GERAKAN July - September 2014 MATTERS PP 16376/08/2012 (030849)

Persidangan Perwakilan Nasional Parti Gerakan Rakyat Ke- 43

Menjulang 1Malaysia Stand Up for力挺一个马来西亚1Malaysia 1 Á§Äº¢Â¡Å¢üÌ ¯ÚШ½Â¡¸ þÕô§À¡õ Stand Up for 1Malaysia

Pelancaran Tema Persidangan Perwakilan Nasional PGRM2 014

Up close & Personal with National President

The Teluk Intan - Sincere Leadership Genuine Representation for internal circulation only | 只供内部传阅 TERS GERAKAN MAT Contents EDITORIAL BOARD 编辑部

Publicity, Information & Communication Chairman 3 Up Close & Personal with National President 宣传、资讯及通讯局主任 Sdr - Dr Dominic Lau Hoe Chai 刘华才博士 Pelancaran Tema Persidangan Perwakilan Nasional PGRM 4 2014 Editorial Advisory Board 编辑部顾问 2014年民政党全国代表大会主题推介会 - Liang Teck Meng 梁德明 谢顺海:重振一个马来西亚理念 - Gooi Hoe Hin 魏和兴 5 - Ivanpal Singh Grewal Cheah Soon Hai: Membangun semula konsep 1Malaysia

编辑 Editor 6 专访 民政党妇女组主席拿督陈莲花 - Lee Chun Hung 李俊鸿

Sub Editor 助编 7 让我感动的马来西亚人心声 - Lim Shi Hou 林诗豪 - Tan Aik Mund 陈毅民 8-9 Victory - Carolyn Lee 李佩珊 - Kwan Li Li 官丽丽 10 安顺之战——刘华才博士

Layout & Design 美术编辑 11 知其不可为而为之——涂仲仪医生 - Lim Shi Hou 林诗豪 12-13 Is Pakatan Ready As Alternative to 1Malaysia Address: Level 5, Tower 1, Menara PGRM, By Tan Keng Liang No. 6 & 8, Jalan Pudu Ulu, 14 56100 Cheras, Kuala Lumpur By Andy Yong Kim Seng Tel: 03-9287 6868 Gerakan needs a royal flush Fax: 03-9287 8866 15 The Teluk Intan Spirit - Sincere Leadership Website: Genuine Representation

Gerakan matters! would like to invite members to 16 雪隆大马儿女学会获世纪大学集团合作 send in your views. Please send your feedback to 颁发奖学金予资优生 《民意》欢迎任何意见或投稿, 请电邮至《民意》电子邮箱: [email protected]

Disclaimer 负责声明 The publisher, PGRM, and its editors cannot be held responsible for any errors and consequences arising from the use of information contained in this magazine. 民政党及其编辑不为本刊内容的准确性和完整性承担 任何责任。

Published by Parti Gerakan Rakyat Malaysia Level 5, Tower 1, Menara PGRM, No. 6 & 8, Jalan Pudu Ulu, 56100 Cheras, Kuala Lumpur.

Printed by SWAN Printing Sdn Bhd Lot 5429, Jalan BS7/1, Kawasan Perindustrian Bukit Serdang, 43300 Seri Kembangan, Selangor.

2 Up Close & Personal with National President Sdr Mah Siew Keong 1) After 1 year as National President of PGRM, how do you see yourself and the party? One year as the National President of PGRM, we have galvanized and reorganized the party as was promised when I contested for the seat. We have also beefed up SEDAR Institute and submitted various memorandums to ministers pertaining national issues. All bureaus were also monitored to be more active in serving the people, particularly the SME Bureau that had helped out a lot of party members and general public. One amendment I made to the Party Constitution was the limitation of presidential terms to 3 terms to extend my contribution to the party. In addition, we have also opened our membership in Gerakan Youth to females below 35, which made females below 35 having dual membership in Gerakan Youth and Gerakan Wanita.

2)You won the Teluk Intan By-Election and made a political comeback, how do you feel? Teluk Intan by-election was one of the toughest by-elections I ever fought because of my current position as the party President. Through the unity between party members and BN component parties, we managed to pull through it, which I owed my gratefulness to. I would like to thank the Prime Minister (PM) for appointing me as a Minister in the PM’s Department, which served as a challenge for me as I have to handle both my minister and Teluk Intan MP posts simultaneously. Lastly, I appreciate having worked together with all Gerakan leaders through the by-election as a team.

3) After the by-election, the members are truly Satu Hati to support you. How do you ensure the spirit remains for them to work towards the moderation always mentioned by you? Party’s ideology and vision are very important. We cannot deny that many people out there are making negative statements that are detrimental to the nation. If racism is allowed to expand, it will undermine the basis of the country as we have a multi-racial and multi-religious society. Hence, moderation and unity are what we need and Gerakan has been striving hard to ensure that the country follows the path towards 1Malaysia. This is also why our slogan for this year’s National Delegates Conference (NDC) is “Stand Up for 1Malaysia”. We must also make sure that the spirit of 1Malaysia endures after many feel that the movement has slowed down for the past one year.

