..... Existing designation ..... I New Designation AddltloRaiiD Veer Ed. 01:> ISABS IEC62271·100 SANS 62271-100 lEe 62271-100 r 100: Higll-lIOItage anemating.current circut·breakers 2001 1 n 7-1 &IS049 SANS 14 15049 1994 1 z 15083 SANS 36 ISO 83 ) 1976 1 o 150105-11.01 SANS 105·11.01 ISO 105-11.01 ITextiles - Tests for oolour fastness Part 11.01 : General principles of testing 1994 1 I\) SASS ISO 105-11.02 ~ANS 105·11.02 ISO 105-A02 TI!ldiles - Tests for colour fastness Part 11.02: Grey scale for assessing change in oolour 1993 1 .j>. SABS ISO 105-11.03 ~105'A03 IS0105-A03 1993 1 o SABS ISO 105-801 105-801 150105-801 TTl!ldiles.....-T_"''''',,"_Tests for colour fastness "'"Part '"801 ."'Colour..filstness to 1994 1 o I\) SASS ISO 105-802 SANS 105-802 150105-802 TI!ldiIes - Tests for colour filstness Part 802: Colour filstness to arc fadIng lamp test 1994 1 SASS ISO 105-804 SANS 105-804 ISO 105-804 TI!ldiIes· Tests for colour fastness Part 804: Colour fastness to . Xenon are fildlng lamp test SABS ISO 105-805 SANS 105-805 ISO 105-805 extlles· Tests for colour fastness Part 805' Delllction a hromlSm SABS ISO 10S-cD1 SANS 105·C01 ISO 10S-cD1 Textiles· Tests for colour fastness Part 001' Colour 1 SASS ISO 105-c02 SANS 10S-cD2 ISO 105-cD2 Textiles - Tests for colour filstness Part CO2 Colour Test 2 SASS ISO 105-cD3 SANS 105·C03 SABS ISO 105-C04 SANS 105-004 ''''ISO 105'~""s for colour••""""fastness ""'emPart C04: "'*"'''''''._ogColourfilstness to washmg. To.'Test 4 SABS ISO 105-cD5 fANS 10S-cD5 ISO 105- ts for coloor fastness Part COS: Colour fastness to washing: Test S 1989 1 SABS ISO 10S-D01 105-001 ISO 105- for oolour filstness Part 001. Colour fastness to dry cleaning 1993 1 SABS ISO 105-002 2 Textiles· Tests for colour filstness Part 002: Colourfilstness to rubbing: Organic solvents 1993 1 G) =i ISO 105-00~ SASS ISO 105-E01 1 Tl!ldiles· Tests for colour fastness Part E01: I;Olour filstness to water '*1994 1 o SASS ISO 105-E02 SANS 105-E02 02 TI!ldiIes • Tests for colour filslness Part 1::02: Colour filstness to sea watef 1994 1 < SABS ISO 105-E04 SANS 105-E04 IS0105-E04 Textiles - Tests for colour fastness Pilrt E04: Colour fastnea to perspiration 1994 1 m SABS ISO 105-F lJ SANS 105-F ISO 105·F Textiles· Tests for colour fastness Part F: standard adjacent fabifos 1985 1 Z SABS ISO 105-F01 SANS 10S·F01 ISO 105-F01 Textiles - Tesls for colour fastness Part F01: Specification for wool adjacent filbric 2001 1 s: SABS ISO 105-F03 SANS 105-F03 ISO 105-F03 lTextiles· Tests for coIourfilstness Part F03: Specification for polyamide adjacent fabric 2001 1 m SABS ISO 105-F04 SANS 105-F04 ISO 105-F04 • Tests lOr COlOUr filstness Part F04: Specification for polyester adjacent fabric 2001 1 z SASS ISO 105-F05 ISO 105-F05 • Tests lOr colour filstness Part F05: Specification for acrylic adjacent filbric 2001 1 .., SABS ISO 105-F06 ISO 105-F06 TI!ldiIes • Tests for colour faslnea Part F06: Specification for silk adjacent fabric 2000 1 fANS G) SASS ISO 105-F07 1~:: ISO 105-Fa7 TI!ldiIes • Tests for colour fastness Part F07: Specification for secondary acetate adjacent fabric 2001 1 SASS ISO 105-F10 105-F10 ISO 105-F10 Textiles· Tests tOroolour fastness Part F10: Specification for adjacent fabric: Multilibre 1989 1 ~ SABS ISO 10S-N01 SANS 105-N01 IS0105-N01 Tl!ldiies· ests for colour fastness Part N01: Colour fastness t~~oriIe 1993 1 m SABS ISO 105-X05 SANS 105-X05 IS0105-XOS Textiles· Tests for colour fastness Part XOS: Colour fastness to ts ::j SABS ISO 105-X11 SANS 105-X11 ISO 105-X11 Textiles· Tests for colour fastness Part X11: Colour fastness to m SABS ISO 105-X12 SANS 105-X12 IS0105-X12 extiles • Tests for colour fastness Part X1~: Colour fastness to rubbing IACOUStics • MeaSUrement or soun In bUildings arid 01 b\iildirig eleiTients Part 1: Requremerns lor laooratory t_ ,,,,,Ill""" with suppressea Jid OJ SABS ISO 140·1 SANS 140-1 ISO 140-1 flanking transmission 1997 1 z SABS ISO 140·2 SANS 140-2 ISO 140-2 Acoustics - Measurement Of sound insulalioninbuildings and of building elements Part 2: Determination, verification and application of precision data 1991 1 ~- [,.;_~._ '~",d~. ~ _._ ,.