Sent via Electronic Mail

January 21, 2021


Jonathan Truppa


Dear Jonathan Truppa:

The above matter will be considered by the Civil Service Commission at a virtual meeting (Cisco WebEx) to be held on February 1, 2021 at 2:00 p.m. You will receive a separate email invite from a Civil Service Commission staff member to join and participate in the meeting.

The agenda will be posted for your review on the Civil Service Commission’s website at under “Meetings” no later than end of day on Wednesday, January 27, 2021. Please refer to the attached Notice for procedural and other information about Commission hearings. A copy of the department’s staff report on your appeal is attached to this email.

In the event that you wish to submit any additional documents in support of your appeal, email them to the Civil Service Commission’s email at [email protected] by 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, January 26, 2021, please be sure to redact your submission for any confidential or sensitive information that is not relevant to your appeal (e.g., home addresses, home or cellular phone numbers, social security numbers, dates of birth, etc.), as it will be considered a public document.

It is important that you or an authorized representative attend the hearing on your appeal. Should you or a representative not attend, the Commission will rule on the information previously submitted and any testimony provided at its meeting. All calendared items will be heard and resolved at this time unless good reasons are presented for a continuance. As a reminder, you are to be honest and forthright during all testimony and in all documentation that you provide to the Civil Service Commission.

You may contact me at (628) 652-1100 or at [email protected] if you have any questions.



SANDRA ENG Executive Officer


Cc: Carol Isen, Department of Human Resources Chief Jeanine Nicholson, SF Fire Department Anna Biasbas, Department of Human Resources Kate Howard, Department of Human Resources Dave Johnson, Department of Human Resources Deputy Chief Bryan Rubenstein, SF Fire Department Deputy Chief Jose Velo, SF Fire Department Steve Ponder, Department of Human Resources Liezel Cruz, Department of Human Resources Mawuli Tugbenyoh, Department of Human Resources Scott De Wolfe, Department of Human Resources Jesusa Bushong, SF Fire Department Commission File Commissioners’ Binder Chron 25 VAN NESS AVENUE, SUITE 720 • SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94102-6033 • (628) 652-1100 • FAX (628) 652-1109 •


A. Commission Office The Civil Service Commission office is located at, 25 Van Ness Avenue, Suite 720, San Francisco, CA 94102. The telephone number is (628) 652-1100. The fax number is (628) 652-1109. The email address is [email protected] and the web address is Office hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday.

B. Policy Requiring Written Reports It is the policy of the Civil Service Commission that except for appeals filed under Civil Service Commission Rule 111A Position-Based Testing, all items appearing on its agenda be supported by a written report prepared by Commission or departmental staff. All documents referred to in any Agenda Document are posted adjacent to the Agenda, or if more than one (1) page in length, available for public inspection and copying at the Civil Service Commission office. Reports from City and County personnel supporting agenda items are submitted in accordance with the procedures established by the Executive Officer. Reports not submitted according to procedures, in the format and quantity required, and by the deadline, will not be calendared.

C. Policy on Written Submissions by Appellants All written material submitted by appellants to be considered by the Commission in support of an agenda item shall be submitted to the Commission office, no later than 5:00 p.m. on the fourth (4th) business day preceding the Commission meeting for which the item is calendared (ordinarily, on Tuesday). An original and nine (9) copies on 8 1/2-inch X 11 inch paper, three-hole punched on left margin, and page numbered in the bottom center margin, shall be provided. Written material submitted for the Commission’s review becomes part of a public record and shall be open for public inspection.

D. Policy on Materials being Considered by the Commission Copies of all staff reports and materials being considered by the Civil Service Commission are available for public view 72 hours prior to the Civil Service Commission meeting on the Civil Service Commission’s website at, and in its office located at 25 Van Ness Avenue, Suite 720, San Francisco, CA 94102. If any materials related to an item on this agenda have been distributed to the Civil Service Commission after distribution of the agenda packet, those materials will be available for public inspection at the Civil Service Commission’s during normal office hours (8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday).

E. Policy and Procedure for Hearings to be Scheduled after 5:00 p.m. and Requests for Postponement A request to hear an item after 5:00 p.m. should be directed to the Executive Officer as soon as possible following the receipt of notification of an upcoming hearing. Requests may be made by telephone at (628) 652-1100 and confirmed in writing or by fax at (628) 652-1109. A request for a postponement (continuance) to delay an item to another meeting may be directed to the Commission Executive Officer by telephone or in writing. Before acting, the Executive Officer may refer certain requests to another City official for recommendation. Telephone requests must be confirmed in writing prior to the meeting. Immediately following the “Announcement of Changes” portion of the agenda at the beginning of the meeting, the Commission will consider a request for a postponement that has been previously denied. Appeals filed under Civil Service Commission Rule 111A Position-Based Testing shall be considered on the date it is calendared for hearing except under extraordinary circumstances and upon mutual agreement between the appellant and the Department of Human Resources.

F. Policy and Procedure on Hearing Items Out of Order Requests to hear items out of order are to be directed to the Commission President at the beginning of the agenda. The President will rule on each request. Such requests may be granted with mutual agreement among the affected parties.

G. Procedure for Commission Hearings All Commission hearings on disputed matters shall conform to the following procedures: The Commission reserves the right to question each party during its presentation and, in its discretion, to modify any time allocations and requirements.

If a matter is severed from the Consent Agenda or the Ratification Agenda, presentation by the opponent will be for a maximum time limit of five (5) minutes and response by the departmental representative for a maximum time limit of five (5) minutes. Requests by the public to sever items from the [Consent Agenda or] Ratification Agenda must be provided with justification for the record.

For items on the Regular Agenda, presentation by the departmental representative for a maximum time of five (5) minutes and response by the opponent for a maximum time limit of five (5) minutes. For items on the Separations Agenda, presentation by the department followed by the employee or employee’s representative shall be for a maximum time limit of ten (10) minutes for each party unless extended by the Commission. Each presentation shall conform to the following: 1. Opening summary of case (brief overview); 2. Discussion of evidence; 3. Corroborating witnesses, if necessary; and 4. Closing remarks.

The Commission may allocate five (5) minutes for each side to rebut evidence presented by the other side.

H. Policy on Audio Recording of Commission Meetings As provided in the San Francisco Sunshine Ordinance, all Commission meetings are audio recorded in digital form. These audio recordings of open sessions are available starting on the day after the Commission meeting on the Civil Service Commission website at

I. Speaking before the Civil Service Commission Speaker cards are not required. The Commission will take public comment on all items appearing on the agenda at the time the item is heard. The Commission will take public comment on matters not on the Agenda, but within the jurisdiction of the Commission during the “Requests to Speak” portion of the regular meeting. Maximum time will be three (3) minutes. A subsequent comment after the three (3) minute period is limited to one (1) minute. The timer shall be in operation during public comment. Upon any specific request by a Commissioner, time may be extended.

J. Public Comment and Due Process During general public comment, members of the public sometimes wish to address the Civil Service Commission regarding matters that may come before the Commission in its capacity as an adjudicative body. The Commission does not restrict this use of general public comment. To protect the due process rights of parties to its adjudicative proceedings, however, the Commission will not consider, in connection with any adjudicative proceeding, statements made during general public comment. If members of the public have information that they believe to be relevant to a mater that will come before the Commission in its adjudicative capacity, they may wish to address the Commission during the public comment portion of that adjudicative proceeding. The Commission will not consider public comment in connection with an adjudicative proceeding without providing the parties an opportunity to respond.

K. Policy on use of Cell Phones, Pagers and Similar Sound-Producing Electronic Devices at and During Public Meetings The ringing and use of cell phones, pagers and similar sound-producing electronic devices are prohibited at this meeting. Please be advised that the Chair may order the removal from the meeting room of any person(s) responsible for the ringing or use of a cell phone, pager, or other similar sound-producing electronic devices.

Information on Disability Access The Civil Service Commission normally meets in Room 400 (Fourth Floor) City Hall, 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place. However, meetings not held in this room are conducted in the Civic Center area. City Hall is wheelchair accessible. The closest accessible BART station is the Civic Center, located 2 ½ blocks from City Hall. Accessible MUNI lines serving City Hall are 47 Van Ness Avenue, 9 San Bruno and 71 Haight/Noriega, as well as the METRO stations at Van Ness and Market and at Civic Center. For more information about MUNI accessible services, call (415) 923-6142. Accessible curbside parking has been designated at points in the vicinity of City Hall adjacent to Grove Street and Van Ness Avenue.

