied Binall ppaccs of land, which were not valua- tho course of its accomplishment. I think there selves, without previously soliciting their oo-oper- day on the Ix>ndon Stook Exchange, making in States In exciting somo serious spoculntion. ble for hunting or fishing. Their populations is far more danger of n sanguinary cnnfliot, ation, thus assooiatod by i)ama.#ith tho Agrieul- all forty^ven sinoo the wftr-panio reached its Thousands are looking for war-prices, a great increased slowly in the first years of their set- while tho people of each section cling to the tural Cltib in an enterprise Intolving so mueh prceent crisis. A great deal of tho trepidation rise in tho value of American productions in tlemcntfl. The Indian mind was not yet able to chimom of a nominal union or parchment, wh«« labor, caro, taste and jadgment. But wo are an(^ alarm whioh led to this rovulsion has boon consequence of this coming struggle in Europe. comprehend that these sonttered hundreds of their sontimonts aro intensely and increasingly oonfldont that they will not expect nor wish an cauAod merely by groundless rumors, or untruth- But what any nation gains from a wnr between white men were to become thousands and millions, hostile. It is the^onnection which is the basis apology for the oonfldonoe of the Club, that they ful telegrams. The two statements that preoipi- other countries is like the money oofjuirod by and gradually spread over the whole country of hostility; ns independent republics, there would lend a ready hand of help to this undertak- tated the ruin upon stook dealers have proved gnmbling. No people can, in the long run, cn- from sea to river, mountain and la^e. But when would be no nocessity or occaeion for war. ing, whioh, it is hoped, will do credit to Now Brit- false, or unconfirmed :—vis. the reported offensive rioh themselves from a work of utter destruc- and defensive alliance botifeOQ France and Rus- companies of this foreign race tnoved inland fVom J. P. B. ain, and even to tho Siato. It is to bo the first tion. If tift war continue*, Europe will want the sea board a full hundred miles, and planted Exhibition of the ProduotioMof Agrioultural and sia, and the crossing of the Tioioo by the Aus- more speoie from us than brend-stuffs. A com- themsolvos in fortified settlements in the ohoicost The Balance of Engla&d*i Power. Moohanioal Industry that ever took place io the trian army. Ijater telegrami from Turin declare plimentary dinner is tu be givtn to Hon, A. H. that the Austrians have not made any offensive portions of the Oonnooticut valley, as pointt Wo would commond to our readers the follow- town. It is designed in part to give to our peo- Stephens, at Agusta, Qa., on the 2nd of July. movements at all. England is endeavoring to d'afyprei for a still more western march and occu- ing extract from the great speech of Disraeli be- ple, old and young, a pfoof positive |knd striking He is undoubtedly one of the ablest men of that interpose mediation at this late hour, and only pation, tho jealousy of some of the more proud fore his oonstituents in Buckinghamshire. It of what has been and may be produced hero, in state. Two more of the Paraguay tquadron what would seem mere points of diplomatic eti- spirited tribes was aroused to hostile acts. Tho presents views of large scope, foil of profound field and factory, in garden, orchard, grove and have arrived at New York. quette prevent a speedy solution of the difficulty, fierce and haughty Pequots; who might prbperly thought and political philosophy. We never parlor, with plow and pencil, with hammer and Most of the elections have taken place in Eng- Saturday, May 21.—The Southern Conven- bo called tho Mohawks of New Fnglond, took saw it equalled by any spoeoh from any other needle, by tho rugged, out-door industry of th0 land. Some old members of Parliament are tion was chiefly ocoupied with discnssionH on tho lead in theso acts of aggression, and en- Brlllsh Stil^man. Th6 glM Conservative lead- farmer, and tho trained xskill of the mechanic; shelved, nnd some new men have been elected. tho repeal of federal laws prohibiting tho impor- deavored to enlist othor Indians io a general up- ers in the House ^of Oommons has reached a by tho broad^lyinded JBwer and reaper of our All tho leading statesmen df the realm have tation of Slaves from Africa, Tho debate was rising ogainst tho English. Even before their higher conception of England's future, and Eng- hard hills aitd'tMlMW''iAleys, and by the white been returned. Riohard Cobden, during bis exceedingly interesting; the fire-eaters on one Rotuai settlement on the Conneotiout, the Pe- land's relationship than Pitt, Peel or Palmcrston fingers that ply needle or pencil in the homes of absonco in the United States^ has been chosen by side, a nd tho conservatives on the other. Although quots and their oonfederates perpetuated several ever attained. In fact neither of them, nor any the village. In preparing fbr such an Exposition the town of Rochdale, Bright's residence. Eng- the former carried tho proposition, yet they ooakl murders and other outrages. The most startling of their oontemporaries, ever threw the Colonial of Industry and Art, the aotivo co-operation of land has no man of greater value to her well-be- not haye represented many inflaential men in and atrocious, was the massacre oi Capt. Stone Empire of England into the scale in balancing tho ladies of the town was regarded as a prime ing at this crisis. their respective states. A most daring attempt and Capt. Norton and their orew of eight men, her powor against othor European nations. Dis- necessity, and a ready and undoubted certainty, to rob the U. 8. Mails on the N. Y. & Erie Rail- in 1684. The vessel was iVom St, Ohristopher's, raeli said a great thing and said it well. Eng- too 5 for many memorable proofs and illustrations Monday, May 2.