en - 0 z -

- ..I - I \ WIT# ILLINOIS· OHIO STATE WILBUR E. NYPP, Editor William A. Woodruff ______Advertising Manager John F. Hummel------~ Circulation Manager National Advertising Representative Don Spencer Co., 271 Madison Ave., New York 16, N. Y. The Admini tration ------4 niversity of Illinois Officials ------5 Ohio State Athl etic taff ------6 Ohio tale oaching Staff ------7 IUinois Coaching taff ------8 The U niver ity of Ulinois ------9 Illinois Athletic Staff ------10 Jlli-Buck Returns lo Ohio tate ------11 niversity of lllinoi cenes ------12 IUinois Player ------14, 18, 34, 36 Ohio tale Player ______16, 30, 38, 42, 44 Big Ten's 60 th Anniversary ------19 The Fighting Illini ------20 Ohio State Band Program ------29 Ohio late' Co-Captain ------32 Ohio tale Ro ter ------40 lUinois Roster ------43 Penalties and Signals ______45

From Sinclair Research comes new, stepped-up Sinclair POWER-X Gasoline - power-primed with rocket fuel! This great gasoline gives you . . . New l-ltgh 1h Oclane New Rockef Celaway New S:uper Power New J...ltgh in Mileage Rusf-prooFw,fh RD-11q• - - - 9al/-pt-oof' Si'N'C.LAi.ii POIIIIER•X T he New Super Fuel 3 The The Administration University of Illinois

Vice President JACOB B. TAYLOR

DOUGLAS R. MILLS Director of Athletics


DR. DAVID DODDS HENRY President, University of Illinois

DR. HOWARD L. BEVIS President, The

Vice President DEAN R. E. BROWNE DR. BLAND L. STRADLEY Faculty Representative 4 5 The The Buckeye Coaching Staff

Ohio State W. W. HAYES, Denison, '35 (At left)

Athletic Defensive Line Coach , Western Maryland, '29

FLOYD S. STAHL GEORGE R. STATEN WILBUR E. SNYPP Guard and Center Coach Staff Asst. Ticket Director Publicity Director HARRY L. STROBEL, Miami, '32

End Coach ESCO SARKINEN, Ohio State, '40

Backfield Coach EUGENE FEKETE, Ohio State, '47

Guard Coach WILLIAM R. HESS, Ohio University, '47

Asst. Backfield Coach , Miami, '53

DR . W. E. DUFFEE DR . RICHARD PATTON DR . ROBERT MURPHY Head Freshman Coach Team Physician Team Physician Team Physician E. R. GODFREY, Ohio State, ' 15

LEO G. ST ALEY FRED BEEKMAN ERNEST R. BIGGS Intramural Director Asst. Intramural Head Trainer RICHARD C. LARKINS Di rector Director of Athletics

ROBERT C. RIES MARVIN HOMAN RALPH GUARASCI Asst. Ticket Director Asst. Publicity Stadium Supt. Front row, left to right: Jim Hietikko, assistant freshman coach; , varsity backs; Clive Rush, assistant varsity backs; , varsity ends; William Hess, tackles. Back row, , head freshman coach; Harry Strobel, guards and centers; Director W. W. (Woody) Hayes, head varsity coach; lyal Clark, defensive line caach. 6 7 ILLINOIS COACHING STAFF

HEAD FOOTBALL COACH RAY ELIOT, Illinois, '32 (at right)

Line Coach , Illinois, '20 THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS

Backfield Coach RALPH FLET'CHER, Illinois, '21

End Coach a faculty of three in a second-hand building. Today ROBERT KING, Furman, '37 The Gniversity of Illi­ n01 belongs to the peo­ it bas more than 25 ,000 students, total taff of

Assist. Backfield Coach ple of the tate 1d1ich it nearly 9,000, with plant and equipment Yalued at CHARLES PURVIS, Illinois, '40 serves. It is the capstone more than $125,000,000 at cost. of their public education In addition to the main campus at Urbana­ Asst. Line Coach ystem. Its activities are Champaign, 1Yhich also i headquarters for many CHARLES STUDLEY, Illinois, '52 threefold : education, re­ statewide sen,ices. there is a professional campus search. and public sen·­ for 11·ork in the health ciences-meclicine, dentistry, Freshman Coach ice. In the ·e it touche. MELVIN BREWER, Illinois, '40 pharmacy. nursing, and as ociated field -in Chi­ on practically every hu- cago. and a Chicago Undergraduate Division which man acti 1·i ti· and interest. Chief Scout provides the first two years of college training. Off­ Its benefits g to every citizen of Tllinoi ·. LEO T. JOHNSON, Millikin, '21 campus classe are held in many parts of the state. The University combines in one institution the The UniYersity teaches both in the liberal arts engineering, medical, agricultural, liberal arts, min­ and the profes ional fields, offering undergraduate ing, law. and other educational and research divi­ and advanc cl training, to prepare men and women sion which in many state are separate in titutions. for life 11·ork, sen-ice, and citizen hip in almo ·t every By their union. the talent· and resource of all are field of encl ea rnr. available together to . pecial needs or abilities and plans of students, to find the an 11·ers in re·earch. Re earch is carried on likewi e in almost every and to provide special ervice . field of human interest and effort. It teacher bring The University 1rns e tablished to meet what in to their classe the latest findings of the laboratory, the mid-1800' , was a new demand: The idea of it and the inspiration of research which is constantly founder has proved sound. The G niver ity has pu bing back the frontiers of knowledge. gro,vn con tantly, not only in ize. but even more Service range from help to farmers, business­ in concept and activities. It ha con tantly moved men, and chool , to extension cour es of many forward to meet new need and ne11· demand - f the kinds and to cooperative research project , financed people of Illinois. prirntely but with the results published for public It opened l\Iarch 2. l 68. 1Yitb 50 students and benefit.

Front row, left to right: Burt Ingwersen, Head Coach Ray Eliot, Bob King , Ralph Fletcher. Back row, left to right: Dick Ra k­ lavits, Chuck Studley, Chuck Purvis, Mel Brewer.

