




Our Savior’s Lutheran Church Sioux Falls, South Dakota Thursday, July 18, 1991 8:00 p.m.


Craig M. Johnson conductor




Hallelujah Rhonda Sandberg

0 v03 onnes Tomas Luis da Vittoria (sung in Latin) (1548—1611)

Yb shall have a song Randall Thompson (from ffie Pbaceable Kingdbm) (1899-1984)

Chnticle David Conte ‘ (b. 1955) Heidi Brande and Robert Satterlee, piano



Chansons des bois d'Amaranthe Jules Massenet (sung in French) (1842-1912)

0 bon printemps Diseau des bois Cbéres fleurs 0 ruisseau Chantez!

Robert Batterlee, piano FESTIVAL CHOIR CONCERT





Hallelujah! Rhonda Sandberg


0 vos ounes Tomas Luis da Vittoria

0, all you who pass along this way, behold and see if there is en: sorrow iike unto l! sorrow. (Lnlentationa 1:13]

re shall have a song Randall Thompson

Ye shall have a nnng. es in the night when a holy nolelnit: is kept; and glndnenn of heart, as when one goeth with a pipe to cone into the Ianntnin of the Lard. {Inninh 30:29)

canticle David Conte

Eton the rising of the nun, until the gain: down at the nnee. I will praise yon: naae farewer. Alleluia. [flnlnchi 1:11; Pen]; 150)



Chansons deg bois d’Alaranthe Juiéa Maasénet

I. 0 beautiful apring, faithful spring, You cone back to an, arms fillet. For the tree. new leaves, ?or the flower. leafy clothing.

Ynn give back to the shy its pure clarity. To the bird its song fail of enotinn, The gay sun to nature... But what do you bring back to IE?

II. Bird of the woods, tin: and shy. Say why your song touches to More that ever today? L&atening to you, I] joy is such That I should like to have fling: had I! heart follows you to God.

Have yoa seen this night, while dreaming, Your coapanloa for this April? Beware of thin gentle rib! Like IE, you ran great risk.

III. Bear flowers. do not trust The wind which rufftea you with its wing! It npeeta too Inch of faithful Iove;' Faithful love apeaka less.

IV . 0 little stress. your voice is tender And I have surprised you on late than one day fixchaoging with the vilé tone Secretly words of love.

IE Sing everything at your leisure, Little birds with tight voices, Sing the npiendors of spring, Sing of love and pleaaure!

Hheo you #111 have sung again Thousands of evenings and thoueends of dawns, You will not have sung enough ‘ Of the divine work and its beauty. id cantata: Lobe den Hbrren, Johann Sebastian Bach den mficbtigen Kfinig der Efiren

I. Opening Chorus: Lobe den Hbrren, den mfichtjgen Kfinig der Ehren

Praise to the Lord, the Allighty, the King of creation 6. I! soul. praise hie, for he in your health and salvation Let all who hear ‘How to his teupie drew near, Joining in glad adoration.

II. Aria: Lobe den Hbrren, dér 81193 30 herrlich regieret

Praise to the Lord. who o'er all things in wondrouely reigning And no on wings of an eagle, uplifting, sustaining. Have you not seen All that in needfui he: been Sent by his gracious ordeining?

V. Chorale: Lobe den Hérren, was in mir ist

Praise to the Lord! 0h. let all that is in la adore hiw! All that hes life and breath, cone now with praises before hit! Let the enen Sound fro] his people again. Gladly forever adore hie.



Cfiing~a ring—chafl Traditional American (from Old American Sbngs) arr., Aaron Copland

Chiog-a ring-e ring ehing, fio—e ding-e ding hon tertee, flrothere gather round, listen to this story, ’Bout the prolined lend en’ the promised glory.

You don't need to fear if you have no Ioney. You don’t need none there to boy you Iilk and honey, There you’ll ride in style. coach with four white horses. There the euenin' Ienl has one. two, threeI four courses.

flight we all will deuce to the harp and fiddle, Waltz and jig and prance, 'Ceet off down the Iiddle.‘ When the Iornin’ cone ail in grand and opiendor, Steed out in the aun. and hear the holy thunder.

Brothers. hear me out, the prolieed land’s e conin', Dance and sing and shoot, I hear the harps e strunlin'. Chiog-a ring-e chlng, thing, CHAR! ?‘The Last Words of David Randell Thompson

Be that ruleth over ten loot he jest, ruling in the fee: of the Lord.

