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Behavioral and neural analysis of associative learning in the honeybee: A taste from the magic well

Article in Journal of Comparative Physiology A · September 2007 DOI: 10.1007/s00359-007-0235-9 · Source: PubMed


1 author:

Martin Giurfa CNRS - Paul Sabatier University - Toulouse III



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Behavioral and neural analysis of associative learning in the honeybee: a taste from the magic well

Martin Giurfa

Received: 17 February 2007 / Revised: 21 April 2007 / Accepted: 22 April 2007 © Springer-Verlag 2007

Abstract Equipped with a mini brain smaller than one Abbreviations cubic millimeter and containing only 950,000 neurons, hon- AL Antennal lobe eybees could be indeed considered as having rather limited CS Conditioned stimulus cognitive abilities. However, bees display a rich and inter- DMTS Delayed matching-to-sample esting behavioral repertoire, in which learning and memory DNMTS Delayed non matching-to-sample play a fundamental role in the framework of foraging activi- MB Mushroom body ties. We focus on the question of whether adaptive behavior mRNA Messenger ribonucleic acid in honeybees exceeds simple forms of learning and whether PER Proboscis extension reXex the neural mechanisms of complex learning can be unrav- RNAi Ribonucleic acid interference eled by studying the honeybee brain. Besides elemental SER Sting extension reXex forms of learning, in which bees learn speciWc and univocal US Unconditioned stimulus links between events in their environment, bees also master VUMmx1 Ventral unpaired median neuron of the diVerent forms of non-elemental learning, including catego- maxillary neuromere 1 rization, contextual learning and rule abstraction, both in the visual and in the olfactory domain. DiVerent protocols allow accessing the neural substrates of some of these learning Introduction forms and understanding how complex problem solving can be achieved by a relatively simple neural architecture. These French naturalist BuVon (1707–1788) became famous for the results underline the enormous richness of experience- 36 volumes of his Natural History, an entire life’s work dependent behavior in honeybees, its high Xexibility, and where he covered subjects as diverse as the origin of the solar the fact that it is possible to formalize and characterize in system, the fossilization processes, the classiWcation of Xora controlled laboratory protocols basic and higher-order cog- and fauna and the origin of Mankind. Following a peculiar nitive processing using an insect as a model. vision of animal intelligence, he expressed admiration for some creatures while he fervently rejected others. Among the Keywords Perception · · Learning · despised animals, an insect gathered his anger and devastating Memory · Honeybee criticisms. It was neither an irritating mosquito nor a creeping cockroach. It was the honeybee. BuVon was impressed by the reproductive capabilities of a honeybee queen which This paper is dedicated to the memory of Guillermo ‘Willy’ Zaccardi X (1972–2007), disciple and friend beyond time and distance, who will “produces thirty or forty thousands ies” (bees were indis- always be remembered with a smile. tinctly called bees and Xies in his works) thus constituting “the largest known multiplication in the animal kingdom”. M. Giurfa (&) This led him to conclude that “the most abject, vilest and Research Centre on Animal Cognition, smallest species are the most abundant ones” (BuVon 1749a, CNRS – University Paul Sabatier, 118 route de Narbonne, 31062 Toulouse cedex 9, France pp. 13–14). He went farther and argued that “it is forceful to e-mail: [email protected] conclude that bees, taken individually, have less genius than 123 J Comp Physiol A a dog, a monkey and the vast majority of living animals; tions that allow discerning the ‘simple’ from the ‘complex’. we shall also agree that they have less docility, less attach- I will focus on associative learning and introduce the dis- ment and less feelings, in a word, less qualities relative to tinction between elemental and non-elemental learning, our own ones” (BuVon 1749b, pp. 93–94). which may be useful as a boundary between simple and This animadversion contrasts with the admiration complex forms of learning. expressed by another famous scientist, who devoted his life Associative learning is a capacity that is widespread to the study of honeybees. Karl von Frisch (1886–1982) among living animals and that allows extracting the logical became famous for the discovery of the honeybee dance, a structure of the world. It consists in establishing predictive ritualized behavior that allows a successful bee forager to relationships between contingent events in the environment inform other bees within the hive about the distance and so that uncertainty is reduced and adaptive behavior results direction of a proWtable food source (Frisch 1967). This was from individual experience with such events. Two major not the only contribution made by von Frisch. He left us an forms of associative learning are usually recognized: in amazingly rich and accurate body of evidence on honeybee classical conditioning (Pavlov 1927), animals learn to asso- behavior that spans studies on honeybee navigation, vision, ciate an originally neutral stimulus (conditioned stimulus, olfaction, taste and magnetic sensing among others (Frisch CS) with a biologically relevant stimulus (unconditioned 1967). Von Frisch liked to describe honeybees as a “magic stimulus, US); in operant conditioning (Skinner 1938), they well” for discoveries in because the more is drawn learn to associate their own behavior with a reinforcer. from it, the more is to draw. Surprisingly, this fascination Both forms of learning allow, therefore, predicting reliably ended at a particular point, in which, ironically, von Frisch reinforcement, either appetitive or aversive, and admit could eventually join some of BuVon’s ideas. He expressed diVerent levels of complexity. In their most simple version, his view on the plasticity underlying honeybee behavior in both rely on the establishment of elemental links connect- the following way: “The brain of a bee is the size of a grass ing two speciWc and unambiguous events in the animal’s seed and is not made for thinking. The actions of bees are world. What has been learned for a given tone in terms of mainly governed by instinct” (Frisch 1962, p. 78). Certainly, its outcome is valid for that tone but not necessarily for von Frisch expressed this view in relation to communication another stimulus like a light. The outcome of a given behavior but it is nevertheless striking that a tendency to dis- behavior, like pressing a lever, is valid for that behavior but miss the cognitive capacities of bees—and of insects in gen- not for a diVerent one like pulling a chain. These forms of eral—has been perpetuated throughout diVerent centuries. learning, which have been intensively studied by experi- Despite this prolonged skepticism, in the last three mental psychologists, are also particularly interesting for decades honeybees have become a useful model for the neuroscientists interested in the neural bases of learning study of learning and memory (Menzel and Erber 1978; because they allow tracing to the level of neural circuits and Menzel et al. 1993; Menzel 1985). More recently they have single neurons the basis of associations underlying learn- also acquired a new reputation in the framework of studies ing. Because these forms of learning rely on speciWc stimuli addressing higher-order cognitive capacities that for long (e.g. a given CS and a given US), it is possible to study time seemed to be the exclusive patrimony of some verte- where and how in the central nervous system such stimuli brates such as monkeys, pigeons or dolphins, which are are represented, where and how their neural pathways inter- reputed for their good learning abilities. In this review, I act in order to facilitate association and how experience will analyze the contributions made by research on honey- modiWes their respective neural representations. Both at the bee learning and memory that facilitated such an evolution. behavioral and neural level, these forms of learning have in I will present Wndings and open questions that show the common the univocal and unambiguous relationships extent to which honeybees have increased our current established between events in the world. Due to the fact understanding of cognitive processing both at the behav- that they can be characterized through speciWc links ioral and the cellular level. I hope, in this way, to underline between unique events, simple forms of associative learn- the power and potential of the honeybee in the framework ing are termed ‘elemental learning’ forms. Typical exam- of cognitive . ples of elemental learning are absolute conditioning (A+), in which a single stimulus A is reinforced (+), and diVeren- tial conditioning (A+ vs. B¡), in which one stimulus, A, is Elemental and non-elemental forms of associative reinforced (+), while another stimulus, B, is non-reinforced learning (¡) (see Table 1). In the former, an animal has to learn to respond to A, which is unambiguously associated with rein- Because this review intends to present the diVerent levels of forcement; in the latter, it has to learn to respond to A and complexity that honeybees can reach in mastering diVerent not to B because both are unambiguously associated with learning tasks, it is worth starting with operational deWni- reinforcement and with the absence of it, respectively. 123 J Comp Physiol A

Table 1 Examples of elemental and non-elemental conditioning pro- The honeybee as a model for studies on learning tocols and memory Conditioning task Training Processing Several reasons justify the use of the honeybee as a model Absolute conditioning A+ Elemental for the study of learning abilities. In a natural context and DiVerential conditioning A+ vs. B¡ Elemental despite their small size, honeybees exhibit an extremely Feature positive AB+ vs. B¡ Elemental rich behavioral repertoire (Frisch 1967). A social lifestyle is discrimination obligatory, and a single bee cannot survive very long sepa- Negative patterning A+, B+ vs. AB¡ Non-elemental rated from its mates. Outside of the hive a bee travels over Biconditional AB+, CD+ vs. Non-elemental distances of several kilometers and visits hundreds of Xow- discrimination AC¡, BD¡ ers in a quick and eYcient succession for gathering food Simple, unambiguous links between a stimulus and reinforcement al- (nectar and/or pollen). It also collects resin or water, or V low solving absolute conditioning (A ! Reward) di erential condi- roams for information-gathering purposes. Sensory capaci- tioning (A ! Reward; B ! No Reward) and feature-positive discrimination (B ambiguous but A ! Reward). Elemental solutions ties and motor performances are highly developed. Bees see can neither account for negative patterning nor for biconditional dis- the world in color (Menzel and Backhaus 1991), perceive crimination in which each element is as often rewarded as non-rewarded shapes and patterns (Srinivasan 1994; Giurfa and Lehrer 2001) and resolve movements with a high temporal resolu- tion (Srinivasan et al 1999). Their olfactory sense is able to distinguish a large range of odors (Guerrieri et al 2005a) However, other forms of associative learning are possi- and mechanosensory perception is also extremely rich due ble, in which unique links connecting speciWc events are to thousands of hair cells all around the body and propriore- useless because ambiguity characterizes the events under ceptors inside the body. consideration (see Table 1). For instance, in the so-called In a natural context, bees learn and memorize the local patterning problems, animals have to learn to discriminate a cues characterizing the places of interest, which are essen- stimulus compound from its components, a task that is not tially the hive and the food sources (Menzel 1985; Menzel necessarily trivial. Consider, for example, negative pattern- et al. 1993). In the case of food sources, learning and mem- ing, a problem in which an animal has to learn to discrimi- ory are the very basis of Xoral constancy, a behavior exhib- nate two single components reinforced from their non- ited by foragers which consists in foraging on a unique reinforced binary compound (A+, B+ vs. AB¡). This situa- Xoral species as long as it oVers proWtable nectar and/or tion is challenging because each element A and B appears pollen reward (Grant 1951; Chittka et al. 1999). Only when as often reinforced as non-reinforced. Relying on elemental such an oVer becomes unproWtable, bees will switch to a links between A (or B) and reinforcement (or absence of diVerent species. Learning and memorizing the sensory reinforcement) does not allow solving this problem. DiVer- cues of the exploited Xower through their association with ent strategies, like treating the binary compound in a non- nectar and/or pollen reward is what allows a bee forager linear form (i.e. as being diVerent from the simple sum of A tracking a particular species in the Weld. Similarly, learning and B) have to be implemented to solve this kind of prob- abilities for landmark constellations and for celestial cues lem. A profuse literature has shown that some vertebrates used in navigation (azimuthal position of the sun, polarized can solve this kind of non-linear processes and has put the light pattern of the blue sky) ensure a safe return to the nest accent on the nervous circuits and brain structures required and enhance foraging eYciency (Collett and Collett 2002; for this kind of cognitive processing (Rudy and Sutherland Collett et al. 2003). 1995; O’Reilly and Rudy 2001; Bucci et al. 2002; Alvarado Honeybees communicate information about important and Bachevalier 2005; Moses et al. 2005; Borlikova et al. locations around the hive through ritualized body move- 2006; Jacobs 2006). ments, called the “waggle dance”, a communication system Having introduced these two forms of learning, which that transmits information about the vector Xown toward an deWne in a formalized and operational way diVerent levels attractive food source or nest site (Frisch 1967). Hive bees of complexity in cognitive processing, I will present Wnd- attending such a dance decode from the speed of dance ings showing that it is possible to dissect and understand movement the distance to the food source and from the basic mechanisms underlying these two levels of process- angle of the waggling phase relative to gravity the Xight ing using honeybees as a model system. I will demonstrate direction relative to the sun. In this context, speciWc associ- that this insect exhibits elemental and non-elemental ations are built as dance followers learn to associate the forms of learning which are relevant in its natural life and odor of nectar brought by a dancer with the nectar that it which are amenable to the laboratory, thus allowing con- regurgitates and passes them through trophallactic contacts trolled study and access to the underlying nervous system. (Farina et al. 2005, 2006; Gil and de Marco 2005, 2006). 123 J Comp Physiol A