4) What are your expectation for party 5) As a president, what do you think are the leaders and members to achieve under the challenges the party is currently facing? theme? I think Gerakan must stand up and be more vocal. Gerakan members are knowledgeable and united There are many problems out there affecting the under the party. We must give open support to country, so we must be a part of the solutions instead leaders who support 1Malaysia and criticize any of problems. We must come out with ideas and who tries to damage the country. Even if it comes solutions and put them into real actions. We must within BN, we must be brave to voice out and stand also focus on issues that will affect the country and behind the PM to support his call for moderation. minimize internal problems. Only through working As for the grassroots, we could mix around with together can Gerakan remain relevant and gain the people regardless of their races and religions to people respect with a great future ahead. show our commitment and ideals.

力挺一个马来西亚 3 PGRM NDC-43 PGRM NDC 2014 - Theme Launching Pelancaran Tema Persidangan Perwakilan Nasional PGRM 2014 “Menjulang 1Malaysia”

etiausaha Agung Parti Gerakan “Pentadbiran negara dan haluan masa persidangan kali ini adalah mendebat Rakyat Malaysia, YB Liang Teck depan sosio-politik negara mesti dan meluluskan usul pindaan Meng mengumumkan bahawa terus kekal di haluan tengah yang Perlembagaan Parti dimana tempoh S berlandaskan kepada kesederhanaan tema Persidangan Perwakilan Nasional Presiden Nasional dan Pengerusi Negeri tahun ini ialah “Menjulang 1Malaysia”. dan keterangkuman sebagaimana dihadkan kepada 3 penggal. Langkah ini yang ditekankan oleh YAB Perdana adalah selaras dengan prinsip demokrasi Beliau menyatakan bahawa suara Menteri Dato’ Sri Najib dalam Gagasan dan membolehkan rejuvenasi parti. ekstrem dan pemisah menjadi semakin 1Malaysia. Pengenalan tema ‘Menjulang kuat sejak kebelakangan ini sehingga 1Malaysia’ ini bertujuan untuk Beliau turut berkata, Gerakan akan menggugat perpaduan dan kestabilan memupuk kesedaran semua pihak atas melancarkan satu aplikasi (apps) yang masyarakat. Gerakan percaya bahawa betapa pentingnya menghayati dan “GERAKAN” pada pukul 2.30 suara ekstrem hanya dapat diatasi mempraktikkan Gagasan 1Malaysia bagi petang, 18 Oktober 2014. Ahli-ahli parti jika dan masyarakat menjaga perpaduan dan keharmonian dan masyarakat umum boleh memuat mampu tegas dan berpegang kuat dalam masyarakat.” turun aplikasi tersebut melalui Google kepada haluan kesederhanaan dan Play dan Apps Store bagi mengikuti keterangkuman. Di samping itu, beliau juga menyatakan perkembangan dan maklumat terkini bahawa salah satu agenda utama dalam parti.

2014年 民政党全国代表大会 主题推介会 “力挺一个马来西亚”

民 政党总秘书梁德明宣布,今年民政党全国代表大会的主题是 “力挺一个马来西亚”。 梁德明指出,最近极端和分裂主义声浪日趋严重,严重威胁社会团结和稳定。民政党认为,唯有国阵和社会秉持中庸和包容 精神,才能完全克服这些极端的声浪。

“国家管理和社会政治的前进方向,必须维持首相纳吉所强调的一个马来西亚理念的中庸和包容。此次‘力挺一个马来西 亚’主题是为了唤起各方对于珍惜和实践一个马来西亚理念中的中庸与包容精神有所觉醒,以维护社会的团结与和谐。”

同时,他也透露这次大会其中一个主要议程是商讨及通过修改党章,即党主席和州主席任期限为3届。此举也符合民主原则 及能够振兴党。

梁德明表示,在10月18日的下午2时30分,名政党将会推出一个新的智能手机应用程序,名为“GERAKAN” ,党员和民众 都能够通过Google Play及Apps Store下载这个应用程式,以获取最新资讯。”

Menjulang 1Malaysia 4 民政党署理主席谢顺海:重振一个马来西亚理念

我党必须团结一致,同时党领袖必须与基层多交 “流。党员们都应了解和参与党所举办的任何活动, 以增强对党的了解,清楚明白党对于所有重要课题 的立场,发扬党的理念,在国家政策制定方面扮演 积极的角色,以真诚的领导服务人民。民政党坚决 秉持中庸理念,抵抗极端与分裂主义,力挺一个马 来西亚! 民政党署理主席拿督谢顺海指出,民政党将积极重振首相纳吉提出的“一个马来西亚理念”,以遏” 制近来不断出现的种族宗教言论与行为。

他认为,一个马来西亚理念符合我国宪法,尊重及照顾全民权益,并反对种族歧视,所以必须受到 重视,而且宪法不应该受到任何人质疑。

他指出,有些人认为一马理念侵犯了土着权益甚至是君主的地位,但事实上土着权益都获得宪法保 障,所以无须担心。

“民政党要主动通过各类活动突显一马理念,并推广至政府机构。” Timbalan Presiden Gerakan Cheah Soon Hai: Membangun semula Gagasan 1Malaysia Parti Gerakan berikrar kepada seluruh rakyat Malaysia bahawa mereka akan terus memperjuangkan konsep 1Malaysia yang diilhamkan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Seri Najib Razak serta mempertahankan Perlembagaan Malaysia.

