January 2009

UpdateNews for the Members of SAE International

17th SAE Brasil International Congress and Exhibition sets new records The 17th SAE Brasil International Congress sectors including railroads and motorcycles and Exhibition held October 7-9 in São are represented in sessions, technical papers, Paulo, Brazil, established new records with attendance, and in the exhibition. 9370 attendees and 90 exhibitors. This year’s Flávia Piovacari, Quality Senior Manager event recorded a 15% increase over last at Automotive Systems, served as year in the number of attendees and a 13% the 2008 Congress President. Piovacari will increase in the number of exhibitors. become a Director on the SAE Brasil Board The Brazilian Minister of Development/ commencing with the 2009 term. The cur- Industry/Commerce, Miguel Jorge, was an rent 2007-08 SAE Brasil President is Vilmar honored guest at the event and participated Fistarol. Fistarol is President of Teksid do in the October 7 opening ceremonies along Brasil Ltda., a primary supplier to Fiat. with James E. Smith, SAE International Besaliel Botelho, Executive Vice President at 2009 President. Robert Bosch Ltda., will serve as the 2009-10 A total of 120 technical papers were SAE Brasil President and is currently serving presented at the Congress and will also be as the organization’s Vice President. added to the SAE Global Mobility Database. Smith got an early taste of his upcoming These 120 papers were selected from a total presidential duties by attending this year’s of 408 papers received from local and inter- Congress and participating in many event national authors. As an international event, activities including serving as a panelist on most of the SAE Brasil Congress technical the Education Activities Panel. papers are written in English. Participating in the ribbon-cutting ceremony for the 17th SAE Brasil International Congress The 18th SAE Brasil International Congress and Exhibition were (from left to right) 2007-08 SAE Brasil President Vilmar Fistarol; Miguel The SAE Brasil International Congress and Exhibition will be held October 6-8, Jorge, Brazilian Minister of Development/Industry/Commerce; Paulo Butori, President of incorporates the major mobility engineering the SINDIPEÇAS; Reginaldo Arcuri, President of the Brazilian Agency for the Industrial 2009. sectors—automotive, aerospace, and com- Development; 2009 SAE President James E. Smith; and Flávia Piovacari, President of SAE Brasil Established in 1992, SAE Brasil has a cur- mercial vehicle—in each year’s event. These 2008 Congress. rent membership of 4954.

SAE International/AEM sign standards development agreement Calendar change brings SAE International and the Association of Equipment Manu- facturers (AEM) signed a memorandum of understanding changes to Update (MOU) to further the development of standards for the At the beginning of the new year—starting with the off-highway industry. The agreement was signed during February issue—Update will be exclusively published SAE International’s 2008 Commercial Vehicle Engineering online in an exciting new form with full-color images, Congress and Exhibition, held in Rosemont, IL. additional career-development information, and a more The agreement is expected to help off-highway companies visually appealing design. While at the same time offer- reduce costs through pooling of resources and bringing ing both graphic and content enhancements, the digital greater stability to the U.S. standards process by establishing format will help SAE International work toward its goal a more permanent and predictable funding model. of becoming more environmentally friendly. Under the terms of the MOU, AEM will provide sustain- The digital format will also allow for circulation to be able funding resources on behalf of the off-road industry to expanded beyond the current domestic SAE members SAE International’s administration and support services for to international and student members and open up the standards development. possibility of including audio/video and direct links to “This is an important agreement because it provides an other SAE Web content. equitable means for companies to be engaged in the stan- To ensure that members continue receiving future dard development process, something that we all strive for Darrin Drollinger (left) of the Association of Equipment issues, they are encouraged to make sure their e-mail these days, and it creates a model that provides long-term Manufacturers and Jack Pokrzywa (right), Director, Ground addresses are up to date by logging into MySAE—my. benefits,” Jack Pokrzywa, Director, Ground Vehicle Stan- Vehicle Standards, SAE International, sign a memorandum of sae.org—and clicking the “Update Addresses” link or dards, SAE International, said. “We are pleased to partner understanding on behalf of their organizations. by calling 877-606-7323 (in the U.S. and Canada) or with AEM on this project.” 724-776-4970. SAE International is a global association of 115,000 Please stay tuned for more information about this engineers and related technical experts in the automotive, exciting new endeavor. aerospace, and commercial-vehicle industries. SAE Interna- tional’s core competencies are life-long learning and stan- dards development. SAE International’s charitable arm is the SAE Foundation, which supports many programs, including A World in Motion and the Collegiate Design Series.


Editorial Message from the President Presidency to be a ‘learning’ A year of change experience for Smith The term of office for the SAE President is one year, starting tion management. This at the January Board of Directors Meeting. We are rapidly effort may involve changes As a recently inducted Fellow and member of the SAE approaching the January 2009 Board meeting and the end in how SAE International International Board of Directors (2005-08), Engineering of my term. I believe that it has been a very interesting and organizes and distributes Meetings Board (2002-07), and Technical Standards Board productive year for SAE International. the technical information (2006-09), West Virginia University (WVU) professor James Several events occurred in 2008 that have resulted in that our members provide E. Smith is somebody that is already on many SAE mem- significant changes in the direction and operation of SAE to us. One area that we have bers’ radar. In 2009, he will be even more so as he becomes International. In fact, I have called this the year of transition. made significant progress just the fourth SAE President to come from academia. The 2007 Board of Directors initiated a new officer nomina- this year is in the creation of As an educator with more than 24 years of experience, tion process that was approved by the membership at the a new journal system that Smith has “seen what can happen when we instill a thirst 2008 World Congress. This nomination process was designed is recognized by Science for knowledge and self-improvement,” and that expe- to ensure that the Board has the appropriate structure and Citation Index. In fact, we rience will no doubt come in handy when it comes to makeup to accomplish the prevailing strategic plan. This will be announcing the first strengthening SAE’s lifelong learning opportunities. “This, process was used for the first time in 2008 to nominate a very of these journals within coupled with the notion that we survive and flourish as a strong slate of candidates for President and Directors, and is the next few weeks. This result of innovation, will be the theme of my presidency,” in the process of developing an equally strong 2009 slate of is a new business for SAE Smith said. candidates for President, Treasurer, Assistant Treasurer, and International that is designed to recognize the contributions The value Smith brings to the presidency, however, will Directors. of our academic members, and also fill voids in the mobil- not come exclusively as an educator. Through the West Major changes in key staff positions also occurred in ity industry where peer-reviewed journals are not currently Virginia University Center for Industrial Research Ap- 2008, with the retirement of Ray Morris from his position of available. plications (CIRA), which he helped form in 1990, Smith Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer. We My year as president has gone by so quickly that I some- has been the principal or co-principal investigator for 92 were very fortunate this year in our efforts to fill this critical times feel that I have not recognized and thanked the people research contracts, exceeding $18 million in funding, for staff position. Dr. David L. Schutt joined SAE International that I have encountered and that have contributed to my ex- various projects funded by federal agencies and interna- in November of 2007. Schutt officially took over for Morris perience. Therefore, I want to take this opportunity to thank tional and domestic companies. following his retirement in April of 2008. Schutt came to SAE all of the loyal SAE International members that I have met He has also been granted 26 U.S. patents, with an ad- International from the American Chemical Society (ACS), this year and who have helped to make my year as President ditional 28 pending, for mechanical, medical, and energy where he served in several key high-level staff positions. a very fulfilling experience. related devices, including non-invasive medical diagnostic One of his responsibilities at ACS was strategic planning. I welcome all constructive comments and input. Please feel equipment, high-lift helicopters, and color machine vision We have taken advantage of his experience by initiating a free to e-mail [email protected]. applications. new strategic planning process. The new process has been His experiences at WVU have not limited him to any designed to fully engage all of the operating boards, commit- one of SAE’s three sectors—aerospace, automotive, or tees, and business sectors of SAE. commercial vehicle. “I’ve worked in some capacity with Over the past year we have traveled to several coun- all kinds of engines,” Smith said. “I like things that move, tries around the world, working on improving the value from crawling across the ground, to moving down our proposition for membership in SAE International. I believe highways, to flying in the air or into space.” that we have a lot more work to do in this area, where we Thomas W. Ryan III With years of SAE experience already under his belt, must make it very clear to all professionals working in the 2008 President Smith understands the importance of SAE and is apprecia- mobility industry that SAE International is the absolute SAE International tive of the opportunity. go-to organization for mobility-related technical informa- “[SAE] is an organization that makes a difference in the world, and one that allows me to contribute if only in a small way,” he said. Sections Maxima under microscope at Detroit Section dinner meeting Matthew R. Monaghan Editor, Update Update January 2009 Vol. 26, No. 1 Published by SAE International to enhance communica- tions with and among members on nontechnical issues. Members living outside North America have access to the issue via the SAE website, www.sae.org. Thomas W. Ryan III, 2008 SAE President David L. Schutt, Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer Thomas J. Drozda, Director of Publications Matthew R. Monaghan, Editor SAE Update (ISSN 0742-972X) is edited and published monthly under the auspices of the SAE Publications Board at the offices of SAE International, 400 Common- wealth Dr., Warrendale, PA 15096-0001, USA, phone: 724-772-8509, fax: 724-776-9765, e-mail: [email protected], website: www.sae.org. Periodical rate postage paid at Warrendale, PA, and additional entrypoint. POSTMAS- TER: Send address changes to above address. Subscrip- tion rate is $5, included in the annual membership dues. SAE International is not responsible for the accuracy of information contained in the advertising sections of this

publication. Readers should independently evaluate the Paul Anton Digital Images accuracy of the material and rely on that evaluation. The Detroit Section of SAE International hosted Nissan’s 2009 Maxima development team for its fall dinner meeting, at the Burton Manor banquet complex in Livonia, MI. Presenting the story behind the new sport sedan were (from left to Copyright © 2009 SAE International right) Doug Wilson, Design Manager at Nissan Design America; Bob Sump, Vice President of Component Engineering at the Nissan Technical Center North America (NTCNA) in Farmington Hills, MI; John Curl, Regional Product Manager of the Printed on Recycled Paper Maxima, Altima, and Quest vehicles; David Harmon, Section Manager of Prototype Engineering at NTCNA (and the meeting’s organizer); and SAE Detroit Section Chairman Mike Powers. 2 JANUARY 2009 Update