8 9 ...rw~~wwwwww~~wwww~~~~~~~w~~~~~w~~~~~~~~~~. , ... .. , , . • . , , .. • . , ,.• .. 1 , •••, , ••• , P. . .. , t. • . , , .. • .t ' . • ..1, . • .111 , .. • .. t , .. • .. , , .. • ., , ... . , , ... . , , •• •, , •• • , , ...... , , ... •11, .. • . • , • • • , , ... .., , . . .. , , .. • . , , ... .., , . . ... , ... . , , . . ... , ... . ,,.. . .. , , ... . ,,...... , . • ..1, .. • .. 11 , ..• ..t , •• • , t ... ..,, ...... ,

I Iii-Buck Returns to Ohio State

T HE hi tory of the Illibuck-the wooden turtle and spending the re t of the year in the basement trophy for which Illinoi and Ohio tate football of some fraternity hou e, Illibuck quietly expired. teams compete each year-began back in 1925, when He wa replaced, more pessimi tically, with a wood­ the Illini and Buckeye junior men' honorary socie­ en replica-a faithful reproduction of it live pre­ tie decided that it would be a good idea to inaugu­ deces or in hi prime. ince the untimely end of Illi­ rate a trophy to commemorate their hi toric but buck I, the team have competed for a succession of friendly rivalry in the annual game. wooden replicas, of which the pre ent i the third. A live turtle-dubb d "lllibuck' to combine both Although Illibuck has gone back and forth be­ the Illini and Buckeye name - wa fir t chosen a tween Champaign and Columbu many times through a suitable trophy, partly because it wa upposed the year , he ha spent 20 of the e years at Ohio that the marine reptile would di play uitable lon­ State and nine at Illinoi . gevity. The trophy' originator envisioned the same The ceremony of tran £erring Illibuck to his new turtle fifty year hence, hoary but hearty, with the owner traditionally occur during the half-time of score of fifty hi toric Illini-Buckeye game carved the game. Member of Bucket and Dipper, the Ohio DIRECTING ACTIVITIES OF THE on his back. tate junior men' honorary, and Sachem, the Illi­ After the 1925 game, Illibuck' fir t, the trophy noi honorary ( the latt r draped in their Indian MAXWELL R. B. R. PATTERSON CHARLES P. POND GARRET Wrestling Coach Gymnastics Coach Fencing Coach went right back to Illinoi along with the famous blanket ) , parade out on the field and olemnly pa s "Red" Grange, who had played hi last game at the peace pipe around to participant Illibuck is Columbu that year. Illinoi had won 14-9. then given over to the winner of the previous year' Howev r, :after the wear and tear of a few year game, which, today, will b~ · hio tate, on the traveling back and forth between games in a suitca e strength of la t year's 40-7 victory. l

11 CHARLES BELLATTI J. D. KENNEY RICHARD KLEI N Program Manager Ice Rink, Trainer Golf Course Builders of St. John Arena and Ohio State Field House SCENES AT UNIVERITY OF ILLINOIS


383 S. Third St., Columbus, Ohio CA. 1-4547

As Time Passes- Completed 1922 Stands as Positive Evidence of the Enduring Strength Possible to Attain in Concrete by Using MARBLE CLIFF LIMESTONE AND MARBLE CLIFF LIMESTONE SAND MEMORIAL STADIUM THE MARBLE CLIFF QUARRIES CO. COLUMBUS , OHIO

12 13 IJJ.iic.oJJJlll • • • THE EXPLORERS REST AU RANT AN D DR IV E-1 N "A New Trend in Food Service"

1080 Dublin Rd. HU 8-0651 COLUMBUS 8, OHIO

ROD HANSON MELVIN BATES No. 87- End No. 44-Halfback No. 19- Quarterback


Ohio State .. 1mnois Game

Quality leader among the finest watches of the world is Longines-winner of 10 World's Fair Grand Prizes and 28 Gold Medals for excellence and elegance, highest Observa­ tory Honors for accuracy. Longines Oslo Automatic. l4K gold waterproof* ca e. Of special to sportsmen is a series of interest Sweep second hand. 195. highly efficient longines Automatic Watche:. employing an exclusive s~l -winding principle. They are shock-re§i.. tant, anti-magnetic, with CHARLES BUTLER JOE BELLEPHANT CLEM RYAN unbreakable mainsprings; many a}'e water­ SOLD A.VI) SF.RV FCE:D No. 89-End No. 64- Guord .\J No. SS - Center proo{*. J::J1ese outstanding Longines watches BY MORE: THJ.N . are,,priced from $75 to $195. 41)(Ja LEADING JEWELERS WHO "'.11t 1..Sng: as uvstaL ha,rk an,t ~letn ere itHac t. PROUDLY l>ISPl.H THIS EMB,lEM.

Olentangy Ice Rink 299 W. Dodridge Phone AM. 2-1321

Open Day and Night Skates for Sale and to Rent Private or Class Instruction 18 Hole, Par Three Golf Course GARY FRANCIS RALPH NELSON DICK MILLER 75 Tee Driving Range No. 86-End No. 60- Guord No. 74- Tackle 15 JIM PARKER WILLIAM MICHAEL No . 40-Holfback Na. 62-Guard No. 89-End BUCKEYES Photos by House of Portraits


~-···············································Here's Good Entertainment News! NORMAN GRANZ' JAZZ AT THE PHILHARM.ONIC Ella Fitzgerald-Buddy Rich Dizzy Gillespie- Flip Phillips Roy Eldridge- Illinois Jacquet FRANKLIN ELLWOOD DICK GUY JERRY HARKRADER Gene Krupa Quartet & Others No . 24- Quarterback No. 75-Tackle No. 44-Halfback COLUMBUS ENGAGEMENT­ The Best Teammate for Excellent Cooking MON. OCT. 10 VETS MEMORIAL BLDG. The New Automatic Gas Range DAYTON ENGAGEMENT­ No range can take the place of o fine THURS . OCT. 13 cook. Bui it seems most all fine cooks prefer I ~ ...... gas ranges for cooking. These beautiful U. of DAYTON FfELD HOUSE = new ranges ore loaded with features that -.;- .. will help you prepare better meals:. rotis­ - serie l>roilers, griddle lops, positive light­ - - ing, every shade of heat, and aut.omatic "Holiday On Ice of 1956" -... ovens and timers. They make cleaning up - easy, too, with disposable drip trays and Excitingly All-New--The Big Ice Show - oven bottom liners, lift-up tops and many other features. The new Gos Ranges let you COLISEUM-Ohio State Fairgrounds use all your cooking skill - so easily. See Your Gas Range Dealer MON. OCT. 17 thru SUN. OCT. 23 Tickets for all Columbus Shows at Heaton's Music Store

DONALD VICIC LEO BROWN DAVE WEAVER Ben Cowall Promotions, lnc.-CA. 8-3318 No. 33-Fullback No. 85-End No. 60-Guard 9~~li•I 16 17 Big Ten Celebrates 60th Anniversary


