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*-lL LEADER -ft* THE UADING AMD MOST WIDELY CIRCULATED WEEKLY NMWIPAPEK IN UNION COUNTY XTliTtt IMIAM—Wo. 10 Post O«kaTw€Mi«U, N. I, , WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 17. 1949 nited Campaign, Collections Total Leader to Pi.Mi.fc Westfield and Mountainside Lay Baptists Install p Next Week Homeowners Ask $7* Sh of GoaGll Because of the Thanksgiving Ambulatory" Blood Bank Plans Pastor Sunday $6,7* holiday next Thursday, the Doerr Declare* fted Craw Driven Leader will be published on Under the sponsorship of the Plan Reception For Urgently Needed Wednesday. Club correspond- Westfield Medical Society, and with Drive to Continue the co-operation of the Westfield Rev. E. E. Gate* Jr. Boulevard Paving ents are advised to submit Red Cross Chapter, a blood donor ' Mrs. Edward C. Gray, Elections for the 1949 West- typewritten news early in the service is being organized to serve An installation service for Rev. United Campaign for eix lo- chairman of the WestHeld Mo- week. Other deadlines will the joint needs of Westfleld and Elbert E. Gates Jr., new pastor, Ada Settlwaent socisl agencies totaled 171,918 ' tor Corps of' the American be: Display advertising, Mon- Mountainside. will be held in the First Baptist IL A, West Renews the lateat overall tally, it wai Dr. Lorrimer Armstrong, repre- Red Cross, today iuved an ur- day noon; classified advertis- Church Sunday at 7:80 p. m. The ounceJ last night at the cam- senting the Medical Society, was service will be conducted by Rev. gent appeal for volunteers to ing, Tuesday, 3 p. in.; society Of Tax Debts Reasoning Appeal f office in the YMCA. Di*i- instrumental in establishing the Louis F. Kerlin, pastor of the numagers remained hopeful drive indigent persons, post- and sport news, Tuesday, 10 new group. At meetings held Oct. polio patients, and thott re- First Baptist Church, Elisabeth, the 178,600 goal would be, a. m.; church news, Monday 26 and Nov. 9, Dr. Armstrong ad- moderator of (he East Association, Payment to AM For Apartaento | id, stating that late last week quiring cancer treatment - to afternoon. dressed representatives of various Rev. Kenneth L. Cober, execu- Low '50 Tax Rate ivassers reported that 116,000 Mubjenberg HoapiUl, Plain- civic and local groups, explaining tive secretary of the Rhode Island Appearing before Town Council i jained to be raised. Charles A. •field; Overlook' Hospital, Bum- the critical need for a blood donor Baptist Convention, a long-time Councilman Return J, Meigi, re- Monday night, B. A. GerpbeM* ->y •rr, general chairman of tht mit; the Green Clinic of the service. The high cost of blood friend of Mr. Gates, will preach, a of 1715 Floiida street, ;ve, declared that "the goal is Elisabeth General Hospital, from regular professional sources tiring chairman of the finance com- Boosters to Hold sermon ois) "Redemptive Fellow- mittee, today urged Westfield tax- ing the Colonial Homes in sight. We will just keep Elisabeth; 8t. Barnabas Hos- was stressed by Dr. Armstrong, aa Bhlp.Othe" r parts will be taken by Dr. tlon, presented a petition signed ay-' ing until we make it." pital, Newark, and Memorial well as the superior advantages payers to settle their accounts with Harold R. Husted, pastor of the the town, stating that the council's 200 homeowner's requesting tlkf J& The collections will cover the Hospital, New York. Football Dinner of fresh blood over the "canned" First-Park Baptist Church, Plain- cutting through' and paying of • \; erating costs of the YMCA, YW or refrigerated variety. "In addi- ability to keep tht 1950 tax rate If anyone is willing to use field, who will give the charge to down will depend greatly on how 500-yard section of the Boulevard .jjj i, Boy Stouts, Girl Scouts, Dis- her pwn car and is a member The fifth annual Westfield Se- tion," Dr, Armstrong said, "we the1 minister and Dr. Harold F. between Mtdvele way and Clever % ct Nursing Association and Com- sometimes have great difficulty lo- much of the 1949 taxes remain un- of the Motor Corps, Mrs. Gray nior High School football dinner, Stoddard, executive secretary of paid at the end of thli year. If street. Mayor Charles P, •ait*? ,:t mity Center. said, the Red Cross will cover sponsored again this year by thecating certain rare types of blood the New Jersey Baptist Conven- replied by statin*; that the town \h for emergency situations." a large allowance must be made Score Board totals for the nine her with insurance. Westfteld School Booster Associa- tion, who will »tve the charge, to for theN debts, he explained, the already had petitioned the fiat. ;V The