'Clann Gael' Weather The "Clann Gael." a group in Scotch- ss,tl,111..ar Irish singers and dancers, 55 ftI per- 1.0%4 CI I, thi, skies to 11/.111. y.h er that form tonight at 14 in Morris Datle your %seekettil should disappear. Autiltori ..tilmission I,. Ir,',. to s.1S High to the %tire 1 naelline in the students. Faellli .11111 staff :1411111.inn Spa rt a n Daily oil, . U degrees. is $1.50 and general admission IN ARTAN DAILY Then :igain. it tita) siom. Masked $2.50. The group is presented to the College I Mon Program Board. iis>1 SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE Nletcorologist.

No. 38 Vol, 57 41111. SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA 95114, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1969 700 Hear Anti -War Speakers I. Rally, Strike Mark SJS Moratorium Activities

By JAY GKEENAN iooking for scapegoats following tion'" He started to talk about God led off by members of SMC, Gonzalez Doily Political Writer the war. He warned the crowd that and the Bible when one of the Black commented, '"fhat cat's got a louder Is The Vietnam Moratorium rally and a purge is imminent and that mora- Berets pushed him off. As the man was voice than I do." After the rally, the group I. strike at SJS touched off a minor dis- torium leaders and those who came out man continued to preach to a II turbance late Friday, when about 20 against the war would be the first to of curious listeners on Seventh Street. demonstrators broke away from the get the ax. As part of the Fall Offensive Against 1, crowd and paraded through McQuarrie "We must all make a full commit- the War, 50 students carried picket I. ROTC. signs at campus entrances. They were I. Hall, protesting the ment to fight domestic fascism that The disturbance was not part of the will come when we crawl away like informational picket lines, according to planned demonstrations, which were beaten dogs from the Vietnam war," Pete Graumann, regional SMC spokes- otherwise controlled. No arrests were he said. man. reported. Another phase of SJS anti -war par- "Ya baste rit's enough t symbolized AGNEW'S ATTACK ticipation came as a 'small group of the spirit of the Moratorium rally and He also suggested that the purge students left for a 50 mile march to strike. had already started to come when Vice San Francisco Thursday. It was re- Speaking to an audience of more President Agnew recently attacked the ported that the group had grown to than 700, Black leader Harry Edwards, media for promoting publicity against more than 80 as it reached Redwood former instructor in sociology at SJS, the war. City. The group of marchers joined the mass march in San Francisco Saturday, and Chicano leader Cot-key Gonzalez Second speaker Diane Feeley. of SMC has further activities planned from Denver. urged students to support the regional Student Mobilization Com- the Vietnam march in San .Francisco mittee SMC), told students she be- for next month, including a war tri- Saturday. "The people have the right lieves GI's in Vietnam and all over the bunal. It will try government officials to take to the streets when they be- country are in favor of the mora- for their part in the war. A group lieve the government doesn't represent torium. She discussed the march in San Philby HARRY EDWARDS of active duty GI's will act as jurors them or their interests," said Edwards. Francisco, saying that, many GI's ... rally speaker for the trials. would be participating. STRIKE ATTEMPT Diane Feeley, a member of the regional Student HISTORY Mobilization Committee (SMC), was one of three speakers at a rally on Edwards discussed the history of Escorted by five Black Berets, Cor- Seventh Street Friday. The rally and the unsuccessful strike was part of the events that followed the Korean war key Gonzalez, the final speaker, called Vietnam Moratorium. and explained that the government will for a collective action by Chicanos to demonstrate "Ya basta." Adderley To Blow at SJS 'The anti-war march in San Fran- cisco will be the greatest day in the Julian "Cannonball" Adderley, alto "Cannonball," who also plays the history of the peace movement and the sax player and leader of the "Cannon- tenor sax, trumpet, clarinet and flute McMasters Kicks Off A.S. Campaign Chicano movement," said Gonzalez. ball" Adderley Jazz Quintet, will per- "is a substantial part of the jazz scene form tomorrow night at 8 in Morris FIGHT FOR PEACE and his influence is continually grow- Dailey Auditorium in the fifth day of ing, particularly among audiences rela- He emphasized how the fight for Black Experience Week. tively new to jazz." according to Nat peace was in this country, "a peace The 41 -year-old Adderley comes from Hentoff, jazz critic. By Blasting Opponent's Methods that gives us an equal opportunity," a family of musicians. His father once Before starting his own group to he said. Gonzalez charged that the followed a musical career as a cornetist make such hit record LP's as "Nancy pool-, regardless of their color, are used Explaining his concept of student ters explained that his ticket, too, is he was surprised at the large Edwards but due to economic pressures gave it Wilson Cannonball Adderley," and as the cannon fodder to fight wars for government as that of a body repre- interested in changebut not on his turn-out. up to become a speech teacher in a "Mercy, Mercy, Mercy," Adderley industrialists and people who are mak- senting the whole campus rather than opponent's terms. His running mates share his opti- Florida high school. played with jazz great, Miles Davis, ing money from the conflict. one vested interest. Jim McMasters "For the first time in years," Mc- mism Vice Presidential candidate Both Adderley and his younger broth- front whom he learned "control." kicked off the Aquarius slate's run-off Masters said, "students have a clear- Steve Brennan indicated he was During Gonzalez' talk, an unidenti- er Nat were given instruments at an Members of the present quintet are campaign for executive office. cut choice about the type of govern- "shocked" at the number of votes Ed- lien man jumped on the speaker's plat- early age and have since come to real- Joe Zawinul, piano; Victor Gaskin, In an interview with Spartan Daily ment they can elect. Our whole intent wards' slate received. for, yelling, "Do you want a res'olu- ize their father's dream . bass; Roy McCurdy, drums, and broth- reporters Friday afternoon, the top is to bring out a record turn-out in er Nat, featured cornetist. vote-getter iu last week's special elec- this run-off election, because we want Tonight's featured speaker is Ron tion said: whoever is elected to have a mandate Dellums, Berkeley city councilman. He "The most important issue in this for rational change." will speak in the union's Loma Prieta run-off campaign is the possibility of McMasters had emphasized the word Room at 7. "rational," and when asked to elabo- Edwards Ticket Primes Ammo The following calendar lists the up- rate he used the opportunity to blast coming events: his opponent: Nov. 19, films, "Land of Senegal" and "The choice the voters have to make "Black Arts Festival-Dakar, 1966," is one of method. It's communication 3:30-6:30 p.m., JC141. versus militant rhetoric. They have to For Run-Off Campaign Battle Nov. 20, speaker, Dr. Sinclair Drake, decide who is best able to open up head of the Afro-American Program at insis- all channels of communication. "The tone of our campaign," John end to comment on McMaster's Stanford University and author of "If 1,762 students really believe that Merz. vice presidential candidate on tence Thursday night that Edwards "Black Metropolis," 7 p.m., Loma Pri- conservative. "I James Edwards can have a meaningful The Edwards Ticket, said, in explain- would label him a eta Room, speaking on the "Socio- communication for change with Ronnie ing their second place finish in last don't have to label him any kind of Psychological Implications of the Move-- Reagan; if 1,762 students really believe week's AS. primary, "was very person way," Edwards remarked. "His actions ment." that James Edwards can persuade to person. Everybody thought you had dictate what kind of person he is in Nov, 21, films, "Black History-Lost, Dudley Swim and the rest of the trus- to play a political game. But if you regard to the plight of the students Stolen or Strayed" with film narration tees to release additional monies for talk to people straight on you naturally here on campus." by Bill Cosby, 2:30-4:30 p.m., Morris state college programs; if 1,762 stu- get a positive response." Edwards admitted that he will be Dailey Auditorium, and "Cool World," confi- dents really believe that James Ed- The Edwards Ticket, James Ed- making an attempt to win the 7 p.m., S142. The day is also named wards can persuade community lead- wards, presidential candidate, Merz, dence and votes the three lasers in the "Student Awareness Day" at which ers to contribute financial support to and Tim Fitzgerald, treasurer candi- primary got. time high school students will be ori- ented to the college scene. an under-funded EOP program, then date, totalled 1762 votes, 54 less than LANGAN VOTES Nov. 24-25, scholar-in-residence, Dick perhaps they've been misled." the leader, Jim McMasters and the "To a great degree," he commented. Gregory will be on campus to partici- McMasters outlined his plans for the Aquarius ticket. "the only difference between the Lan- pate in seminars and class discussions. campaign by saying they would be The campaign this week will, accord- gan ticket (which received 1285 votes), JIM McMASTERS He will speak in the Loma Prieta Room based on attaining the broadest pos- ing to Edwards, be "hot." He repeated the others that lost and ours were the ... presidential hopeful at 8:15 p.m., Nov. 24. sible appeal. his call for a series of debates and "a people that ran." During the week, all day there will an irresponsible and vested interest Ile pointed out that the composition mass educational campaign so students -If people were voting for what Lan- be a Black Arts' exhibit both in the group taking over 5663.000 in student of the people working for him re- will understand all issues involved." gan was supporting," Fitzgerald added, Black Studies Office and in the College body funds and trying to direct it to flects this aim. "We've got students "then I don't see how they could vote CAMPAIGN MEETING Union. All the events and films are free one or two goals." from almost every passible campus for anybody else but us." JAMES EDWARDS and open to students and the public. Continuing to set- the theme for his organization working on our campaign. Yesterday Edwards' workers met at Fitzgerald also questioned McMas- ...seeks top post run-off campaign, McMasters reiter- This is the main reason I'm so confi- the slate's Ninth Street headquarters ters' ability to initiate the change in ated his point. saying, "Each student dent we will win." to make posters and signs. The three student lxxly government the Aquarius and campus government for the past is throwing in his nine or ten bucks Pessimism is not a trait of the candidates plan to continue bringing presidential candidate claints he can. year and we know how it works." and we feel he should he represented." Aquarius slate. In his statement their campaign to as many of the "McMasters is a bureaucrat," Fitz- Stanley To Address Fitzgerald said. He predicted that it Obviously irked at insinuations by Thursday night, following the election campus' students as possible on a gerald said. "and we don't need a %radii take the McMasters' slate "more other candidates that Aquarius is con- results, McMasters had said, "I ex- "person to person basis." bureaucrat this year. We need someone than a month" to learn all the ropes ExC Ecology Seminar cerned only with "tradition," McMas- pected to run first," and admitted Edwards took time this past week- who can articulate the issues. of campus and student government, "My own experience with Edwards John St ;11110Y, Wil,, Will address the Experimental College's ecology seminar; on Academic Council is that he can NO 'BACKLASH' articulate the problems." tomorrow on "Conservation as a Phil- All three candidates on The Edwards ertiophy of Life." practices what he The Edwards Ticket has been Ticket are confident that a "backlash" Street Booth campaigning on issues dealing with prraches. Chicanos Operate Seventh Thursday's vote in Wednesday and A lecturer in the &TS Biology De- strengthening student. participation in election will fail to appear. partment, Stanky is the founder of In an cllort to keep students in- Ii',,.,, Our Lally of Gicalalape Church, The Testes Urbans,. eellIpeSe, i /f campus administration, enlarging edu- "I really think the awareness of Concerned Conservationists' Church, an formed about the Delano grape boycott 2020 E. San Antonio, San Jose, to St. some SJS students, will also txrform at cational program like EOP, and re- racism on campus has heightened,'' organization of people who "live" con- aluelga SJS Chicano students have James Park for a rally at 11:3ir am. the rally. Members of the teatro a-rite evaluating the role of inter-collegiate Merz said. -For this reason I think servation. set up a laroth on Seventh Street. In efforts to bring back supporters of their own scripts, procure costumes and athletics on campus. The booth will be maintained, said the boycott and to recruit more, speak- design their own plops for their plays. people will be motivated to look at Stanley said his lecture will empha- Ray Martinez, Chicano soviology junior, ers from the community and from Prior to the Dec. 6 march, a food AA'. MEMBERS their reasons for voting as they will. size what individuals can do to pro- as long as there are volunteers to man Delano boycott headquarters will par- and fund caravan will go to Delano on All three candidates on the ticket I hope, therefor,. that they will vote mote conservation. "I will explain why it or the bad weather comes. ticipate. Nov. 22. Buses will be made available are currently members of Academic for what the person is saying, what he we must eventually adopt conservation Martinez explained that the booth, Speakers include Dolores Huerta and by contacting the UFWOC office at Council. Merz has served in the past stands for." as an underlying philosophy of life," he which is presently displaying large flags Pete Velasco, vice presidents of Ur- 237 N. First St., 293-1713. on student council :aid last year Fitz- Edwards feels the same. The possi- explained. bearing the UFWOC (United Farm WOC; Jim Drake of the migrant min- Officials in Delano will give up-to- gerald was A.S. president Dick Miner's bility, he said, of a White "backlash" He will explore "what it entails to Workers Organizing Comm i t tee ) sym- istry in Delano, and Antonio Del Bu- date information on the developments execut ive secretary. vote "depends on how McMasters runs subscribe to eonservation as a philoso- bol, also serves as an Informational out- ono of the Legal Rural Aid Society in of the boycott. Volunteers are eneour- Fitzgerald believes that iore of the his campaign. phy 14 life," and "what it takes to be- let for other Chicano activities. Gilroy. aged to bring ears. biggest differences between the Mc- "I don't think it can happen at S.1S." come a good conservationist." Rodriguez, coordinator Mrs. Rodriguez emphasized that the Masters ticket and The Edwards Ticket Edwards concluded. "But the tactic, Stanley' firunded the Concerned Con- Mrs. Elizabeth Chicano students wishing to utilize of the UFWOC activities in Santa Clara boycott is not yet over and more sup- is that if Edwards were elected into apixsal to the emotional fear of the servationists' Church in May of this the Seventh Street booth ean contact County, said Friday that a Huelga port is needed. After the rally, pickets office this week, he could immediately' Whites, could he used. year. and it now has about 100 mem-

