Parenteral Nutrition Primer: Balance Acid-Base, Fluid and Electrolytes
Parenteral Nutrition Primer: Balancing Acid-Base, Fluids and Electrolytes Phil Ayers, PharmD, BCNSP, FASHP Todd W. Canada, PharmD, BCNSP, FASHP, FTSHP Michael Kraft, PharmD, BCNSP Gordon S. Sacks, Pharm.D., BCNSP, FCCP Disclosure . The program chair and presenters for this continuing education activity have reported no relevant financial relationships, except: . Phil Ayers - ASPEN: Board Member/Advisory Panel; B Braun: Consultant; Baxter: Consultant; Fresenius Kabi: Consultant; Janssen: Consultant; Mallinckrodt: Consultant . Todd Canada - Fresenius Kabi: Board Member/Advisory Panel, Consultant, Speaker's Bureau • Michael Kraft - Rockwell Medical: Consultant; Fresenius Kabi: Advisory Board; B. Braun: Advisory Board; Takeda Pharmaceuticals: Speaker’s Bureau (spouse) . Gordon Sacks - Grant Support: Fresenius Kabi Sodium Disorders and Fluid Balance Gordon S. Sacks, Pharm.D., BCNSP Professor and Department Head Department of Pharmacy Practice Harrison School of Pharmacy Auburn University Learning Objectives Upon completion of this session, the learner will be able to: 1. Differentiate between hypovolemic, euvolemic, and hypervolemic hyponatremia 2. Recommend appropriate changes in nutrition support formulations when hyponatremia occurs 3. Identify drug-induced causes of hypo- and hypernatremia No sodium for you! Presentation Outline . Overview of sodium and water . Dehydration vs. Volume Depletion . Water requirements & Equations . Hyponatremia • Hypotonic o Hypovolemic o Euvolemic o Hypervolemic . Hypernatremia • Hypovolemic • Euvolemic • Hypervolemic Sodium and Fluid Balance . Helpful hint: total body sodium determines volume status, not sodium status . Examples of this concept • Hypervolemic – too much volume • Hypovolemic – too little volume • Euvolemic – normal volume Water Distribution . Total body water content varies from 50-70% of body weight • Dependent on lean body mass: fat ratio o Fat water content is ~10% compared to ~75% for muscle mass .
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