A World In Motion Elementary students learn engineering concepts from experts Joe Zarka, a senior technician with Johnson Congress and Exhibition, first graders from a Controls, recently kneeled on the floor with suburban Chicago school explored the heavy students as they worked to construct their equipment during an educational field trip. Skimmers that are powered by the wind SAE International, with the financial sup- from portable fans. He spoke using engi- port from industry, is in the process of creat- neering terms and told students that they are ing a program to nudge young children into performing the same types of experiments the concepts of engineering with the use of as he does at work and encouraged them storybook topics and activities. The program by stating that each student is a potential is expected to launch in 2010. engineer. Students had decisions to make about refin- North Texas Section ing their designs before a distance competi- The North Texas Section of SAE Internation- tion. Should the sail be horizontal or vertical, al recently hosted an exhibit booth during large or small? Should the mast be near the the annual Conference for the Advancement front or farther back on the Skimmer? of Science Teaching (CAST) held in Fort Administrators were so excited about Worth, TX. The purpose of exhibiting at the the A World In Motion (AWIM) program conference was to generate interest among that every third- and fifth-grade class in Texas educators in the AWIM program. the Plymouth-Canton Community School The North Texas Section provided a strong District is partnering with Johnson Con- support base with SAE members Areian trols to give kids practice at working out Kouros and Jim Mayfield spearheading the real engineering problems similar to those effort. A record crowd of more than 4700 pondered by the automotive engineers in the Texas science, math, and physics educators company’s Plymouth, MI, office. and administrators attended the 51st confer- First graders from a suburban Chicago school took an educational field trip to SAE’s “The future is going to call for a greater ence event. Those who visited the AWIM Commercial Vehicle Engineering Congress and Exhibition in Rosemont, IL, and got to see and understanding of science, technology, en- exhibit booth obtained the ability to enhance learn about some of the heavy equipment on display. gineering, and math in careers in general,” their content knowledge and expand science said Matt Miller, Manager of SAE Education instruction within their classrooms. students that the application of math and from the potential for more of our youth to Programs. “Each year, U.S. students fall CAST has earned international recogni- science will always be an important aspect excel in science and engineering careers in further behind students in other countries in tion for its development of innovative, in their everyday lives. the future.” these subjects.” technology-based educational resources. It Retired GM employee Stephen G. Johnson By volunteering for the SAE AWIM Companies like Johnson Controls feel that is the largest statewide science education said, “For me, the opportunity to be a part program, engineers will provide inspira- the AWIM program does exactly what it is conference in the U.S., second only in size of the process of seeing young lives being tion to young minds that will become the intended to do: enhance student awareness to National Science Teachers Association transformed in six to seven weeks is a re- technically educated workforce of tomorrow in the fields of engineering and science. The national and regional conferences. warding opportunity. I really feel this venue and serve as a role model for students to company plans to continue its support of the is a fine outlet for a retired person. It keeps establish good work ethics. program. Call for volunteers our technical knowledge honed and posi- For information on volunteering, visit (Portions of this text were pulled from an A willingness to volunteer time and talent to tively impacts the lives of our young people. www.awim.org or contact Matt Miller at article by Peggy Walsh-Sarnecki in the Detroit teachers and students could play an essential In the process, the is benefiting [email protected]. Free Press.) role in rejuvenating the education system. Volunteers with the AWIM program work Engineering field trip with teachers from participating schools to What seems like child’s play is actually an provide technical knowledge and guidance effort to spur an interest in engineering. Dur- to students during the course of their AWIM ing SAE’s Commercial Vehicle Engineering projects. All AWIM projects demonstrate to SALE! Special Publications Students take part in AWIM Olympics in Pune Print collections of technical papers presented at SAE Conferences are on sale now from SAE. Based on key challenges facing the industry, these Special Publications (SP) provide research and findings from leading technical experts focusing on a specific topic.

Visit store.sae.org to browse publications by industry topic. Quantities are limited.

For more information, contact SAE at: E-mail: [email protected] Phone: 1-877-606-7323 (U.S. & Canada) or 1-724-776-4970

In October, SAE India, in cooperation with Honeywell Turbo (India) Pvt. and the Automotive

Paul Anton Digital Images Research Association of India, hosted the AWIM Pune Olympics 2008. The four winning teams of three students were scheduled to participate in the National AWIM Olympics scheduled to take place on November 18 in Chennai. Shown are some of the winning students and the event’s organizers. P81696

JANUARY 2009 3 Update

SAE Global SAE wraps up successful fall event schedule in China A standing-room only crowd of more than 200 participants packed a conference room for the SAE Executive Power- train Panel this November at the China International Auto Parts Expo 2008 (CIAPE), Asia’s largest international auto parts expo. The two-hour discussion included an audience question-and-answer session and featured the following panelists: •Gerhard Braun, Chairman of the Board, FEV China •Franz Leitner, Director Sales, China—Engineering and Technology Powertrain Systems, AVL LIST GMBH •Bruce D. Peters, Chief Engineer—Advanced Power- train and Technology Planning, Product Engineering, GM Powertrain—Asia Pacific •John Shen, Partner, Roland Berger Strategy Consultants Standing room only at the SAE Executive Powertrain Panel discussion at CIAPE. A second SAE event at CIAPE featured Neil Schilke, Managing Director of the Automotive Resources Institute, an SAE International affiliate organization. Schilke talked of technologies and trends impacting the global mobility industry including advanced powertrains, fuel economy/ The SAE booth at CIAPE highlights SAE standards and the SAE Ningbo STEP program. energy efficiency, electronic stability controls, lane-departure warning systems, and pedestrian safety systems. SAE staffed a booth at CIAPE featuring a special display on SAE standards and showcasing the new SAE Supplier NACTC, led a tour of the NACTC testing facility including a Technology Excellence Program (STEP), designed specifi- demonstration of the brake dynamometer and presentation cally for the China market to help automotive supply of the facility’s testing capabilities and brake testing services. companies with product innovation, the acquisition of This was supplemented with a review of SAE standards for technology, and global competitiveness. The inaugural brake and brake NVH testing. STEP event focused on chassis, suspension, and brakes and SAE staff also conducted orientation sessions on STEP took place October 8-10 at SAE Ningbo office and neigh- From left to right, powertrain panelists Bruce D. Peters, company visits and assessments, follow-up on-site activities boring facilities of Ningbo Automotive Component Testing Gerhard Braun, and Franz Leitner. carried out by CATARC and NACTC engineers, along with Center (NACTC). SAE representatives. By combining the October learning Forty engineers and engineering managers from 14 com- event with on-site technical assistance, participating com- panies participated. Yu Hongtao, Director for NACTC, and James Walker Jr., led a two-part full-day seminar on Vehicle panies have the opportunity to learn-then-apply, enhancing Gary Schkade, Director Asia Business Development for SAE, Systems Technology—Brake Control Systems (ABS, TCS, their long-term product and technology development efforts. welcomed attendees and introduced STEP and the event’s and ESC) and Vehicle Dynamics for engineers. Executives The Ningbo Supplier Technology Excellence Program was program. This was followed by a two-hour session on “More participated in additional sessions, executive briefings, and jointly delivered with SAE partner organizations—the Auto Attention to the Details.” Led by Ma Yong Li, Chief Train- question & answer chats presented by Larry Bissell. Bissell’s Parts Industry Association of Ningbo and NACTC, a facility ing Instructor for the Shanghai Operation of CATARC, the topics included managing product development projects and of the China Automotive Technology and Research Center discussion focused on operational management and quality resolving product failures. (CATARC). control systems. Yu Hongtao and Meng Yuankui, both of CATARC/

SAE News SAE Foundation launches Siegel Society for planned giving “Take a little, leave a little, and we’ll all ing STEM education. have some.” This was the hand-blocked SAE—through its educational programs, request carved above the pantry door of a awards and scholarships, and now The cabin Arne and Steffi Siegel stumbled upon Siegel Society—offers its members many while hiking one day as a young couple. unique opportunities to help introduce It was a line shack, a small cabin along and grow STEM education in communities the border of a large cattle ranch, a shack throughout North America. To learn more where cowboy fence riders could stay about membership in the Siegel Society, overnight. That brief message on its pantry contact Rick Rachner at 248-273-4087. To door reminding fellow ranchers of their learn more about SAE educational programs part in the community struck a chord with that members can support with a gift of Arne and Steffi and became the cornerstone volunteer or financial support, visit www. of their personal approach to philanthropy. saefoundation.org. As donors to the SAE Foundation and other foundations, Arne and Steffi are living their Left to right are Dan Hancock, Rick Wagoner, philosophy and what it means to be part of a Don Ableson, and Arne larger community. Siegel as Siegel receives Date set for Annual Arne and Steffi share a passion for the Ableson Award for Business Meeting education and believe that it is a key to an Visionary Leadership. individual’s success. Arne’s association with The Annual Business Meeting of the SAE spans his 50-year career in transporta- tion Board of Trustees bestows upon an established to benefit SAE educational members of SAE International has been tion safety, accident and injury analysis, and individual who has exhibited exemplary programs, Arne and Steffi Siegel divide their scheduled for April 21, 2009, during the biomechanics of injury. Since 1994, Arne leadership that has benefited SAE, the SAE time between Encino, California and West the SAE International World Congress. has served as a Trustee of the SAE Founda- Foundation, and/or the SAE Foundation Yellowstone, Montana. The home they’ve The meeting will begin at 10 a.m. in the tion and has dedicated himself to the expan- Canada. Arne and Steffi’s shared vision and made in Montana is a large part of their cur- SAE/AVL Technology Theater in Cobo sion of the organization’s primary benefac- leadership efforts continue with the launch rent philanthropy. One of the gifts Arne and Center in Detroit. During the meeting, tor program, A World In Motion (AWIM) for of the Siegel Society for planned giving. SAE Steffi have made to the SAE Foundation is SAE International 2009 President James grades K-12. Steffi, an accomplished psycho- Members and others who wish to support an endowed fund to support the expansion E. Smith will announce the 2009 Board therapist and distinguished author, shares STEM education now have the opportunity of AWIM throughout Montana and eventu- of Directors, seek approval of the SAE Arne’s commitment to the AWIM program to “leave a little” via these giving ways: ally throughout the Rocky Mountain rural Bylaws modifications, and the 2008 for advancing science, technology, engineer- bequests, charitable gift annuities, charitable states. Many schools in the region are small SAE Annual Report will be presented. ing, and mathematics (STEM) education. remainder trusts, memorials and endow- schools with few students and with limited Information regarding the meeting This past spring, Arne received the Able- ments, charitable lead trusts, and retained course offerings. Programs like AWIM offer will be available in the World Congress son Award for Visionary Leadership, the life estates. teachers in remote schools the opportunity 2009 final program. highest recognition that the SAE Founda- Living examples of the society they have to provide students with innovative, engag-