Big Ten Commissioner

THE Bio- Ten Conference this year c lebrate it. ROLLA McMULLEN DICK NORDMEYER DAN WILE 60th birthday, the oldest coll ge athletic conference No. 25-Halfback No . 73-Tackle No. 37-Fullback in the nation and a pioneer in the establi shment of . ouncl tanclarcl for intercollegiate sport. ;:

It \\'a on January 11. JR95 that President Smart c•f Purdue called a meetino- in hicago of the presi­ Illinois Players dents of even micl\\·estern uni\·er ities to con ·ici er the regulation and control of intercollegiate athletics. At that meeting an organization \\'aS bltteprintecl. to co n it of an appointed facttlty r presentative from each in titution. Also. at that meeting. the extraordinary step wa;; taken to restrict eligibility fo r athletics to bona-ficl~ full-time tudents \\'ho \\'ere not delinquent in their tudies. o fundamental is that concept t clay it is difficult to appreciate the rad ical reform it repre­ sented 60 years ago. From that meeting there came, on Feb. . le 96. an ther meeting of th cl ignat cl faculty r pre nta­ K. l. Wi lson tive . The heading of the minutes for that meeting. an ''Intercoll egiate Conference of Faculty Repre­ Indiana C niver ·ity and the niver ity of Iowa sentative " give what i commonly known a the were admitted to Conference meml er hip Dec. 1, VITO IOVINO KEN SUTTER RONALD YOCHEM Big Ten or \Ve tern Conference it proper name. l 99. :Michigan withdrew in 1908 but returned in No. 68-Guard No. 38-Fullback No. SO-Center It al o gave to the merican language a new and 1917. Meanwhile. in 19 12, Ohio tate became a now common meaning for the word "conference". memb r. Chicaao, which ha I withdra\\·n from com­ a a grouping of chool for purpo ·e of athletic petition in 1944. re igned it onference member- adrnini tration and competition. hip in 1946 and in 1949 the member hi1 wa re­ tored to ten by the admi ion of :.\Iichigan tate The meeting also e tabli heel a principle now ba 1c l1niver ity. among all college of high tancling, that inter­ collegiate athletic shall I e under the control of the Other pioneering regulations fo tered by the Con­ faculties. ference. considered commonplace t day but signifi­ cant chano-e when adopted. were the one-year The even original members of the on Ference. re idence rule, a ban on freshman and graduate repre ented at the 1 96 meeting, were Chicago, c mpetition, the limitation of competition to three Illinoi , Michigan, Minne ota. Xorthwe tern. Pur­ year . and the appointment of coache on a faculty due, and Wi con in. Lake Fore t oll ge had been ba i . The onference al o pioneered in the appoint­ represented at President mart's meeting in 1895, ment of game officials and in 1922 e tabli hed the but it place wa taken by Michirran. fi r t collegiate offic of commi ioner.

GEO~GE BROKEMOND DON KRAFT DICK HENDRICKSON No. 78-Tackle No. 34-Fullback No. 36-Fullback 18 19 • • Meet The Fighting Illini •

OPHOMORE end Rod Hanson is a nephew of Charley Butler, Hot Springs, Ark. who, although SHarold Han on, All-American guard at Minne­ seeing limited action as a ophomore got hi big sota in 1927 .... Dick Miller, junior from Lanark hands in front of two enemy kicks. . . arl Johnson, who lettered for lllini in 1952, then entered ervice, ·ophomore tack le from Lockport, and Ken Sutter, ?rlo.hM. ]Jze ]JUUn made I 5 of 22 tries fo r extra point as a ophomore Peoria sophomore center, are studying to become ... Bob De Enfant ·. accountant· .. .. Floyd }{cAfee, enior tackle from 'enior end from hicago Hou ton. Texa , mis cl th entire 195.+ a on be­ That is, Wilke makes spent the s u 111 m er at cause of a back injury .... Abe \Vood ·on. 'hicago • Bergstrom Air F o r c e junior halfback who led Illinois in corino and was • For pre-game Base in Texas, and will second among regular in ru bing and pas · receiving The Team a Stronger one! • fun ... and be commis ioned in this last year, tied the world 's • branch of service follow­ record of :06.1 in the 50- • post-game ing graduation next yard high hurdles while celebrations pring . . . Bobby Mit­ competing for Coach Leo • chell, speedster halfback Johnson's indoor track • of the 1955 Illini, is one team. • • • of five athletically in­ Frank Robinson. At­ • Dining, Dancing and Enter­ c I i n e d brothers in the bnta. Ga., guard, is son • family of Rev. A. J. Mit­ or laf Robinson, Illini tainment night I y in The • • chell, m i n i st e r of the grid captain in 1930 ... Football men Like TOWN and COUNTRY Church of God in Hot Dean Renn, senior end ROOM. • prings, Ark. from West Frankfort, • Ro bert DesEn fants Pete FioRito, Forest ranked s e c o n d in the • • Park guard, is cousin of Big Ten in pass receiv­ R. Wilke's meats. • Frank Salarno, 1953 Georgia captain . . . Senior ing last year with 15 re­ Famous for Fine Food .. • quarterback Em Lindbeck, Kewanee, whose pass­ ceptions for 230 yards Outstanding Service . . • completion averages ranked him first in the Big Ten ... Quarterback Hi I es Hospitality • and fourth in the nation la t sea on, played baseball Stout, Peoria junior, had Abe Woodson • fo r Illinois la t spring, and his batting average of most productive day for • COCKTAIL LOU GE • .370 was second best among Illini. an Illinois quarterback since the regime of Tommy COFFEE SHOP & GRILL • D i ck Nordmeyer, sophomore tackle, attended O'Connell when he threw for 259 yard in a losing • Murphysboro High School for three years, then cause against orth western last year. • moved to Tucson, Ariz., where he was an All-Ameri­ Rolla McMullen, junior halfback, won ten let­ Private parties arranged on • can prep tackle .... "Bud" pence, sophomore half­ ter at Canton High chool, wa II -State in foot ­ We sell better meats . . short notice. • back from Terre Haute, Ind., returned a kickoff 98 ball, and participated in the tate ba ketball tourna­ yards for a touchdown as a prep ... Illinois coaches ment . . . Steve Szabo, junior guard from hicago • hope Ed De Lo n .. g, sophomore quar.terback from was a member of Illinois' 1955 wrestling team. Harry L. Ludwig Waukegan who was state high school half-mile competing in 177-pound, 191-pound, and heavy­ the kind you'll' wont President and Managing Di.rector 655 ROOMS champion in 1953 and 1954, can move a football team weight divisions despite fact that he weigh only with BATH as well as he can move himself ... "Mickey" Bates, about 180 ... Geo rge Brokemond, East Chicago. FIREPROOF GARAGE Kewanee senior, is enthusia tic about his return to Ind., sophomore tackle, is enrolled in liberal art on your own table. right halfback, from where he scored 11 touchdowns and sciences, plans to become a lawyer following to lead the Big Ten scoring parade in 1953. graduation ... Robinson senior Bob Wiman wa Jim Renwick, Ottawa ophomore, was a member regular catcher fo r oach Lee Eilbracht's baseball of the varsity squad during pring drills in 1954, team last spring, now returns to end after a y ar then dropped out of chool and returned this season at fullback in football. fo r his first try at Big Ten football ... Dan Wile, Bob Baietto, treater junior who came to Illinoi sophomore fullback pro pect from Salem, is brother as an end, then was moved to tackle and, sub­ of Don Wile, an all-conference halfback 10 years sequently, to guard li kes his late t position best of ago at Tulsa University ... Percy Oliver, Miami, the three ... Injury has handicapped Rudy Siegert. F la., junior who has been returned from tackle to Pana tackle, through hi fir t two easons of varsity guard, won all-city, all-di trict, and all-state honors football, but he is back for a final try and hopes to 9n.c. as a prep, then played regularly on a national service follow in footsteps of his cou in . Herb and Wayne championship Air Force eleven ... Clem Ryan, Park Siegert, who played regularly fo r Coach Ray Eliot Ridge (Maine) junior, did not see any game action ... Bloomington junior end Gary Francis is nick­ in 1954, dropping off the squad 0011 after begin­ named "Goo-Goo'' after a comic trip character ... Wholesale and Retail ning of fall practice because of an injury. George Walsh, Illinois' red-headed Iri hman from If Coach Ray Eliot wants an opponent's punt Ivesdale who probably packs as much punch a any blocked this season, he's likely to in ert junior end member of the quad, weigh only 180. 175 E. Rid, St.