Usually, many such dances occur in parallel within a col- trained situation in order to assess the memory created by ony. Individual and collective decision-making result from training. Eventually, novel stimuli can be presented in the multiple and independent decisions without reference to test together with the trained stimulus in order to study full knowledge of all potential options available (Seeley generalization and discrimination capabilities. Transfer to 1995). novel stimuli (i.e. in absence of the trained stimulus) can The complexity and richness of the honeybee’s life is also be tested to characterize the Xexibility of the bee’s therefore appealing in terms of the opportunities it oVers for choice (see below). the study of learning and memory. Such an appeal would be, however, useless if these phenomena would not be ame- Conditioning of the approach Xight towards a visual target nable to controlled laboratory conditions. However, several in free-Xying bees protocols have been developed to allow experimental access in terms of controlled training and testing condi- Free-Xying honeybees can be conditioned to visual stimuli tions, thus underlining the remarkable plasticity of this such as colors, shapes and patterns, depth and motion con- insect which can learn even under restrictive (in terms of trast, among others (Frisch 1914; Wehner 1981; Giurfa movement, for instance) or stressful (in terms of the aver- and Menzel 1997; Lehrer 1997; Giurfa and Lehrer 2001). sive reinforcement experienced) conditions. In such a protocol, each bee is individually marked by means of a color spot on the thorax or the abdomen so that individual performances can be recorded. The marked bee Experimental access to learning and memory is generally displaced by the experimenter towards the in honeybees training/test place where it is rewarded with sucrose solu- tion to promote its regular return (Fig. 1a). Such pre-train- Honeybees can be easily trained individually to solve ing is performed without presenting the training stimuli in diVerent kinds of discrimination problems (Frisch 1967). order to avoid uncontrolled learning. When the bee starts DiVerently to the en-masse training commonly used in visiting the experimental place actively (i.e., without other insects (e.g. Drosophila; Tully and Quinn 1985), being displaced by the experimenter), the training stimuli which does not always allow to control the exact experi- are presented and the choice of the appropriate visual tar- ence of the experimental subjects, diVerent experimental get reinforced with sucrose solution. As pointed out protocols have been implemented to study learning and above, bees have to be trained and tested individually to memory in honeybees at the individual level. Such an achieve a precise control of the experience of each subject individual approach is important because learning and when it enters into a particular test. It is also important to memory result from individual experience and because a control the distance at which a choice is made because ori- neurobiological approach can be then undertaken and cor- entation and choice are mediated by diVerent visual cues related with individual learning and memory scores only at diVerent distances or angles subtended by the target if such scores have been recorded in a precise way. Four (Giurfa and Menzel 1997; Giurfa and Lehrer 2001). The main protocols developed to study honeybee learning and time between visits to the experimental place is also an memory can be mentioned here: (1) conditioning of the important variable to be recorded as it reXects the appeti- approach Xight towards a visual target in free-Xying bees, tive motivation of the bee (Núñez 1982) and thus its moti- (2) olfactory conditioning of the proboscis extension vation to learn. For a food source distance of reXex in harnessed bees, (3) mechanosensory condition- approximately 100 m from the hive, motivated bees take ing of the proboscis extension reXex in harnessed bees, between 2 and 10 min between foraging bouts. Longer and (4) olfactory conditioning of the sting extension reXex intervals may reXect a lower appetitive motivation and in harnessed bees. The Wrst three protocols exploit the thus unreliable data. appetitive context of food search as in both cases bees are Several behaviors can be used to quantify the bees’ rewarded with sucrose solution as an equivalent of nectar. choice in these experiments. Touches (i.e. the Xights The fourth protocol represents a case of aversive learning towards a target that end with a contact of the bee’s anten- as bees learn to associate odorants paired with the noxious nae or legs with the stimulus surface) and landings on a reinforcement of an electric shock. In all four cases, and given stimulus are usually recorded to this end. The associ- with diVerent possible modiWcations derived from particular ations built in these context can be either operant, classical experimental needs, the basic experimental design com- or both, i.e. they may link visual stimuli (CS) and reward prises an acquisition or training phase in which the bees (US), the response of the animal (e.g. landing) and the US, experience a particular stimulus or perform a given task or both. The experimental framework is nevertheless that is reinforced, and a test or retrieval phase without mainly operant as the bee’s behavior is determinant for reinforcement in which the bees are presented with the obtaining or not the sucrose reinforcement. 123 J Comp Physiol A

Fig. 1 Experimental protocols for the study of learning and memory taneous-choice” test in which bees freely choose between the color that in honeybees. a Visual appetitive conditioning of free-Xying bees. A will be trained and an alternative. Bees learned faster 413 nm than bee marked with a green spot on the abdomen is trained to collect sugar 532 nm. n: number of choices recorded. f Acquisition curves for bees solution in the middle of a ring pattern. b Olfactory appetitive condi- trained to associate and odorant with sucrose solution (adapted from tioning of harnessed bees. Left panel A bee immobilized in a metal Fig. 2 in Bitterman et al. 1983). The curves depict the percentage of tube faces an olfactory stimulation device controlled by a computer. PER along conditioning trials for a group of bees trained with explic- The toothpick soaked in sucrose solution allows delivering reward to itly paired presentations of odorant and reward (‘paired’, black dots) the antennae and mouthparts. Right panel Proboscis extension reXex and for another group trained with explicitly unpaired presentations of (PER). c Tactile learning of harnessed bees (courtesy of R Scheiner). odorant and reward (‘unpaired’, white dots). Only the paired group An immobilized bee contacts with its antennae a metal surface present- learned the odorant-reward association thus showing that learning has ing a given texture and receives a reward of sucrose solution delivered an associative basis. g Acquisition curve in tactile learning of bees to its proboscis. d Olfactory aversive conditioning of harnessed bees. trained to associate a vertical pattern texture with sucrose solution A bee is immobilized by an elastic girdle (G) between two metal plates (adapted from Fig. 3a in Erber et al. 1998). The curve depicts the per- (E1, E2) on a Plexiglas plate (pp) through which a mild electric shock centage of PER along ten conditioning trials. f Acquisition curves for is delivered. Odorant presentation is achieved by a syringe (S) and bees trained to associate and odorant with an electric shock (adapted olfactory contamination is avoided by an air extractor (AE). e Acqui- from Fig. 2 in Vergoz et al. 2007). The curves depict the percentage of sition curves for bees trained with colors in dual-choice experiments SER along conditioning trials for a paired group (black dots) and for an (adapted from Fig. 4 in Menzel 1967). The curves depict the percent- unpaired group (white dots). Only the paired group learned the odor- age of correct choices along conditioning for two wavelengths, 413 nm ant-reward association thus showing that learning has an associative (human violet) and 532 nm (human green). Trial 0 constitutes a “spon- basis 123 J Comp Physiol A