-...... ""' ...""'''''''''''' ,irt, ...... _ m SABS ISO 140-3 SANS 140-3 ISO 140-3 elements 1995 ----.!.-. os • Measurement 01 souna InSUlation In oullalngs ano 01 cUlialng e1emems I"'l!ln "I: "rekl measurementS Of aJitiome sound Insu atlon IJel.'Neen s: OJ SABS ISO 140-4 SANS 140-4 ISO 140-4 1998 1 m ACOUstiCS· Measurement 01 souno InSUla iOifliit:iulldlngs and of bUilding elements Part 5: FlelO measurements 01 airborne souno InSUlation 01 taeade lJ SABS ISO 140-5 ~ 140·5 ISO 140-5 elements and facades 1998 1 I\) SABS ISO 140-7 S 140·7 ISO 140-7 Acoustlcs • Measurement of sound insulation in buildings and of building elements Part 7: Freid measurements of impact sound insulation of1loors 1998 1 o o Acoustics - Measurement or souno lIlSUllI.ion in buildings lIlg elements Part 8: UlDOJ'l!ltory measurements ot me reauction of transml!!ed I\) SABS ISO 140-8 SANS 140-8 ISO 140-8 impact noise byfloor coverings on a heallyweighl standard floor 1997 1 SABS ISO 146 SANS 1146 ISO 146 Metallic materials· Hardness test - Verification of Vickers hardness testing machines HV 0,2 to HV 100 1984 1 SABS ISO 148 SANS 148 ISO 148 steel - Charpy Impacltest (V-notch) 1983 1 SABS ISO 156 SANS 37 ISO 156 Metallic materials· Hardness test - Verification of Brinell hardness testing machines 1982 ,- SABS ISO 286-1 286 1 150286-1 ISO system oflimils and fits Part 1: Bases 0 tOlefances, deviations and fits 1988 --- SABS ISO 286-2 286-2 150286·2 ISO system ofllmils and fits Part 2: Tables ofstandard tolerance grades and limit deviations for holes and shafts 1985~1 - SABS ISO 333 =1333 150333 Coal· Determination of nitrogen • Seml-mlcro Kjeldahl method 1996 1 SABSIS0334 5334 ISO 334 SOlid mineral fuels - Determination oftOtal sulfur • Eschka method 1992 1 SABSIS0335 SANS 335 150335 Hard coaI- Determination of caklng pa.ver • Raga test 1974 1 SABSlS0349 SANS 349 150349 Hard coal - Audlbert·Amu dilalomeler test 1975 1 SASS ISO 383 SANS 113 150383 Labomlory glassware· Interchanaeable conIcal ground joints 1976 1 SASS ISO 384 SANS 114 ISO 384 1978 1 SABS ISO 385-1 SANS 115-1 ISO 385·1 Laboratory lllassware • Burettes Part -- 1984 1 SABS ISO 385-2 SANS 115-2 ISO 385·2 Laboratory Part 1984 1 SABS ISO 385-3 SANS 115-3 150385-3 Laboratory· as Part 3: Buretles for which a waili 1984 1 SABS 180407 SANS 39 150407 S~• Pin·index yoke·type valVe connections 1991 1 EKlstl des 1on~__I;;i~~:!!::=""--__-F.Add~IlIo~n:c:a::.I=ID"---__+IT:':'=';r;:-;==:;::-TI:= SASS ISO 410 ISO 410 SASS ISO 501 SABS ISO 502 SABS ISO 527-1 ISO 527-1 SABS ISO 527-2 ISO 527-2 SABSIS0540 ISO 540 SABSIS0544 ISO 544 SABSIS0554 ISO 554 ISO 562 ISO 580 - Test method and baSic~speciflCations ISO 609 combustion method ISO 622 hosphate~PhOtometrJcmeft1od ISO 636 welding, depostting an unalloyed or low alloyed steel - Codification ISO 647 and coke resjdue~""iow tem~iiifure dislill~j(>n _ ISO 648