20 21 Our Great State is proud of the Oltio State lootball C:eam ( Last Year's National Champions } SPENCER-WALKER .. and Year After Year an Admirable Representative of Ohio in the Football World and THE NEW ~~-HILTON PRESS, INC. 1s also receiving its share of praises The entire Mid-West is complimenting the Hotel on its Fabulous NEW LOOK. $2,500,000 Has Been Spent to Make the Deshler~Hilton one of America's Finest Hotels. IlUB L ICATIO N YOU'LL THRILL AT f RINTERS * * * • 32 WARREN STREET COLUMBUS 8, OHIO PHONE: AX. 9-41 8 5

the new, beautifu l COFFEE HOUSE A sphere (catur· Cheerful •.Pleasad~!he.°~~onomicallv • rn.c Jppet1z1dnJ? 'th f;st service. pnccd :rn wi m Open fr"m 6. 30 a. · until 11 p.m. EXCLUSIVELY LEITERPRESS

Printers of the OSU Football Programs


22 U. OF ILLINOIS OHIO STATE PROBABLE STARTING LI NEUP Probable Starting Line-up No. Name Pas. No. Nome Position 87 ROD HANSON ______LE 89 BILL M ICHAEL ______LE 70 RUDY SIEGERT ______LT 75 DICK GUY ______LT 62 BOB BAIETTO ______LG 62 JIM PARKER ______LG 55 CLEM RY AN ______C 59 KEN VARGO ______C 76 PERCY OLIVER ______RG 60 DAVE WEAV ER __ __ _ RG 73 DICK NORDMEYER ______RT 79 FRANCIS MACHINSKY __ RT 82 DEAN RENN ______RE 85 LEO BROWN ______RE 10 HILES STOUT ______QB 24 _____ QB 28 HARRY JEFFERSON ______LH 40 HOWARD CASSADY ____ LH 44 " MICKEY" BATES ______RH 44 JERRY HARKRADER _____ RH 37 DAN WILE ______FB 18 LEE WILLIAMS ______FB THE ILLINI SQUAD THE BUCKEYE SQUA D 10 Stout, QB 63 FioRito, G 10 Ledman, QB 59 Vargo, C 11 Lindbeck, QB 64 Bellephant, G 14 Beerman, LH 60 Weaver, RG 15 Schrader, QB 66 Walsh, G 15 Disher, LE 61 Ramser, RG 16 Cannavino, LH 62 Parker, LG 17 Delong, QB 67 Walker, G 18 Williams, FB 63 Jobko, LG 19 Nitschke, QB 68 Iovino, G 23 Crawford, QB 64 Thomas, RG 20 McKown, HB 69 Gordy, G 24 Ellwood, QB 65 Wassmund, RG 22 Mitchell, HB 70 Siegert, T 25 Karow, QB 66 Cole, LG 25 McMullen, HB 71 Johnson, T 26 Theis, QB 67 Ba~ldacci,LG ,t_ 27 Lilientl)o.1,-QB 68 Provenz 27 Nuss, HB 72 Adams, T 28 Booth,'QB- 69 28 Jefferson, HB 73 Nordmeyer, T re ine[.7RG 33 Vicic, FB Nagy, LT 31 Budil, FB 74 Miller, T 35 Trivisonno, FB Perry, RT 36 Hendrickson, FB 75 McAfee, T 36 Cisco, FB Whetst e , RT 37 Wile, FB 76 Oliver, G 40 Cassady, LH ings, RT 43 Roseboro, RH Stoeckel, LT 38 Sutter, FB 78 Brokemond, T 44 Harkrader, RH Guy, LT 40 Woodson, HB 79 Perez, T 45 Sutherin, LH Cook, LT 41 Griswold, HB 80 Badal, E 46 Thompson, RH Ebinger, LT 42 Graeff, HB 81 DesEnfa nts, E 47 Wable, RH 79 Machinsky, RT 44 Bates, HB 82 Renn, E 48 Shedd,LH 80 Zawacki, LE 45 Spence, HB 83 Hall, E 49 Richards, RH 81 Kriss, RE 50 Dillman, C 50 Yochem, C 84 Renwick, E 83 Niederhauser, RE 51 Holdren, RG 52 Minor, C 86 Francis, E 85 Brown, RE 52 Bond,C 55 Ryan,C 87 Hanson, E 53 Barnes, C 86 Humbert, LE 58 Hansen, G 88 Wiman, E 54 Sommer, C 87 Collmar, RE 55 Breehl, C 88 Spears, LE 60 Nelson, G 89 Butler, E 57 Martin, RT 89 Michael, LE 61 Pasko, G 90 Everett, E 58 Quinn, LT 91 Trittipo, RE 62 Baietto, G 93 Gremer, T 97 Sotzing, T