The following services are available on request 48 hours prior to the meeting; except for Monday meetings, for which the deadline shall be 4:00 p.m. of the last business day of the preceding week. For American Sign Language interpreters or the use of a reader during a meeting, a sound enhancement system, and/or alternative formats of the agenda and minutes, please contact the Commission office to make arrangements for the accommodation. Late requests will be honored, if possible.

Individuals with severe allergies, environmental illness, multiple chemical sensitivity or related disabilities should call our ADA coordinator at (628) 652-1107 or (628) 652-1100 to discuss meeting accessibility. In order to assist the City’s efforts to accommodate such people, attendees at public meetings are reminded that other attendees may be sensitive to various chemical based products. Please help the City to accommodate these individuals.

Know your Rights under the Sunshine Ordinance (Chapter 67 of the San Francisco Administrative Code) Government’s duty is to serve the public, reaching its decisions in full view of the public. Commissions, boards, councils, and other agencies of the City and County exist to conduct the people’s business. This ordinance assures that deliberations are conducted before the people and that City operations are open to the people’s review. For more information on your rights under the Sunshine Ordinance or to report a violation of the ordinance, or to obtain a free copy of the Sunshine Ordinance, contact Victor Young, Administrator of the Sunshine Ordinance Task Force, 1 Dr. Carlton B. Goodlett Place, Room 244, San Francisco, CA 94102-4689 at (415) 554-7724, by fax: (415) 554-7854, by e-mail: [email protected], or on the City’s website at

San Francisco Lobbyist Ordinance Individuals and entities that influence or attempt to influence local legislative or administrative action may be required by the San Francisco Lobbyist Ordinance (San Francisco Campaign and Governmental Conduct Code Section 2.100) to register and report lobbying activity. For more information about the Lobbyist Ordinance, please contact the San Francisco Ethics Commission at 25 Van Ness Ave., Suite 220, San Francisco, CA 94102, telephone (415) 252-3100, fax (415) 252-3112 and web site



Refer to Civil Service Commission Procedure for Staff - Submission of Written Reports for Instructions on Completing and Processing this Form

1. Civil Service Commission Register Numbers: 0246-20-4

2. For Civil Service Commission Meeting of: February 1, 2021

3. Check One: Ratification Agenda Consent Agenda 9 Regular Agenda

Human Resources Director’s Report

4. Subject: Appeal by Jonathan Truppa of the Minimum Qualifications for the H120 Pilot of Fire Boats (CBT-H120-904292) Job Classification.

5. Recommendation: Adopt report 6. Report prepared by: Dave Johnson Telephone number: 415.557.4871

7. Notifications: (Attach a list of the person(s) to be notified in the format described in IV. Commission Report Format - A).

8. Reviewed and approved for Civil Service Commission Agenda:

Human Resources Director:

Date: January 8, 2021

9. Submit the original time-stamped copy of this form and person(s) to be notified (see Item 7 above) along with the required copies of the report to:

Executive Officer Civil Service Commission 25 Van Ness Avenue, Suite 720 San Francisco, CA 94102

CSC RECEIPT STAMP 10. Receipt-stamp this form in the $CSC RECEIPT STAMP box to the right using the time-stamp in the CSC Office.


CSC-22 (11/97) Notification List

Chief Jeanine Nicholson Chief of Department 698 Second Street, 2nd Floor San Francisco, CA 94107-2015 [email protected]

Deputy Chief Jose Velo Administration Division 698 Second Street, 2nd Floor San Francisco, CA 94107-2015 [email protected]

Jesusa Bushong Departmental Personnel Officer 698 Second Street, Room 209 San Francisco, CA 94107-2015 415.558.3463 [fax] [email protected]

Bryan Rubenstein Deputy Chief Operations 698 Second Street, 2nd Floor San Francisco, CA 94107-2015 [email protected]

Carol Isen, Acting Human Resources Director Department of Human Resources 1 South Van Ness Avenue, 4th Floor San Francisco, CA 94103-5413 [email protected]

Anna Biasbas Director, Employment Services Department of Human Resources 1 South Van Ness Avenue, 4th Floor San Francisco, CA 94103-5413 [email protected]

Jeanne Buick Department of Human Resources 1 South Van Ness Avenue, 4th Floor San Francisco, CA 94103-5413 [email protected]

Kate Howard Managing Deputy Director Department of Human Resources 1 South Van Ness Avenue, 4th Floor San Francisco, CA 94103-5413 [email protected]

Dave Johnson Manager, Public Safety Team Department of Human Resources 1 South Van Ness Avenue, 4th Floor San Francisco, CA 94103-5413 [email protected]

Steve Ponder Classification and Compensation Director Department of Human Resources 1 South Van Ness Avenue, 4th Floor San Francisco, CA 94103-5413 [email protected]

Mawuli Tugbenyoh Chief of Policy Department of Human Resources 1 South Van Ness Avenue, 4th Floor San Francisco, CA 94103-5413 [email protected]

Scott DeWolfe Supervisor, Public Safety Team Department of Human Resources 1 South Van Ness Avenue, 4th Floor San Francisco, CA 94103-5413 [email protected]

Liezel Cruz Senior Human Resources Analyst, Public Safety Team Department of Human Resources 1 South Van Ness Avenue, 4th Floor San Francisco, CA 94103-5413 [email protected]

Jonathan Truppa

[email protected]

City and County of San Francisco Department of Human Resources Carol Isen Connecting People with Purpose Human Resources Director (Acting)


TO: The Honorable Civil Service Commission

THROUGH: Carol Isen, Acting Human Resources Director

FROM: Dave Johnson, Department of Human Resources Public Safety Team

DATE: January 8, 2021

RE: Appeal by Jonathan Truppa of the minimum qualifications for CBT H120 Pilot of Fire Boats 904292; Register No. 0246-20-4 ______


On November 3, 2020, in accordance with Civil Service Commission [CSC] Rule 310.2, the Department of Human Resources’ Public Safety Team (PST) provided to Local 798 [the recognized bargaining agent] a draft copy of the job announcement for Fire Department rank H120 Pilot of Fire Boats CBT-H120-904292 (Attachment A).

The minimum qualifications (“MQs”) in the job announcement (Attachment B) are: 1. Possession of a current valid license of 500 gross tons issued by the United States Coast Guard in any of the following categories: A Master’s License valid for ocean, near coastal, or inland; Master Freight and Tow; Master [Operator], Un-inspected Towing Vessels; AND 2. Possession of radar endorsement on the license by date of appointment

Announcement CBT H120 Pilot of Fire Boats 904292 was issued on Wednesday, November 25, 2020 at 8:00 AM. The application filing period closed on Thursday, December 10, 2020 at 4:00 PM. Fifty-nine applications were submitted during the filing period. Fifty-three applicants were deemed to meet the minimum qualifications, four were deemed not qualified, and two withdrew.

On Tuesday, December 1, 2020, Liezel Cruz of the Department of Human Resources [DHR] received a timely appeal (Attachment C) under CSC Rule 310.3 from Jonathan Truppa. In his appeal, he requested to take the exam and be given a grace period to obtain his upgraded license before appointment. Mr. Truppa applied on December 9, 2020 (Attachment D is confirmation of receipt of application).

On Wednesday, December 2, 2020, Shon Buford, President of Local 798, sent an email in support of Mr. Truppa stating that similar to H002 Firefighter, “Pilots with a 150


gross ton license should be able to take this test but would be required to have a 500- ton master license by date of hire” (Attachment E).

On Friday, December 4, 2020, Public Safety Team Manager Dave Johnson, responded to President Buford stating that H002 candidates take the written test based on an age and education requirement and are then allowed to submit a valid CA EMT certification at a later time to get on the eligible list. Candidates also have until "backgrounds" to submit a valid CPAT certificate. Even though these provisions are defined in the job announcement and we hold all candidates to those standards, candidates do have the option of appealing to the CSC which has the authority to overrule our decisions and provide remedy as they deem appropriate. Similarly, for the H120 we will enforce the terms of the current announcement but direct any DHR- denied appeals to the CSC for hearing and possible remediation (see Attachment F).

