Judy's Dietglue

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Judy's Dietglue Judy’s DietGlue The “How to Stick to Any Sensible Weight-Control Plan” Guidebook Judy Payne Judy’s DietGlue: Th e “How to Stick to Any Sensible Weight-Control Plan” Guidebook By Judy Payne Copyright © 2014 Judy Payne Published by Long-Term Success Publishing All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this book or por- tions thereof in any form (except where permitted by law) without the prior written permission of Long-Term Success Publishing. For more information, please contact: ltsp@mediacom.bb.net. (Anyone who decides to snitch Judy’s hard work without paying for it should be ashamed of themselves!) Editor: Linda M. Meyer Proofreader: Jennifer Weaver-Neist Graphic artist: Lisa Meyer Book Interior Designer: Susan Veach Printed in the United States of America 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 ISBN-13: 978-1-49734-036-7 ISBN-10: 149734-036-5 LCCN You can contact Judy through any of the following ways: E-mail: judypayne@judypayne.com Website: judypayne.com Blog: judypayne.com/blog Facebook: facebook.com/skinnyschool Twitter: twitter.com/skinnyschool Pinterest: pinterest.com/skinnyschool If you enjoy this book, please consider leaving your review at http://www.amazon.com/ dp/1497340365 To my beloved mom, for trying to convince me that cottage cheese was not disgusting Contents Acknowledgements . 1 Disclaimer . 3 A Howdy from Judy . 5 Judy’s 1-2-3-4-Step Approach to Permanent Weight Control . 7 Part I—Benefi ts You Can’t Find Anywhere Else But in Judy’s DietGlue . 9 1 Descriptions of the Unique Benefi ts of Th is “Not a Diet Book” Book . 11 2 Meet Your Guide, Coach, Friend, Cheerleader, Skinny School Teacher, and Glue Dispenser, Judy Payne . 17 Part II—Looking Back to Move Forward . .27 3 Let’s Rant and Rave a Little First . 29 4 Let’s Get a Grip on the Complexity, Intensity, Range, and Perceptions of Your Weight Issues . 31 5 Let’s Analyze Why Your Maintenance Eff orts Always Come Unglued . 39 6 How the World Has and Hasn’t Changed for Us Weight Warriors . 47 7 Solutions I Discovered Within Myself by Looking Back . 53 Part III—My Fat Life and How I Finally Got It All Glued Together 57 8 Th e Judy Payne Success Story . 59 v Judy’s DietGlue 9 Who and What to Believe—Experts, Idiots, and Scammers . .95 Part IV—Getting Your Head, Heart, and Hectic Life Glued Together . 105 10 How to Find Your Core Values and Major Life Goals . 107 11 How to Organize Your Life-Management Processes . 121 12 How to Pick and Stick to Your Weight-Loss and Weight- Maintenance Plans—Forever! . .157 Part V—Get Gluing! . .213 13 Parting Th oughts (A Few More Squirts of DietGlue) . 215 Notes . .225 vi Acknowledgements It took me over thirty years to live and write this book, with skills and inspiration collected in no particular order from the Weight Watchers organization; Oprah; Drs. Phil and Oz; Geneen Roth; Aristotle; Wil- son Greatbatch; many motivational speakers; and the skinny, selfl ess Mr. M. Gandhi. I raise my glass of V8 juice to toast all the credible “fatologists” (weight-loss experts) out there who helped me learn to nurture myself emotionally and physically and how to incorporate healthy and sus- tainable food plans, tools, tips, recipes, and stick-to-it-ivity into my life. I must thank my long-suff ering editor, Linda Meyer, proofreader, Jennifer Weaver-Neist, and book interior designer, Susan Veach. I sus- pect they all sleep with copies of the Chicago Manual of Style under their pillows. Th eir meticulous attention to detail and their faith in my project—and in me—made working with all of them a joy. Finally, I thank my beloved graphic artist, Lisa Meyer, who patiently sat beside me for scores of hours as I micromanaged every sweep of her magic, digital, artistic wand. 1 Disclaimer Th e purpose of Judy’s DietGlue is to guide you through a review of many facets of your life, and then help you get organized and motivated so, from now on, you can stick to any sensible weight-control plan. Th e concepts, strategies, and philosophy I share in Judy’s DietGlue have worked for me; I am not giving specifi c advice for you. Judy’s DietGlue contains my opinions, experiences, and discoveries, and is provided “as is” without warranty. Only you can give yourself a warranty, but I can help you fi gure out how to do that. One major objective of Judy’s DietGlue is to help you to take con- trol of your life and love doing it! You may choose to use many prudent cookie-cutter diet plans, programs, books, tips, and so forth, but just remember: you are in control. Your delicious autonomy will become a vital ingredient in your recipe for long-term weight control success. First and foremost, girl, use your own noodle. 