Olfactory conditioning of the proboscis extension their antennae or speciWc antennal movements with a reXex in harnessed bees reward of sucrose solution delivered to the proboscis. In one of these protocols, the bee is rewarded when its fre- Apart from visual stimuli, honeybees can be conditioned to quency of antennal contacts with an object (a plate close to olfactory stimuli (Takeda 1961; Bitterman et al. 1983). In the bee’s head) exceeds a certain threshold (Kisch and such a protocol, each bee is restrained in an individual har- Erber 1999); as a result of this operant conditioning, bees ness such that it can only freely move its antennae and increase their frequency of antennal contacts with the rein- mouth-parts (mandibles and proboscis) (Fig. 1b). The forced object. In another protocol, bees are rewarded after antennae are the bees’ main chemosensory organs. When scanning with their antennae the surface of a given object in the antennae of a hungry bee are touched with sucrose solu- order to learn its texture properties (Fig. 1c; Erber et al. tion, the animal reXexively extends its proboscis to reach 1998; Scheiner et al. 1999; Scheiner et al. 2001a); the asso- out to and suck the sucrose (proboscis extension reXex or ciations established in this form of conditioning are proba- PER). Neutral odorants blown to the antennae do not bly both operant and classical. In a third variant, bees are release such a reXex in naive animals. If, however, an odor- rewarded whenever their antennae, left, right or both, are ant is presented immediately before sucrose solution (for- mechanically stimulated by the experimenter (Giurfa and ward pairing), an association is formed which enables the Malun 2004). In this case, and contrarily to the two previ- odorant to release the PER in a following test (Fig. 1b) This ous protocols, the antennal response of the bees is not cru- eVect is clearly associative and constitutes a case of classi- cial for obtaining the reward so that bees learn a Pavlovian cal conditioning (Bitterman et al. 1983), i.e. the odorant can association between mechanosensory stimulation and be viewed as the conditioned stimulus (CS) and the sucrose sucrose reward. The same experimental remarks apply as solution as the rewarding, unconditioned stimulus (US). for olfactory conditioning of PER as the same response is Within this framework, bees learn to associate the odorant measured here: PER integrity has to be measured before with the sucrose reward. and after the experiment and responses to the CS (the As in any learning protocol, it is important to ensure the mechanosensory stimulation) have to be measured before appropriate appetitive motivation of the experimental sub- US delivery. As the mechanosensory stimulation of the jects. Immobilized bees in the laboratory have therefore to antennae may be confounded with visual cues (the be starved prior to conditioning. Two to three hours or a approach of the mechanosensory stimulus to bee head), a whole night are usually used as starvation periods in which common procedure is to paint the eyes of the harnessed bees have to be kept in a calm, darkened, humid environ- bees with black paint before conditioning. In this way ment. In olfactory PER conditioning, the response recorded undesirable visual cues are excluded from the association. is the extension of the proboscis which is a dichotomous response (1 or 0). The duration of PER can also be recorded Olfactory conditioning of the sting extension reXex in order to provide a continuous, instead of a discrete, mea- in harnessed bees sure of acquisition (Hoster and Smith 2000). To quantify learning, responses to the CS (the odorant) have to be mea- Contrarily to the previous protocols, this new form of con- sured before US delivery in each acquisition trial. Quantify- ditioning (Vergoz et al 2007) oVers the opportunity to study ing responses to the US is also important to control for the aversive instead of appetitive learning in honeybees. In this presence of the unconditioned reaction and thus for the case, each bee is restrained in an individual harness such maintenance of the appetitive motivation of the bee that it builds a bridge between two metallic plates through throughout the experiment. A useful practice is to check the which an electric shock can be delivered (Fig. 1d). Bees integrity of PER before and after the experiment by touch- stimulated in this way exhibit an unconditioned, defensive ing the antennae with sucrose solution. Animals not exhib- reaction which is the extension of the sting (sting extension iting PER in these control assays should not be included in reXex or SER) (Núñez et al. 1997). Using odorants paired the experimental analyses as negative responses during with electric shocks, it is possible to condition the SER so acquisition and/or retrieval can be due to sensory-motor that bees learn to extend their sting in response to the odor- deWcits instead of learning and/or memory deWcits. ants previously punished (Vergoz et al. 2007). Because no appetitive responses are involved in this protocol, true aver- Mechanosensory conditioning of the proboscis extension sive learning can be characterized in this way. reXex in harnessed bees Contrarily to other cases of aversive learning, however, the consequence of SER conditioning is neither an avoidance DiVerent protocols of mechanosensory conditioning have response towards the stimulus (here a given odorant) predict- been developed, which exploit the principle that harnessed ing the noxious unconditioned stimulus (here the shock) honeybees can associate a mechanosensory stimulation of nor the inhibition of a response. In traditional protocols of 123 J Comp Physiol A aversive learning, individuals learn to actively avoid a noxious stimulus (e.g. fruit Xies trained to associate an odorant with an electric shock in a T-maze actively avoid the arm of the maze presenting the odorant, which was negatively rein- forced) (Tully and Quinn 1985) or to inhibit a response when confronted with a potentially harmful situation (e.g. mice trained to associate a given context with an electric shock exhibit a freezing response when replaced in the same con- text) (Bolles 1970; Fanselow 1980). In SER conditioning, bees learn to redirect an active response, stinging, towards an originally neutral stimulus that predicts shock delivery. This diVerence does not invalidate the term ‘aversive’ used to characterize this protocol but underlines the importance of relating responses to their biological background. In a natu- Fig. 2 Three-dimensional reconstruction of a honeybee brain in fron- ral context, bees facing a potential danger are not supposed tal view based on confocal microscopy (from Malun et al. 2002). ME to escape but to attack. In that sense the natural response to medulla (a small portion of the medulla is shown); LO lobula. Visual an aversive stimulus is precisely what is recorded in this pro- processing occurs both in the ME and the LO. AL antennal lobe, the pri- tocol. Thus, independently of the fact that bees actively pro- mary olfactory neuropile; PL protocerebral lobe (lateral horn), a high- er-order center of the olfactory circuit; SOG suboesophageal ganglion, duce a response instead of inhibiting it, SER conditioning is a region of the brain related to gustatory input; the SOG also controls a case of true aversive learning as it relies on the relevant, motor outputs of the mouthparts. CB central body; the two prominent, natural response to an aversive stimulus. lighter symmetric structures in the middle of the brain are the mush- As in appetitive olfactory conditioning of PER, the room bodies. Each mushroom body consists of two subunits, the caly- ces, lateral (LC) and median (MC) that constitute the input region of the experimenter controls the stimulus contingency and can mushroom bodies. Two lobes  and  constitute their output. therefore vary the interstimulus interval and/or the intertrial Bar = 200 m interval in order to study the impact of these variations on aversive olfactory memory. Responses recorded are also dichotomous (1 or 0) but continuous measures can be conditioning, respectively, have the advantage of being obtained by recording SER duration. To quantify learning, controlled learning protocols precluding the bees’ move- responses to the CS (the odorant) have to be measured ment so that they can be easily combined with physiologi- before shock delivery in each acquisition trial. Quantifying cal approaches allowing the study in vivo of cellular and responses to the shock is also important to control for the molecular substrates of learning and memory. This is a con- presence of the unconditioned reaction and thus for the siderable advantage oVered by bees and by other inverte- aversive motivation of the bee throughout the experiment. brate models with respect to some vertebrates, namely the As for PER conditioning, the integrity of SER has to be possibility of an ‘on-line’ access to the nervous system of a checked before and after the experiment to ensure the reli- non-anaesthetized animal while it learns and memorizes. It ability of the data recorded. is possible to expose the bee brain through a small window cut in the cuticle of the head and to employ several invasive methods to study the bases of learning and memory. So far, Accessibility of the central nervous system these methods have been essentially used for the study of olfactory learning. Less is known about the neural bases of The brain of a honeybee has a volume of approximately mechanosensory learning in bees, although in the diVerent 1mm3 and contains around 960,000 neurons (Fig. 2). variants employed to study this learning form bees are har- Despite this apparent simplicity, the bee brain is capable of nessed and their nervous system accessible. supporting learning and memory under simpliWed and Physiological correlates of olfactory learning can be restrictive conditions as those described above. Accessing it found at diVerent levels, ranging from speciWc molecules in order to understand how neural architecture relates to that act as key signals and whose function can be manipu- cognitive processing is therefore possible and several lated through pharmacological treatments, to single identi- approaches can be employed to this end. Wed neurons and neuronal ensembles whose activity can be Although the free-Xying visual conditioning protocol visualized using electrophysiological or optophysiological oVers the obvious advantage of keeping the bee free and techniques (Menzel 1999, 2001). Neuropharmacological thus allows visualizing the richness of its natural learning approaches based on the injection or uncaging into the abilities, it is not helpful to uncover the neural bases of such brain of agonists or antagonists of neurotransmitters or abilities. Appetitive and aversive olfactory PER and SER receptors can also be employed. Furthermore, RNAi antisense 123 J Comp Physiol A can also be injected into the bee brain to characterize func- few days after learning if the animal is not allowed to learn tionally the role of certain receptors and other proteins anything else during this time, while three learning trials (Fiala et al. 1999; Farooqui et al. 2003). lead to a life-long color memory. This was the very basis Experimental access to the bee brain has allowed charac- for discovering the existence of diVerent memory phases in terizing its basic architectural principles (Menzel and honeybees, some of which are short-term memories suscep- Giurfa 2001). It comprises (1) dedicated neuropiles, i.e. tible to interferences from additional color trials while oth- brain regions devoted to the processing of speciWc sensory ers are long-term memories which are resistant to such information (vision, olfaction, etc.), (2) dedicated neurons, interferences. Short-term memories which allow keeping i.e. neurons that can be recurrently identiWed from bee to memory active during shorter periods of time are domi- bee and within the same bee due to their unique morphol- nated by non-associative processes such as sensitization. It ogy and because they accomplish speciWc functions in sen- was shown that 24 h after conditioning memory formation sory-motor routines, and (3) higher-order integration is not protein-synthesis dependent, thus leading to the con- centers, i.e. centers in which diVerent sensory pathways clusion that long-term visual memories were not dependent converge such that multimodal integration takes place in on such a synthesis (Wittstock and Menzel 1994). How- them. Examples of these elements will be provided below ever, this conclusion is only valid for early components of when discussing the neural substrates of elemental and non- long-term memory as bees in these experiments were not elemental learning in bees. tested at intervals longer than 24 hours after conditioning. Results from olfactory conditioning (see below) have shown that olfactory memories older than 4 days are indeed Elemental appetitive learning in bees dependent on protein-synthesis and gene transcription (Wüstenberg et al. 1998; Schwaerzel and Müller 2006). A Having described the main protocols used for the study of similar dependency of color memory is expected given the learning in honeybees, I will outline in this section the Wnd- parallels in dynamics between olfactory and visual memo- ings that allowed characterizing elemental forms of learn- ries. However, the demonstration that later components of ing at the behavioral and the cellular level. long-term color memory do indeed depend on protein syn- thesis is still pending. Elemental color learning and memory in free-Xying Color conditioning of free-Xying bees was used to char- honeybees acterize other elemental learning phenomena such as over- shadowing, the fact that after learning a color compound a The Wrst pioneer study on honeybee learning and memory bee responds signiWcantly more to one color at the expense that used controlled protocols for characterizing individual of the other (Couvillon and Bittermann 1980, 1989; Couvil- acquisition and retention employed colors as rewarding lon et al. 1983), and blocking, the fact that after learning a stimuli (Menzel 1967). Free-Xying bees were trained to single color and being then trained with a color compound choose a rewarded monochromatic light and were then pre- made of the previously rewarded color and a new color, a sented in dual choice situations with the rewarded light vs. bee may not learn the new color despite its tight association an alternative color. This study reported acquisition curves with reward in the second training phase (Couvillon et al. for diVerent wavelengths and showed that bees learned all 1997). Often, studies addressing these phenomena did not wavelengths after few (generally three) learning trials consider important stimulus characteristics that could bias (Fig. 1d). Performance was independent of the alternative, performance such as chromatic salience and detectability. non-rewarded wavelength presented in the test. Moreover, They had nevertheless the merit of underlining the fact that some wavelengths, particularly 413 nm, were learned faster general principles of learning studied in vertebrates could than others, especially after a Wrst acquisition trial (Menzel be also found in honeybees. 1967). This result argued in favor of innate biases in color In the 1980s and 1990s visual learning was mainly used learning, probably reXecting the intrinsic biological rele- as a tool to answer questions on orientation close to the goal vance of the color signals that are learned faster (Menzel and visual perception and discrimination. The questions 1985). Indeed, color-naïve honeybees in their Wrst foraging raised by these works (see Lehrer 1997; Srinivasan and Xight prefer those colors that experienced bees learn faster Zhang 1997 for reviews) focused on visual capabilities like (Giurfa et al. 1995) and preliminary Wndings indicate that visual spatial resolution, shape discrimination, orientation those colors could correspond to Xoral colors that are detection, movement perception and parallax, among oth- highly associated with a proWtable nectar reward (Giurfa ers, and were not directly concerned by learning itself. Not et al. 1995). surprisingly, individual acquisition curves were usually The experiments of Menzel (1968) allowed determining absent as learning was not the main focus of these works. that one learning trial leads to a memory trace that fades a Recent results have shown, however, that the visual 123 J Comp Physiol A strategies used by bees to solve a visual discrimination may Elemental olfactory learning and memory in harnessed bees be aVected by the amount of accumulated experience at the moment of a test (Giurfa et al. 2003; Stach and Giurfa The Wrst study on olfactory PER conditioning was per- 2006). Quantifying learning is therefore crucial even for the formed by Takeda (1961) and was inspired by Kuwabara simplest visual discrimination experiment that involves (1957) who reported PER conditioning using colors as CS. training to a single visual target. Olfactory PER conditioning was Wrst used to assess olfac- Due to obvious limitations, color learning in honeybees tory discrimination capabilities in bees. These were typi- was never amenable to the cellular level because of the free- cally trained with one rewarded odor and then tested for Xying activity of the bees under study. Stages of central color their choice of diVerent odors which diVered from the processing such as color-opponent neurons (Kien and Men- rewarded one in structural terms (Vareschi 1971). Even zel 1977; Yang et al. 2004) are known in the bee brain (Men- now, the protocol continues to serve to this end and has zel and Backhaus 1991) but there is no evidence about allowed characterizing a putative olfactory space for the possible interactions between the known neural elements of honeybee (Guerrieri et al. 2005a). This space has been the color processing circuit and a reward-processing path- established by quantifying similarity relationships between way. Recently, a protocol for color conditioning of the pro- several odorants through olfactory PER conditioning. boscis extension reXex has been proposed (Hori et al. 2006), However, the protocol turned to be the most powerful tool based on pioneer Wndings by Kuwabara (1957). This protocol to characterize elemental olfactory learning after Bit- consists in training harnessed bees to extend the proboscis to terman et al. (1983) characterized it as a case of classical color signals paired with sucrose solution. conditioning in which bees learn a CS (odorant)–US (sucrose solution) association. Forward pairing of the CS Elemental mechanosensory learning and memory and the US, but not unpaired presentations of these stimuli, in harnessed honeybees results in acquisition and learning of the trained odorant (Fig. 1e). The memory trace initiated by a single CS–US Because diVerent variants of mechanosensory learning pairing follows a biphasic memory function similar to that exist, I will focus here on tactile learning (Erber et al. found for color learning of free-Xying bees. The initial 1998), the conditioning form which has been so far mostly high response level (< 3min) is dominated by a non-asso- studied. In tactile learning, bees learn the surface of tactile ciative, sensitization component, because a single US objects which are associated with a sucrose reward (Erber alone also arouses the animal for a short period of time, et al. 1998, Scheiner et al. 1999). Using such a protocol it leading to a transient increase of response to many stimuli, was shown that bees distinguish between objects presented including the CS. to the right or left antenna (Scheiner et al. 2001a) and that A single learning trial results in a medium-term mem- bees discriminate between diVerent sizes of objects, diVer- ory that fades away after some days while three learning ent forms and diVerent surface structures (Erber et al. trials lead to a stable long-term memory that is resistant to 1998). Acquisition is very fast so that bees reach a plateau diVerent forms of interference. Olfactory memory and its after few trials (Fig. 1g) and leads to diVerent memory diVerent phases (short-term, early and late; medium-term, phases in the short-term, medium-term and long-term range early and late and long-term, early and late; see Menzel (Dacher et al. 2005). 1999) have been characterized accurately in terms of their Tactile learning has been so far a tool to study questions dynamics (Menzel 1999). The molecular bases of these related to genetic foraging specialization and division of phases are currently either known or being explored (Men- labor (the fact that bees may be predetermined genetically zel 2001) but this subject will not be reviewed here. The to forage for pollen or nectar) rather than an object of study fact that similar dynamics underlie color and olfactory per se. Practically, no study has tackled in detail its neural memory can be related to the natural lifestyle of the honey- bases, thus identifying the neural pathways underlying bee. Indeed, olfactory memory phases correspond to the mechanosensory stimulus representation in the bee brain. temporal dynamics of foraging activities in the Weld (Men- Recently, the involvement of nicotinic pathways in tactile zel 1999) such that early components of memory can be memory formation and retrieval processes was studied by related to the fast succession of experiences that a bee injecting into the bee brain various nicotinic antagonists gathers while foraging within a patch or when moving (Dacher et al. 2005). It was shown that nicotinic receptors between close patches whilst medium-term memory corre- are involved in tactile memory formation and retrieval. Nic- sponds, because of its intrinsic dynamic, to the intervals otinic antagonists had diVerent eVects depending on the occurring between foraging bouts. Long-term memory injection period, thus suggesting diVerent pharmacological relates to foraging bouts that are spaced in time and which bases underlying diVerent tactile memory phases. These may occur on diVerent days or after long-interrupted bouts results parallel Wndings in olfactory learning (see below). (Menzel 1999). 123 J Comp Physiol A

