Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research (ASSEHR), volume 182 2018 2nd International Conference on Education, Economics and Management Research (ICEEMR 2018) Application of Objectivism in American Literature Teaching Shaojun Duan* School of Foreign Languages Kunming University Kunming, China
[email protected] Abstract—William Carlos Williams succeeded and earned his fame by breaking the tradition in literature, forming his own II. THE OBJECTIVISM OF WILLIAMS unique writing style, that is, objectivism, which made him, Being one of the most important poets in American became an extraordinary poet in American history. Williams’ literature history Williams has drawn enormous attention from three main characteristics of objectivism include seeking for scholars both in China and abroad. expressing ideas in objective things, expe rie ncing objects by senses, and taking advantages of skills used in western paintings. In China, some scholars put their attention in Williams’ If teachers can guide students to apply this theory into analysis of early creating period that is the intimating period. During this Williams’ poems in American literature teaching, students would time he met Pound so there are also many articles that tell the have a profound understanding about the poet and his poems relationship between the two famous poets. In 1993, Zhang from a new and interesting angle. This article puts forward a Yuejun(1999) published an article named “Williams’ Yeats good example by choosing Williams’ six poems to analyze the Era”. In it the writer traced the influence that Yeats’s poetry objectivism embodied in them. creation on Williams, especially the big influence on Williams’ early poetry creation.