cities&futures_2018 Independence Square volume_01 issue_01 Public openspace Sustainable city Freedom Street Social relations Healthy city keywords [email protected] University ofMontenegro,FacultyArchitectureinPodgorica, MAŠA ČELEBIĆ in Independence SquareandFreedomStreet of openpublicspace:Thecasestudy Citizen astheuser,creatorandadimension RESEARCH ARTICLE This paper examines the relation between open public spaces and citizens and spaces public open between relation the examines paper This ih h panr. h rsls f h sre idct a eaie rn of trend negative a indicate survey the of results The planners. the with urban space on the quality of interpersonal relations. The hypothesis to be hypothesisto The relations. interpersonal of quality the on space urban ulc pn pcs Te pta srcue n h hsoia cnet f the of context historical the in structure spatial The spaces. open public personal relations. Indirect goal of the paper is to explore possibilities and possibilities explore to is paper the of goal Indirect relations. personal is subordinate to the needs of fast economic profit, as well as problematic as well as profit, economic fast of needs the to subordinate is traffic, inadequate architectural treatment of buildings the design of which together participate should users its of each where changes, constant to needs of a citizen in relation to the open public space and to emphasize the goal is to identify the mutual influence of citizens and development on and development citizens of influence mutual the identify to is goal set refers to the direct impact of the urban space on the quality of inter- of quality the on space urban the of impact direct the to refers set Mirko’sPodgorica, main of The core town. historical the of example the on opment ofsocialrelationsand healthy -activeway oflife. Abstract hsn oain a aaye wt a epai o te mat f public of impact the on emphasis an with analyzed was location chosen development direction of the open public space, which must remain open remain must which space, public open the of direction development compositional aspects of public spaces that do not contribute to the devel - the to contribute not do that spaces public of aspects compositional Article info:Received21August 2018_Receivedinrevisedform 21September2018 _Accepted 25September 2018 cities&futures_2018

volume_01 issue_01 48 01 INTRODUCTION - are conducted in all the 01 The case study of Independence Square and Freedom Street in Podgorica Street in and Freedom Square Independence study of The case public space: of open a dimension creator and as the user, Čelebić | Citizen Maša - Strategic environmental impact assessment SIA - Strategic quality with spontaneously created medieval towns (Zite, 2006). Due to the comes to carrying out planned actions” (Milojkić, 2012, p. 208). In her paper her In 208). p. 2012, (Milojkić, actions” planned out carrying to comes consequences of planned spatial and urban planning interventions, i.e. developed countries in the field of urbanism and space planning. “It is about is “It planning. space and urbanism of field the in countries developed 01 of a great importance. Same author (Milojkić, 2012) warns that developing an impact on social development which helps decisions making when it an iterative process of prediction, analysing, managing and monitoring the monitoring and managing analysing, prediction, of process iterative an historical development, their relations, as well as the way they have been and a city need, rather than any other factor, no matter how important and important how matter no factor, other any than rather need, city a and being neglected, “human happiness, happiness a man discovers in balance between himself and other elements of his settlement” (Doxiadis, 1982, p. local space values, spirit of the place and the users themselves, their abili Strategic Strategic environmental impact assessments, SIA ment in the past and should be a basis for their development in the future. not following the basic principles which proved to be of an exceptional needs of population, aligned with their possibilities and their senses. That is That senses. their and possibilities their with aligned population, of needs ties and possibilities, this researchthe space-user relation which is about the buildings that should be gathered around, but people and events” (Gehl, (Gehl, events” and people but around, gathered be should that buildings the observing the and wrong studying direction, squares, by their architecture, they operate. It can be stated that a man should become a city dimension is highly ignored today. Relation space-user was a basis for city develop- inevitable it might seem. “What is most important is to recognize it is not related to the impact assessment of social development in urban and spatial and urban in development social of assessment impact the to related planning, Milojkić states that efficient implementation of SIA in the field of fact that construction all over the world has the same principles, neglecting principles, same the has world the over all construction that fact used. He also noticed that contemporary planning of open public space is urban and space planning in developing countries, such as Montenegro, is 2010, p. 81). Sitte (Zite, 2006) even noticed that public space design has gone gone has design space public that noticed even 2006) (Zite, Sitte 81). p. 2010, 23). Experience proves that in the past cities were created in line with the why designing bycities humanis behaviourhighly why andinfluenced the way 1. Introduction When dealing with settlement issues, the main reason for their creation is 02 Relationsbetweenpublicopenspaceandusers The casestudyofIndependenceSquareandFreedomStreetinPodgorica|MašaČelebić Citizen astheuser,creatorandadimensionofopenpublicspace: 49 cities&futures_2018 volume_01 issue_01 Fig_1 Devastation of Podgorica after IIWW (1944). Source: “Uspomene Stare Podgorice” The border of that area is one hundred meters because at that distance move- which helps us perceive and experience space. Social visual field (fig. 1) is 1) (fig. field visual Social space. experience and perceive us helps which As long as the human body, its possibilities and needs are respected, pleasant, p. 33). This assertion also implies an important role of the visual perception Lkćvć 20).h ppr nlss h cnrl ulc pc, Freedom space, public central the analyses paper 2001)”.The (Lakićević, them would be a pleasure. Gehl writes that “forming cities for people should tion against the negative impact of the development and other projects in projects other and development the of impact negative the against tion ment can be noticed. Distance of twenty meters is also important because at ment, traffic and impact of this kind of space on the options and behaviour and options the on space of kind this of traffic impact ment, and Street and Independence Square, its physical structure, historical develop- historical structure, physical its Square, Independence and Street 2. Relationsbetweenpublicopenspaceandusers base for activity, behaviour and communication in a city space” (Gehl, 2016, healthy, sustainable and simple urban units will be designed, and staying in one of the most important aspects of urban planning and urban design. start from human mobility and human senses, because they are a biological of itsusers,aswellontheirpersonalexperiencethespaceitself. social regression is the usual companion of particular transitional periods transitional particular of companion usual the is regression social and goals, economic the over goals social favours rarely Transition space. countries need “the efficient mechanisms of social development protec- development ofsocial mechanisms efficient “the need countries cities&futures_2018

