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RM1599 The Provision of Multifunctional Managed Print Services for TfL. 02/12/2022 £1M - £5M Hewlett Packard Inc devices and services managed print services All current Pull print devices to fall under contract. UK and print audit services Option to extend scope of contract to meet other print needs subject to financial authority approval Future Bus Systems - Adiona TfL currently have three (3) legacy systems that require 20/04/2027 £5M - £10M Trapeze Group (UK) consolidating: Ltd 1) Busnet (Scisys) 2) Caesar (MDV) 3) Site Specific Time Tabling (Scisys) Silvertown Tunnel e-tendering licence service Software licence for e-tendering service 12/03/2025 £5K - £250K Probrand Limited (Sub. Jaggaer) Project EDMOND Phase 2 Procurement of a contract to provide services to support the 30/03/2024 £5M - £10M Jacobs and Mobile Data Collection Telefonica (O2) Previous ICT Number ICT11734 EVENING STANDARD LICENCE LICENCE TO DISTRIBUTE A FREE EVENING NEWSPAPER ON LU 30/09/2023 £1M - £5M EVENING STATIONS. STANDARD LTD Oyster Payment Gateway A payment gateway with fraud manangement protection for TfL's 30/04/2023 £1M - £5M CyberSource Oyster website and possible other TfL sites in the furture. Capita - Access Network and Wide Area This contract provides a Managed Service for Wide Area Networks 07/08/2023 £25M - £50M Capita Business Network (WAN) Managed Service and Network Access provision across the TfL estate. Services Ltd The contract notice includes options for Surface Transport, Customer Experience and JNP. Contract awarded to Capita who replaces Fujitsu Services. Digital Traffic Enforcement System DTES is the system used by the Road Network Compliance team in 30/05/2027 £5M - £10M SEA EOS to enforce certain traffic regulations on the Transport for London Road Network (TLRN). The system connects to the TfL CCTV camera network and enables operators to view, record, review, and validate contraventions and generate evidence packs for transmission to the Traffic Enforcement and Notice Processing service provider (NSL at present and Capita from June 2015). NSL/Capita then process and send Penalty Charge Notices to those who have contravened Merchant Acquiring - Barclaycard Merchant Acquring - Barclaycard 31/12/2023 £25M - £50M Barclaycard TfL Contact Centre Framework TfL Contract Centre Framework 30/04/2022 £25M - £50M Charles Novacroft Journeycall (ESP) PLEASE NOTE: This is a Framework so the contract spend is The Capita Group - estimated and the call-off are recorded as separate entries on the CAPITA BUSINESS contracts register. SERVICES LTD Concession Schemes Management Contract TfL Oyster Concessions Schemes 06/01/2024 £25M - £50M Charles Novacroft trading as Novacroft Direct. Surface Transport Narrow Band Radio Replacement and Maintenance of Surface Transport Radio System 22/09/2029 £10M - £25M Tait Europe Limited System Digital Safety Camera Maintenance & Supply , Install and Maintain enforcement cameras and LED lighting 31/07/2021 £1M - £5M RedSpeed Associated Lighting Upgrades for A13 on the A13. International Limited Pan-TfL Signage and Display Framework - Provision of a multi-supplier, single lot framework covering the 02/04/2022 £5M - £10M AJ Wells Ltd; AJWells design, supply, installation, re-active maintenance, de- commissioning and supply of related products and services of temporary, permanent and electronic Signage and Display products over a maximum 8 year (5 + 1+1+1) term on behalf of TfL and TfL suppliers. TfL 91691 - TfL Disposal of Foreign Coins TfL 91691 - TfL Disposal of Foreign Coins. 31/07/2040 £5K - £250K Cash4coins Multi Occupancy Accessible Transport for External vehicle and driver support to enable DaR to maximise their 26/06/2022 £1M - £5M Waltham Forest Dial a Ride (MOAT2) internal driver and scheduling resource Community Transport Driver Quality Monitoring Contract to covertly monitor bus drivers on the London bus 24/03/2022 £1M - £5M Drivetech UK Ltd network to assess driver quality. Left Luggage Management Tool (EPOS) EPOS system to support the Left Luggage facility in VCS. 21/01/2022 £5K - £250K EPOS Systems Ltd System allows VCS to book in left luggage for the public. NATS The licences on the iBus base sites. 