Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1959-03-13

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Daily Iowan (Iowa City, Iowa), 1959-03-13 tI' 01 owon Serving The State Univef'litJ/ of 10W4 and 1M Peopl. of IOWG Cftr Established tn 1868 - Five Cents a Copy A5s0ciated Preu Leased Wire and WirepboUI' UIlile4------------------------------------------------------ Prell IDt~Ulllnl LeaIM WIn Iowa Cit)'. Iowa. Friday. March and~ Three Killed Governors lISedand as_. I and 1lIOII tones, Oft.ea In Iowa Welcome JJJ the _ combbw4 Hawaii ~ Plane Crash Gov. Herschel C. Loveleu Woodbury County I.wa - ''11Ie citiJens of Iowa an proud a oeatlr Deputy, Attorney Dead and happy to welcome Hawaii as . Woe! lOA GROVE Ct.f! ) - 11Icee Woo4. 1D(he bury County o[(idals were tilled our 50th ..te. We have lona felt )'ou 10 late Wednesday ni,hl wbile ~. a warm friendship for the Hawai· JlaI'tef turning home by airplane after an ian people and a ~p admiration IeIt official trip. for the matchle beauty of the leather .. Tho aI .......... C__ • fI,. IMPROMPTU HULA DANCES mil""oeI COfttIre .. pus..,. of the H_ilil .t.toMod bill. Willter F. fabric Wij islands. i", throutIh Iltht _ .. ... 'BustoI') McGuire, .lrline ."Kutiv. in Honolulu, lIIi1. tho focus of .ttonH... hero. HI, SilCre'.ry JOlIn rime, cr... ho4 in • ~ MVth- "'the iDClusion of H&'A'ali in the C,", .cUed to .... downtown fe.tiviti ••• HIt .. hOf'o .ncI c.autht fIR. union will vasUy enrich the cul· C.ow ...... cril'" Wit ...... a... ture, economy and social life of Deputy Camp Commander ",.tlta"'" n.ur.&ey. Killed w re County AttOf'DeY our country. It I a logical develop- COL. MAX V. KIRKBRIDE, (right) proleSlor of Militilry Sci.nc. _ TilCtiCi .t SUI, he ....... MlKte4 James R. Broc1lc, 34, Deputy ment of the American democ· ., .puty cilmp commilnder of ttl. R.... rv. OHlcor Trilining Corps summ.r Cilmp .. 1M hoW lit Fwt heriff Jim BI,gs, 34, and Mrs. rac)'." I RH.y JUJM 2t through July 31. H. tillks over summer plilns with Col. Gr~ E. Sdlmltlt, c..-nmencl­ Eileen HeUman, 35. • • • .... offIc.r of 5th Infilntry, whoso troops will provide tnitlin, support fo .. the iICtIvlty. n.. ~Ir tilt They wen Oyln, back to Sioux ....'hor ilt iI ........dily pr.-cilmp conferenc. hold ilt Fort RII.y. City after delivering a 17.)'ear~ld Gov. Luth r Hodges oC North girl to lhe State halning School Carolina- al MltehellvllJe Wedne day eve- " North Carolina Is pleased to ex· ta.te 00 nJng. \\Ir . H lIman wife 01 a lend a warm welcome to the new Ike Accused Of Sioux City doctor, made the trip state of Hawaii and to wIsh for 80 Candidates In a a matron, a special job s~ the beautiful Islands ever)' uc· wa appoinled to recently. c a the 50th lat in our ~ t , The plane. believed piloted by union. Aloha !" UndercuHing . Big" a lIcensed pilot for about •• e I g h t years, had lell the Des • • • Camp·us Elections folnes Alrpor( about 10 :30 p.m. Gov. GaylOf'd Nelson of Wi con· Iy GRETCHEN BROGAN to vote Cor Cour AWS officers. These The crash occurred Ie than an in- Staft Writer ballots will be at Macbride Hall, Berlin Stand hour later. "The people or WI onsln arc or J,I, .aIc .... 1ft white farm tho vCr)' happy 10 welcom the peoplc awalli Schaeffer Hall, Iowa Memorial Un· WASHINGTON CUPJ) - Scn. Approximately 80 candidates ion, the Medical Laboratories and pliI_ crathed, uid tho rMr" of HawaII a the fiftieth 'late In have submitted applications Cor the University Hall. Ralph Yarborough (o·Telt.l accus· ... I_.flyl", cra" .. it~..... our union. Certainly HawaU ha March i8 . All-Campus Elections, Marrl.d Stud.nt R.pr.... ntiltlvll ed President Eisenhower Thursday "".1' IMwM aw_0na4 him MId lonl and patiently waited, eVen Larry Krueger, ca, Iowa City, ot undercutting til naUon 's no· hli wife. temporarily sacrl!icln, Its own Elections Committee chairman, To Stud.nt Council II said an eliplOllion follOWed c:hances of statehood 10 allow retreat mnd on Berlin by In IsUng aaJd Thursday. Seven polling places Three Married Student represen· and he rushed outdoors to !lee the Alasta to go first. Under pre nt located in campus buildings have laUves to Student Council will be on going ahead with ,l>lanned mili· plane In name ibout 180 feet condJt!ons of air travel HawaiJ I been chbsen and voUng will be held elected by the Married Students. tary cutbackS. rrom his hou.k:. Baker said he mUch clo r than California wa front 8:30 8.m. until 4:30 p.m., he fhese ballots will be 8vaUablc at Sen. Kenneth B. K aUn, (N.Y.l, could do nothin, to heJp the thtee to N York at the time CallCornla .ald. aU polling places. o persona trapped in the wrecu,e