tI' 01 owon Serving The State Univef'litJ/ of 10W4 and 1M Peopl. of IOWG Cftr

Established tn 1868 - Five Cents a Copy A5s0ciated Preu Leased Wire and WirepboUI' UIlile4------Prell IDt~Ulllnl LeaIM WIn Iowa Cit)'. Iowa. Friday. March

and~ Three Killed Governors lISedand as_. I and 1lIOII tones, Oft.ea In Iowa Welcome JJJ the _ combbw4 Hawaii ~ Plane Crash Gov. Herschel C. Loveleu Woodbury County I.wa - ''11Ie citiJens of Iowa an proud a oeatlr Deputy, Attorney Dead and happy to welcome Hawaii as . Woe! lOA GROVE Ct.f! ) - 11Icee Woo4. 1D(he bury County o[(idals were tilled our 50th ..te. We have lona felt )'ou 10 late Wednesday ni,hl wbile ~. a warm friendship for the Hawai· JlaI'tef turning home by airplane after an ian people and a ~p admiration IeIt official trip. for the matchle beauty of the leather .. Tho aI ...... C__ • fI,. IMPROMPTU HULA DANCES mil""oeI COfttIre .. pus..,. of the H_ilil .t.toMod bill. Willter F. fabric Wij islands. i", throutIh Iltht _ .. ... 'BustoI') McGuire, .lrline ."Kutiv. in Honolulu, lIIi1. tho focus of .ttonH... hero. HI, SilCre'.ry JOlIn rime, cr... ho4 in • ~ MVth- "'the iDClusion of H&'A'ali in the C,", .cUed to .... downtown fe.tiviti ••• HIt .. hOf'o .ncI c.autht fIR. union will vasUy enrich the cul· C.ow ...... cril'" Wit ...... a... ture, economy and social life of Deputy Camp Commander ",.tlta"'" n.ur.&ey. Killed w re County AttOf'DeY our country. It I a logical develop- COL. MAX V. KIRKBRIDE, (right) proleSlor of Militilry Sci.nc. _ TilCtiCi .t SUI, he ...... MlKte4 James R. Broc1lc, 34, Deputy ment of the American democ· ., .puty cilmp commilnder of ttl. R.... rv. OHlcor Trilining Corps summ.r Cilmp .. 1M hoW lit Fwt heriff Jim BI,gs, 34, and Mrs. rac)'." I RH.y JUJM 2t through July 31. H. tillks over summer plilns with Col. Gr~ E. Sdlmltlt, c..-nmencl­ Eileen HeUman, 35. • • • .... offIc.r of 5th Infilntry, whoso troops will provide tnitlin, support fo .. the iICtIvlty. n.. ~Ir tilt They wen Oyln, back to Sioux ....'hor ilt iI ...... dily pr.-cilmp conferenc. hold ilt Fort RII.y. City after delivering a 17.)'ear~ld Gov. Luth r Hodges oC North girl to lhe State halning School Carolina- al MltehellvllJe Wedne day eve- " North Carolina Is pleased to ex· ta.te 00 nJng. \\Ir . H lIman wife 01 a lend a warm welcome to the new Ike Accused Of Sioux City doctor, made the trip state of Hawaii and to wIsh for 80 Candidates In a a matron, a special job s~ the beautiful Islands ever)' uc· wa appoinled to recently. c a the 50th lat in our ~ t , The plane. believed piloted by union. Aloha !" UndercuHing . Big" a lIcensed pilot for about •• e I g h t years, had lell the Des • • • Camp·us Elections folnes Alrpor( about 10 :30 p.m. Gov. GaylOf'd Nelson of Wi con· Iy GRETCHEN BROGAN to vote Cor Cour AWS officers. These The crash occurred Ie than an in- Staft Writer ballots will be at Macbride Hall, Berlin Stand hour later. "The people or WI onsln arc or J,I, .aIc .... 1ft white farm tho vCr)' happy 10 welcom the peoplc awalli Schaeffer Hall, Iowa Memorial Un· WASHINGTON CUPJ) - Scn. Approximately 80 candidates ion, the Medical Laboratories and pliI_ crathed, uid tho rMr" of HawaII a the fiftieth 'late In have submitted applications Cor the University Hall. Ralph Yarborough (o·Telt.l accus· ... I_.flyl", cra" .. it~..... our union. Certainly HawaU ha March i8 . All-Campus Elections, Marrl.d Stud.nt R.pr.... ntiltlvll ed President Eisenhower Thursday "".1' IMwM aw_0na4 him MId lonl and patiently waited, eVen Larry Krueger, ca, Iowa City, ot undercutting til naUon 's no· hli wife. temporarily sacrl!icln, Its own Elections Committee chairman, To Stud.nt Council II said an eliplOllion follOWed c:hances of statehood 10 allow retreat mnd on Berlin by In IsUng aaJd Thursday. Seven polling places Three Married Student represen· and he rushed outdoors to !lee the Alasta to go first. Under pre nt located in campus buildings have laUves to Student Council will be on going ahead with ,l>lanned mili· plane In name ibout 180 feet condJt!ons of air travel HawaiJ I been chbsen and voUng will be held elected by the Married Students. tary cutbackS. rrom his hou.k:. Baker said he mUch clo r than California wa front 8:30 8.m. until 4:30 p.m., he fhese ballots will be 8vaUablc at Sen. Kenneth B. K aUn, (N.Y.l, could do nothin, to heJp the thtee to N York at the time CallCornla .ald. aU polling places. o persona trapped in the wrecu,e became a tate. e who was actin, as Senate GOP on March 18 omcers will be Town Men leader at the timc, promptly spraD, because or the lnten~ fllIlM! . •• • eJected for . the Liberal Arts sen· All independent Town Men will to Mr. Eisenhower's defense. He Chari CtuistellSe1l 0/ &JOWl IIIr tlass.. the Women's Recre~tlon be eligible to vole tor thrce repre­ said that "to charge even by im· City, an oiridil 01 Christie Bros. Gov. Robert T. Stafford of Ver· ~"iatJOn, Y.W.C.A., ASSOCiated sentatives to Stud nt Council. The e plIcation that thc Pre$ident Is try. Cohlracting Co., OWlICr of the moal- House Echoes Wllm,en Students and I.ndependent ballots are available 'at all polling ing to weaken the mi([~8ry lorces plane, had asked th~ Federal "I am personaUy pi a ed 10 'J,'ctNn Men .. Representatives to Stu' j places. ls unjustified." . Aeronautics AdmlnlstratiOll to no. learn Hawaii Is Joining the union . _ .Oouncll from Town Men and Town Men will also choose of. The exchange came on the &:n. tlfy the group to stay In Des 00 behall of Vermont I extend Mame.d , Students, student trus~ees ricers of the Independent Town Men Moines ~duse of poor ~a~r congratulations on Hawaii bccom· Senate OK ale noor shorUy after Senate ~m · lor the ,Board o~ Student Pubhca· Association. These ballots will also octatic Leadcr Lyndon 8. Johnson. in Sioux City, his wire Nld. III, • fuU.nedged partner of th tklns, Inc .. ~nd eIght ne~ members be available at all locations. also oC Texa , said crlUcs or Ad· The FAA cOrltrol tower In Des nation." for: the UnIon Board WIll also be y W C A chQsen.· . . . . ministration derense poUcy wore Molocs said the pilot wa DOtlli4!d • • • but at the time of depatturc By 323-89 The seven polling places will be All members of Y.W.e.A. will be troubled by polential world t\'Ouble the Gov. John Patterson of Ala. ! IoCkted in Schaeffer Hall, Mac. eligible to vote for four officers spots stretching Car beYond Ber· ee1JJng at Slo\Jl( Cily wa' 5,101 barna - 'Aloha' Of Ballots bHde ,Hall, . lowa Memorial Union, of the organization. Members may Iin. feet with 5Catlered cloudine "Perhaps n ver before ha any Den Murphy, clntr.I ...... vm~ HaU, Chemistry Build· vote at Macbride Hall, SChaeffer tt. .DemKraHc ,.. t~ijo". tried .... )()f.I, .nd a hard After 50 Years t... eftl", ..lei ,... pOet I...... to Mr. EI_nhewor'. .t,,,,I,,, to become a (ull.hedged tate as ing, Mechanical Engineering Build. Hall and Iowa Memoriai Union. WA lllNCTO ( P) ing and the Medical Laboratories, Women's R.creation A.socliltlon news conft,..