06/07/2027 £5K - £250K NATS Pedestrian Modelling Software application to provide detailed modelling plus support 22/01/2023 £500K - £1M Bentley Systems services including some consultancy, development, and training. UK Limited Not a prototype ICT11654 CAFM Services Computer Aided Drawing (CAD) Software, Operators and Space 20/07/2021 £1M - £5M NJW Limited Planning and Software Services Contract for Head Office Portfolio 10026123 (known as CAFM Services) Servics inclusive of the following: Drawing Office Function including Space Planning Provide Mechanical and Electrical CAD Operators Data Management Services, including Version Control, Surveying of buildings and associated areas 2D and 3D visualisation, Hosting services Transition of systems solution and resources 7 February 2019 - Causeway acquired NJW 23 March 2019 - full finance review completed. CR updated Supply, Installation and Reactive Supply, Installation and Reactive Maintenance of Non Advertising 31/12/2023 £25M - £50M Trueform Maintenance of Non Advertising Bus Shelters Bus Shelters - a 12 month extension has been put in place to 03 Engineering Ltd Jan 2022, this has been further extended to 06 July 2022. Supply, Installation and Reactive Supply, Installation and Reactive Maintenance of Bus Stops. - A 31/12/2023 £10M - £25M Trueform Maintenance of Bus Stops contract extension has been put in place to 03/01/2022, this has Engineering Ltd been further extended to 06 July 2022. Supply, Installation and Reactive Supply, Installation and Reactive Maintenance of Advertising 31/12/2023 £25M - £50M Trueform Maintenance of Advertising Shelters Shelters - A contract extension has been put in place until Engineering Ltd 03/01/2022. A further extension has been put in place to 06 July 2022. PPMCS Task 26 - Appointment of a Appointment of an ATC Programme Partner for London 31/07/2022 £1M - £5M CPC Project Programme Partner - ATC Project Underground. Services LLP The Partner will be there to advise on the ATC project alongside the partnering group. Stops and Shelters - TfL Publicity Posting Lot 3 - Planned Maintenance - publicity posting on all shelters and 31/12/2023 £5M - £10M Mitie Cleaning and (Lot 3) stops Environmental Services Ltd, previously known as Mitie Transport Services Ltd. Mitie Transport Services Ltd - 10009366 Mitie Cleaning and Environmental Services Ltd - 10018867 Stops and Shelters - TfL Cleaning and Graffiti Lo t 8 - Planned Maintenance - Cleaning and Graffiti removal at 31/12/2023 £10M - £25M Mitie Cleaning and Removal (Lot 8) Shelters, Stops, LRS Piers, Traffic Control Equipment and London Environmental Cycle Hire Scheme (LCHS) Services Ltd, previously known as Mitie Transport Services Ltd. Mitie Transport Services Ltd - 10009366 Mitie Cleaning and Environmental Services Ltd - 10018867 PES Mobile Application Manage procurement exercise to award a contract for the design, 30/05/2027 £1M - £5M SEA Ltd implementation and service commencement and training. Bus Shelters Advertising Rights Concession Provision of an Advertising Rights Concession on TfL's Bus 31/12/2023 £25M - £50M JCDecaux UK Ltd Advertising Shelter Estate. The full three year contract extension has been put in place to the end of December 2023. Electrical Maintenance of Bus Stops and Electrical Maintenance of Bus Stops and Shelters 31/12/2023 £1M - £5M Skanska Shelters (Lot 6) Construction Limited Railsys Access Transformation Programme - Transport for London Capital Programmes department is currently 11/01/2023 £5M - £10M Rail Management Access Planning investing in the Major Upgrade Programme that will Consultants GmbH introduce modern signalling, new rolling stock, new power systems, following called replacement tracks to London Underground (LU). This “RMCon". is with the aim of enabling more trains to be operated on the tube network and the introduction of the 24 hour weekend tubes, planned for November 2015. For the Major Upgrade and 24 hour weekend tube programmes to be a success, it has been identified that TfL must become more efficient at planning engineering works across the transport network. It has been recognised that access to TfL locations such as tracks, platforms, sidings, stations, bus and rail depots must be improved. This has resulted in the creation of the Access Transformation Programme (ATP) which is a programme aimed at improving access efficiency to all TfL locations through better coordination of resource and use of technology. To support this, there is a requirement for a new Commercial off the Shelf (COTS) planning and scheduling software application that will help simplify the current access, scheduling and booking process for all engineering and maintenance works across the TfL transport network. The system will be hosted externally. TfL and London Transport Museum Transport for London will be seeking to appoint a Licensing Agency 30/04/2022 £500K - £1M TSBA (Innovation Licensing Opportunity (or Agencies) to develop its extensive intellectual property portfolio 1st) which includes the iconic London Underground logo and Underground map. The agency/agencies will develop new opportunities including within major overseas territories. Fleet Software As Key2 is a scalable solution Jaama have a proven track record 29/06/2021 £5K - £250K Insight Direct (UK) with small, medium and large blue chip organisations. This means Ltd that we would be