4 JANUARY 2009 Update

Member News Young engineers enjoy networking and friendly competition They say that “youth is wasted on the young,” but you well as foosball, basketball, and other interactive games. would never know that to be true by meeting young SAE en- For drag-racing fans in the western Pennsylvania area, a gineers. SAE International ended 2008 with a bang, hosting Flashlight Drags event was held. On October 4, more than two great member events. 100 drivers raced their hot rods, classic cars, and even station In October, a Young Engineer Exchange & Pizza Party was wagons for bragging rights to their colleagues and friends. held on the exhibit floor at the SAE Commercial Vehicle SAE International was there to welcome members and Engineering Conference. Hosted by the Chicago SAE Section guests with a hospitality tent and giveaways. and the Rockford-Beloit SAE Section, this was a great op- For more information on participating in or hosting a portunity for young engineers to network with each other as Young Engineers Event, please contact Kim Cannon at kcan- well as the participants of the conference and section mem- [email protected] or join the SAE Young Engineers Exchange bers. Industry recruiters were also on hand to meet engineers Group on Facebook.com. and discuss their career options. And what is a gathering of Watch for other exciting events in 2009 that celebrate our engineers without a little friendly competition? Attendees young engineers. demonstrated their skills on an arcade driving simulator as At the SAE Commercial Vehicle Engineering Conference, a Young Engineer Exchange & Pizza Party was hosted by the Chicago Rockford-Beloit SAE sections.

In the western Pennsylvania area this past October a drag In addition to networking opportunities, the event gave attendees the chance to participate in some friendly competition, racing event was held and SAE International hosted a tent in the form of foosball and an arcade racing simulator. and welcomed members.

Members on the move Walter J. Aspatore (Mbr’89), Chairman and co-founder of Safety Strategy Board at Corp. Prior to join- which seeks to make fuel by synthetically manufacturing Birmingham, MI-based Amherst Partners, has been recog- ing GM, Lange was a member of Exponent’s consulting and hydrocarbon compounds from carbon dioxide and water. nized with the Crain’s 2008 Lifetime Achievement Award for executive management team for 12 years. Dr. John Tomblin (Mbr’00), Executive Director of the Mergers and Acquisitions. He was selected for this award Alex J. Severinsky (Mbr’92), designer of the Hyperdrive National Institute for Aviation Research at Wichita State because of his 40 years of experience in both running busi- power-amplified internal-combustion engine powertrain, University, has received a Composite Materials Handbook nesses and buying and selling businesses. has been inducted into the Innovation Hall of Fame of the Distinguished Service Award for his contributions. For the Peter A. Gallerani (Mbr’93), President of Danville, VT-based A. James Clark School of Engineering at the University of past five years, Tomblin has co-chaired the CMH-17 Data Integrated Technologies Inc., has been elected to serve a two- Maryland at College Park. In 2005, he launched Fuelcor, Review Working Group. year term on the National Association for Surface Finishing Board of Directors. Paul Geck (Mbr’08) has become an ARi Consultant. Geck has 40-plus years of experience in structural analysis and CAE with Ford Motor Co., with expertise in noise and vibra- tion, weight reduction, automotive architectures, advanced SAE Members save on high-strength steels, as well as leadership of major advanced proj- important consumer purchases ects. Geck was the 2006 Chairman of the Auto/Steel Partnership while with the SAE Partner Program working as a Technical Leader in the ˜ÊÌ iʓ>ÀŽiÌÊvœÀÊ œ“i]Ê>Õ̜“œÌˆÛi]ʜÀʏˆviÊ>˜`Ê i>Ì ʈ˜ÃÕÀ>˜Vi¶Ê ii`Ê Ford Scientific Lab. As a registered >ÊÀi˜Ì>ÊV>ÀÊvœÀÊޜÕÀÊÛ>V>̈œ˜¶Ê- ˆ««ˆ˜}Ê>Ê}ˆvÌÊ̜Êܓiœ˜iÊëiVˆ>¶Ê Õވ˜}ʜÀÊÀiwʘ>˜Vˆ˜}Ê ARi Consultant, Geck will utilize his ޜÕÀÊ œ“i¶ÊEnjoy savings and/or other benefi tsʜ˜ÊÌ iÃiÊÌÀ>˜Ã>V̈œ˜ÃÊ>˜`ʓœÀiÊÜˆÌ Ê expertise in materials, technology, - Ê i“LiÀÊLi˜iwÊÌÊ«ÀœÛˆ`iÀÃ\Ê noise and vibration, systems engi- neering and sales and marketing. UÊ Autotech Daily UÊ ˆLiÀÌÞÊ ÕÌÕ> Leroy G. Hagenbuch (Mbr’83), co- UÊ >˜ŽÊœvÊ“iÀˆV> UÊ / ʘÃÕÀ>˜ViÊ iœV iÊ œ˜˜iÝ founder and President of Philippi- UÊ ˆÌˆâi˜ÃʘÃÕÀ>˜ViÊ œ“«>˜ÞÊ UÊ -i“>˜ÊEÊ œ“«>˜Þ Hagenbuch Inc., has been inducted Robert C. Lange œvÊ“iÀˆV> UÊ 1*- into the Association of Equipment UÊ >À̏>˜`ʘÃÕÀ>˜ViÊÀœÕ«]ʘV° NEW! Manufacturers Hall of Fame, which UÊ iÀÌâ recognizes leaders in the off-high- UÊ “iÀˆV>˜Ê œ““Õ˜ˆÌÞÊ ÕÌÕ>Ê UÊ International Journal of way equipment industry. ˜ÃÕÀ>˜ViÊ œ“«>˜ÞÊ Engine Research UÊ >ÀÃœ˜Ê7>}œ˜ˆÌÊ/À>Ûi Robert C. Lange (Mbr’82) has UÊ Journal of Automobile Engineering rejoined Exponent Inc. as Group UÊ ˆLiÀÌÞÊ ÕÌÕ>ÊÕÌœÊ Õވ˜}Ê-iÀۈVi Vice President responsible for the UÊ /‡ œLˆi vehicle engineering, biomechanics, i>À˜Ê“œÀiÊ>LœÕÌÊÌ iÊ- Ê*>À̘iÀÊ human factors, data & statistical Ê *Àœ}À>“Ê>ÌÊwww.sae.org/membership sciences, and visual communi- cations practices. He was most recently Executive Director for SAE Customer Service Vehicle Structure and Safety Inte- £‡nÇLJÈäȇÇÎÓÎÊ­1-ÊEÊ >˜>`>®ÊUÊ£‡ÇÓ{‡ÇÇȇ{™ÇäÊÊUÊÜÜÜ°Ã>i°œÀ}ÊUÊ ÕÃ̜“iÀ-iÀۈViJÃ>i°œÀ}ÊÊUÊ>Ý\Ê£‡ÇÓ{‡ÇÇȇäǙä gration and a member of the Traffic Alex J. Severinsky *n£È™™

JANUARY 2009 5 Update

Standards & Committees Pedestrians in crosshairs of upcoming NHTSA rules NHTSA (the U.S. National Highway Traffic of the SAE Vehicle Sound for Pedestrians levels are relatively higher.” that 4700 deaths are still way too high. Safety Administration), traditionally con- Subcommittee, explained at a NHTSA-spon- At that meeting, Jim Ports, NHTSA Deputy SAE became interested in the issue at cerned about passenger safety in car crashes, sored meeting in June that his subcommittee Administrator, said any new regulation the behest of groups such as the National is moving toward new rulemaking on pe- was working toward publishing either a dealing with “Quiet Cars”—chiefly hybrids Federation of the Blind. “New silent vehicle destrian safety. One proposed rule addresses technical report or recommended practice and all-electric vehicles—would be part of technology, such as that used in hybrid-elec- energy-absorbing requirements of hoods and by the end of 2008. That subcommittee has the comprehensive pedestrian safety plan tric vehicles, poses an imminent threat to the bumpers in accidents involving vehicles trav- three task forces currently at work, including the agency is working on. That plan will lives of all blind Americans,” said Deborah eling under 40 km/h. It is on a relatively fast one dedicated to exploring countermeasures. focus on injuries to pedestrians from all cars, Kent Stein, Chair of the Federation’s Com- track. Another proposed rule, the “Quiet Car,” Explaining the complexity of coming up not just hybrids. Interestingly, the number mittee on Automobile and Pedestrian Safety. focuses on how to incorporate a sound warn- with a standard on sound, Joseph said, “For of pedestrian deaths declined considerably She added that the problem is not limited to ing into hybrid-electric vehicles, which would example, simply adding a certain sound between 1996 and 2006, from 5449 to 4784. the blind. “All pedestrians, cyclists, runners, be particularly helpful to blind pedestrians. might work well in a suburban setting, but But Essie Wagner, an official in the and small children use the sound of traffic to SAE International is intimately involved in we have no idea if there is any benefit in a NHTSA Safety Countermeasures Division, make judgments about when it is safe to step the “Quiet Car” effort. Jay Joseph, Chairman busy city street where the ambient sound told the “Quiet Car” meeting this summer into an intersection or when navigating their neighborhoods or moving through the park- ing lot of the local shopping center.” Any proposed “Quiet Car” standard from NHTSA is still on the horizon. But the proposed NHTSA standard on pedestrian