volume_01 issue_01 50

Source: Lipovac, Popović & Vlahović (2016) Vlahović & Popović Lipovac, Source: Vorman’s plan for Mirkova Varoš 1886 Varoš Mirkova for plan Vorman’s Fig_2 02 Relations between public open space and users between public open 02 Relations The case study of Independence Square and Freedom Street in Podgorica Street in and Freedom Square Independence study of The case public space: of open a dimension creator and as the user, Čelebić | Citizen Maša sions of most European squares are in direct relation with the social visual environment through which he moves, and has the possibility to atten- pay or body movements. Adapting to movement speed is another of visual limitation perception. Our sight is intended for the movement of five km/h, a distance and only, not from Quality vicinity. of life in these multi-storey at any direction. Since our eyes are limited horizontally, one can clearly see clearly can one horizontally, limited are eyes our Since direction. any at at the speed of 50–80–100 km/h. This is why architecture in spaces which are adapted to fast moving, seem poor and provide an uninteresting and able to follow and observe city life, they cannot notice speech, shouting buildings is good at the first and the second floor, somewhat worse on the field. Their size, regardless of the form, rarely goes over one hundred meters hundred one over goes rarely form, the of regardless size, Their field. ment are highly limited because people mainly move through cities in cars this distance one can recognize emotions and facial expressions. The dimen- The expressions. facial and emotions recognize can one distance this third, fourth and fifth, while from all of the higher floors people are not tion to details. Possibilities of noticing and observing in today’s environ- which is speed the of average walking. At that speed, perceive one the may This implies that in a city landscape people notice higher buildings from 70º to 80º below the horizon and only 50º to 55º above it (fig. 2). (fig. it above 55º to 50º only and horizon the below 80º to 70º 02 Relationsbetweenpublicopenspaceandusers The casestudyofIndependenceSquareandFreedomStreetinPodgorica|MašaČelebić Citizen astheuser,creatorandadimensionofopenpublicspace: 51 cities&futures_2018 volume_01 issue_01 1986 and 1995, mentioned by Gehl (Gehl, 2016, p. 46) in his book “Cities for “Cities book his in 46) p. 2016, (Gehl, byGehl mentioned 1995, and 1986 That is the reason why an experiment an why reason the is That Touring Association, 1978). “Good transportation and communication are communication and transportation “Good 1978). Association, Touring which pedestrians should be given priority where there is combined traffic. would the number of cars. However, modern traffic planning is supposed to within the observed period in Copenhagen, because “the more space there space more “the because Copenhagen, in period observed the within Mark Francis noticed that the way “people perceive a space may contribute People”, shows that the level of activity in public space increased four times planners and traffic engineers do not recognize them as an important user important an as them recognize not do engineers traffic and planners roads more and more times, modern the in expected, As city. a planning provide a more significant balance between different modes of transport, in to the increased speed of human movement and increased dimensions when is, the more lively the city will be”. the emphasis on social activities. The fact that 800 similar interventions now a and expression architectural an as complexity of seriousness and tance tiring experience (Gehl, 2016). Cullen (Kalen, 2007, p. 65) explains the impor - to their use or lack of use of the place” (Francis, 1987, pp. 90-91). The edges The 90-91). (Francis,pp. place” 1987, the of use of lack or use their to not only among the most difficult things to achieve, they are also basic neces limiting visual field and defining each individual space. Border zones occur and pedestrians are being neglected primarily due to the fact that urban that fact the to due primarily neglected being are pedestrians and bikers Also, life. city a in cars of role the favouring constructed, being are based on the street of play concept, with reduced intensity of traffic and with as a space of exchange and contacts, a public space designated by zones for occupies the eye”. It is clear how cities’ areas have lost on their quality due quality their on lost have areas cities’ how clear is It eye”. the occupies exist in Holland, proves the success of the experiment itself (Royal Dutch (Royal itself experiment the of success the proves Holland, in exist sojourn, whether for sitting or standing. These spaces should include some include should spaces These standing. or sitting for whether sojourn, of a city appear as a serious topic in the approaches and discussion of a city, 1968, in space public in life public of Studies 339). p. 1961, (Jacobs, sities” category when designing roads. If the number of roads would go down, so down, go would roads of number the If roads. designing when category complexity of quality “the that stating structure urban characteristicthe of was conducted in Holland in conducted was Woonerf - cities&futures_2018