became a tate. e who was actin, as Senate GOP on March 18 omcers will be Town Men leader at the timc, promptly spraD, because or the lnten~ fllIlM! . •• • eJected for . the Liberal Arts sen· All independent Town Men will to Mr. Eisenhower's defense. He Chari CtuistellSe1l 0/ &JOWl IIIr tlass.. the Women's Recre~tlon be eligible to vole tor thrce repre­ said that "to charge even by im· City, an oiridil 01 Christie Bros. Gov. Robert T. Stafford of Ver· ~"iatJOn, Y.W.C.A., ASSOCiated sentatives to Stud nt Council. The e plIcation that thc Pre$ident Is try. Cohlracting Co., OWlICr of the moal- House Echoes Wllm,en Students and I.ndependent ballots are available 'at all polling ing to weaken the mi([~8ry lorces plane, had asked th~ Federal "I am personaUy pi a ed 10 'J,'ctNn Men .. Representatives to Stu' j places. ls unjustified." . Aeronautics AdmlnlstratiOll to no. learn Hawaii Is Joining the union . _ .Oouncll from Town Men and Town Men will also choose of. The exchange came on the &:n. tlfy the group to stay In Des 00 behall of Vermont I extend Mame.d , Students, student trus~ees ricers of the Independent Town Men Moines ~duse of poor ~a~r congratulations on Hawaii bccom· Senate OK ale noor shorUy after Senate ~m · lor the ,Board o~ Student Pubhca· Association. These ballots will also octatic Leadcr Lyndon 8. Johnson. in Sioux City, his wire Nld. III, • fuU.nedged partner of th tklns, Inc .. ~nd eIght ne~ members be available at all locations. also oC Texa , said crlUcs or Ad· The FAA cOrltrol tower In Des nation." for: the UnIon Board WIll also be y W C A chQsen.· . ministration derense poUcy wore Molocs said the pilot wa DOtlli4!d • • • but at the time of depatturc By 323-89 The seven polling places will be All members of Y.W.e.A. will be troubled by polential world t\'Ouble the Gov. John Patterson of Ala. ! IoCkted in Schaeffer Hall, Mac. eligible to vote for four officers spots stretching Car beYond Ber· ee1JJng at Slo\Jl( Cily wa' 5,101 barna - 'Aloha' Of Ballots bHde ,Hall, . lowa Memorial Union, of the organization. Members may Iin. feet with 5Catlered cloudine "Perhaps n ver before ha any Den Murphy, clntr.I ....... vm~ HaU, Chemistry Build· vote at Macbride Hall, SChaeffer tt. .DemKraHc ,.. t~ijo". tried .... )()f.I, .nd a hard After 50 Years t... eftl", ..lei ,... pOet I........ ... to Mr. EI_nhewor'. .t,,,,I,,, to become a (ull.hedged tate as ing, Mechanical Engineering Build. Hall and Iowa Memoriai Union. WA lllNCTO ( P) ing and the Medical Laboratories, Women's R.creation A.socliltlon news conft,..~e st~ W.. Mittler MOm ItM .. "'''' has flawali. You r cheri hed lind ..... ."'t K~eger said. Members of the Women's Recre· JMsd.y, JohnlOll wid hi. pilrty elf. , dreamt have now been reward d I1tn Hii, (,Ilchunting pHnldi~e of Brodie, Cormer chairman of the , ,. Union 8Nrd ation Association will choose four wilnted allur.nc.. tN. ~ and I offer my cOngratulations to th' Pa ciflc, won 'tatehood Members for UllIon doard will be officers of their organization. Thesc t: • u I d .Uv... • "peralyd", Woodbury C 0 u n t y Democratic the new stale o( Hawaii. With II day chosen by Liberal Arts students. ballots will be available at Mac· punch" In any MW ef iI nllmNr of ~ntral Commlltee and Marine statehood, the iBJllnds can move Thursdl.lY. On1 behind frem COrps veteran of World W.r 11 These ballots will be located at bride Hall, SchaefCer Hall, Univer· spot. th.t eevlcl .... "'0'" forward a. never before. Together, th nllte, the lIou' vol' d and the Korean War, was ~lected Schaeffer Hall, Macbride Hall, sity Hall , Iowa MemorIal Union IMfor. B.rlln. our It all'S shall ever strive for a o erwhclmingly to makc J [a· Iowa Memorial Union and Chemis'l and the Medical Laboratories. counly attorney lut November. Some (;()ng.rcl ional Democrats stroDier America." waii the SOth lat. Th voto try BuildIng. Students may only vote once and said in this connection that they He was married and had two College of Commerce students in only one polling place because might lry to enact a law putting daughters and a son. • • • wa 323· 9. Gov. will choose two Union Board memo their identification cards will be a specific £Ioor under the strength Mrs. HeUman, mother of two Fo tcr Furcolo of Thi. "illoh." of the billiot. Wil' bers. All this voting will be done puncbed, said Krueger. oC the armed forces. Assistant Sen· sons and two daughters, al/lO bad chusetls - it, so fill' •• Congre" w.. con­ in University Hall. ate party leader Mike Mansfield done considerable flying and first "I join with my fellow ,overn· c_ct-.
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