Timbalan Presiden, Cheah Soon Hai berkata, sejak negara mencapai kemerdekaan 57 tahun lalu, Perlembagaan Malaysia melindungi hak asasi rakyat di negara ini seperi kebebasan beragama dan tiada diskriminasi antara kaum.

Katanya, ia ditambah pula dengan adanya konsep 1Malaysia, yang mana konsep berkenaan telah membuatkan rakyat pelbagai kaum dan bangsa di negara ini bersatu serta perpaduannya semakin kukuh.

“Perlembagaan dan konsep 1Malaysia melarang diskriminasi antara kaum serta bantuan diberikan kepada golongan kurang berkemampuan dan belia tanpa mengira bangsa dan agama.

“Ia menunjukkan kerajaan memberi bantuan kepada sesiapa sahaja yang memerlukan dan dengan ini juga akan menguatkan perpaduan seluruh rakyat Malaysia.

“Sebab itu Gerakan mengharapkan konsep 1Malaysia dapat diteruskan dan Perlembagaan Malaysia dihormati dan rakyat tidak perlu mengubahnya,” katanya semasa Persidangan Perwakilan Parti Gerakan Negeri Johor.

Menurutnya, sejak kebelakangan ini, konsep 1Malaysia semakin kurang digunakan.

Katanya, begitu juga dengan Perlembagaan Malaysia, ada pihak cuba ‘mengusiknya’ dengan mempertikaikan beberapa kandungannya terutama membabitkan keistimewaan hak kaum Melayu dan Bumiputera Sabah dan Sarawak.

“Saya harap perbuatan berkenaan dapat dihentikan dan konsep 1Malaysia terus dilaungkan.

Stand Up for 1Malaysia

1 Á§Äº¢Â¡Å¢üÌ ¯ÚШ½Â¡¸ þÕô§À¡õ 5 民政党妇女组主席 专访 陈莲花 不超过3届9年 支持党高职限期制 陈莲花表明支持限制党主席和州主席职最高期限,为不 超过3届9年的建议,有助于新陈代谢。

“如果一个政党要转型,必须提拔新血上位,注入新思 维和活力,我认为是件好事;若过度依赖资深领袖或党 员坐镇,就无法吸引新血加入。”

她披露,其实上届妇女组代表大会已提高职,包括党主 席、州主席和区部主席最高期限为不超过3届的建议, 但基于母体当时尚未修改党章,故无法通过而未落实。

询及与现任党主席拿督马袖强关系时,她以“良好”来 很满意妇女组 形容,两人共同点都是对党忠诚且清廉的人。 她赞赏马袖强是一名负责任的领袖,很亲民、真诚且绅 安顺补选发挥团队精神 士,最重要是清廉,因这关系到党的名誉,但她就不愿 就其领导作风与历届主席作比较。 对于民政党妇女组的表现,陈莲花很满意,并觉得无可挑 剔,多年来做了很多强化和提升组织的工作,全国姐妹们 “我是和丰人,他(马袖强)是安顺人,我们都是从霹 也很合作;党员更从她刚接手时的5万余名增至目前8至9 雳州出身,我跟他合作没问题。” 万名。

她特别赞扬全国和霹州妇女组在安顺补选的团队精神,不论组织和策略,她只是一声令下,全马姐妹就马上行动,各司其 职,且个个都能独当一面,颇有大将之风。

一般上人们都认为该组党员都是专业人士,但陈莲花认为,该党不乏人才,有者纵然是专业人士,但也未必全部都肯为党 奉献,最重要的是教育姐妹们需要具有智慧分析党的未来的方针和路线,同时有能力分析国家政治思维,不要人云亦云。

“希望她们可以合作,做更多有意义的工作,与华团和非政府组织配合搞活动,尤其是针对被误导的课题,像百物涨价, 我担任贸消部副部长期间,常教育妇女要精明消费,货比三家,在住家空地种菜等及改变生活方式,以节省开销。” 个人最满意关键绩效指标 领 精明消费肃贪运动反应好 陈莲花说,妇女组本月代表大会主题为“力挺一个马 袖 来西亚”,希望国家领袖走回中庸路线,拒绝种族和 担任9年妇女组主席,陈莲花觉得个人最满意关键 宗教主义,以避免政治不稳定。 绩效指标是主催精明消费觉醒运动和“消灭贪污、 走 不要给、不要收”竞跑全国巡迴活动。 她以不点名方式批评一些政治人物把国家搞得乌烟瘴 气,製造政治不稳,觉得大家应该反醒,不要玩弄种 陈莲花也为每名州主席设定一个关键绩效指标 回 族和宗教敏感课题,大家都是大马人;如果为了个人 (KPI),规定每年必须巡访数个州属,尤其是代 议程,将为国家和下一代带来莫大影响。 表大会期间举要办活动,以壮大组织。 中 “一旦政治不稳定,外资不敢来马投资,从而影响国 她补充,另外,日前妇女组在森州主办的消费税汇 庸 家经济不稳定,下一代也会受苦。” 报会,原定300人结果吸引了1000多人来听讲;目 前霹雳、吉隆坡也先后主办这项巡迴活动,主要是 提醒民众不管喜不喜欢这项新措施,最重要的不要 路 受误导,大马是全球少数还没推行消费税的国家, 即使第三世界的非洲也已推行消费税。 线