October 2008 safety is just around the corner. It will be based on a global technical regulation (GTR) Announcing an expanded and that the World Forum for Harmonization of UpdateNews for the Members of SAE International Vehicle Regulations is expected to endorse imminently. The U.S., the European Union, SAE plays major role in China International Auto Parts Expo Members asked A co-organizer of the China International Auto Parts Expo (CIAPE) 2008, to be held to vote for SAE November 12-15, 2008, in Beijing, China, Board of Directors and Japan are participating in development SAE International, as part of its compre- hensive participation plan, will organize From November 1-30, SAE International and present a special Executive Power- voting members are encouraged to par- train Panel. This two-hour program will ticipate in the election of the President feature senior-level leaders at prominent and Directors. Those elected will of cially of this new international standard, which powertrain companies/organizations from begin their term on the SAE Board of around the world discussing the latest Directors in January 2009. technologies. The voting process will occur on SAE’s A second special SAE event will address website (www.sae.org/encvoting). trends in the automotive industry, presented they have been tweaking for half a decade by Neil Schilke, Managing Director of the Officer nominee: Automotive Resources Institute, an SAE In- 2009 President: James E. Smith, West Vir- ternational af liate organization. Schilke will ginia University discuss new and advanced technologies and or so. The GTR essentially would mandate electronic trends that are impacting the global automo- 2009-2011 Director nominees: tive OEM marketplace. By understanding Hal M. Heule, US Airways the long-term trends and how they affect Laura Hitchcock, Boeing Co. the supply chain, attendees can gain insight Andris Lacis, BTG Systems Inc. During a June visit to China, a delegation led by SAE Executive Vice President and Chief to positioning their companies for future Ronald D. Matthews, University of Texas– a number of European-developed perfor- Operating Officer David L. Schutt and 2008 SAE President Thomas W. Ryan III (second and success. third from left, respectively) met with officials of the Ningbo Municipal Economic Committee Austin Both the powertrain panel and trends ses- and the Ningbo Autoparts Association at the Ningbo Automotive Component Testing Center. Mark Pope, General Motors Corp. sion will feature simultaneous translation, SAE is co-sponsoring next month’s China International Auto Parts Expo in Beijing. Gregory E. Saunders, U.S. Department of and each will be followed by a question- Defense mance head-form and leg-form tests related and-answer session. At CIAPE, SAE will showcase its many and global competitiveness. In coopera- about STEP. For questions regarding the election, offerings developed speci cally for the tion with the Ministry of Commerce, SAE SAE will also have a booth at CIAPE fea- please contact the Executive Of ce at 724- China automotive supply market, including will honor the charter STEP participants at turing a special display on SAE standards. 772-4035. the new SAE Supplier Technology Excel- a luncheon ceremony. This is a prime net- Here, attendees can learn more about the to energy-absorption capabilities of hoods lence Program (STEP), designed to help working opportunity for invited guests to many programs, products, and resources of automotive supply companies with product meet informally with SAE technical experts SAE. innovation, the acquisition of technology, and STEP participants, and to learn more and bumpers. The tests could also address SAE offers new ‘Fast Tracks’ online courses The rst offering in SAE International’s new “Fast Tracks” for six or more students and site license options are also series of short-duration online courses is now available. available. various related components, such as grille “Laminated Glass: Design Considerations for Vehicle Door Needing only a laptop or PC with an Internet connection, Systems” is a 40-min course that provides an overview of anyone can participate in Fast Tracks at their own conve- best practices for the integration of laminated glass into nience, without the expense of travel or time away from the Update! vehicle door systems. workplace. Additional Fast Track courses are scheduled to guards and hood ornaments. Designed to address the growing demand for faster, more be announced in forthcoming months. For more information, ef cient ways to learn, Fast Tracks feature animated presen- visit www.sae.org/fasttracks. Subject-matter experts interest- tation screens (including video, graphics, photos, and text) ed in submitting a proposal for Fast Tracks development are synchronized with audio instruction. Knowledge checks are invited to contact e-Learning Manager Shirley Ann Minehart incorporated throughout the course to reinforce learning and at [email protected]. Auto manufacturers want NHTSA to put retention of key concepts. The Laminated Glass Fast Track looks at the evolution of vehicle glazing and the bene ts and challenges associated with the adoption of laminated glass in automobiles. Instruc- A technician at PPG’s Auto OEM Windshields plant in the international standard into U.S. law, as tors are Peter T. Dishart, Manager, Laminated Glass Division, Hawkesbury, Ontario, Canada, examines a windshield for PPG Industries Inc., and DeWitt Lampman, Staff Engineer, possible defects. A pair of instructors from PPG will lead the PPG Glass Research. “Laminated Glass: Design Considerations for Vehicle Door Topics covered during the course include laminated glaz- Systems” Fast Track. ing selection criteria, automotive glass strength character- long as it is relatively reasonable, which it ization, static stresses and door design considerations, and Systems” (Product Code: PD130810ON) is available for $79 laminated glass performance analysis techniques. ($69 for SAE members). Participants receive three months of Beginning with the February issue, SAE Members “Laminated Glass: Design Considerations for Vehicle Door online access to the 40-min presentation. Quantity discounts appears to be, based on complaints from con- will begin to receive Update electronically. Building sumer groups such as Advocates for High- on the family of electronic publications already way and Auto Safety. Gerald A. Donaldson, Senior Research Director for the group, said coming to you from SAE, this new delivery the draft GTR “clearly exhibits the inordinate mechanism brings with it new features and influence of European motor vehicle manu- benefi ts. Enjoy your new Update facturers in drafting weak GTRs, which the and all it has to offer: global vehicle manufacturing industry in turn leverages to reduce the stringency of U.S. mo- tor vehicle safety standards.”  ‡ ,QVWDQWGHOLYHU\WR\RXDQGDELOLW\WRHDVLO\ But Michael X. Cammisa, Director of share content with your colleagues Safety, Association of International Automo- bile Manufacturers, defended GTRs, saying,  ‡ 8VHUIULHQGO\LQWHUIDFHZLWKGLUHFWOLQNV “An internationally harmonized standard to additional information Tell us what you think! will allow manufacturers to focus their engineering resources on a single regula-  ‡ 1RPRUHSDJHFRXQWOLPLWVPHDQVPRUHFRQWHQWIRU\RX This time of change brings members tory design target for vehicle models that the opportunity to shape the future of might be offered for sale in different markets  ‡ ([SDQGLQJHGLWRULDOFRYHUDJHLQFOXGLQJDGGLWLRQDOFDUHHU Update7DNHDEULHIVXUYH\E\YLVLWLQJ throughout the world.” development features and broadening international coverage the membership page on the SAE The GTR consists of two sets of perfor- ZHEVLWHwww.sae.org/membership. mance criteria, one applying to the front  ‡ )XOOFRORULPDJHVDQGDQHZGHVLJQZLWKDSULQWHUIULHQGO\ bumper and the other to the hood top and version available for download fenders. The standard is broadly based on EU Directive 2003/102/EC originally issued in 2003 and modified in 2007. Its implementa- This new delivery mechanism also represents a brand new benefi t tion has been delayed as the EU attempts to to thousands of SAE members. An electronic UpdateH[SDQGVWKH synchronize the directive with the emerging FLUFXODWLRQWRQRZUHDFKRXWVLGH1RUWK$PHULFDDQG6$(VWXGHQW GTR standard. There have been some differ- ences of opinion between the Europeans and members. Plus…it’s environmentally friendly. Americans as the GTR has developed, mostly over which type of vehicles the GTR should apply to. NHTSA has pressed for wide application, to passenger cars, sport utility Don’t miss the premier electronic vehicles, light trucks, and light commercial edition of Update! SAE Customer Service vehicles. Japan presented a modified pro-  86$ &DQDGD ‡ posal that would extend the scope to heavier This is your last print edition of Update. ‡ZZZVDHRUJ‡&XVWRPHU6HUYLFH#VDHRUJ Be sure not to miss this fi rst electronic vehicles but with the consideration that ‡)D[ edition by updating, if needed, your email vehicle shape be the deciding factor for these DGGUHVVDWP\VDH P\VDHRUJ RUFRQWDFW vehicles. That issue remains to be resolved. \RXU6$(&XVWRPHU6HUYLFH5HSUHVHQWDWLYH Once the GTR is adopted, NHTSA will for assistance. have to initiate a rulemaking, get comments, and then decide how much of the GTR—or how little—it will translate into a federal motor vehicle safety standard. P81853 Stephen Barlas

6 JANUARY 2009 Update

Standards & Committees

Technical committee CRP deems new refrigerant for mobile air-conditioning meeting schedule systems to be superior For more information on the following ground vehicle and A new refrigerant for use in mobile air-conditioning systems new vehicles receiving type approval in 2011 or later to use aerospace standards committee meetings, please visit www. (MAC)—HFO1234yf—offers superior environmental perfor- a refrigerant with a Global Warming Potential (GWP) below sae.org/standardsdev/ and click on the Technical Commit- mance and can be used in future vehicles that are designed 150. Current global MAC systems use HFC-134a, a refriger- tee Meeting Calendar. For a list of new, revised, reaffirmed, to use the new refrigerant, according to results of an SAE ant having a GWP of 1,430. HFO1234yf has a GWP of only and cancelled SAE aerospace and ground vehicle docu- International Cooperative Research Program (CRP). four. ments, please visit www.sae.org/standardsdev/aerospace/ newastds.htm and www.sae.org/standardsdev/groundve- hicle/newgvstd.htm, respectively.