volume_01 issue_01 52 - 02 Relations between public open space and users between public open 02 Relations The case study of Independence Square and Freedom Street in Podgorica Street in and Freedom Square Independence study of The case public space: of open a dimension creator and as the user, Čelebić | Citizen Maša We can conclude that mild edges are crucial for crucial are edges mild that conclude can We 02 Jan Gehl, conversation with Ralph Erskine do not bother much about the higher floors which are less important, both 02 spaces by children is greatly definedby inadequate traffic speed in settle oversized and have a small number of users. This implies the importance of taking care of mutual relations in the art of space (Zite, 2006). One way safe one must have control over the events influencing them.Therefore, stations, staircases of public buildings, etc. Those are the places for people of safety is to increase traffic safety and eliminate To crime feel in the city. of the following elements: personal rhythm, interesting events, narrow a sense of security through the presence of other people. Use of public hospitable experiences, than in the cities and urban complexes that are and warmth in different types of communication has an interesting parallel parallel interesting an has communication of types different in warmth and are also of importance, states Francis (1987), such as buildings corners, bus corners, buildings as such (1987), Francis states importance, of also are buildings, multiple doors and vertical relief on facades. The informal spaces spaces informal The facades. on relief vertical and doors multiple buildings, gatherings and interventions should make them more pleasant for socializa- for pleasant more them make should interventions and gatherings Gehl concludes that “the connection between distance, intensity, Gehl proximity concludes that “the connection between distance, intensity, must exude safety and security for its users. One way to achieve the sense ments (Perez & Hart, 1980). On the site itself, safety is achieved by designing by achieved is safety itself, site the On 1980). Hart, & (Perez ments to achieve such relation is to empower city life in a way that will increase towards the front of the open and active facades, as well as to often stop in tion. Studies on open public spaces of Copenhagen from 2003 indicate there indicate 2003 from Copenhagen of spaces public open on Studies tion. the development of live cities. In order for such a city to function well, it in the decoding and perceiving of cities and city space” (Gehl, 2016, p. 51). is interesting and exciting at the height of the eye, the entire area will be interesting. So, try to make the edge zone attractive and rich in details and is a significant tendency for pedestrians to slow down and turn their heads their turn and down slow to pedestrians for tendency significant a is pleasant and mild parterre, illuminated and open spaces and buildings. functionally and visually.” and functionally front of them. On the other side, pace tends to increase in front of the closed the of front in increase to tends pace side, other the On them. of front (Gehl, stop rarely and them towards heads their turn rarely people facades, 2016). Ralf Erskin noticed something similar, when he said: “If the complex “If the said: he when similar, something noticed Erskin 2016). Ralf This means that in smaller spaces we have more intense, warmer and more and warmer intense, more have we spaces smaller in that means This 02 Relationsbetweenpublicopenspaceandusers The casestudyofIndependenceSquareandFreedomStreetinPodgorica|MašaČelebić Citizen astheuser,creatorandadimensionofopenpublicspace: 53 cities&futures_2018 volume_01 issue_01 1972). He adds to that, as a significant point, the transition between public between transition the point, significant a as that, to adds He 1972). codn t oe te, oe aos nesadn o sustainability, of understanding famous more other, one to According A common problem of the modern public space is disconnection between disconnection is space public modern the of problem common A He gives a convincing argument for consistent work with clear hierarchiesclear with work consistent for argument convincing a gives He in f utial cte ws nue b a ubr f atr: osl fuel fossil factors: of number a by induced was cities sustainable of tion they will get a sense of social belonging (Madanipour, 2004). Citizen involve- in city planning in order to “enhance real and perceived security” (Newman, through a contribution to the everyday life of citizens” (Bazik, 1995, p. 1). p. 1995, (Bazik, citizens” of life everyday the to contribution a through the social sustainability aspect is highly important, added up by history of history by up added important, highly is aspect sustainability social the ment in creating a space will later on trigger a sentiment towards the space, ness, but a blind reaction to the environment (Mamford, 2010). That is why may indirectly contribute to town safety, claiming that half of the antisocial get involved not only in city life, but also in the creation of the city. This way One should not forget that mild edges provide security, but also good spatial but have their needs often ignored (Francis, 1987). Local residents need to need residents Local (Francis,1987). ignored often needs their have but and health of citizens (Hough, 1984; Sprin, 1984). Interest in the construc the in Interest 1984). Sprin, 1984; (Hough, citizens of health water and of quality air, clean maximising system natural a be should city a as well as increase its significance, what represents an important dimension half-public spaces. Mumford (Mamford, 2010) also notices that an architect and private spaces, actually its mitigation by construction of half-private / half-private of construction by mitigation its actually spaces, private and security. and affiliation of territory defined clearly a between link strong a extraction, pollution escalation, carbon dioxide emissions and endangering of urban quality (Kaplan, 1980; Appleyard, 1979). elderly people are the most common and numerous users of public space, public of users numerous and common most the are people elderly essence of its existence. It gets a hallmark of a quality urban ambient only ambient urban quality a of hallmark a gets It existence. its of essence the fulfil not does activities and users without space “The that: emphasizes symptoms emerging in new cities were not special signs of inner wicked- inner of signs special not were cities new in emerging symptoms society society and space, as well as the space name itself (Lynch, 1960). Bazik (1995) hrceitc o ue gop ad pc dvlpet Teaes and Teenagers development. space and groups user of characteristics contributes to this topic in his work on work his in topic this to contributes (1972) Newmen Oskar space. in orientate to easy it makes that disposition defensible spacewherehepointsto - cities&futures_2018