As in other classical (Pavlovian) protocols, olfactory a) b) memory acquired through PER conditioning is dependent on MB variables such as the kind of CS, US intensity (i.e. the MB MB CB Pn amount and/or quality of sucrose solution received during Pn VUMmx1 ME LO LH LH AL AL conditioning), the number of conditioning trials and the Gl VUMmx1 intertrial interval (Menzel et al. 2001). Trial spacing is the SOG LH dominant factor both for acquisition and retention. Gener- AN ally, massed trials (i.e. trials succeeding each other in a fast sequence) lead to impaired memory performances compared AL to spaced trials (i.e. trials separated in time). Longer inter- trial intervals lead to better acquisition and higher retention. Several studies on olfactory memory dynamics (reviewed in Menzel 1999) showed that memories in bees pass through ORNs GRNs an early consolidation phase, and that memories are fragile before consolidation is completed. Transfer from short-term Fig. 3 CS¡US associations in the honeybee brain (adapted from a memory to long-term memory via medium-term memory is scheme provided by courtesy of B. Gruenewald). a Scheme of a frontal not a purely sequential process but also includes parallel view of the bee brain showing the olfactory (CS; in blue on the left) and processes (Menzel 1999). As in color learning, olfactory gustatory (US, in red on the right) central pathways. The CS pathway: Olfactory receptor neurons send information to the brain via the anten- short-term memories are dominated by non-associative sen- nal nerve (AN). In the antennal lobe (AL), these neurons synapse at the sitization component and long-term memory at its latest level of glomeruli (Gl) onto local interneurons (not shown) and projec- phase depends on gene transcription (Wüstenberg et al. tion neurons (Pn) conveying the olfactory information to higher-order 1998). Early long-term memory may depend also on protein centers, the lateral horn (LH) and the mushroom bodies (MB). MBs are interconnected through commissural tracts (in violet). The US path- synthesis, but from already available mRNA, without de way: this circuit is partially represented by the VUMmx1 neuron, which novo transcription (see Schwaerzel and Müller 2006). The converges with the CS pathway at three main sites: the AL, the LH and main conclusion arising from studies on honeybee olfactory the MB. CB central body, SOG suboesophageal ganglion. b Scheme of memory (Menzel 1999, 2001) is that behavioral perfor- the localization and distribution of CS–US associations in the bee brain. ORNs olfactory receptor neurons; GRNs gustatory receptor neu- mance reXecting memory storage and retrieval is guided by rons. The dashed line between GRNs and VUMmx1 indicates that this multiple and discrete memory traces rather than by a single, part of the circuit is actually unknown continuously decaying memory trace. Olfactory conditioning of PER allowed studying in a more controlled way associative phenomena such as over- shadowing (Smith 1998), blocking (Smith and Cobey 1994; odorants to the antennal lobe. This paired structure is a Gerber and Ullrich 1999; Hosler and Smith 2000; Guerrieri good example of ‘dedicated neuropile’ (see above) as it is et al. 2005b) and other forms of compound conditioning the primary olfactory centre of the bee brain. Antennal (e.g. sensory preconditioning, Müller et al. 2000; backward lobes are constituted by globular structures called glome- blocking, Blaser et al. 2004). In some cases clear eVects ruli. Glomeruli are synaptic interaction sites between olfac- were found (e.g. overshadowing, sensory preconditioning) tory receptors, local inhibitory interneurons connecting while in others (e.g. blocking) the responses were rather glomeruli laterally and projection neurons conveying pro- inconsistent (Guerrieri et al. 2005b). cessed olfactory information to higher order centers such as the lateral horn or the mushroom bodies. The latter are Cellular bases of appetitive olfactory PER conditioning ‘higher-order integration centers’ as they receive input from visual and mechanosensory pathways apart from the Apart from behavioral studies, the signiWcant advance olfactory pathway. yielded by olfactory PER conditioning was the possibility Optophysiological studies based on recording calcium of tracing CS and US pathways in the honeybee brain and activity at the level of the antennal lobe following olfactory studying in an integrative way the neural circuits underly- stimulation have shown that in naïve (i.e. non-trained) hon- ing elemental associative learning (Fig. 3). Odorants are eybees, odors are represented in terms of glomerular activ- processed in a neural pathway (the CS processing pathway) ity patterns (Joerges et al 1997; Galizia and Menzel 2000). characterized by diVerent processing stages (Fig. 3a). Activity patterns for a given odor are symmetric between Olfactory perception starts at the level of the antennae brain hemispheres and are conserved between individuals where olfactory receptor neurons are located within spe- (Galizia et al. 1998, 1999). The pattern of active glomeruli cialized hairs called sensilla. Sensory neurons endowed “tells” the brain the identity of the odorant processed. When with molecular olfactory receptors convey information on two odorants are presented in a mixture, the glomerular 123 J Comp Physiol A representation resembles the sum of the responses to the by experiments that showed no change in activity in a sub- components or the response of the strongest component population of uniglomerular output neurons (projection (Deisig et al. 2006). As more components are added, the neurons) after diVerent elemental olfactory conditioning picture changes and inhibitory interactions become appar- protocols (Peele et al. 2006). How olfactory representations ent (Joerges et al. 1997; Deisig et al. 2006). This across- are modiWed by associative learning has therefore still to be Wber pattern coding is maintained upstream and can be determined. In doing this, changes at the diVerent stages of recorded both at the level of projection neurons, conveying the olfactory pathway have to be studied at diVerent inter- information from the antennal lobe to higher order centers vals post conditioning. Moreover, the eVect of diVerent (Sachse and Galizia 2002), and of the mushroom bodies conditioning protocols of varying complexity should also (Faber and Menzel 2001) but there are diVerences in odor be considered as a possible determinant of the olfactory coding between the antennal lobes and the mushroom bod- representation achieved. ies. Indeed, odors evoke combinatorial activity patterns In the case of the US processing pathway, our knowledge also at the level of the calyces, the input region of the is only partial, at least in neuroanatomical terms, as it is so mushroom bodies, but these are signiWcantly sparser far restricted to a unique neuron which is necessary and (Szyszka et al. 2005). Moreover, the Kenyon cells, the neu- suYcient to substitute for the sucrose reward in the honey- rons that constitute the mushroom bodies, exhibit a tempo- bee brain. This neuron, which constitutes a good example ral sharpening of responses in response to odorants. of ‘dedicated neuron’ (see above) is called VUMmx1 (abbre- Besides coding through an across-Wber pattern, informa- viation for “ventral unpaired median neuron of the maxil- tion about odor identity is also contained in the timing of lary neuromere 1”) and responds with long-lasting spike action potentials in an oscillatory population response activity to sucrose solution delivered both at the antennae (Laurent et al. 1996). More speciWcally, each odorant is and the proboscis (Hammer 1993). The dendrites of W encoded through a speci c oscillatory synchronization of VUMmx1 arborize symmetrically in the brain and converge assemblies of projection neurons. This temporal coding with the olfactory pathway at three sites: the antennal lobes, strategy is employed by the olfactory circuit of the locust the calyces, which are the olfactory input areas of the (Wehr and Laurent 1996) and seems also to be present in mushroom bodies, and the lateral horns (Fig. 3a). Such a the honeybee (Stopfer et al. 1997). In honeybees, the oscil- convergence is particularly remarkable in the case of a neu- latory synchronization of assemblies of projection neurons ron coding for sucrose solution as it provides the structural  is abolished by picrotoxin, an antagonist of the GABAA ( - basis for CS–US associations. That VUMmx1 constitutes aminobutyric acid) receptor (Stopfer et al. 1997). After this indeed the neural representation of the US in olfactory PER treatment, honeybees trained using the olfactory condition- conditioning was shown through an elegant substitution ing of PER are impaired for discriminating the trained experiment performed by Hammer (1993). He showed that odorant from a molecularly similar odorant, but not from a behavioral learning of an olfactory stimulus can be induced dissimilar odorant. It was, therefore, suggested, that oscilla- by substituting the sucrose reward in PER conditioning by W tory synchronization and the kind of temporal encoding it an arti cial depolarization of VUMmx1 immediately after aVords provide an additional dimension by which the brain olfactory stimulation (forward pairing). If depolarization, could segment spatially overlapping stimulus representa- and thus spike activity, precedes olfactory stimulation tions (Stopfer et al. 1997). These results are appealing as (backward pairing), no learning was observed. The same spatial (across-Wber pattern) and temporal (oscillatory syn- forward-backward eVect was seen when sucrose was used chrony) might coexist in the nervous system and could as the reward under similar experimental conditions. V encode di erent odorant properties or be engaged for These results thus showed that VUMmx1 activity constitutes resolving diVerent olfactory demands. the neural correlate of the US in associative olfactory Although some parts of the CS pathway are still superW- learning. cially characterized (for instance, the lateral horn), and This conclusion was reaYrmed by neuropharmacologi- although we only start to understand dynamic aspects of cal experiments aimed at discovering the neurotransmitter odorant processing in several of the stages of this pathway acting as appetitive reinforcement in olfactory PER condi-