new service involves volun- lidential divisions and the busi- tion, will be held at the Chi-Arn the church. Greetings will, be rate will necessarily be higher next for funds to carry out thla project, '-j' Volunteers should contact tary registration by persons will- es section are as follows: Divi- Chateau on Monday evening, Dec. brought by Mayor Charles P. year. the local Red Cross office on ing to contribute blood without Mr. Gerpheids aald that the 4a.. m 1, Harry A. Giudetta, man- 5 at 7 p. m. Bailey on behalf of the town of Elm street. charge when a serious need arises. Councilman Melgs, who will re- velopment nas grown In er, goal; »5,360; raised, $4,977 The Boosters will be host on this Westfteld, and by Dr. J. L. McCor. years to 253 homea and thatf Ik* night* to the members of the foot- All volunteers will have their blood Squer First icon Jr., on behalf of the West- tire at the end of the year after 03 per cent. Division 2, Joseph typed and their names and blood eight years of tervice, aaid that paving of that section would | Parry Jr., manager, goal, |8 ball squad, senior members of the field Council of Churches. ly increase property value r band and cheer leaders, Arrange' types entered on the registration he has started preliminary work 0; raised, $8,221 or 102 perWoMen Describe YWCA Speaker on the new budget to enable hia It would also, he declared, at ments are being made for enter list. When the need for a certain Music will be provided by the nt. Division 3, Bryant F. Ken- successor to complete the taak an additional eccew to the 4ow»> tainment and presentation of twotype of blood occurs, the doctor in church choir under the'direction of s', manager, goal, $15,000; railed, charge of the case will call per. within the legal time limit. He de- and facilitate wheel but trwwr 4,423 or 90 per cent. Diviaion Business Start Booster trophies to the outstand N. Y. Fbam-ier J. Lester Robertson, minister Of tation. He stressed the feet ,i ing back and lineman. sons listed under the proper type, clared that he is confident that Carleton 11. Bunker, manager, music. in the event of a heavy , Because the seating capacity of and those able and willing to con- To Open Series the next council will strive, ai this at, $13,450; raised, $12,870 or The montN^MMting of the Busi- Immediately following the serv- council has, to keep the tax rate when the road Might ha ness and Professional Women's the restaurant is limited, everyone tribute at the time will be asked ice, a reception will be held in hon- per cent. Division 5, Chester Albert Squier, director of the as low as possible in view of "ab- fire in that area might Club was heM Tuesday evening at is urged to secure his reservation to do so. No blood will be taken or of Mr, and Mrs. £ates in the Kellogg, manager, goal, $8,660; New York Institute of Finance, solute necessities." aatrous. , the YMCA. Tht group was en-early, including the ladies who are for storage purposes, but only church parlors, In addition to Mr. lied, (8,610 or 88 per cent. Divi- formerly the New York Stock Ex- tertained by three women who also invited. Tickets may be ob-when actually required. Financ- and Mrs. Gates, church officials will Henry A. West, local, in 6, Stewart E. Burr, manager, change Institute, will speak at the spoke on how they had established tained from the members of the ing of the program will be han- be in the receiving line. - contractor, renewed" ' ill, $5,640; raised, $5,430 or 96 executive committee or by contact- dled by the Wcstfleld Chapter of WcBtfleld YWCA Dec. 8 at 8 p, m. K reioning change, i cent Division 7, John C. Crit- successful busineu aa « result of Honor guests will include the Young GOPs an interest orhofcby-.' ing the secretary, L. Ehlen, 410 the American Red Cross, The Red on "Basic Principles of Finance local ministers and their wives, permit him to erects iden, manager; goal, $2,730; Tremont avenue. ' Cross will also maintain the reg-and the Operations of the Securi- apartment* on Mountain (avtape,, , Ised, $2,517 or 92 per cent. Di- Mrs. Marjorie Sheppard told of East Association ministers and istry of donors and will arrange ties Markets." This will be the their wives, the staff of the NewPlan-HoUyHoiT near the Mountaln»M*;il«e. fat* .]» 8, Edward "N. Cunningham, how she became a list designer for their transportation. first of a series of five lectures on Ing that he had received Many'',; inager, goal, $2,450; raised, $2,- with a shop of her ojjgi in Green. Jersey Baptist Convention, the Gretn- f • sr-« Medical sponsors of the new investment planning, sponsored by communications in fewer of the re< i 7 or 99 per cent.