volume_01 issue_01 54

Source: Lipovac, Popović &Vlahović (2016) &Vlahović Popović Lipovac, Source: Plan of Podgorica around 1950-1960 around Podgorica of Plan Fig_3 - 02 Relations between public open space and users between public open 02 Relations The case study of Independence Square and Freedom Street in Podgorica Street in and Freedom Square Independence study of The case public space: of open a dimension creator and as the user, Čelebić | Citizen Maša research site constantly and work on the changes required changes the on work and constantly disables changes which users need over time. That is why planners must dominant when considering designing new cities. A healthy city determinant city healthy A cities. new designing considering when dominant defining sustainable city aspects, the manner of their implementation, their implementation, their of manner the aspects, city sustainable defining causes and concequences (Doust, 2014; Gibberd, 2017; Russo & Comi, 2012; climate conditions. Therefore, stimulating walking and cycling is a way developed by the engineer Vorman in 1886, the developed engineer by Vorman source of and annoyance, even harm” physical (Bosselmann, et al., 1984, p. ence how warm or cold people feel, and winds, when too strong, can be a same time space needed for daily “Suntraffic. and wind play a critical role by the space as well as by users. by as well as space the by know the limits and be prepared to return ated by the Regulation of Prince Nikola 2.1. Historical development of the tion in comparison to car traffic, location, form and size of the city structure city the of size and form location, traffic, car to comparison in tion towards building a sustainable city, reducing exploitation of the mentioned mentioned the of exploitation reducing city, sustainable a building towards insists on the health aspect, everyday physical activities being significantly reduced, resulting in higher healthcare costs and shorter life expectancy. resources and contributing to environment preservation, reducing at the influ both wind and Sun outdoors. comfort of sense people’s determining in play play a huge role in the space quality. Many researchers today deal with from 1886 (Ivanović, 1979). Its project was Zhou, 2012; Oktay, 2012). Zhou, 2012; Oktay, under the name of Mirko’s Town (fig. 3). Town under the name of Mirko’s Laurie (1978) warns that overdesigning and overplanning of public spaces Healthy cities are imposed as a necessity of modern life. This goal should be should goal This life. modern of necessity a as imposed are cities Healthy The construction of Town was Mirko’s initi- 10). Therefore, introducing intensive bicycle traffic andpublic transporta- 02 Relationsbetweenpublicopenspaceandusers The casestudyofIndependenceSquareandFreedomStreetinPodgorica|MašaČelebić Citizen astheuser,creatorandadimensionofopenpublicspace: 55 cities&futures_2018 volume_01 issue_01 Fig_4

Field of vision Source: (Gehl, Cities for People, 2016, p. 34) “Basic conception of the Vorman’s plan was that in the middle part of the city with the settlement of the Old Town on the left side of the mouth of would be a quadrangular square of 1ha, and the left space be divided into divided be space left the and 1ha, of square quadrangular a be would E-W. The area of building took approximately 60ha of land. It should accom- public buildings and hotels went to up to four floors in height. Following height. in floors four to up to went hotels and buildings public right side of Ribnica. river being preserved (Ivanović, 2013) together with a few buildings on the the Second World War, Podgorica was almost completely devastated (fig. 4), modate 10000 inhabitants” (Ivanović, 1979, p. 82). In the photo collection photo the In 82). p. 1979, (Ivanović, inhabitants” 10000 modate five straight wide streets in the direction of N-S and seven in the direction of low height. Residential buildings have had either one or two floors, while floors, two or one either had have buildings Residential height. low of Rade Ljumović (2001) can be seen that buildings were predominantly of predominantly were buildings that seen be can (2001) Ljumović Rade of cities&futures_2018

volume_01 issue_01 56 Visual sense ratio Author photography and design Fig_5 02 Relations between public open space and users between public open 02 Relations The case study of Independence Square and Freedom Street in Podgorica Street in and Freedom Square Independence study of The case public space: of open a dimension creator and as the user, Čelebić | Citizen Maša City kvart, built near the biggest shopping mall in profitable architecture trend, which assumes economic profit as the city continues by adopting several plans city environment was embedded with commitment of the state to the society of the of man as a social being. oping neglecting natural characteristics in particular potential of rivers over Capitalism (Kostinskiy, 2011) or a social, military, etc. “whose social, purpose military, was stating that several factors impacted opment of Podgorica in 20th century basic human need, causing severe consequences in urban tissue of the city, and hills, spreading almost completely “two-dimensionally through the and urbanism and in that way they negatively affect proper development at the beginning of 1950s (fig. 5). These and to achieving social equality (Crowley equality social achieving to and no plan was completely finalized explains misbalance and damage to the notices that nowadays the city is devel- first post-war plans: political, ideological, ideological, political, plans: post-war first to demonstrate superiority of Socialism resulting in inhuman life conditions. A good example of this architecture is a city block called right side of Morača River. Markuš ideology”. Further development of the plans proposed city expansion at the (Ašanin, 2016). Nedučin researched urban form. Settlements emerging in recent years are a personification & Reid, 2002), so the transformation of Podgorica. These negative trends are present in all fields of architecture Further planning influencing the devel- was under the impact of Socialist realism Socialist of impact the under was visual domination of the landscape” (Markuš, 2001, pp. 16-17). The fact that fact The 16-17). pp. 2001, (Markuš, landscape” the of domination visual Yugoslavian Socialism in architecture 04 Results 03 Methods The casestudyofIndependenceSquareandFreedomStreetinPodgorica|MašaČelebić Citizen astheuser,creatorandadimensionofopenpublicspace: 57 cities&futures_2018 volume_01 issue_01 The analysis are based on the four main data sources, which will be combined: h lcto o te eerh s t ik’ (e) on n cvr the covers and Town (New) Mirko’s at is research the of location The vation was carried out at the research subject locationanditisrelatedto vation wascarriedoutattheresearch 2014; Monstat, 2011), a survey conducted by the NGO Biciklo.me, a system- a Biciklo.me, NGO the by conducted survey a 2011), Monstat, 2014; Freedom street and the Independence Square (fig.6). The Freedom Street Freedom The (fig.6). Square Independence the and street Freedom Biciklo.me (Biciklo.me, 2018) (Biciklo.me, Biciklo.me organization non-government The 2014). al., et (Kaluđerović, Montenegro use a bicycle and the biggest traffic issues in Podgorica. Systematic obser- Systematic Podgorica. in issues traffic biggest the and bicycle a use (fig. 7) begins, on the South of the St. Petar Cetinjski Boulevard and ends and Boulevard Cetinjski Petar St. the of South the on begins, 7) (fig. 4. Results in 2011. They include the entire Montenegro, with a partial separation by separation partial a with Montenegro, entire the include They 2011. in the percentage value of bicycles being used, causes making it difficult to difficult it making causes used, being bicycles of value percentage the the official statistics conducted within Montenegro (Kaluđerović, etal., (Kaluđerović, Montenegro within conducted statistics official the from biciklo.me:http:// biciklo.me/motorna-vozila-iz-centra-podgorice-protjeralobi-77-5-gradana/ esrmn o tm itras o dfeet sr oeet, mapping movements, user different for intervals time of measurement municipalities. This data is published in the two publications, Traffic and Traffic publications, two the in published is data This municipalities. Square as a case study and the results of the survey conducted by the author oncin i Mneer (osa, 01, n Pplto Projections Population and 2011), (Monstat, Montenegro in Connections Office of Montenegro (2011). These are the latest official surveys conducted Official statistical data is related to the research carried out by the Statistical 3. Methods and theirpersonalexperienceoftheobservedarea. citizens of movement and behaviour the to related questions includes and bysupplemented survey was a research The waysspace. and perceiving of atic observation of the area of the Freedom Street and the Independence the and Street Freedom the of area the of observation atic of existing buildings and roads, and analysing their impact on movement on impact their analysing and roads, and buildings existing of of thepaperinPodgorica. of Montenegro until 2060 with a Structural Analysis of the Population of Population the of Analysis Structural a with 2060 until Montenegro of 03 Biciklo.me.(2018). Motornavozilaizcentra Podgoriceprotjeralo bi 77.5% građana. RetrievedJuly08,2018, conducted amongst of 245 citizens of Podgorica. The survey is summarized 03 surveyed 1405 citizens, on what determined what on citizens, 1405 surveyed cities&futures_2018