March is planned for Dee. 6. will leave for area stores and continue Frank Ramirez at the Chicano HOP of- begin working on their programs. "The students at San Jose, however, bers, SO of them in Santa Clara It will start at 10 a.m, wills a march the normal Saturday picketing. fice, Bldg. V. "We have all been engaged in student won't fall for it." County. ?SPARTAN DAILY Monday November 17 1969 4113A RTAN DAILY SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE IFTH JIM BROADY Fditor MURRAY BERGER Adv. Manager COLUMN

11011 hthit.kF F1'

A can of %swim- has lieen opened in Editorial Santa Cruz! After receising a her of telephoned c saw:* Cruz NI iiir Richard J. Vs ertier strode. to the door of salsoolteacher Run-Off Colorful? lairrs Hell's residence eterans Day and asked him to re11111% e a MI li:ong flag "Flincsdat night's slani-liang However. just the opposite may be thingI his front porch. W11(.11 Hell re- tcle of effirient organizing Ity the the case. Like it or not. the SJS Asso- losed. the mas tor 11 101., 11111,11 i Ile flag 1 sell' I leetion Board ( for a (-hange) ushered ciated Students are comprised of what and. midi the able assistance of of- fended neighbors. ripped it to shreds. in what iIia% he the rebirth of colorful Wight be termed moderatesin a huge For Ii is patriotic gesture. Vi erner faces as student politics Ii SUJi mu) a malicious mischief charge in Santa Cruz ' The first four days of this. week A 1111odttrute is a person repelled by Municipal Conrt. promise to gilt- students a glimpse of dogmatic conservatism. yet fearful of Fr Ihe facts reporteil. there seems to the nitty-gritty hornslocking that 14111'e the brash moves of ultra -liberals. lie- little doubt that the Ma or is guilty of malicious mistIdef. Vs hen he re ed ellarileteriZed campaigns here Iael.oril- Right? We now have a polarization Hell'- flag from that porch_ the ma or ing arelii% I.,. al le:14 I. similar to this in many respects. Is it clearl usurped a constitutionally protect- kilo( her I )0.1 Irli I Ilion debate is in it plp:sible etintused usa that the mod- ed right his Bell. I The law. in- the and Inn.. In he an- erate will demonstrate indecisiveness terestingly e glt. does not distinguish nounced. \ two-person debate - Ale- by not toting? between the American flag and the V.C. \Lister. Edwards will leate no W hat if they had an election and flag.) "Take my advice ..." His eleeti% room for digressions into the realm nobody came? e office gave hini no midi- l' al right to take the action Ise ilid. Ile of idealism or pat -answer presenta- * * * broke the law, and therefore st Id he tions I)) either candidate. They will Presidential candidates can straight- Staff Comment willing to face the consequences. be faceto-face with ottly the issnes as en out their image in whatever ftnliion Hizzoner, howeser. has other ideas. referee. they prefer by submitting a 60-line. Ihrotigh his attorney. Raymond C !rich, Nuilents proliabltii II! be grateful 40-space "Guest Room. to the Daily What About Police Apathy? uutu ev.- sania Cruz mayor himself. Werner for derreased leafleting of the campus no later than 2 p.m. today. As this loss announced he mill enter a plea of not guilts and demand a jury trial. Ile explains lithium...1i heightened I. .r or may pro- deadline was treated lightly. by both By. VICKI RANDALL that he welcome,. the chance at a "public reanisl.b 1-ec10-11 turnout is still candidates during the general (special) Every body screams about police brutal- in %hid' the policeman obviously v%its an- duel. forum- tit tell ssli he removed and de- ity the., 1,,,t I about taking notice noyed at having been disturbed, he said he predictedIS most. hos% e Net% due to the electiim campaigning last is it is stroyed the flag. of police ;maths ? would connect her %lib someone else. A diametrically opposed images of the suggested they remember that no late And to coniplicate matters further, 100 I say this because of !Ivo recent events few seconds later. the phone went dead. contending candidates. articles were printed. American flag-v% as hug citizens. headed by that have affected me personally. I can im- The con% er-a I ion was (is er. lllll eilssiontin Anne Gariii. burned a Viet agine the untold and unheard "mothers of As I started to hunt through 111 purse Ging flag in front of Belrs I lllll se last night. similar incidents that just go unrecorded. for sonic- change. I happened to recall this Tiles declared their protest "a gesture of Guest Room Any is as. the oilier morning at about 8 conversation. The result wits that I didn't support for the mayor." o’cloik. i is as on my is ay to the sandwich even bother to get change for the phone \\ hat neither the patriotic mayor nor the shop across the slreet from the campus to vy hen I discovered I didn't has e a dime. i II -a lv isei I citizens realize is that the great- get some ie:I. As I vs.ts ts a I king past the %jail-an Attack Unfounded' est danger lurking in this otherwise mean- corner of Fifth and Sall Fernand() streets, RETURNS TO SCENE \ \ ingless farce is that the mayor may actually I noticed a Volkslt ;igen bus parked at the Biairais Student Later the same day. I was returning to Is,' supported by the town. corner is ith a man sitting inside. I didn't the sante store When I spied two off-duty Cadt they see the they will I he story I if the utters less of Mary Ann study the issues which led to the present give it a se( I thought as I continued on policemen sitting, ironically enough, in a be providing demonstrators with if a 1 tlior is ith Ohl Bereola am Ilie subject est- crisis before coming out to defend an Ill y way. Volkswagen but right out front. I debated "honte-tovsn" judge and jury upholds the "Biafra Are e Interfering?... indefensible Nigerian aggression. His at- When I got into Ille store. I suddenly tilltil, long and hard about saying anything, but mayor's "right" ill cis il disobedience? ishich appeared in \ ow. a ni.tu.i/inc stip- tack on Biafra Wie, also inhumane by at- noticed the same man standing next to 1 finally just walked up to the one nearest If Werner is not shown same 'dement of the Spil i all Dail\ . ui tacking not only the young Republic, hut me. buying coffee. He seemed to he taking the sidewalk and asked him if he was off- pa rtia as People's Park paraders or 1969. is as. rather IOW I rhillate. it CI I .1. an also those people in the L nited States a long time to decide what Ile %% anted. hut who duty, and would it lip possible for him to 11055 lllll nstritiors. a double standard will outburst attack on Itepublie of Biafra. are working purely on I anitarian I still didn't pay much attenti llll to him. As take a complaint.. He replied that he was have been net. and "equal justice under attack is a'- comidetely unfounded grounds to alleviate tremendous suffering I was mu my may out the door, he was off-duty, but asked me what die problem the lav%- will become i titer meaningless and inhuman,: unfounded because 'ti r. due to itloulytrolls atrocities and indis- right behind me and stayed that way all was. When I told 1 , he started to say, cliche. lau k iii complete under criminate I bing by Nigerians of hum- the vtay unit on to the street. He rushed "I'll tell you what you do." I didn't let \\list's more, it's very possible that the -iantling of die isites surrounding the Cent Biafra!' civilians. especially incapaci- up behind me and touched me in a man- him finish. I said. "I k Call the desk actions of an over-pairiotic 72-year-old 'arra 11- igerian conflict. tated children and pregnant women in ner I don't think necessary to) repeat. sergeant." His reply ? "Right." I just ntayor could set a court precedent is I think hi. should go and very carefully refugee camps and maternity homes. HYSTERICAL FEMALE walked away. is-ill give demonstrators who advocate. civil Ills fears and hatred have been shame- In spite of the way it may sound, I disobedience a new lease ott life. fully exposed to the American public and I was so intgry I i lllll euliately started for hard- ly expected him to declare a state I don't think the people of the United a phone to call the police. On the way of enter establish the fPARTAN DAILY States and the San Jose I haul second thoughts about just being gency air a manhunt on spot. SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE c lllll munity in par- hut I did expect at least a spark of inter- ticular art. going to listen to someone eonsidered an hysterical female, and fig- Guest Articles Second Clegg postage paid et San Jose, California. ured an isolated incident est. The and is seeking Guest Member of California Newspaper Publishers Amnia. whose appeals are based solely on fear, that it was just Daily will consider tin. Published daily by students of San Jose State hatred and lack of understanding of the tor some other justification that I can't I couldn't help Ind think of the possibili- Editorials and Guest Rooms from SJS stu- College, except Saturday and Sunday, during college cause which lie remember right nom ). Anyway, I talked ties. The man who botlwred me might dents and faculty members on matters af- year. The opinions expressed herein are not necessarily tried so hard hut failed to those of the Asociated Student Body, the College Ad- de1e1111. NO matter what Mr. Bereola says mtself hack intio calling the police, and right this ill incite- Ile attacking someone fecting the campus and its students. ministration, or the Department of