Stand up for 1Malaysia 6 观点 梁德明 民政党总秘书 让我感动的马来西亚人心声

近在网上看到一段视频,让我非 看完这个短片,我眼里充满泪水,心中 “我希望全国人民不分种族、宗教 最常感动。只要在YouTube 输入 无限感动。原来马来人根本不把华人当 和文化背景,能在不受任何人煽动 MMOTV:ARE MALAYSIANS RACIST? 成是外来者,而华人也不认为马来人是 的情况下,永远以马来西亚人为优 ,就能看到这段视频。视频的内容其实 愚蠢的民族。这就是民政党一直以来所 先,以马来西亚人自居,共同建立 斗争的,所要传达的,所要落实的一个 是导演精心策划的一场布局。受邀请上 这一个多元色彩的国家。” 来的人在不知道自己被拍摄的情况下接 不分种族的精神。 受试镜,而试镜者包括三大民族。试镜 既然许多马来西亚人都没有以种族眼光 都是以一问一答的方式进行。 永远以马来西亚人自居 去看待别的族群,为何许多课题依然存 在种族化纠纷? 导演先是要求应征者重复念出导演给的 虽然在斗争过程中,会面对极端组织, 台词,一开始应征者被要求说:我爱吃 如土权的阻扰,有时不免心灰意冷,会 是国家的政策允许种族化的存在?还是 椰浆饭,我爱我的国家马来西亚等。大 自问为何民政党斗争四五十年始终无法 政治人物在煽动及挑拨种族之间的情 家都不假思索念出来。可是当导演故意 打消某些人的极端思维,但看完这一段 绪?人在被煽动后会不会失去以马来西 要求华人应征者说马来人是愚蠢的民 视频,我才发现原来许多马来西亚人并 亚人自居的心态? 族,要求马来应征者说华人是外来者的 没有以种族眼光看待其他种族,而是以 时候,这些应征者竟然不愿意依照导演 马来西亚人为优先的角度去看待别的族 我希望全国人民不分种族、宗教和文化 的台词念。有一位应征者被献议一万令 群,顿时让我觉得一切努力都值得了。 背景,能在不受任何人煽动的情况下, 吉,要他说出马来人是笨的民族,他都 以马来西亚人为优先,以马来西亚人自 不原意照说。 在感动与欣慰的同时,心中也有疑问, 居,共同建立这一个多元色彩的国家。

Menjulang 1Malaysia 7 力挺一个马来西亚 8 Victory Gerakan President Mah Siew Keong was lifted up by supporters after winning the Teluk Intan By-Election, 31 May 2014 Picture courtesy to The Malaysian Insider

Stand Up for 1Malaysia

1 Á§Äº¢Â¡Å¢üÌ ¯ÚШ½Â¡¸ þÕô§À¡õ 9 安顺之战

政党在5月份经历了一场“生死 民政党,我也看到国阵阵线也愿意放 民 之战”。这场安顺国席补选会被 弃武吉牛汝尔区国会议席补选,以便 我们视为生死之战,主要是因为党主 专心攻下安顺补选。各国阵成员党也 “我坚信我党在往后都能秉 席拿督马袖强是这场补选的国阵最佳 首度破天荒的放下己见,全心全力为 持中庸精神,并以‘安顺精 候选人,而且大家都知道须党主席竞 候选人站台拉票,这也应验了只要 神’昂然面对任何一场大选 选是高风险,因此民政党全体同仁都 国阵上下全力以赴,我们是可以做到 不敢掉以轻心,全力以赴这场补选。 的,我们是可以赢的。 战役。”