Only Chesterfield is Made the T H I S I S I T ! L&M has the purest and best filter your lips ever touched ... the pure, white Mir~cle Modern Way-with A~fU/ Tip. What's more, L&M gives you a rich, good tasting, Today-discover for yourself what modern science ~an and fully satisfying smoke. No wonder smokers every­ do to increase your cigarette enjoyment! Try Chesterfield where say, "L&M's got everything!" -the cigarette made the modern way ... measurably smoother ... cooler ... best for you! IiM _ Americas Best Filter Cigarette! THE FORT HAYES HOTEL COLUMBUS

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Scotts Lawns are neighborhood show places • from Maine to California . . . " FOR WELL-SPENT DAYS You can easily have one ... Sow 100% perennial Scotts Lawn Seed for a permanent turf. For vigornus HOTEL FORT HAYES " growth and sparkling color feed regularly with Turf Builder, the complete grass food. •

Write for LAWN CARE bulletin service. These informative Recommended in Duncan Hines' Books, pamphlets tell haw to Ire at the I awn year around. I "Adventures in Good Eating" and I " Lodging for a Night". I R. I. GRIFF ITH, Managing Director lawn making is fun and done in a breeze I with a SCOTTS Spreader Also Cranbury, N. J. - Des Moines, Iowa I 27 The Ohio State University Presents A LATIN AMERICAN FIESTA

JACK 0 . EVANS, Director CHARLES L. SPOHN, Assistant Conductor FORREST D. STOLL, Assistant Director GEORGE E. W. SOUDER, Drum Major

Visit The New Fireplace Room FORMAT JO MUSlC E TRACE ______------"El Relicario" M.AP OF SOUTH AMERICA ______"Brazil" Doersam's PEANUT VE DOR'S CART. ------"The Peanut Vendor" 1'1EXI A HAT _ . ------"Mexican Hat Dance" 13 W. Broad St. "Take lt Easy" THE BA1 D TAKES A SIESTA ------" Estrellita"

TUBA..... ------"When Yttba Plays the Tttba Down in Cttba" A BA1 D CONCERT.. ______. ------...." Serenade to a Sand Dune" (Fea turing Latin Am eri can Rhythms) FINE STEAKS AND CHICKEN BULL RING ______"Toreador Song" from CARME All Legal Beverages ILLI1 L ... __ . ____ ..... ------"Illinois Loyalty" OHIO ______"The " 45 Years at Broad and High - ·· --- ·------·------""


PASTEURIZED · STANDARDIZED Harmony HOMOGENIZED r DAIRY SOFT-CURD ~ 1¢. '. /r-h,u,,/c,vvrrVJ_. PRODUCTS JIMMY ROSEBORO JAN SHEDD FRANKLYN THEIS No. 43- Halfback No. 48- Halfback No. 26- Quarterback loolc lor the harmony belles Milk B.UCKEYES Photos b y H ouse of P ortraits

call FE 7423 for home delivery

Pennington's Compliments Of Columbus Taxicab

WILLIAM CUMMINGS ROB rnT (Bud) BO ND BOB LILIENTHAL No. 73- Tackle No. 52- Center No. 27- Quarterback Association

COLUMBUS TAXICAB ______CA 8-2623 HOT DOG BUNS EAST SIDE ______FE 5511 Served Here Exclusively GREEN ______CA 4-4141 11 They 1 re Always Fresh" HILLS ______CA 1-1313 NORTHWAY ______AX 9-1191 RADIO ______CA 4-2222 RED TOP ______CA 8-2623 SAFETY ______CA 8-2623 YELLOW ______CA 4-4141 ASK FOR PENNINGTON WILLIAM COLLMAR JAMES WASSMUND BOB WHETSTONE No. 87- End No. 65- Guard Na. 72- Tackle . " SOFT" BREAD AT YOUR GROCERS 30 31 Your Friendly Chrysler-Plymouth Dealers "Since 1924 Good Places to Deal" Co-Captains of The Buckeyes McCLURE-MAIN WOOD-MOTORS


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ICE CREAM COMPANY 245 East Town Street

Ohio Stote's popular football co-captains of 1955 are Ken Vargo, left, 200 pound, six feet, one inch senior center from Martins COLUMBUS, OHIO Ferry, and Francis Machinsky, 224 pound, six feet senior tackle from Uniontown, Pa.

32 33 Time out ... Have a Coke

LARRY PASKO EM LINDBECK GEORGE WALSH No. 61 - Guard No . 11 - Quarterback No. 66- Gvard

Illinois Players

·· colce" is a regi.slered trade.morlc .

"Another Landmark For Hungry Americans" Howard Johnson1 s E. ELFORD PERCY OLIVER HILES STOUT PAUL ADAMS Restaurant Na. 76- Guard No. 10- Quarlerback No. 72- Tackle (Motel A ccommodations Adjoining) & SON, INC. •

5090 North High Street AM. 8-1264 Contractors •

(15 Minutes North of the Stadium on U.S. Route 23) • COLUMBUS, OHIO


and NEVER A PARKING PROBLEM ROBERT BAIETTO BA.L BILLINGS BOB MITCHELL No. 62- Guard No. 54- Center No. 22- Halfback 34 35 ..... ------·1 t Finest of Visit Our • AFTER THE GAME t American and Beverage ! • Italian Foods Enjoy Yourself at Lounge • t l • Presuttis Villa l t • Known Coast to Coast l ~ l • 1692 W. Fifth Ave. Open 11 A.M., Close 1 A.M. HU. 8-6440

...... _ ...... ____...._ ___...._ CURTIS GRISWOLD ROBERT WIMAN DEAN RENN No. 41 - Halfback No. 88- End No. 82- End


HERMAN A. BLOOM 24 Hoitr Automatic President and General Ma nager Ice Vending Service Stations


CHUCK SCHRADER HARRY JEFFERSON HERB BADAL 1334 EDGEHILL RD. No. 15- Quarterback No. 28- Halfback No. 80- End 24-Hour Platform Service 195 EAST LONG STRE ET COLUMBUS, OHIO AX. 9-1151 AX. 9-1152

For Fastest Service-Finest Food CHARBERT'S Sandwich Shops


12 E. 15th AVE. 1912 N. HIGH "CHAR-BURGERS" Gate To Campus Between 16th & 17th 7 A.M.- 12:30 A.M. NEVER CLOSES The Deluxe Big Sandwich Fri. -Sat.- 7 A .M.-2:30 A.M. CARL JOHNSON JACK GORDY JAMES RENWICK No. 71 - Tackle No. 69- Guard No. 84- End 36 37 After The Game ... Let1 s Go To

Columbus· Nationally Famous Restaurant Be Sure To Visit Our Unique Gift Shop 137 East Broad Street CApital 4-4161

DAVID RICHARDS AURELIUS THOMAS KARL SOMMER No. 49-Halfback No. 64- Guard No . 54-Cenler - Genuinely Friendly- The Virginia Hotel ''looks'' BUCKEYES Long a tradition with university students and Photos by House of Portraits football followers, has kept abreast of chang· like a ing trends and today offers EXCELLENT-MODERNIZED million ROOM ACCOMMODATIONS

The finest food, prepared under the supervision of an out­ standing Dietitian and served in lovely, redecorated Dining Room s.