—The Anstrians have now road took place on Wednesday night last. The in the West Indies, loaded with the productions land, in geographical position, by laws, language of their public spirit, and personal tasto, judg- crossod the Ticino hito the territory of Sardinia, robber secreted himself in the water-closet of tho of these islands, and boand for Hartford, with the and religion, is becoming less and less an Old ment and activity have been witnessed . by this and, at last accounts, had advanced to Vercelli, mail car, and whilst the agent waa lying down view of trading with the Dutch house estahlished World Power, She is connected by vitnl and oommunityc As the business of pyeparing for or within a day's marob of Turin. The Sar- for a nap, ponrod chloroform upon his face. He there. Having murderd all on board they plun- everlasting ties of sympathy, by sentiments of the Fair was pressing and varied, it was be- dinians have retired before them. French troops awoke and a long and desperate struggle enstied, dered the vessel, and then sunk her. The plun- oneness, with the vast communities of her race lieved that they would waive tho fbrmality of a are pouring into £)urdjinia, especially in great but the thief effected his escape as the train der was divided and scatterd among various in the Western Hemisphere,, in the boundless personal and individual invitation to assist in the force at Geiwa. The Ajistrian government jus- slacked speed. Wm. Smith O'Brien is to sail tribes of Indians. The next year, John Oldham, empire of Ocean, in Australia and both the In- necessary arrangements; thus the Club did not tifies itself in this matter, and throws the responsi- for Europe on the 28th, having made an exten- who in 1633, travelled through the wilderness dies. Already there are more miilions who speak hesitate to appoint about thirty ladies, from the bility of setting aside mediation upon Franco, sive tour through the United States and the with three men to the Connecticut, and who had her language in America than in Europe. The different congregations and districts of the town She has ordered the raising of a loan of about Canadas. been trading on the rivor, was murdered near as an auxiliary commit^e to enlist the taste, "day may come, when the gravitation of her mor- $100,000,000 for oarying on tho war. As none, Monday, May 28.—The news from Utah is Block Island. al power will shift its centre, and draw her tow- skill and industry of all the women and children not even her own suhjeots, will lend hot money, that can be interested in the work, in preparing very serious and important. A collision be. ards a New World focus. We.would say to her knowing her present bankrupt condition, the Na- twecn the U. S. troops and tho Mormon Militia THE NORTH AND SOUTH, in this crisis-hour of her relationships, take tho articles for oxhibition at tho Fair. All kinds of tional Bank is to furnish two thirds of the useful or fancy articles, or specimens of skill, was apprehended, as Gov. Gumming was deter-

LOCAL I^EWS. JJUT0HIN3ON SECOND CONCERT. HALL & STANLEY'S COLUMN. GREAT ATTRACTION H. K. HALE & GO'S COlUMr, TRIAL ACUBS OF CoiiN.--Probia)ly not half tho John W. Hntcliliitoii ——AT—— corn to be planted this year is yet in the ground. H. K. HALE & CO. We would remind tho farmers of New Britain CELEBRATED ^T^SON FAMILY. HALL & STANLEY, and vioinity that the Club has appointed a Cora- or the Old €}ranlte State. RILEY'S DEALERS IN mitteo on Crops, to visit different farms in the With hlH F*inlly.~FANNIR B. and HENRY J., with -*-i>Mumi in*- autumn,and examine cornfields espeoially, and re- VIOLA a.,—Win SinR and Play at O.A8H 8TOKEI! DiruCfliy port those worthy of " honorable mention." We HUMPMRRY HALfi, NEW BRITAIN, GROCERIES hope a good many will be dispojed to give a Ut- To rich and poor, and all who listen to this call. Th fliolxool 33001B.C: ile extra care to an acre, and see what it may time proposed to itng is I STILL CONTINUE TO DISPENSE produce Any specimen of production Wednesday Kevenlns, June 1st, 1859, STATIOIIITp ftl>i which will not pay, is worth little as a practical Tlie time to oommei.oe la 8 o'olook, boftrt that Ume th« people may talk. Tho price of a example. A AT THE OLD STAND, Bespectftilly oftr to th« ** TICKET IS UK CENTS, PROVISIONS (HT* We learn that Mr. Tracy, the foreman And none who listen will (rmdg« the expense. The pro- UNANIMOUSLY PROCLAIMED THE . CITIZENS OP NEW BRITAIN AND YICINM". gramme contains the rerj best songs, Moh one tntroanc- of the Ishom Lock Factory, visited the city of ed Just where it belongs. CHEAPEST IN TOWN! Tho fbllowing Providence, on Friday last, (May 20th,) for the PROORAMME. FLOOR and FEED, purpose of again proving that the Bacon Lock Tho good time eomfng, the good time come, SPLENDID Assortmenl. can be picked. It had been roundly asserted by When men will drik water and cease drinking mm. Tls sweet to be remembered where'en we may b«, Just recelTed ftvm Mr. Bacon, of Boston, that their Lock had not I live for thoFe fHends who IWe to loTe me, LOW PRICES TRIUMPHANT!! been and could