~e st~ W.. Mittler MOm ItM .. "'''' has flawali. You r cheri hed lind ...... "'t K~eger said. Members of the Women's Recre· JMsd.y, JohnlOll wid hi. pilrty elf. , dreamt have now been reward d I1tn Hii, (,Ilchunting pHnldi~e of Brodie, Cormer chairman of the , ,. Union 8Nrd ation Association will choose four wilnted allur.nc.. tN. ~ and I offer my cOngratulations to th' Pa ciflc, won 'tatehood Members for UllIon doard will be officers of their organization. Thesc t: • u I d .Uv... • "peralyd", Woodbury C 0 u n t y Democratic the new stale o( Hawaii. With II day chosen by Liberal Arts students. ballots will be available at Mac· punch" In any MW ef iI nllmNr of ~ntral Commlltee and Marine statehood, the iBJllnds can move Thursdl.lY. On1 behind frem COrps veteran of World W.r 11 These ballots will be located at bride Hall, SchaefCer Hall, Univer· spot. th.t eevlcl .... "'0'" forward a. never before. Together, th nllte, the lIou' vol' d and the Korean War, was ~lected Schaeffer Hall, Macbride Hall, sity Hall , Iowa MemorIal Union IMfor. B.rlln. our It all'S shall ever strive for a o erwhclmingly to makc J [a· Iowa Memorial Union and Chemis'l and the Medical Laboratories. counly attorney lut November. Some (;()ng.rcl ional Democrats stroDier America." waii the SOth lat. Th voto try BuildIng. Students may only vote once and said in this connection that they He was married and had two College of Commerce students in only one polling place because might lry to enact a law putting daughters and a son. • • • wa 323· 9. Gov. will choose two Union Board memo their identification cards will be a specific £Ioor under the strength Mrs. HeUman, mother of two Fo tcr Furcolo of Thi. "illoh." of the billiot. Wil' bers. All this voting will be done puncbed, said Krueger. oC the armed forces. Assistant Sen· sons and two daughters, al/lO bad chusetls - it, so fill' •• Congre" w.. con­ in University Hall. ate party leader Mike Mansfield done considerable flying and first "I join with my fellow ,overn· c_ct-. r,,,,Ing answ.r to H•• "aN of Student Publlciltion. Inc. (Mont.) said "I belIeve Congre s got a pilot's license in 1942. ors in extending every welcome to Willi'S hillf c.nt\Jry of pl ••s .nd Biggs resi,O«! after five years All . University students are eli· could do it." HawalJ as the 50th state o{ our dreams for iI plilC' In .... Union. 1 as a Sioux City poUceman last De­ f g£hle to vote Cor student members The aim would be lo block Ad· nation," Joy and jubiliation spread in· Weather cember to join the sherirr. stalf. of' the board of Student Publica· ministration plans to trim Army • • • HAWAIIAN NEWSBOY Cheltor K.ha,.a, lM.ml •• he hawks .,.t.· tanUy from Wa hington to Hono· tlons, [nco These ballots will be strength from 900,000 to 870,000 men He leaves a widoW, son and a daughter. . Gov. ehrl topher Del Scsto oC hood ..tril of H_luIu St.r·Bull.tin Immediilt.ly ilft.r COfttIr." lulu, by way oC an open telephone a"ailable at all polling places. and the Marine Corps (rom 200,000 The county aUorncy's office said Rhode Island - line. tiber" Arts Senior CI .... OHic.rs to 175,000 men by the start oC the voted ,tilt.hood ThuradilY. it was the second time in recent "Rhode bland - the nation's The stalehood bill sailed through , Liberal Arts juniors will choose new fiscal year on July 1. the Senate Wednesday night, 7(1.15, tI1eir : four senior class ofhcers. Warmer Yarborough said "we cannot ne· weeks that Brodie had used tIi smallest state - is pleased to wei· chartered plane to ferry • pria. cOme tbe newe t baby in the fam· * * * * * * Now it gocs to President Ei en· 'l'.I,lese votes will be cast at Schaef· gollate from strength In Berlin if hower. fllr Hall, Macbride Hall, Chemis· High 45 oner. Uy." They Danced In The Streetsj the President InsJsts on policies that There i no que lion of Mr. Ei· try Building and Iowa Memorial would weaken the military forces." • • • Union. Gov. ClIJJton A. Clauson of scnhower's signing it, or of Ha· He said all military cutbacks should waii's accepting its term . -All women students are eligible be suspended at least temporarily. Filibuster Kills Maine - "Although Maine and Hawaii arc Sirens; Bonfires; Frenzy But as in the case of Alaska New Segregation la t )lear, technicalities will take separated by a continent and a H 0 N 0 LUI.. U I"", - They wao hi tory," said Johnston, silo S'· ' , wide stretch of ocean, we are now time. SO it may be late July, pos· Move By Faubus danced the hula in the streets ting in for Gov . William Quinn, sibly October, before Hawaii be· brothers in the union. The people Thursday night. who is in Washington. Winter Takes Toll On· Streets LItTLE R.OCK. Ark, '1 tMlIudt!nt bod" and jour f/ICUlty trustees appointed b!l t11e president of the Vnivelllty. The Dally Iowan", etllWrlaI polJcy, therefore, il not an e%pre.rslon 0/ SVI administration policy or opinion. in any particular. Ta the editor: No playgoer has a right to ex~! I would like to take exception it to be otherwi e. Unless tbll11bll to what seems to be a patronizing playgoer is willing to gambl£ .. attitude on the part of your re. along with the playwright and /J' A Regretable Incongruity viewer toward the SUI Depart· director. nothing new will ever '4 ment of Speech and Dramatic be produced because of lhe ,J,m It is our understanding that a very inter­ marks. If there is conformit and a lack of Art's new play program. Since I chance it has to fail. But yoti esting and important speech was heard at a controversy at SUI as Professor Hays ap· am part of the program. you may protest, there must be standard/lll t1., ,i meeting of the SUi chapter of the American parently"( and probably correctly) thinks, the say I'm prejudiced-I am; since I'm sure there must be. And what II 1 have not as yet seen a perfor. are these standards; Simply tlie Association of University Professors (A UP) actions of the SUJ chaptcr of AAUP in barring mance of Fred Sederholm's play. willingness to try something new:nO Tuesday. Samuel Hays, assi tant profes or of the pres· from an important, and no doubt you may not say that this is in How it turns out-good. bad ~ ttlt history, speaking on the topic "AAUP Should very intelligent, discllssion of the matter is any way written as a defense indifferent-is ultimately of n " of that production: It is written importance. The important thine ~ .. Speak Out On Educational Policy," disCllssed not doing very much to bring about reversal in defen e of the principle that is to keep the theatre alil/e with. , ~I the general question of the lack of conb'oversy of the existing state of affairs. new plays should and must be new productions. If Broadway _ ever collapses it will be through and the trend to conformity on the SUI cam­ produced. Two words stand out in the next fear, not through lack oC stana- IJ pus. to last paragraph of lhe review; ards. Any standard which pro. \Ve sincerely apologize to our readers for Congratulations In Order "eliminate" and "restricted." Al­ duces this .fear, ~s exemplififd.O'" though YOUI' reviewer disclaims by your reVIewer, IS not a stanlt' .J the fact that The Daily Iowan did not print a desire to see the program elim­ ard worlh keeping. II parents rI an account of the speech. \Ve are not, in fact, In recent years SUI has b come famou as inated, she would have it restric­ stopped having children for feaf1 tJ II able to give you a very clear picture of what the home of gr at football nnd basketball ted. Thjs is specious thinking. If that they might grow up to be thi were followed to its logical unpopular soon there would tJfi f.II Pr~fessor Hays had to say. We suspect tl1at he teams. Our Departm nt of Ph)' ics has gained conclusion Broadway should have no children, thus destroying tl)QI reiterated the often-expressed theme that there il~tcrnational recognition in the area of design­ quit producing plays long ago­ race. . I. 1U' is too much conformity and not enough real, ina miniliture instnllnents for detecting and not to mention motion pictures, Yours for a more vigorous, I television. painting. scu lpture, more spontaneous, more active f •• 1 meaningful discussion on the sur scene. Our measuring radiation in spac . composing. book publishing. and theatre in which all the births ~ speculation as to the content of the speech ar Withil~ the last thirty days national recogni­ any artist or producer of artists have a chance to live and breatlre-ol, who could not predict that the -at least for awhile-instead ci.,IJ r just that - speculations. The press was not tion has come tQ two other SUI departments novel. play. painting, would not being cast asi de as not beini! allowed to attend the meeting. Thus we are too. Th~ionor was mlltle by the Ford Founda­ be a "hit." worth our lime and effort. or . not abl to give an accurate account of the tion in' its selection of pJ'ofes r, or James H. This type of timidity must be course they are worth our time u combatted whenever it appears and effort. For life has given ua/T II speech, or of any discussion which it may have laney ~ the Dramatic Art Department to re· or the wellsprings of all art would the opportunity to produce new .