Aerospace January 14-15 Registration Management Committee (RMC) Meeting, Orlando, FL January 16 RMC Other Party Assessor Workshop, Orlando, FL January 26-30 S-18 Safety Assessment For Airborne Systems & Equipment, Sao Jose Dos Campos, Brazil The results of an SAE SAE AS-1 Aircraft Systems and International Cooperative Systems Integration Committee, Research Program study Fort Worth, TX showed that the refrigerant January 27-29 AE-2 Lightning Committee, HFO1234yf offers superior environmental performance Charleston, SC and is safe for use in future SAE SEAT Aircraft Seat Committee, vehicles that are designed Austin, TX for it. Here a Renault technician performs A/C January 28-29 Aerospace Metals Engineering service. Committee Meeting, Asilomar, CA Ground Vehicle The CRP 1234-1 and CRP1234-2 programs, launched in SAE International has been conducting cooperative (All meetings held in Troy, MI, unless noted.) 2007, investigated the safety and performance of the new research programs since 2001 to evaluate the new, environ- refrigerant. Under the direction of the SAE CRP members mentally friendly refrigerants for use in MAC systems. January 7 Electromagnetic Capability (who are international experts in this field from OEMs, CRP members include major automobile manufacturers Standards Committee, Troy, MI Tier 1 and 2 suppliers, and independent test facilities), air- from Europe, Asia, and the U.S. These OEMs account for Electromagnetic Immunity Task conditioning system performance, material compatibility, approximately 70 percent of all new vehicle sales in the EU Force, Troy, MI and relative risks of HFO1234yf were evaluated. Based on and worldwide. Electromagnetic Radiation Task these studies, this alternative refrigerant—of all proposed More detailed results of SAE International Cooperative Force, Troy, MI alternatives—has been judged to have the lowest risk for use Research Program 1234 will be provided in the near future. in MAC systems in meeting environmental and consumer SAE International is a global association of 115,000 January 8 Cosmetic Corrosion of Automotive needs. This is demonstrated in the results of the Life Cycle engineers and related technical experts in the automotive, Aluminum Task Force, via WebEx/ Climate Protection analysis to estimate CO2 Equivalent aerospace and commercial-vehicle industries. SAE Interna- telephone emissions from MAC Operation (GREEN-MAC-LCCP) as tional’s core competencies are life-long learning and stan- January 9 Truck & Bus J2839 Heavy Duty described in SAE J2766. dards development. SAE International’s charitable arm is the High Speed Datalink Connector These SAE CRP activities are in response to the interna- SAE Foundation, which supports many programs, including Task Force, via WebEx/telephone tional regulations by the European Union that require all A World in Motion® and the Collegiate Design Series. January 12-16 TC127 US TAG Meeting, Orlando, FL January 21 Truck and Bus Wheel Subcommittee, Northville, MI Harness Covering Task Force, Troy, MI Safety Systems Component Standards Committee, Troy, MI January 22 Vehicle Sound for Pedestrians Expanded Content. Expanded Knowledge. Subcommittee, via Webex/telephone Vehicle Sound for Pedestrians, via Webex/telephone SAE International Magazines Online Service Development Technical Get the technical content you need to stay current at www. sae.org/magazines! Quick links take you to SAE magazines Committee, Troy, MI coverage of technologies in the automotive, off-highway, and aerospace industries. Plus, gain technology transfer insight into electronics, materials, manufacturing, and testing/simulation developments occurring across all three vehicle industries January 27 Dummy Testing Equipment with content exclusive to the web. Subcommittee, Ann Arbor, MI January 29 Motor Vehicle Council, Troy, MI while at w And ww.sae.org/m agazi nes: • Access the SAE Global Supplier Marketplace • Listen to SAE Eye on Engineering podcasts • Check out upcoming and recently broadcast webcasts offered by the mobility industry’s leading suppliers • Sign up for the various technology eNewsletters Post your resume at the • Search article archives SAE online Career Center www. sae.org/magazines complements the exclusive feature articles and departments www.saecareercenter. found within the print versions of Automotive Engineering International, SAE Off-Highway org Engineering, and Aerospace Engineering & Manufacturing. Together, you’re getting the most P81703 out of the knowledge delivered by the premier society for advancing mobility technology.

JANUARY 2009 7 Update

Awards Four engineering professors to be honored SAE International announces with SAE education award new award for diesel research Four engineering educators have been selected as recipients University of Arizona, respectively. She is also a licensed A new award from SAE International aims to recognize of SAE International’s Ralph R. Teetor Educational Award. professional engineer in the State of Michigan. She resides in research advancements in diesel engines. They will be honored during the SAE 2009 AeroTech Con- Clarkston, MI. Named the SAE John Johnson Award for Outstanding gress and Exposition in Seattle, WA. • Daniel Kirk is an assistant professor of aerospace engi- Research in Diesel Engines, the award will honor the author The Teetor Award, established in 1953, recognizes out- neering at the Florida Institute of Technology. In conjunction of a technical paper presented at an SAE meeting or an indi- standing engineering educators and offers them the oppor- with the NASA Kennedy Space Center, Kirk and his students vidual who has demonstrated leadership in the research and tunity to meet and exchange views with practicing engineers are developing improved thermal-fluids models for launch development of diesel engines. in their fields. The award honors the late Ralph R. Teetor, vehicles and spacecraft, including low-gravity propellant The award was established to focus attention on diesel 1936 SAE President, who believed that engineering educa- slosh dynamics experiments and prediction. engine research, particularly regarding improvements in tors are the most effective link between engineering students The recipient of numerous teaching awards, Kirk serves efficiency and emissions. Special consideration will be given and their future careers. as the faculty advisor for Tau Beta Pi, the national engineer- to papers that present material based on the lead author’s Recipients of the award are: ing honor society. He also participates in committees for the thesis research. • Robert Hyers is an associate professor in the mechanical American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. The award is funded through a contribution from John H. and industrial engineering department at the University of Kirk holds a doctorate in aeronautics and astronautics Johnson. An expert in the field of diesel engines, Johnson is a Massachusetts Amherst. Previously, he spent four years at from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in the field Presidential Professor in the mechanical engineering depart- the NASA Marshall Space Flight Center in the Electrostatic of propulsion and energy conversion. He resides in Mel- ment at Michigan Technological University. He is a Fellow of Levitation Facility. At NASA, he helped materials scientists bourne, FL. SAE International and the American Society of Mechanical develop experiments for the International Space Station. • Craig Woolsey is an associate professor in the aerospace Engineers. A member of SAE International, Hyers was the faculty and ocean engineering department at Virginia Tech. He also is For more information on this award, please visit www.sae. adviser for the university’s SAE student chapter and SAE the founding director of the Virginia Center for Autonomous org/news/awards/list/jjohnson/. Supermileage team for three years. Systems, an interdisciplinary research center focused on the Hyers holds a bachelor’s in materials science and a doctor- development and application of autonomous systems technol- ate in materials engineering from the Massachusetts Institute ogy. of Technology. He resides in Amherst, MA . Woolsey is the recipient of several awards, including the Boeing VP selected as • Janet Brelin-Fornari is an associate professor of mechani- National Science Foundation Career Award, the Young cal engineering at in Flint, MI. She also Investigator Program Award from the Office of Naval Re- Engineering Leadership oversees operations and research at the university’s Crash search, and the Outstanding New Assistant Professor Award Safety Center. In this role, she established a Crash Safety In- from the Dean of Virginia Tech’s College of Engineering . He Award recipient dustrial Advisory Board involving companies such as AAA, also has been named a Virginia Tech College of Engineering John J. Tracy, Chief Technology Delphi, General Motors, and RA Denton. Faculty Fellow and a NASA Institute for Advanced Concepts Officer and Senior Vice President of A member of SAE International, Brelin-Fornari is the Fellow. Engineering, Operations & Technol- faculty adviser for the university’s SAE Baja team. She also A member of SAE International, Woolsey is also a mem- ogy for The Boeing Co., is the recipi- instructs a summer program on bioengineering for high ber of the American Society of Engineering Educators and ent of SAE International’s Aerospace school women at Kettering University called “Lives Improve the International Federation of Automatic Control, and a Engineering Leadership Award. He Through Engineering.” In addition, she participates in the senior member of the American Institute of Aeronautics and will be presented the award during American Society of Engineering Educators, the University Astronautics and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics the SAE AeroTech Congress & Exhi- of Nebraska Cather Circle, the State of Michigan Science Fair, Engineers. bition in Seattle, November 2009. and the McGraw-Hill Board of Advisors for engineering Woolsey holds a bachelor’s in mechanical engineering This award, established in 1992, mechanics. from the Georgia Institute of Technology and a doctorate honors an individual at the corpo- John J. Tracy Brelin-Fornari holds her bachelor’s, master’s, and doctor- in mechanical and aerospace engineering from Princeton rate official level for outstanding ate degrees in mechanical engineering from the University University. He resides in Blacksburg, VA. leadership contributions to the field of Nebraska-Lincoln , the University of Michigan and the of aerospace engineering. As Chief Technology Officer and Senior Vice President of Engineering, Operations & Technology at Boeing, Tracy is responsible for defining and implementing corporate strate- MIT student, researcher recognized for paper on oil transport gies for attaining and maintaining technical and functional excellence and enhancing the yield of technology invest- Steve Przesmitzki and Tian Tian of Massachusetts Institute tion, friction, oil consumption, engine power cylinder system ments across the enterprise. He also provides strategic of Technology (MIT) are recipients of SAE International’s analysis and optimization, and the lubrication of mechanical direction to several functions and organizations, including Award for Automotive Lubricant Research. They were pre- face seals. Engineering, Operations, Supplier Management and Quality sented the award during the SAE Powertrain & Fluid Sys- Tian has authored and co-authored more than 50 technical Assurance functions, along with the Information Technology, tems Conference & Exhibition in Rosemont, IL, in October. papers. He is a past recipient of SAE International’s Award Phantom Works, Intellectual Property Management, and The award, established in 1986, annually recognizes the for Research on Automotive Lubricants (2001) and Arch T. Environment, Health and Safety organizations. authors of the best paper relating to the adaptation of lubri- Colwell Merit Award (1994). Prior to this position, Tracy was Vice President of Engineer- cants and lubricated automotive systems or components. Tian holds a bachelor’s in mechanics and a master’s in ing and Mission Assurance for Boeing Integrated Defense Przesmitzki and Tian are being honored for co-authoring, fluid mechanics from Peking University. He holds a doctor- Systems; Vice President of Structural Technologies, Prototyp- “Oil Transport Inside the Power Cylinder during Transient ate in mechanical engineering from MIT. ing, and Quality for Boeing Phantom Works; and General Load Changes” (SAE paper #2007-01-1054). The paper Manager of Engineering for Boeing Military Aircraft and documents experiments with a single-cylinder test engine Missiles. utilizing two-dimensional, laser-induced fluorescence tech- Tracy has served on the editorial board for the American niques to view real-time oil transport and exchange, along Engineering excellence Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics Journal, the Jour- with computer modeling to describe certain phenomenon recognized at World Congress nal of Thin-Walled Structures, and the Journal of Computer observed during the experiments. Modeling and Simulation in Engineering. He also has Przesmitzki, lead author, is a Project Leader in the Center Awards Ceremony authored 34 publications. His awards include being named for Transportation Technologies and Systems at the National All are invited to join SAE International on April 21, 2007 Engineering Alumnus of the Year at the University of Renewable Energy Laboratory in Golden, Colo. Previously, 2009, as it recognizes more than 80 outstanding engi- California-Irvine, 2006 Hispanic Engineer of the Year by the he was a member of the MIT Industrial Consortium for the neering professionals for their exceptional accomplish- Hispanic Engineer National Achievement Awards Corp., and Lubrication of Internal Combustion Engines, led by paper ments and contributions to the mobility industry. The 2005 Manager of the Year by the Boeing Aerospace Leader- co-author Tian. He also has 14 years of experience working SAE Awards Ceremony: Honoring Excellence is hosted ship Chapter. at Ford Motor Co. by past SAE Presidents and SAE Fellows, and will run In addition to his membership with SAE International and Przesmitzki is the author of three technical papers related from 5 to 7:30 p.m. at the Marriott Renaissance Center its G-5 Committee, Tracy is a Fellow member of the Ameri- to oil transport inside the power cylinder of internal-com- in Detroit. can Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, the Royal bustion engines. He is a member of SAE International and a Tickets are $35 each and can be purchased from the Aeronautical Society, and the American Society of Mechani- registered professional engineer in the state of Michigan. SAE website at www.sae.org/congress/. For questions cal Engineers. Przesmitzki holds a bachelor’s in mechanical engineering regarding the awards ceremony, contact SAE Customer Tracy holds a doctorate in engineering from the Uni- from Kettering University, a master’s in mechanical engi- Service at [email protected], 877-606-7323 (U.S. versity of California-Irvine and master’s and bachelor’s neering from the University of Michigan, and a doctorate & Canada), 724-776-4970. degrees in physics from California State University–Los from MIT. The SAE World Congress will run from April 20 to 23 Angeles and California State University–Dominguez Hills, Tian is a Principal Research Engineer at the MIT Sloan Au- at Detroit’s Cobo Center. respectively. tomotive Laboratory. His research focuses on engine lubrica-