Also, on Friday, December 4, 2020 Liezel Cruz sent an email to Mr. Truppa with an attached letter (Attachment G) in which she informed him that his appeal to DHR was denied. She cited the terms of the job announcement and explained that the MQs are applied fairly and consistently to all potential applicants who also do not have the required license to be eligible for participation in the selection process. Mr. Truppa was informed of his option to appeal the DHR decision to the CSC. DHR received a copy of Mr. Truppa’s appeal to the CSC on December 14, 2020 (Attachment H).

Mr. Truppa’s application was rejected on December 29, 2020 as he did not meet the MQs. Mr. Truppa was informed in that notice that his appeal to the CSC on the MQs would likely be heard on February 1, 2021.


Should Mr. Truppa be allowed to participate in the selection process for CBT-H120-904292 Pilot of Fire Boats in spite of not meeting the stated MQs, and be allowed a grace period during which to obtain the correct license?


CSC Rules:

Article II: Sec 305.12.1 Examination Matters

An action by the Human Resources Director, on examination matters, may be appealed to the Commission provided such appeal is received by the Executive Officer by close of business on the fifth (5th) working day (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays) following the postmarked mailing date of notification to the appellant. The appeal period shall be extended an additional five (5) working days (excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and holidays) where the notification to the appellant is sent exclusively by certified mail – return receipt requested. The Commission's action on the appeal shall be final and no reconsideration request shall be allowed.


Article II: Sec. 310.2 Examination Announcement

The examination announcement shall provide the qualifications, dates, duration of eligible lists, and other particulars regarding the examinations thereon announced. Applicants must be guided solely by the announcement of the examination(s) for which they apply. Not less than fifteen (15) business days prior to the issuance of this announcement, it shall be provided to the bargaining agent for review and comment.

Article II: Sec. 310.3 Protests and Appeals of Examination Announcements

Protests concerning the provisions of an announcement must be received by the Department of Human Resources within seven (7) business days from the issuance date. The Human Resources Director will rule upon protests and notify petitioners in writing. This decision is subject to appeal to the Civil Service Commission as provided elsewhere in these Rules.

Article II: Sec. 310.6.1 Qualifications of Applicants

Every applicant for entrance or promotional examination must possess and maintain the qualifications required by law and by the examination announcement. Experience not documented in accordance with Civil Service Commission Rules will not be recognized. Credit for out-of-class experience will only be allowed if recorded as provided elsewhere in these Rules.

Article II: Sec. 310.8 Notice of Examinations

Official notice of entrance and promotional examinations will be posted at the Fire Department Examination Unit bulletin board at the Fire Department Headquarters and the Department of Human Resources and copies sent to affected employee organizations. A copy of the posting shall be provided to the certified bargaining representative.

Article III: Sec. 310.14 Application for Examination

Any person having the qualifications prescribed by these Rules and the terms of the examination announcement may submit himself or herself for any examination under conditions established by the Department of Human Resources.

H120 Class Specification [amended 12.11.20]:

Experience: Experience operating a vessel of more than 200 gross tons in close quarters and under constantly changing circumstances on the and nearby inland waters.

License and Certification:


1. Possession of a current license of more than 200 gross tons issued by the United States Coast Guard in any of the following categories: o “Master’s license valid for ocean, coastwise, or inland” o “Master Freight and Tow” o “Master (Operator), Un-inspected Towing Vessels” 2. Above license must include radar endorsement. 3. Pass federally mandated random drug screening.

United States Coast Guard [USCG] Regulations:

46 CFR Subpart D Professional Requirements for National Deck Officer Endorsements (Attachment J)

46 U.S. Code § 7101. Issuing and classifying licenses and certificates of registry

(a) Licenses and certificates of registry are established for individuals who are required to hold licenses or certificates under this subtitle.

(b) Under regulations prescribed by the Secretary, the Secretary— (1) issues the licenses and certificates of registry; and

(2) may classify the licenses and certificates of registry as provided in subsections (c) and (f) of this section, based on— (A) the tonnage, means of propulsion, and horsepower of machine-propelled vessels;

(B) the waters on which vessels are to be operated; or

(C) other reasonable standards.

(c) The Secretary may issue licenses in the following classes to applicants found qualified as to age, character, habits of life, experience, professional qualifications, and physical fitness: (1) masters, mates, and engineers.

(2) pilots.

(3) operators.

(4) radio officers.

46 U.S. Code § 7703. Bases for suspension or revocation

A license, certificate of registry, or merchant mariner’s document issued by the Secretary may be suspended or revoked if the holder (1)when acting under the authority of that license, certificate, or document— (A) has violated or fails to comply with this subtitle, a regulation prescribed under this subtitle, or any other law or


regulation intended to promote marine safety or to protect navigable waters (i.e. individual must have been operating under the authority of the required license, certificate, or document…)


There were three permanent appointments and no other permanent vacancies in the 13 years since the last H120 eligible list was adopted in 2007.

Civil Service Rule 310.2 states that all applicants are to be solely guided by the terms of the examination announcement. In addition, Rules 310.6.1 stipulate that applicants, must meet the MQs as announced.

The San Francisco Fire Department owns and operates three Fireboats: the Phoenix [146 gross tons], the Guardian [188 gross tons], and the St. Francis [207 gross tons – see Attachment I] acquired in 2016. According to Fire Deputy Chief of Administration Jose Velo, the St. Francis is the primary in-service vessel. The authority to legally pilot this vessel is an essential function of the position. To legally pilot a vessel that exceeds 200 gross tons in accordance with USCG regulations a “not greater that 500 gross tons license” is required. Because the St. Francis exceeds 200 gross tons, it was necessary to revise the minimum requirements to align with USCG regulations. The minimum requirements were revised in the Class Specification [a current license of more than 200 gross tons], and reflected in the job announcement [possession of a current valid license of 500 gross tons] The 500-gross-tons license is currently the next level above “more than 200 gross tons”.


There are three permanent civil service and several permanent exempt positions in Class H120. History has shown very little turnover in the Class. We anticipate that a qualified applicant pool of 53 is more than enough to meet the needs of the Department over the three-year life of the list. DHR would have proposed less strict requirements such as “license by time of appointment” if it was difficult to recruit for this position.

The change to the MQs ensures that any candidate hired from this list would be licensed to legally operate the St. Francis. CFR 46 Subpart D [see Attachment J] shows the license “levels” for operating a vessel near San Francisco -- 11.418 versus 11.426. Violation of tonnage limitations stated on the mariner license could result in suspension or revocation of the mariner’s license under 46 U.S. Code § 7703.

Regarding the request by Local 798 President Shon Buford to allow for delayed submission of the license, as pointed out in DHR’s response, the MQs for Firefighter include meeting an age and education requirement to take the test. These requirements are presumed to ensure a level of maturity and aptitude that are indicative of success as a firefighter. We recognize that meeting these requirements


does not necessarily demonstrate appropriate maturity and/or aptitude. Hence both cognitive and physical testing and the EMT-1 certification are necessary to further demonstrate that candidates are sufficiently qualified for the job of Firefighter. The parallel with H120 is the 500 gross tons license which presumes a level of experience indicative of success as a pilot of a vessel over 200 gross tons as is the St. Francis, and indeed is a legal requirement. Testing will further differentiate the candidates from the baseline of the 500-gross-tons license.

In his appeal, Jonathan Truppa stated that “If he had received any notice of the increase in tonnage, he would have made every effort to secure a 500-gross tons license.” As discussed above, this new requirement was adopted to conform with USCG requirements and was done so shortly after PST became aware during job analysis that the St. Francis exceeded 200 gross tons, and that a license less than 500 gross tons was legally insufficient.

The class specification was revised to reflect a license requirement of “more than 200 gross tons”. This recognizes that currently that is a 500-gross tons license, but allows for the introduction of a license between 200 gross tons and 500 gross tons without having to again revise the specification. While it is unfortunate for Mr. Truppa and other potential applicants lacking the correct tonnage license, it is common that a change in MQs occurs as a result of scrutiny during a job analysis, rather than independently.

Mr. Truppa’s petition to participate in the H120 selection process and receive a grace period to obtain the 500 gross-ton license before appointment would be contrary to CSC Rule 310.6.1 which states all applicants must meet the MQs specified on the exam announcement. We are aware of the USCG requirements for obtaining a 500-gross ton Master License (Attachment K), but we do not know where Mr. Truppa may stand regarding accumulating the experience required. It seems probable that it would take more than three years to accumulate the required 1,080 days of service on ocean, near coastal or great lakes waters [46 CFR § 11.418] which defeats the intent of a grace period especially with a three-year eligible list.