< cn~endered. ceive a 0,000 Fellowship to study European soon become dry. The production life , and unless we do ...... J . '1', ,We have an old-fashioned belief that con­ methods of directing. Professor Mauricio of a new play is a gamble, but Norman R. Handelsman,G '''''11 so is the revival of an old play. 318 E. Jefferson trqversy is not creat~d in some fun-loving Lasansk1J1 of the Art Department was also ni¢he in the back of an editor's mind. Real honored when his works were selected by the controversy - the discussion of important is­ Ford Foundation to be circulated on exhibition Eisenhower Letters: +-:i-e: 'R.,B...t.-= c "",-. sues nnd ideas - must be fostered through in "al'iOlI:~ parts of the United States during G!f'S, "T'H .....,~"',~&"'T'"'"o,.. 'Po.,:."""" (~. communication. The AAUP does have a per­ the next.two year . Spread Christian Principles l.),q fect right to close its meetings to whomever flow important were thcse two selections? I ., it pleases. Perllaps the local chapter feels that In both .:fases these men were chosen from ,I·, t ..,..,.--...,,~-- certqin individuals would not Fe I free to speak hundred ...-Iof other tal nted men in America. ----...... To Ease World Problems frankly if the mcetings were open to the press. Profcss0!3 Clancy was one of ten directors GEORGE DIXON- Letter To The Editor- By J. M. ROBERTS President said he had been pon· , This feeling is nnderstandnblc, but it is not ~cle ted and Professor Lasnnsky's exhibition AP News Analyst dering the value of trying to CeJl· to be condoned. It is lamentable that a group award was onc of twelve. ler greater attention by the Amer­ II Does NDEA Loyalty Oath One of the newly published let­ ican people and the free world on • of highly intelligent individuals - men whose For these mcn, their selection is. indeed ters from President Eisenhower'S the predominant influence of spi~· ideas 'should be courageollsly expressed and an honol'. And SUI should be proud that two Spring personal correspondence touches itual values in our lives, and to do upon a matter which has been tho'ughtfully received - feel that they must faculty members have been recognized. Our 'Square' With Constitution? this in some rather weU-organized , ) uppermost in the minds of a ma­ way. He thought of trying to get # meet behind closed doors, thus negating the heartiest congratulations to Professors James 'teadership To the Editor: usory. There 1S otle eternal truth jor portion of the people who have the government heads of free WI- " ' possibility of further discussion of their re- H. Clancy and ~Iauricio Lasansky. It is sometimes said (usually laid up in heaven (and apparently written to this column vel' the lions interested. years. WASHINGTON - When firsl ] by students of the law ) that stu· taught in law schools ) of which This is a projection of two ideas beh ~ ld the fresh young face of we may be sure : judges are only It is the ~lief that the only of the President which go back Co" Senator Gale McGee, of Wyom· dents of the law know more aboul squal'ing laws with the Constitu· long-term solution of the world's a long lime. Before he entered . University Bulletin Board ing. ' 1 did not figure him Cor a politics than the political scien­ tion. problems lies in the spread and politics he was one of the moving . ~ slowpoke. [ can't understand tists or any other non-legally If Mr. Rober!!on docs not in· application of Christian principles. figures in establishment of au I ,. VaJYfJrllty 1I.llelia Be.rel n.tlDu mutt. be ncehl'e ct .t The Oan, Iowan OrUCtl, Room 20l C.mmuntea. tend a metaphysical principle, ~ u.n. ee .. ler. -, n ....., lb. day bef.r. publlt~Uon . They mU l t b. t,P.d Ind .I,nod by In I •• ' or or wh~t·s been holding him back. trained citizen. The usually in­ This was particlilarly true in the organization to send word of the . 'f:,..r .1 Ute .....1 .... 1 •• bOlar pablleS. ••• Purely IOclal IUDOlioDI Ir. DOl oll,lbl. (or Ibil ••• 11 ••• He'M been ill the Senate nearly tended implications are that pol· he will have LO account for the early years after World War II. American way to people ' behincl' fact that what is constitutional before the lines of conflict be· the Iron Curtain. lN~ILNAT10~AL CENTEa BOARD'S perlence. and must be accompanied throuah Wedne day and from 12:30 two and a half months now but itics is subsumed in the law, that thl ....IQn of "Seminar on Am- by a slatement &1\lln& the appllcant's to 3:30 p.llI . on Thursday and Fri. not until the other day did he and what isn 't, is and has been tween East and West had hard· Since his presidency he has eri n Ufe" will be held at 7:30 p.m. cumulative ,tade point Iverag. day. there are really no distinctly po. Su (lay at the International Center. through the lint semeste.r 01 the Money for the books whtch were proc;laim himself a leader. a moot question. Qlltlc sPlould be disCUS­ S,,*" and World I'.eohomy." IntervIews 4nd election by the Board I would suspect him of being reo principles can be readily resol· Any diminishment in later It exists among the Communist· .. o{ Trustees 01 Student Publication •. UBURY 1I0URS: Monday - Friday: sed in legallerms.) Perhaps Mr. years has, however, not been controlled peoples. too. though ~ NMV"L aESJ:RVE &ESEAaCH COM- Inc .. will \.oke place Tuesday. March 7:30 -2 • . m.; Saturday 7:30 -5 p.m.; tarded. Hi s delay in proclaiming ved by legal expertise. But, we Roberson's best alternative here ]f I'~ 8-1' will meet In Room 116 24. 1~9 . Sunday 1:30 p.m . ... 2 n .m. Reserve his leadership smacks of back. great. suppressed the President could. &a.hiwn M\>nday at 7:30 p.m. C8.1'l Desk: Monday -Thursday. 