3 A Howdy from Judy Hi, Th is is Judy Payne writing to you. If you would like to take a look at me and be greeted to my book in a quick video, go to http://judypayne. com/welcome-to-my-book-video/ (and then hurry back!). Did you watch the little welcome video? I look like a rather sane person, don’t I? Th irty some years ago, however, I was an insanely out- of-control, 255-pound emotional eater. Now I am a reasonably ratio- nal, fairly well-organized, healthy, happy gal at peace with food. I lost over 100 pounds all those years ago and have kept it off except for those frustrating 5 to 15 pounds that most “N ormal People” also deal with a good deal of the time. (If you are reading the print version of Judy’s DietGlue, fl ip forward to chapter 4 to see my defi nition of Nor- mal People. If you are reading the e-book, just click on the linked term. You are going to see many underlined words throughout Judy’s Diet- Glue, which are handy e-book links to something or other.) Because I documented my way through my life of weight loss and weight maintenance, I have heaping helpings of information, wisdom, and a philosophy that can make permanent weight control much eas- ier for you. I started to write this book aft er I lost my 110 pounds and kept it off for about eight years. In retrospect, I’m sure glad I was too busy or too chicken to bare my soul and publish Judy’s DietGlue earlier in my weight-maintenance journey. Some thirty years of tenacity and illuminating thoughts and experiences since my original weight loss give you a much longer and stronger trail of tiny and huge triumphs to follow. I don’t use bombastic or hyperbolical words like “miracle” or 5 Judy’s DietGlue “breakthrough.” In fact, I strive to be underwhelming in order to let you decide what is a miracle or a breakthrough for you, and I promise to never mention your “inner goddess” or “inner diva.” Oh, and I could include hundreds of delicious low-calorie, healthy recipes and menus, but I won’t because I bet your kitchen is already bulging with them. Writing this book drove me nuts because I wanted it to be all things to all women who diet, but that just isn’t possible. Luckily, in this inter- active era, we can continue to communicate in several ways. You can send me a private e-mail or visit my website or blog, or join in the discussions with your soul sisters and me on Facebook or Twitter. You can even look at my Pinterest boards for more help (all of my contact info is listed on the copyright page). Th ere are lots of ways for you to share your woes or good ideas with others, to ask questions, or to make suggestions aft er you fi nish reading this book. I’ll bet dollars to doughnuts that you already have plenty of sensi- ble diet books, food plans, and exercise DVDs, and you know by heart scads of healthy hints, tips, as well as diet recipes, right? I wrote Judy’s DietGlue to help thinking women learn to teach themselves how to organize and prioritize their lives and to motivate themselves to stick to any healthy diet plans they choose. Before you read further, I suggest you commit to one of the follow- ing two choices: 1. Accept your healthy or unhealthy fat butt just the way it is and try to love it unconditionally. Th en stop whin- ing about it, give this book away (or delete it from your e-reader), and get on with your life. 2. Continue reading and let me help you analyze your pre- vious failures. Th en organize and prioritize your life goals so you can work on your fat butt as you work on matters more important than that fl abby, dimpled thing that keeps following you around. 6 Judy’s 1-2-3-4-Step Approach to Permanent Weight Control In the following illustration, the four shades of gray on the four steps, on the chevrons on my dress, and on the chevrons on the top of the DietGlue bottle are my not-so-subtle way of using symbolism. Th is picture gives you an overview of how my entire philosophy—and the book—are structured. To see a little animated version, go to http:// www.judypayne.com/1-2-3-4-step-approach-animation.
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