volume_01 issue_01 58 Source: “Uspomene stare Podgorice” Fig_7 Freedom Street about 1970 Fig_6 Location of the study Source: Google Earth Photography and author deisgn cross the Freedom Street, from the south to the north, Karađorđeva, Novaka Karađorđeva, north, the to south the from Street, Freedom the cross opened for vehicles all day long, except for a part of the Hercegovačka buildings are the Post Office at its very beginning, with three floors and the and floors three with beginning, very its at Office Post the are buildings and a half meters wide. The cycling traffic is regularly carried out on the Supreme Prosecutor’s Supreme Office,Prosecutor’s with high ground floor and four floors above. Street which is pedestrian only. Driveway of the Driveway Freedom Street consists of Street which is pedestrian only. meters wide with vehicle, bicycle and pedestrian traffic. meters wide with vehicle, bicycle and two lanes, three and a half meters wide, and a sidewalk on both sides five tive companies, etc. (fig. 9). - administra bakeries, cafes, shops, premises, business are there institutions, residential with business premises on the ground floor, they have three to period from 05pm to 06am when it turns into a pedestrian zone. Four streets streets Four zone. pedestrian a into turns it when 06am to 05pm from period fourteen floors (fig. 8). In the ground floor of all buildings, besides public Freedom Street are public, residential and business (Markuš, 2008). Public Miloševa, Miljana and Vukova Hercegovačka Street. All of these streets are It has vehicle-pedestrian character throughout the except day, during the while the rest are ground-floor buildings. The remaining ten buildings are with Ivana Crnojevića Boulevard on the North. It is 485 meters long and 18 vehicle lines, along the edge of the sidewalk. Buildings located along the There are twenty one business buildings, and eleven multi-story buildings, 59 cities&futures_2018 volume_01 issue_01 Fig_8 Source: GoogleEarthphotographyandauthordesign. Freedom StreetandIndependenceSquare. Fig_9

Freedom Street, 2018. The Independence Square (fig. 10), located along the middle part ofthe part themiddle along located 10), (fig. Square Independence The Freedom Street, occupying one block of Vorman’soccupyingof Street, block Freedom one simple a is design, urban reconstruction, the Square served as a car parking lot (fig. 11) and as a loca- the War, World Second the Until 1991). (Krier, square geometric regular tion for occasionally organised cultural events and rare political meetings. political rare and events cultural organised occasionally for tion dominant function of the Square was market. During a long period of socialist Public facilities Business facilities Residential housing and IndependenceSquare Freedom Street

Source: Fig_12 cities&futures_2018

volume_01 issue_01 60 and author design author and

Return of the monument photography Earth Google Source:

petrovic-spomenik/28491250.html square external and inner https://www.slobodnaevropa.org/