SANS 55 ISO 674 SANS 57 ISO 679 (f) SANS 693 ISO 693 SANS 59 ISO 716 );! SANS 717-1 ISO 717-1 ~ SANS 717-2 ISO 717-2 (f) SANS 119 ISO 726 SANS 111-1 ISO 835-1 o SANS 111-2 ISO 835-2 m'" 1F.i~~~~----ISANS 111-3 ISO 835-3 JJ }> 1F.i~~~~ ---t.S",A""NT.iS;..,1iil.;-1---,4 IS0835....;.4'--______+.=; z SANS 857 :-l SANS 864 OJ SANS 123 SANS 126 ISO 924 1989 z SANS 125 ISO 925 1997 o SANS 1014 ISO 1014 1965 m< SANS 127 ISO 1024 1989 s: SANS 128 ISO 1042 1998 OJ SANS 129 ISO 1ii43,.·1---ti5i:~~-k7.~T.::::=-:r::ci=r=.::;ri;;::::::~:7..~=-==:::;;-=;-;;;;;:==:1;;T===~,------h1~997:;;;+~-I m SANS 1071 ISO 1071 1983 JJ SANS 1079 ISO 1079 machInes ($ClIles 15N, SON, 45N, 15T, 30T and 45T) 1989 I\) ISO lume-flow (MVR) thermoplastics o SANS 1133 1133 of ~1997 o SANS 130 ISO 1167 ure - Test method 1996 I\) SANS 132 ISO 1170 1977 SANS 131 ISO 1171 1997 SANS 133 ISO 1213-1 1993

SANS 134 SANS"';1~42"'1'------+~,..Ti;;;;------t.iiOi ics - Determination of tensile strength and elongation at break SANS 135 ned coatings of nIckel plus chromium and of copper plus nickel plus chromil,rn SANS 136 coatings of nickel SANS 121 filbrleated Iron and steel articles - Specifications and lest methods SANS 139 n those anodic to the basis metal· Accelerated corrosion tests· MethOdror the evaluation of the reslils 144 173 z SANS 174 9 SANS 175 I\) SANS 176 o.I:> SANS 177 o SANS 178 I\) SANS 1559 SANS 1628-2 ca 'lla viscomelers 11 2: Po vi I chIonde resins .... c.n ... Exlstln desl nation AdditionBlID 01 SABS ISO 1763 ISO 1763 SABS ISO 1765 ISO 1765 Z SABS ISO 1766 ISO 1766 9 SABS ISO 1769 ISO 1769 I\) SABS ISO 1773 ISO 1773 .I:> 0 SABS ISO 1833 ISO 1833 0 SABS ISO 1873-1 1801873-1 basis for specifications 1995 I\) SABS ISO 1873-2 ISO 1873-2 'mens and determination 01 properties 1997 SABS ISO 1928 1801928 and calculation of net catorific wlue 1995 SABS ISO 1953 ISO 1953 1994 8ABS ISO 1977·1 1501977·1 1976 SABS ISO 1977-2 1501977·2 1974 1801977-3 ISO 1977-3 1974 2060 ISO 2060 1994 SABS ISO 2061 2061 ISO 2061 1995 SABS ISO 2062 SANS 2062 1502062 1995 SABS ISO 2063 SANS 2063 1802063 1991 (j) SABS ISO 2064 SANS 2064 1802064 1990 0 5ABS ISO 2076 SANS 2076 1502076 1999 SABS ISO 3760 SANS 3780 ISO 3780 Z SABS ISO 3795 SANS 3795 ISO 3795 0 SABS ISO 3882 SANS 3882 ISO 3882 < SABS ISO 3889 SANS 3889 ISO 3889 m ISO 3892 SANS 3892 ISO 3892 s:: ISO 4030 SANS 4030 ISO 4030 III ISO 4042 SANS 4042 1804042 m SABS ISO 4047 SANS 4047 ISO 4047 lJ I\) a SABS ISO 4063 NS4063 4063 1990 1 a SABS ISO 4065 NS4065 4065 1996 1 I\) SABS ISO 4074-1 1 4074-1 1996 1 SABS ISO 4074-2 SANS 4074·2 ISO 4074-2 1994 1 SABS ISO 4074-3 SANS 4074-3 ISO 4074-3 1994 1 SABS ISO 40 4-5 SANS 4074-5 ISO 4074-5 1996 1 SABS ISO 4074-5 SANS 4074-5 ISO 4074-5 1996 1 SABS ISO 4074-7 SANS 4074-7 ISO 4074-7 1996 1 S ISO 4074-9 SANS 4074-9 ISO 4074-9 1996 1 SABS ISO 4074-10 SANS 4074-10 ISO 4074-10 1990 1 SABS ISO 4091 SANS 4091 ISO 4091 eet methods and performance requirements 1992 1 GABS ISO 4136 SANS 4138 1804138 1989 1 SABS ISO 4301-5 SANS 4301-5 ISO 4301-5 1991 1 SABS ISO 4308-1 SANS 4308-1 ISO 4308-1 Z SABSISO SANS 4309 ISO 4309 1990 !J SABS ISO 4344 SANS 4344 1804344 I\) 1983 .jll. SABS ISO 4348 SANS 4346 ISO 4348 1963 a SABS ISO 4427 SANS 4427 ISO 4427 1996 a I\) SABS ISO 4437 SANS 4437 ISO 4437 1997 SABS ISO 4516 SANS 4516 ISO 4516 1980 ...... existing desI ndon New Designation Additional 10 CD SASS ISO 4518 SANS 4518 1504518 SASS ISO 4519 SANS 4519 ISO 4519 Z SABS ISO 4520 SANS 4520 1504520 ? SASS ISO 4521 SANS 4521 1504521 I\) SABS ISO 4522·1 SANS 4522-1 1504522·1 .j:>. 0 SASS ISO 4522-2 SANS 4522·2 ISO 4522-2 0 SASS ISO 4522-3 SANS 4522-3 1504522-3 I\) SABS ISO 4523 SANS 4523 ISO 4523 SABS ISO 4524-1 SANS 4524-1 1504524-1 SASS ISO 4524-2 SANS 4524-2 1504524-2 SABS ISO 4524-3 SANS 4524-3 ISO 4524-3 SASS ISO 4524-4 SANS 4524-4 ISO 4524-4 1 SASS ISO 4524-5 SANS 4524-5 ISO 4524-5 1 SASS ISO 4524-6 SANS 4524-6 ISO 4524-6 1 SASS ISO 4525 SANS 4525 1504525 1 SABS ISO 4526 SANS 4526 1504526 1 G) SASS ISO 4538 SANS 4538 ISO 4538 1 0 SASS ISO 4540 SANS 4540 1504540 1 < SABS ISO 4541 SANS 4541 ISO 4541 1 m SASS ISO 4586-1 SANS 4586·1 1504586-1 1 JJ ISO 4586-2 SANS 4586-2 1504586-2 Z ~~~~ 1 -_._ ...... _.. s:: SASS ISO 4628-1 SANS 4628-1 1504628-1 1982 m a Z --I SASS ISO 4628-2 SANS 4628-2 ISO 4628-2 _._ ...... _.. _-~._ ...... _-- 1982 G) SASS 1504628-3 SANS 4628-3 » ~~~_._ 1504528-3 .... _.. _- 1982 N eel art m SABS ISO 4628-4 SANS 4628-4

