TOP COMEDY SALE Sale Begins July 12, 1971 and Ends September 30, 1971 Big.Ek1ujwk Flym F-215 Dves 1101 Super ,Xde Bulletin B-219
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TRAVEL -AUGUST • SEPTEMBER s ·L I DES \0 ~.S' SALE BEGINS JULY~ , 1971 AND ENDS ~ BEFr30, 1971 (AU orders received by ns 'Prior lo and after sale dates will be filled at the reg1dar price) Save up to 20% on 35mm. 2" x 2" Color Slide sets I ~ All Bl ackhawk Travel Stides found on page 14 and the ... and their sale price is directly opposite. Remem first column of titles on page 15 are on sale. Other ber, this !;ale is only fo r 35mm. 2" x 2 .. Travel Color slide sets are not on sale. Select the travel slide set Slide Sets listed on page 14 and the first column of or sets you want from those listed. Then check below. titles on page 15. This special offer begins July 12 We've listed all of the various prices for the s lide sets and ends September ;~O. 1971. Regular Sale Regular Sale Regular Sate Price Price Price Price Price Price Sl.99 $J.S9 $5.29 S4.19 S7.19 SS.7 $2.39 $189 $5.39 S4.29 S7.39 S/i.89 S2.98 $2.39 $5.59 $4.49 $7.49 $5.99 S2.99 $2 ..•~9 • $5.69 $4.59 S8.98 $7.19 $3.59 $2.89 $5.89 $4.69 $8.99 $7.19 $3.79 $2.99 , I, $5.99 $4.79 $9.99 $8.99 $3.89 $3.09 $6.29 $5.09 Sll.99 $9.99 .,\\ ~ $4.49 $3.59 • $6.49 $5.19 $12.98 SJJ.99. $4.69 SS.69 S7.09 $5.69 $]4.99 $13.99 TOP COMEDY SALE Sale begins July 12, 1971 and ends September 30, 1971 BiG.ek1uJwk FlyM F-215 dves 1101 super ,xde Bulletin B-219. Instead Flyer F'-215 Here's a chance to add one or more of the top comedies Order now ... remember orders received prior to or :iftou,ld; h-r:: u.ted in cmiJ1mti<nt with B11lle from the Blackhawk library of films to your collection. after sale < will he filled at the regular price. t1;. B.fl09 u111il Se]1(embe1' 30, 1971. This sale refers only to the five titles listed below. DON'T SHOVE BUSTER KEATON, VIRGINIA FOX HAROLD LLOYD, BEBE DANIELS, NOAH YOUNG Buster's girl won't marry him onbl he's successful-a dandy moti· It's Bebe's birthday and Harold arnves with the gift of the year. 11ation for his new business enterprise. But unwittingly he tangles The party winds up at the local :skating rink wrth some of the fanci with the Police department and the resulting riot is the grandest est footworll you'..e seen in along lime as Harold redeems himself chase scene ever filmed. (19~ll in a whirlwind I,n·sh. (19191 81C>-18-089l, Standard Smm., :325-feet, 14-ozs., Regularly $13.98 . .. .. Sale 512.59 810-19-0855. Standard 8mm .• 200-feet, 11-ozs.• Regularly $7 .98 86().,18-0552, Super 8, 375-leel, 14-ozs.. Regularly $15.98 .. ... , . ....... ... Sale $7.19 . Sale $ 14 .49 860·1 9'-0493, Super 8, 22S-feet, ll·ozs .. Regularly $8.98 Sale SB.09 620-18-0361, 16mm. silent. 650-leet, 3-lbs., Regularly S44.98 620-19-0354, 16D'lm. Sllent. 40tHeet. 2-lbs., Regularly $29.98 . Sale $40.49 . Sale $24.98 TEDDY WIFE AND SOLDIER MAN AUTO TROUBLE AT THE THROTTLE GLORIA SWANSON, WALLACE HARRY LANDGON WILLIE COLLIER, MAE BUSCH, BERRY, BOBBYVERNON Harry is ca~t in the dual role of a World War THE KEYSTONE COPS One of the great Sennett comedies or the I doughbo~. who dldni know the war was period - elaborately produced - and with over, and the perpetually inebriated King This one features Willie, caught by his wile many of the type sltuat,ons that made Sen of a small European country_ The plot brings while dining with his secretary. and taking nett famous. The heroine is chained lo the these two characters together with nothing off in a new Model T. This leads to a chase rallroad track-and rescued by the hero In missed in the comedy situations. (I 926) with the Keystone Cops. (191G) tile nick of time. Chases ln automobiles c '0$8 call1; with speeding trains! (1916) 810-21-026.l, Standard 8mm., 600-feet, 2-lbs., Regularly Sl7.98 ... Sale $18.19 810-10-0169, Standard 8mm., 200-feet. 810-10-0194, standard 8mm., 375-leet, 11-02s., Regularly $6.98 .. • . Sale $6.29. 14-o:zs., Regularly $12.98 . .. Sale Sll.6!9 860-21-0116, Super 8, 675-feet, 2-lb$.. Reg 860-10-0022, Super 8, 225-f~ 11-ozs., 860-10-0040, SUper 8, 450-feet, 14-o.tS., ularly $2•).98 ..........•. Sale $ 18.89 Regularly $7.98 , ........ , Sale $7.19 Regularly S14.98 . • . Sale $ 13.49 620-10-0022. 16mm. sllent, 400-feel, 2·1bs., 62(>-10-0019, 16mm. silent. 750-feet, 3-lbs., 620-21-0076, 16mm. silent, 1200-feet. 5-lbs., Regularly 524.98 ........ Sale S22.49 Regularly 539.98 . .•... .. .. Sale S34.9S Regularly S59.98 . Sale S53.99 'a a > t 2 SALES FLYER F215, August-September 1971 RAILROAD 4 NEW COMEDY RELEASES FANS iiii SPECIAL RECORD OFFER (1922) " Buster Keaton with Virginia Fox £11ster ~atoh's,soperb- comic lalent-<:Otnes alive 11gain ill \his bu;lesque ba,sed on ~ tfmeahone)red poem ·Toe 'lltfago 81ackSmith.ff Of coutse It~ a Joose base and doesn't worll'out:qu1te as l:'.011gfetrow wrote It, but wlth Suster as the fead does It really Railroad fans, here's a great chance meke a dlfferente? ' ' • This particular !<e1t011 comeqy combines the tradttiQOil.1setting witfl a modern inter· to hear the aounds of trains running Pultatlon ana well illustratei; tfye raJ18e -Of comic:: ingenuity which soon plact4J3uster through the English Countryside. .imong the screen's great.seomedtans despi~ the llmitec:I screen Ca'ee(behlnd him. Records have been produced by Aventatllegenitls fn drawine laughter from Inanimate obfects Bustef l(eaton has been Argo Transacord and cover a wide 0JteJ1 imitated, but never fl(tua Leet-The 8 ~cksmith demonstrate$ .,.hy. range of railroad sounds across Eng 810-18-0947, Standard 8mm .• 400-feet, 14-()ts • •.•.......... SJS.98 land and Scc,tland. We +iave a limited 860-18-0941, Super 8, {50-Jeet, 14-ozs. • .. , .• , . • • • • . • . 115.98 number of these records available 620-18-0947, 16mm. 1(/cnt, 80().feet, 3-lbs. •..•• . ...•. .•.• 144..98 and once they are gone, we will have no more. So, ORDER NOW. Specify t-;=-::;;;;;:::::~.;;::~;;:;:t.::::-~~~:::-:~::-:-- :-......~~--'-:::?::--.::;;:-f-:::~:-:.:t":::::::::.,.,..:..±.;.; .;::::::::::-!:::::-:-:-:-::-'."":"':'::-'.'.'.':-:"'.'.":-:--~-s~~~~-~-~-~---~~ by title and number. Weight: Ap proximately 8-ozs. ea. 12-inch 33- 1/ 3 RPM LP. 61-73-0117 THE WEST HIGHILAND LINE Recordings made on the West Highland Line of the former North British Railway. now Scottish Re· gion B. R. 61-73-0118 SHAP Recordings made on the main line of the former London Midland & Scottish Railway between Tebay and Shap summit, Westmorland. _,. THE SPEED SPOOK (1924) 61-73-0119 THE SOMERSET AND (1915) Johnny Hines DORSET Chester Conktin Recordings made between Bath with Faire BIMey. Edmund Breese and Evercreech Junction on the 1~'$ Pa!"demol\irtln i(I the Boolrl PQwder tactory v,f'ien Mplosives j!Xpe.rt Che$ter CQnk hn at,wos to rr::spec:t operetlo it lils methods ail!! mog ul'lusu.iJ. butjou mllSt ;,dmlt. from the opening speedway :Sequence to its closing title, the thrills and laughs are Somersei. and Dorset Joint Line. the wdy Ult(e c11ss knqws his i:;owqer ancHis wt;ll);ien! ;, ~ · continuous 8S Johnny Hines battles his way to fame and fortune, then sets out to re Sul as sliarp as f,e ls, -Che5ter'$ rfo matctt for.the c:f:m·Witte(I l(e~e Cops once juvenate his ~irl's auto b0-siness In the midst of a crooked election which places her tlley sWiJ18 j!ltl) act1on in th,s rousing metee of \rjck photography anc;j blgh.fJy,ng ac• " Tither's reputation at sta'®. tors. One of the most popular qf the Keystone$ m~e fur Mutual, TIie Ceonon Ball coo-' ~ . 0Qe of theextrem&Jy ;>opul9t comics of the silent screen, Himes has b-een sadly over- 61-73-0120 WE ST OF EXETER talM..i II the lt1Q".Tedlents that m~d~ the f'un Factory world famou$ and _sfioolil b-e in every • 1001iett b-y c;lnema historians. The Speed Spook is the first of his features to b-e made 1 avallab1e; for racing f~ns and c:omedY buffs, It's a hard one top and should go a collet::tor's ti~r.arY, " -. - . ·~ • . to Recordings made between Exe long way in reacquainting those fnterested In laughter with a master of the art. ter and Plymouth on the main line BllJ.10-0945, Stcui:dcml'smm., 400Jeet~ U·ozf , . .•.•.. : •. • 1:12.98 _810-4~·0978, Standard. 8mm., 1950-feet, 2-lbs. • ............ $48.98 of the former Great Western Rail 8.ill-10-0945, Su:per 8, 450-feet, 1./;-ou. · • , ..• , .••• , , ~ • • • . • . $14:98 M0-49-0978, Super 8, 151J01eet, !-lbs . ..................... 155.98 way. 6fl(}.,111-qo45, 16mm.,. silent, 800;-feet: $-lb;'. ' · •. e. •• '., ••• , • • • • 199.98 62()49-0978, 16mm. sibmt, 2700-feet, 8-lbs ...........•.... 1174.98 "' 61-73-0 121 TRAINS IN THE NIGHT This Special Short Comedy Recordings made on winter nights Offer expires October 31, 1971. at PrinC'es Risborough, on an eve SHORT COMEDY OFFER ning at 'Bromsgrove, at night at These S comedies are being offered for " limited time