(Szyszka et al. 2005), an integrative view of the CS circuit tioning. As VUMmx1 belongs to a group of octopamine- is already available. How does learning modify neural immunoreactive neurons (Kreissl et al. 1994), it was activity in this circuit? Faber et al. (1999) found that olfac- hypothesized that octopamine, a biogenic amine usually tory diVerential conditioning induces an increase in the associated with increased levels of arousal and behavioral intensity of the glomerular activation pattern for a rewarded facilitation in invertebrates (Libersat and PXüger 2004; odorant but not a qualitative change in its global nature. Huber 2005), acts as the neurotransmitter necessary and The non-rewarded odorant induced no change in glomeru- suYcient to substitute for the sucrose reward (Hammer and lar activity. This conclusion has been recently challenged Menzel 1998). Indeed, pairing an odorant with injections of 123 J Comp Physiol A octopamine as a substitute for sucrose into the mushroom The picture emerging from these and other studies is one bodies or the antennal lobes (but not the lateral horn) lobe in which elemental, associative, olfactory learning can be produced a lasting, learning-dependent enhancement of accurately characterized both at the behavioral and cellular proboscis extension (Hammer and Menzel 1998). Thus, levels in order to understand the mechanisms of this simple Y V octopamine signaling via VUMmx1 is su cient to substitute form of learning. The honeybee o ers the unique chance of for sugar reinforcement in honeybees. This conclusion was dissecting elemental olfactory learning and identifying its conWrmed by silencing octopaminergic receptor expression building blocks. From this dissection it appears that learn- in the honeybee antennal lobe using double-stranded RNA ing relies on distributed, but localized interactions between (Farooqui et al. 2003). This treatment inhibited olfactory CS and US pathways throughout the brain (Fig. 3b). Distri- acquisition and recall, but did not disrupt odorant discrimi- bution is reXected by the fact that interactions between nation. This result underlines the fact that appetitive rein- these pathways occur in at least three diVerent regions of forcer function in the invertebrate brain is subserved by the brain, the antennal lobes, the mushroom bodies and the speciWc neurons and associated biogenic amines (here octo- lateral horns (see Fig. 3b). Localization is reXected by the pamine), which act as value systems in associative learning fact that these interactions are spatially delimited. Redun- phenomena, i.e. as systems allowing ordering, prioritizing dancy could also be enounced as a principle due to the rep- and assigning ‘good’ or ‘bad’ labels to odorants (Giurfa etition of synaptic interactions between CS and US 2006). pathways, but so far it is unknown whether the interactions A more integrative view of the US pathway is still miss- occurring at one of these three sites are equivalent to those ing. Although gustatory receptor neurons tuned to sucrose occurring in another site, i.e. whether diVerent memory have been located on specialized sensilla on the antennae, contents are formed and stored in the antennal lobes, mush- mouth parts and tarsi (Whitehead and Larsen 1976; White- room bodies and lateral horns. Instead, it appears that these head 1978; Haupt 2004; de Brito Sanchez et al. 2005), less diVerent brain structures intervene in diVerent forms of is known about the circuit allowing these receptors to con- learning (see below) so that the concept of redundancy vey US information to the central level, more speciWcally to would not be appropriated.

VUMmx1. This circuit is probably localized in the subo- esophageal ganglion, which is the Wrst synaptic rely in the gustatory pathway (Altman and Kien 1987). Despite this Elemental aversive learning in bees incomplete view of the US pathway, an important principle W of classical conditioning was veri ed by studying VUMmx1 The previous sections underline that, for almost a century, activity, namely stimulus substitution. Classical condition- research on honeybees has made signiWcant contributions ing relies on the fact that a CS acquires the capacity of to our general understanding of learning and memory but replacing the US as it becomes a reliable predictor of rein- that such an understanding is restricted to appetitive learn- forcement. This was evident in recordings of VUMmx1 ing. As mentioned above, olfactory conditioning of PER activity after olfactory conditioning (Hammer 1993). After has been used for 45 years (beginning in 1961; Takeda training a bee to discriminate a rewarded (CS1) from a non- 1961) as the unique tool to access the neural and molecular W rewarded odorant (CS2), it was found that VUMmx1 red to bases of learning in honeybees. CS1 and not to CS2 (Hammer 1993). Thus, CS1, the odor- Recently, aversive learning could be studied in honey- ant that reliably predicted the US, acquired the capacity of bees in such a way that both behavioral and neural levels activating VUMmx1. At the same time, VUMmx1 continues were made accessible to experimentation (Vergoz et al. to respond to the US when it is presented unexpectedly, i.e. 2007). Pairing an odorant with an electric shock resulted in not preceded by a predictive odorant (Menzel and Giurfa associative learning in which bees learned to extend their X 2001). Thus, the VUMmx1 neuron has the characteristic sting (sting extension re ex or SER) in response to the properties of a system that provides reinforcement predic- odorant previously punished (Fig. 1f). They could also tion error information that is critical to associative learning learn to master simultaneously appetitive and aversive (e.g. Schultz and Dickinson 2000). In other words, it pro- associations and exhibited the appropriate response, PER or vides information on the discrepancy between the expected SER, to the appropriate odorant. Moreover, neuropharma- and delivered values of a reinforcing event (the prediction cological experiments addressed the question of modularity error), which determines the eVective reinforcement value of appetitive and aversive learning and the possible depen- of that event (Rescorla and Wagner 1972). How and where dency of this modularity on two diVerent biogenic amines does VUMmx1 get information from the olfactory pathway subserving appetitive and aversive reinforcement. Indeed, in order to be able to respond to an odorant after successful while octopamine has been shown to substitute for appeti- pairing with sucrose? So far, the answer to this question tive reinforcement (Hammer and Menzel 1998; see above), remains unknown. it was found that blocking of dopaminergic, but not 123 J Comp Physiol A octopaminergic, receptors suppresses aversive olfactory the bee’s world. What has been learned for a given color in learning (Vergoz et al. 2007). Thus, octopamine and dopa- terms of its outcome is valid for that color but not for a mine subserve appetitive and aversive reinforcement in the diVerent one. The sucrose reward that follows a given honeybee, respectively. Again, this Wnding underlines the behavior, like contacting a given surface with the left conclusion that dedicated biogenic amines act as value sys- antenna, is valid for that behavior but not for a diVerent one tems in the invertebrate brain and that they fulWll diVerent like contacting the same surface with the right antenna. reinforcing roles in diVerent forms of learning. However, in the forms of associative learning that we will This Wnding brought the honeybee closer to other insect discuss here, unique links connecting speciWc events are not models such as the fruit Xy Drosophila melanogaster and useful because the events under consideration are ambigu- the cricket Gryllus bimaculatus. In crickets, pharmacologi- ous in terms of their outcome. A typical case introduced cal experiments showed that octopamine and dopamine above is negative patterning in which the subject needs to subserve the appetitive and aversive reinforcing functions, learn to discriminate a non-reinforced compound from its respectively (Unoki et al. 2005). In fruit Xies, the same components (A+, B+, AB¡). This problem does not admit result was previously found using mutants with inactivated elemental solutions because the animal has to learn that AB dopaminergic or octopaminergic neurons (Schwaerzel et al. is necessarily diVerent from the linear sum of A and B. In 2003). Recently Schroll et al (2006) showed that octopam- biconditional discrimination, the subject has to learn to ine and dopamine are necessary and suYcient to substitute respond to the compounds AB and CD and not to the com- for appetitive and aversive reinforcement in Drosophila lar- pounds AC and BD (AB+, CD+, AC¡, BD¡). As in nega- vae. Furthermore, neurons capable of mediating and pre- tive patterning, each element, A, B, C and D, appears as dicting aversive reinforcement have been found in the often reinforced as non-reinforced so that it is impossible to Drosophila brain (Riemensperger et al. 2005). These neu- rely on the associative strength of a given stimulus to solve rons may be a general feature of the insect brain and dopa- the task. These examples show that more elaborated com- mine may underlie other forms of aversive learning putational strategies are necessary in the case of non-ele- involving stimuli of diVerent sensory modalities (e.g. visual mental discrimination problems. stimuli associated with aversive gustatory reinforcements; Treating compound stimuli as entities diVerent from the Unoki et al. 2006). Interestingly, dopaminergic neurons in simple sum of their components (e.g. AB = X  A + B) the Xy brain exhibit the same functional principle as the constitutes the basis of the conWgural learning theory pro-