_-~ 1504528-4 --_._~~~-_ ... _.. .. _.. _.. 1982 _._- -_._ --~._ .. _.... _- --I --I SASS ISO 4628-5 SANS 4628-5 1504628-5 _m ~~~_._ .... _.. - CO SASS ISO 4628-6 SANS 4628-6 Z SASS ISO 4706 SANS 4706 0 SABS ISO 4751 SANS 4751 < SASS ISO 4778 SANS 4778 m SASS ISO 4787 SANS 4787 capac¢y s:: SASS ISO 4788 SANS 4788 ro SASS ISO 4797 SANS 4797 m SASS ISO 4799 SANS 4799 JJ SABS ISO 4800 SANS 4800 1504800 I\) 0 SASS ISO 4831 SANS 4531 ISO 4831 0 SASS ISO 4832 SANS 4832 1504832 I\) SASS ISO 4833 SANS 4833 ISO 4833 SABS ISO 4866 SANS48B6 ISO 4866 ings SASS ISO 4878 SANS 4878 ISO 4678 SABS-ISO 4919 SANS 4919 1504919 SABS ISO 4921 921 1504921 SASS ISO 4998 1504998 SABS ISO 5074 1505074 SABS ISO 5088 ISO 5088 SASS ISO 5089 1505089 SASS ISO 15151 1505151 SABS-ISO 5155 1505155 SABS 1505177 1505177 SABS ISO 5182 1505182 SABS ISO 5183·1 1505183·1 SABS ISO 15183-2 1505183-2 as SABS ISO 5184 1505184 existing des nation AddlllonallD SABS ISO 5552 ISO 5552 8ABS ISO 5667-1 ISO 5667-1 SABS 1805667·2 ISO 5667-2 SABS ISO 5667-3 ISO 5667-3 SABS ISO 5667-4 1805667-4 SABS 1805667-5 1805667-5 beverege processing SABS ISO 5667-6 1805667-6 SABS ISO 5667-11 1805667-11 SABS 180 5667-15 1805667-15 SABS ISO 5821 ISO 5821 SABS ISO 5822 ISO 5822 SABS ISO 5826 5826 SABS 180 5827 SABS ISO 5828 inals connec1ed to water·cooled lugs· Dimensions and characteristics SABS ISO 5829 SABS 1805830

1506391 SABS 180 6406 ISO 6406 (J) SABS ISO 6414 1806414 ~ SABS ISO 6422 1806422 SABS ISO 6504-3 1806504.3 ~ (J) SABS ISO 6506 1806506 /\ SABS ISO 6507-1 ISO 6507·1 0 SABS ISO 6507-2 SANS 6507-2 ISO 6507-2 m SABS 1806507-3 SANS 6507-3 1806507-3 JJ SABS 180 6508 SANS 6508 1806508 :l> SABS ISO 6509 SANS 6509 1506509 Z SABS ISO 6520 SANS 6520 ISO 6520 ;-I SABS ISO 6579 SANS 6579 ISO6579 ell SABS ISO 6581 SANS 6581 ISO 6581 oured anodic oXide COlltings Z SABS ISO 6777 SANS 6177 ISO 6717 0 SABS 180 6Il4S SANS 6848 ISO6848 n < SABS ISO 6878 SANS 6878 ISO 6878 m $: OJ SABS ISO 6887·1 SANS 6887-1 ISO 6887·1 m JJ SABS ISO 6888-1 SANS 6888-1 ISO 6888-1 I\) 0 SABS ISO 6888-2 SANS 6888-2 1806888-2 0 I\) SABS ISO 6891 SANS 68S1 1806891 8ABS ISO 6892 SAN86892 1806892 SABS ISO 6926 SANS 6926 ISO 6926 SABS ISO 6938 SANS 6938 ISO 6938 SABS ISO 6940 SANS 6940 ISO 6940 specimens SABS ISO 6941 SAN86941 1806941 ofvertically orieJ'lUld specimens SABS ISO 6947 SANS 6947 ISO 6947 SABS ISO 6986 SANS 6966 ISO 6988 SABS ISO 7211-2 SANS 7211·2 ISO 7211-2 h SABSIS07211-3 SANS 7211-3 ISO 7211-3 SABS ISO 7211-4 SANS 7211-4 ISO 7211-4 SABSlS07211-5 SANS 7211-5 ISO 7211-5 SABS 1807218 SANS 7218 1807218 Z SABS ISO 1251 SANS 7251 1807251 P SABS ISO 7253 SANS 7253 1607253 I\) -1>0 0 SABS ISO 7284 SANS 7284 ISO 7264 0 1993 1 I\) SABS ISO 7286 SANS 7266 ISO 7285 1986 1 SABS ISO 7371 SANS 7371 1807 1 ralure compartment - Characteristics and test methods 1995 2 ... <0 ... N Exlllllng designation New DesIgnation AdditlonallD 0 SABS ISO 7389 SANS 7389 ISO 7389 SABS ISO 7390 SANS 7390 ISO 7390 Z SABS ISO 7402 SANS 7402 1507402 P SABS ISO 7404-1 SANS 7404-1 ISO 7404·1 l\) SABS ISO 7404-2 SANS 7404·2 ISO 74Q4.2 lsam les ./>. SABS ISO 7404-3 SANS 7404-3 ISO 7404-3 macerel group ComPOSI Ion 0 0 SABS ISO 7404-5 SANS 7404·5 ISO 7404-5 microscopies Iy the iet1ectance ofvitlinile