8 JANUARY 2009 Update

Awards Japan-based engineers recognized for engine research efforts Two Japan-based engineers have been bon component. Urushihara received graduate and doctor- HCCI engine development researchers. selected as recipients of SAE International’s About the recipients: ate degrees in mechanical engineering from Shibata has published five SAE techni- Harry L. Horning Memorial Award. The two • Tomonori Urushihara is Manager of the Tokyo Institute of Technology. cal papers related to his HCCI combustion were presented the award during the SAE Nissan Research Center’s Power Source • Gen Shibata is Chief Researcher at Nip- research since 2004. In addition to being a Powertrain & Fluid Systems Conference & Laboratory in Atsugi-shi, where his research pon Oil Corp.’s Central Technical Research member of SAE International, he is a Fellow Exhibition in Rosemont, IL, in October. focuses on gasoline engine combustion and Laboratory in Yokohama. He previously Engineer of the Japan Society of Automotive The award, established in 1938, recognizes measurement. worked as a fuel developer and supplier for Engineers, and member of the Japan Society the authors of the best paper relating to the A member of SAE International, Urushi- the BAR Honda Formula One racing team. of Mechanical Engineers, Combustion mutual adaptation of fuels and internal- hara is lead author of four SAE technical Since 2002, he has worked with Nissan and Society of Japan, and the Japan Petroleum combustion engines. It honors the memory papers related to combustion. He is also a Nippon Oil to investigate the effects of fuel Institute. of Harry L. Horning, 1925 SAE President. Fellow of the Japan Society of Automotive components on the HCCI engine opera- Shibata received bachelor’s, master’s, and Tomonori Urushihara and Gen Shibata Engineers and member of the Japan Society tional range and to produce a multitude of doctorate degrees in mechanical engineering are being honored for co-authoring, “Auto- of Mechanical Engineers. outcomes that would serve as a reference to from Waseda University. Ignition Characteristics of Hydrocarbons and Development of HCCI Fuel Index” (SAE paper #2007-01-0220). The paper addresses how 11 pure hydrocarbon components were blended into 23 different kinds of model fuels, and how the homogeneous charge compression ignition (HCCI) engine tests were performed under five different intake air temperature conditions to change the auto-ignition characteristic of each hydrocar-

GEMCOR’s Mangus “Take a little, leave a little and we’ll all have some.” receives SAE Thomas $BSWFEBCPWFUIFDBCJOQBOUSZEPPSUIBU"SOPMEBOE4UFQIBOJF4JFHFM PQFOFETPNFZFBSTBHPXBTUIJT"ZPVOHDPVQMFPVUIJLJOH UIFZE H. Speller Award DPNFVQPOBMJOFTIBDL BDBCJOXIFSFDPXCPZGFODFSJEFST William Mangus of GEMCOR in West Sen- DPVMETUBZUIFOJHIU5IBUNFTTBHFUPSFNJOEGFMMPXSBODIFSTPG eca, NY, is the recipient of SAE Internation- UIFJSQBSUJOUIFDPNNVOJUZTUSVDLBDIPSEXJUI"SOFBOE4UFó al’s Thomas H. Speller Award. Mangus was 4JFHFMBOECFDBNFUIFDPSOFSTUPOFPGUIFJSQFSTPOBMBQQSPBDI presented the award during the Aerospace UPQIJMBOUISPQZ Manufacturing and Automated Fastening Conference & Exhibition in North Charles- "EWPDBUFTGPSFEVDBUJPO UIF4JFHFMTBSFMPOHUJNFTVQQPSUFST ton, SC, in September. PGUIF4"&*OUFSOBUJPOBM,BXBSEXJOOJOHQSPHSBN  This award, established in 1983, recognizes "8PSMEJO.PUJPO¥ "8*. 5ISPVHIUIFJSMPOH the achievements of an individual who UJNFHFOFSPVTTVQQPSU‰BOEUIFTVQQPSUPG has significantly contributed to the imple- mentation of manufacturing processes and NBOZJOEJWJEVBMTBOEDPSQPSBUJPOT‰UIF"8*. methodologies in the area of automated DPNNVOJUZPGTUVEFOUT UFBDIFST WPMVOUFFST  fastening machines and their applications. BOEBMVNOJOPXOVNCFSTOFBSMZGPVSNJMMJPO The award’s namesake, Thomas H. Speller UISPVHIPVU/PSUI"NFSJDB Sr., founded GEMCOR in 1937 and is consid- ered by many to be the father of automatic 0OMZZPVDBOIFMQ"8*.UISJWFJOZPVS fastening. DPNNVOJUZ/PX UISPVHIUIF4JFHFM Mangus is President and CEO of GEM- 4PDJFUZ 4"&.FNCFSTBOEGSJFOETIBWFUIF COR, where he has worked since 1978. PQQPSUVOJUZUPKPJO"SOFBOE4UFóXJUIB Throughout his 30-year career, Mangus QMBOOFEHJGUUPTVQQPSUUIFFEVDBUJPOBMBOE held positions escalating through project engineering, engineering management, and BXBSEQSPHSBNTPG4"& company general management. Highlights of Mangus’ career include project engineer- ing/installation responsibility for the Space Shuttle Inter-Tank Vertical Fastening System Membership in the Siegel Society is in 1984 as well as leading the development an honor and recognitionHJWFOUPUIPTF of the G2000 Minor C Frame Fastening Sys- XIPTVQQPSUUIF4"&'PVOEBUJPOUISPVHI tem for Bombardier Short Brothers. BCFRVFTUJOUIFJSXJMMPSBDIBSJUBCMFHJGU Mangus is named on several patents, BOOVJUZPSUSVTU including the G2000 Fastening System and a Double Flush Fastening System for missile Become a charter member today! bodies. He is a member of SAE International and has participated as an author and pre- senter at four Aerospace Manufacturing and Automated Fastening Conferences.

Check out $PNNPOXFBMUI%SJWFt8BSSFOEBMF 1"64" our online GPVOEBUJPO!TBFPSHtXXXTBFGPVOEBUJPOPSH Career Center!  www. 1 saecareercenter.org

JANUARY 2009 9 Update

Meetings Meetings and symposia schedule NASCAR R&D Center wins SAE Motorsports For more information about meetings and symposia, call SAE Customer Service toll- Conference Award free at 877-606-7323 (or 724-776-4970 outside the U.S. and Canada). Additional meeting Peter Wright, FIA Technical Consultant details can be found at www.sae.org/events/conferences; symposia details at www.sae. The SAE International Motorsports Engi- and the conference’s keynote address org/events/training/symposia. neering Conference Award was presented during the event’s opening ceremony to the speaker, presented the award to Mike Fisher, NASCAR Research and Development Center NASCAR’s Managing Director of the R&D SAE Aerospace Design and Manufacturing Events on December 2 for its efforts towards “de- Center. signing safer and more competitive vehicles.” “The NASCAR R&D Center is honored PAMA 2009 Aviation Maintenance & Management March 6-7, 2009 Fort Worth, TX Symposium

Aerospace in the News Executive Symposium April 30, 2009 Williamsburg, VA

Digital Human Modeling for Design and June 9-11, 2009 Gothenburg, Sweden Engineering Conference 39th International Conference on Environmental July 12-16, 2009 Savannah, GA Systems SAE Ground Vehicle Design and Manufacturing Events

Government/Industry Meeting* February 3-6, 2009 Washington, D.C. NASCAR Managing Director of Research and Development Mike Fisher 2009 Hybrid Vehicle Technologies Symposium February 11-12, 2009 San Diego, CA (left), shown examining a car’s wing at the NASCAR SAE 2009 World Congress April 20-23, 2009 Detroit, MI R&D Center, accepted the SAE International Motorsports Engineering SAE 2009 Truck & Off-Road Global Summit May 13-14, 2009 Lyon, France Conference Award on behalf of the center. SAE 2009 Noise and Vibration Conference and May 19-21, 2009 St. Charles, IL Exhibition NASCAR’s new NASCAR Sprint Cup to receive this award and our thanks and Braking 2009 June 9-10, 2009 York, U.K. Series racecar, a seven-year project under- taken at the R&D Center, made its debut on appreciation go out to all of the people in our Digital Human Modeling for Design and the track in 2007 and was fully implemented industry who have been involved with the June 9-11, 2009 Gothenburg, Sweden Engineering Conference into the series at the beginning of the 2008 development of the new car, including the 2009 SAE International Powertrains, Fuels and season. The new car was designed with race teams, owners, manufacturers, and the June 15-17, 2009 Florence, Italy Lubricants Congress three primary goals in mind: improving staff here at the R&D Center,” said Fisher. driver safety, improving competition, and “Safety is our No. 1 priority and is certainly *In conjunction with the Washington Auto Show helping teams be more cost-efficient. an initiative that we work on every single day.”