VUMmx1 neuron in the bee brain, namely stimulus substitu- posed to account for the solving of these non-linear dis- tion. Here too, dopaminergic neurons did not respond to the crimination problems (Pearce 1994). For this account, odorant used for aversive conditioning before conditioning animals trained with AB can respond to A or B only to a and acquired this property after conditioning (Riemensper- low extent. Another theory, the unique-cue theory, pro- ger et al. 2005). Similarly to the VUMmx1 neuron, dopami- poses that a mixture is processed as the lineal sum of its nergic neurons in the Xy brain provide, therefore, components plus a stimulus (u) that is unique to the joint reinforcement prediction error information that is critical to presentation of the elements in the mixture (e.g. AB = A + associative learning. B + u) (Whitlow and Wagner 1972). The unique cue is The study of aversive learning in honeybees is just start- what gives a unique signature to a compound and which ing. As this form of conditioning uses odorants as CS, it is diVerentiates it from the linear sum of its components. For possible to ask how odorant representations are modiWed by this account, animals trained with AB can respond to A or aversive experiences compared to appetitive experiences. B to a relatively high extent. An important goal will be to identify dopaminergic neurons Probably because of their inherent complexity, these in the bee brain whose morphology and functional proper- problems have been rarely studied in invertebrates. How- ties make them candidates for integrating the aversive US ever, several recent studies have addressed the issue of ele- pathway. Furthermore, characterizing aversive olfactory mental vs. non-elemental learning in honeybees, using memory both at the cellular and molecular levels is crucial visual conditioning of free-Xying animals and olfactory for a comparative analysis of appetitive and aversive learn- PER conditioning (Giurfa 2003). In both experimental pro- ing and memory in bees, which can now be performed. tocols, bees were shown to solve biconditional discrimina- tion (AB+, CD+, AC¡, BD¡). In the visual modality, free Xying bees had to discriminate complex patterns that were Non-elemental learning in bees arranged to fulWll the principles of this discrimination prob- lem (Schubert et al. 2005). In the olfactory modality, olfac- Elemental appetitive and aversive learning, as discussed tory compounds were used (Hellstern et al. 1995; Chandra above, rely on the establishment of elemental associative and Smith 1998) and bees learned to respond appropriately links connecting two speciWc and unambiguous events in to each compound, independently of the ambiguity inherent 123 J Comp Physiol A to the components. This capacity demonstrates that under mushroom bodies or the lateral horn) are crucial for decod- certain circumstances both visual and olfactory compounds ing diVerences in neural representations such as those gen- are learned as entities diVerent from the simple sum of their erated in side-speciWc conditioning. components. Komischke et al. (2003) showed that bilateral olfactory This conclusion is underlined by studies showing that input is required for solving a negative patterning discrimi- bees can solve a negative patterning discrimination (A+, nation. Given that the olfactory circuit remains practically B+, AB¡) both in the visual (Schubert et al 2005) and the unconnected between hemispheres until the mushroom bod- olfactory modality (Deisig et al. 2001, 2002, 2003). Solving ies, this result suggests that the reading of a unique cue, this problem is possible if the compound AB is treated as arising from odorant interaction within the mixture, occurs being diVerent from the simple sum of its elements. In the upstream the antennal lobes, i.e. at the level of the mush- case of olfactory compound learning, experiments were room bodies. Komischke et al. (2005) used mushroom conceived to discern between the two non-elemental theo- body-ablated honeybees to determine whether intact mush- ries mentioned above, the conWgural and the unique-cue room bodies are necessary to solve non-elemental olfactory theory. It was shown (Deisig et al. 2003) that the bees’ per- discriminations. Bees were treated with hydroxyurea, which formance was consistent with the unique cue theory, i.e. suppresses partially or totally the calyces (the input region when bees perceive an olfactory compound they detect the to the mushroom bodies) (Malun 1998). In previous works, presence of the components in it but they also assign a Scheiner et al. (2001b) and Malun et al. (2002) showed that unique identity to the compound, resulting from the interac- such ablations do not aVect elemental forms of learning. tion of its components. Scheiner et al. (2001b) showed that tactile learning, a form Another study used an original protocol, the side-spe- of elemental learning in which bees learn to associate an ciWc olfactory PER conditioning, which posed a non-linear object within the range of one antenna with sucrose solu- discrimination problem (Sandoz and Menzel 2001). In this tion, and discriminate it from an object presented to the case, a thin plastic wall separates the honeybee’s antennae opposite side, was unaVected in ablated bees. Malun et al. during olfactory stimulation (Fig. 4a). Bees were diVeren- (2002) studied olfactory learning and showed that the pres- tially conditioned using two odors (A and B). When odor- ence of ablations did not impair acquisition of an elemental ants were delivered to one antenna, the contingency was olfactory discrimination in which one odor was rewarded A+ vs. B¡ while it was reversed (A¡ vs. B+) when they and another odor was non-rewarded (A+ versus B¡). were delivered to the other antenna. This discrimination In the experiments of Komischke et al (2005), bees with resembles a form of contextual learning as the context of unilateral lesions of the mushroom bodies (a median calyx each antennal side (left vs. right) determines the contin- was usually absent) were trained in diVerent olfactory dis- gency of the stimuli. Bees learned to respond appropriately crimination problems. When odorants were delivered in a to the rewarded odor and to inhibit their reaction to the non- side-speciWc manner, bees with mushroom body lesions rewarded odor on each side (Sandoz and Menzel 2001). could not solve an unambiguous double discrimination They thus solved this side-speciWc, non-elemental discrimi- (Problem 1: A+ vs. B¡ on one antenna, C+ vs. D¡ on the nation and remembered the contingencies learned 24 h later other; A+B¡/C+D¡) despite the fact that each of the four (Fig. 4b). In this case, insight into the neural bases of such a odorants had an unambiguous outcome. When confronted non-elemental problem solving was obtained by combining with the ambiguous side-speciWc discrimination (Problem this protocol with in vivo calcium imaging recordings of 2: A+ vs. B¡ on one antenna , A¡ vs. B+ on the other; see glomerular activity at the level of both antennal lobes above and Fig. 4), bees were also impaired because they (Fig. 4c). It was found that in naïve bees, odor response pat- could only learn the discrimination proposed to their intact terns were highly symmetrical, i.e. before conditioning, the brain side. Non-ablated bees could master both side-spe- same odorant elicited the same activation pattern in both ciWc discriminations. When odorants were delivered simul- antennal lobes. In conditioned bees, topical diVerences taneously to both antennae (Problem 3: A+B¡C+D¡), between sides were found. After side-speciWc conditioning, ablated bees learned slower than normal bees. the left and right representations of the same odorant Thus, in all three cases, the unilateral loss of a median became slightly diVerent, thus allowing diVerentiation calyx aVected olfactory learning (Komischke et al. 2005). It between sides (Sandoz et al. 2003). Thus, this form of non- was proposed that mushroom bodies are required for solv- elemental learning resulted in a decorrelation of the repre- ing non-elemental discriminations but also elemental tasks sentations of the conditioning odors between sides whose complexity is enhanced by virtue of the number of (Fig. 4d). This result emphasizes the fact that bees may stimuli involved (Problems 1 and 3: 4 stimuli). To solve an form odor/side associations of the type AS1+/AS2¡ and A+B¡/ A¡B+ discrimination, information exchange BS1¡/BS2+ (S1: side 1/S2: side 2). It is thus conceivable between brain hemispheres has to be inhibited such that A that structures situated upstream the antennal lobes (e.g. the on the right side is not generalized to A on the left side and 123 J Comp Physiol A

A+ right a) b) B+ left A+B- B+A- 100 B- right 100 n=25 A- left i i n=31 80 80

honey bee 60 60

40 40 ii left *** right % Proboscis Extensions 20 20 antenna antenna ii

wall 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 AB AB right left

c) d) Naive bees all stimuli learned stimuli Conditioned bees control stimuli 1.6 17 17 * ** 1.2


33 33 0.8

lidian dis 0.4



Fig. 4 Side-speciWc olfactory conditioning of harnessed bees (adapted both antennal lobes (delimited by the dashed lines). The response of from Sandoz and Menzel 2001 and Sandoz et al. 2003; courtesy of J.C. naïve (non-trained) bees to Nonanol is shown. Glomeruli 17 and 33 are Sandoz). a A harnessed bee is conditioned to discriminate two odorants activated by this odor and this activation is symmetric between sides. A and B. When odorants are delivered to the right antenna, the contin- d The eVect of side-speciWc conditioning on odor representation. The gency is A+ versus B¡, while it is A¡ versus B+ if they are delivered perceptual distance between the left and right representations of the to the left antenna. Left and right antennae are separated by a thin wall same odorant was measured in a putative olfactory space, calculated glued along the bee body. b The acquisition curves display the respons- for the honeybee. For Hexanol and Limonene, the two odors used in es (% PER) to the rewarded odorants (A+ right and B+ left) and to the the side-speciWc conditioning, the distance between left and right rep- non-rewarded odorants (B¡ right and A¡ left); the bars show the resentations increased signiWcantly as a consequence of training (red retention performances of the same bees when tested with the same bars) thus showing that left and right representations of the same odor- odorants on the left and right side 24 h after the training. n: number of ant became diVerent. For a control odorant, Nonanol, and for a clean-air bees trained or tested. c Simultaneous calcium imaging recording of control, the responses on the right and left antennal lobes were the same vice versa. Mushroom body ablations could have an eVect stimulus AC should occur while conWgural models predict on this inhibition; in normal bees conditioning would result a preference for the trained stimulus BC (Giurfa et al. in inhibition of interhemispheric transfer. Ablations would 2003). After six training trials, bees favored an elemental restore the transfer from the intact side thus creating confu- strategy and preferred AC to BC during the tests. Increas- sion on the ablated side. ing the number of training trials resulted in an increase of Cumulative experience seems to play a critical role for the choice of BC. Thus, short training favored processing adopting elemental or non-elemental learning strategies the compound as the sum of its elements (elemental theory) (Giurfa et al. 2003). When free-Xying bees are trained to Xy while long training favored its processing as being diVerent into a Y-maze to collect sucrose solution on a rewarded from the sum of its elements (conWgural theory). It was also visual target presented in one of the arms of the maze, the observed that the change in stimulus processing was inXu- strategy underlying the choice of visual compounds enced by stimulus similarity. Color similarity favored con- changes along training. Bees were trained with color stim- Wgural processing with increasing experience (Giurfa et al. uli that were color disks violet (V), green (G) or yellow (Y) 2003), a result that was consistent with the results of honey- and which were of equal salience for honeybees. Training bee olfactory compound conditioning (Deisig et al. 2002). followed an A+, BC+ design, followed by an AC vs. BC Further factors favoring non-elemental compound process- test. Training consisted of 6 (3 A+ and 3 BC+), 20 (10 A+ ing and learning could be the spatial and temporal proxim- and 10 BC+) or 40 (20 A+ and 20 BC+) acquisition trials, ity of elements and the animals’ previous experience. thus increasing the amount of experience on the same prob- There is, however, a limitation in these studies that has lem. Elemental models of compound processing predict to be overcome in future research, namely that all com- that in the test (AC vs. BC), a preference for the non-trained pound stimuli used were of the same modality, either visual 123 J Comp Physiol A or olfactory. It would be important to verify that similar to discriminate two given gratings presented vertically and rules apply for intermodal compounds. This goal is particu- diVerently oriented (e.g. 45° vs. 135°) by rewarding one of larly important in the framework of searching for the neural these gratings with sucrose solution and the other not. Each substrates of non-elemental learning forms. If indeed mush- bee was trained with a changing succession of pairs of room bodies, which are multimodal sensory integration diVerent gratings, one of which was always rewarded and structures, are an important center for achieving non-linear the other not. Despite the diVerence in pattern quality, all processing, aVecting their normal function could have more the rewarded patterns had the same edge orientation and all dramatic consequences in the case of bimodal than in uni- the non-rewarded patterns had also a common orientation, modal compounds. In studying non-elemental learning with perpendicular to the rewarded one. Under these circum- stimuli of diVerent modalities, one should guarantee com- stances, the bees had to extract and learn the orientation parable saliencies between stimuli as diVerences at this that was common to all rewarded patterns to solve the task. level may lead to overshadowing or blocking. This was the only cue predicting reward delivery. In the tests, bees were presented with novel patterns, which they were never exposed to before, which were all non- Positive transfer of learning in honeybees rewarded, but which exhibited the same stripe orientations as the rewarding and non-rewarding patterns employed dur- In this section, I will focus on problem solving in which ani- ing the training. In such transfer tests, bees chose the appro- mals respond in an adaptive manner to novel stimuli that priate orientation despite the novelty of the structural they have never encountered before and that do not predict a details of the stimuli. Thus, bees could categorize visual speciWc outcome per se based on the animals’ past experi- stimuli on the basis of their global orientation. ence. Such a positive transfer of learning (Robertson 2001) They can also categorize visual patterns based on their is therefore diVerent from elemental forms of learning, bilateral symmetry. When trained with a succession of which link known stimuli or actions to speciWc reinforcers. changing patterns to discriminate bilateral symmetry from In the cases considered in this section, the response can asymmetry, they learn to extract this information from very attain levels in which it becomes independent of the physical diVerent Wgures and transfer it to novel symmetrical and nature of the stimuli presented so that it acts as a rule guid- asymmetrical patterns (Giurfa et al. 1996). Similar conclu- ing the animal’s behavior (like, for instance, relational rules sions apply to other visual features such as radial symme- such as ‘on top of’ or ‘larger than’ which can be applied try, concentric pattern organization and pattern disruption irrespectively of the similarity of the stimuli considered). (see Benard et al. 2006 for review) and even photographs belonging to a given class (e.g. radial Xower, landscape, Categorization of visual stimuli plant stem) (Zhang et al. 2004). How could bees classify appropriately diVerent photo- Positive transfer of learning is a distinctive characteristic of graphs of radial Xowers if these vary in color, size, outline, categorization performances. Categorization refers to the etc.? An explanation was provided by Stach et al. (2004) classiWcation of perceptual input into deWned functional who expanded the demonstration that bees can categorize groups (Harnard 1987). It can be deWned as the ability to visual stimuli based on their global orientation to show that group distinguishable objects or events on the basis of a diVerent coexisting orientations can be considered at a time, common feature or set of features, and therefore to respond and integrated in a global stimulus representation that is the similarly to them (Troje et al. 1999; Delius et al. 2000; Zen- basis for the category (Stach et al. 2004). Thus, a radial tall et al. 2002). Categorization deals, therefore, with the Xower would be, in fact, the conjunction of Wve or more extraction of these deWning features from objects of the sub- radiating edges. Besides focusing on a single orientation, ject’s environment. A typical categorization experiment honeybees were shown to assemble diVerent features to trains an animal to extract the basic attributes of a category build a generic pattern representation, which could be used and then tests it with novel stimuli that were never encoun- to respond appropriately to novel stimuli sharing such a tered before and that may present or not the attributes of the basic layout. Honeybees trained with a series of complex category learned. If the animal chooses the novel stimuli patterns sharing a common layout comprising four edge based on these attributes it classiWes them as belonging to the orientations remembered these orientations simultaneously category and exhibits therefore positive transfer of learning. in their appropriate positions, and transferred their response Using this basic design in which procedural modiWca- to novel stimuli that preserved the trained layout (Fig. 5). tions can be introduced, several studies have shown Honeybees also transferred their response to patterns with recently the ability of visual categorization in free-Xying fewer correct orientations, depending on their match with honeybees trained to discriminate diVerent patterns and the trained layout. These results show that honeybees shapes. For instance, van Hateren et al. (1990) trained bees extract regularities in their visual environment and establish 123 J Comp Physiol A