Journalism and Ad- or thinks. then suddenly had another 11 ght. less lucky, maybe a child or an invalid. Arrangements for writing such materials vertising. Subscription accepted only on a remainder- Biafra has come to stay. Long of-semester. basis. Full academic year, $9; each lames. Iii- the Republie of Biafra! A few days before this incident, a friend The man cla im jug to be the Zodiac more may be made with Marsha Green, Daily Asso- Phone ter, $4.50. Off-campus price per copy, 10 cents. of mi uo. happened to mend llll that a man than likely isn't. but may nonetheless he ciate Editor, between 2 and 4:30 p.m. in the 194-6414Editorial Ext. 2383, 2384, 2385, 2386. Ad- vertising Ext, 2081, 2082, 2083, 2084. Press of Globe had called her. claiming to be the Zodiac. a potentially dangerous criminal. If the Daily Office, JC208. Final decisions on use of Printing Co., 1445 5, First St. She went throogh the same indecision I police expect to command any respect, guest articles are reserved to the Editor. JIM BROADY Editor dialed the number of the po- and to end the cries of police brutality, I should be typed double spaced Advertising Manager MURRAY BERGER did. hut :die Guest copy Day Editor CRAIG TURNER lice station and eventual] y was connected think the process need start right in their on a 40-space line. RICKARD Poetry JUDY News Editor with the desk sergeant. , call own backyard. Asst. News Editor DIANE McNUIT After a ph Associate Editor MARSHA GREEN Copy Editor LINDA GIFFORD love is for the his lug Sports Editor KEVIN DOYLE The quick. and not the dead. Fine Arts Editor WALT YOST Campus Life Editor CRAIG EVANS It's not for those who go Thrust and Parry Wire MICHAEL CRONK Editor Through life just existing. Feature Editor . BRUCE REILLY College Liaison Editor MARY MORALES And half-alive, half-dead -- Public Relations Director R. L. BEADLE Photo Editor DON WILSON They hope. College Union Architecture; SCARS Chief Photographer _ VINCE CAMAGNA ART RANGNO Meteorologists Vs ho look and dream and sigh obtained from and BYRON MARLER A visit to nearby Stanford will show one the good which could be computer- Retail Advertising Manager . LAMAR ANDERSON But do not dare to risk 'Si udents Cheated' simple yet beautiful architecture of the Stu- ized registration. Could it be that you were Art Directors MERV FONG and MIKE ENGLISH Thu glory of the fire. dent Union there. If it was a question of get- fearful of the objectivity of the machine? A KAREN WITTE Editor: Production Manager . ting the most for the money available. I think machine no longer obscuring haphazard filing National Manager JOHN DIRKS The electrical thrill I do not ordinarily comment on matters that waiting another two or three years for systems and the thousands of incorrect files Promotion Manager PATRICIA PISANO Anil the joys of real love. which I consider to be wholly of student con- ED GOODEYON more money to build a more beautiful College perpetuated by Wines and disrespect for stu- Business Manager cern, but I must say that I fully agree with Classified Managers JULIE STODDARD, They exist Union on the SJS campus would have been dent needs. student Ford McCormack in his letter of Nov. JIM MARSHALL and STEVE PROCTOR well worth it. Frankly, I think the students Is your "system" more important than this Asst. Production Manager TOM CORDER 12 in which he speaks of the hideous archi- here were badly cheated in what they received student body collectively and individually? Asst. National Advertising Manager NORM IVERSON Steeped in mores they did tecture of the new College Union. Seven years for the money they contributed to build this Those on the team who worked for SCARS Bookstore Ad Manager CHUCK ZUERCHER Not make. nor e% en want. ago I was strongly urging my students to sup- Ugliest of All Possible Buildings. believed in this systemnot as a panacea, but REPORTING STAFF: Jim Albanese, Candy Bell, Bob They cling to port the elfin t to begin collecting funds to tradition, At present, a new Business Administration rather a beginning of a transition to student Brackett, Brooke Brooks, Ellena Caller', Ed Crouch, build a College Union, for I felt then as now Gordon Damson, Jim Dourgarian, Isabel Duren, Ray Shifting from day to day. Building and a new Parking Garage are be- centered registration programs. We realize that this campus badly needs a center which Giles, Jay Greenan, Susan Hardesty. Greg Johnson, And year to year. Stifled ing built at the edge of the campus. I do hope that the main deterrent to the total success of Mark Lowe, Ken Luthy, will bring students together for cultural, rec- Jeff Kenyon, Bill Klicsu. that we will be able to tell them apart. our program was the failure of certain data John McLain, Mary Morales, Mike Nolan, Steve Perk, They die. reational and educational activities, especially Glenn G. Morgan, to find their way from the Administration Marty Pastula, Terry Fennel, Victoria Randall, Susan since most students live off campus. However, Saffold, Marcia Shinault, Delo Smiley, Jack Tinsley, Professor of Political Science budding to Engineering 144 a delay of sev- The truly I did not realize that the outcome was to be Stan Tulledo, Craig Turner. valiant ones eral months, reportedly on the part of those yet another Stalingrad bunker on a campus ADVERTISING STAFF: Beverly Blazer, Lynn Brihante, Assess the risks and take within the Registrar's office! which is increasingly looking like a Conctete 'Without SCARS' Dick Christensen, Marvin Cleveland, Barry D'Ambro- Them. Then they live, they love, Btlt In a sense, you might say the SCARS Gibbs, David Harris, Jungle. sio, Hobe Gay, David Drake team won. The 12,000 or more students who Hawes, Joan Hiatt, Janis Huber, Greg Kaufman, They grow, and their love grows Of course, I am spoiled by the beautiful An Open Letter to the Registrar's Office: received perfect programs are behind And Gene Keifer, David Loop, Henry Marks, Steve And encompasses all. Student Union buildings on the campuses of Congratulation! You've emerged from the us! they will speak out! Mountain, Paul Myer, Tom Onalfo, Mike Popovee, the University of Oregon and the University battle without any SCARS. You've fought Doug Saysefte, Russ Schwab, Cindy Sim- They live. Tim Price. valiantly to undermine the "team" effort in mons, Christy Sun, Dennis Tsubahara, Nick Tucci, of Virginia where I attended as a student, Noreen Wendy Flitter Alen Volkland, George Yang. and one could never match the grandeur of behalf of the students who were appalled by C00764 Virginia R. Balmer magnificent awe-inspiring Stu- long lines and semesterly harassment. Former member PHOTOGRAPHY STAFF: Ted Benson, Bill Kamberg, the and even of the now-defunet Rich Kelso, Donald Phility, Charles Slimmer. A00153 dent Union on the Indiana University campus. You have succeeded in destroying all the MARS team, Barrackm 12

a Monday, November 17, 1969 SPARTAN DATLYS Miss Clara Hinzea 'Pioneer' Autos for the Future By ED CROUCH In 9 seconds. The ear would travel million in It eloping a steam car, She Wanted On tin of is now working More Than 'Merely mph for but electric Teaching' a Daily Staff Writer Up to 40 maximum Electric cars :ire the ultimate 137 miles. Car. ,issiiteIi, iky class enroll- imp r 1, of 1918, and home in Medford, fluenza in retirement answer to the inrreasing prob- Also brought up in the discus- William Palmer, from General Feature she was olways WWII Editor ments available she''lit' of the found- Oregon. lems of air pollution. This was sion was the decision of William Elect lie Energy Division, was Earlier this r ir student counseling ers of Ise san Oct. 30 of the Spar- or for a Jirse Chapter of She died there on the consensus of a group of engi- Leas who developed the Lear Jet, also one of the speakers. The tan Daiis printed an oLituary friendly chat. She believed in the 81. tor tla- American Red Cross. this year at the age of neers who spoke in the College had made concerning his discon- group addressed apprrocimately 50 "a former memlier of the SJS inn ortance of talking with stu- It wasn't until 1950 that the "Miss Clara Rinse was a gra- Union Thursday. tinuance of a steam engine car elect rival en neering majors faculty roe 43 years." Miss Clara dents." college appointed a permanent cious and keen-minded woman. "It's unnecessary to produce Paterik said Lear had spent $55 and other students. 1iinze. Miss Ilinze was an adviser to geography faculty member to Her living habits were simple but 300 horsepower engines and Is, To most sf us this death notice many student organizations. work with Miss Hinze until her her life experiences were rieh. expensive to buy them," Wallis Jet Charter Flights meant nothing. The Daily waiter Among them were the Pan Amer- retirement in 1956, She was in every sense a true Igiski a research engineer. an- typed it from a yess release and ican League, whose members Under her leadership, course pioneer during the formative nounced. ROUND TRIP perhaps one or two students who were mainly Mexican -American offerings were expanded and in years of SJS." is the way Mrs. Laski, who is retired and now NEW YORK $135 * are freaks for devouring the students, and the Japanese Club. the latter part of her career, a Winters describes her late col- doing research on vehicle batter- LV. DEC. 19 RTN. JAN. 3 * printed word read it. which she founded in the mid- geography degree was authorized league. ies, is the president and founder LV. DEC. 20 RTN. JAN. 4 *