not bo picked. Mr. Tracy tried Zekol and Haldy, nnd Miss Maty Ann, Tho Little Maiden with the Family Man, NEW YORK AND BOSTON, the experiment upon the Look at the MeTchants' Horticultural wi(b, little Topsy's Song, Table and Pocket Cutlery, Bank, and opened the Door in one hour and Forty years ago, and Right oTer Wrong, NO USB TALKING I SMALL EXPENSES ! QOIOK WHICH THEY YLXLh. .STO aa c|i^ap AS Till The fiimilyjars, matrimonial sweets, twenty-seven minutes. The bright promised land where we all hope to meet, AGRICULTURAL Sales an J Low Pruflts do th« Basing ! The Yesterday, (26th,) Mr. Tracy opened a Look The ship on fire, Old Times and New, With tho Lifb-boat Song we bid you adieu. PRICES attract the peopls, and where they They embraoe in part the following arUcles: at the City Bank of Bridgeport. o. OROOKBRT AND OLA88 WARS, buy the CHEAPEST, THERE yoo ADULTS IN CLUBSlio nVE FOR A DOLLAR. • wiU find them! -oto- TUB EXBCUTIVK COMMITTEE of the New Britain CHiLDnKN who are pledgetl not to ory or to laugh, oome Agricultural Club are earnestly requested to meet along with your parents for TWELVE CENTS and a BRITANNIA & PLATED WARE. half lw29 Why look here: FANCY GOODS. on Wednesday evening next, in tho lower room of Strickland's Hall. Some important business, DI880MJTI0IV. 80 BARRELS DUTCHESS COUNTY XX FLOUR, Ladies* Shopjdng Bags, which requires immediate attention, is to be ar- HE FIRM OF •« HALL, BOWERS & CO.," i» this Among our assortment may be fbund •8.25 per barrel. Puisea, Hair Pins, Head Drestes, ranged by the Committee. Every member is T day dissolved by mutual consent. 80 Bbls. XXX ST. LOUIS FLOUR. urgently invited to be present, promptly, if pos- THOS. 8. HALL. FLOXJE OF ALL GRADES, Bracelets, Work Baskets and Boxes. HENRY C. BOWERS, .80 Barrels, S. C. Dermot and Extra Genneaee Floor. sible, at 7 o'clock. WALTIR H. STANLEY. Fans. Ri^ng Whips. &o., ST. LOUIS, TENNESEE AND OHIO, New Britain, May 20,1859. Extra P. R. Molasses, 80 cents per gallon, Being the best assortment evet offiered in (his market. EXTENBIVR FARMING.—Mr. Elizur Smith, on COPARTlVERsiilP IVOTICE. Very Superior. Yellow Coffee Sugar, 9 cents per lb. the Dan Clark Farm, we learn, has sown 16 acres HE undersigned haying parohased the interest of H. C. BOWERS, in the late firm of HALL, BOW. Foreign and Domestic FRUITS; of oats, planted six acres of potatoes, and eight T AGEjrTB FOR E^ k CO., have this day formed a Copartnership for Nuts, Spices, Homlay, Hulled Com, of corn. Has any farmer in New Britain ex- continuing the business of said firm, under the name of PALMER, JUBB'S St CO'»i ceeded this ? HALL & STANLEY. Worcestj^hire Sances, E. Goodwin LEATHER BELTING, THOa, 8. HALL, and Brothers TOBACCO. WALTER H. STANLEY. Comprising all widths. Oak and Hemlock—the verv CRUSHED, LARGE PIK-PLANTB—Mr. Wm. A. Churchill, New Britain, May 20,1869.—[2w80 beet quality, and at the lowest prices. 'It will be foi has sent us specimens of the largest and finest POWDERED, your interest to call and see it, before parchasing Bruce's New York Type - Foundry elsewhere. pie-plants we ever sow. Seven stalks, with the GRANULATED, CROCKERY AND GLASS WARE! Has now on hand an immense stock of leaves, weighed 10 pounds. One measured from Roman Type. Fancy Type, And all other kinds. CUTLERY AND HARDWARE! BIlXJSiaiBS, the butt to the first branch 31 inches, and Copperplate Script, German T^pe, .CLOTH, inches average circumference. Music Type, Ornaments, 0 Chocolate, Chess and Checker Type. Borders, Cocoa, HAIR, Brass and Metal Rules, Leads, Comena, TUK WBATHER AND THE WEEK.—After Brass and Electro. Circles and • Ellipses, •X'Sl^St NAIL, Tapioca, nearly a week's rain, whioh descended like a Labor-S:\ving J?a1c8, Comer Quads, TOOTH, Metal Furniture, etc. BOTH GREEN AND BLACK. Maccaroni, PAINT, perpendicular flood, the sun came forth on The types are oil cast by Acom power from the haid Vermocilli, Sunday evening last, shining forth most glori- metal peculiar to this foundry. The unequaled rapidity VARNISH, WHITEWASH, ously, after its long veiling. The ram was warm in the process of casting enables me to sell these more du- rable types at the lowest prices of ordinary types, either OHOIOB FRSNOH PRUNES, AND COUNTER. and genial for vegetation, and one could almost for cash or credit. OOF J?* El Sly Presses, Wood Type. Ink, Cases, Sticks, etc., ftimish- ACKERMAN & CO>S PEREFCFED EXTRACT OF COFFEE, see grass and grain grow. This has been a ed at tho manufivoturer's lowest prices. A specimen pamjjhlet of Fonts of Letters only, and prices, mailed to GROUND AND UNOROUND. &o., &c., &0., busy week in planting corn, and probably about ooncsiB. printing offices, on the reception of seven cents, to pre- half of the intended amount is in the ground. Together with a .large and well selected assortment of pay the postage. DRESSING, LADIES, BACK AND PUFF. There is a good and gladdening promise of large Printers of Newsppera who choose to publish this ad- PROVISIONS, to which your attantlon U reMpeotfblly Tortisoment. inoludinc this note, tbre« tiinca before tb* crops. 1st day of August, 1859, ond fbrward me one of the pa- called. pers, will be allowed their bills, at the time of making a W. H. RILEY. For The Mrth and South. OF ALL KINDS. Their Ice Oreain Saloon purchase from me of five times tite amount uf my manu- NKW BBITAIX, May 18,1869. 