8 a.m. - 9:50 have never taken the "right of is to argue that "some" judges In B Jetter written last fall, as find a means of tapping it ther~ Os~m Will speak on "Navol Re­ ALL STUDENTS registered with the p.m.; Fdday - Saturday, 8 a.m. - t :50 wardness. Senator McGee is a Ot­ 7 - 9:50 p .m .; 2· 4:50 misconciev~ their role; they !ai1 published in Life magazine, the he wou~d real\~ have some\hi"i, tlr~ent r -aendlts!' SUsln.ss and Induslrlal Placemenl p.m.; Sunday: Democrat. What is a Democrat man" (ideology ) seriously and we fice who have not broueht their p.m.: 7 - 9;50 p.m. to realize that their proper job certainly don 't want It said thaL T~ DIl.TA pm ALI'IIA meeting. second oemester work up to date and doing in the Senate if hc isn't is only to see if the laws square sc~wed tor Mal'ch 17. ha been. Can­ lndlcated, theJr Cirst semester grade8 PARKtNO - The University parkin. this letter is "politically inspired." In Ihelr files shou Id do so promptly. committee reminds Itudent autolsu challenging the leadership of with the Constitution. This would e.lfd. . that the 12-hour porkln, limit appliel ' Lyndon B. Johnson? Futhermore, in the words of Max V"'ON BOAILD will present "A Hot­ THE UNIVERSITY COOPERATIVE to aU University lots except U,e slor­ Lerner, 'the lawyer-even more account for the "witly diversi· iUif' of Rain" Sunday evenlnll at 7:45 BABY -SIT'l'lNG LEAGUE book will a,e lot south of the Hydraulic. Lab­ You didn 't see any hesitating ties of the law." Here he would p.m. In MacBride Auditorium. No ad­ be In the charee of Mrs. Peterson oratory. and shilly·shallylng like that on than the preacher and the pro· find reputable company who make million will be char,ed. from March 3 to March 17. Telephone fessor-being specialized in per­ hel' at 7160 If 0 .ltter or Inlormatlon PLAY NITES 01 Ibe FleldboalO will the part of Senator William Pro x­ a principle of this short-coming­ ZOIDLOOr SEMINAR will meet to­ about jolnin, the ,roup II desired. be each Tuesday anti Friday trom 7:30 mire, of Wisconsin. Proxie didn't suasion and hypnosis," had man· to 9:30 p.m.. provided that no home Justice Harlan F. StoDe, "The da. at 4::W p.m. In Room 201 ZOOlogy drag his hoofs until the 86th Con­ aged this time to persuade us, Bl\lldlng. The speaker will be Dr. BOOKS WIIlCU WERE NOT SOLD varsity contest Is ocheduled. Available and we will consider Mr. Dennis only check upon our own exercise By A. E. MANDELL J3&n P. Hummel who will speak about during the Book Exchange can be for members of the faculty. slAtf, and gress was nearly 10 weeks old. of power is our own sense of self­ " Inll of polyxenyl phosphnte by obtained ~t the Siudent Council o{­ stUdent body and their spou..,. .re Roberson' , L2, letter of March t • r cella in vitro and In vivo." flce In the Memorial Union throuBt: the followlnll: Tuesday nl,hts-bad· He made it in seven flat, on a restraint;" Justice Holmes, "Jud· The session held this past Sunday was fairly successful. After tOday. Arter that date aU unsold mlnton. handball. p ~jd lebaU. IWIm­ slippery track. With a face as 6 on loyalty oaths within the con· books will become the property of min,. table tenniS and tennis. Friday text in which he prefers to dis· ges do and must legislate;" ~BI! TRE WoiLD naST", the the SUI Student' Council. The Council nll/hts-ali Tuesday .cllville •. basket­ open as a Wisconsin Swiss cheese, Chancellor Kent. "1 almost al­ a short business meeting, the quarte. t of Jim Wilke, alto; G. I, I InArnalional Festival. will be pre· cuss such topics. ee'*ed on lII!a.rch 14 at 7:30 p.m. In oUice Is open from 1-5 p.m. Monday ball and volleybaU. Proxie showed his moxie by in· way found principles suited to Williams, drums; Dick Blessing, guitar; and Al Easton, bass. Mlltbtlde Auditorium. Adml ..lon Is sisting he possessed leadership Similn Position b;rotree t1ck .. u which may be obtained Mr. Roberson's position is reo my views of the case." moved onto the scene. They went through a number of stand­ aJ. Whetatone's and the Iowa Mem- qualities, too. An Impossible Task 0 ...1 Union. The fesUval 10 sponsored Good Listening- markably similar to that taken ards, mostly quiet numbers, and then poct Mel Mettnick wen ... byiUu! AWS Foreign Siudent Com­ Senator McGee, however. did by Justice Roberts in the 1936 If some judges have ignored m tee. International Club and the not put himself into the leader­ their restricted task of squaring hefore the group and read . , ' . . • In rnatlonal Center. Butler case. when Roberts stated ship class until after he delivered that the duty of the Court in ca es the laws with the Constitution, four or five I)oems of his own all over the world by hiS mc I NoaTH GYMNASIUM of the Today On WSU I his "maiden speech," and if you we would maintain that aU have . . . n.m. Tuesday. Marcn IT. Ir.5II. THE BERLIN CRIStS mny be 9:15 Trio Iowa Memorial Union. to say that courts often accept !.pplleattoris must Include a written .. 9:45 News . Final as constitutional what was ear­ Stan Ken~on (my hero) will be on trumpet and a rhythm section .lImmary of Qualifications and n. expected to dominate today's 10 :00 SIGN OFF s.tu ..... y, March 14 lier struck down as unconstitu· blasting out with his big band which varied from time to time. ------8 p.m. - University Play "Be­ tional. Helping sounds this coming Thursday. There is scarcely a young m • - In Iowa, II per ,..Ir: II,. monthl. II; M .....~ IeI'Vb on miued papera yond Our Control" - University There's a nasty rumor around cian who has achieved any surw thr .. month •. t3; In other m.1l IUb­ 10 not _Ibl.. but .very effort wt1l And The Principle? .1tI. ~lIy Iowan acrlptions. tlO per year; Ill< JOOntha, be made to ~nec:t eno... WltIl tile Theatre. What are we to make of Mr. Dreamers that he was born of mortal par- cess in jazz since 19115 wl~ . ' tII.eo; three monthJ. f3.21. next laue. Monday, March 16 Roberson's principle then? We ents. but I'm not taking much consciously or unconsciously re­ 4:30 p.m. - College of Medi· submit that Mr. Roberson is pos­ to Dream stock in it. This outfit realJy flecting the influence of CharUe IIIIIB.S DAILY IOWAN ':DITOatAJ, lTArp MIIIBR at .11. AISOCIATED paUl cine Lecture. Dr. Marshall Bru­ sibly making a metaphysical moves, so be sure to take it in. Parker. From every standpoi$ AVDI'! .V.... O Editor ...... Jerry Klrkpalrlck The AIIOCI.ted J'reu II entlu.cl .,.­ Editorial Pale Editor ...... cer. Chairman Medical Division, point here. Behind the flux of This week marks the advent of tonal, rhythmic. melodic, . or • ...... Ted Ra sm uasen clullvely to the UM tor repulllle.tlOft Keeps caoVLATIONI of .11 the local news prlnled in thu Oakridge Institute of Nuclear American constitutional history of something new in The Jazz monic - his work set a W Newl Editor ...... Bill SchUlter newlpaper .1 well .. all AP a_. City Editor ...... Bill A",ln,er dllpatche •. Studies, "DiagnOSis and Therapy there is still constancy. That the Scene. From now on, every week standard, not merely for l P\IbIIIIIe4 tlall7 aeept 1wId.,. .... Sporta Editor ...... Lou Yr>IIhkln of Radiation Damage" - Medl· America we will highlight one of the - -- phonists but for progressive II- MoIIdu••••• • an4 1,,"1 baUd.lI' ", IItll­ Chle' Photocrapher .. . Joanne Yoore courts reverse themselves on fre­ ~, J'ubll.elUonl. lrie' CommUDlel­ Society Editor ...... Donn. BIa\Jlusa cal Amphitheatre. quent occaSions, and presumably Giants Of JaIl sicians, irrespective of in - _. c.ntJar, Iowl CIIlI'.L JowL In­ DAILY IOWAN IVPEaVIIOU .aoll ", .CHOOL OF 10VaNALIS" rACCi.TY 8 p.m. - Humanities Society - could on loyalty oaths. doesn·t Strong [ can think of no one bctter ment. Lennie Tristano, ackncp· ..... al MCOIId eIaM IDlher at the P"blillher ...... John M. U.rrilOn .... otflee a' low. Clbr, WId'r the DAIL'I IOWAN ADVla'I'JIIHO ITAPP A Reading of Poems by Stephen matt,er ; they are still, objective· Our colleges and universititt! are Ihe that Charles "Yardbird" Parker, ledging his debt to Parker, staled Ml of c:oa.r- of March I, 1171. BUI. Mgr. '" Adv. Director M.I Jl(dams Editorial .... Arthur 1\(. IWhderlOn Advertilln, Mana,;er Don Bekt!tneJer Advertlalnc ...... John Kottman Berg, Henri Coulette and Robert ly, squaring the laws with the places our dreams are given direclion. founder of the modern bop era. to that "If Charlle wanted to inv$e Claultlecl Adv. MIl'. Larry Hennesy CIrc"latloa ...... Wilbur Peterson Mezey - Shambaugh Auditorium. Constitution The perverse nature Ironically, today they face a crisis. lead off this series. plagiarism laws, he could iIe Promotion Mlr. JlY Wilson TuetcNY, March 17 o( our senses would lead us to Low salaries are driving many quali­ Esquire New Star Award 1946. almost everybody who's made a TaVIT&U, BOAaD O' ITUBINT fied .leachers into other fields. DAILY IOWAN (lIaCVLA'I'J augh true Platonio insight . demon· eration with Tire Adve"tis;1I6 COlln cil, tr.- ... 1...... _ la'urdQ. W. Wuu.....u Audltorium. strates tbat our sense data are ill- Parker, known to mJlJions of fans "Confirmation." THI DAILY IOWAH-' ... CIty, 1• .-#riMy, M41rch 1:1, lts9-P... J