Fortunately, one of Miss Hinze's '30s. for the first time in the history Probably Miss Rinse's greatest of an association formed to pro- * teaching colleagues, Mrs. Mildred She encouraged the Japanese- of SJS. accomplishment was that she interest in and development ROUND TRIP . mote LONDON $249 *. Winters, professor of history. de- American students to participate In 1961, Miss Maze and her was able to win the admiration of the electric car. LV. DEC. 19 RTN. JAN. 4 cided that any wiman who would in college affairs, and by 1940 sister. I All1111. moved to the of her colleagues and evoke such Flank Paterik. Lockheed Mis- THESE FLIGHTS ARE OPEN TO STUDENTS, FACULTY, STAFF, give 43 years of her life to teach- the club was one of the largest Rogue Valley Manor, a hilltop it statement from one of them. siles and Space engineer ad- EMPLOYEES AND THEIR IMMEDIATE FAMILY ing, deserved something more and most active dubs on campus. group with his re- dressed the For Reservation Information Phone (415) 392-8513 than a four inch story on the "She was one of the few fac- electric car marks concerning an MAIL TODAY FOR FREE FLIGHT INFORMATION back pages ulty mentiers who appeared at he and an associate had built. Charter Flights It is through her efforts that the Southern Pacific( station to The primary problem of the offer comfort 995 Market St., San Francisco 94103 I now make a !elated attempt to when the bewil- electric car is the power and Please mail me information for flight help some people rememler what dered Japanese students were longevity of the batteries. the Daily story c ii, "a pioneer moved to embarkation centers on Pateiik built his car on a 1954 Name faculty memlier." short notice during World War Volkswagen chassis which Address Professor Enteritis; Clara I linze II," explained Mrs. Winters, weighed 957 pounds. He added a State Plume began her teaching career in Is13, On another occasion she de- fibre glass lardy, which added 330 after earning her credential frim fended the right of a Black stu- pounds. One 91s horsepower me SJS and a B.A. degree from the dent AO fulfill his student teach- tor was used, along with nickel State Students Special University of California at Ber- ing requirement. batteries weighing 55 pounds. San Jose keley. "When he went out to see Paterik and his associate es- Bring this ad & student body card & get 2 She became the first assistant about doing his student teaching timated the drag coefficient of ($6.50) seats for the price of one! to Mary Wilson George, who was in a local school, he found no their car at 3.5 !drag coefficient top price launching a new prram of ge_ one willing to accept him. Miss relates to the size of the car graphs’ here Nliss Hinz was Ilinse defended his right to do and wind friction: a Model A N. Y. Drama Critics' Circle Award 1968 soon to become SJS' imly geogra- his student teaching and took Ford would be rated 8.0, and a phy teacher. satisfaction when his major de- more streamlines' car, such as a SEASON'S BEST MUSICAL "She felt her purpose as a partment finally allowed him to Karmann Ghia, would rate per- A MODERN HUMOROUS teacher was to assist students do his teaching in its classes on haps 4.01 LOOK AT SHAKESPEARE! to learn rather than merely campus," said Mrs. Winters, Target speed for the car was A NEW ROCK MUSICAL 'teach' ciiurses," commented Mrs. During WWI she helped care 40 miles per hour. It was able Winters. for the students during the in- to attain the speed (from 0-401 On StageNational Touring Company ONE PERFORMANCE ONLY! Miss Photogenic FRI. EVE., NOV. 28 AT 8:30 Travel-Study Program SAN JOSE CIVIC AUD. NG Bring ad to Wendell Watkins Deadline Extended Box Office at Sherman Clay 50 N. WINCHESTER-10:30 to 5:30 p.m. Features Europe Tour For Applications Ticket Prices: $6.50, $5.50, $4.50, A combinatian rs, - tidy nla CA'S isited on the o will 114' $3.50, $2.50Phone 296-7866 program in Contemporio IStro- shown Wednesday, Nos. 19, at Deadline for applications for pean IN-tory will Iv c inducted 4 p.ns in CH166. the Miss Photogenic contest spon- Special Group & Club Rates For 20 Or More! by Dr. Jack 31. Pitt and Or. Those interested in further in- sored by Theta Sigma Phi, wom- Charles Kescrich of the History formation should contact Dr. en's honorary journalism society, Department when they lead a Patt, CH219, MISS CLARA HINZE ... 'students important' has been extended until Wednes- group of students from SJS to day at 4:30. Satisfying and rewarding careers Europe next summer.. Completed applications and as The program is sponsored by $5 entry fee may be turned in to the World Academy, one of the the Spartan Daily (JC208/ from largest and fastest growing ,ta Sermon on Seventh Street 1:30 to 4:30 daily. Applications REVENUE AGENT and travel schools in the w, for independent candidates The academy's size makes pos- By JIM ALBANESE In his message, the zealous swer either." will also be available sible suhstantial savings in travel, Daily Religion Writer Lopez pledged that he didn't come In desperation, Lopez visited there. James Choate of the San Jose' housing, meals and campus fa- Ron Lopez, a "voice crying out to SJS to argue religion. "I came his priest. "I told him I was SPECIAL AGENT back prose- thinking of ending it all. He gave Mercury will select five finalists cilities, resulting in the finest in the wilderness" brought here as a witness, not to me a little card that said 'smile, from the field of applicants quality program at a very low memories of Billy Sunday and cute the case." on Moody last week as The 25-yew -old street evangel- God loves you.' The thought com- the basis of their cost. Dwight L. photographs. REVENUE OFFICER the young street preacher urged ist blamed mankind's problems forted me when I finally broke Miss Photogenic will be chosen The cost of the entire 40 day scores of Seventh Street listeners on ego and self-love, "Love is not down and let Christ come into my by students in a penny voted dur- program is $895, and from four to accept Christ as their personal based on ego," he explained. He heart." ing the week of Dec. 1-5. The to six semester units of credit TAX TECHNICIAN savior. . concluded, "God loves you." Lopez, in addition to his four winner and runners-up will be can be obtained. With the yellow line down the Lopez, who became a Christian messages to SJS students last announced no later than Monday, await you with the Students will have an opportu- middle of Seventh Street as his about two and one-half years ago, week, has preached at Stanford Dec. 8. nity to travel in seven different pulpit, Lopez punctuated his mes- noted that he accepted Christ as University. "I never plan where Proceeds from the competition countries and receive instruction sage with an occasional "Amen!" a last resort to find meaning in I'm going to speak. I go where will go to a campus related chari- Internal Revenue Service from noted American and Euro- or "Hallelujah" as his steady life. God leads." table fund. pean educators at various world voice was easily audible to the "I tried taking drugs for a famous universities in Rome, Ge- crowd. while but that wasn't the an- CAMPUS INTERVIEWS SOON! neva, Paris, Cologne, Brussels, Amsterdam and London. Stu- . TEXT BOOKS dents will meet other Academy Opportunities in TAX WORK. Enjoy a sense of purpose and satisfaction. participants from all over the 1/4 "OYER along with an excellent salary, merit advancement opportunities, and United States, and also meet stu- \,\ 20,000 the fringe benefits of a career in the Federal Service. dents in the various countries Tit ES" Open Tonight visited. Mornings will be devoted Open Nights REVENUE AGENTSprofessional accountants specially trained to examine to various forms of learning ac- Monday thro Thursday Until 9:00 P.M. tax returns of corporations, partnerships, individuals and others tivities about the ciamtry visited. All Day Saturday Lets of Free Parking to determine Federal tax liability. Entrance salaries range from $7,412 to Afternoons will be spent in or- $11,233 depending on educational background and number of ganized sight-seeing tours, and in years of progressively responsible accounting experience. the evenings there will be planncsi social entertainment. 286-0930 Ott B.K REVENUE OFFICERS--responsible for collecting unpaid taxes and helping A 30-minute film describing the 330 S. 10th SAN JOSE taxpayers understand and meet their tax obligations. Bachelor's operation of the World Aialemy ARTIS1S 1.TiEfilALS degree (any major) or appropriate experience required. Starting salaries Program anti shim ins 1 thel $7,000 to $7,984 depending on your qualifications.

SPECIAL AGENTSinvestigate suspected or alleged tax fraud and related criminal violations, then document, evaluate and organize evidence and file reports on thir findings. Often serve as key witnesses in The Red Ram Presents: Government prosecution of tax cases. Positions open to men with a accounting; or law degree. Toes: Tom & I At' bachelor's degree including 12 hours in Entrance salaries $7,412 to $8,659 depending on ycur qualificaticns. ml: Flash Thur: Flash TAX TECHNICIANSidentify and explain tax issues to taxpayers (by Fri: Cleveland Wrecking (it. correspondnce or in person) and act as specialists in resolving a variety of Federal income tax questions that do not involve professional Sat: Cleveland Wrecking Co. accounting issues. Bachelor's degree (any major) or appropriate experience required. Starting salaries $6,176 to $7,639 depending on A rfentte your qualifications. P1t1,4 M.St t4..rt lOtkr 10 1 the trAgic .4-1e, PrAtfty 444441 Hash's final 2 in,rformunces o CAMPUS INTERVIEWS ON

NOVEMBER 20 (Accounting Majors) ' n1,4'41104 sik.f.t1 NOVEMBER 19 (Other Mal0r5) Mit '7( RON LOPEZ ... Christian Crusader ASIA. the.1,a,-,, I Our representatives will hold campus interviews to help you 4,41 cw,EGA..,-01Uf' [KS. 444 learn more about a career with the Internal Revenue Service. fits- P)it.t,e-d tt-to. Visit the Placement Office now for further information and .x.‘ , -4,, rconomy Cleaners For.moreiitaas oreelaq.c. too arrange an interview appointment. Love Tlitu;.tichu! Corner Second & Santa Clara Sts. E. WILLIAM ,eperiscsi . leritebes' 1000 OFF REGULAR PRICES Department of the Treasury tue'ePAcli,w,t-rre 0., WITH STUDENT BODY CARD SAN JOSE Internal Revenue Service tor re, 'wet ail VA I lit. P,!\ A One Day Service it .:11,i174.0 An equal opportunity employer

.rvfi eiggea- flame Cleaninf" 4Sr %ET 11511.1i Mond 0,ember 17. 199 Anti-Vietnam War Rally Blooms on Seventh Street

l'EACE RALLY ACTIONFriday’s Peace Rally on S enil Sti-eet dew a crowd of about 700. In evi- LIPrir:e ere ;ire: or signs in addition to shouting, praiiiry.; and dancing. Those are some of the faces in ;he Lrowd and on the platform. Speakers included Black leader Hr ry Edwards, a former instructor at Sr., and Chicano Corkey Gonzalez. The speakers rgi,r1 siludr_rits to participate in Saturday's San 'r Mrch. All of the activities were /ember Vietnsm Moratorium.