27-2 At the roguUr Communication of " Harmony Lodge, factures. Addrsss, UP STAIRS. NUMBER 3, GEORGE BRUCE. Is now ready, and will always be furnished with the No. 20, of Free and Acoopted Masons," held at their 3w30 18 Chambers St, New York. \ » MEN'S FURNISHING GOODS Ilall on the 2nd inst, the following resolution were univu- choicest article. Ice Cream supplied to fomilies and parties at the shortest notice. imously ndopted : H.\MS. DRIED BEEF. PORK. Renolved, That we sincerely regi'et the deooasc of our Y applying a good coat of my JAFPAM your Roof will Brother, WILLIAM BUTHIA, who after A long illness hiM not leak, and will last live times as lung as the best LARD, BUTTER EMPORIUM. l)ci!ii removed fk*om us, in the midst of years and useful- Bcomposition that can bo made of Linseed Oil and Paint TXaOEIIXl. U(!«s; yet we humbly and submissively bow to tho Prov- or cement that some use on roofb. My experience of 40 s o i> A. I'OTJisrT-A.iisr idence of the Grand Master of tiie Uuiverso," with yeara in tlie use of Paints, Varnishes. Jappnns, &c., &c., AND CHEESE. whom alone are the issues of life, and who " doeih all enables me to compound an article that I feel safe to say WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, Is now in flow, and will serve up refreshing drinks, tilings well." is the best and most lasting of any thing now in use, it seasoned with any delicious syrup to be found CODFISH AND MACKEREL, SHIitTS, Retolveil, That by his decease, this Lodge is deprived is an improvement on the patented article now in use in in the world, to delight the palate. of a worthy Brother, and tho Community of a good and New York and Boston. Call and see it. I shall be at tlie SOAP, CANDLES. OIL, BUBNING FLUID, COAL OIL. COLLARS, an exemplary citizen. Humphrey House a few days longer, and will do and cause to be done all tho jobs I get ordeif* for. I have WINGS FARINA CRACKERS. AND STOCKS. Rusolved, That although our deceased Brother, was done a number that can be seen. Enquire of Wm. J. comparatively " a stranger in a strange land," yet liis o Bulk ley, in my absence he can tell j'ou his opinion.— RABINS, CITRON, LEMONS, CURRANTS, absent and distant relatives and friends can be assured, Price per 100 feet, 87i cents for new tin roofa never THE LARGEST AND CHEAPEST LINE OF that ho received kind attentions, aid and sympathy, and p:unted. 1 have jobs engaged in Troy and Albany, ond I a christian masonic burial. lu every principal place from here to Waterbury on the Together with a large nasortment of other gooda to nu- LUBINS & HARRISON'S Renolved, That the .Secretary trunsnnt to the fViends Uailroiid route, through Springfield and Hartford, and nieroua to mention. HALF HOSE IN TIUS STATE, of our deceased Brotlier, a copy of the foregoing, duly thu principal Uoolera in each place are agents for me. FRENCH AND GERMAN COLOGNES, attested under seal of this Lodge,—and that he came a JOHN B. . We intend at all times to keep a ftill and complete COMPRISING lilce copy to be published in the Nonru & SOUTH." New Britain, Mav 20,1859.—[30tf Burnett's Cocoaine. EZKKIEL ANDREWS, W. Master. assortment of ENGLISH AND GERMAN, French Pomades, JAMES BELL, &'ecretary. Lyons Kaithoron, New Britain, May 2d, 18 j'J. ne^FYFrTKFTooI^ CROCKERY A HA^RDWARE. Barry's Trioopherous, Phiilon's Invigorator, SILK, M A It 111 K D . • S. L. & J. A. STRICKLAND Wood's Hair Restorative, LINEN, Mrs. Allen's Restorative. III this town. May 25, by itev. Mr. Boole, JAMIBI Would oall the aUeatlon of the oUiMni of New Britain and ad. OUR LISLE. BKACH to MAUV MAUEOWS, both of this town. Joining towiii, to thair A6RICULTURAF DEPARTMENT AND COTTON, T> I E D . NEW AND HPLENDID STOCK MIXED, wm embraoe all kinds of TOILET SOAPS ANIO POWDERS In Westport, Conn., onfliiturday evening, MaySlst, BROWN, Of every description. MAKTHA DOWNEH, wife of Henry R. Treadwell of New Spring. Gk>ods, FARMING TOOLS. WHITE, GENTLEMEN'S CANES, MEERSCHAUM PIPES and York, and daughter of Ell and Martha Mygatt of New Juit NoelTod fiom New York and BiMinn, oomprUinz tlia gri*tait Milfurd, Conn., aged 8G years. Tiirietie«co lio fttund at any wiablblinivnt in the HUio{ inoluriing AND FANCY. CIGAR HOLDERS. the LATKST and OHOIUKdT HTYLBd of VUKMOH, KNaUUL' andAMEKlOAN 000D& Pal MM IST OF LETTERS, remiUning in the Poet Office, at Ttuiriioek ambraew Blaekand Kanojr Sllkt of Ttrloai Biylaa A large and picked (Msortment of NECK TIBS, bought Tsralahes. New BriUin, Thursday Morning, May 26th, 1859. and prioim: DUck 811k Vtlvau, Laowi, Smbroldttiiai, Iltwiury, We would respectfully call the attwtion of the Public L aiovei and UlU ; I'ei-sons enquiring Ibr anv of the following, please say, to the above, being satisfied that we can please both in of the best houses in the Country, and for sale to TarpMilae, Tkf.y are JldcerlUed.