And he eheli he no light of the Iorning, when the sun rieeth, even at eoreing without ctoude; es the tender greee springing out of the earth by clear shining after rein. Alleluia.

é Credo Franz Josef Haydn (from Harmonie-Messe)

- I helieee in ooe God, the Father hteighty, Meter of heaven end eerth, end of all things vieihle eed invisible.

had I believe in one tore}, Josue Christ, the only begotten Son of God horn of the Father before all ages. God from true God hegotten, not Iede. of one euhstenoe with the Father by who: alt things were undo. the us one for our eetvetion one down from heaven. And see incarnate hy the holy Spirit of the Virgin fiery. And wee lode een. Croeified also for us under Panties Pilate. he eeffered, end Bee buried. And on the third dey he roee egein, eccoeding to the Scriptures. He ascended into heaven end .m-Nm-‘x he sits at the right heed of the Father. He shell ‘ come again with glory to judge the living end the fleet; end of his tingdoe there will he no end.

And I believe in the Holy Spiritf the Lord and Giver of life, the proceeds fro: the Father end the Son, who together with the Father and the Son is adored end glorified. who spoke to us through the Proyhete. And I believe in one. holy eethoiic end Apoetolic Church. I confess one hepttee for the relieelon of mine. I ewett the resurrection of the deer}, end the life of the worth to ooee. heen. THE BACK CAHTATA ORCHESTRA

Lucinda Marvin, violin Marilee Klenp, oboe David Neely, violin Andréa Banke, oboe Charles Gray, Viola Michael Krueger, trumpet George Work, Violoncello Tyler Terrell, trumpet Charles Kreitzer, Jesse Heetland, trumpet Ed Oiiveira, timpanj

Gregory Peterson, barpsichor¢


Violin I Flute Sonja Broughton. Sereh Jokiech concerteietreee Brien Booteteee. Ghee eeeietent coocerteester hndrée Bnete, Leslie Judd principal lnrene Lotte» Jennifer Badges

Violin II clarinet Deborah Cartoon hone Brewer, Etieeheth Jonen principal Beenne triage}, Steven Hooddeli eeeieteet principal Ed Oherluelier, heeeooe principal Brett Lipeehute. principal Viola hicole Lindholl Olaf hind, eeeieteet principal horn Ben Yeeenoer, Brie Guee. principei principei Renée iictert Violoncello Hiohelte Heret, Tronpet principal Tyler Terreli, Christine iittlen, principal assistant principal Jeeee heetlend

Tilpeni Chris Gleeuenenn Bd Oliweire SOLOISTS FOR THE HAYDN Credo

Lori Bade, neezo—. John Pfautz, Gretchen Vanda Kemp, Monty Barnard. bass


{“hoprenoe Ihltoe Ginny hndino*¢ Erin Anderson Christiene Cergilitt hitieoo Brezell* - Lise Cerleoot Sonya Broeghtoo Selenthe 8e:ter** hilee Dierts lethrtne Bute’ Sereh Fenstit .. Victorie Knewoldeen Joy Fritz‘ Terri Finch Erie Guest Joiie Gerteorich Carri heiee Joden Goldie tyohi Eineei Henri Gould telii Boteetedt hicheile Grotte¥ Heg Johneoni lerle Heugen“ Lyndsey lehlertt hieole heee Kristine Keollti Any hereon Blily lolleeyert fluth Ideentt Heather trollenhoet heteeh Jottech Brita Lientt Sore Jotieeht here huehket . Eeily eusyoakin Cynthia Heiert Jeeoine [rennet Teeente httlee* _ Nancy teetertyt Holti Hoelier‘ ‘iletherin Logergt Brice Person Stepheee hoGiudicet Erie Pioetenetein - serene totteo Stephenie Rector? Stephenie hyncht hicote Richardson “ Any Oleuntytt Reeée Richert Toby O'Nei113 Elle Rothgengel tehye Deteeld Tueedey Rupp’t U Sengeethe Reyepetiit Corrie Schubert Allison Schrody’ Eeily Selte‘ "terei Schelee Benielle Seyiier Sooner Steueneit here Slithth ' Been Streufert Deenette Troyer Rehecce Tetieett Gretchen Veede Keeptt Recheei Trefeth Peels Ieiohecht kM‘Rlien iile** Clerice Hqu** Beeeee tee Bjortiued* Benjeain Bontett Deeiel Boweeii Ivan Chung? Stuart Edeeltl Joseph Bwenoont Robert 'Quinoy‘ Hetlit Beret helton Peter Iverson“ Deniel Rents Beejelin hyhreedi levee tienheuett J. Benjeein hcliehenfl Andrew teet‘t Ioel Heno** leneveh HcConnohit David hooneyti Patrick Hcfloeeeii flhrie Peck* David herhieyt John 3e11* Ceritoe holl** Michael Sol}! #ertle oelkereti Steven Heeto Jeeon Schelpert David Uegehofttt Dewid 8ehipper‘ Eric Steeoveegtt Eric Streloett Ben tevennert heron Teehe‘ Jneon Tholett Leroy Vollen*‘ * Concert Choir Steven Hooddell** *3 Cheeher Choir Lie: hellece EVENING PRAYER