And beverages-prepared for you by men who have serv­ ed our Patrons here over a period of several years-in our delightful Mayfair Cocktail lounge and Bar. - Every Modern Hotel Convenience- THE DEAN & BARRY CO. Third and Gay Streets CA. 1-3101 TOM DILLMAN TOM CRAWFORD COLUMBUS, OHIO " One Block North of Ohio's Historical Capital" No. SO-Center No . 23- Quarterback Bill DUNN, Manager



OHIO STATE FOOTBALL ROSTER Hotel New Seneca One of Columbus' No. Name Pos. Wgt. Hgt. Age Class Home Town Finest 10 Ledman, Kenneth ______PK 195 6-1 20 Junior Columbus 14 Beerman, Raymond _____LH 177 5-11 19 Sophomore Toledo For Your 15 Disher, l'arry LE 182 5-11 19 Sophomore Waterville 16 Cannavino, Joseph _____LH 168 5-11 21 Sophomore Cleveland PLEASURE 18 Williams, lee ______FB 171 5-10 21 Junior Springfield 23 Crawford, Thomas QB 172 5-11 19 Sophomore Toledo 24 Ellwood, Franklin ______QB 193 5-11 20 Junior Dover After The Game 25 Karow, Robert ______QB 180 5-11 20 Sophomore Columbus 26 Theis, Franklyn ______QB 192 5-10 20 Junior Nyack, N.Y. 27 Lilienthal, Robert ______QB 178 6-0 20 Junior Cambridge 28 ** Booth, William ... ·------· __ QB 190 6-0 21 Senior Youngstown Dancing Saturda)'.. l at 9:00 P.M. 33 *Vicic, Donald -·· ·------· FB 211 6-1 20 Junior Euclid 35 Trivisonno, Joseph ______FB 210 5-11 22 Sophomore Cleveland Serving Delicious Food at Sensible Prices 36 Cisco, Galen --······-·------· FB 209 5-11 19 Sophomore St. Marys Visit Our Small But Comfortable Beverage Lounge 40 ***Cassady, Howard ______LH 175 5-10 21 Senior Columbus OUR OWN GARAGE FOR PARKING 43 *Roseboro, James _____ RH 174 5-9 20 Junior Ashland 44 ** Harkrader, Jerry ------··- RH 189 5-9 21 Senior Middletown 250 COMFORTABLE BROAD AT GRANT 45 Sutherin, Donald _ ----·------LH 199 5-10 19 Sophomore Toronto ROOMS ANO SUITES PHONE CApital 8-6611 46 Thompson, Kenneth RH 193 6-0 21 Junior Dayton (Perfect Facilities for Sales Meetings, Luncheons, Dinners and 47 Wable, Robert ______RH 167 5 -10 18 Sophomore Sistersville, W.Va. Wedding Receptions. Exceptional, but not expensive). 48 Shedd, Jan -····------___ LH 177 5-10 21 Senior Columbus Under The Personal Supervision of 49 Richards, David . -----·-· RH 162 5.9 21 Junior Barnesville 50 *Dillman, Thomas ------·- C 200 6-2 20 Junior Middletown Your Host 51 Holdren, Richard __ -·· ·-- RG 198 5-8 18 Sophomore West Liberty 52 *** Bond, Robert ·----··------·- C 184 5-11 22 Senior Akron Jimmy Michos 53 Bornes, Ronald ______PK 200 6-0 25 Sophomore Portsmouth Pres. and Gen. Mgr. 54 Sommer, Karl . ------····--··----- C 224 6-2 20 Junior Martins Ferry 55 Breehl, Edward --·-···-----·--· C 178 6-0 19 Sophomore New Philadelphia 57 Martin, John ______RT 208 5-11 19 Sophomore Waverly 58 Quinn, Thomas ------LT 190 5-10 20 Junior Portsmouth 59 **Vargo, Kenneth -·····--· ·-·--- C 200 6-1 21 Senior Martins Ferry 60 **Weaver, David ______RG 191 5-8 21 Senior Hamilton 61 *Ramser, Richard ______RG 198 5-11 21 Senior Shadyside 62 *Parker, James ______LG 248 6-3 21 Junior Toledo Celebrate 63 *Jobko, William ------LG 192 6-1 20 Junior Lansing 64 Thomas, Aurelius ______RG 200 6-1 20 Sophomore Columbus with 65 Wassmund, James ----·------RG 200 6-0 20 Junior Toledo 66 Cole, Robert .. ------·- LG 200 5-10 20 Junior Carey 67 Baldacci, Thomas ... ·-·--- LG 201 6-0 18 Sophomore Akron Ice 68 Provenza, Russell ______LG 196 5-10 19 Sophomore Lorain 69 Facchine, Richard ------·------RG 208 5-9 19 Sophomore Vandergrift, Pa. 70 Nagy, Alex --·-·-··------· LT 218 6-2 18 Sophomore Warren 71 Perry, Charles ______RT 219 5-11 24 Sophomore Columbus 72 *Whetstone, Robert ------·-···· RT 210 5-11 21 Junior Barberton 73 Cummings, William --···-----·--- RT 248 6-2 20 Junior Toledo 74 **Stoeckel, Donald ----- LT 206 6-0 21 Senior Hamilton - /1ettm the 75 *Guy, Richard ------LT 218 6-3 20 Junior Mansfield 77 Cook, Ronald ····-·------· LT 205 6-1 19 Sophomore Lima 01edlntZ'C!f I 78 Ebinger, Elbert ------LT 250 6-3 21 Senior Hamilton 79 **Machinsky, Francis ______RT 224 6-0 21 Senior Uniontown, Pa. 80 Zawacki, Charles ------·-· ___ LE 200 6-2 19 Sophomore Uniontown, Pa. 81 *Kriss, Frederick ------RE 194 5-11 19 Junior El Paso, Tex. At Meal Time and 83 Niederhauser, Donald ______RE 202 6-5 19 Sophomore Toledo 85 Brown, Leo ______RE 168 5-10 21 Sophomore Portsmouth 86 Humbert, Stanley ______LE 207 6-2 20 Junior Cincinnati • 87 *Collmar, William ----RE 173 6-1 21 Senior Martins Ferry Continuous Service be 88 **Spears, Thomas ______.... LE 199 6-0 20 Senior Wheeling, W.Va. 6:30 a .m.-9:00 p.m. 89 Hamilton *Michael, William ---·-·-······--LE 222 6-1 19 Junior BREAKFAST- LUNCH - DINNER 91 Trittipo, John -···------...... RE 168 6-0 23 Sophomore Gambier sure Open Daily Including Sundays & Holidays * indicates letter weights certified correct, Sept. 7 it's ~·3?~ the 19 4 Dining N. HIGH ST. Rooms NEXT DOOR TO DESHLER-HILTON HOTEL best "The Official Watch for Timing This Game is Longines- the World's Most Honored Watch" 7Jortk11s