*^ Oreta QMda, inoludlnc Da rAinM, Plaids, DueaU, Dabs- the trade at New York and Boston Prices. PVTTY, PCAVBBJK 9V»TMMU' gM, Muliair Liuira*, Hoia • Ttsran, India Olaoa, Boa taint Op«r- quality and price. Our assortment is the largest In Aveans Miss Mary Judd, itichard an, UayMderoa atu., aiiiKhanw, Vrtnob, £n|ltah and Amanean Abbott, Miss Emma Judd, J. U. PrlDU, of all prioi'ii, and of evary ihMcription ; Lmdiea' Clitttia, Town and we are constoatly receiving (resh addHioos to Merchants can save themselves a trip to New York (br Abraham, Isaac Knippinf, Theodore Bliaw i, MaaUIlM, and a graat rarlaty of DBISS TKIMMINOd. these goods by examining my stock and PRICES before our Stock, and will make It for the interest of to call Hucknuin, Miss Elixa J, Kenan. Wm. MILLINS&T-An uiiiur|w*Md aMortmaot, IneludlDg Uixuii, (l(x)rgc Punfield, Fi-edertck Lto wait upon nil old and new ouBtomein. KIliM, Miss Anhia Rehin, Miss Barbara Tax of nine per cent, kid on list of 1858, is due on the or NO CIIAOE FOR BERTHS ^ Imperial. Early Washington. It is useleM to enumerate what I have got, for It will first day of June next, and a four per cent, tax laid on Katon, Mary A. Jiobbins, Mr. E. The Steamer ELM CITY. Capt. Lawis, will leave New BEANS—Lima. Horticultural. Early Red Eye. K){u», JoHopU iiafferty, Francis be the tunte old story, list of 1858, by Central School District, No. 1, is due at Haven every night, (Sunduy's excepted,) at 11 o'clock the same time And a five per cent tax laid by the GRASS SEEDS—Timothy, Red Top, Northern Foster, /{alph Iteuehln, James FLOUR, p. m., arriving in New York In time for the trains of tite aud Western, Herdsgrass, Red Top. Fitch, Uriandu Aeuimingtou, Frank POUK, Borough of New Britain on list of 1869, and a Ibur per cent Water lax hiid on list of 1869, both ef whioh are due Hudson River, Erie and Philadelphia Railroads. FERTILIZERS, FERTILIZERS. Fay, Piiilip Huiitb, MLM M. Jane LARD, REl'URNINO—Leave New York every afternoon at 8 BUTTER, on the 16tb day of June next. Aud the Town, Borough C«urratt, Eva J. i^iuith, Charles fl. o'olook. GUANO, Gerald M. O. L. Mmith, Sheldon TEA, aud School District have voted that all persons paying SUPER PHOSPHATE OF UME. &C., &C their Taxes on or before the 20th day of June next, may The Steamer TRAVELLER, Capt BowMa, will resume Guo'ifellow, Henry /[juilth. L. M., M. D. her regular trips for tite season on MONDAY, May 9th, POUDRETTE. Guivun, i^oliert tfweet, l>eunis But suffioient to say that I have a good assortment of all be entitled to a discouut of 6 par cent. I will meat thu Tax Payers of the several Taxes at the leaving New Haven every morning, at 10 o'olook, in time For sale in any quantit^^^TEN POUNDS TO A TON Gitlurd, Li-ster i»t««>l, E. H. 2 new goods. Just uull and give us your orders and they for the afternoon trains aud boats for the South aud West. - » • • will be promptly attended to. Town Clerk's Ofiioe to receive the same fh>m the 10th to Grover, L. K. £>tark, Edward the 20th of June, from 8 A. M., to 6 P. M. RITUKNIMU—WiU leave Peok Slip, New Yock. at 11 llarrity, iliss Bridget Stewart, Arthur G. A. ELLIS. o'olook, p. m., and arrive in New Haven In time for all New Britain, May 18. 1859.—[28 tf H. W. WHrriNQ, CoujioitMU Kurt, Milts Ix)is Ann Thumpon, Mrs. Elixa New Britain, May 12th, 1869.—8w28 the early morning trains for the North aud East AO Ctallous Maple Syrup, lluu((h, ftliss Maria P. ThumpMn, Samuel State Rooms can be secured through the day at B. For sale by H. K. HALE & CO. Hart, Airs. SeUh WHllamsou, Miss Maria A. Sew Britain VUh and Oyitor lUrket Beeoher's, 76 Chapel Street. 8m28 Jio^aii, Mik. Rviu Williums, Alunxo ll pi-rsous are forbidden entering upon my laud, for SMITH'S IIOMCEPATHIO MEDICINES Hull, Mr. M. Wincholl, Willye A the purpose uf Uathiug, Cutting Trues or Shrub* KEIIIOVAL. gj^m j^f BttONwiNr ^^ J um ATTORNEV^ AND OOUNBELLOK AT LAW ——-AUO Woodruff, Asahel H. otiier purpoNe, except uu business witli thu owner, under X under I.estor Uuutii's to the Ncw liulldlug A large stock of HUMPHREY'S SPECIFIC—just re- MAUCKLJLIRS CiJiU(, P. M. penally of tho law. CHAUNCEY DUUU. first door north of thv Post Office. Offio* in Tbonuoia'a N«w Boildlog. ueived, aud tor sale by • Niw Uiitain, May 20, IbOV. Nvw Di-itain, May 10, 185'v) Itb-liU J. E. BISHOP & CO. NK«V tflUTAIN, CONN. 11.|K. HALE A CO. THE NORTH AND SOUtH, AJ^D NEW BRITAIN JOURNAL.

"KOTHEA XADB IT." A RICH 8o*!»ii.--In the Canadian House of As- IVIAIL ARRANGEMENT. B. JOHNSTON, JR., BULKLEY & NEWTON, A fVw weeks ainoo, while in one of the beautU sembly, last week, they had quita a spirited de- bate on the bill to prohibit tho us^ of hoops and BA8TERN MAILS oloM at a qaatter before 0 o'olook 8(«tn Mi Can mm, an^ Pluaibcn, ful inland oitiofl of Wifloonnin, an incident ooour* A, M., and at 4 o'olook, P. M. red which awftkonod in iny mind a train of refleo* crinoline, introduoed by Mr. Aiken. We publish BOUTHRRSf MAILS closed at 2 o'clock, P. M. Boot Shoe and Gaiter NIW BRITAIN, CX)NII. tionfi which posnibljr may bo written and road with a few of tho most brilliant passages : EASTERN MAILS due at 11 o'clock, A. M., and at «—-OBAMKS III Mr. Drummond was an ardent admirer of hoops 6 o'olook, r. M. *-^^liyjiEEji* • • advantage. BOUIHBHN MAILSdtto at a quarter beHrol o'clock, A LARQE and aplendid aamrtment has Jost been re- STEAM, GAS AND WATER PIPE; FITTINGS I wafl hurrying along, the stroot, when my at- from childhood. He was botn with a love of hoops. Whan ho was a child of tender growth, P M c«iv«d, mannflMtartd esptemly for the Spring AND FIXTURES, BATH-TUBS, HEATERS, BOILERS, tention wan nrroHted by the appearance of a little Mall to Plainville, Bristol, Waterbnry, and OITIOOB on Trade, of the ehoioest material, and best workmanahip SINKS, WASH-BOWLS, boy on the sido of the pavement, selling onndy.