The minimum qualifications as specified in the job announcement are consistent with USCG regulations. The St. Francis is the primary in-service fireboat and at 207 gross tons requires a Master License of not more than 500 tons. Mr. Truppa’s license for “not more than 200-tonnage vessels” does not meet the minimum qualifications and would not qualify him to legally pilot the St. Francis.


Deny the appeal and adopt the report of the Department of Human Resources



Attachment A: Email to 798 Re: H120 Job Announcement Attachment B: H120 Job Announcement Attachment C: Jonathan Truppa's Appeal of MQs to DHR Attachment D: Confirmation Receipt of Mr. Truppa's application Attachment E: 12.1 Shon Buford Email to DHR Attachment F: 12.4 DHR Response to Shon Buford, 798 Attachment G: 12.4 Letter from Liezel Cruz to Mr. Truppa Attachment H: Jonathan Truppa's Appeal to CSC Attachment I: St. Francis Registration Attachment J: 46 CFR Subpart D Attachment K: 500 gross ton Master License requirement


Cruz, Liezel (HRD)

From: Cruz, Liezel (HRD) Sent: Tuesday, November 3, 2020 3:09 PM To: Buford, Shon (FIR); '[email protected]' Cc: Johnson, Dave (HRD); Dewolfe, Scott (HRD) Subject: H120 Draft Job Announcement Attachments: CBT-H120-904292 Job Announcement Draft.pdf

Importance: High

Hello Shon and Gail,

Happy November! I am the HR Analyst for the H120 Pilot Of Fire Boats recruitment. Attached you will find a copy of the H120 Pilot Of Fire Boats Draft Job Announcement for your review.

If you have any questions or comments, please let us know by close of the business day on Tuesday, November 24, 2020.

Thank you,

Liezel Cruz Sr. HR Analyst (she,her,hers) Public Safety Team Department of Human Resources 415-551-8947

1 1/8 H120 Pilot Of Fire Boats

Recruitment #CBT-H120-904292

ANALYST Liezel Cruz


$79.78 - $79.78/hour; $13,828.00 - $13,828.00/month; $165,932.00 - SALARY $165,932.00/year



Go Back Apply View Benefits


2/8 In line with the Official Public Health Order to slow the spread of COVID-19, “shelter-in-place” has been issued for all San Francisco residents that is expected to be in effect until further notice. As a result,

Department of Human Resources (DHR)’s office (located at 1 South Van Ness Avenue, 4thFloor, San Francisco, CA 94103) is currently closed to the general public. If you have any questions, please email the Human Resources Analyst listed on this announcement. Please be sure to read the entire announcement before completing an application

The H120 Pilot of Fire Boats works on the San Francisco Fire Department fireboats while under the direction of higher-ranking officers in the Department. A fireboat pilot has primary responsibility for navigating fireboats up to 207 gross tonnage with pumping capacities of 9,600 GPM, 18,600 GPM, or 22,500 GPM, including operating the pilot house and all bridge equipment while underway, or in preparation to get underway; taking the helm and operating propulsion controls, radar, compass, radio, and other related communication and navigation equipment; navigating the fireboat in responding to emergency incidents, public service activities, training activities, towing, assisting ships to dock, assisting with barge movements, etc., in all types of weather and at all hours; maneuvering the fireboat so as to enable the maximum effectiveness of the crew in fighting fires and protecting life and property; and taking effective damage control measures to save personnel and equipment in the event of a casualty or an emergency affecting the fireboat such as collision, grounding, foundering, explosion, or fire. The H120 Pilot of Fire Boats is also responsible for other duties such as participating in cleaning, scaling, painting, minor repairs and alterations to topside areas, holds, and deck equipment; inspects fireboat and equipment and performs or arranges for required maintenance of a variety of deck and navigation equipment; maintaining log books, journals, and other records in an up-to-date manner and in accordance with local, state, and federal regulations; maintaining harbor charts by noting new aids and hazards to navigation and instructions of the United States Hydrographic Office; ensuring that personnel on board the fireboat adhere to safety standards; participating in inspections of occupancies and installations in the area of the Bay for firefighting purposes; conducting fireboat tours for citizens; performing drills needed to maintain crew readiness, etc. A fireboat pilot may also be required to perform other duties as assigned. The fireboat pilot works a 24-hour shift.


Eligibility Requirements: 1. Possession of a current valid license of 500 gross tons issued by the United States Coast Guard in any of the following categories: A Master’s License valid for ocean, near coastal, or inland; Master Freight and Tow; Master [Operator], Un-inspected Towing Vessels; AND 2. Possession of radar endorsement on the license by date of appointment.


Desirable Qualifications: The stated desirable qualifications may be used to identify job finalists at the end of the selection process when candidates are referred for hiring. 1. Recent experience maintaining and operating vessels on the San Francisco Bay and in its tributaries. 2. Recent experience operating tugboats and/or fireboats.

Verification: A copy of the current valid license issued by the United States Coast Guard must be received in by 4:00 PM on Friday, November XX, 2020. The verification must be submitted by email to [email protected] [specify H120 in the subject line]. Applicants who do not submit the verification by the deadline may be disqualified. Candidates who are listed on the eligible list, but do not yet have radar endorsement, will be placed under waiver on the list and will not be eligible for consideration for hire until such time as radar endorsement has been submitted. Note: Falsifying one’s education, training, or work experience or attempted deception on the application may result in disqualification for this and future job opportunities with the City and County of San Francisco.


Applications for City and County of San Francisco jobs are only accepted through an online process. Visit to register an account (if you have not already done so) and begin the application process.

 Select the “H120” job announcement

 Select “Apply” and read and acknowledge the information

 Select either “I am a New User” if you have not previously registered, or “I have

 Registered Previously”

 Follow the instructions on the screen Applicants will receive a confirmation email that their online application has been received in response to every announcement for which they file. Applicants should retain this confirmation email for their records. Failure to receive this email means that the online application was not submitted or received.

4/8 All work experience, education, training and other information substantiating how you meet the minimum qualifications must be included on your application by the filing deadline. Information submitted after the filing deadline will not be considered in determining whether you meet the minimum qualifications. Applications completed improperly may be cause for ineligibility, disqualification or may lead to lower scores. A completed application and supplemental questionnaire must be submitted online by 4:00 PM on Friday, November XX, 2020. Failure to submit the completed application materials by 4:00 PM on November XX, 2020 will result in ineligibility. The application filing period may be extended to ensure a sufficient number of qualified applicants. If you have any questions regarding this recruitment or application process, please contact the exam analyst, Liezel Cruz, by telephone at 415-551-8947, or by email at [email protected].


Each qualified applicant’s application and supplemental questionnaire will be reviewed by subject matter experts with regard to how well the applicant’s experience matches the requirements of the position. Those candidates whose experience is determined to most closely match the requirements of the position will be invited to participate in a performance exercise. Possession of the minimum qualifications does not guarantee advancement in the process, and the decision of the screening committee is final. Qualified applicants will be notified by mail of the exact date, time, and location of the performance exercise, which is tentatively scheduled to be administered in January 2021. Candidates must successfully complete the performance exercise to receive a final score. The performance exercise will be designed to measure knowledge areas and abilities including, but not limited to the following: knowledge of navigation rules and regulations; knowledge of safety procedures in hazardous conditions; knowledge of nautical terms; knowledge of applicable piloting and navigation instructions and directives; knowledge of the operation and tactical maneuvering of fireboats during emergency and non-emergency operations; knowledge of the aids and hazards to navigation in the Bay; knowledge of the depths of water in the Bay; knowledge of the characteristics of local waters, tides, currents, winds, weather, and general hydrographs; knowledge of the locations of all berths, anchorages, and other facilities in the area of the Bay; knowledge of local, state, and federal laws, rules, and regulations pertaining to the operation of vessels in the Bay, the ocean, and inland waters; knowledge of compass errors; knowledge of the use and care of the fireboat navigation system; knowledge of sources of information relating to laws, rules, and regulations affecting the navigation of vessels in the Bay; knowledge of the principles of supervision and training; ability to effectively operate and maneuver fireboat in emergency situations in all types of weather and at all hours of the day; ability to work effectively with others; ability to properly and effectively use Fire Department equipment; ability to think quickly and use good judgment in making decisions under stressful circumstances; ability to communicate

5/8 effectively both orally and in writing to Department members, members of the public, and personnel from other agencies; ability to establish and maintain effective working relations with other employees and the general public; ability to efficiently complete all necessary reports, correspondence, and documentation as required in the performance of assigned duties; ability navigating a fireboat using radar, radios, signal equipment, etc., ability to attach to and tow a vessel in distress; and ability to operate a vessel with draft restrictions. [weight = 100%]


As a selected candidate for a job, you will be fingerprinted, and your fingerprints will be sent to the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). The resulting report of your conviction history (if any) will be used to determine whether the nature of your conviction (or arrest, in limited circumstances) conflicts with the specific duties and responsibilities of the job for which you are a selected candidate. If a conflict exists, you will be asked to present any evidence of rehabilitation that may mitigate the conflict, except when federal or state regulations bar employment in specific circumstances, such as:

 Candidates for positions with the Unified School District and the Community College District may be disqualified from consideration should their conviction history not meet the standards established under the California Education Code.