No. Nome Pos. Wgt. Hgt. Age Class Home Town 10 *Stout, Hiles ______QB 201 6-3 Y2 20 Junior Peoria 11 **Lindbeck, Em ···--·------QB 173 6-0 21 Senior Kewanee 15 Schroder, Charles ______QB 189 6-0 19 Sophomore Champaign 17 Delong, Ed ______QB- 160 6-0 19 Sophomore Waukegan 19 Nitschke, Ray ______FB 198 6-2 18 Sophomore Chicago 20 McKown, Robert ______HS 166 5-8 20 Sophomore LaGrange 22 Mitchell , Robert --· ______HB 174 6-0 20 Sophomore Hot Springs, Ark . 25 McMullen, Rolla ______HB 170 6-0 20 Junior Canton 27 Nuss, Melvin --··------FB 180 5-10 20 Junior Chicago 28 * Jefferson, Harry ------·------HB 181 5-10 21 Junior White Plains, N.Y. ROBERT WABLE RAYMOND BEERMAN WILLIAM BOOTH 31 Budil, Richard ______FB 186 6-0 19 Sophomore Chicago No. 14-Halfback No. 28-Quarterback No. 47-Halfbock 36 Hendrickson, Dick ------FB 180 6-2 19 Sophomore Rock Island 37 Wile, Don ------···------FB 191 6-0 19 Sophomore Solem 38 Sutter, Ken ______c 201 6-0 19 Sophomore Peoria 40 *Woodson, Abe --·------··-----HS 187 6-1 21 Junior Chicago 41 Griswold, Curtis ·····------·HB 179 5-11 19 Sophomore Chicago 42 Graeff, Bob ______HB 177 5-9 20 Senior Murphysboro 44 **Bates, Melvin ·------HS 196 6-0 21 Senior Kewanee BUCKEYES 45 Spence, Everett ______HB 166 5-10 19 Sophomore Terre Haute, Ind. Photos by House of Portraits 50 Yochem, Ronald ______C 203 6-1 21 Senior Naperville 52 Minor, Jim ------·------·C 194 6-3 20 Junior Chicago 55 Ryan, Clem ______C 185 5-11 20 Junior Pork Ridge 58 Hansen, Gene ______G 194 6-0 26 Junior Oak Po rk 60 Nelson, Rolph ______G 189 5-10 20 Junior Ottawa 61 Pasko, lorry ______C 190 6-0 20 Junior Chicago 62 *Baietto, Robert ····------G 210 6-3 20 Junior Streator 63 FioRito, Pete ------G 217 5-11 19 Sophomore Forest Po rk 64 Bellephont, Joe ------·------G 208 6-2 19 Sophomore Kankakee 66 *Walsh, George ______G 190 5-10 21 Senior Ivesdale 67 Walker, David ------·-·-·-·------G 198 5-11 19 Junior Yorkville 68 Iovino, Vito ------G 196 5-8 20 Junior Chicago 69 Gordy, Jack ----·------·------· FB 222 6-2 19 Sophomore Decatur 70 *Siegert, Rudy ------·------·-T 216 6-2 21 Senior Pono 71 Johnson, Corl ·------·-·------······----·T 234 6-3 20 Sophomore Lockport 72 Adams, Poul ____ --·------·T 207 6 -2 19 Sophomore Waukegan 73 Nordmeyer, Richard ···------T 204 6-1 19 Sophomore Tucson, Ariz. 74 *Miller, Dick ----····· ········------T 221 6-3 22 Junior Lanark 75 *McAfee, Floyd _____ ------. T 206 6-2 25 Senior Houston, Texas 76 *Oliver, Percy ------· ··------· G 196 6-0 24 Junior Miami, Fla . DON STOECKEL ALEX NAGY THOMAS BALDACCI 78 Brokemond, George ...... ______T 231 6 -1 20 Sophomore E. Chicago, Ind. No. 67-Guard No. 74-Tackle No. 70-Tackle 79 Perez, Dick ------··------T 212 6-3 19 Sophomore Aurora 80 *Badal, Herb ______E 182 6-2 21 Senior Chicago 81 *DesEnfants, Bob ------·------·----·-E 195 6-2 21 Senior Chicago 82 *Renn, Dean ------······ E 193 6-3 20 Senior West Frankfort 83 Hall, Thomas ------.. ·------E 172 6-2 19 Sophomore Waukegan 84 Renwick, Jim ·------·------E 201 6-2 20 Sophomore Ottawa 86 Francis, Gary ------·-·E 196 6-2 20 Junior Bloomington 87 Hanson, Rod ------···--E 200 6-3 19 Sophomore Harvey BB **Wiman, Bob ·······---·-----·------··· E 197 6-0 21 Senior Robin son 89 *Butler, Charles ------E 225 6-4 21 Junior Hot Springs, Ark. 90 Everett, John ______E 189 6-2 Y2 20 Junior Gory, Ind. 93 Gremer, John ------T 221 6-2 19 Junior Bloomington 97 Sotzing, Richard _ ------· _____ T 197 6-0 20 Junio r West Milton , 0 .