— he used to trundle his hoop, all unconscious of the or near the H. P. ft F. Railroad, Went,— Our stock comprises the fbllowing Marble Slabs, Fountain .lets, Rub1>er Hose, Hose Pipe, He was not really beautiful, nor wu ho deoided* fate that was in store for him. Later in lif^ ho CLOSED at half past 10 o'olook A. M. MEN'S CALF DQ0T8«r all desertion, Hydrants, >itreet Washers, Steam and Water DUE at nUArtor before 6 o'olook, P. M. ly tho reverse. His ase was about nine years; had swallowed a ring, which resulted in a hoop- MEN'S KtPaftfl THICK HOOW, Gauges, Steam Valvca, Whistles, fto. in-cough, and even now the sight of an empty Mails to New York City and ofBo« South of New York his clothes were old ana fHded, but well patched. City only. MEN'S Calf, Goat, Bnamel, Patent, W*. J. BOUtWT, CHAtl.BS W. KKWTOX His onndy was spread upon a eo»r«e, white cot- hothead brought tears into his eyes. CLOSED at 0 o'olook, P. M. OXFORDS,GAITERS, TIES, SLIPPERS, Ac., Feb. 6. 1850. » 14—I yr, ton cToth, neatly stretehed over what had been a Mr. Brown complained that it wai impossible DUE at 74 o'olook, P. M. MEN'S CALF, KIP AND THICK BR0QAN8. now to choose a wife, since her defects wore so N. D. Letters not placed In the ofBoo at or be/ort the 1819. simTjieoY. i8S9, japanned server. He was lurrounded by a Rroall aforoMaid times for olosing, muHt remain till tho next A choice assortment of every descriptiotJ of group, of boys, evidently belonging to different bid by hoops and envdoped in orinoUno that the LADIES' C0N0RF»8 HEELED GAITERS, I have BOW opened and raadjr frrr mU My ^t^int hnpnration of mail. choice Kleld, (iarden and Plowrr HMNU, MlMtrdlu |>«rMiu horn grades of society. naked • - Office open at 7 morning, and oloted at 8 o'olook, BOOTS, BOOTEES, AND BUSKINS, the Prat arad ertabHahoi^i.t* in Kurot>e,#hicb, with a rait fally oToning. LACE GAITERS, TIES, SLIPPERS, Ac. aaanrteil utock of hvmt pemt Brwla, raWd for inf ^alr|i ««|)^elan>ut, Sciailiar, rUi«eolet, Barlirit Itiatk freckled, homespun little representative of trade. Mr. Brown—But, Mr. Speaker, the naked Dvlglum, etc. I purchased of him, partly for hiseneourageoient, Speaker—Hold your tongue, sir. JEU'ELBRN. The above Goods have been manufkctured expressly to BBBTM-Crapaudlneor rmi(h ikln, Wayte*! very deep Mood red, OORNIB MAIN STIIRKT AND OBNTBAL ROW, mv own order, by the first honses in New York, and both new aiid decidedly line. but with particular reference to the friendship of Mr. Brown—The naked with the view of securing the patronage of the public. BRO(;COLI-'Elletenn«t Mammoth, Adama* e«rly White Miller'a the little folks of the family with which I was a Speaker—Upon my soul, Mr. Brown, oork up, HARTFORD, CONN. I will sell all kinds of lata. AMIBIOAN, ENOITSN AHD SWBB WATOHXS, M GOLD CAnOAOR-Fartr French Winnlgatadt, I'nciiah Mare<-llan, Knrly tetnporary guest. or I'll have you arrested. BOOTS, SHOB8 OR OAITBRS, Knaliah Blenbelm, Nooiwrflll, Klosol tlie Cabbafei and lart^e Mr, Brown—Permit me to explain,Mr. Speak- AMD SiLvm CASU. Red DiumhMd, Fmch. The oandy was as white as the olotk beneath it, OBIAPn THAN TBU OHeAPBST. CAHROTtf-AU Ua^ being fVee Arom the poisonous coloring ingredients er. When I said naked A GOOD SILVER HUNTING DETACHED R. JOHNSTON, Jr., begs to intimate that he MANU- BOKBCOLK, BKUSdBMS, BPROUTfl. Bo uxtensiveiy wed in the eonfectionary art. I test- Speaker—(yelling)—'Clear the gallery of ladies, LEVER FOR $13.00. FACTURES TO ORDER evenr description of Goods in EARLY CARPENTER POTATOES. Mr. Sergeant. the Boot and Shoe Line, both i>r Ladiw and Gentlemen, ed it, and found it delicately flavoredan d very nice. and* EARLIEST K^JVOWM " My boy," said I, your candy is v«ry good; Mr. Brown—^In the name of the seventeen graces J^WELilY. CAVMriiOWKft-Bitrs Bariy Paris, r^rlf BrfaH, Large Un, let me have a little more*" and the fifteen masea, Mr. Speaker—dearly be- BoautHbl Lava, Coral, Cameo, Florentine, Malachite WILL LOWER HIS COLORS TO NONE IN THE TRADE t • ornnud, all vwy ehoiee. Painting, and all Gold Jewelry, KITBXB Hni Oft KUKWHTFTK. OBI.EBY-Turkiab Giant White, taint's MW Mastmoth Red I immediately saw that my remark had awak- loved Smith~«rd Ken- the impropriety of • yon'a (aTorit*. in reply: soxjXD szi^-vsazi. fiiflTPRE WAREIfOU^ EGG PI.A irr. LE f K—f nimner and Winter. " It is good, isn't ? Mother made it" Sir. Brown—(wildly)—Truth! truth! truth !— Forks, Spoons, Knives, T^E hftve Secretaries, Desks, BareaiiR, Sofas L«n-UCB~Park Whit* Co* oc 1M, White BMavian, Grd repaired with plication may incur, of appropriating to myself care and warranted to give satisfaction. Clapboards, - - Clapboards. PKPPEB, FEPPBB6BAB6. PUMPKIN was going to say such a dam Call and see us. ONSTANTLY on band at onr Hill a large aaaorunent »t the nobility of eharacter which I havo above at- Mr. J. Cameron—The honorable member should BBUIBH-WUta aad Scarlet OUT« aiiraiied. tributed to the oandy boy. Holding myself ex- Hungerford & Cone's Blook, 1st oorner South of State C CXiAPBOARDM not nwear in that dreadful manner. of auperior manufiictnre, which w» aball aell at reduced ptkea EARLY WENDELL SEOLING POTATOES. empt from this arrogance, I would simply say, I House. Mr. Ross—Wasn't doing anything of the kind; 6ml8 nRniriTOtrAT & MTEVEIV8. —lUO— RHUBARB. 8AFFB0N, BALUtY. am not ashamed of the profession of my affection but would be tempted to do so, if not allowed to PLANED LUMRBR, VLOOIUMesi, CEIUMO, BHEATBUIO •riwACM—SoiBaMr sad Wlatar. for my parents, and hope I may not outlive that MODi.DINad, fe., fe. aavaaM—PM and beat of all. "Tbe nnbbard,** lot rdneed by profession. finish his sentence—but such a dam (order, J- U. Urefory ; pot an in fpen at ISe and 2Se. Thia la order)—a dam (confusion) ho would repeat E. Taylor & i^on, witboot qneation the Sneat grained brat ilatorrd and beet When I was a little boy, at school, and carried Steam Planing Mill, I>ulch Point, kevping of all the winter rarfetiM. Boet«n Mamw—aecond it—by such a dam (tremendous uproar.) 