 Candidates for positions with the Recreation and Park Department may be disqualified from consideration should their conviction history not meet the standards established under California Public Resources Code 5164. Having a conviction history does not automatically preclude you from a job with the City.

If you are a selected candidate, the hiring department will contact you to schedule a fingerprinting appointment.

DISASTER SERVICE WORKERS All City and County of San Francisco employees are designated Disaster Service Workers through state and local law (California Government Code Section 3100-3109). Employment with the City requires the affirmation of a loyalty oath to this effect. Employees are required to complete all Disaster Service Worker-related training as assigned, and to return to work as ordered in the event of an emergency.


Terms of Announcement and Appeal Rights Applicants must be guided solely by the provisions of this announcement, including requirements, time periods and other particulars, except when superseded by federal, state or local laws, rules or regulations.

6/8 [Note: The correction of clerical errors in an announcement may be posted on the Department of Human Resources website at] The terms of this announcement may be appealed under Civil Service Rule 310.3. Such appeals must be submitted in writing to the Department of Human Resources, 1 S Van Ness Avenue, 4th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103-5413 by close of business on the 7th business day following the issuance date of this examination announcement. Information concerning other Civil Service Commission Rules involving announcements, applications and examination policies, including applicant appeal rights, can be found on the Civil Service Commission website at Before appointment, eligibles must pass a thorough physical examination by the Department Physician. This exam includes a urine test to screen for the presence of drugs or alcohol. Appointees must also pass an additional physical exam prior to the completion of their probationary periods. In compliance with the Department of Transportation Omnibus Transportation Employee Testing Act of 1991 employing the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) and Federal Transit Administration (FTA) regulations, drug and alcohol testing for employees in “safety-sensitive” positions are required. All Marine Engineer positions qualify as “safety-sensitive” as defined by the FMCSA and FTA regulations. Applicants selected for safety-sensitive positions will be required to pass a Pre- Employment drug test prior to appointment and shall be subject to Random, Post-Accident, Reasonable Suspicion, Return-To-Duty, and Follow-Up testing during employment. Prior to appointment to an FMCSA position, each applicant who has participated in a DOT drug and alcohol testing program within the immediately preceding two years will be required to sign a consent form authorizing the City to contact his/her prior employers concerning his/her drug and alcohol test history. After appointment to a permanent position, the employee must serve a twelve-month probationary period during which the employee must demonstrate the ability to perform the work assigned to the position. Requests Applicants with disabilities who meet the minimum eligibility requirements for this job announcement can find information on requesting a reasonable ADA Accommodation at: Requests for an alternate test date may be considered in limited circumstances and must be submitted in writing to [email protected] within five (5) calendar days of the issuance of this announcement. Eligible List: The duration of the eligible list resulting from this selection process will be three years. Certification Rule: The certification rule to be used for the eligible list will be Rule of The List as described in Civil Service Rule 313.3.3.

7/8 General Information concerning City and County of San Francisco Employment Policies and Procedures Important Employment Information for the City and County of San Francisco can be obtained at or hard copy at 1 South Van Ness Avenue, 4th Floor. Copies of Application Documents Applicants should keep copies of all documents submitted, as these will not be returned. Right to Work All persons entering the City and County of San Francisco workforce are required to provide verification of authorization to work in the United States. Exam Type: E Issued: November XX, 2020 Carol Isen, Acting Human Resources Director Department of Human Resources Recruitment ID Number: 904292 Human Resources/LC/415-551-8947


All employees hired on or after January 10, 2009 will be required (pursuant to San Francisco Charter Section A8.432) to contribute 2% of pre-tax compensation to fund retiree healthcare. In addition, most employees are required to make a member contribution towards retirement, ranging from 7.5%-13.25% of compensation. For more information on these provisions, please contact the personnel office of the hiring agency. For more information about benefits, please click here.

8/8 12/17/2020 Announcement: H120 Pilot Of Fire Boats - City and County of San Francisco

H120 Pilot Of Fire Boats

Recruitment #CBT-H120-904292

DEPARTMENT Public Safety ANALYST Liezel Cruz DATE OPENED 11/25/2020 08:00:00 AM FILING 12/10/2020 4:00:00 PM DEADLINE $79.78 - $79.78/hour; $13,828.00 - $13,828.00/month; $165,932.00 - SALARY $165,932.00/year JOB TYPE CBT Discrete EMPLOYMENT Full-Time TYPE


In line with the Official Public Health Order to slow the spread of COVID-19, “shelter-in- place” has been issued for all San Francisco residents that is expected to be in effect until further notice. As a result, Department of Human Resources (DHR)’s office (located at 1 South Van Ness Avenue, 4thFloor, San Francisco, CA 94103) is currently closed to the general public. If you have any questions, please email the Human Resources Analyst listed on this announcement. Please be sure to read the entire announcement before completing an application 1/6 12/17/2020 Announcement: H120 Pilot Of Fire Boats - City and County of San Francisco

The H120 Pilot of Fire Boats works on the San Francisco Fire Department fireboats while under the direction of higher-ranking officers in the Department. A fireboat pilot has primary responsibility for navigating fireboats up to 207 gross tonnage with pumping capacities of 9,600 GPM, 18,600 GPM, or 22,500 GPM, including operating the pilot house and all bridge equipment while underway, or in preparation to get underway; taking the helm and operating propulsion controls, radar, compass, radio, and other related communication and navigation equipment; navigating the fireboat in responding to emergency incidents, public service activities, training activities, towing, assisting ships to dock, assisting with barge movements, etc., in all types of weather and at all hours; maneuvering the fireboat so as to enable the maximum effectiveness of the crew in fighting fires and protecting life and property; and taking effective damage control measures to save personnel and equipment in the event of a casualty or an emergency affecting the fireboat such as collision, grounding, foundering, explosion, or fire. The H120 Pilot of Fire Boats is also responsible for other duties such as participating in cleaning, scaling, painting, minor repairs and alterations to topside areas, holds, and deck equipment; inspects fireboat and equipment and performs or arranges for required maintenance of a variety of deck and navigation equipment; maintaining log books, journals, and other records in an up-to-date manner and in accordance with local, state, and federal regulations; maintaining harbor charts by noting new aids and hazards to navigation and instructions of the United States Hydrographic Office; ensuring that personnel on board the fireboat adhere to safety standards; participating in inspections of occupancies and installations in the area of the Bay for firefighting purposes; conducting fireboat tours for citizens; performing drills needed to maintain crew readiness, etc. A fireboat pilot may also be required to perform other duties as assigned. The fireboat pilot works a 24-hour shift.


Eligibility Requirements: 1. Possession of a current valid license of 500 gross tons issued by the United States Coast Guard in any of the following categories: A Master’s License valid for ocean, near coastal, or inland; Master Freight and Tow; Master [Operator], Un-inspected Towing Vessels; AND 2. Possession of radar endorsement on the license by date of appointment.

Desirable Qualifications: The stated desirable qualifications may be used to identify job finalists at the end of the selection process when candidates are referred for hiring. 1. Recent experience maintaining and operating vessels on the San Francisco Bay and in its tributaries. 2. Recent experience operating tugboats and/or fireboats.