t f't

4 Monday. November 17. 11)69 IliPARTA".; 11%11.11 5 Now Claudia Knows _c7/.,, Cam. Trade Fair To Open in Art Quad S,1/ / ), Lye, in Trade Eau. organized In hell Nos. 19 ami :Jo Ii 'ni It - FOP 0 LIPON ONE COUPON Just What Smog Is! r. - IS art students as a 'lane where a.m. to 3 p.m. in the Art Quad. r 'nit r4FER EX Display tables and a bulletin students can exchange merchan- By VICKI RANDALL not hate a meteorologist to find board will be available. Students Fine Arts Writer out the weather for them. Clau dise and where "one man's trash can bring anything they want to SaSe.":011 gaIFO ilia explains, "I have to do it all RED BARN All kind, of surpr:ses are hid- is another man's Ittenstire.- will hartur myself. When I get to the studio den in 'leant>. pageart.. Not all around 5 in the afternoon. I call of the surprises are for the view- the San Jose Tower and the er, however. weather bureau. Then I call Hol- Claudia Nytraarl. KNTV's lister, Santa C1.112 and a few financial statement for the weather girl The following and San Jose State other places neat by. Finally, I put student, certainly bond that out. it all together." Vhile partivipating in a beauty contest, the head prornotion man- BEST THINGS 11968-69 fiscal year was released by the ager "discovered" her and Lilked One of the best things about her into auditioning for the the job, according to Clan tia, Is weather girl job at NNW. After the amount she's learning about 10 days of auditioning. Claudia the weather. "You really learn Student Affairs Business Office and prepared was given the job. t Put she didn't while you're working," she ex- win the hearty enntest. She was claims. "I never even really knew first runner-tux what smog was until I started by Ferguson and Young, Certified Public Ac- this job. I just thought it was NO TIME haze or something." At present Claudia is also a Another benefit is the clothes San Jose full time student at Claudia gets to wear from countants, San Jose, California. State. As she puts it, "I hate no Macy's. "Only I have to give them time newadays for myself I eel back. I tuually go over to Macys FERGUSON & YOUNG up at 8 a.m., (tome to school frorn about once a week and pick out NOME A FERGUSON. C P A CERTIFIED PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT 16/1 The Alameda, Suite 314 9:30 to 330, rush over to the a few outfits. You'd be surprised SAN JOSE. CALIFORNIA 95126 297 5183 studio to prepare the weather. how limited you are in what you September 23, 1969 do the two shows and run home can war on TV. You can't wear to The next day, I tall in lied. anything that sparkles, black anti get ttp and do it all over again." white don't photograph well, Board of Directors Claudia is a senior drama ma- plain black is too dull, and you Spartan Shops, Inc. jor with in minor in Ft even. After can't wear light colors because CLAUDIA NYGAARD ... KNTV weather girl San Jose State College changing her major three or four the writing they flash on the San Jose, California 95114 times, she decided to stick to screen doesn't show. So I have To a Gypsy Moth... jumping isn't only a We ha%i examined the statement of financial condition of Spartan Shops, Inc. drama since it had always been In, nuxstly dark do bright wear as of June 30., 1969, and the related income statement for the year then ended. her minor anyway. "I tried jcur- colors." way to live...but a helluva way to die, too! Our PX.1 was maile in accordance with generally accepted auditing nalistn. English. aeronauties, and After graduation. Claudia hopes included such tests of the ace( iiiiii ing records and driona," standards. and accordingly finally rata- in and chose to work on her master's, "This such other auditing procedures as we considered necessary in the circumstances. she says. "In fact." she contin- job really gives me the time I ues, "I think almost being an need during the day." she says. In our opinion the ace partying statement of finantial positi llll and related aeronauties major is what really continue with my studies inc statement present fairiy the financial position of Spartan Shops, Inc. "I can in helped me yet the r girl and still have the weekends at June 30, 1969, and the results of its operations for the year then ended, job. I think I was the only one free." conformity with generally accepted accounting principles applied on a basis auditioeing who knew the dif- Claudia does two shows nightly consistent with that of the preceding year, except that the fund basis of report- ference between a high ptessure on Channel 11. She, P. Bert ing was not used in prior years. area and a low one." Haney Jr. and Robb Mahr broad- Nome A. Ferguson In spite of most people's opin- cast the weather, sports and the ion, television weather girls do news at 7 and 11 p.m. SPARTAN SHOPS, INC. SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE Book Rev:ew CALIFORNIA STATE COLLEGE AUXILIARY ORGANIZATION STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL CONDITION JUNE 30, 1969 ASSETS CURRENT ASSETS: Gibran's 'Aphorisms' Cash $1,085,162 163,293 Fly CRAIG EVANS tion of aphorisms, published in Accounts receivable Campus Life Editor 1926 by Alfred A. Knopf publish. Inventories 450,128 Of the sea of books increased ers of New York, that echo of the Prepaid expenses 14,301 by about 20,000 annually -that same greatness that produced Total Current Assets $1,712,884 wash upon the shores of the read- "The Prophet," though very Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer presents ing public, there are few that singular in character. The - Production starring FIXED ASSETS: do not ebb into oblivion. 'Trees are poems that the Buildings and improvements $ 56,739 Few make their debut on the earth writes upon the sky. We Furniture and equipment 40,700 best seller list, and of those, only fell them down and turn them $ 97,439 the very exceptional will not into paper that we may record pass onto the nowhere land where our emptiness." t OTHER ASSETS $ 5,268 the journals of human thought Ni matter how great a man "The Gypsy Moths" Total Assets $1,815,591 eventually settle. may be. he cannot please all men. Of the exceptional. the ones For those of you who have not m..larbe Scott Wilson William Windom LIABILITIES AND FUND BALANCES with a lasting universality. there yet experienced Gibran. I invite Screenplay By William Hanley Based on a Story By James Drought are a handful which are eonsid- you to share a few moments' Executive Producer Edward Lewis Produced By Hal Landers and CURRENT LIABILITIES: ered treasures. These are the with him, then you may reject or: Bobby Roberts Directed by John Frankenheimer Metrocolor 0 Mal Accounts payable and other liabilities $ 221,470 jewels of human thought which Due to Slate of California 21,535 can be read and re-read and are (tempt him. There is a depth and Total Liabilities $ 243,005 perpetual fountains of wisdom an awareness of life to be found' SEE IT SOON AT A THEATRE NEAR YOU! or enjoyment. in reading him. FUND BALANCES: An author who has proda 11=10 several books in this category is Cafeteria equipment replacement fund - Note $ 96,325 Kahlil Gilman. Though he wrote Stmhnt Union Building Fund 400,000 13 blanks. Gibran is best known Bookstore addition fund 445,220 for "The Prophet." ' NOW! Bookstore equipment addition and replacement fund 135,088 PROFOUND Vending machine facilities fund 14,443 A profound wisdom, eompas- eo6ert;45 1474 a )etalPy Aepartment. Contingency fund 5,155 sion and potency permeate his . Plant fund 97,439 Biblical inspire,' passages. Unappropriated surplus fund 378,916 "I would walk with all those Large assortment of jewelry Total Fund Balances 11,57275-8-6 who walk. I would not stand still Total Liabilities and Fund Balances $1,815,54i to wateh the procession passing supplies keyed to your courses by." The accompanying note is an integral part of the financial statements. In but a few words, a whole philtisophy is enrompassed. SPARTAN SHOPS, INC.. Millions. speaking '20 languages. Casting Gold SAN JOSE have come to experience the STATE COLLEGE 10 and 14 carat CALIFORNIA STATE COLLEGE AUXILIARY )RGANIZATION richness and mysticism of the INCOME STATEMENT !Hatt philosopher and artist front Sterling Silver FOR THE YEAR ENDED 30. 1969 Lebanon, yet many are unaware round and square wire JUNE of the mellow wisddmi and mystic sheets Food Admin. sense of beauty that lies await- Files Total_ Bookstore Service Services ing them. NET SALES $2,596,887 $1,596,512 $1,000,375 Torlay's f.tster pace of life has Wax had a profound effect on the Wax Carving Tools COST OF SALES 1,642,074 1,190,672 451,402 writ ten word. Modern novels con- Gross Profit $ 954,813 $ 405,84(1 $ 548,973 tain no 10PLT passages of deserip- Findings thin. Brevity is the order of the orERATIN(; EXPENSES 876,682 334,008 542,674 day. The present-day reader has Saw Blades Net Inc From "better" things to do than sit for Clean Up Tools Operae 78,131 $ 71,832 5 6.299 hours to read the fine narrative stitchwork which (listinguishes OTHER INCOME 43,176 27,744 12,978 $ 2,454 novels of previous centuries. INTEREST EARNED 51.613 51,613 FRESH AIR OTHER EXPENSE ..... _31,232) 31.2321 In an age such as this, Gilman is a breath of fresh air One need Net Income I Lose) S 141,688 $ 99,576 15 11,9551 $54,067 not read name than a page to experience the profundity of The acc partying note is an integral part of the finamial staientints. thought whieh is offered within Open Tonight his pages. In one sentence he can pack a wallop that hits like a Until 9:00 P.M. SPARTAN SHOPS, INC. broadside from a battleship. SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE "Sand and Foam- 'a '11cc- CALIFORNIA STATE COLLEGE AUXILIARY ORGANIZATION NOTE TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS JUNE 30, 1969 NOTE: Read and Use Spartan Shops, Inc. has aectimulaied 594.837.00 it ii the State in a trust f 1 to provide for replacement of State-owned equipment used in the Spartan ()oily Classified Ads opera,' of the Cafeteria. A similar film! of 5211,61901 Was established at 30. 1909 for Ffplaue- For j 111P111 Of II1P 11PM Residence Hall State-o% lied P111111 411. Convenience and Profit Spartan Shops, 1111', has accumulated $96.321.00 in their own fund for re- 4Q7BOOKSTORE placement of those pieces of equipment %hid] cannot be replaced by the State trust fund. ...SPARTAN DAILY Itionclay, Nocember 17, 166f1 Ellis, Spartans Great But Bears Win juries. Jones is the only real se- 14 KEVIN: ISIVI.E eighth (.4 the ,eastin against one breaking the old record (4 652 insulting field goal by Randy J.)aIls ports Editor their mark to 5-4 with one game win Mile the Bears improved Wershing with eight seconds left rious casualty. total. Two ultra-questionable calls by BERKELEY Despite a rec- left. yards set by Steve Cox in 1966. in the game for the final had their second officials in the second and third ord-b reeking performance by Ellis, who garnered the Line- Lippi also set a record for most The Bears Cal coach Ray Will- quarter.; halted potential scoring split end Butch Ellis and three man of the Game honors, nabbed attempts in a season when he final period. troops call time out drives by SJS. quarters of top - 'HAIM football. 10 of Ivan Lippr's passes for 151 added 51 act ials to up his total to sey had his rec- with eight seconds left so Wer- SJS was upended 31-7 by the Uni- yards to set a single season re- 286 for the season. The old SPARTANS 'WORN DOWN' by Danny shing could kick his third three- versity of California here Satur- ceiving record. ord was 260 set in 1966 The Bears' superior strength pointer of the game to tie a day. The sophomore now has 43 Holman. and depth not an over-abun- school record. The loss was the Spartans' catches for a reconl 663 yards. dance of talent wore the "small' DOMINATE 3 QUARTERS The Spartans had the Bears on Spartans down until things caved The Spartans out-played the the run for most of the third pe- in during the final stanza. heavily favored Bears for three riod and for almost all of the Spartan offensive backfield GRAND OPENING quarters. Lippi's nine-yard scor- first half before injuries, poor of- coach John Mackovic reflected ing aerial to Larry Merlini with ficiating and tiredness caused the Ellis' performance best when he 56 left in the second quarter roof to cave in. 9un Won ee4taurant said, "I think he did everything gave the Spartans a 7-6 halftime NUMEROUS INJURIES that you could expect of a re- A Delightful Experience in mu% in. Seymour .1 ones (shoulder ceiver." Cuisine With 1:57 left in the third pe- Chinese & American SJS will close out its season ri(xl Cal quarterback Dave Pen- Bruce Lecuyer (charley-horse), it hall hit tight end Jim Calkins Frank Slaton anklei. Jim Ferry- Saturday afternoon at Spartan Eat Here or Order Food to Go with a seven -yard teedee pass for man (swollen face), Jay Fischer Stadium with its traditional game at 38 S. 3rd St. FREE PARKING the Bears' first touchdown in 10 facial cull, Mickey Wharton with the University of Pacific. straight quarters of play. t 72 E. Santa Clara St. 297-7184 !ankle l arid Frank Fag-uncles UOP easily defeated Santa Clara The Bears' momentum carried Butch Ellis: 'Catchy Receiver ankle part or an- Saturday evening in the Mission Open Daily 6:30 to 9:30 into the final period as they add- I missed one er] two more touchdowns and an other in the game because of in- City. Intramurals Soccer playoffs, matching the Intramural Director Dan Un- top two squads from each league, ruh reminds all team and sports get underway Wednesday with managers to visit the IM office at Sunshine Boys No. 1, Alpha Tau least twice weekly. Omega No. 1, the Iranian Eagles Upcoming dates: Nov. 24, team and Juventus (Moulder Hall) and sports managers meeting, currently ranked as the top MG 201, 2:30; Turkey Trot, Nov. teams. 25, 3:30; Nov. 26, deadline for Flnal games today pit Delta badminton entries. Slim against SAE No. 2, West Te...07.e.dr./'-ore-o7/740:07..e.P.JGCCIZe'...eJee Hall vs. Sigma Chi, and the top squads in A league, ATO No. 1 and Sunshine Boys No. I. B league tilts match Iranian I Eagles and Theta Chi, Juventus sq oga and ATO No. 2, and SAE No. 1 with Sunshine Boys No. 2. & MEDITATION Intramural hunch competition finishes up Tuesday and tourna- Led by ment action commences Thurs- Sri A. Alexandrou day. Six at-large teams along with the winner from each of the , 70 Hawthorne Way 10 leagues enter the playoffs. Rated favorites are Theta CIF, 286-S487 No. 1, Alpha Tau Omega No. I. ; For further info call: Nat Turner and Zoo No, 1. All Experimental College are undefeated. I ,401:160000C0000004000rire



