Results in Right Ascension of Observations of 156 Fundamental

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Results in Right Ascension of Observations of 156 Fundamental A S T R 0 N 0 M I S C H E N AC HRI C H T EN. Bd. SO. w.1909. 13. ~ ~ ~~~ ~ Results in Right Ascerision of Observations of 156 Fundamental Stars observed with the Meridian- Circle of blarvard College Observatory. This Meiidian-Circle mas received and tnounted in the The observatiotis were mde by Messrs. W. A. Rogers sumtner of I870, iuid has since then been chiefly used in and A. Mc. Connel. the observation of the zoiie betweeu ;On and 550 north The following table coiitciins iu the lirst column the declination in accordance with the programme of the current numbers and in the second the names of 156 stars Astronomische Gesellschaft. Before and after the zone thus observed between 12h and :?4h right ascension. In observations of each evening, others have frequentlj been the third column are their approximate declinstiotis , and made, some of the results of which are given below. The in the fonrth are their right asceiisiona for ISTI,O derived plan of these ildditional observations was as follon7s. from the observations. A list of star? was prepared in 1867 for ohservdtioo The fifth column contains the corresponding seconds with the old Transit-Circle of this Observatory, with the of right ascension from the Berlin list named above; the view of filling up the gaps in the list given in the American sixth, those from the Amrricen Ephemeris : the seventh, Ephemeris and thus facilitating the longitude work of the those from the Catalogue contained in the Observations for United States Coast Survey. The observations made for 1SF7 of the 'IT. S. Naval Observatory at Washington, a this purpose have been reduced ad are in course of correction of 04 being applied to them for difference publication. The principal stars of the same list, to the +os of equinox: the eighth, those from the Observations for number of COT. have been reobserved with the new 1868 of the Royal Observatory, Edinburgh, with a correction Meridian - Circle. 3944 observations of them being made of ~0~01. between April zh. 1591, dnd May 26, lS72. For reducing these observatious, the iostriimental errors have been deri- Following this table is another, showing the corrections ved from stars of the list published by the editors of the to the Berlin list above mentioned derived from the separate Berlin Jahrbuch for use in the zone observa,tions made in observations of each star. In this table the stars are accordance with the programme of the Astronomische Ge- designated by their current numbers in the preceding list. sellschaft, and entitled ,,Mittlere Oerter fur 1871 ,O von Where the star does not occur in the Berlin list, the 339 Sterneii und scheinbare Oerter fur das Jahr 1571 von correction applies to the Americaii Ephemeris. 529 Sternen& etc. The clock errors were mostly derired 111 both tables 2i stars north of' 60" north declinatiou from stars of less north declination than 520. are placed together after the others. Table I. 1 2 3 4 5 6 5 S - 7- -- - 1 - to"3' 1 .Lh 13m18S40 18'36 18'41 ISB37 188 :IS 2 b Corvi -22 41 25 3li.SS 3F. 88 36.33 ) y Virginis - 0 45 35 7.44 7.46 4 EUrsae maj. +56 39 48 20.77 20.83 0 12Can. Yen. f39 1 49 50.37 59.38 59.92 59.40 6 virgini is '+I1 39 12 5.5 45.35 45.28 45.31 7 9Virginis - 4 51 13 3 16.37 16.34 16.38 I6 . 33 16.32 8 43 Comae +28 32 5 51,10 51.11 9 a Virginis -10 29 18 23.94 23.99 23. 96 23.93 10 CUrsae maj. f5.5 36 18 43.58 43.67 11 5 Virginis +o 4 28 7.30 7.25 7.28 7.27 7.20 12 VUrsae maj. +49 57 42 27.26 27.33 27.36 27.32 Wr Bd. 13 195 x! 1909. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 - v v -- 13 11 Bootis +190 3' 13i48'32'56 328 53 3zs 59 32s53 32s58 14 zVirginis + 2 10 13 55 5.01 4.93 15 d Bootis +25 42 14 4 30.95 30.98 16 EBootis +19 51 9 46.66 46.66 46.68 46.67 46.70 17 $Bootis +52 27 20 48.28 48.30 48.27 48.31 18 eBootis +30 56 26 16.21 16.21 16.25 19 y Bootis +38 52 26 52.96 53.05 20 ZBootis +16 58 34 39.89 39.81 21 SBootis +14 17 34 59.34 59.54 22 €Bootis +27 37 39 21.19 21.22 21.19 21.22 23 109Virginis + 2 26 39 43.74 43.70 24 alLLibrae -15 27 43 44.74 44.71 44.68 44.70 25 Gr. 2164 +59 49 48 10.11 10.01 26 pBootis +30 .54 57 5.21 5.20 5.21 5.11 27 +Bootis +27 20 14 5s 55.09 55.10 55.13 28 p Li brae - 8 54 15 10 4.00 4.04 4.05 4.05 4.02 29 GBootis +33 48 10 18.11 18.16 30 p Coronae +29 33 22 30.56 30.67 31 y1 Rootis +41 16 26 17.75 17.74 32 y,Bootis +41 20 27 9.93 9.87 33 aCoronae +27 9 29 13.57 13.58 13.60 13.58 13.62 34 cz Serpentis + 6 50 37 54.91 54.89 54 .89 54.90 54.90 35 18 Serpentis +l5 50 40 14.07 14.07 36 pserpentis -3 2 42 53.34 53.40 37 €Serpentis + 4 52 44 23.21 23.21 23 23 23.22 23.22 38 y Serpentis +16 5 50 29.72 29.74 29.76 39 Gr. 2296 +55 7 54 43.86 43.72 40 p Scorpii -19 27 57 56.34 56.31 56.33 56.33 41 9Draconis +5s 55 15 59 28.39 28.41 42 6 Ophiuchi - 3 22 16 7 35.24 33.22 35.20 35.23 95.18 43 6 Ophiuchi - 4 23 11 29.87 29.81 44 yllerculis i-19 27 16 13.78 13.79 13.83 45 o Hcrculis +14 20 19 23.79 27.68 46 cc Scorpii -26 9 21 29.98 30. 0s 30.OG 50.05 47 Ophiuchi + 2 It; 24 24.51 24.56 24.54 4s 5 Ophiuchi -10 1s 30 3.42 3.43 3.42 3.43 49 jHerculis +31 50 36 25.39 25.45 25.46 50 y Herculis +39 10 38 28.50 28.46 28.44 28.44 51 Or. 2377 +57 1 42 51.10 51.16 52 4 0 Herculis +I5 12 46 12.53 12.49 53 x Ophiuchi + 9 35 51 33.78 33.73 33.74 33.77 33.73 3 4 E Herculis +31 7 16 55 21.33 21.28 21.33 <> 5 Gr. 24 15 +40 41 17 3 34.33 34.11 56 (YHerculis -i-14 32 8 45.94 45.96 4,s. 95 45.96 45.98 57 n IIerculis +36 57 10 33.30 33.34 58 b Ophiuchi -24 3 18 29.62 29. GO 29.62 59 /3 Dracoiiis +52 24 27 31.15 31.11 31.07 60 (Y Ophiuchi +12 39 28 56.53 56.80 56.79 56.81 56.79 61 WHerculis +27 48 41 24.60 24.63 24.63 24.62 24.64 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 v Y. v - 62 y Draconis l'ih53m368 GO -36s - 70 -36s 79 368 72 63 o Herculis +28 45 18 2 30.66 30.63 64 q Serpentis - 2 56 14 38.15 38.09 38.05 38.09 38' 08 65 109 Herculis $21 43 18 12.05 12.05 66 b Draconis f58 44 22 1.45 1.42 67 c Aquilae - 8 20 28 11.23 11.17 11.22 68 a Lyrae +38 40 32 34.16 34.25 34.24 34.25 34.26 69 I10Herculis f20 25 40 6.57 6.68 70 ,$Lyrae +33 13 45 19.01 19 -00 19.03 19.05 19.06 71 ~Sagittarii -26 27 47 13.92 15.94 15.94 72 13xLyrae +43 47 51 24.53 24.57 73 s Aquilae +14 54 53 46.07 46.07 46.02 74 5Aquilae +I3 40 18 59 28.85 28.81 28.79 28.85 28.81 75 clsagittarii -19 11 19 10 5.19 5.15 5.168 76 w Aquilae +I1 22 11 45.66 45.66 45.66 77 x Cygni +53 8 14 7.15 7.16 78 21 Aquilae + 2 52 18 59.66 59.62 59.58 59.63 59.58 79 B %Pi +27 41 25 31.13 31.16 80 x Aquilae - 7 19 29 57.08 ti7.00 57.04 81 y Aquilae +I0 18 40 7.61 7.60 7.5% 7.61 7.61 82 dSagittae +18 13 41 38.13 38.22 83 cc Aquilae + 8 32 44 29.31 29.35 29.31 29.35 29.32 84 3 Aquilae + 0 41 4.i 54.07 54.05 85 B Aquilae +6 5 19 48 58.58 58.58 58.56 58.58 58.57 86 9Aquilae - 1 12 20 4 '38.91 38.88 38.86 87 y Cygni +39 51 17 35.90 35.93 88 8Delphini +10 52 27 2.97 2.96 2.96 3.00 2.95 89 BDelphini +14 9 31 29.99 29.94 90 ~Delphini +i5 as 33 38.78 38.79 38.80 91 u Cygni +44 49 37 2.05 2.06 2 .06 2.07 92 ~Cygni +33 29 40 59.4i 59.53 93 p Aquarii - 9 28 45 41 .7S 41 .G1 41 .67 94 32 Vulpeculae +27 34 49 3.7G 3.74 95 vg Cygni +40 40 20 52 21.56 21.88 21.85 21.89 9 (i 6 1 Cpgni t38 7 21 1 6.94 6.92 6.98 6.93 97 CCygni +29 42 7 26.79 26.86 26.78 26.
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