a/podgorica-cetinje-crna-gora-mirko- nezavisnosti”, “Trg Square dedicated to Duke Mirko Petrović Fig_13 Parking for cars on the square in the center Parking for cars on the square of Podgorica, around 1980. Source: “Uspomene stare Podgorice” Fig_11 Independence Square. Source: http://www.rtcg.me/vijesti/drustvo/122026/ trg-republike-bice-trg-nezavisnosti.html Fig_10 city library “Radosav Ljumović” with Ljumović” “Radosav library city central central rectangular part of the square, which changed its name again to Independence covers approximately 12,000 square meters, streets it makes a square with approximately are two residential buildings with with buildings residential two are and and height of buildings, twenty and if we consider the total space together with together space total the consider we if and business premises on the ground Square and the monument of Duke Mirko Square, when the reconstruction started after started reconstruction the when Square, five floors high. One five floors high residential building located on the north on located building residential high floors five One high. floors five floor, and on the west side, along the along side, west the on and floor, ment building with four floors and meters, meters, is 5.5:1. The buildings along three floors. On the south side there side south the On floors. three the same edges of nearly 110 meters. The the referendum in 2006 and it was completed the Square was renamed to the Republic the square are, on the east side, side, east the on are, square the is four stairs lower, has dimensions of sixty by by sixty of dimensions has lower, stairs four is residential buildings that have business premises on the ground floor, two to two floor, ground the on premises business have that buildings residential public public buildings, that is city - parlia forty meters, with a ratio of 1.5:1 (fig. 13). (fig. 1.5:1 of ratio a with meters, forty Petrović was reinstalled (fig. 12). The square It was named after a distinguished communist distinguished a after named was It Ivan Milutinović, until February 2004, when Freedom Street, there is the Beko shopping centre. On the north there are three are there north the On centre. shopping Beko the is there Street, Freedom within the same year. Twelve years later it The ratio of square width, 110 meters, 110 width, square of ratio The 04 Results The casestudyofIndependenceSquareandFreedomStreetinPodgorica|MašaČelebić Citizen astheuser,creatorandadimensionofopenpublicspace: 61 cities&futures_2018 volume_01 issue_01 which are the transition to a wider, busier part of the square. The paving of the According to citizens, the biggest issues in Podgorica are lack of respect of of respect of lack are Podgorica in issues biggest the citizens, to According In the survey conducted by NGO Biciklo.me (2018) the majority of respondents transport, are risks of the bicycle being stolen, intensity of vehicle traffic, insuf- zone between the benches facing the center of the square and the colonnades the edge of the inner square from the north and south which serves as a buffer the square there is a circularly shaped fountain, with eleven meters diameter, tions and traffic noise (Fig. 15) (Biciklo.me, 2018). poorly cars, for place parking of lack congestion, traffic regulations, traffic narrower square is done in two-tone diagonal modular grid system. ficiently developed bicycle infrastructure and ultimately insufficient visibility and two colonnades along the south and north side of the square. The spatial of cyclists as participants in the traffic and as well as local climate (Fig. 14). of means a as bicycles of use the reduced for reasons main the that stated side makes a large part of the northern facade of the square. At the center of organized public transport, low fines for non-compliance with traffic regula- composition of the square is created by the disposition of greenery located along Fig_14 The causeofreducedusebicyclesasameanstransport. Source: Biciklo.me,2018. 12%- localclimate participants inthetraffic 44% -insufficientvisibilityofcyclistsas infrastructure the insufficientlydevelopedbicycle 52%- intensityofmotorizedtrafficand being stolen 56%- indicatedtheriskofbicycle cities&futures_2018

volume_01 issue_01 62 04 Results the car as a mean of transport How often do the respondents use 75.7% disregard of traffic regulations 75.7% disregard of traffic 65.3% traffic congestion 52.7% lack of parking place for cars 41.9% poorly organized public transport 25.1% too low penalties for non-compli- ance with traffic regulations 5% traffic noise Fig_17 The case study of Independence Square and Freedom Street in Podgorica Street in and Freedom Square Independence study of The case public space: of open a dimension creator and as the user, Čelebić | Citizen Maša Source: Biciklo.me, 2018. The biggest traffic issues in Podgorica. (Authore survey). How often do the respondents use public transport in the city Fig_15 Fig_16 case study, the Freedom street and the Independence Square, were analysed.were Square, Independence the and street Freedom the study, case bicycles (Fig. 18), how often they walk (Fig. 19) and how much time per day do day per time much how and 19) (Fig. walk they often how 18), (Fig. bicycles Graphics show how often the respondents use public transport in the city (Fig. city the in transport public use respondents the often how show Graphics they spend in a seated position (Fig. 20) or doing physical activities (Fig. 21). Based on a survey of 245 citizens of Podgorica, out of which 62% women andwomen 62% which of out Podgorica, of citizens 245 of survey a on Based 38% men, the daily movement of people and their attitude about the area of a of area the about attitude their and people of movement daily the men, 38% 16), how often they use car as means of transport (Fig. 17), how much they use they much how 17), (Fig. transport of means as car use they often how 16), 04 Results The casestudyofIndependenceSquareandFreedomStreetinPodgorica|MašaČelebić Citizen astheuser,creatorandadimensionofopenpublicspace: 63 cities&futures_2018 volume_01 issue_01 In the period from 2005 to 2010 the number of registered cars in Montenegro in 2010 there is one vehicle per every 3.7 inhabitants in Montenegro. This This Montenegro. in inhabitants 3.7 every per vehicle one is there 2010 in increased by 27.7%. In 2005 there was 118,930 vehicles, and in 2010 it increased to 164,653 vehicles (Monstat, 2011). Based on this data, the conclusion is that number has increased significantly to this day. The graphs show the results day. results this the to show graphs significantly The increased has number and safety (Fig. 23) within the research area, on a scale one to five. of personal feelings of the respondents regarding the entertainment (Fig. 22) Fig_20 Fig_18 seated position respondents usebicycles How muchtimeperdaydo How muchdothe the respondentsspendina Fig_21 Fig_19 doing physicalactivities respondents walk How muchtimeperdaydo How oftendothe the respondentsspend cities&futures_2018