' Elections AHeds 300,000 Unemployed - ris H Humphrey Urges News Digest I Set At SUI French Cameroons To Get Independence ,co >' t Ike T(, Back Down Jan. 1, Welcomed To United Nations Pay Dormitories Ask To Jobless WASHINGTON (uPil - Sen. limit tho number of "on sito" in· UNITED NATIONS tUPII - The United aho Thursday ap- WASHlNGTO. IUPII - The had planned to push fOT a straight fiscal year 1960 "Ii ruch begins that Hubert H. Humphrey H)·Minn) spoetions pot" y•• r. proved French Cameroons iWpcndence on next Jan. 1 and welcomed About 75 dormitory re d nts will Hou Way " teans Committee I·year extension of the proaram. elate. diJc10sed Thursday thaI he has Humphrey told the Presid nt In the west African territory to U.N. membership on that dale. be el ted to orn in their m· o~rwhelmiogly appro\'ed a bill Th ey had e\'en toyed with the jdea Pr ur increased for !lOme ex· a leUer dated March 5 that the first urled President Eisenhower to The General Assembly's Trusteeship Committee adopted by a \'ote pecU\'e resid nec during the OJ xt Thursday to pre\'ent an estimated' of gMn, President Eisenhower te nsion of jobl benefits alte!' the proposal would place Russia on a . t . 300.000 jobl workers !rom being ' power to cut oR benefits after Gpvemment reported that unem­ make two concessions to Rus ia in par with the nited States and of 56 to 9. with 16 ab tenUons a 12·po~er resolution that ~ould end United Nations lrusteeship over the French Cameroons upon attain· Orfiecrs \\ ill be cho n by next chopped oU the unemploymt'ot I~ months thus putting him on ployment edled up by 25.000 last aD effort to sal" age the stalled Britain in enforcing th test ban. benefil rolls April 1. the pot poUticaUy. monlh to a total of 4.7" .000. East-West nuclear test ban negotia­ The eCCect \\'ould be to gh'e the ment of its independenu. Wednmay in every dormitory ex· The mo •• ure was .xpoet'" ,. aut • key Demecr.t solei the three neutral nations on the group The resolution Is subject to fmal appro\'a1 at a G !)era! mbly tions at Geneva. cept Hiller t. Hill r el lion wi" Meuso • ...... ,.. MIndoY., It , Demecrotlc~ .... ammlttM the Cinal voice on decisions. plenary ion. probably tOOay. This was expected to be a mere Cor· OM would glvo the West and are chcduled for th I w., • ehorpIy curt.Ued v_ e'llf'f\auIN the WII in .n effert He said the second conce ion mality in view or the sae of the favorable vote. For the the Communists two vot" each would an wer So\,jet Pr mier j. farch. of .... pion eritllWllly PI .,... d Ity .. m.1le awe _ kllMl of n- Heuso Do",.. cntic . Ie ..".... t.MIeft -.u14l will C..,.,..uieIYI Sorority III • preposod J·n.tion control kita S. Khrushchey's charge that Ike To Send Congress Request ...... '" the -rwencY llenefit • ...... ,.1...... ~I 1, when cemminlon whieh would enforce the West was planning to send ...... ,.am IIWICted I ••t W'M .....rwl .. Initiate foreigners 10 in peet every mine For $3.9 Iillion For Foreign Aid .,..,..t __ - ...... test b.n. The oth~r would and quarry in Russia. the peok of ~ recenle.n. wwld lie ...... fIwn the .... 1•• Presl nt E nho r presum- WASHINGTON (UPI) - P,..,I· It will run into ttJ. lptMtIitiOll Humphrey said in reply 10 que· ably ~ould object to the bill U Republicans were jubilant that Flo,vers! of a ,eworlul C... ,.."ional blec lions that Red China might join dent Elsonhow.r will ...... the it reached his d k In Its present the commit! decided on the more whete mo~s w.nt .. trim Claim Government Russia as the second Communi t o.mecratic-centnllo4 Cent,.... form. Ii told hi n ws conference mod t appro ch. which appeared nation on the commission. He said ...... aid .neI put .... ~y virtually to eliminate the matt r a Mclay a $U WII.... fert..,. ,Id Int. demI,tic pNtr.m.. TtJ. Wedne~ay he believed the prob­ Contract To Fi rm this would not mean political lem ba icaUy w on for the a political i ue. President Eisen· pNtram c-'-r .... P,..aI~ hoi sold he would recognition, noting that the United _it"'" .. tat allhollih he would list n to hower oppo&ed the original Demo­ "new C_mUfti.. ~UI' In r.ther _ cut. in hi. military @ By States negotiated with the Chinese argum nls. cratic plan at his n we conf rence. Run Racketeer WOfI", the celd war." ItvcItet thon In fo,..lgn ald. Rdes in Korea without recognlzinll Th b1ll would extend the em r­ sayln, jobl benefits bulcally When a girl joins a sorority. WASHINGTON (uPII - The Sen· them. g n y progr m only for work r were a tate maUer. there Is no better way to 88)' .te Rackets Committee disclosed Humphrey mentioned Sweden Willard Libby Will Receive "Con,ratulatioos" than to choo. a Judi iary chairman and who filed valid joble claims be· The bill as approved carried an nd h r a denen roses from 'l'I1unday that most of the sheet and Switzerland as po sible neu· 1959 Albert Einstein Award noor ch Irm n in addition to th Ifore April 1. It would provide no estimated price tag oC $49 million. B tly·s. tral nalion on the commi Ion. He r gular ornc rs. payments 10 joble persons who All paymenls would be made be- melal work on taxpayer·financed also said India "can act sincerely WASHINGTON (UP)) - Dr. Willard F. Libby. ci nti t m mber Wednesday elections will be held exhau ed their te benefit after Ifore July 1, however •.ell"'! nating lett(5 Flower Nlke missile sites in Chicago was as a neutral." or the Atomic Energy CommIssion (AEC). will receh'e the 1959 Albert in Curri r Hall nd at West lawn. that dale. any thr at to the PrHldent s nar· performed by a company owned The Minnesota Senator. chairman Einstein Medal and Award for outstanding contributions to sci ntWc Ofucer and a tud nt council rep- Democratic I ad rs originally rowly-balanced budCet for the new Shop ill part by labor racketeers. oC the Senate disarmament sub- knowledCe. r entalive will be cho n at Cur- 127 South D~UI Chairman John L. McClellan (O. committee made public lhe text of The award. e tabll hed in 1951 , con i ts of a "old medal and $5,000 Marcil i Initiatloll mom'l . Ark, ) demanded that the Defense his lelter to Lhe President during boardri r. chwhil irm Wen astlawn well awill offlc elect r SU I's McDonald To Head Department investigate the firm. a lengthy Senate speech. He aid In ca h. CT NOW! It is given by the Lewis and Rosa Sirluss Memorial Fund. a fund The "Iris el cted will head social. the Broadway Sheet Metal Co .