18—ly Hartford, Co«n. only to tiM (bieign. my dinner in a satchel made of oalioo, some of my T0M«T0-8mall roand Enaoeh red, (largKloe;) alao tbe Cherry Bchoolmates carried theirs in fashionable willow Mr. Wright stood up and moved amidst the wildest confusion, that Mr. Ross be expelled from M. GUraNSEY has reqeived-(for sale Wholesale and Strawberry. baskets, and sometimes teased me because I car- tho House for such awful language. 1, or Rotall)—»large involGe, dlraot from the Manafuoiory, of aTSAwaaaav tcao.—Alpine /ted and Bnah Alpine. ried mine in a * poke.' I felt vexed, but recon- all colon. AND OTHER ^L'-ilN® MATERIALS. TOBKir—OoMcn Ball, t-arljr Baowball, Green Kaeaia, etc. Mr. Ross—(black in the facc)—Exclaimed that BLACK, BLUE AND RED, ciled myself with the recollection that, if I did And of all tbaiiMR, Quart*, Ptnti, Half Pinti, Standu, &e., Always a large stura,toan UNCHANGEABLE JET BLACK. as can be bonj^lit in the state, of the same quality of BMaoM. ItcotnpriiM all the lat««t •c depart- school without any dinner. They had no nice fanity. goods. We make a superior article of PLANED and aoent, aelactMl with great can by mTaolf while abKwd, iW cboice HARRISON'S COPYING FLUID JOINTED CLAPBOABDS at our PLANING MILL, rarietiea by mail pre i«id f 1,0U. Cataloguea by mail. willow basket—they needed no calico ' poke.' J. M. B. McNARY P. 0. BUILDING. TEMPTATION.—John Newton says Satan seldom I* an entirely new article, moking a AMO William Foster ruled his copy book with a pen- Ummtotd, March 19,1850. <2U -39 comes to christians with great temptations or with B«tt«r C)«py -without H PreHs! MooldiDgs, Scroll Work, Tiralif Ae-, cil set in a fine silver case. He said he would DONE TO ORDER. temptations to do a great sin. You bring a green than almost any other witU one! not cari^ such a ^eat ugly club of a pencil as We invite the attention of parchaaers in New Britain New T«i>*srapbieal 91ay log and a candle togetherand they are safe neigh- At the Newi Koom and Printing Offlee, Baacmont of tlie Bnplig and vicinity, and promise if they will come and see ns to or TUE mine, l compared the pencils. His was the hand- bors. But bring a few shavings and sot them a- Clinrch, New Britain. tfl-n8 treat them with civility and sell them what Lumber somest, but no better than mine. I had a good light and place the green login the midst of them they want—SURE. STATUE OF CONNECTICUT lead pencil, hammered out of a piece of lead.— fllhe New Britain OUR TERMS—3 months or two per cent off for cash. AXD DEB CITIES, and you will soon get rid of your log. And that FISH and OUR MOrrO-Promptness and good work. " Mother made it* and I was satisfied with it.— is the way with little sins. You will be startled From Actual finrreys and Instrumental Measurement of After we grew up cobe men, William Foster came HUBBARD BROTHERS. with the idea of committing a great sin and the OYSTER MARKET, Middlctown, March &, 18G'J. lyrlS the whole territory. Pubru»hed by to me to got me to calculate interest on a small Devil brings a little temptation and leaves you to is supplied fresh every day note, at six per oent. per annum; he carried a with all kinds of Sea Food CLARK & TACKABURY BROTHERS, indulge yourself. 'There is no great harm in this;' in its season. Fish dressed OF PaiLADELPUIA. pencil worth four cents. I bad no gumelastic 'no greet peril in this and so by these chips we GREAT IEAFWARTERS ball; but I had one made of woolen raveilings and at the narket fVeo ot charge. The ^ple of Connecticut have long felt the rcos for a few years jiast, are now completed. to attend school in L. There were in the school addressed to J. E. BISllOl', Fair Haven, or E• to his old patrons, and to all tiiat buy Boots and The M.ip is drawn by G. M Hopkins, jr.. Civil Engiuctr. some fast young men, tho sons of wealthy parents. J. E. PIERPONT, Now Britain, wiU be Shoes, tiiat be is now prepared to please all that give him It is now in tlie engraver's lianurement of the whole territory, niid is fine broadcloth. My best coat was not so fine, his house in Auburn, giving them a good dinner, honorable competition. Getting my goods direct from drawn on the large scale of 480 rods to tho inch, or the cloth cost two dollars and fifty cents a yard ; accompanied by music from a band. The dcmo- L. JH. HUJSTT, tho manufiusturers, saving thereby one profit which I two-thirds of an inch to the mile. Tlie map, when fin oratic papen tell an anecdote connccted with the give my customers the benefit of. isbed, will beou« of the moat complete ever publishe<;r- ufacture for it, while I was working to assist my senator's attention to tho ministers, which is good, —AND— "A WORD TO THE WISE IS SUFFICIENT." tunity to show in detail very minutely, much more than father in raising his family, she paid fifty cents if not true. During the sitting of the confereno BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURER. Let all that want coverbgs for their feet, remember, is usually shown on 6ute >laps, the size being about five for getting the garment cut, and made it herself. an elder noticed the devout attention of the that by six feet. senator, and he asked the latter to what church he NO. 13 Aflylnm Street STEELE'S Boot and Sboe Store, The boundaries of the different counties and of tho John Stokes came one day to my desk, held out eongreasioual districts will be shorn, and everj- town in his arm, compared his coat-sleeve with mine, and