in A graduate school with real teeth. Set your sights on this: The computer Or you can make a promising career Industry is only fifteen years old and as a computer specialist. Mr. Shaun Bresnahan Honeywell Institute of Information Sciences already there is 15 billion dollars worth of We have the only program that's 6620 Telegraph Rd., Los Angeles, California 90022 computer equipment in use. exclusively for college graduates. And o Please send me additional information of your program. By 1975, that will double, producing because we make computer equipment, substantial new computer benefits for we're particularly well -qualified to teach o Please set up an interview on or about Honeywell will cat you to confirm this date. business and the community. And cre- you what computers are all about. LORD REGIS OF LONDONTOWN SQUARES ating more than 500,000 new computer- Classes are held in Los Angeles, Name Tel WHEN SHOPPING TRIED ON Al FLARES WITH A GLANCE IN THE GLASS related (College) Reedence jobs. beginning every June and September. HE SAID, BLIMEY WHAT CLASS Honeywell can prepare you for this This could be your big chance. City State Zip AND SO, HE BOUGHT EIGHT MILLION PAIRS! bright future. You'll be able to apply Pounce on it. Send the coupon. $10.00 to $11.00 L College( Year computer technology to your chosen field. Fl FLARES The Other Computer Company: Honeywell 17 lattl SPARTAN I) 4MT-7 Inter Regional Playoffs This Week 1tiontirty. Voyrmber Spartan Booters Beat USF for Third Straight Title

By MEN named for the tournament I ut thot drooled us physically." Andre Marechal and Vic Koli- aani, as tilt. topviung 500011. ss all just under 12 minutes left meeting the Spartans had a 27 Daily sports riter UCLA. representing the southern The Air Force was SJS' open- &VON Si kW to that by scoring two Hernandez passed to Marechal to play to avert their first shut- to 11 margin in shots-on-goal. The Spartans are champions! region, and USE. even though ing night opponent in San Jose's and one goals, respectively, from but Pimentel was unable to get out 01 the season. The Spartan junior arsity end- SJS' booters whipped arch- losing, will join SJS and Air invitational t o ur nament last their center-(olward positions. his shot through off Andre's dish The two-goal margin was the ed its season on a losing note, rival University of San Francisco, Force in the first bracket of post - month. While the Spartans were Junior Marechal, normally a off in another abortive attempt. largest in five years of Don-Spar- dropping a 3-1 decision to USF's 3-1, to capture an unprecedented season play that will culminate being banged around in winning a halfback, drew the praise of an Taking a precarious 1-0 lead tan battles. tough JVs. Brice Soriano got the third consecutive West Coast In- Dec. 6 at Spartan Stadium with 2-1 battle, USF won a relatively elated Menendez. "He played dou- into the second half, SJS came on In winning, SJS outshot the only score for SJS. which fin- tercollegiate Soccer Conference the NCAA final. easy game over Santa Clara. ble duty for us and was in there quickly to increase the count to Iiilltoppers, 16-12. tr. the first ishe I with a 6-3 season TVCOrd. championship Friday night be- Friday's win avenged a mid- Even so, it took a last minute for 90 minutes. You cant ask for 2-0 with just four minutes gone fore approximately 6,500 fans in season Don victory against the Don goal to pull out the victory more than that." in the third period. over SJS in the finale. Spartan Stadium. Spartans. Coach Julie Menendez The 5-6, 140-pound Nlarechal After Camacho made a good The second factor, according The win gives SJS one of four attributed the difference in thew showel why he's nicknamed save on a Koliczew attempt off were to Menendez. was the different berths in this week's NCAA Re- contests to to things. "We ,oaking a leaping head a fast break minutes before, The pre- formation the Spartans employed. gional, to be played between Nov. fresher for this game. shot ii.i I itt goalie John Ca - "Frog" notched his second point Air "This time we played our wings VAUGHN 20-22. vious time we had played macho in the seeond period from close in off a Hernandez before ant on defense." Two other teams remain un- Force the night for the Spartans' first goal. free kick at the 17:55 mark. PRE-HOLIDAY Outside-left Mani Hernandez The opening quarter was a de- As it had after the Spartans' and starting right winger Joe fensive struggle, with neither' first goal, USF forged a strong JAN'S TYPING SERVICE Pimentel, the Spartans' first and squad able to mount sustained of- offensive effort. But goalie Vi- 1/2 PRICE SUIT SALE four th best scorers, concentrated fensive thrusts, SJS came closest guen Khachikian made a leaping their efforts at defending rather to scoring when Camaeho was save on the Dons' closest at- than attacking. But the switch momentarily blocked off, leaving tempt, and SJS regained some RESUMES LETTERS VAUGHN'S PRE -HOLIDAY SUIT took nothing away from SJS' the goal open. momentum. TERM PAPERS STATISTICAL WORK ,coring punch. Later, with three minutes SALE . . . our entire stock of suits re- Then with 1:09 left in the quar- FORMS ter, big Koliezew followed a 1-la- including Sather Gate Clothes at mid Saedian miss from five yards price. Select from Tweeds, Vested Suits, 5027 Hyland Avenue out to give the Spartans a com- Sharkskins, Gabs and Worsteds. Early San Jose, California manding 3-0 advantage entering selection advisable! JAN WHEELER 259-6523 the fourth period. It was all downhill from then. Able to play conservatively, the Suits. . ,.NOW 39.75 Spartans were content to concen- 79.50 trate on defense to protect the 85.00 Suits.... NOW 42.50 lead, rather than try to increase it via renewed offensive tactics. 89.50 Suits... . NOW 44.75 The Dons finally broke through 100.00 Suits NOW 50.00 as a Carlos San Martin head -in JONAH'S WAIL 115.00 Suits.. .. NOW 57.50 Coffee House is now open 125.00 Suits. NOW 62.50 135.00 Suits.. .. NOW 67.50 Monday-Thursday

ISCOUNT ON ALL MERCHAN 10:00 A.M.-5:00 P.M. SKI 35% D/se Friday Rentals BANK CREDIT [AIMS WILCOME UGH AT SATHER GA'TE Sales 1.5151(1,11s s suires 10:00 A.M. - 1:00 P.M. Est. 1927 Saturday Group Rates lolia float Sale% 123 S. 4th Si. 7:30 P.M. -1:00 P.M. 141.10 Ste% erns Creek, S.J. Open Mon. & TImrs.7i1 9:00 p.m. 253-2500 COFFEE, CONVERSATION, RELAXATION Dmi,y pho, by Churl, Shawyr, FROS-14 ACEForward, half- JONAH'S WAIL back Bert Baldaccini has been a pleasant surprise for SJS' best parts. The of its soccer team in his first season, than the sum than that no better better 10th & San Carlos scoring four goals and playing SYSTEM is sound any per- Hill can't deliver upon the A speaker; is dependent consistent defense. amplifier and turntable packages a sys- turntable. The Alco by the stylus. When bringing fed in cartridge and consideration, of the Parts" into possi- formance "Four the lowest all these performance at tem, we take stereo balanced you completely PART ble price. RECORD SALE HARMONY