volume_01 issue_01 64 04 Results The case study of Independence Square and Freedom Street in Podgorica Street in and Freedom Square Independence study of The case public space: of open a dimension creator and as the user, Čelebić | Citizen Maša one to five in terms of entertainment of Freedom one to five in terms of entertainment of Freedom Subjective feelings of the respondents on a scale of Subjective feelings of the respondents on a scale Street and Independence Square. Fig_22/23 done in this area in order to increase and improve life in it, the most common most the it, in life improve and increase to order in area this in done should be completely closed for traffic and lift the Square to the level of the of level the to Square the lift and traffic for closed completely be should of this space is moving 0,73 m/s. of the fifty users of this space, measuring time in relation to the transition older buildings should be embellished by murals, and the Freedom Street and architectural interventions this space can be improved, 8.3% are not sure, not are 8.3% improved, be can space this interventions architectural and and 5% think that this is impossible. Based on the successive observation average life expectancy, by live average life birth expectancy, per gender, for men from the central believe that entertainment and educational programs should be improved, meters during movement in this area, it is concluded that the user average that this area is so damaged that there is nothing that could be done to improve life quality. 86.8% respondents consider that with adequate urban adequate with that consider respondents 86.8% quality. life improve response was that there should be more greenery and that abandoned and region of the state, where Podgorica is situated, is 73.2 years of age and 78.8 and age of years 73.2 is situated, is Podgorica where state, the of region poorly treated spaces, both open and closed, should be reconstructed. Some reconstructed. be should closed, and open both spaces, treated poorly Freedom Street. On the other hand, there were respondents who believe A research conducted by the Statistical office of Montenegro in 2011, on the on 2011, in Montenegro of office Statistical the by conducted research A years of age for women (Kaluđerović, et al., 2014). When asked what could be could what asked When 2014). al., et (Kaluđerović, women for age of years How often do the respondents walk 05 Discussion The casestudyofIndependenceSquareandFreedomStreetinPodgorica|MašaČelebić Citizen astheuser,creatorandadimensionofopenpublicspace: 65 cities&futures_2018 volume_01 issue_01 was the construction on old foundations, which is the construction within construction the is which foundations, old on construction the was Analyses confirmed that there is an impact of urban and architectural space Mirko’s Town, i.e. the Freedom Street and the Independence Square play Square Independence the and Street Freedom the i.e. Town, Mirko’s context, spatial its and Square, Independence the and Street Freedom Milutinović” to Republic Square, then to the current name of Independence physical structures, horizontal and vertical dimensions of the surrounding the of dimensions vertical and horizontal structures, physical necessarily not are which space, this for feelings and opinions personal place mainly according to the principles of modern, functionalist urbanism, roads of that time, and with active public spaces supported by daily trading to be renewed without the need to build its new morphological character in the Independence square, multi-storied buildings were built, and due to the of instead However, tissue. urban historical of dimensions horizontal the negative. Social sustainability in this space is surrounded with frames of frames with surrounded is space this in sustainability Social negative. new, more modern buildings which made historical memory and sentimental by replaced being mainly are war, the survived that buildings meaningful lot, which clearly implies the change of priorities in construction. People are an important role in trying to understand the current situation. After the After situation. current the understand to trying in role important an needs nor needs, citizens’ match do not which profit and traffic buildings, being put behind the technological progress. Remains of the old Podgorica, old the of Remains progress. technological the behind put being harmonious, series of ground floor buildings along the Freedom Street and take to continued which reconstruction, post-war of Specificity activities. architecture, which does not take the value of the historical space nor needs scale, with objects of man-made dimension, adapted to the widths of the of widths the to adapted dimension, man-made of objects with harmonious scale, a in system, block orthogonal the of patterns western sical, of development Historical space. the of users groups, social different of ofthe theanalyses on based be recognized can influence of kind this of of users into consideration. Changing the name of the square from “Ivan from square the of name the Changing consideration. into users of correlation with the historical form, developed in accordance with neoclas continues city the WorldWar, Second the in bombings during destruction constant increase of car traffic, the central market is turned into a parking into turned is market central the traffic, car of increase constant Consequences relations. social the of establishment and use its on context connection quickly disappeared by the occurrence of nowadays profitable nowadays of occurrence the by disappeared quickly connection connection between citizens and space fall into oblivion. Loss of this kind of 5. Discussion - Traffic cities&futures_2018

volume_01 issue_01 66 05 Discussion Motor traffic Motor-pedestrian traffic Pedestrian traffic Boulevard The case study of Independence Square and Freedom Street in Podgorica Street in and Freedom Square Independence study of The case public space: of open a dimension creator and as the user, Čelebić | Citizen Maša Are Public Open Space Attributes Associated with Are Public Open Space Attributes Associated (Koohsari, et al., 2018) connects mental health with health mental connects 2018) al., et (Koohsari, reported lower levels of psychosocial distress compared distress psychosocial of levels lower reported 04 Traffic Fig_24 POS - Public Open Space consider Australian context. The same problem occurs in Podgorica, it is crossing Freedom Street, with constantly active traffic, currently being an 04 space decreased, which explains its lower urban value. urban lower its explains which decreased, space on the connection between the user and the space. During the time, involve- time, the During space. the and user the between connection the on square and the reconstruction of the monument Mirko Petrović, represents Petrović, Mirko monument the of reconstruction the and square evening pedestrian zone (fig. 24). higher quality POS quality higher al., 2018, p. 121). One of the causes of this influence is that American and building according to standards which neglect and characteristics needs of ment of local residents in creation and development of this opened public the quality of public open space. It is common that “neighbourhoods with the political situation in Montenegro. These changes made a direct impact to those who lived in neighbourhoods with lower quality POS” (Koohsari, et (Koohsari, POS” quality lower with neighbourhoods in lived who those to its users. Recreational bike use throughout the day in the Freedom Street is significantly disturbed by active traffic, and is closed for traffic only from 5pm to 6am. Recreation is further interfered by four streets that are British standards used for planning of public spaces in Australia did not A scientific article called Walking and Depression? Walking 05 Discussion The casestudyofIndependenceSquareandFreedomStreetinPodgorica|MašaČelebić Citizen astheuser,creatorandadimensionofopenpublicspace: 67 cities&futures_2018 volume_01 issue_01 with traffic signs for bicycles. The majority of respondents identified risk of 27.7% in 2010 according to the Monstat research, and inevitably continues inevitably and research, Monstat the to according 2010 in 27.7% All this justifies the need toclose thisstreet for vehicle traffic, which, increased physical activities are not at an adequate level, even majority of the respond- it shows that 72.8% respondents do not even ride a bike. In addition to the fact infrastructure as the main reasons for reduced use of bicycles as a mean of issues of traffic in Podgorica. The safety of cyclists in this area is threatenedby regulations, traffic congestion and lack of parking place for cars as the biggest the car. Table presents how this reflects on citizen’s on et reflects (Kaluđerović, this Table health how car. presents the that the respondents are not active cyclists, the result indicates that in general transport. The result of the study indicates how big the problem actually is, as to grow until today. Respondents complained of non-compliance with traffic movement of a user, which is 0.73 m/s. al., 2014), showing decrease of population by age groups. Influence of facades bicycle being stolen, intensity of traffic and insufficiently developed bicycle an inadequately designed bicycle track, which is just a part of a road marked on the ground floors of the buildings along the Freedom Street, which mainly ents spends five to ten hours a day in sitting position, and up to an hour in hour an to up and position, sitting in day a hours ten to five spends ents consists of business premises and administrative centres, is derived from derived is centres, administrative and premises business of consists Table 200 199 201 3 1 1 The populationofMontenegrobylargeagegroups1991-2012(%). Source: Kaluđerović,etal.,2014,p.53. Women Women Women In total In total In total Men Men Men 0-19 28.8 34.9 33.9 26.3 32.8 25.0 27.4 27.6 30.1 Large agegroups 20-39 28.8 28.8 28.4 28.2 29.9 32.6 29.2 31.2 27.7 40-59 22.0 25.6 25.6 25.5 22.5 27.4 27.0 27.2 21.4 60+ 20.4 18.3 15.8 19.6 12.9 16.2 14.7 17.7 11.1 cities&futures_2018