l\) SABS ISO 7531 ISO 7531 SABS ISO 7587 ISO 7587 SABS ISO 7592 1507592 SABS ISO 7593 ISO 7593 SABS ISO 7724-1 ISO 7724-1 SABS ISO 7724-2 ISO 7724-2 SABS ISO 7724-3 3 5ABS ISO 1866 SABS ISO 7931 SABS ISO 7932 G) SABS ISO 7937 0 SABS ISO 7954 V lAJU· : 1""''110 me deVelopment, supplY, Installauon i± SABS ISO 9000-3 SANS 9000-3 1509000-3 and maintenanoe ofcomputer software 1997 ~ SASS 1509001 SANS 9001 1509001 ana mant systems - Requirements 2000 3 SABS ISO 9004 SANS 9004 ISO 9004 t systems - GUidelines I'or perfonnanoe improvements 2000 2. SABS ISO 9013 SANS 9013 1509013 - yuallty oIallSilicalion and dimensiona tolerances ofthermallY cut ( gas flame) surfaces 1992 1 SABS 1509046 SANS 9046 ISO 9046 8 adhesionlooheslon properties at constant temperature 1967 1 SABS 150 9047 1509047 8 clion - sealants - Determination of adheslonfooheslon properties at varlable temperatures 1969 1 SABS ISO 9046 =&9047NS9046 1809046 ofeldrudabllity of sealants using standarolZoo apparatus 1967 1 SABS ISO 9090 9090 ISO 9090 asses 1969 1 (f) SABS 1809117 ~SANS9117 1509117 Paints and \Ill h-dry state and lhroUgh-dry lime - Method of test 1990 1 ;;! SABS 1509127 9127 ISO 9127 Information processing systems - User docUmentat on and 00IIef information TOr consumer software paokages 1966 1 SABS ISO 9147 IPIg-irons - Deflnltlon and olessilicalion 1 ~ 9147 1509147 1987 (f) SASS ISO 9177-1 SANS 9177-1 1809177-1 Mechanical penctlS Part 1: Classification, almensions, performance requirements and esting 1989 1 SABS ISO 9177-2 SANS 9177-2 ISO 9177-2 Meohanical pencils ParI 2: Black leads - Clllssffication and dimensions i 1969 1 8 SABS 1509227 SANS 9227 1509227 Comlsion tests in artillcial atmospheres - sail spray tests 11990 1 m SABS 1509312 SANS 9312 ISO 9312 Resilltance ~ s for use in electrode back-ups 1990 1 lJ SABS ISO 9313 5ANS9313 ISO 9313 spot Coo Ing ubes 1989 1 J> Z SABS ISO 9364 SANS 9364 ISO 9364 Continuous hot ad steel sheet 01 commercial, lock-fanning and structural qualitIeS 1991 1_ _-1 .._~.~m...... ~...... ".m"_m~'"m"'_~ ....~ ..~, m.~ SABS 1509408 SANS 9408 ISO 9408 1999 1 CO

~. SABS ISO 9454-1 SANS 9454-1 1809454-1 ~ a~,,_ g;.. 1990 1 Z SABS ISO 9454-2 SANS 9454-2 1509454-2 xes - ClassillcatJon ana requirements Par 2: Perfonna 1998 1 SABS ISO 9455-1 Son flues.-- """""""Test methods ParI""'_~ lJelem1ination...""",of non-wIaIlle ric ..method SANS 9455-1 1809455-1 1990 1 ~ SABS ISO 9455-2 SANS 9455-2 1509455-2 Soil fluxes - Test methods ParI . Determination of non-voIlItile maner, a liomeIrlo method 1993 1 m 'l:iABS 1809455-3 SANS 9455-3 1509455-3 SoIl solderlflQ fluxes - Test melhod1s Pari :IJetermination of acid \Ill us, potentiometric and visual titration methods 1992 1 ~ (D l:iABS ISO 9455-5 SANS 9455-5 1509455-5 SoIl solderlnll fluxes - Test melnods Part . Copper mil'fllj' test 1992 1 m l:iAB5 180 9455-6 SANS 9455-6 ISO 9455-6 SoIl soldering !luxes - Test metl1O

~ISO11290-1 SANS 11290-1 ISO 11290-1 Microbiology or food and animal feeding stull's - Horizontal method for the detection and enumeration of Usl:al1a monocytogenes Part 1: Detection method 1996 1 MicrODlOlogy or 1000 ana anlm8l1el!Q,ng stum; - MOrIZ ortned enUl11llliittlon of Lis!jjna monocYtOQenes Part 2: Enumeration SABS ISO 11290-2 SANS 11290-2 ISO 11290-2 method 1998 1 Ex Sting designation New Designation AddItIonallD T1tIe Year Ed. SASS ISO 11378-2 SANS 11378-2 ISO 11376-2 Textile flOOf lXMlIi~~Part 2: Drum test 2001 1 SABS ISO 11426 SANS 11426 ISO 11426 Determination of gold method (fire assay) 1993 1 SABS ISO 11427 SANS 11427 ISO 11427 Determination ofsilVer - Volumetric (potentiometric) method using potassium bromide 1993 1 assenger cars ana IIgm