# r . t (71 % s ) 0C I ) s B.A1 BEN)AXIVI/11\11.1

trt I LIVII I F:12i.C:C1IFt .. lop pedormance 'no complete steal ’ FISHER 1114 AM/FM STEREO RECEIVER 65 watts of musi.: power, integrated circuitry and field effect transistors with stereo beacon aril . o --- matic none (terse switching with complete inputs. The first high powered receivel with polo Pi, ...... AM and FM stereo Facilities to be tiered at halt the cost ore would expeet to pa/. In term' CO perfoimance the Fisher 1754 is unquestionably the f inert value in the AM FM receiver cats has 65 watts of music power at 8 ohms.- a measurement that conlowns to the impedance of vi' every speaker system of good quality. (thou comprehensive !ape and photo facilities, and pre, ...... LI for an auxiliary source. It has elaqi and remote speaker switches. List Price Benjamin 620 Autsmatic Changer: This 'best her automatic record changer features "lighlib9ttoler5b Moon pushbutton controls, precise cueing. anti-skate compensation. LIST PRICE $99.50 es_ ..nor BENJAMIN 1111-3 cv.tom fitted wooden base, styled to match your hi ft system LIST PRICE SHURE M-44C STEREO CARTRIDGE. Highest quality at tho lowest price. These stereo dyne'. el.' ridge: have won wide critical acclaim. LIST PRICE ' $17.95 121 MX SPEAKERS are complete with Arch acoustic suspension woofer or inch wide dc person cone tweeters. The AR4X Ira best buy in any comparative shopping survv. LIST PRICE $132.30 the pair Regular List Price $521.65


2000 (count 'em) FREE CABLES & CONNECTING WIRES records to $1.57 choose from $1.99 cpaPtait SeekAtope deniers LOS ALTOS SAN JOSE CAMPBELL 4916 EL CAMINO 80 S. 2nd Or 79 S. 3rd 1625 CAMPBELL "In the College Union" (South of San Antonio) 297-7111 (Opposite Nirlfweed Plozal 948-8273 Parking Tickets Validated 379-7219 II-SPARTAN DAILY Monday, November 17, 1969

San Jose Switchboard 30 XEROX COPIES -NO MINIMUM Satisfaction guaranteed - FREE Collating - 7 colors PLUS Needs Operating Space legal and 3 hole punch paper available at no extra cost. 100% Rag bond paper for The San Jose Switchboard is they offer clothes, baby items and thesis at 10 per sheet extra. looking for someone who is will- furniture for people "to take ERROR FREE TYPING SERVICE on our new IBM MT/ST type- ing to donate a garage or space what they need and leave what I writer for all your typing needs - thesis, term papers, resumes. from which they can operate they want." 1 their "free store." Those interested in donating op. GNOMON COPY SERVICE The Switchboard is currently crating space should call the 484 E. San Carlos (between 10th & 11th Sts.) San Jose - 287-7550 01.er:dint; from a closet where Switchboard at 295-2938. Spartan Daily Classifieds

RENT lFeb, to Sept.) SALE III 7 MONTHS FREE LOST ANNOUNCEMENTS Ill FOR in home of professor to responsible AND FOUND lot couple in eischenge for caring for his NON-PROFIT FLYING CLUB needs stu- FREE EAR PIERCING - FAST - PAIN- 3 school age children. Feb. to May LOST! Small black puppy, with brown or markings. Corner of San Salvador JAZZ DANCING-The Women's Physical Education Depart- dents ard licensed pilots. Four aircraft. LESS with purchase of Gold Earrings. only. For additional info. 264.3994 & 3rd on II/s. Please call 298.4855. ment is holding its second Studio Hour of the semester. This ow membership fee & monthly dues. (from $7.501 Call for appointment. 297- SJS Ext. 2782. 257.7562 or 248.8484. 6522. Evelyn's, 40 S. lit St. Downtown. CHICKS wanted for legitimate nude WHAT! month's concentration is on jazz. The Jan Studio Hour will take evenings. Equal Op- Tues. & Thurs. U.S. SURPLUS: Field Jackets, Combat modeling. 286.5033 PERSONALS 171 place Wednesday at 6 p.m. in the dance studio, PER262. Stu- YOGA & MEDITATION. portunity Employer. 7:30.9:30. 70 Hawthorne Way, 5..1. Boots, Bell Bottom Pants, Pas Coats, I dents from the Women's P.E. Department and the Music Depart- eve. Busi- You still don't 286-5487 - by Sri A. Alexandrou. Camping Supplies. HIPPIE FASHIONS: TUTOR needed for Quantitative HATHA YOGA & MEDITATION. Tues. ment will combine to give their impressions of jazz. Practicing Furs, Leather & Suede Jackets, Velvet ness Analysis. Ask for Roger at 1253 ON FLASH & Thurs. eve. 7:30-9:30. 70 Hawthorne for the performance are Fred Edinborgh, drums; Alan Strange, TURN Goodies. Jack & Pet's 3rd Hand Store. S. 7th St.. after 600. Way, S.J. 286-5487. Sri A. Alexandrou have a lob? Monday Night 9 to 10 375 E. Hedding St. between 8th & 9th. bass; Dwight Cannon, trumpet; and Richard Prioste, tenor on KSJS, Channel 90.7 Hours 11-6. Closed Mondeys, Remember the CLOTHES HORSE saxophone. condi HOUSING 151 BOUTIQUE has the clothes end acces- EUROPE JET FLIGHTS PIANO, Rembrant upright, good sories you need for every day and Try +ion, $115. 259.4480. (For students, faculty and staff only) ROOMMATES - for fur- special dates. Easy layaway plan. 242 S. Mar. Like new. Size 38. $50. 294.2157. WANT MALE Los Angeles-London' (Round-trip) TUX - n:shed apt. 529 S. 10th #9. Drop by 3rd between San Carlos & San Antonio. June 15- MASinHY 29-June 16. II Weeks $255. SKI BOOTS. Double. Men's Excellent before 1000 a". and after 9:00 p.m. TURN IN - TURN ON Sept. 22, 14 Weeks $295. June 21 -Aug. hand mnde quality Rains. Almost new. MALE ROOMMATE NEEDED To share 2 500 lbs. pressure-120 soft water with Services 1,1c. Spartaguide 21. 9 Weeks $295. July 5-Sept. 3, 8 Size 121/2. Cost 875-Sell $25. 269-9613. film free detergent. Astor's Coin Auto