一旦我们确认补选举行,党上上下下 说真的,在安顺补选投票的前一天, 虽然反对党在这次补选中不断抹黑我 已经做好准备,全力备战,而且大家 我们并没有十足的把握会打赢这场 们,但我们依然坚持中庸行事,以君 抱着的心态是“只能赢,不能输”, 战。尤其是看到行动党在最后一晚的 子姿态面对这些抹黑毁谤,积极应对 因为我们每个人心里都知道,如果连 讲座会几乎爆满,座无虚席,一流的 补选,而最后事实也证明了中庸精神 党主席都输了这场战,民政党可真的 音响,气势浩大。而国阵举办的讲座 才是最理想的政治理念。 是可以准备“关门大吉”了。再者, 却不到30个人出席,士气大跌。不过 行动党派出了一名年轻的女候选人, 我们仍然做好本分,继续以小组的方 投票时间结束后,我们都集合在算票 因此我们更不能让党主席输给一个才 式去进行拉票活动。令我印象最深刻 中心。当时选票成绩陆陆续续揭晓, 28岁并且毫无经验的女候选人。 的是,当晚我必须安排候选人在同一 我们的心情也随着这些出炉的选票成 个时间去出席5个场合,也可能是最 绩忐忑跳动,从一开始的领先,到后 为了全力辅助这场补选,我特地向马 后一晚的关系,所有的场合都不要代 来的大幅度落后,直到最后的险胜, 来西亚工艺大学申请了14天的假期, 表,都指定要候选人亲自到场。这顿 都一一触动着我们的心跳。 准备全力以赴去打这场战,而我被安 时令我进退两难,一时忙不过来。但 排的工作是负责编排候选人行程和跟 到最后一分钟,总算一切顺利度过, 当选举委员会正式宣布国阵候选人成 随候选人到选区拜访和拉票。坦白 也让我上了一堂宝贵的课。 功获胜的那一刻,欢呼声此起彼落, 说,一开始我们就已占下风。提名日 而我在这14天紧绷的心情也终于松懈 一完毕,对手候选人的宣传布条早已 投票日当天,我们一早安排候选人到 下来。这次的补选让我看到反对党的 很快及专业的速度在选区摆上悬挂, 现场投票,并到所有投票区巡视。当 抹黑文化,但庆幸的是我们也看到国 而我们的定制的宣传布条却需要2-3天 时,我们看到许多外地车辆驶进市 阵成员党的团结与齐心,使得民政党 后才送到。换句话说,悬挂布条的“ 区,心里确实揪了一下,因为这意味 成功赢下漂亮一战,也大大地鼓舞了 好位子”都已经先被对手占据了。 着有很多游子回乡投票,可能会影响 我党的士气。我坚信我党在往后都能 选举胜负。可是,我们并没有受影 秉持中庸精神,并以“安顺精神”昂 除此之外,我们也安排了多场讲座让 响,依然坚持到每个投票区巡视,确 然面对任何一场大选战役。 候选人演讲,但来出席聆听的人并不 保所有国阵支持者都投下手中一票。 多,好像都是同一批人。不仅如此, 这次民政党成功赢得安顺补选,令我 我们安排的流动讲座获得的反应也超 在这次补选中,我发现我国的政治模 感触良多,不仅是我们成功赢得民 差,无法吸引民众前来围观。这一切 式日益趋向暴力,这是令人感到遗憾 心,更重要的是看到民政党上下一条 的负面影响难免打击了我们的信心。 的。反对党在这次补选使用了许多卑 心,重振雄风,令党重新出发。我衷 鄙手段,如撕毁候选人马袖强海报、 心希望,民政党这份安顺之战的奋斗 然而,从这场补选中,我却看到的是 抹黑民政党前任主席许子根博士、毁 精神,能够持续在党内存留,为党 民政党的全体同志上下一条心,不气 谤候选人等,只为赢得选举。这些举 继续迈向一条康庄大道,为国为民服 馁也不放弃的决心,继续为候选人 动都违反了政治意义,原有的政治斗 务。 站 台拉票,一直到最后一刻。不仅是 争逐渐模糊,这是令人感到心寒的。

Stand up for 1Malaysia 10 言论 涂仲仪 民政党副总秘书


在这时谈“一个马来西亚”和“中庸治国”,或许 国民经济基本上是改善了。不是吗?我的祖辈的时代,偶尔 我 会有人以为拿到了过期刊物,在读着历史档案。 吃得饱、我的父辈的时代,偶尔吃得好、我的时代,未曾吃 这个现实的观点和当下公民社会的主流思维,毕竟不容我们 不饱,我的后辈的这一代,天天吃太好。 否认。是的,这几年的政治局势的演变,政治生态的变迁, 造就了今天这个当下的政治气氛和政治戏码。 物质生活从贫乏转为过剩,很多物质上的东西几乎垂手可 得,很多东西都是想当然的。感恩和惜福日益澹薄的今天, 昨天的口号和原则,今天便不管用。至于老祖宗的伦理教条 没人会瞭解或愿意放慢脚步,聆听先贤建国的艰辛、理解身 和安邦兴国的信仰和原则,更是早已经给市场淘汰了。 为国民在维护社会稳定与国民和谐的义务和使命。