a) b)

A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 S+ (A) S+ (A) S+ (A) S+ (A)

B1 B2 B3 B4 B5 B6 UL (A) UR (A) LL (A) LR (A)


Fig. 5 Categorization of visual patterns based on sets of multiple fea- rotated; LR, lower-right bar rotated. c Left panel acquisition curve tures (adapted from Stach et al. 2004). a Training stimuli used in Stach showing the pooled performance of bees rewarded on A and B pat- et al.’s experiments (2004). Bees were trained to discriminate A from terns. The proportion of correct choices along seven blocks of six con- B patterns during a random succession of A vs. B patterns. A patterns secutive visits is shown. Bees learned to discriminate the rewarding (A1 to A6) diVered from each other but shared a common layout of ori- patterns (A or B) and improved signiWcantly their correct choices along entations in the four quadrants. B patterns (B1 to B6) shared a common training. Right panel proportion of correct choices in the tests with the layout perpendicular to that of A patterns. b Test stimuli used to deter- novel patterns. Bees always preferred the simpliWed layout of the train- mine if bees extract the simpliWed layout of four bars from the reward- ing patterns previously rewarded (S+) to any variant in which one bar ed A patterns. S+, simpliWed layout of the rewarded A patterns; UL, was rotated upper-left bar rotated; UR, upper-right bar rotated; LL, lower-left bar correspondences among correlated features such that they set of orientation detectors despite their diVerent structural generate a large set of object descriptions from a Wnite set quality. In the case of category learning, the activation of an of elements. additional neural element is needed. Such element would be