commerclill vehicles Wltn 1:l V systems - 1"-pole connectors 0etWee0 toWing vehicles and tiiltlers - DimenSions arid contact SABS ISO 11446 SANS 11446 ISO 11446 allocation 1995 SASS ISO 11490 SANS 11490 ISO 11490 Determination of paNadium in panadium jewellery alloys - GraVImetriC determination me 1995 ~1 SABS ISO 11540 SANS 11540 ISO 11540 writing and marking inslruments nlendea for use by children up to 14years of reqUIrements 1993 1 SASS ISO 11568-1 SANS 11568-1 ISO 11568-1 • Key management (retail) Part 1 Introduction to key management 1994 1 SASS ISO 11568-2 SANS 11566-2 15011568·2 - Key management (retail) Part 2- Key management techniques for symmelTic Ciphers 1994 1 SASS ISO 11568-3 SANS 11568-3 ISO 11568-3 - Key management (retail) Part 3 Key life cycle for symmelTic ciphers 1994 1 SABS ISO 11600 SANS 11600 ISO 11600 canstruCllon • sealants - Ciassification and requirements 1993 1 SABS ISO 11690-1 SANS 11690-1 ISO 11690-1 1996 1 SABS ISO 11690-2 SANS 11690-2 ISO 11690-2 Acoustics· Recommended low-noise workplaces c Part 2: NoIse control measures 1996 1 SABS ISO 11732 SANS 11732 ISO 11732 Wet etric detection 1997 1 SASS ISO 11857 SANS 11857 ISO 11657 1999 1 SABS ISO 11665 SANS 11885 ISO 11885 of33 elements by inductiIIely couPled plasma atomic emiSSion spectroscopy 1996 1 SABS ISO 11922-1 SANS 11922·1 ISO 11922·1 IThennoplastics pipes for the conveyance of fluids • Dimensions and tolerances Part 1: Metrlc series 1997 1 SABS ISO 12004 SANS 12004 ISO 12004 Metallic materials - Guidelines for the determination of forming.fimit diagrams 1997 1 (fJ Fittings, valves and other piping system components made of unpiasticiZed poly(vinyt chloride) (PVC-U), chlorinated poly(vinyl chloride) (PVC-Cl, SABS ISO 12092 SANS 12092 ISO 12092 2000 1 SABS ISO 12098 SANS 12098 ISO 12098 ..,,_"''''''')_-'''''Commercial vehICles with 24 V systems - ensions....and contact" ...... allocationP~-,...."OO 1994 1 '-I~ SASS ISO 12193 SANS 12193 ISO 12193 Animal and vegetable fats and oils· Dete method 1994 1 (fJ SABS ISO 12944-1 SANS 12944-1 ISO 12944-1 Paints and vamisnes - Corrosion proteotlon of steel structures paint systems Part 1: General introouction 1998 1 oA SASS ISO 12944-2 SANS 12944-2 ISO 12944-2 Paints and vamlshes - Corrosion proteotion of steel structures paint systems Part 2: Classification of environments 1998 1 m SASS ISO 12944-3 SANS 12944-3 ISO 12944-3 Paints and vamlshes - Corrosion proteotion of steel structures by paint systems PaI'l3: Design considerations 1998 1 II ISO SABS ISO 12944-4 SANS 12944-4 12944-4- Paints and vamishes - Corrosion protectlon of steel structures by protective paint systems Part 4: Types 01 surface and surface preparation 1998 1 ~ SASS ISO 129445 SANS 129445 ISO 12944-5 Paints and vamishes· Corrosion pllJtecliori 01 steel structures by protective paint systems Part 5: PFOteotille paint systems 1998 1 Z SABS ISO 12944-6 SANS 12944-6 ISO 12944-6 Paints and vamishes - Corrosion protection or steel structures by proteotille paint systems Part 6: Laboratory performance lest methods 199B 1 .'-1 SASS ISO 12944-7 SANS 12944-7 ISO 12944-7 Paints and vamishes - Corrosion proteotion of steel structures by protective paint systems Part 7: Execution and supeMsion 01 paint wort< 1998 .