Verification: A copy of the current valid license issued by the United States Coast Guard must be received in by 4:00 PM on Thursday, December 10, 2020. The verification must be submitted by email to DHR- [email protected] [specify H120 in the subject line]. Applicants who do not submit the verification by the deadline may be disqualified. Candidates who are listed on the eligible list, but do not yet have radar endorsement, will be placed under waiver on the list and will not be eligible for consideration for hire until such time as radar endorsement has been submitted. Note: Falsifying one’s education, training, or work experience or attempted deception on the application may result in disqualification for this and future job opportunities with the City and County of San Francisco. 2/6 12/17/2020 Announcement: H120 Pilot Of Fire Boats - City and County of San Francisco


Applications for City and County of San Francisco jobs are only accepted through an online process. Visit to register an account (if you have not already done so) and begin the application process. Select the “H120” job announcement Select “Apply” and read and acknowledge the information Select either “I am a New User” if you have not previously registered, or “I have Registered Previously” Follow the instructions on the screen

Applicants will receive a confirmation email that their online application has been received in response to every announcement for which they file. Applicants should retain this confirmation email for their records. Failure to receive this email means that the online application was not submitted or received. All work experience, education, training and other information substantiating how you meet the minimum qualifications must be included on your application by the filing deadline. Information submitted after the filing deadline will not be considered in determining whether you meet the minimum qualifications. Applications completed improperly may be cause for ineligibility, disqualification or may lead to lower scores. A completed application and supplemental questionnaire must be submitted online by 4:00 PM on Thursday, December 10, 2020. Failure to submit the completed application materials by 4:00 PM on December 10, 2020 will result in ineligibility. The application filing period may be extended to ensure a sufficient number of qualified applicants. If you have any questions regarding this recruitment or application process, please contact the exam analyst, Liezel Cruz, by telephone at 415-551-8947, or by email at [email protected].


Each qualified applicant’s application and supplemental questionnaire will be reviewed by subject matter experts with regard to how well the applicant’s experience matches the requirements of the position. Those candidates whose experience is determined to most closely match the requirements of the position will be invited to participate in a performance exercise. Possession of the minimum qualifications does not guarantee advancement in the process, and the decision of the screening committee is final. Qualified applicants will be notified by email of the exact date, time, and location of the performance exercise, which is tentatively scheduled to be administered in January 2021. Candidates must successfully complete the performance exercise to receive a final score. The performance exercise will be designed to measure knowledge areas and abilities including, but not limited to the following: knowledge of navigation rules and regulations; knowledge of safety procedures in hazardous conditions; knowledge of nautical terms; knowledge of applicable piloting and navigation instructions and directives; knowledge of the operation and tactical maneuvering of fireboats during emergency and non-emergency operations; knowledge of the aids and hazards to navigation in the Bay; knowledge of the depths of water in the Bay; knowledge of the characteristics of local waters, tides, currents, winds, weather, and general hydrographs; knowledge of the locations of all berths, anchorages, and other facilities in the area of the Bay; knowledge of local, state, and federal laws, rules, and regulations pertaining to the operation of vessels in the Bay, the ocean, and inland waters; knowledge of compass errors; knowledge of the use and care of the fireboat navigation system; knowledge of sources of information relating to laws, rules, and regulations affecting the navigation of vessels in the Bay; knowledge of the principles of supervision and training; ability to effectively operate and maneuver fireboat in emergency situations in all types of weather and at all hours of the day; ability to work effectively with others; ability to properly and effectively use Fire Department equipment; ability to think quickly and use good judgment in making decisions under stressful circumstances; ability to communicate effectively both orally and in writing to Department members, members of the public, and personnel from other 3/6 12/17/2020 Announcement: H120 Pilot Of Fire Boats - City and County of San Francisco

agencies; ability to establish and maintain effective working relations with other employees and the general public; ability to efficiently complete all necessary reports, correspondence, and documentation as required in the performance of assigned duties; ability navigating a fireboat using radar, radios, signal equipment, etc., ability to attach to and tow a vessel in distress; and ability to operate a vessel with draft restrictions. [weight = 100%]


As a selected candidate for a job, you will be fingerprinted, and your fingerprints will be sent to the California Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). The resulting report of your conviction history (if any) will be used to determine whether the nature of your conviction (or arrest, in limited circumstances) conflicts with the specific duties and responsibilities of the job for which you are a selected candidate. If a conflict exists, you will be asked to present any evidence of rehabilitation that may mitigate the conflict, except when federal or state regulations bar employment in specific circumstances, such as: Candidates for positions with the Unified School District and the Community College District may be disqualified from consideration should their conviction history not meet the standards established under the California Education Code. Candidates for positions with the Recreation and Park Department may be disqualified from consideration should their conviction history not meet the standards established under California Public Resources Code 5164.

Having a conviction history does not automatically preclude you from a job with the City. If you are a selected candidate, the hiring department will contact you to schedule a fingerprinting appointment.


All City and County of San Francisco employees are designated Disaster Service Workers through state and local law (California Government Code Section 3100-3109). Employment with the City requires the affirmation of a loyalty oath to this effect. Employees are required to complete all Disaster Service Worker- related training as assigned, and to return to work as ordered in the event of an emergency.


Terms of Announcement and Appeal Rights

Applicants must be guided solely by the provisions of this announcement, including requirements, time

periods and other particulars, except when superseded by federal, state or local laws, rules or regulations.

[Note: The correction of clerical errors in an announcement may be posted on the Department of Human

Resources website at] The terms of this announcement may be appealed under Civil

Service Rule 310.3. Such appeals must be submitted in writing to the Department of Human Resources, 1

S Van Ness Avenue, 4th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94103-5413 by close of business on the 7th business day

following the issuance date of this examination announcement. Information concerning other Civil Service

Commission Rules involving announcements, applications and examination policies, including applicant

appeal rights, can be found on the Civil Service Commission website at 4/6 12/17/2020 Announcement: H120 Pilot Of Fire Boats - City and County of San Francisco

Before appointment, eligibles must pass a thorough physical examination by the Department Physician.

This exam includes a urine test to screen for the presence of drugs or alcohol. Appointees must also pass

an additional physical exam prior to the completion of their probationary periods.

In compliance with the Department of Transportation Omnibus Transportation Employee Testing Act of

1991 employing the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) and Federal Transit

Administration (FTA) regulations, drug and alcohol testing for employees in “safety-sensitive” positions are

required. All Marine Engineer positions qualify as “safety-sensitive” as defined by the FMCSA and FTA

regulations. Applicants selected for safety-sensitive positions will be required to pass a Pre-Employment

drug test prior to appointment and shall be subject to Random, Post-Accident, Reasonable Suspicion,

Return-To-Duty, and Follow-Up testing during employment. Prior to appointment to an FMCSA position,

each applicant who has participated in a DOT drug and alcohol testing program within the immediately

preceding two years will be required to sign a consent form authorizing the City to contact his/her prior

employers concerning his/her drug and alcohol test history.

After appointment to a permanent position, the employee must serve a twelve-month probationary period

during which the employee must demonstrate the ability to perform the work assigned to the position.

Requests: Applicants with disabilities who meet the minimum eligibility requirements for this job announcement can find information on requesting a reasonable ADA Accommodation at: Requests for an alternate test date may be considered in limited circumstances and must be submitted in writing to [email protected] within five (5) calendar days of the issuance of this announcement.

Information regarding requests for Veterans Preference can be found at: Eligible List: The duration of the eligible list resulting from this selection process will be three years. Certification Rule: The certification rule to be used for the eligible list will be Rule of The List as described in Civil Service Rule 313.3.3. General Information concerning City and County of San Francisco Employment Policies and Procedures Important Employment Information for the City and County of San Francisco can be obtained at or hard copy at 1 South Van Ness Avenue, 4th Floor.

Copies of Application Documents Applicants should keep copies of all documents submitted, as these will not be returned. Right to Work All persons entering the City and County of San Francisco workforce are required to provide verification of authorization to work in the United States. 5/6 12/17/2020 Announcement: H120 Pilot Of Fire Boats - City and County of San Francisco

Exam Type: E Issued: November 25, 2020 Carol Isen, Acting Human Resources Director Department of Human Resources Recruitment ID Number: 904292 Human Resources/LC/415-551-8947


All employees hired on or after January 10, 2009 will be required (pursuant to San Francisco Charter Section A8.432) to contribute 2% of pre-tax compensation to fund retiree healthcare. In addition, most employees are required to make a member contribution towards retirement, ranging from 7.5%-13.25% of compensation. For more information on these provisions, please contact the personnel office of the hiring agency.

For more information about benefits, please click here.