Member Benefits Consider safety issues prior Post your resume at the SAE online Career Center to travel www.saecareercenter.org With all the logistical and cost issues associated with plan- ning a trip, safety is often an overlooked consideration. But by factoring in some basic safety precautions, travelers can increase their chances of a happy and successful travel experience. Travel experts recommend that you make photocopies of credit cards, airline tickets, passports, and other important (&&/I7;=el[hdc[dj%?dZkijhoC[[j_d] documents, so that backup copies of this information is in a safe place at your home. It is also beneficial to photograph New Date and Location!'FCSVBSZ  jewelry, luggage, and other valuables prior to departing on 8BMUFS&8BTIJOHUPO$POWFOUJPO$FOUFS your trip, and to bring along copies of any prescriptions for 8BTIJOHUPO %$ 64" drugs, eyeglasses, or contact lenses. There are also a number of issues to consider regarding ® (Co-located with the Washington Auto Show ) hotel safety. Your travel planner can steer you away from hotels located in high-crime-rate areas. It is generally safer to avoid selecting a hotel room on the ground floor that has ÇH[_dl[dj_d]j^[7kjeceX_b[#7=beXWb9^Wbb[d][È doors and windows that open to the outside. When possible, select a hotel with electronic guest room Don’t miss this vital, policy-shaping event – locks that automatically change the lock combination with every new guest, minimizing the chance of someone else with timely topics to include: having a duplicate key to your room. Rooms should be equipped with a dead bolt lock and a peephole. t'VFMFDPOPNZBOEIJHIFSPJMQSJDFT Once at the hotel, secure locks on any windows and adjoin- t"MUFSOBUJWFFOFSHZTPVSDFTBOETVTUBJOBCJMJUZ ing doors. Look for information in the room about fire safety t'VUVSFWFIJDMFUFDIOPMPHJFT and find the location of the nearest fire exit and stairway. Also take precaution in dealing with hotel personnel. Ask t1SJPSJUJFTJONPUPSWFIJDMFTBGFUZ the front desk not to announce your room number. If you t$SBTITUVEJFTBOECJPNFDIBOJDT receive a phone call from a person stating they are with the hotel and need to come to your room to repair something, verify this with the front desk. Save $400! www.sae.org/govind SAE members can contact the travel experts at Carlson Wag- 1SF3FHJTUFSCZ onlit Travel for further safety tips when planning their next +BOVBSZ  trip. Through the company’s vacation website, members can book vacations with access to preferred rates and discounts on airfare, hotels, rental cars, vacation packages, and cruises. For 2009 Host Company P81415 more information, call 800-466-7801, extension 120.

10 JANUARY 2009 Update

Professional Development State of hybrid technology, development is focus of new January webinars Four new SAE International webinars that provide a com- and electric vehicle manufacturers and Tier 1 suppliers of prehensive overview of hybrid vehicle technology and its hybrid and electric vehicle components. For the full course market will be offered in January. Participants can attend description, visit sae.org/webinars/hybridproduction. these two-hour online sessions from anywhere (work or Each of these two-hour sessions will be held from 11:30 home) with Internet access (at least 56 K) and a telephone. a.m. to 1:30 p.m. EST. Fees for each webinar are $245 ($195 Market drivers such as upcoming CAFE regulations, Cali- for SAE Members). fornia’s greenhouse gas legislation, and a potential global Rosebro has taught hybrid, plug-in hybrid, and electric agreement on greenhouse gas reduction are accelerating the vehicle technology to a wide variety of industry profes- development of successful alterative powertrains, says Jack sionals for the past seven years. He consults, writes, and Rosebro, who will be the instructor for these four webinars. conducts training seminars for Perfect Sky Inc. in North “The marketing of hybrid vehicles will certainly acceler- America and Europe. Rosebro also writes on sustainable ate in the next five years,” Rosebro says. “A smattering of mobility for Green Car Congress. The advantages and challenges associated with plug-in hybrids is in the market now, but the number of hybrids that Registration for these webinars includes one connection hybrid vehicles, such as this Toyota PHEV, will be discussed are currently in the pipeline is significant.” to the conference call via a toll-free phone number and as- during an SAE International webinar January 27. The Introduction to Hybrid Powertrains webinar (I.D.# signed personal ID number, one connection to SAE’s online C0903; January 20, 2009) covers energy storage systems, meeting center (via WebEx) and access to a secure course in inverters, motor-generators, and DC-DC converters, as well the SAE Learning Center that contains the webinar presen- To register for any or all of the hybrid technology webi- as design considerations for both light-duty and heavy-duty tations, class session recordings, supplemental materials, nars, visit www.sae.org/webinars, phone 1-877-606-7323 (in vehicle powertrains. Developing trends such as plug-in and and assignments. All sessions will be recorded and made the U.S. or Canada) or 1-724-776-4970, or e-mail customerser- hydraulic hybrids will also be discussed. For the full course available for 30 days for those who register by the deadline [email protected]. description, visit sae.org/webinars/introtohybrids. but are unable to attend on the designated date or time. Basic Hybrid and Electric Vehicle Safety (I.D.# C0904; Janu- ary 22, 2009) looks at safety concerns and precautions related to high-voltage circuits present in hybrid, plug-in hybrid, electric, and fuel cell hybrid vehicles. For the full course description, visit sae.org/webinars/hybridsafety. New seminar focuses on shielding theory and products Plug-In Hybrids: Opportunities and Challenges (I.D. # “Fundamentals of Shielding Design for EMC Compliance,” a attenuation comparisons, and galvanic compatibility per C0905; January 27, 2009) examines how plug-in hybrids new SAE seminar, introduces practical shielding theory, de- MIL-STD 1250 will also be covered. differ from conventional hybrids and looks at the current sign fundamentals, and configurations, including shielding The seminar is instructed by Michael J. Oliver, Vice state of plug-in hybrid development. The advantages and products, common and differential modes, electromagnetic President of Electrical/EMC Engineering at MAJR Products challenges for vehicle manufacturers, public utilities, energy fields, and enclosure shielding. First held in December, the Corp., where he is responsible for customer EMC design and environmental concerns, and end users will be covered. seminar will again be presented April 20, 2009 in Detroit. and consulting and new product development. An expert For the full course description, visit sae.org/webinars/plug- Designed to help electronic and hardware engineers under- in EMI/RFI shielding technology, he is Co-Chairman of the inhybrids. stand a product’s ability to perform within electromagnetic SAE AE4 Electromagnetic Compatibility Committee. Hybrid and Electric Vehicles: Current Production, Future compatibility (EMC) limits, this seminar includes a seg- For more information on the “Fundamentals of Shielding Strategies (I.D.# C0906; January 29, 2009) looks at passen- ment on enclosure testing, presented in conjunction with Design for EMC Compliance” seminar (I.D. #C0835), or to ger, light-duty, and heavy-duty hybrid and electric vehicles an aperture attenuation modeling program (which is used register, visit www.sae.org/seminarinfo; phone 877-606-7323 that are currently in production, offered for sale, or planned to model attenuation characteristics at various frequencies (in the U.S. and Canada) or 724-776-4970; or e-mail custom- for near-term production. The North American, Asian and and aperture size prior to expensive FCC/CE compliance [email protected]. European markets will be reviewed, with coverage of hybrid or MIL-STD 461 testing). Honeycomb vent panels, plating

Courses from SAE Detailed course descriptions are available online at www. With the increase in vehicle electronics, the Vehicle Applications sae.org/contedu. To register, complete the online registra- need to gather data from the vehicle has never March 16-18 Injuries, Anatomy, Biomechanics & tion form, e-mail [email protected], or call SAE Customer been greater. From vehicle development, Federal Regulation Service toll-free at 877-606-7323 (or 724-776-4970 outside the through vehicle test to vehicle validation, March 19-20 Threaded Fasteners and the Bolted Joint U.S. and Canada). engineers are required to collect data from March 19-20 Adhesive Bonding Technology the vehicle’s network. SAE J2534-1 API gives March 23-25 Motor Fuel: Technology, Performance, January 2009 engineers the tool to collect vehicle data from Testing, and Specifications multiple network types including CAN, March 24-26 Vehicle Dynamics for Passenger Cars Troy, MI, USA—SAE Automotive Headquarters ISO15765, J1850, ISO9141, and and Light Trucks January 8-9 The Basics of Internal Combustion SCI, using standard J2534 interface devices. March 24-26 Turbocharging Internal Combustion Engines This course is designed to give attendees an Engines January 8-9 Metal Corrosion and Its Prevention understanding of the J2534-1 API, enabling March 26 Basic Noise Control January 12-13 Design for Manufacturing & Assembly them to create their own programs that meet March 26-27 Noise Diagnostics and Analysis Using (DFM/DFA) vehicle communication needs. Acoustic Imaging Technologies January 12-13 Managing Integrated Product February 13 Exhaust Flow Performance and Pressure March 27 Noise and Vibration Measurement: Development Drop of Exhaust Components and Instruments and Facilities January 19-21 Fundamentals of Hybrid Electric Vehicles Systems March 30-31 Practical NVH Signal Processing Methods January 26-27 Design of Experiments (DOE) for February 16-17 The Role of the Expert Witness in March 30-31 Sheet Metal Stamping: Robust Engineers Product Liability Litigation Formability January 26-28 Fundamentals of Modern Vehicle February 16-17 Metal Forming Transmissions Wichita, KS, USA—Wichita Area Technical February 20 Introduction to Failure Modes & Effects College (Main Campus) Analysis for Product Design (Design Via telephone/web March 2 NEW! Microbial Contamination in FMEA) January 20 Introduction to Hybrid Powertrains Aviation Fuel and Aircraft Fuel Systems February 23-24 Electronics Packaging: Thermal & January 22 Basic Hybrid and Electric Vehicle Safety Microbial contamination in aviation fuel Mechanical Design and Analysis January 27 Plug-in Hybrids: Opportunities and creates biomats that clog filters and scavenge Challenges Birmingham, AL, USA - Southern Research systems, coat fuel quality indicator systems January 29 Production Hybrid and Electric Vehicles Institute probes, and lead to structural corrosion, February 2-3 Leading High-Performance Teams impacting the operational and economical February 2009 aspects of turbine-powered fixed-wing Troy, MI, USA—SAE Automotive Headquarters March 2009 and rotary-wing aircraft. From inaccurate fuel level readings to aborted takeoffs February 9-10 Diesel Engine Technology Troy, MI, USA—SAE Automotive Headquarters and air interrupts, microorganisms can February 9-11 Hydraulic Brake Systems for Passenger March 2-3 Wet Brake & Clutch Technology Cars and Light Trucks wreak havoc on the entire aircraft and the March 9-10 Tolerance Stack-Up Analysis system operations. Attendees will learn how February 12 NEW! Understanding and Using the SAE March 9-11 Automotive Fuel Cell Systems J2534-1 API to Access Vehicle Networks March 16-17 Controller Area Network (CAN) for See Professional Development p. 12 JANUARY 2009 11 Update