belonged. "Well," saiJ Seward, after a moment's HARTEOBD, CONN. BELLOWS' BUILDING, Kg" Alan, WhoWwle and Bctail Dealer in all kinda of WrlUng Four doors North of the Normal School, is the phice to tbe iiute represented in difiercnt colors. All the diflen-iit inquired, ironically, where I got such a fine coat. thought, " I will tell you; ecclesiastically I am an roa/is,, mountains, Ukes, rivers, ponds, and Tlaaue, Uoloced and Wrupping Papera j Biudera, Straw aud Card buy aooD GOODS at low figures. I proudly told him, ^Mother made it V He feign- Episcopalian; but politically I am a Methodist!" Board. Jan also the location of all the ptiblic buildings, churchcs, ed great surprise, and sarcastically observed ho New Britain, March 5, 1859. l»-30 whool-bouses, mauuflictiiring establishments, private had mistaken it for imported goods; he wished he SBBAaVVO&ZI midenct*, and everything which is usually found upou HL Gentlemen of New Britain! ||| i%EW a County Map will W carefully »bown. could get such fine clothes, uud wondered if moth- Agilcvltaral Warelionse ani 8ee4 Store. On tbe margin of the map there will be separate plans er would get him up a fine ooat. EliL knowing the pleasure you take ip havina a (KatablialMd in 1843. FURNITURE WAREROOM, of tbecitie;^ of Uurtford, Muw Haven, Norwich, New W. . GOOD HAT, and' ,i n .liavin g the.. m mad-e wiifoh J, w. ROYOB A CO., —1»— London, Bridgeport, Middletown aiid HaterLur}-, and A short time afterward, while in a tailor shop best aocortoocunU with yyouo r taste, I would say to my frienda, THOMSON'S NEW BLOCK, MAIN STREET, also plans of ail tbe larger Tillages. There will be many one morning with a fellow student, John Stokes' OWBR VOR Sl'RINU, 1869, valuable st^tUtics upon tbe map, among which will be I have BBSBB A CO. FOUR DOORS SOUTH or ni HUMPHREY HOUSE fine ooat was brought in by a lad, with instruc- lOOO Eagle Plows;" Nourso, Mason & Co's make," shown tbe population of e^ery town in the tkale. tions to scour and press it. He was not in his SPRING FASHION SILK HATS, of Deep Tillers, Stubble, Side Hill, Michii^an, Ureen Sward, Snb- HR aubaerlbcr wenid Inform tbe poMte that h* to nnw pvajsMad The work is being engraved by superior artists in •oil, ete. Karrowa, Morv Hoea, CuUiTatora, Seed I'lantera, Hor<« T to fornlab any atyi. of CAUNBT FUfUflTU^ tJMl mmj class that day; he had been seen the previous For 1859, CHEAP FOB CASH. Call in and take a lUliee, Scythea, Suaiha, ShoTela,IJoea, forka, Hay Cotura, Iron, Udeaiied. lie will ran>iab,a« ronDertjr,atniiiid« ^ Philadelphia, and no ezpenae will be spared to make the •quint at them. Field and Oorden KolltTS, One Horae Mowing MaehitMH Every map one of tbe most reliable aud uieful,ss well as one night on Water street, rolling in the mud, drunk deaerlption of Azricultural Iniploroenta and M^ebinea, Beeda, etc, PAPBR HAN0IN08. of the haadsomrtt ever publistted of any 6ute in the Yours Respectftilly, at wlioleeale and retail. Illuatrnted Caulogue* and Frie* Uat. as Bacchus. He left tho school in disgrace. He •ent free upon application at the IlartDird Agrieoltoral WareiMiua* •nd earry on Um bnalaew ot UoMa FMimM, Panana, Ousaa Union. Caovaasers are ^ready exhibiting quarter sec- now lies in a drunkard's grave. QliORQE 0. LITTLE. aud 8ewt Htwe, and 4M, Main Street, Harrtbrd, t>r PiOTvaa WmAUUta, etc. tions of the engraved plan, and soliciting sabseribers for New Britain, Marob 5, 1859. tflS J. W. KOVCE Ji CO, I Bil tbe map. Tbe work will be sold wholly by sut«criptiou, I boarded myself while attending school here. M»Mlt 1>, J860. - f-W QOVVIV WABIBeOHv b«t all will be called open in due time, and bave an op- I walked nine miles home at the oloae of each portunity to exasahie tte work for tbeuselTca. and Juv«ryilriaff a boMabt*f«r aeeOa at ibe toweel ratre. purchase books for her ohildreu, and support them FJFLX3>JTX3>JC3r. 11. »V. CCMUIWiN at school. And shall I now curl the Up of scorn, GOOD SEVEN OCTAVE'ROSEWOOD PIANO to UtnM. r^^ S, lac*. i«-lyr rent. New Pianos and Melodious for sale at lesa or blush in company, to hear her substitute a A •'X s O^^"™" BOOKS, PAMPHLETS, HANDBILLS, LABELS. verb of unity for one of plurality, or pronounoo a |>rtci>s than can be piuultasod elsewhere for OMsh or ap- Ulamks, OaxAMKbTAi Jt>as, A»I> ALI. omisB juroved credit Old Piau(» and Melodious taken in word twenty yours behind tho Webateriun era 7 chauge. Euuuire of Seasoned FENOE RAILS. PBibTiRO, done on Gooo Tint, AXB ^ ''Time is Money." WAttV PMliMMKtt Never—no, never! The old dilapidated grammar J. M. porrER, IN LOTS TO SUIT PURCUASiiUS, B. A. WOODrOBD, K«w Britoia, io iny library might teutify uguinut her style; but 6w20 , N*:w Usmi*. Or. at 8 1-2 oents. £u, >•» wan—tal to atOt, w v^fenealiwi will be ••ktni s!io rude seven miles, one cold winter's day, to sell NBWBUBAI.EK, STATIOKKU, AND C'OMriCTIONKR, ^THE NEWS ROOM ft SrATlONERY bTORE,— Mr. W' >Mut4 ia ala. I« lerHvt aU ki'd* of r»|oiriii(. iu. oouneutod with my priotiug oliiM, is eoaManUy tbe UM ot Wilafcss, CkOa. M*., Ut4 wminiut th»m if «>>• produce and Durchaiie that book for nie, when I At his NEW 8T0UE, 4 DOORS NORTH of Post Oflloe roa i.owe wuu a little boy. It retjuired a sacrifice, but •uppli»i wiilt tbe Daily aiad Weekly tMirfMrwa. t«a;^<« N. IJ.—Daily Papers delivefred to any part of the towu. BEllArHlNt), IN GOOD ORDER. Literary Papers ft I'eriodieuU, and S««w««Ty. KewlMiUi. Ilau4« Ib^g. ' MOTUKU UAUJt IT.' Mew Uritaiu, Mawh 6, 1860. ^ 18-tf In4uirc of L. M. UUEUN8EV.