马来西亚建国刚过半个世纪。在相同的时候,有不少过半数 姑且不谈这是不是惨况,但我们得接受这就是现况。想要东 的国民每天在没有边疆、同时没有拘束的网路空间生活和成 山再起,想要捲土重来,想要在来届大选再好好的博一博, 长。资讯的来源、讯息的传播,来到了一个全新的时代。所 眼下便只有抓住人民的脉搏。 谓的一传十、十传百,只在弹指之间。速度之快、方法之利 索,让人几乎没有了稍作停留、思考片刻有关那讯息的真伪 因为想要抓住人民的脉搏,那位“神”采飞扬的敌对党 和逻辑性。更妄谈深思所广传的讯息,对国家和社会的和谐 领袖,声嘶力竭的高喊“乌吧!乌吧!乌吧!”、“Ini 与稳定造成的破坏和伤害。 Kalilah!”、“回教党从来没有杀害过一个华人”,“明 知其不可为而为之”(不应该做但却去做)的给人民买了一 这就是新时代的一犬吠影、百犬吠声。 张单程票,排队踏上准备开往回教国的列车。路上上演州首 长挑战总警长的戏码,神勇的扮演超级英雄。 不是吗?有多少人质疑,总数4万人的孟国国民像伞兵般, 被空投到投票中心当幽灵选民是天方夜谭?又有多少人相信 另一厢,民政党也“知其不可为而为之”(不容易实现)的 了,某部长的国会选区的投票站并没有谣传中的停电,换选 提倡一个马来西亚和中庸治国。我们深信,这是马来西亚这 票?到底有多少人目睹了,某候选人在选票落后时,召来直 片多元化的土地上的治国途径。 升机,空投3、5箱,3、5千张的选票应急? 我们不花枝招展,我们不油腔滑调,我们不煽动情绪,我们 是虚构的吧!是假消息吧!是恶意的谎言吧! 要全国经济繁荣、国民和谐、生活安定。

然而,这些在我们眼皮底下的虚构故事,偏偏就是让不少在 一路再苦,我们还是会不辛劳苦地走下去。 我们身边的亲朋戚友、左邻右舍深信不疑。 一路再孤单,我们还是会坚强地走下去。 一路再颠簸,我们还是会坚持地走下去。 奇哉!怪哉!当全国文盲指数大幅度减低,全民教育程度大 幅度提升的时候,为什麽妖言更容易惑众?为什麽谣言没有 毕竟,政治是长远的斗争。 止于智者?渐渐地,我们知道了,书读得多只等于多认识几 个字、文凭多拿几张只等于不容易被考试难倒。这压根儿跟 坚持往对的方向走,至少我们对得起国民、我们对得起这片 智慧、情智与德智没有正比。 土地。

Menjulang 1Malaysia 11 Is Pakatan Ready As Alternative to 1Malaysia? By Tan Keng Liang Gerakan Youth Chief

1Malaysia Concept But what really are the alternatives offered by Pakatan to the people? The 1Malaysia concept was introduced by our Prime Minister Dato Seri After the General Election 2008, Najib Tun Razak on 16 September, Pakatan has been given the mandate 2010 which coincides with Malaysia Day. Since then, Malaysians would being Kelantan, Kedah, Penang, relate the concept of 1Malaysia with Perakto govern and five Selangor. (5) states However, in our this country, the Barisan Nasional government, had subsequently being reduced to “People First, Performance Now”. just three (3) states after the General The concept of 1MaIaysia calls for “People first” means the government Election 2013, which are Kelantan, the cabinet, government agencies, will think from the people’s perspective Penang and Selangor. and civil servants to emphasize more and put the people as their first priority. strongly on ethnic harmony, national “Performance now” denotes that the To be able to understand what really government emphasizes on producing are the alternative policies offered by productive results, stresses on the workers’ Pakatan to the people, I will list down isunity tracked and efficientby a benchmark governance. known The as efficiency in carrying out designated task some of severe policies implemented by Keyperformance Performance of government Indicators (KPIs)efficiency and as well as how fast and well government Pakatan in their states since 2008: the National Key Result Areas (NKRAs). servants can complete a certain duty within a Since its introduction, Malaysians have 1. Increase of Housing Bumi Quota from given timeframe. also seen the birth of Kedai Rakyat 30% to 70% in Kedah. Now, starting in 1Malaysia, which aim to assist rakyat Selangor.

Rakyat 1Malaysia, which makes it 2. Increase of Water Tariff in Kedah and easierto cope for against rakyat inflation to obtain and basic Klinik medical Penang. services. This is just a brief summary to 1Malaysia. 3. Proposed implementation of Hudud laws in Kelantan. Pakatan’s Policies?

In contrast, Pakatan which consist of Selangor. PAS, PKR and DAP has launched various One type of performance measurement. KPIs 4. Confiscation of Christian Bibles in policies, concepts and manifestos since evaluate the success of an organization or of 5. Ban of male spectators in women the 2008 general election. Among them a particular activity in which it engages. sports event in Kelantan. are:-

1. the concept of PAS For All; housing in Kedah. 6. Non fulfilment of promised low cost 2. the policies in Buku Jingga; 7. Award of state projects without Open Tender in Kedah and Penang. 3. DAP’s “Ubah” concept; NKRA (National Key Result Areas) is a government’s effort to fulfill people’s needs 8. Suspension of students who protested 4. PKR’s concept of “Demi Rakyat”; and after GE 12. against the administration of University Insaniah (KUIN) in Kedah. 5. Pakatan’s Manifesto for the General Election 2014.