~ CO IPalnts and varnlsnes • corrosion proteotion or steel structures by proteotiVe paint systems Part 6: spaCl1lCatlons lOr new work ana Z SABS ISO 12944-8 SANS 12944-8 ISO 12944-8 maintenance 1998 1 o SABS ISO 13395 SANS 13395 ISO 13395 ~Delermlnalionof nitrile nitrogen and nitrate n~rogen and the sum of both by flow analysiS (CFA and FIA) and spectrometric detection 1998 1 < SABS ISO 13475-1 SANS 13475-1 ISO 13475·1 audible warning deVices usea outdoors Part 1: Field measurements for determination ofsound emission quantities 1999 1 m SABS ISO 13748 SANS 13748 ISO 13748 Textilea - Guidelines for instaOation and use on stairs 2000 1 ~ SABS ISO 13760 SANS 13760 ISO 13760 Plastics pi conveyance of lluid$ under pressure - Mine(s ru e - ClllCUlalion method for cumulative damage 1998 1 OJ SASS ISO 13909-1 SANS 13909-1 ISO 13909-1 Hard coal a Mecharnca sampling Part 1: General introduction 2001 1 m II SABS ISO 13909-2 SANS 13909·2 ISO 13909-2 Hard coal and coke· MeChanical sampling Part 2: Coal ~moving streams 2001 1 II:) SABS ISO 13909-5 SANS 13909-5 ISO 13909-5 Hard coal and cot SANS 14520·7 2000 0 SASS ISO 14520-6 SANS 14520-8 2000 0 SABS ISO 14520-9 SANS 14520·9 2000 I\) SABS ISO 14520·10 SANS 14520·10 SABS ISO 14520-11 SANS 14520-11 SABS ISO 14520-12 SANS 14520-12 SABS ISO 14520·13 SANS 14520-13 SABS ISO 14520·14 SANS 14520-14 SABS ISO 14520·15 SANS 14520·15 SASS ISO 1'1644-1 SANS 1'1644-1 SABS ISO 14713 SANS 14713 SABS ISO 14788 SANS 14788 G) 0 SABS ISO 15214 SANS 15214 < SABS ISO 16590 SANS 16590 m SABS ISOIIEC 7810 SANS 7810 JJ SABS ISOIlEC 7811·1 SANS 7811·1 Z SABS lSOIIEC 7811·2 SANS 7811-2 $; SABS ISOIlEC 7811-3 SANS 7811·3 m SABSISOIIEC 7811-4 SANS 7811-4 Z SASS ISOIlEC 7811·5 SANS 7811·5 -l G) SABSISOIIEC 7811-6 SANS 7811-6 » SABS ISOIIEC 7812-1 SANS 7812·1 N SABS ISOIIEC 7812·2 SANS 7812-2 m SABS ISOIIEC 7813 SANS 7813 SABS ISOIIEC 7816·1 SANS 7816·1 ::t SABS ISOIIEC 7816-2 SANS 7816-2 .m SABS ISOIIEC 7816-3 SANS 7816-3 00 SABS ISOIlEC 7816-4 SANS 7816-4 Z SABS IS0I1EC 7816-5 SANS 7816-5 0 SABS ISOIlEe 7816-6 SANS 7816-6 < SABS ISOIlEC 7816·7 SANS 7816·7 m SABS ISO/IEC 7816-8 SANS 7816-8 $; OJ SABS ISOIIEC 7816·10 7816·10 m SASS ISO/IEC 9126 S9126 JJ SABS lSOIlEC TR 9294 SANS 9294 I\) SASS ISOIIEe 10373 SAN510373 lSOIlEC 10373 0 SABS ISOIlEe 10536-1 SANS 10536-1 ISO/IEC 10536-1 0 I\) BS ISOIIEC 10561 SANS 10561 ISOIIEC 10561 11581·1 SANS 11581-1 ISOIlEe 11561·1 11561-3 SANS 11581-3 ISOIIEC 11581·3 SABS1SOlIEC 11801 SANS 11801 ISOIIEe 11801 SABS ISOIIEC 12119 SANS 12119 ISOIlEC 12119 SABS ISOIIEC TR 12182 SANS 12182 ISOIIEC TR 12182 SABSISOIlEC 12207 S 12207 ISO/IEC 12207 SABS ISOIIEC 13618·1 13818-1 ISOIIEe 13618-1 SABS ISO/IEC 13618-2 SANS 13818-2 ISOIIEC 13618-2 SABSlSOIIEC13818-3 SANS 13818·3 ISOIIEC 13618·3

SA~ lSOllEC 13669 SANS 13869 ISOIIEG 13869

SABS ISOIIEC 13873 SANS 13873 ISOIIEC 13673 SABS ISOIIEC 14102 SANS 14102 ISOIIEC 14102 SABS ISOIIEe 14143·1 SANS 14143-1 ISOIlEe 14143-1 ExIslIng designation New Designation Additional ID Ilfe Year Ed. SABS ISOIIEe 14443-1 SANS 1444~1 ISOIIEC 14443-1 Identification cards - eorn:~CiICUn(SI cards - Proximity cards PaIt 1: Physical characteristiCS 2000 1 SABS ISOIlEC TR-14471 SANS 14471 ISO/IECTR 14471 Information technology - Softwa -ng - Guidelines for the adoption ofCASE tools 1999 1 SABS ISOIIEC 14598-1 SANS 14598-1 Information technology - So t evaluation Part 1: General ovelView 1999 IISOIIEe 14598-1 SABSISOIIEC1459&¢ SANS 14598-5 14598-5 Information ~re prrJ9~ evaluation Part 5: Process for evaluators 11998 ----J-1 SABS ISOIlEe 15Q26 SANS 15026 15026 Information tec - System and software Integrity levels 1998 1 SABS lSOIIEC TR 15271 SANS 15271 I TR 15271 IInformation t - ",UKIe for ISOIIt::C 12207 (Software life Cycle Processes) 1998 1 SABS ISOIlEC 15418 SANS 15418 ISOllEe 15416 Information technology - EANIIJCC Application Identifiers and Fact Data Identifiers and Maintenance 1999 1 SABS ISOIlEC TR 15504-1 SANS 15504-1 ISOIIEC TR 15504-1 1998 1 SABS ISOIIEC TR 15504-2 SANS 15504-2 ISOIIEe TR 15504-2 ,Infonnalion - ...... Software process assessment_""'''~'''''-'-Part 2: A reference model for processes and process capability 1998 -r SABS ISOIIEC TR 15504-3 SANS 15504-3 ISOIIEC TR 15504-3 Information.