volume_01 issue_01 68

05 Discussion Buildings in the Freedom Street. Freedom the in Buildings Fig_25 The case study of Independence Square and Freedom Street in Podgorica Street in and Freedom Square Independence study of The case public space: of open a dimension creator and as the user, Čelebić | Citizen Maša derives from its architecture which does not meet the aesthetic criteria for a for criteria aesthetic the meet not does which architecture its from derives disabling social development of the Respondents city. also mentioned that busi- for predominantly are that facilities also are area this of disadvantages creating soft spatial transition for users between the interior and exterior. slower movement caused stopping by in front of the shop windows, as well of the remaining terrestrial buildings and construction of high buildings with buildings high of construction and buildings terrestrial remaining the of of abandoned and mistreated spaces and lack of greenery were also identified also were greenery of lack and spaces mistreated and abandoned of along the Freedom Street goes up to fourteen, preventing contact of tenants distance. large a to due space, public the of users and horizontal equilibrium. The number of floors of buildings that are located as disadvantages. Most respondents said that they did not spend time at all in all at time spend not did they that said respondents Most disadvantages. as as manifestations, entertainment and educational programs. A large number large A programs. educational and entertainment manifestations, as as by as the by of tradition evening walks in the city center. Shop windows in the ness purposes, lack of events in the area, such as artistic performances, as well as performances, artistic as such area, the in events of lack purposes, ness this part of the city, 39.5%, which is directly related to their rating of interest in interest of rating their to related directly is which 39.5%, city, the of part this space uninteresting of Sense points. five of out two with rated mostly area, this public space (fig. 25), disturbing the existing Vorman’s urban plan, demolition plan, urban Vorman’s existing the disturbing 25), (fig. space public Informal space, mostly mistreated and insecure for use, is also important, Freedom Street, whose number is decreasing, represent half-open spaces Having in mind that the average speed of a man is 0.83 m/s, this indicates a various styles, tones, creating in that way a space without spatial vertical and vertical spatial without space a way that in creating tones, styles, various 06 CONCLUSION The casestudyofIndependenceSquareandFreedomStreetinPodgorica|MašaČelebić Citizen astheuser,creatorandadimensionofopenpublicspace: 69 cities&futures_2018 volume_01 issue_01 The hypothesis shows that inadequate public urban space causes degrada- causes space urban public inadequate that shows hypothesis The way they affect behaviour of their users, the hypothesis is confirmed. The confirmed. is hypothesis the users, their of behaviour affect they way o aheig utiaiiy f h aaye ae, n diin o more a to addition in area, analyzed the of sustainability achieving For people move and the speed of that movement that depends on traffic regu- traffic on depends that movement that of speed the and move people tion of interpersonal relationships. On the example of research conducted research of example the On relationships. interpersonal of tion to achieve better quality of open public space are: sentimental significance sentimental are: space public open of quality better achieve to ain etranet f pc, qimn o sae sne f aey and safety of sense space, of equipment space, of entertainment lation, before man. The historical background in which the society and researched approach tofutureplanning andarchitectural interventions. ability of both the city and society. Requirements that must be met in order area developed, shows that participation of individuals in use and creation engage users in its future changes, implying participatory and collaborative research the of result The sustainability. social and quality urban ences influ developments, further for plan the of openness as well as space, of on the location of the Independence Square and the Freedom Street and the security, and factors of natural phenomena, as sun, wind, temperature etc. temperature wind, sun, as phenomena, natural of security,factors and way the senses, human being, human a of capabilities biological space, of unsustain- in results needs and potentials mnn’s of negligence that shows aeu rlto t is itrcl eeomn, t s eesr t directly to necessary is it development, historical its to relation careful profit and technology of progress putting of consequence a is degradation 6. Conclusion - cities&futures_2018

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