Overview European NCAs

Country NCA Homepage

Austria Financial Market Authority www.fma.gv.at/en/ Belgium National Bank of Belgium www.nbb.be/en Bulgaria Bulgarian National Bank www.bnb.bg/index.htm?toLang=_EN Croatia Croatian National Bank for Credit Institutions www.hnb.hr/en Croatian Financial Services Supervisory Agency www.hanfa.hr/en/ for Investment Firms Cyprus Central Bank of Cyprus www.centralbank.cy/en/home Czech Republic Czech National Bank www.cnb.cz/en/index.html Denmark Finanstilsynet www.dfsa.dk/ ECB European Central Bank (SSM) www.bankingsupervision.europa.eu/home/html/index.en.html Estonia Financial Supervision Authority www.fi.ee/en Finland Finanssilvalvonta (FIN-FSA) www.finanssivalvonta.fi/en/ France Autorité de contrôle prudentiel www.acpr.banque-france.fr/en et de Resolution BaFin www.bafin.de/EN/Homepage/homepage_node.html Bundesbank Greece Bank of Greece www.bankofgreece.gr/Pages/en/default.asp x Hungary Central Bank of Hungary www.mnb.hu/en Iceland Financial Supervisory Authority www.en.fme.is/ Ireland Central Bank of Ireland www.centralbank.ie/home Italy Banca d'Italia www.bancaditalia.it/homepage/index.html Latvia Financial and Capital Market Commission www.fktk.lv/en/ Liechtenstein Financial Services Authority www.fma-li.li/ Lithuania Bank of Lithuania www.lb.lt/en/ Luxembourg Commission de Surveillance www.supervisory-disclosure.cssf.lu/en/home/ du Secteur Financier Malta Malta Financial Services Authority www.mfsa.com.mt/ Netherlands De Nederlandsche Bank www.toezicht.dnb.nl/en/index.jsp?s=c Polish Financial Supervision Authority www.knf.gov.pl/en/ Portugal Banco de Portugal www.bportugal.pt/en Romania National Bank of Romania www.bnro.ro/Home.aspx Slovakia National Bank of Slovakia www.nbs.sk/en/home Slovenia Bank of Slovenia www.bsi.si/en Spain Banco de España www.transparencia.cnmv.bde.es/wts/en/ Sweden Finansinspektionen www.fi.se/en/ UK Prudential Regulation Authority www.bankofengland.co.uk/ Financial Conduct Authority www.fca.org.uk/

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