• and the Geneva talks were "stalled. but publicity. nd activiti board tit report back promptly on what sleps not completely stalemated." e tibUsh d in m mory of bis par nts by former AEC Chairman Lew! We tlawn. were being taken to prevent It Tho Unitod St.tOl, ho addecl. Cosmic Ray Group L. Strau . Strauss is now Secrelary of Commerce. Election n xt \\' k will be held u.s. ftom getting any more military should "show clouly to tho sus. ID loun"e of th dormitorie in­ Get WILDROOT work. piclous Soyiet, tTlat OIplonage Dulles May Participate Next Week Fr nit B. 1cDonald, i tant co mlc r y activity Willi n~ry Jow McClellan said lhe committee and indiscriminate inspoetlons voh' d. Only r sid nts of the dorml. In 1955 and continued It through tory may vote in their re pectiye prof -or or phy iC5. ha been p­ CREAM-OIL Charlie! was sending to lhe Pentagon a are definitely not the pvrposo. of In lig-Two Berlin Summit Conference th recent acth'ity peak, after pointed h d of a co mic ray transcript of hearings Wedne day adec;uato eontrol." I ction. Poll in" plac will be which the findln,. dropped off. open from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. lJId Thursday at which two of the The West has propo ed that the WASHINGTON (UPI) - TtJ. Elaenhow.,. and Britl'" Primo iTOUP wIth the Nation 1 A ron· Co mlc ray activity Is now be· company's· stockholders-Dominic 7·member control commi Ion be White Mouso ancl Statl Depart· Mini..... Harold M.cmlllan wIll auti and Space Administration. ,innine i lone and low r cov ry Senese and Victor Com forte-in· composed of three Western na· ment said Thu .....ay they h...-d be held at C.mp David, tho In it. l1·year cycle. that $ocr.t.ry of Stat. Jehn F_ P,...ldenti.1 rotreat In M.ry· .S. Civilian Space AI nc)' . voked the Fifth Amendment 10 lions. two from the Soviet bloc and Slavick Reports 1 Donald will I ave ror Wa h· avoid an swering question . two neutrals. ter Dulle. would 1M .bl... par· lanel'. C.toctln Mountains. tlcl,.te In '"')It ..... IIlg tw. MocmllJan, .ccomp.nlacl by McClellan said 110 company Humphrey would chance this to On Unemployment inaton D.C.• In Au"u I to oreanlt whose orricers "hide behind the two Western countries. two from lummlt conference '" lerlln. Irltl.h For.l"n Minl.t.r Selwyn th "roup of I nIl ts who wm Two Fraternity Tho White Houso announced Lloyd, will arrivo In Washington Fifth Amendment" should be the "Sino·Soviet bloc" and three d Ign nd construct co mle ray th.t the t.lk. lie.. "" P,..sldent ,",xt Thursd.y. Insurance Study Parties Planned awarded work on which the sur· ' neuIl'als. He said Ihls would mean instrum nts for future U.S. sate!· vlval of the nation might depend. "the balance of power in the voting Id L·k T 0 h 1 it tt r for a work r who has lit and. pace probes. Two fraternities plan parll for Nlke missiles ring major American would rest wilh the three neutrals." s Castro Wou leo vert row been laid off hi regular job to ow doing r earch in co mlc lhi w kend. cities as a protection against en· In his letler to the President. he Tru;ilio Regime In Dominican Republic ~ k temporary work or remain ray and uPPt'r almo ph ric pb)' . bee f D ITO It emy air attacks. said "if decisions were by a simple idle and collect unemployment In· lcs. McDonald ha nown a total Mcm SOl' ta au e a ~' I J. PAUL SHnDY.· hair .d.adlt... ,u Senese also an official of Chi· majority each side would need to SANTIAGO. Cuba (UPIl - Cuban revolutionary leader Fidel suranc while awaillng recall to oC 50 balloon and rock t in Iru. cial fraternity will entertain thClr "WaktsJour ha;, look do.,oa. baad- eago Te~msters Union Local 703. pick up two . of the. th~~c neutrals Castro told a mass rally Thursday he would like to I d the fight hi regul r job? m nt p ckag h d l,n d and dat I at a co tume party Saturday .o•• !" was Identified at the committee to order an IllSpection. to ovcrthrow the TruJllIo regime In the Dominican R public but coum If lh work r wants to prote t con trueted Ince coming to the nlaht in the frat rnlty bouse. ~ ...,u/&o II.,... 1N •• "_,II.r. session as a brother·in·law of un- Humphr.y "ave no fi"uro for not do so while premier of Cuba. h,ls un mployment In ura~ce bene· Unl\ r Ity in 1953. A dlnn r party will be held Sun· J~.t I little II

EXHIBITION BASEBALL WORLD HOCKEY TOURNAMENT JEFFERSON BARBER I Oet WILDROOT To Leave Post RUSSIAN TRACK Burns To Explain Offense NEW YORK W - Russia is ex­ Yankees 10, Orioles 9 Russia 4,CzechoSlovakia 3 SHOP pected to keep its promise to send ~ CREAM-OIL Charlie! Reds 9. Pirates 4 Canada 5; Swcdcn 0 Hot.1 Jefferson M a track team to Philadelphia for At Prep Football Clinic After 1959 a meet with a U.S. national team Red Sox 7, Giants 4 July 18-19, Daniel J. Ferris said Indians 6, Cubs 5 (10) S1)1 backfield coach Jerry Burns complete football staff from Mas­ Thursday. Other games - Rain wIll participate April 3-4 in the sillon High in Ohio. Leo Strang and assistants Ducky Grid Season second annual Re­ Schroeder, Gaulord Lillick, Jack gion 10 Football Robb, and Nick Coso will describe Named As Assistant Shirts and Dry Cleaning MOST COVETED ••• MOST COPIED Clinic at Flint, the organization of the program at Mich. Burns will one of the nation's most powerful To speak On adapt­ prep grid centers. IN BY 9 a.m. for its unquestioned ing Iowa's oUense CHAMPAIGN, ILL !A'I - Jovial Ray Eliot. 53. Thursday resigned to the high school authority level with particu­ as University of Illinois football OUT BY lar emphasis on · SUI Bowlers coach. effective after his 18th IlIini 4 p.m. what parts of the •• season next fall. to become the wherever it may roam winged T to fea­ school's assistant athletic director. B. FItANKUN. elecuicilD ••IYS: "Wildroot Beat N. Dakota A sUCcessor will not be named LAUNDRY AND "rooml your bait benet It no e.l:[ra. char&e I'" ture. The other until after the 1959 grid season. DRY CLEANING speakers at the BURNS SUI defeated North Dakota The dean of clinic will be outstanding high Agricultural College, Fargo, N.D .. Open 7 a.m. to 8 p.m, coaches, Eliot's resignation was "Across from Pearsons" • 315 E. Market JUsta littl.b i t ~ school coaches from Michigan and in a bowling tournament last week­ accepted at a meeting of the uni­ ot Wild root -..2' ~ Ohio. end at Iowa Memorial Union. SUI and ... WOW! versity's Board of Trustees which The top attraction will be the students participating on the win­ also announced his appointment ~ ning team included Leo Goss, C4 , as assistant to Athletic Director Burlington ; James Davis. A4. Des Doug Mills. I Moines; CliCford Rierson, A2, River Head Coach Since '42 . EARLYBIRDS They Go Together ... Forest, IlL; William Gintz, C3, Eliot, serving as head coach Portland, Ore.; and Jon OVerstreet. since he succeeded the late Bob get the jump . E1, EI Garland, Tex. Zuppke in 1942, had a 4-5 over-all I OUR CARE and Overstreet was the top SUI record last fall and finished sixth scorer for the match with 566 in the Big Ten race with 4-3. I on spring building YOUR CAR points. Rierson, placed second with His 17-year IUini record included a score of 551. 