”You shall have a song. . ." Hursda}; july 18, 1991

ABENDMUSIK hebendmusik“ is a preiude t0 Evening Prayer, intended to help both those performing and those listening to enter into the spirit of worship.

The choir sings a prayer of George Herbert in a setting by Carl Schalk. At its conclusion, the people stand and face the evening candle to begin the Service offjght.

Thou that hast given so much to me. Give one thing more, a grateful heart, Not thankful when it pleaseth me As if thy biessings had spare days; But such a heart, whose pulse may be thy praise.

SERVICE OF LIGHT Lutheran Book of Worship, pp 142—145

sit PSALM 141, pp 145446 "Let my prayer rise . . ." A}! .5ng the parts marked "C"; n‘ebie voices sing the " " parts,- lower voices sing the "11" parts, except that everyone sings fi'om "Glory to the Famer . . ." t0 the end. After the psalm, [here 1'5 silence, then the psalm prayer, to Which all respond, Amen '

READING from Isaiah 30

Silence; then this verse: L: In manyr and various ways God spoke to his people of old by the: prophets. C: But now in these hast days he has spoken to us by his Son. GOSPEL CANTICLE "Magnificent.” Sung by the Fatima! Choir in a setting by Herbert Howells

My soul doth magniljr the Lord, and my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Savior. For he hath regarded the lowlinens of his handmaiden. For beheld from henceforth all generatiens shall call me blessed. Fur he that is mighty has magnified me, and holy is his Name. And his mercy is on them that Fear him throughout 21!! generations. He hath shnwed strength with his arm; he hath scattered the proud in the inmginatien of their hearts. He hath put down the mighty from their seat. and hath exalted the humbie and meek. He hath filled the hungry with good things, and the rich he hath sent empty away. Heremembering his mercy hath hoipen his servant Israel, as he premiseti to our forefathers. Abraham and his seed forever. Glory be to the Father and t0 the Son and be the Holy Ghest; as it was in the beginning. is now. and ever shall be, World withuuf. end. Amen

stand PRAYERS ‘ The response to each player is Amen. The prayers conclude m’tb:

L: Lord, remember as in your kingdom, and teach us to pray: G: Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name, your kingdom come, your wili be done on earth .as in heaven. Give us today our daiiy bread. Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us. Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil. For the kingdom, the power and the glory are yours, now and forever. Amen.

fT‘I-ija [éfifiww4-? Let us bless llle Lord. {3 Thanks he to God.

I 9 WWW“

lé‘“J [‘Ir v..__,m' WWu,Amw 5;.

IP'} The atmighly and merciful bord. the Father, *I‘ the Son, and the Holy Spirit, bicss . . and preserve you.