* Lettermen

KENNETH THOMPSON TOM SPEARS ELBERT EBINGER "The Official, Watch for Timing This Game is Longines- the World's Most- Honored Watch" No. 46-Halfback No. 88-End No. 78-Tackle 42 43 COMMON PENALTIES ACCORDING TO SIGNALS


11 12 8 9 10 BUCKEYES '~ Photos b y House of Por t raits

18 ' 17 13 14 ~ 15 16 l. Offside-when ball is snapped or free illegal return of disqualified player, per­ kicked; encroachment on neutral zone sons illegally on field, rule violation dur­ before snap. ( 5 yds.) ing intermission. ( 15 yds.) 2 . 1llegal Procedure or Position. Usually for 11 . Illegal Use of Hands-as holding, by less than 7 men on offensive line at snap either offense or defense. ( 1 5 yds.) or wing back less than yard behind line at 12. Intentional Grounding of Forward Pass. snap; also for false start, or more than ( 5 yds., loss of down) 2 steps after fair catch. ( 5 yds.) 13. Illegal Pass- two forward passes in one 3. Illegal Motion- by back or lineman, at down, forward pass beyond scrimmage snap. ( 5 yds. ) line, handing ball forward illegally. (5 4 . Illegal Shift-failure to stop full second yds., loss of down ) after shift. ( 15 yds.) J 4 . Interference- with pass receiver or de­ FRED KRISS DONALD NIEDERHAUSER RONALD COOK 5. Illegal Substitution. Entry during pro­ No. 81-End No. 83-End No. 77-Tackle hibited times ( 5 yds.) or before eligible fender (completed pass and 1st down at to return ( l 5 yds. ). spot if by defense, 1 5 yds. and loss of down if by passing team ) ; or with oppor­ 6 . Delay of Game-as for more than 25 sec­ tunity to catch kick. ( 1 5 yds.) onds putting ball in play, interruption of 25-second count by entry of substitute, 15. Ineligible Pass Receiver Downfield. ( 15 or excessive time out. (5 yds.; 15 yds. if yds., loss of down.) team not ready to start half.) l 6 . Batting or Kicking Free Ball or Illegally 7. Personal Foul- such as piling on, hurd­ Touching Free Kick (offended team's ball li ng, tripping, striking, kneeing, kicking, at spot) ; also, In e ligible Receiver Touch­ elbowing, or late tackling. ( 15 yds., pos­ ing Forward Pass (penalty varies with sible disqualification.) spot of foul) ; and man who has been out 8. Clipping- blocking from behind. ( 15 of bounds touching pass. ( loss of down) yds.) 17. Incomplete Forward Pass (no penalty, 9 . Roughing Kicker or Place Kick Holder. but loss of down ) ; Penalty Declined; No ( 15 yds.) Play, or No Score. 10. Unsportsmanlike Conduct. Includes side­ 18. Crawling (5 yds. ) ; or Helping the Run­ li ne coaching, invalid fair-catch signal, ner, or Interlocked Interference. ( J 5 yds.) Prepared by Western Conference Service Bureau, 1955 RICHARD RAMSER JOHN MARTIN No. 61-Guard No. 36-Fullback No. 57-Tackle 44 45 ,.. ~r-: _, ,r-.. -...... --~ I) - ,..,...- - -- -.... ,<' -- ~,.. _ , '"(" I') ~,,.,... ,.,.._...... ()(I •' -- - -- ,.. "" ,v"\ _ ,..... ,.,...--. o'' L) _p ,,..- ,rr-· () rl" ' ri"'"" DU(1 (1 - n c) Oo !,,') /(\ • ('> t \ ,..,...... C) .... "' '"" - rl" ...,.....-- () .., .. - -.,.,.,...... -y\ l\ "",,... --- () ...... l) 0 6 (> -- -- ...... - I'"'("\ ...

Scores through the years 1902 Ohio State 0, Illinois O 1904 Ohio State 0, Illinois 48 1914 Ohio State 0, Illinois 37 1915 Ohio State 3, Illinois 3 1916 Ohio State 7, Illinois 6 1917 Ohio State 13, Illinois O 1918 Ohio State 0, Illinois 13 1919 Ohio State 7, Illinois 9 1920 Ohio State 7, Illinois O 1921 Ohio State 0, Illinois 7 1922 Ohio State 6, Illinois 3 1923 Ohio State 0, Illinois 9 " It's some dame wanting to know if this is Glotz's Market and would we please send her several bags of 1924 Ohio State 0, Illinois 7 those delicious Buckeye Potato Chips." 1925 Ohio State 9, Illinois 14 1926 Ohio State 7, Illinois 6 1927 Ohio State 0, Illinois 13 1928 Ohio State 0, Illinois 8 1929 Ohio State 0, Illinois 27 ALL NEW Whatever 1930 Ohio State 12, Illinois 9 1931 Ohio State 40, Illinois O 1932 Ohio State 3, Illinois O GRANDVIEW INN Your Flooring Problem 1933 Ohio State 7, Illinois 6 1934 Ohio State 13, Illinois 14 1127 Dublin Rd. WE WILL BE HAPPY 1935 Ohio State 6, Illinois O 1936 Ohio State 13, Illinois O 1937 Ohio State 19, Illinois O Come See The Most TO SERVE YOU! 1938 Ohio State 32, Illinois 14 1939 Ohio State 21 , Illinois O Beautiful Dining Room In Ohio We Stock and Expertly Install: 1940 Ohio State 14, Illinois 6 1941 Ohio State 12, Illinois 7 • Armstrong Linoleum, (orion, 1942 Ohio State 44, Illinois 20 • 1943 Ohio State 29, Illinois 26 Linotile and Cork 1944 Ohio State 26, Illinois 12 1945 Ohio State 27, Illinois 2 The Best Steak Dinner • Kentile Asphalt Tile 1946 Ohio State 7, Illinois 16 in Town • Rubber and Vinyl Tiles 1947 Ohio State 7, Illinois 28 1948 Ohio State 34, Illinois 7 • Miraplas Plastic Wall Tile 1949 Ohio State 30, Illinois 17 • • Formica 1950 Ohio State 7, Illinois 14 1951 Ohio State 0, Illinois O Chicken-Sea Food-Frog Legs • Carpet from America's leading Mills 1952 Ohio State 27, Illinois 7 1953 Ohio State 20, Illinois 41 The B&T cARPET ANo CO All Legal Beverages LINOLEUM • 1954 Ohio State 40, Illinois 7 Ohio State Won 24, Lo st 16, Tied 3 CA. 1-4418 Open Until 2:30 A.M. 204 S. High St. BOTTL ED UNDER AU TH O RI TY OF THE COCA -COLA COM PANY BY COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY Spenc er-Walker Press COLUMBUS, OHIO 46 LUCKIES TASTE BETTER Cleaner, Fresher, Smoother!