Career Opportunities

It’s easy to place an advertisement in SAE Update. Simply SAE Members can post their resume and search job openings at Engineering BAE Systems has opened a new call with your space reservation and fax—or e-mail and http://www.saecareercenter.org/. save the typesetting fee!—your ad copy to Deb Catalano: facility in Michigan. Due to this new endeavor, numerous opportunities are SAE assumes no responsibility for the available. Visit our website, statements set forth in any listing or the www.baesystems.jobs for a complete 724/772-4014 availability or existence of such listed Be remarkable. positions. SAE does not review or warrant listing of opportunities in Michigan. the qualifications or statements of those Maximize your unique perspective 724/776-3087 responding to a listing. alongside today’s most brilliant minds. Your individuality makes you a valuable team member here. Shaping some of the world’s most critical [email protected] technologies is a highly collaborative endeavor. You will be contacted promptly to discuss your ad and to Update BAE Systems is the premier global receive details about pricing and deadlines. defense and aerospace company delivering a full range of products and services for air, land and naval forces, as well as advanced electronics, Stuart Selis, ChFC, CLU u l l o r a r t i m e e t i r e e s information technology solutions and Tel. (888) 273-8383/(248) 641-1000 www.stuartselis.com F P T R Au t o Ac c i d e n t Re c o n s t r u c t i o n customer support services. With 97,500 employees worldwide, BAE Peter R.Thom & Assoc. Systems’ sales exceeded $31.4 Fax 925/254-1650 billion in 2007. www.AXAonline.com AXA Advisors, LLC, NY, NY GE-40012 (5/07) www.prtassoc.com • Mechanical Engineers Master’s Degree with a minimum of project and CDM Core staff Work with leaders in military 9 years’ as a project engineer is experience. Three years of related FACULTY POSITION: The College of Engineering and Computer Science at the University of systems to develop and integrate required. work experience in a Michigan-Dearborn invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor in the Department of wheeled and tracked vehicle • Electrical Engineers manufacturing or engineering systems. Responsibilities include (Mobile, Power Generation and environment with a demonstrated Industrial & Manufacturing Systems Engineering. The candidate’s primary teaching responsibility development, design and Management, FPGA Logic, understanding of functional will be in the areas of vehicle ergonomics, packaging and systems integration in the Automotive integration of the mobility, Motion Control, Hybrid Electric interrelationship of contract Systems Engineering program. Qualifications include a Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering or related weapon, survivability, structures, Automotive, High Voltage administration, design engineering, auxiliary, crew, mechanical, and Testing) manufacturing, quality and field, and a demonstrated ability or potential to conduct externally funded research in ergonomics, mission system components. The logistics are required. Must have Requires a broad knowledge of candidate will be responsible for extensive knowledge of human factors engineering and/or man-machine interfacing. Preferential consideration will be given systems and components for the assimilation of the design identification, change control, electrical/ electronic embedded to candidates with relevant industrial experience. A resume with list of research accomplishments requirements, exploring concept status accounting and audit and test hardware for military and names of at least three references should be sent to the Search Committee Chair, 120 MSEL, The solutions, conducting trade requirements and procedures. systems and vehicles. Bachelor’s studies, developing selected Requires excellent knowledge of University of Michigan-Dearborn, 4901 Evergreen Road, Dearborn, MI 48128-2406. Review of the in Electrical Engineering and 2+ designs, overseeing hardware CDM computer applications (i.e. years’ experience. applications will begin in February, 2009; however, applications will be accepted until the position is prototype build, and verification of CDM systems, CCC, SUN, PC, filled. The University of Michigan-Dearborn is dedicated to the goal of building a culturally diverse the design performance • Quality Engineers UNIX) and be thoroughly skilled in and pluralistic faculty committed to teaching and working in a multi-cultural environment. The characteristics through test Uses a wide range of mechanical their operation. validation in preparation for field or electrical engineering and • Specialty Engineers University is an equal opportunity employer and encourages minority/female candidates to apply. tests and production. A BSME quality skills to research/review (Senior Reliability/ plus a minimum of 2 years’ technical design development Maintainability, Quality) activities, test, and support design experience or equivalent Requires strong/broad documentation for mechanical, technical degree and experience background in reliability/ digital & analog integration of is required. Pro-E knowledge is probability with application to systems and subsystems. desired. complex military or aerospace Routine interaction with all levels Professional Development systems; Bachelor’s in ME, EE, • Designers of management and the Must work with engineers and Math or Physics. customer. Develops quality drafters to design and develop Continued from p. 11 systems and procedures to • Systems Engineers subsystems and component monitor design assurance Requires knowledge in one or parts, which can include, but are activities. Develops quality more of the following: weapon not limited to, powertrain, microorganisms enter and survive in the fuel distribution and storage network, provisions, specification, and systems, requirements analysis suspension, survivability, and how a routine surveillance program can manage risk and mitigate lost validation requirements. and performance optimization, structures, auxiliary automotive, vehicle design and physical profits. Students will have the opportunity to experience hands-on techniques mechanical, and/or electrical. The • Program Manager architectures, embedded system Responsible for managing one or to detect and remediate contamination in aviation fuel systems. candidate is responsible for the integration, architectures and documentation, analysis, layout, more programs. Manage any or all forms of contracts. Oversee interfaces, C4ISR, sensor and design, up to and including program budget and schedules. integration, survivability suites, April 2009 final engineering drawings. Has primary responsibilities for ballistic fire control, integrated Proficiency in Pro-E, 3-D and solid program growth; may be diagnostics, control systems, Detroit, MI, USA—Cobo Center modeling is required, proficiency responsible for developing and operations research, requirements in CADD5; an AA degree plus a marketing new technology or management, objective oriented In Conjunction with the SAE World Congress & Exhibition minimum of 5 years’ design follow-on business acquisition. modeling. Requires a Bachelor’s April 20 High Performance Engine Design and experience or equivalent work Accountable for all schedules, or Master’s in Engineering or Development experience is required. quality, profit, performance, and related technical field. • Checker customer satisfaction with respect April 20 NEW! Fundamentals of Shielding Design for EMC Compliance to relevant program. Manage • Supply Chain Ensures the accuracy, Responsible for gathering, It is important for electronic and hardware engineers to be knowledgeable completeness, and sound design departmental personnel, budgets, and administration. analyzing, and presenting program not only of a product’s intended function and performance, but also its of engineering documentation to data across all systems platforms prescribed standards and • Program Control Analyst within a particular program; the ability to perform within electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) limits. This contractual requirements. Develop and monitor Earned development and implementation seminar introduces practical shielding theory, design fundamentals, and Exercises authority to reject Value Management (EVM) of tools and procedures to aid in baselines (budgets, management configurations, including shielding products, common and differential modes, incorrect documentation in terms the strategic execution of of technical content, standards, reserve, undistributed budget, materials procurement; and electromagnetic fields, and enclosure shielding. A segment on enclosure and specifications. Supports network schedules, and scope guiding and instructing key testing is presented in conjunction with an aperture attenuation modeling Model and Drafting/Drawing changes) for all EVM and other members of the supply chain engineering contracts. Analyze program (which is used to model attenuation characteristics at various Standards and reference manual organization in proper and efficient revisions. Interprets applicable cost and schedule variances, use of company technological and frequencies and aperture size prior to expensive FCC/CE compliance or MIL- model and drawing standard determine root causes, program systems assets. Requires B.S. STD 461 testing). Honeycomb vent panels, plating attenuation comparisons, requirements and assesses the impact, and report contract degree in Business, Finance, or quality of the technical backup performance to internal and Information Systems; strong and galvanic compatibility per MIL-STD 1250 will also be discussed. data. Must have proficiency in external customers. Develop and analytical, communication (written assist in implementation of April 20-21 NEW! Model Based Design: Delivering Quality Electronic Products Faster Pro-E with 6 years’ mechanical and verbal) and excellent design experience and checking corrective action strategy for cost presentation skills. Strong As new technologies proliferate, as change happens faster and faster, and experience. Must be familiar with and schedule issues. Interact technical skills in an information as customers demand the latest electronic features, a new paradigm for ASME Y14.100, ASME Y14.41, with Program Managers and systems discipline with the ability and proficient with GD & T Control Account Managers to to perform financial analysis. product development has emerged. Recent advances in the capabilities of applications. guide problem resolution. Ensure U.S. Citizenship is required for most software tools now make possible an entire product development process • Project Engineers data integrity and quality of all performance reporting submitted positions. Responsibilities include the in a virtual environment, with more speed and power than will ever be to both internal and external For more information on additional technical coordination, lead, and possible on a bench. This two-day course will provide attendees with math- customers. Make presentations opportunities, visit our website at: execution of proposals, designs, to management on contract www.baesystems.jobs Search for based tools to greatly accelerate electronic product development, and to and development projects (e.g. performance status and jobs in Michigan. powertrain, suspension, simultaneously deliver a more robust design. Participants will learn the basic implications of problems/ issues. survivability, structures, auxiliary An Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Prior EVM experience is required. theory of finite state machines with a heavy emphasis on simple, real-world automotive, mechanical, and/or Action Employer who values and examples. Through a series of hands-on learning modules, attendees will gain electrical). As a member of an • Configuration Data respects diversity. the understanding and experience to build an executable spec simulation engineering team, the project Management Specialist engineer is the primary technical A minimum of 10 years of environment. point of contact to the customer experience working in a CDM environment of which 5 or more April 20-21 Fundamentals of Automotive Fuel Delivery Systems and is responsible for the project’s overall technical years is spent in supporting a April 20-21 Static and Dynamic Sealing compliance. A Bachelor’s Degree project in the DoD acquisition April 20-21 Sound Package Materials for Vehicle Noise Control with 11 years of experience or a environment, or an equivalent mix April 20-21 Diesel Emissions and Control Technologies 12 JANUARY 2009

SAE UPDATE NEWSLETTER 1/1/2009 3037129-WA03817 BAESYN 5.1875” x 13” Marco Abato v.1