78-70-10 over-all and 50-53-G in the needs. Big Ten . For smoother operation and usier h.ndling, Eliot implied there was no pres­ bring it to our friendly station for regular cue. Veeck, Comiskey Finally sure in his "difficult" decision to Make arrangements for resign. your Spring building needs We Pride Ourselves in Our Get Together-For Coffee "It is always difficult to decide before the big rush begins! that one will leave the firing line Call 'us today for a free Prompt, Courteous Service CHICAGO 111'1 - Bill Veeck and of the fi erce competition which is Chuch Comiskey finally got to­ Big Ten football ." he said. estimate on a new Nation­ gether at Comiskey Park Thurs­ Unhurried Reflection al Home. A new National DIAL 8-4888 day but apparently for no more "But. the choice was made in Home costs less because it than a friendly cup of coffee. is manufactured of com­ J --FREE PICKUP & DELIVERY-- the off-season when unhurried re­ Without advance notice, Veeck, reflection on the future is possible ponent parts. NATURAL SHOULDER Comiskey . his sister. Mrs. Dor­ without the heat of battle or in­ ~/...... othy Comiskey Rigney and attor­ fluence of a winning or losing sea­ SUIT neys [or Chuck and Veeck met in . ( \;-I. .t_~ j DONIS STANDARD son. tt the White Sox front office at the Since the 1958 season ended, Eliot • Whole wall areas are built of highest quality materials by Stephens ball park. . . had to reshuffle his coaching staff, Wednesday, ComIskey hasbl,Y depleted when Tommy O'Connell • Preassembled at National's great factories Here is the source of the modern legend-told with ' left the p.ark when Veeck and hIS left to become head coach at Drake ease and conviction. The natural tradition is SERVICE • By building a National Home, you avoid costly building t?P assQclate.. Han~ Greeberg, ar- and Charles Boerio went to Col­ documented here in the lop seamed jocket with Corner of Gilbert & Bloomington :Ived .for an LDs~ctlon. of the plant orado as line coach. mistakes. '"4 whIch Ve~ck s syndIcate bought Among the first mentioned as a deep hook vent ••• the trim, pleatless trousers. lines 5 just Ihat simple- thot classic ••• crafted of =iiiiiiiiiii;_iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii_iiiiiii;iiiiiiiiiiiii;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;;;;;iiiiiiiii;;;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii..;;p~er~cei.n;;t~In~t~er~e~st~o~n~ . T~u~e~Sd~a~:.~. _~_ probable successor was Chuck Stud­ SEE YOUR NATIONAL HOME BUILDER TODAY .. ley. 30, an IIlini line coach since near weightless fabrics. 49.95 to 65.00 1955 and captain and guard on Eliot's 1951 Rose Bowl team. Eliot, former president of the Birchwood Coaches' Assn. won two Big Ten titles outright, inl 1946 and 1951. and shared the Builders, Inc. We know we crown in 1953 with Michigan State. Rose Bowl Victory C/ot/liers lind /wb erdllsiJ('rs jor men His 1946 club went to the 1947 [ 2221 Hollywood Blvd. - Fairmeadows 20 S. Clinton first in the cur- Phone 8-5457 jhould haVe [erencerent Big serie Tesn -andPac ifictrounc Coaeds t UCLACon- ~~;;;~;§;;;j~~t~~~=~==~==~~~=~J~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~I:. 45-14. :Eliot was dreaded by Big Ten rivals as a coach with an uncanny knack for getting any kind of an told 'foul lIIini team up [or a big game. In 1957, his underdog lUini defeated 51 the nation's top-rankcd team of the '11 moment, Minnesota, by a 34-13 score. As assistant to Mills, Eliot will handle the Illinois ' financial aid 1 WE ARE SPECIALISTS program for athletes, an increas­ ingly tough Big Ten assignment. p IN SPECIALS BRITISH BOUT NEW YORK 111'1 - A couple of ~ AT good middleweights from the Brit­ " ish Empire - Wilfie Greaves of 1' .. Canada and Yama Bahama of t~ e Bahamas - clash Friday night in a television NBC, 9 p.m., 10- 51 JOE' PLACE rounder which will be seen all H a over the United Stll tes. Special Hogan's 216 Line, Noon. Lunches • • only 612 Series, Top j Staff Bowlers Joe's ( Clelus Hogan bowled thc highest series in the University Staff League Wednesday night with a Jumbo Hamburger • 612 totaL Hogan also had the top game wilh a 216. Still The Same Size - ~ame Price Second highest series and game were bowled by RaJph Massey with a 569 and 215 respectively_ - The Blind Men have a 4-point YOUR FAVORITE STEAK 'lead over second-place Spoilers and Ions, who are tied. STANDINGS Tea.m W. L. SERVED ON -A SIZZZlLlNG PLAnER! Blind Men ...... , , Spoilers ...... _...... 22 Ions ...... ~~ orget to PIU Rollers ...... 17',<, Wrong Fonts ...... 16 DINNER SPECIALS • • • DIFFERENT EACH NITE aI-Five ...... 16 , , Stokers ...... 14 \1.. Wheels ...... • ...... 10 JUMBO Ol,r Own pick ~p your tickets TENDERLOINS Lane Tells Way i ' Italian PIZZA He Got Piersall OHICKEN . J ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. (11'1 to STAN, KENTON fa.sty SALADS Frank Lane, multitrading general SHRIMP- manager of the Cleveland Indians, ... was tejJing how he acquired out­ Homemade fielder Jim Piersall from the Bos­ SPAGHETifl S9(JPS ton Red Sox. in concert Thursday, "I wanted Piersall very badly." he haid Thursday. "And I knew FISH DINNERS CHILI that the Red Sox wan led Billy Mar­ tin from Detroit and had offered FRIED OYSTERS Piersall in exchange. I was deter­ March 19, 8:00 p.m. mined to stop the deal. "So I gave the Tigers Don Mossi SEJ{VING NIGHTLY 'TIL 11:30 P.M. and Ray Narleski for Martin. This • enabled me to eventually acquire ORDERS TO GO Piersall from the Red Sox. Mind you, I wanted Martin anyway. As Iowa Memorial Union it turned out. I got both Martin and ,'- Piersall [or Mossi. Narleski, Vic Wertz and Gary Geiger." . THIS WILL SHOW YOUI • GREENFIELD, Mass. WI - The By Central Party .Committee «Where F1'iends Meet" Eidelweiss Ski Club canceled a , Phone 9017 Iowa Ave. ski outing for this weekend near t1and. vt. Thp reason: Too much snow lor travelini. 1 __ L1A MWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMW THE DAILY IOWAN-Iowa City, I a.-FrIday, March 13, 1.S9-Page 5 NATIONAL ~ , ~ NAIA TOURNAMENT INVITATION TOURNAMENT Badgers Seek I Firs. Round Quarterfinals DUller M, Fordham 80 mo." w'"' ;" r"'m C;ly Maynard Cagers ~ ~~: ~ 1 ~ • -only the fille:.! ~ S\\'. Tex. SI. 80, Lenoir Rhyn.. I .C.I 78 NCAA ~ . ~ Navy Coach SMALL COLLEGE TOURNEY ~ Whitebook's men's wear ~ Ft. Hay INan St. 98, Va. $emm".ls ANNAPOLIS, . fd. I!'l - avy We leyan 83 w. M~~uri 72, Los AlUele SI. ! Jt 7 south dubuque street Win Again, 83-63 ,-9 ~ official have gi"en the iowlCity,iow~ ~ finals of the Girls' late High Maynard W. Central 83, Rockwell City 84, sity of Wiscons.in perrni ion to WMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMWMW School Basketball Tournament. Bondurant-Farrar 63. .. IArgyle 79 Chum Selk, a range harpshoot· talk to fiddie Coach Ben Carnl" ENTERTAINMENT FOR SALE! er, led the Garri on barrage with \'ale about its \'scant basketball DE~ MOl ES (.fI - VlrglOla I DES MOl ES !.fI - UndeCeal. 38 points before she le£l the game coaching job. Why pay mora than a sane dealer's profit Henmges It'd lI1a~nard West Cen· ed Ro::kweJl City staged a rally with two minutes to play. CHECK OUR PRICE ON TV, STaEO AND HI·FI , [ef !(~ , (·ll Thayer made the first basket An academy spokesman said the tral to an 83-63 \'Ictory over Bon- for an 84·79 "idory over Argyle Any tim. you e.n m.intain Ita. sam. high quality durranl·Farrar Thursday as the de· IThursday and it advanced to the and then went ) 1 minutes without conference would take place alter anotiler. and purchase for I.u you h.v. stretd"d your fending champions rolled away in semifinal round of lhe state girls Ule CAA tournament. dollars and raised your st.ndard of livl"". th d I If I l' th high school basketball tournament. Selk made 16 of 24 field goal at· Carne\'ale admitted he is inter- S~OP! LOQK! LAUGH! e .s~con 1a or a s~ In . e Rockwell City, a winner in 23 tempt and 6 of 10 free throws. ested in talking to Ule Badgers. semIfinals of the stale girls hIgh previous games, was down by 14 Entertainment, Unlimited school basketball tournament. points in the third period before Wi con in's Harold Fosler quit Phon. 1·2191, 6:00 to 10:00 P.M. Gladbrook 62, under pre ure last Saturday after , .. your eu"e. to try it be..... you buy it! Hcnniges, a 5·9 sharpshooter, sharpshooting Linda Lory led her Rent ean be .pplied tow.rd pureh... of • hi·fi or .tereo. ALEC GUI ESSI scored 54 pOints for the winners leammate on a furious Rcoring Ballard 41 Icoaching the Badgers for 25 y ars. I reVival. who were ahead only 41-36 at half· Linda Hni hed the game with 46 FUNNIEST COMEDY time. paints. 