Powered by 6/6 Cruz, Liezel (HRD)

From: Truppa, Jonathan (FIR) Sent: Tuesday, December 1, 2020 9:50 PM To: Cruz, Liezel (HRD) Cc: Nicholson, Jeanine (FIR); Shon Buford Subject: H120 Pilot Application Appeal Attachments: H120 Pilot Appeal.pdf

Ms. Cruz,

Please find attached my appeal for the H120 Pilot position. I dropped off a hard copy to the Department of Human Resources at 1 S Van Ness Avenue today and wanted to ensure you received a soft copy.

Thank you,

Firefighter Jonathan Truppa Station 35

1 1/3 JonathanTruppa

[email protected]

December 1, 2020

Department of Human Services 1 South Van Ness Avenue 4th Floor San Francisco CA 94103-5413

To Whom This May Concern,

My career goal is to be a fireboat Pilot for the San Francisco Fire Department. The last H120 Pilots test required a 150 gross ton license. My current 200 gross ton Masters license exceeds this requirement. However, the 2020 Pilot position requirements have changed without notice, now requiring a 500 ton master license to test. Based on the change in the job requirement, I am humbly requesting to be allowed to take the test and be given a grace period to obtain my upgraded license, to be completed before the appointment of the position.

Prior to being a SFFD firefighter, I was a United States Coast Guard licensed boat captain for over a decade. I worked on various vessels in all capacities in the San Francisco Bay, many larger than the SFFD Fireboats. I was a captain on crew boats that assisted moving 3 ton barges and ferry boats up to 130 feet long with a capacity to hold 787 passengers. I have worked on the deck of tug boats doing ship assists and sand dredgers on the bay. Needless to say, with my experience, I am capable and qualified to drive the SFFD fireboats.

I have been a firefighter at Station 35 and working on the fire boats since 2014.

I believe having the well-rounded background in firefighting, water rescue and operating large vessels in and around the San Francisco Bay makes me a great candidate for the Pilot position.

With my experience as a boat captain working on the San Francisco Bay coupled with my extensive firefighter and rescue swimming training, I have valuable knowledge and skills for the Pilot position. I respectfully request to be allowed to take the test, with the understanding that I must obtain the new licensing requirement in order to work in the Pilot position.

Thank you for your time in listening to my concerns.

Firefigher Jonathan Truppa SFFD Station 35

2/3 3/3 H120 Pilot Of Fire Boats , recruitment CBT-H120-904292


Thank you for your interest in working for the City and County of San Francisco! My name is Liezel Cruz and I am a Human Resources Analyst. This email confirms that I received your application for H120 Pilot Of Fire Boats on 12/9/2020 5:00:15 PM.

All the information you need to move forward is in the announcement. Please read it carefully and think of it as a reference tool. You may need to go back to it more than once. You may click here to view the Job Announcement.

You may be contacted by me and/or by representatives of other City departments who want to talk to you about their jobs. Most contacts will be by email. I don’t want you to miss any notices, so please make sure your email is set to accept messages from all of us at this link.

Keep a copy of your UserID and the Password you used to submit your application. You will need them if you have to access your account.

Please contact me at [email protected] or by phone at (415) 551-8947 if you have questions about your application or what happens next.


Liezel Cruz, City and County of San Francisco Cruz, Liezel (HRD)

From: Shon Buford Sent: Wednesday, December 2, 2020 4:42 PM To: Truppa, Jonathan (FIR); Cruz, Liezel (HRD) Cc: Nicholson, Jeanine (FIR) Subject: Re: [EXT] H120 Pilot Application Appeal

This message is from outside the City email system. Do not open links or attachments from untrusted sources.

To whom this may concern,

I would recommend the reissuing the job announcement with the following changes. Pilots with a 150 gross ton license will be able to take this test, but would be required to have a 500 ton master license by date of hire. We currently have something similar for our entry level H2 candidates, which allows them to take the test to see where they land, but requires them to have the minimum standards before being hired.

Thank you

Shon Buford President San Francisco Firefighters Local 798 1139 Mission St, SF CA 94103 415-621-7103

From: "Truppa, Jonathan (FIR)" Date: Tuesday, December 1, 2020 at 9:51 PM To: "Cruz, Liezel (HRD)" Cc: "Nicholson, Jeanine (FIR)" , Shon Buford Subject: [EXT] H120 Pilot Application Appeal

Ms. Cruz,

Please find attached my appeal for the H120 Pilot position. I dropped off a hard copy to the Department of Human Resources at 1 S Van Ness Avenue today and wanted to ensure you received a soft copy.

Thank you,

Firefighter Jonathan Truppa Station 35

CAUTION: This email originated from outside of the organization. Do not click links or open attachments unless you recognize the sender and know the content is safe.

1 Cruz, Liezel (HRD)

From: Johnson, Dave (HRD) Sent: Friday, December 4, 2020 3:09 PM To: Shon Buford Cc: Cruz, Liezel (HRD); Truppa, Jonathan (FIR); Nicholson, Jeanine (FIR) Subject: H120 Pilot of Fireboats

Hi Shon,

I am responding to your email regarding the minimum qualifications for H120 Pilot of Fireboats.

Yes, H002 candidates take the written test based on an age and education requirement and are then allowed to submit a valid CA EMT cert at a later time to get on the eligible list. They also have until "backgrounds" to submit a valid CPAT certificate. Even though these provisions are defined in the job announcement and we hold all candidates to those standards, candidates do have the option of appealing to the Civil Service Commission [CSC] which has the authority to overrule our decisions and provide remedy as they deem appropriate.

Similarly, for the H120 we will enforce the current terms of the announcement but direct any denied appeals to the CSC for hearing and possible remediation.

Please let me know if you have any questions.


Dave Johnson, Manager Public Safety Team Cell 415.557.4871


City and County of San Francisco Department of Human Resources Carol Isen Connecting People with Purpose Human Resources Director (Acting)

December 4, 2020

Jonathan Truppa [email protected]

Dear Jonathan Truppa:

This is in response to your December 1, 2020 letter requesting a grace period to obtain the required license of 500 gross tons issued by the United States Coast Guard in any of the following categories: A Master’s License valid for ocean, near coastal, or inland; Master Freight and Tow; Master [Operator], Un-inspected Towing Vessels.

We are bound by the terms of the job announcement as to the license requirements, including established deadlines for meeting those requirements. This is the only way that we can ensure that we are being fair and consistent in treating all potential applicants. Consequently, on behalf of Acting Human Resources Director Carol Isen, we must deny your appeal.

In accordance with Civil Service Commission [CSC] Rules, you have the option to appeal this decision to the CSC. Such an appeal must be filed within five days of receipt of this notice. Information on how to file an appeal is available on the CSC website at


Liezel Cruz

Liezel Cruz Senior Human Resources Analyst

C: Dave Johnson, Public Safety Manager

One South Van Ness Avenue, 4th Floor ● San Francisco, CA 94103-5413 ● (415) 557-4800


Sent via Email


DATE: December 14, 2020

REGISTER NO.: 0246-20-4


Carol Isen Acting Human Resources Director Department of Human Resources 1 South Van Ness Avenue, 4th Floor San Francisco, CA 94103

Dear Carol Isen:

The Civil Service Commission has received the attached letter from Jonathan Truppa, appealing the minimum qualifications for the H120 Pilot of Fire Boats (CBT-H120-904292) job classification. Your review and action are required.

If this matter is not timely or appropriate, please submit CSC Form 13 “Action Request on Pending Appeal/Request,” with supporting information and documentation to my attention by email at [email protected]. CSC Form 13 is available on the Civil Service Commission’s website at under “Forms.”

In the event that Jonathan Truppa’s appeal is timely and appropriate, the department is required to submit a staff report in response to the appeal within sixty (60) days so that the matter may be resolved in a timely manner. Accordingly, the staff report is due no later than 11 a.m. on February 18, 2021 so that it may be heard by the Civil Service Commission at its meeting on March 1, 2021. If you will be unable to transmit the staff report by the February 18th deadline, or if required departmental representatives will not be available to attend the March 1st meeting, please notify me by use of CSC Form 13 as soon as possible, with information regarding the reason for the postponement and a proposed alternate submission and/or hearing date.