Thus, honeybees show positive transfer of learning from a reinforcement neuron equivalent to VUMmx1 (Hammer a trained to a novel set of stimuli, and their performances 1993; see above) but contacting the visual circuits at its are consistent with the deWnition of categorization. Visual relevant processing stages. Other VUM neurons whose stimulus categorization is not, therefore, a prerogative of function is still unknown are present in the bee brain certain vertebrates. However, this result might not be sur- (Schroter et al. 2007). It could be conceived that one of prising as it admits an elemental learning interpretation. To them (or more than one) acts as the neural basis of rein- explain this interpretation, the possible neural mechanisms forcement in associative visual learning. Category learning underlying categorization should be considered. If we could be thus reduced to the progressive reinforcement of admit that visual stimuli are categorized on the basis of spe- an associative neural circuit relating visual-coding and rein- ciWc features such as orientation, the neural implementation forcement-coding neurons, similar to that underlying sim- of category recognition could be relatively simple. The fea- ple associative (e.g. Pavlovian) conditioning. From this ture(s) allowing stimulus classiWcation would activate spe- perspective, even if categorization is viewed as a non-ele- ciWc neuronal detectors in the optic lobes, the visual areas mental learning form because it involves positive transfer of the bee brain. Examples of such feature detectors are the of learning, it may simply rely on elemental links between orientation detectors whose orientation and tuning have conditioned and unconditioned stimuli. been already characterized by means of electrophysiologi- cal recordings in the honeybee optic lobes (Yang and Rule learning Maddess 1997). Thus, responding to diVerent gratings hav- ing a common orientation of, say, 60°, is simple as all these This argument is not applicable to rule learning where posi- gratings will elicit the same neural activation in the same tive transfer occurs independently of the physical natural of 123 J Comp Physiol A the stimuli considered. In this case, the animal learns rela- a) b) tions between objects and not the objects themselves. Typi- cal examples are the so-called rules of sameness and of diVerence. These rules are demonstrated through the proto- cols of delayed matching to sample (DMTS) and delayed non-matching to sample (DNMTS), respectively. In DMTS, animals are presented with a sample and then with a set of stimuli, one of which is identical to the sample and which is reinforced. Since the sample is regularly changed, animals must learn the sameness rule, i.e. ‘always choose what is shown to you (the sample), independent of what else is shown to you’. In DNMTS, the animal has to learn the c) Transfer tests with patterns Transfer tests with colours opposite, i.e. ‘always choose the opposite of what is shown (Training with colours) (Training with patterns) 100 to you (the sample)’. Honeybees foraging in a Y-maze learn Preference for vertical Preference for blue Preference for horizontal Preference for yellow both rules (Giurfa et al. 2001). Bees were trained in a 80 DMTS problem in which they were presented with a chang- V ing non-rewarded sample (i.e. one of two di erent color 60 disks or one of two diVerent black-and-white gratings, ver- tical or horizontal) at the entrance of a maze (Fig. 6). The 40 bees were rewarded only if they chose the stimulus identi- cal to the sample once within the maze. Bees trained with % Correct choices 20 colors and presented in transfer tests with black-and-white gratings that they have not experienced before solved the 0 Blue problem and chose the grating identical to the sample at the Vertical Horizontal Yellow entrance of the maze. Similarly, bees trained with the grat- Sample ings and tested with colors in transfer tests also solved the Fig. 6 Rule learning in honeybees (adapted from Giurfa et al. 2001). problem and chose the novel color corresponding to that of Honeybees trained to collect sugar solution in a Y-maze (a) on a series the sample grating at the maze entrance. Transfer was not of diVerent patterns (b) learn a rule of sameness. Learning and transfer limited to diVerent kinds of modalities (pattern vs. color) performance of bees in a delayed matching-to-sample task in which within the visual domain, but could also operate between they were trained to colors (Experiment 1) or to black-and-white, ver- V tical and horizontal gratings (Experiment 2). c Transfer tests with novel drastically di erent domains such as olfaction and vision stimuli. In Experiment 1 (left panel), bees trained on the colors were (Giurfa et al. 2001). Furthermore, bees also mastered a tested on the gratings. In Experiment 2 (right panel), bees trained on DNMTS task, thus showing that they also learn a rule of the gratings were tested on the colors. In both cases bees chose the nov- diVerence between stimuli (Giurfa et al. 2001). These el stimuli corresponding to the sample although they had no experience with such test stimuli results document that bees learn rules relating stimuli in their environment. The capacity of honeybees to solve a DMTS task has recently been veriWed and studied with for which rule extraction is necessary. It is therefore interest- respect to the working memory underlying it (Zhang et al. ing to focus on a diVerent example of rule learning which 2004, 2005). It was found that the working memory for the bees could not master, the transitive inference problem sample underlying the solving of DMTS lasts approxi- (Benard and Giurfa 2004). In this problem, animals have to mately 5 s (Zhang et al. 2005) and thus coincides with the learn a transitive rule, i.e. A > B, B > C, then A > C. Prefer- duration of other visual and olfactory short-term memories ence for A over C in this context can be explained by two characterized in simpler forms of associative learning in strategies: (1) deductive reasoning (Fersen et al. 1990) in honeybees (Menzel 1999; see above). Moreover, bees which the experimental subjects construct and manipulate a trained in a DMTS task can learn to pay attention to one of unitary and linear representation of the implicit hierarchy A two diVerent samples presented successively in a Xight tun- > B > C; or (2) responding as a function of reinforced and nel (either to the Wrst or to the second) and can transfer the not reinforced experiences (Terrace and McGonigle 1994), learning of this sequence weight to novel samples (Zhang in which case animals choose among stimuli based on their et al. 2005). associative strength, i.e. on the eVective number of rein- Despite the honeybees’ evident capacity to solve rela- forced and non-reinforced experiences with the stimuli (A is tional problems such as the DMTS or the DNMTS tasks, always reinforced while C is always non-reinforced). such capacities are not unlimited. In some cases, biological To determine whether bees learn a transitive rule, they constraints may impede the solving of a particular problem were trained using Wve diVerent visual stimuli A, B, C, D, 123 J Comp Physiol A and E in a multiple discrimination task: A+ vs. B¡, B+ vs. by other conspeciWcs when sampling unfamiliar Xowers C¡, C+ vs. D¡, D+ vs. E¡ (Benard and Giurfa 2004). such that they land on unknown Xowers where other bees Training involved overlapping of adjacent premise pairs (A can be seen (Leadbeater and Chittka 2005). Presumably, > B, B > C, C > D, D > E), which underlie a linear hierar- this strategy allows learning more rapidly and eYciently chy A > B > C > D > E. After training, bees were tested about rewarding Xowers. From this perspective, it is legiti- with B vs. D, a non-adjacent pair of stimuli that were never mate to ask whether collective behaviors reXect or even explicitly trained together. In theory, B and D have equiva- surpass individual plasticity, due, for instance, to the possi- lent associative strengths because they are, in principle, ble additive eVect of individual cognitive capacities. equally associated with reinforcement or absence of it dur- This question has been the subject of debate in the case ing training. Thus, if bees were guided by the stimulus’ of social insects in which colonies were considered “super- associative strength, they should choose randomly between organisms” (Southwick 1983; Seeley 1989). It has been B and D. If, however, bees used a transitive rule, they argued that the ‘superorganism’ protects and constitutes should prefer B to D. Honeybees learned the premise pairs itself thanks to colony recognition systems based on cuticu- as long as these were trained as uninterrupted, consecutive lar hydrocarbons which are transferred between individuals blocks of trials (Benard and Giurfa 2004). But if shorter within the colony, thus obscuring, in theory, individual and interspersed blocks of trials were used, such that bees identity. The metaphor of the ‘superorganism’ may be in a had to master all pairs practically simultaneously, perfor- sense misleading because an individual, behaving organism mance collapsed and bees did not learn the premise pairs. is made from cells and structures tightly interconnected by The bees’ choice was signiWcantly inXuenced by their expe- complex neuronal, circulatory and regulatory networks, and rience with the last pair of stimuli (D+ vs. E¡) such that has a central brain that commands and produces behavior. they preferred D and avoided E. In the tests, no preference The ‘superorganism’, on the other hand, is made up of indi- for B to D was found. Although this result agrees with an viduals which may be interconnected by complex chemical evaluation of stimuli in terms of their associative strength interactions but which are rather autonomous and can be (see above), during training bees visited more B when it hardly compared to constituent cells. The essential diVer- was rewarding than D, such that a preference for B should ence, however, is that although an insect colony produces have been expected if only the associative strength were collective behavior, it does not have a central brain to com- guiding the bees’ choices. It was then concluded that bees mand and control such behavior. On the contrary, studies do not establish transitive inferences between stimuli but on collective decision-making in social insects show that rather guide their choices by the joint action of a recency collective behavioral patterns can arise from simple interac- eVect (preference of the last rewarded stimulus, D) and by tions between individuals, without any central control and an evaluation of the associative strength of the stimuli (in without memory (Theraulaz et al. 2003). which case preference for B should be evident). As the From this point of view, the sophisticated cognitive former supports choice of D while the latter supports choice capacities that honeybees exhibit in individual tests are not of B, equal choice of B and D in the tests could be required for the close coordination of the social group. explained (Benard and Giurfa 2004). In any case, memory DiVerences in individual thresholds for reacting to environ- constraints (in this case the fact that simultaneous master- mental sensory stimuli seem to be a critical factor for the ing of the diVerent premise pairs was not possible and the emergence of collective behaviors based on task partition- fact that the last excitatory memory seems to predominate ing. This may account, for instance, for the collective over previous memories) impeded learning the transitive behavior of nest choice by a honeybee swarm. Group deci- rule. Recently, Chen and Wignall (2006) demonstrated that sion-making in honeybee swarms has been studied (see failure to master several consecutive visual discriminations Seeley and Vischer 2004) in order to determine the rules is due to response competition occurring when animals are underlying collective choice. It was found that the essence tested. This may explain why bees in the transitive infer- of a swarm’s decision making relies on sensing a quorum (a ence protocol were unable to master the successive short suYcient number of scouts) at one of the nest sites rather blocks of training with diVerent premise pairs. than sensing a consensus (agreement of dancing scouts) at the swarm cluster. By this quorum-sensing hypothesis, a scout bee “votes” for a site by spending time at it. Some- Distributed cognition in honeybees how the scouts act and interact so that their numbers rise faster at superior sites, and somehow the bees at each site So far, we have concentrated on individual cognitive capa- monitor their numbers there so that they know whether bilities but bees live in societies and face therefore prob- they’ve reached the threshold number (quorum) and can lems that require coordination, task-sharing, and collective proceed to initiating the swarm’s move to this site. Exactly decision making. For instance, bumblebees are inXuenced how scout bees sense a quorum remains an enigma (Seeley 123 J Comp Physiol A and Visscher 2004). They may use visual, olfactory or even acterize in controlled laboratory protocols some forms of tactile information to assess the number of fellow scouts at cognitive processing. Adopting rigorous deWnitions from a site. But the complex migration pattern involving the elemental and non-elemental learning frameworks is useful coordinate displacement of thousands of bees does not to determine the extent to which honeybees can go beyond require sophisticated mechanisms such as dance compari- simple forms of associative learning. Such an experimental sons or verifying the reliability of information conveyed by approach is possible as illustrated by the numerous exam- a hive-mate. In short, the bees appear to begin preparations ples reviewed here and has allowed to appreciate the for liftoV as soon as enough scout bees, but not all of them, sophistication of cognitive processing in an insect, which, have approved of one of the potential nest sites. as most insects, was traditionally considered as being lim- The interesting conclusion emerging from studies on ited in terms of its cognitive capabilities. social insect collective behavior is that individuals, who Contrarily to simple forms of associative learning for may be viewed as extremely sophisticated at the cognitive which speciWc neural circuits have been identiWed, more level when performing some individual tasks, appear as work is needed to relate complex problem solving to neural automatons with limited cognitive capacities when per- structures of the honeybee brain. The evidence existing forming collective tasks. This diVerence may seem puz- points towards the mushroom bodies, a central structure in zling and could be due to cognitive richness being lost or at the insect brain that has been repeatedly associated with least temporally inhibited in a social context. However, a learning and memory capabilities (Menzel 1999). It has possible explanation is that in an individual and in a social been shown that some elemental discriminations can be context, the animal will adopt the behavioral strategies achieved without the necessity of mushroom bodies (Malun leading to adaptive solutions, either boosting or sacriWcing et al. 2002) but this does not seem to be so obvious in the what researchers would view as cognitive sophistication. case of non-elemental ones. Although speciWc substrates or Whenever simple behaviors may lead to adaptive solutions, circuits for complex problem solving in the bee brain are they are adopted. When, on the contrary, cognitive abilities still unknown, it is possible to be optimistic with respect to are required, they are used. The critical question in this con- their future identiWcation. In this case, what is retarding our text is therefore what determines the adoption of one or the understanding of cognitive brain processing is not the tech- other level of cognitive complexity? Which factors are nical level but rather the fact that up to now researchers did responsible for the fact that an ant or a bee that can learn not dare to raise questions on complex cognitive processing and memorize several cues while foraging, solve complex to an insect. discriminations and generate novel behaviors leading to What are the speciWc limitations of the bee brain when adaptive solutions, behaves like an automaton following a compared to bigger brains and what might be the structural/ reduced set of repetitive patterns and simple rules in a functional basis for these? To address such a question one social context? Which physiological changes, if any, deter- would need to know more about its deWciencies, an area mine the passage from one state to the other? Do social reg- which has so far been barely investigated (but see Benard ulation pheromones intervene in the expression or and Giurfa 2004). Due to obvious limitation in space, we inhibition of behavioral autonomy in a social context by have not discussed the role of diVerent forms of learning in acting on neurotransmitter levels (e.g. biogenic amines) in natural contexts such as navigation and communication. the insect nervous system? Do social pheromones deter- These contexts also oVer promising frameworks for the mine changes in immediate early gene (IEG) expression in study of cognitive processing. Questions such as the nature the brain aVecting cognitive processing? So far, we have no of space representation and the Xexibility of communica- answers to these questions, but they can be approached tion strategies are important to characterize the potential of experimentally. Studying whether or not individual learning the bee brain. They need to be related, when possible, to and memory are modiWed by exposure to social pheromones underlying neural circuits and structures, a task that has or by chemosensory cues within a group and whether or not been impossible up to now. biogenic amine and neurotransmitter levels and IEG expres- Last but not least, studies on honeybee cognition should sion are changed in the presence of a group of co-speciWcs not obviate the ecological and evolutionary dimensions. are just some of the questions that need to be considered. These perspectives are rarely present in studies in which the main focus is the neurobiology of learning and memory and the honeybee is not an exception to this caveat. Although Conclusion studies on ecological and evolutionary aspects of bee learn- ing exist (see, for instance, Raine et al. 2006), we still need This review intends to underline the enormous richness of to bring together this kind of vision with that of cognitive experience-dependent behavior in honeybees, its high Xexi- . Arguments like the interpretation of memory bility, and the fact that it is possible to formalize and char- phases and their molecular substrates in terms of the ecol- 123 J Comp Physiol A ogy and dynamics of bee foraging activities in nature responding: evidence for eVect on frontal cortical but not hippo- (Menzel 1999; see above) are rare and need to inspire neu- campal function? Eur J Neurosci 24:205–216 Bucci DJ, Saddoris MP, Burwell RD (2002) Contextual fear discrimi- robiological analyses. Finally, although I have focused on a nation is impaired by damage to the postrhinal or perirhinal cor- single species in this article, the honeybee A. mellifera, tex. Behav Neurosci 116:479–488 other bee species are also extremely attractive as a model BuVon (Leclerc G.L.a) (1749a) Histoire naturelle générale et particu- study and deserve to be investigated as well in order to lière: avec la description du cabinet du Roy. Imprimerie Royale, Paris, vol II promote a comparative approach necessary to understand BuVon (Leclerc G.L.b) (1749b) Histoire naturelle générale et particu- factors like the role of sociality in the emergence of cogni- lière: avec la description du cabinet du Roy. Imprimerie Royale, tive abilities. Research on bumblebees is well developed Paris, vol IV (Raine et al. 2006) but other species like stingless bees, Chandra S, Smith BH (1998) An analysis of synthetic processing of odor mixtures in the honeybee. J Exp Biol 201:3113–3121 wasps and carpenter bees, among others, should also be Chittka L, Thomson JD, Waser NM (1999) Flower constancy, insect considered. psychology, and plant evolution. Naturwissenschaften 86:361– Studies on honeybee behavior allow researchers to have an 377 optimistic attitude in facing these questions. Moreover, as Cheng K, Wignall AE (2006) Honeybees (Apis mellifera) holding on to memories: response competition causes retroactive interfer- learning in honeybees can be compared to that of vertebrates ence eVects. Anim Cogn 9:141–150 in many senses, the honeybee may serve as a model system Collett TS, Collett M (2002) Memory use in insect visual navigation. for understanding intermediate levels of complexity of cogni- Nat Rev Neurosci 3:542–552 tive functions and their neural substrates. The mini brain of Collett TS, Graham P, Durier V (2003) Route learning by insects. Curr Opin Neurobiol 13:718–725 the honeybee, with its 960,000 neurons has not yet revealed Couvillon PA, Bitterman ME (1980) Some phenomena of associative all its potential. Our review thus proves that Karl von Frisch learning in honey bees. 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