1l was the 57th straight vidory for Maynaro, in<:iuding 25 this Garrison 66, JACQU ES TATI/S Season. Thayer 52 SIFIEDADS FUNNIEST COMEDY DES MOlNES IN! - Garri on, Classified Help WOI'\'ed Ir>struction Room. for Wen. the 1957 champion, rolled to a 66- FOUNTAIN help want.ed £xcellenl BALLROOM dlnce Ie !! -, oale. Ind urvl•• . '11500. UtIIl- : SB~~~ Tralltr mo'·lnr, local Ind lo~r dl t· 3·1' Four Days ...... 14¢ a Word Lost and Found Ince. D~nnl· Mobile Home Court lEaoll Phone 4791. f - UI Five Days ...... 15¢ a Word C PAT FURST belore you buy Lite 3·18 Ten Days ...... 20¢ a Word Insurance. U6'. Collere. Phon .. 8-4362, 4-2 Apa.1ment for Rent Ride Wonted ~~ One Month ...... 39¢ a Word FURNISHED apartment 2 bllYJ. ... NEW YORK. larch 25 . "'44~ . ~nd JACQUES TATVS Funniest (Minin.llm Charge 5Ci¢) Miscellaneous 5838. 3·17 3·14 Year's HOTPOINT aulomatlc wa.hor Excel· APARTMENT tor r.nl. ~ 4·13 Auto. tOt :)ole "Jhe It! ClHfMASCO" • .,."., lenl condItion. Won 8 new onc, can't IUSS lAMBlY" ' JAN SlERUhC use two . Phone 8-4118. 3-14 I FOR RENT: Unturnl h d aparlmrnl Funniest Fitm ~ .. JOHN Oft£W BARRYh'ORE • till! ....., tJ_ l~ rfl.r Rlpld!$, I owa - 2 ,raduate- ludent. 3 roorn. and crltl.,... M.'.~ll VAl< DOREI< • JERRY Ut lOOS -TONIT - ~CA Tape Rpcord.r and 1200 rot't of bath. Phone 8-1031 3·11 3.15 "nt'ld In \\' htf'rn . win," Phone 4191 Inpe. Call 11021 atter , p.m, ~ ~ 8A 0 2 FOR RENT : Phone 8-32f2, two room Child Care & TOM JERRY CARTOON BOBBY MERRITT TYPEWRIT£RS, new or U ed. Wllf two collere ,noduot bov •. Two blO('kl GRANO PRIZE rrom campu. ~OO pf'r monlh ",Ith CHILD care In nH home In Corelvllle. & THE DIONS • The Daily Iowan reserves IrAder, Time., We t Branch, lowI. 4-12 utilities pllid. 3- 13 "'51~ '.18 INTERNATIONAL 7 Cities of Antarctiea-"Speeial" and CJ/TlCS to any ZENITH Tranl-ocoonle rndlo. FIve TWO room bachc:ur apartment. II W THE MIDWEST CARAVAN the right rejed ad. ,, ~ort wave bAndl. Ex. 4079. 3-13 Barrl""n. 9665. 4·10 CAlI." II.... ••_ .... _ •• (No Jnrrra e ." Adm.) Insu rance rl'rnl - ~ATlIIW V­ vertlslng copy, NICELY hed 3 room apartment. "Top 40" l't1 u Ie SPECIAL SAVINGS - Uled AdmIral Prl\Dte bath Mnd entrance. New kit· TUDtNTS air ad), In urt!d with tate JACQUES lAlI'S f~ COllw.&'j- , HI FI ConRoI_ PhUco TV portable chen . ,83 00, utllltl I paId. Dial 32n I Ylrm may Ia" ub tantlll amounts DON SHAW HIS ORCHESTRA Ihln line, Zenith portable HI Fl. In­ 3-13 b' trlll.trrrln, to local I,rncy ntH: T2~L IT·I '.'IJ tcaturln,. qutr about your chotc~ ma:(~ Iter o. ~ -- --''-'''--' othor. qUAllfylnl un 01'. II.., Frre Vocalist RONNIE MEEK Trailer for Rent Entertainment Unlimited Phone 8·2891. NICE apartment. 118 S Dubuque aller Inlervl W, 321 Kirkwood, 1.5081; 1,2101. ALWAYS Brlngin.g You The &:00 to 10:00 p.m . 3·27 a p.m. 3·28 4-12 SATURDAY SPECIAL FOR RENT; Trailer. 4048. 3-18 -----~-- Finest MAKE covere4 bell., buckle. and ''ME?~JlI~ Student Rates 50c button', Sew In, machIne. tor fVlL. WANTED NOW SHOWING Sln,er Sewlnll Center. 125 S. Dubuque. PHOTOFINISHING with 10 Card Typing Phone 2413. t -IOR SAVE 20c STE OGRAPHER Shorthand r Qulred. Good pa)', 110 pllal·m.dlcII benetll ~f'tJJD~\Y ~'BEST jiiiiiiiiji~iii1~ TYPING. 3174. 4-I3RC Personal loan. Don.IN inBY our 11, OwnOUT Darkroom BY 5 Plu nl work In, condltlon •. TYPING. n.aUy dono. 8·4931. 4·12 YOUNG'S STUDIO ECONOMY i .. _-- - PERSONAL lonno on t),pewrlters, FOREIGN FILM THESIS ond other. I.n.M. Rea.onable, phonolrophs, ~porLs equipment ".__ 8 So, Ilubuque ti __~ ADVERTI INC 0, lIuoran leed. 8-2442. 4-10 J:Jock.Eye Loan Co. Phone 453~ . 4. IOR ... OF THE YEAR!" TYPING. 9436. 3·20 TYPING. IBM . 8202. 3·20 TYPING. 38U. 3· 12RC Appliance Center I i·~~;:111'1 hll_" COlOft HAWKEYE TYPING .8·4996. 3·14 "CMI_I" "...... "" ...... TYPING 6110, 4-IOR ITYPING . 8'1679. S·8 across from the AND EVERY YES! Mr. Hulot Work Wanfed Main Store Late Show STUDENT Ironln8" 8-0609. 3·18 Tonight HAWKEYE Who Does It? These Are The LOWEST Used TV Prices In Town ELECTROLUX •• Ies and .~vJc e . O. K. \I Men are a" alike .... EATS AT Ihrll1, Phone 66801. 4·3OR WAS IS fj,ey want the same iIIinq!" 95 Outstanding Careers 211/ CROSLEY CONSOLE new picture tube $125 79 ~ A mmp~ money qor you 95 st.arted .. " are you roo For Secretaries And 21" MOTOROLA TABLE MODEL 100 69 biq for her now ? II Typists 95 DRIVE-IN 21" FIRESTONE TABLE MODEL 90 59 Interesting secretarial and typo i: "TAT I ENTERS COMEDY ­ Highway 6 ing positions with one of the 95 West of Smitty's nation's leading manufacturers 211/ RCA a fine table odel, 100 69 HALL OF FAME!" of refrigeration products. You - Cook, Wo rld relegram Sun I::,: will be associated with a firm 00 "Doors Open 1: 15 P.M." which has distributors and deal· 17" ZENITH TABLE MOPEL half price 50 25 :: "TAli'S BEST-provides a ers across the nation, The posi­ tions offer varied opportunities 00 chuckle a moment - he is a (or advancement, according to 17" RCA TABLE MODEL good condition 75 55 wizard! "_ Wando Hole, New. your own abilities. Excellent If!Li!~~ conditions, friendly people, 00 company paid vacation, insur· 17" HOFFMAN TABLE MODEL' good 60 40 STARTS a nce and holidays. Modern TODA Y cafeteria. Will help arrange 95 In the Beautiful transportation. Apply in person 17/1 SENTINEL TABLE MODEL .. , , 75 39 Tradition of "Three to Mr. Frank Young, DIrector of Personnel. 95 Coins in the Fountain" . 21" PHILCO TABLE MODEL 50% off!,.. 90 49 Enchantingly Filmed ~ in Eastman COLOR in Greece! Amana Refrigeration, MANY OTHdil FINE USED TV's at Inc. 117 S. CLINTON HEY KIDDIES! Amana, Iowa ALDENS APPLIANCE PHONE 8-1101 SPECIAL SHOW 3·17 SATURDAY 1 to 3 only ~ BLONDIE Iy CHIC YOUNG

"Sparky the Firefly" Colortoon

ACADEMY AWARD NOMINEE "Sets a new high! BEST ACTOR OF THE YEARI An extraordinary ~------BEETLE BAILEY ,------By MOIlT WALKE I achievement in film. SPENCER ~GRACY making, an Ernest He"mingway's ONE OF THESE DAyS YOU'l.L. extraordinary GO TOO FAR, MC:SURLEY! T I-I EN _-~I achievement in P LITZER AND NOBEL PRIZE·WINNING stORY SOMEONE WILL BE SORRY,'.' e~ACI(! fi Im- viewing 1" -Art/Ill' Knight. " ••••• aa. S.'",dBy R,vlew .... A

• COMPLETE NEW PROGRAM. -Starting- SUNDAY! .1" Pa.. 4-THE DAILY IOWAN-lowo City. la.-Frlday. Morch n. 19S. Pi Alpha .. Nasser Steps .Up :Attack Four SUI Students To Give .~ K~ppa To Present . . Founder's Day On Kassem, Communists Yeats Plays Music Recitals This Wee~end Here Saturday Here Sunday Two I-acl plays by William Blltler Yeals. "On Baile's Strand" aad "Calvary." will be presented by the Wesley Players at Wesley House Sunday at 6 p.m. "On Baile's Strand" will also be presented in the SUI Studio Theater on March 23 at 3:30 p.m. The Wesley Players are the local chapter of the National Society of Wesley Players. an amateur Methodist student acting organiza· tion. Greek Tra•• dy. Both the plays are written in the FRESH, TASTY P.ICNIC Greek tragedy form. Even the ~ masks used by Greek actors have been retained in the Wesley Play­ er's production of "Calvary," The play "Calvary" is a thought provoking attack on orthodox Christian doctrines. and disputes the aU-powerfulness of Christ. Lb. "Baile's Strand" Is set In ancient Ireland. The play depicts the power struggle between two Irish kings. 80th plays will be performed for other churches in and outside Iowa City. including Grace Metho­ dist Church. O