力挺一个马来西亚 12 In addition to the aforesaid, Pakatan by consensus, whereby a policy I do agree that some has promised to offer free universities and decision had to be agreed by and abolish PTPTN loan. However, all its component before being of the policies by adopted. However, as seen in the of Selangor under the administration crisis involving Selangor Pakatan the Barisan Nasional ofthis Selangor was never Pakatan fulfilled government. in University government leadership, the decision taken by PAS’s highest body, the Syura government may not From the aforesaid, it can be seen Council can be ignored once the that there’s actually various policies matter was agreed by PKR and DAP. be perfect. There adopted by Pakatan depending on Majority seems to rule in Pakatan. who is governing the particular Based on this, if PAS and PKR agreed may be instances state. A state which is controlled by on Hudud, it may end up as the policy PAS may not adhere to the policies of Pakatan, whether DAP oppose or where it may not be announced by Pakatan. The late otherwise. This is a possibility that ex-Menteri Besar of Kedah, Tan Sri must never be discounted. easy to benefit all Azizan Abdul Razak once said that the policies laid down in Pakatan’s Buku I do agree that some of the policies such as the entry to Jingga is not the “Al-Quran”. Thus, it by the Barisan Nasional government need not be followed. may not be perfect. There may be local universities. instances where it may not be easy to However, certain policies adopted The number of places by Pakatan states would be a good universities. The number of places indication as what may follow availablebenefit all in such local as varsity the entry is far to below local available in local suit in other Pakatan states, even the number of applicants. In this though such policies are not the regard, Gerakan Youth had received varsity is far below the numerous request from the students example, after the 2008 General to assist on the matter, in which we number of applicants. Election,official policies Kedah forPakatan Pakatan. government For have forwarded their appeals to the announced the increase of Housing Education Ministry in August, 2014. Bumi Quota from 30% to 70%. This In reality, we may not be able to policy is currently being followed at please everyone, but the policy taken In this regard, Gerakan various district in Selangor. must be fair and transparent under the concept of 1Malaysia. Youth had received Can Pakatan be an alternative? However, in the case of Pakatan, there numerous request from Recently, we have seen the crisis of is no clear cut policies adopted by the Selangor Pakatan government them as seen in Pakatan states since the students to assist where PKR wanted their President 2008. What are their actual policies Dato Seri Wan Azizah Wan Ismail to for our country if they are given an on the matter, in which replace Tan Sri Khalid Ibrahim as the opportunity to be in Putrajaya? Did Menteri Besar of Selangor. Tan Sri Pakatan really have a consensus on we have forwarded Khalid Ibrahim was abruptly sacked what they have promised during as a member of PKR after he refused general election? their appeals to the to give way. The public and some Pakatan leaders, in particular those I believe it’s still premature to even Education Ministry in from PAS, are unable to comprehend consider Pakatan as an alternative to and accept Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim 1Malaysia and the Barisan Nasional August, 2014. insistence for his wife to be the government. Without clear cut Menteri Besar of Selangor. At the policies at this juncture, Pakatan point of writing this article, the crisis may be more suitable to be just an is still on-going without a solution. opposition within our country’s democracy system. Prior to this, Pakatan always claim that their decision would be Stand Up for 1Malaysia