El A - men

HYMN #274 The Day You Gave Us, Lord, Has Ended Setting by Carl Schalk. The congregation sings stanzas 1, 3, and 5 in unison; choir, stanzas 2 and 4. i antata: Lobe den Hbrren, dEH Johann Sebastian Bach lichtigen Efinig dbr Ehren (BWV. 137) (1685»1750) (sung in German)

I. Opening Chorus: Lobe den HErren, den michtigen Kfinig der Ehren

I II. Aria: Lobe den Ebrren, der A1193 so ‘ . herrlich regieret , Lori Bade, mezzo-soprano Lucinda Marvin, violin George Work, Violoncello

{ V. Chorale: Lobe den Herren, was in mir jet


FESTIVAL CHOIR f hing-a-ring-chaw Traditional American ? arr., Aaron Copland (1900—1990) xThe Last flbrdb of Davldi Randall Thompson , ' (1399-1984) ’ Paula Hacker, piano

Grade Franz Josef Haydn f (1732—1309) a (from Harmonie—Messe, in B— flat Major) (sung in Latin, assisted by members of the Fee- : tival Orchestra, Steven Amundson, condhctor)


The service of Evening Prayer follows immediately. Lease refer to the insert for the order of service. This concert is partially supported through the gener- ous donations of Program Patrons:

Dr. and Mrs. Jacob Rayapati west Chester. Pennsylvania

Dre. Arthur and Doris Huseboe Augustana College Sioux Falls, South Dakota


#9 ask that 811 members of the audience refrain from taking photographs or from recording the perfbrmanee. Thank you. A high-fidelity tape record1ng of this con— cert is available by order at the desk 1n the Iobhy after the concert.

Ybu are invited to attend the next concerts of Lutheran Summer Music - 1991:

Festival Student Recitals Kresge Recital Hall and Choir ' Room - Humanities Center Friday, July 18, 4:30 p.m.

Festival Student Recitals Kresge Recital Hall and Choir Room - Humanities Center Friday, July 19, 6:00 p.m.

Festival Band and Flute Choir Concert Jeechke Recital Hall — Sioux Falls College Friday, July 19, 8:00 p.m. | \ 7/.——50um55 SW—fl l ifegxlval' {



Choir Room - Humanities Center Augustana College ‘ Sioux Falls, South Dakota Friday, July 19, 1991

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Sonatina in C thor Friedrich Kuhlau Opus 20, no. 1 (1786-1832) arr., Whitney Tuatin (originally for piano)

I. Allegro II. Andante III. Rondo: Allegro

Anne Buasard, flute Lloan Perry, oboe Joanna Stevens, clarinet

If thou wilt suffbr Johann Sebastian Bach Duet from cantata 93 (BWV. 93) (1685-1750)

Ruth Ideen, soprano Lyndsay Kahler, alto Craig Johnson, piano

Allegro agitate Friedrich Burgnflller (1806-1874) from Teelve Brilliant and Melodious Studies

Derek Helton, piano

Adeste Fideles (G. 186#4) Franz Liszt (March of the Three Holy Kings) (1811-1836)

Allison Brazell, piano [ Spanish Dances, Opus 12, nos. 1 and 2 Moritz Moszkoweki (1854-1925) I. Allegro brioso {1 II. Modereto

Erin Anderson, piano Nicole Hase, ffiano

{ Klokkeklang (Bells Ringing) Edvard Grieg (1843-1907) I Gena Koeberl, piano

1 Gbxaedia Peter Schickelé (b. 1935) I. F%ntalone and Dr. Graziano i III. Arleccbino VI. Finale

[ Andréa Banke. oboe l Jeanine Krauee, oboe Brett Lipschutz, bassoon

{Illegro Apbaesionato in D thoe Camille Saint-Saéne Opus 43 (1835—1921) Renee Rittman. Violoncello [ Mary Helen Schmidt, piano

************ We ask that 311 members of the audience refrain from taking photographs or from recording the perfbrmance. Thank you. A hjgh-fjdelity tape recording of this con- cert is available by order at the desk in the lobby after the concert.

You are invited to attend the next concerts of Lutheran Summer Mhsic — 1991:

Festival Student Recitals Kresge Recital Hall and Augustana College Chapel Friday, July 19, 6:00 p.m.

Festival Band and Flute Choir Concert Jeachke Recital Hall Sioux Falls College Friday, July 19, 8:00 p.m.

Festival Student Recitals Kresge Recital Hall Choir Room — Humanities Center Augustana College Chapel Saturday, July 20, 9:00 a.n.

Featival Student Recitals Kreage Recital Hall and Choir Room - Humanities Center Saturday, July 20, 10:30 n.m.

Festival Student Recital Kresge Recital Hall Saturday. July 20. 12:00 noon

Collegian Music Concert Choir Room - Humanities Center Saturday, July 20, 12:00 noon