--- Software process assessment Part 3: Performing an assessment 1998 1 SABS ISOIIEC TR 155044 SANS 15504-4 ISOIIEC TR 155044 Information tech - Software process assessment Part 4: Guide to performing aSSEl$SlTlenls 1998 1 SABS ISOIlECTR 15504-5 SANS 15504-5 ISOIIEC TR 15504-5 Information tech - Software process assessment Part 5: An assessment mOOel and indicator guidance 1999 1 SABS ISOIlEC TR 15504-a SANS 15504-a ISOIlEC TR 15504-6 Information technology - Software process assessment Part 6: Guide to com~ 1998 1 SABS ISO/IECTR 15504-7 SANS 15504-7 ISOIlEe1Kf5504-7 Information technology - Sonw;,re process assessment Part 7: Guide for use ment 1998 1 SABS ISOIlEC TR 15504-8 SANS 15504-8 ISOIIEC TR 15504-8 Information technology - Software process assessment Part 8: Guide far use pp ler process capability 1998 1 SABS ISO/IEC TR 15504-9 SANS 15504-9 ISOIIEC TR 15504-9 Inrormation technology - Software process assessment Part 9: Vocabulary 1998 1 SABS lSOIIEC TR 15846 SANS 15846 ISOIIEC ffi 15846 Information technology - Software life cycle processes - Configuration managemerrt 1998 1 SABS ISOIIEe 16390 SANS 16390 ISOIIEC 16390 Iinfonnalion technology - AU1cmallc identilication and data capture techniqUes - Bar code symbology specifications - Interleaved 2 Of 5 1999 1 SABS lSOIIEC 17020 SANS 17020 ISOllEe 17020 General criteria 10< the operation Of valioU6 types Of bodies perlol'llllng inspection 1998 1 (!J SABS lSOllEC 17025 SANS 17025 ISOIIEC 17025 GeneJal requirements lor the competenCe Of testing and calibration laboratories 1999 1 );! SABS ISOIIEe 17799 SANS 17799 ISOIIEe 17799 Information technology Information security management 2000 1 SABS ISOIR 442 SANS 42 ISOIR 442 Verification of pendulu machines lor testing steels 1965 1 ~ (!J SABS ISOITR4918 SANS 4918 ISOITR 4918 Text~e ncor coveIings - Determination Of wear - Castor chair test 1990 1 A SABS ISOITR 10361 SANS 10361 ISOITR 10361 Text"e lloor coveIings - Production Of changes H1 appearance by means Of Veltermann drum and hexapod tUmbler testers 1990 1 o SABS ISOITR 11668-1 SANS 11686-1 ISOITR 11666-1 Acoustics - Recommended practice far the design of Iow-noise machinery and equipment Part 1: Planning 1995 1 m SASS lSOITR 11668-2 SANS 11668-2 ISOITR 11688-2 Acoustics - Recommended practice for the design oIlow-noise machinery and :::luiPment Part 2: Introduction to the physics of Iow-noise design ..~ 't.-- ::D IAcouSllCS - Kecomrnenoec practice rarme oeslgn 01 low-nOIse woikPlilces conta nmg maCt1inery Part 3: Sound propagation and 00lSe prediction In » SABS 1S01TR 11690-3 SANS 11690-3 ISOITR 11690-3 workrooms 1997 1 z SABS lSOITR 19121 SANS 19121 ISOITR 19121 IGeollraphlcmtormatlon -Imagery and gridded data 2000 1 :-I ~nagementsystems - t-'artlcu!ar reqUiremerns TOr tne application or 1:::iU l:IUUl :;.!uuu TOr automotIVe prooUCIlOIl ano relevllnt SBlVICe pan CO SABS ISOITS 16949 SANS 16949 ISOITS 16949 ions 2002 ~ z SASS MPT 1306 SANS 2306 MPT 1306 n mucus tone controned signa use in the land mobile services - Performance specification 1993 1 o ~MPT1327 iSANS2327 MPT1327 A signalling standard for trunked systermi 1991 1 < -errormance specmcaoon. oyste I'llICB specmcatlOll TOr 18010 unn& to commercial operating In Band III suo-oanas 1 m SABS MPT 1343 SANS 2343 MPT 1343 and 2 1991 -- 2 :s: SABS !APT 1347 SANS 2347 MPT1347 - Radio interface specification for commerc aI trunked networks operating In Band III, sub-band 1 and 2 1991 2 lIJ SABS MPT 1352 SANS 2352 MPT1352 Test schedule far the appr