1/22 25 VAN NESS AVENUE, SUITE 720 • SAN FRANCISCO, CA 94102-6033 • (628) 652-1100 • FAX (628) 652-1109 • Appellant: Jonathan Truppa December 14, 2020 Page 2 of 2

You may contact me at [email protected] or call (628) 652-1100 if you have any questions. For more information regarding staff report requirements, meeting procedures or future meeting dates, please visit the Commission’s website at




SANDRA ENG Executive Officer


Cc: Anna Biasbas, Department of Human Resources Jeanne Buick, Department of Human Resources Kate Howard, Department of Human Resources Dave Johnson, Department of Human Resources Steve Ponder, Department of Human Resources Mawuli Tugbenyoh, Department of Human Resources Jesusa Bushong, Fire Department



Sent via Email

December 14, 2020 Jonathan Truppa

[email protected]

Subject: Register No. 0246-20-4: Appealing the Minimum Qualifications for the H120 Pilot of Fire Boats (CBT-H120-904292) Job Classification.

Dear Jonathan Truppa:

This is in response to your appeal submitted to the Civil Service Commission on December 9, 2020 appealing the minimum qualifications for the H120 Pilot of Fire Boats (CBT- H120-904292) job classification. Your appeal has been forwarded to the Department of Human Resources for investigation and response to the Civil Service Commission.

If your appeal is timely and appropriate, the department will submit its staff report on this matter to the Civil Service Commission in the near future to request that it be scheduled for hearing. The Civil Service Commission generally meets on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month. You will receive notice of the meeting and the department’s staff report on your appeal two Fridays before the hearing date via email, as you have requested on your appeal form.

In the meantime, you may wish to compile any additional information you would like to submit to the Commission in support of your position. The deadline for receipt in the Commission office of any additional information you may wish to submit is 5:00 p.m. on the Tuesday preceding the meeting date by email to [email protected]. Please be sure to redact your submission for any confidential or sensitive information (e.g., home addresses, home or cellular phone numbers, social security numbers, dates of birth, etc.), as it will be considered a public document.

You may contact me by email [email protected] or by phone at (628) 652-1100 if you have any questions. You may also access the Civil Service Commission’s meeting calendar, and information regarding staff reports and meeting procedures, on the Commission’s website at




SANDRA ENG Executive Officer

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12/17/2020 46 CFR Subpart D - Professional Requirements for National Deck Officer Endorsements | CFR | US Law | LII / Legal Information In… § 11.426 Requirements for master of near-coastal self-propelled vessels of less than 200 GRT. § 11.427 Requirements for mate of near-coastal self-propelled vessels of less than 200 GRT. § 11.428 Requirements for master of near-coastal self-propelled vessels of less than 100 GRT. § 11.429 Requirements for a limited master of near-coastal self-propelled vessels of less than 100 GRT. § 11.430 Endorsements for the Great Lakes and inland waters. § 11.431 Tonnage requirements for Great Lakes and inland endorsements for vessels of 1,600 GRT or more. § 11.433 Requirements for master of Great Lakes and inland self-propelled vessels of unlimited tonnage. § 11.435 Requirements for master of inland self-propelled vessels of unlimited tonnage. § 11.437 Requirements for mate of Great Lakes and inland self-propelled vessels of unlimited tonnage. § 11.442 Requirements for master of Great Lakes and inland self-propelled vessels of less than 1,600 GRT. § 11.444 Requirements for mate of Great lakes and inland self-propelled vessels of less than 1,600 GRT. § 11.446 Requirements for master of Great Lakes and inland self-propelled vessels of less than 500 GRT. § 11.448 Requirements for mate of Great Lakes and inland self-propelled vessels of less than 500 GRT. § 11.450 Tonnage limitations and qualifying requirements for endorsements as master or mate of Great Lakes and inland vessels of less than 200 GRT. § 11.452 Requirements for master of Great Lakes and inland self-propelled vessels of less than 200 GRT. § 11.454 Requirements for mate of Great Lakes and inland self-propelled vessels of less than 200 GRT. § 11.455 Requirements for master of Great Lakes and inland self-propelled vessels of less than 100 GRT. § 11.456 Requirements for limited master of Great Lakes and inland self-propelled vessels of less than 100 GRT. § 11.457 Requirements for master of inland self-propelled vessels of less than 100 GRT. § 11.459 Requirements for national endorsement as master or mate on rivers. § 11.462 Requirements for national endorsement as master or mate of uninspected fishing industry vessels. § 11.463 General requirements for national endorsements as master, mate (pilot), and apprentice mate (steersman) of towing vessels. § 11.464 Requirements for national endorsements as master of towing vessels. § 11.465 Requirements for national endorsements as mate (pilot) of towing vessels.




General Requirements Reference: 46 CFR  CG-719B Application 10.209/10.225/ 10.231 Must have US Citizenship. 10.221 Must be at least Age 21. 11.201 Medical Certificate Requirements: • Original - Must hold or be approved for Medical Certificate. 10.301/10.302 • Renewal, ROG, New Endorsement - Must hold an unexpired Medical Certificate or submit a Medical Certificate application. Must be Drug Testing Compliant. Mariner Fees must be paid. 10.219 Sea Service Requirements Reference: 46 CFR Recency – 90 days in the past 3 years on vessels of 50 GRT for Master 500 11.201 GRT and vessels of 100 GRT for Master 1600 GRT. Engine Department experience on vessels of the appropriate tonnage may be 11.410 used for recency.. MASTER LESS THAN 1600 46 CFR 1440 total days of service, in any position or department, on Ocean, Near Coastal or Great Lakes waters, OF WHICH 11.412 1. Service on inland waters, other than GL, may substitute for up to 720 days of the total required service., AND 2. 720 days of service on vessels of more than 100 GRT, AND 3. 720 days of service MUST have been as a master, mate; master or mate (pilot) of towing vessels, or equivalent position while holding an endorsement as master, mate, master or mate (pilot) of towing vessels, AND 4. 360 days of the service as master, mate, or equivalent position, must have been on vessels of more than 100 GRT; OR 360 days of service as master/mate or master/mate T/V’s on Ocean or Near Coastal waters on vessels of more than 100 GRT while holding a license or 11.412 MMC as mate less than 1600 GRT OC or master/ mate T/V’s. Mariner holding an endorsement as Chief Mate Oceans/NC self-propelled vessels 1,600 GRT or more is eligible for this endorsement without further 11.412 exam. 2nd Mate Oceans/NC of 1600 GRT or more is eligible for this endorsement upon completion of a limited examination. 11.412

Chief Mate NC or Oceans of Unlimited Tonnage is eligible for this endorsement without service or examination.

March 24, 2019 MCP-FM-NMC5-06 (04) 1/2 MASTER LESS THAN 500 46 CFR 1080 days of service on Ocean, Near Coastal or Great Lakes waters, OF 11.418 WHICH 1. Service on inland waters, other than GL, may substitute for up to 540 days of the total required service., AND 2. 720 days of service MUST have been as a master, mate, or equivalent position while holding an endorsement as master, mate, or operator of uninspected passenger vessels, AND 3. 360 days of the service as master, mate, or equivalent position, must have been on vessels over 50 GRT; OR 360 days of service on Ocean or Near Coastal service on vessels more than 50 11.418 GRT as master, mate, master or mate of self-propelled or towing vessels while holding a license or MMC as mate less than 500 GRT OC, OR Hold a license or MMC as Master or Mate of towing vessels NC or OC, AND, 11.418 provide 360 days of service as a Master or Mate of Ocean or N/C Towing Vessels AND completion of a limited examination (Limited exam allowed for any Master of T/V with or without tonnage limitation) NOTE: Any service towards an OC, NC or STCW 500/1600 endorsement 11.401 will be credited as follows: 1. Service on GL will be credited day for day. 2. Service on inland waters, other than GL, may substitute for up to 50% of the total required service. 3. Service on vessels to which STCW applies will be credited day for day. Sail or Auxiliary Sail 46 CFR 360 days on appropriately sized sail or auxiliary sail vessels, 11.401 − Master Less than 500 GRT – All required service over 50 GRT − Master Less than 1600 GRT – All required service over 100 GRT, AND, Complete CG exams or Approved course 11.201 Other Requirements 46 CFR First Aid (completed within 1 year) (original only) 11.201 CPR (must be valid) (original only) 11.201 Approved Basic Fire Fighting Course within 5 years of application date (unless 11.201 previously met) Valid STCW BT is acceptable. Advanced Fire Fighting Course within 5 years of application date (unless 11.201 previously met) Valid STCW Advanced Firefighting is acceptable. EXAMS 46 CFR See Exam Guide Examination 11.201 A person holding Master 1600 may qualify for an STCW endorsement, according to § 11.311. A person holding Master 500 may qualify for an STCW endorsement, according to § 11.309, 11.317, 11.319 and 11.321.


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