fter the Teluk Intan by-election’s our founding fathers had laid down victory, many see a glimpse of hope the party’s struggles. There is also a A in Gerakan. Some thought it was a need of profound conviction among the A clear vision or direction “do or die” battle. In reality does leaders in moving forward. Ideally it is needs to be formulated again winning an extra parliamentary seat about integrity and honesty, something notwithstanding our founding that some of us see it as impossible in ‘‘ to embark on a new phase in today’s politics. Whatever it is, ultimately our fathers had laid down the party’s politicalgive confidence landscape? and In hope any toevent, Gerakan we ideological struggle remains to bring struggles. indeed gained a moral victory. this country forward as Malaysian. As it is said; Gerakan has never relented and and function optimally. The current political landscape is very will never be, in our struggle for a real different now. However do we in Gerakan Malaysian identity. Now, how many of There must be a core reason we join really have the political consciousness us truly believe in this but for seeking of forces to pursue a common political and to realise that it cannot be business as power and position? social goal. Perhaps we need to adopt a usual or doing the same old stuffs? Or do single-issue focus (instead of handling we really care? I hope yes, we do. Hence transformation of the mindset will it broadly or blindly), championing an be a good start. This is in particular so interest group (eg. trade union) or be the Generally majority of the urbanites and where leaders and members, be it alone conscience of moderation. It appears to younger generation would not accept a many that our nation is becoming more single ethnic-based polity and culture Gone are the days where we can afford polarised along racial and religious lines. as the basis of the nation but rather are toor ofband a faction together must as preparea way of to achieving sacrifice. Hence we can play the role of the umpire more inclined towards a multi-ethnic certain goals and advancing our agenda or medium to allow Malaysians to talk and multi-cultural national identity. and position. At the very least, it should openly about religious sensitivities We had relatively failed to capitalise not be the priority or only reason for the 1Malaysia concept upon which the being in the party. common (middle) ground or grounds fundamentals are the basis of the party’s forand compromise. find a solution. The moderates We create must a foundation. Actually I would rather say Simply put, we can never earn respect prevail. Looking into discrimination laws the party fails to project its non-ethnic and support of the public when there is to foster integration can also be a good political appeal though we came close animosity in our own backyard. Surely avenue. We must not allow the door to be to encourage assimilation. Anyway the we do not want to contribute to any effectively open to those populist leaders crucial question now is how are we going political impasse among us. On a serious or extremist who will seek to bypass the institutions of government, especially a the coming years? faction is severe, it may cause ruptures system of checks and balances and the to promote and expand our influence in withinpossibility, the party if the that conflict seriously among impede the rule of law. Before discussing the latter, it is our effectiveness, leading to break-up or important to acknowledge that all is not collapse of the party. Evidently the party’s good cards to play well within the party and we ourselves on the political table are limited in years must take a large share of the blame if Gerakan is formed with the purpose of to come. We must be united truthfully, the party could not excel in the coming articulating and aggregating the interests move forward with a common objective years. of Malaysians, contesting control over and start drawing jacks, queens, kings state power (Penang) and government, and aces. Centralised decision making, the lack and directing the country’s development of well-institutionalised rules and process in line with our ideological From the foregoing perspective, it would non-conviction of ideology or unifying orientations and policy frameworks. seem that we are left with a series of principles and self-serving interest may We must start recruiting and grooming questions (internal and external) where be the cause of eroded public support young leaders instead of ‘card-carrying’ the party ought to look into it seriously and discouraged participation in the members or for purpose of voting during with regards to the promotion and the party. party election. This distinguishes them future direction of the party. We are from broader and more diffuse social hopeful that the glory days will return A clear vision or direction needs to movements; to be relevant. We need to as our party’s legacy has yet to be be formulated again notwithstanding open up the political space to operate discovered.

Stand up for 1Malaysia 14 Moments The Teluk Intan Spirit - SINCERE LEADERSHIP GENUINE REPRESENTATION An electoral victory made possible by collective efforts and generous support, SATU HATI! 集体的努力和支持造就了胜利,万众一心!

Mah Siew Keong has secured the parliament seat with 20,157 votes in the Teluk Intan By-Election.

A total of 40,236 voters had turned out in the Teluk Intan By-Election.

Mah Siew Keong was appointed as Minister in Prime Minister’s Department after winning the Teluk Intan By-Election.

Menjulang 1Malaysia 15 Gerakan’s News 雪隆大马儿女学会获世纪大学集团合作 颁发奖学金予资优生


刘开强针对依大准教师事件,指教 育部的错误调派,是该部官员长年 以来的“拿破仑文化”,只要一日 不被摒弃,事件都会一再发生。

他希望,经过马袖强及马华部长在 内阁会议达成的共识,能解决国中 缺乏华文老师的问题。

郑紫绮:曾因家贫停学1年 政党主席拿督马袖强指出, 造更高收入,协助我国迈入高收入 雪隆大马儿女协会奖学金受惠者郑 我国政府每年都花费许多 国家目标。”马袖强颁发奖学金给 民 紫绮说,基于家庭经济状况的关 雪隆大马儿女协会的受惠子弟时, 系,她被迫停学1年,但感谢民政党 人力及财力留住人才,既然招回人 这么指出。 才如此昂贵及吃力,倒不如留住现 跟大马儿女协会的帮助,让她能完 成就读医生的梦想。 有的我国人才,避免他们外流。 雪隆大马儿女协会获得世纪大学集 团合作,为成绩优异但家境清贫的 “我曾经向不同的政府单位申请奖 他认为,国内大学应提供更多助学 孩子圆梦,这次共有10名学生受 学金,但是政府奖学金要求是要有 金与奖学金名额,让成绩优异但无 惠,包括获得该协会及大学全免奖 成绩优异的学生,而我的大马教育 法获得政府资助的清贫子弟,完成 学金的学生郑紫绮,她就读该校医 文凭的成绩是10个特优1个优等, 继续深造的梦想,壮大我国的人才 学系,其余9名学生都是获得全免 加上政府赞助的医药系名额是非常 库存。 的奖学金,但一半由政府奖学金协 少,因而没有获得该奖学金,因 助,和世纪大学与该学会提供另一 此,我非常感谢世纪大学集团和雪 “我国若有更多人才,将为我国制 半奖学金。 隆大马儿女协会为我圆梦。” Please like and follow us! We are eager to share our thoughts and activities of the party with all Malaysians. 我们热切想向全国人民分享我党的理念与活动。 We have a Smartphone App!! “GERAKAN“ sNVrWe8ve8V35gPkJ1REA5dBkWpmVEw5DOCoAF1tF7G0xoClmnw_wcB