Weeks $295. For application write or bdrrn. apt. with 3 others. Furnished Ski Rack (For Trunk) $15 Apt. 732 S. 1st, call: ITS TRAVEL: 4246 Overland Ave. BEARCRAFT $47.50/mo. 780 S. 11th 297.8350. (Never used) and speaker Apt. TODAY American Marketing Atsnocla- Culver City. 90230. (408) 286.6929 Car Radio #20. Very congenial atmosphere. We have need for $15. Call 287-0150 ask for Steve. is filled with girls! SERVICES 181 Lion, 7 (213) 839.7591. society for the Advancement of p.m., Umunhum Room. RECORDERS, Ic AUTO- INSURANCE as 'ow as $86 per NEW CASSETTE TAPE FEMALE ROOMMATE NEEDED: 2 batteries, All office skills Management, 2:30 p.m., Calaveras College Union. Guest speaker Bill year for married, good students. Also, AC/DC, incl. tapes, case, share 2 bdrm, apt, with 3 other girls. STUDENT TYPING in my home. Fast, Ac- I war. savings for single man over 21. microphone, earphone. etc. yr. Furn. $47.50/mo. 780 S. 11th, #19. curate. Minor Editing. Mrs. Baxter. Phone Room, College Union. All stu- Lager will speak on "Problems erce1le^t $29.95. Call Cr George Carnpbe ' 244.9600._ ranty. RETAIL $41.50. SALE 293.4277. 244-6581. 111 W. St. John 298-5667 of Small Business Operations." 287-4781. Ask for Ed. lents invited. "GOOD THINGS COME IN SMALL COLLEGE COUPLES WELCOME! - 2 EXPERT TYPING SERVICE E. San Jos*, Community Financial Management Associa- PACKAGES" RECORDS AND TAPES. All current 45's, child -- OK/Adult area/pool/rec. rm. 258.4335 143 Bahama Way. TOMORROW and reel to 10 min. from SJS. 2 bdrm. $135 Mgr. 1350 Bas- 8 p.m. 15c drink for lc with this L.P.',, cartridges. cassettes RENT A TV OR STEREO: Free service, tion, 7:30 p.m., Zorba's, After for sale at a,40% discount. 286-3795. Bark B;thi. Alpha EM Rho, social hour from 1 coupon/person at one time. reel tapes No contract. Free delivery in SJ. Gall com Ave. coupon. order basis through a whole- room er: ier. Nov. 19. Red Barn, 6th & Special MALE STUDENT. Private upstairs Esche's, 251-2598. Suite 510 6:30-7:30 p.m. Meeting scheduled Offer by Tues, pick up on Fri. 293-2711. All Women's Connell, 3:30 p.m., Santa saler. Order in quiet home. Near college TYPIST. Accurate, 8-track cartridges recetded. Advance EXPERIENCED Fest. fl'OM 7:30-9 p.m., Blum's Town 537.50/mo, 484 S. 13th St. Can Edit. 5 miles from campus. Mrs. An Equal Costanoan Room, College Union. COME TO A DIANETICS OPEN HOUSE payment not necessary. Ken - 1021 Count* Village. film will DORM CONTRACT AVAILABLE Aslanian - 298.4104. Opporturity Ei sployer and A AT Sunday. Nov. 23 at High Rise Dorm, 3-5 M.F. 287-3481. Election of officers. Markham Hall EXPERIENCED TYPING - ELECTRIC. shown. Clara, 320 McKinley - Bay Gelding twelve hands. 5 Larry 325-7097 PONY Contact Master's - Reports - Dissertatienex Sigma 31u Tau, 1:30 p.m., S21( 1 block off Stevens years. 295-5516 after 5. . , Witness a live unre LARGE HOUSE IN MOUNTAINS 10 Marianne Tamberg. 1924 Harris Avg. Guest speaker, Mrs. Betty Walk- Room- te -1-ion of the revolution- ,S.Kwl. hB0a0, 2s9ei a51 1 0819/g. N, Almost min. from Downtown Saratoga. 3 Call 371-0395. San Jose. er will discuss "Medical Technol- ar, rr itniques for removing mates Wanted, 4 Bdrm. $90. 867-2750. PROFESSIONAL photography for any appl.ed. SKIS, Kastle.200, Marker Binding. $125 Dave. , nurpose. Reasonable rates. Cell ogy: Training and Licensing." Tr MAKE YOUR OWN CHRISTMAS or Best Offer. Call 207-0379. FEMALE ROOMMATE NEEDED: - 286-1139, Upper Div. preferre-i CARDS. Screens and easels direct WOODLATHE, 12". swing. 4' long - share 2 bdrrn. apt. EXPERT DRESS MAKING and alters- campus. $58.33/mo. 286.5212. A COMPLETE near from m acturer. Call Bob 287-1865. $29.95 new. Radial Drill Press, 32" - , dont Rate. Call Mrs. Doris Lay, $37.50 new. 8" Ball-bearing, Tilt.arbor ROOMMATES for 3 bedroom 2-pi, table saw with I h.p. motor - complete Partly furnished apt. - Nonsmoke Marketing Group 121 GARDENING, LANDSCAPING, ROT. AUTOMOTIVE for $60 new. 292-0409 or I blk. from please: Call 379-3352 5-9 p.m. - PRUNING & CLEANING. Cell campus at 60 E. San Fernando. no' *AS ONLY 49' ROOMMATE WANTED to share 4 p.m. 298-4383. Free Estimates, condition. BSA articc, 1968. Excellent in 3 bedroom house. 585 S. 10th S' AN'S TYPING SERVICE - Resumes, To Hear Speaker only 1400 miles. Asking $650.00 Call Bob 292-1587. HELP WAKED 14) 1,rs, term papers, statistical work, or Bill Kaswen 298-7911. FEMALE UPPER DIV. ROOMMATE to forms. 5027 Hyland Ave. S.J. 259-6523. '67 VW Bus - Double Bed - Coleman $ NEED MONEY $ - Newspaper sam- share 2 bdrm. house with fireplace. TYPING ON IBM ELECTRIC. Experi- BIG In College Union Cooler. $1650 or best offer. 3 p.m: ple program full time, part time, steady $47.50/mo, 460 S. 11th 297-3967 or enced in Manuscripts, Students' Papers, BARNEY' work, come by. 8 p.m. 264-5129. 4 good men wanted immediately. General. Near College. 297.6506. Ago 18 guaranteed Bill Lager, president of Acacia CAMPER Fully equipped, bed, to 29. $2 per hr. MEN: Graduate or upper division - SEAMSTRESS French 1965 VW plus bonus. No exp. Earr, while Fries & Coke Sales, will speak at radio, refrig.. cabinets, NEW engine & maeded. singles - doubles - kitchen privileges. Cheap. Call Kris 297-4390, a meeting of you learn. Transportation fm. Cell to- 617 S. 6th It you haven't h,....: :1 H ,rney. trans. Clean MUST SELL. $1.400 or best St., San Jose. you don't know w-lac . . -.. \ th, American Marketing Associ- day. Mr. Looney 292-6811, NATAL Horoscopes and Explanations offer. Call collect 14151 343-5007 after FEMALE ROOMMATE needed to share re -1 from the minute you were missing! Two dello,: . I,Arger .,. .1.on tomorrow at 7 p.m. in the 2 bdrm., 2 bath apt. with 3 otters. patties, cheese. letc,, . e , iae, 6 p.m. ask for Mrs. Mountain. WOMEN: Temporary & pert-time baby- bc- - David Pfaffle 287-1508, (iillege Union's Umunhum Room. sitters end housekeepers needed, Heath. Vacancy immediately following Xmas and our own special sauce one 175 850 miles. 1966 street model NEED YOUR HOUSE CLEANED? double Room. OSSA erlee Agency 296-3533, days. 286-3481. 470 S. 11th St. #42. deck roll. Try it with $365 or reasonable offer. Call Dave at Cell L r - 297-4773 Frenrh Fries and a Coke today! FEMALE - Age 18-20 - Part time DORM ROOM AVAILABLE. Washburn Regular 84c An SJS graduate, Lager will 287-0955. -6-61TAR INSTRUCTION: Classical, Folk, Price store keeper. 50-60 words/min, typing Hall, Contact Shirlee Cope I a nd discuss "Problems of Establish- 4 541 S. bit, or 297- '68 T-BIRD LANDAU. Perfect. Tudor, required. Hours flexible 295.7778, near 295.9534. ing A Small Business." He will Air, Full Power. 25.000 mi., warranty. campus. ROOMMATE? Senior des', cover financing, pet sonnel and Must Sell. Best offer, 354-1724. looking for house or apt. \.A. . SELL PEACE FLAGS (9) product ion. '63 TR SPITFIRE, New Engine, New Flag comes with marching stick or can be own room for $69+ mo. Phone 265-1665. TRANSIliORTATION with coupon The businessman has brought Clutch, New Top, Roll Bar, Many Extras. flown from car antenna. Sells for 69c, TWO FURNISHED rooms for 2 quiet Make Offer. 379-9229. you make big profit, Cell 286-9716 for men. Private bath & entrance. Kitchen. JET CHARTERS for Ch,is,reas to New the company, which he formed, job. York & Europe. round trip. No fee. Call Roadster. Excellent ette, yard, off.street parking. $72.50 to, currently, over $1 million in JAGUAR '69 XKE 252-4170. Prof. David Maga at 293.1033. Condition. 227.6541 after 6 p.m. CUSTOMERS WANTED - NO EX- sales, according to Leo Slattery, PERIENCE NECESSARY. Astor's Coin WANTED: Female roommate. Grad Or RIDERS NEEDEDto share expenses te an AMA spokesman. MGA '60 Good Condition. $700 or best Autowash 732 S. 1st St. - 804 Lincoln Senior to share apt. with 2 others $47 Denver. L.-a in 2 weeks, Call 356.6052. after 6 p.m. offer._ Call 664-2454 - Ave. too, 545 S. 9th St. 295-4696. TOMMTOW'S meeting will also FOR SALE: 250cc Harley-Davidson Mo- 88111 be the last for club sign-ups for tor-, - $350. Call 293.9554. the semester. aecording to Slat- '69 VW Bug +nonwhite with red & black tery. 9.000 mi., radio. warranty. $1750. LITTLE MAN ON CAMPUS To Place '57.957545 evenings & weekends or an ad: Can't find the GALS- Bow your dessert money St wash s ,r i--ur car at Astor's. Keep slim & II 1 Hoc, him. 723 S. 1st - (Between _ "right" word? 'ii:: ..UA Sts.) Come to: Where it's fiin 1967 HONDA Super Hawk 305tc stork. to eat new tires, excellent condition. $375, 286-9448. I I Classified Adv. '67 VW, Must Sell, leaving town, $1350 or best offer. One Owner. Call 294.7238. Office - J206 '59 SPRITE Rebuilt engine. trans.. diff. 2.-1111E3) aux* Excellent Condition. 'New Wiring. $600. SUNDAY THRU THURSDAY 10 A.M.-I I P.M. 354-7964. '66 VVV Deluxe Bug. 40,000 miles, per- MON.-WED.-FRI. FRIDAY AND SATURDAY 10 A.M.-I2 MIDNIGHT fect condition, sunroof, radio. Must Sell. $875. 525-4412 or 524-9710. II -1 - 1:30-3:30 '62 FORD GALAXIE, 390 engine, power steering and brakes. R/H. Good condi- Lt tion $250/offer. 297 3583 weekday or TUES.-THURS. Look for our 10 47`'s-r In ev0. Z '63 BSA 650cc, Super Rocket $495 sir best offer, Call 297.8238. 10-12 - 2:30-3:30 S I B (i'vod . iii _ "'sr '59 PORSCHE CPE, 1600 S New engine. 10 P . r -en,. r mos, interior, chrome wheek sd. w,'black $1800. 202 S. 11th. in S,.// / 295.9993. Ask for Terry Jeffords. Send in handy order blank. I> '66 IMPALA SPORTS cpe. V-8 Red. Enclose cash or check. S 0 to Black vinyl int. New -arb., tuneup $1450. ads in this paper 377.4424 after 5 00. One Make check out to Spartan '65 CHEVELLE MALIBU SS, 327. 4 spd. ari,x, 1 Daily Classifieds. / New 'glass tires & H.D. shocks, tech, 343 flower $1450, cell Ken 293.9684, Phone 294-6414. Ext. 2465 LET US SHOWER THI5 TIME OF TH' YEAR WHEN THE 51.,_117'EN-r is YOUR CAR WITH PATE uNDER NEW MANAGEMENT worth AFFECTION Astor's Coin Autowash, 732 5TAIZT PRE5.0LIZING FACULTY TO CHANGE GIZAI:g Is 804 Lincoln Ave. Hi, Were New a BIG BARNEY TRIO CLASSIFIED RATES No refunds on cancelled ads. Print your ad here: thousand BIG BARNEY, french fries, and 15c drink all for 49c with Minimum 1 (Count approximately 33 letters and spaces for each line) rn.s coupon. LIMIT ONE TRIO PER COUPON. One coupon Three lines Ons day Two days Three days Four days Five days per family at one time. Clip and present to the RED BARN words One day it 250 E. Santa Clara St. 3 linos 1.50 -2-.40 2.25- 2.40 2.50 NAME 4 linos 2.00 2.50 2.75 2.9(r 3.00- ADDRESS 3forveri 5 the., 2.50 3.00- 3.25 3.40 3.50-- 111 11 I: I , I 6 fines 3.00- 3.50 3.75 3.90 4.00 Zy Add this amount for Print Name For Days .50 .50 .50 .50 +Ma,- each whit .50 Address Enclosed is $ are jtswarner-textlfdrer'l'iw#414.0-",'conlent'st" tonal line Issoie ) Tllarie City Phone CHECK A CLASSIFICATION lid tt II /N I FRI I DINNER SEND CHECK, MONEY ORDER. OR CASH TO: SPARTAN DAILY CLASSIFIEDS ID Announcements (1) D Help Wanted (4) Personals (7) SAN 10SE STATE COLLEGE, CALIF. 11 II II /III, I ir/ I'll N. 9th & Santa Clara (11 Automotive (2) f] Housing (5) C.] Swaim (1) 95114 , Tor Sale (3) 0 Lost and Found (6) 0 Transportation (9) Please allow 2 days after placing tor ad to spear. m../1.111.