en - 0 z - - ..I - I \ WIT# ILLINOIS· OHIO STATE WILBUR E. NYPP, Editor William A. Woodruff ______ Advertising Manager John F. Hummel--- ------~ Circulation Manager National Advertising Representative Don Spencer Co., 271 Madison Ave., New York 16, N. Y. The Admini tration ------------------------------ 4 niversity of Illinois Officials -------------------- 5 Ohio State Athl etic taff -------------------------- 6 Ohio tale oaching Staff ------------------------ 7 IUinois Coaching taff ---------------------------- 8 The U niver ity of Ulinois ------------------------ 9 Illinois Athletic Staff ----------------------------10 Jlli-Buck Returns lo Ohio tate ------------------11 niversity of lllinoi cenes ----------------------12 IUinois Player ----------------------- -14, 18, 34, 36 Ohio tale Player __________________ 16, 30, 38, 42, 44 Big Ten's 60 th Anniversary ----------------------19 The Fighting Illini ------------------------------20 Ohio State Band Program --- - - ------------------29 Ohio late' Co-Captain -------------------------32 Ohio tale Ro ter -------------------------------40 lUinois Roster ----------------------------------43 Penalties and Signals ____________________________ _45 From Sinclair Research comes new, stepped-up Sinclair POWER-X Gasoline - power-primed with rocket fuel! This great gasoline gives you . New l-ltgh 1h Oclane New Rockef Celaway New S:uper Power New J...ltgh in Mileage Rusf-prooFw,fh RD-11q• - - - 9al/-pt-oof' Si'N'C.LAi.ii POIIIIER•X T he New Super Fuel 3 The The Administration University of Illinois Vice President JACOB B. TAYLOR DOUGLAS R. MILLS Director of Athletics Vice President DR. FREDERIC W. HEIMBERGER DR. DAVID DODDS HENRY President, University of Illinois DR. HOWARD L. BEVIS President, The Ohio State University Vice President DEAN R. E. BROWNE DR. BLAND L. STRADLEY Faculty Representative 4 5 The The Buckeye Coaching Staff Ohio State Head Coach W. W. HAYES, Denison, '35 (At left) Athletic Defensive Line Coach LYAL CLARK, Western Maryland, '29 FLOYD S. STAHL GEORGE R. STATEN WILBUR E. SNYPP Guard and Center Coach Staff Asst. Athletic Director Ticket Director Publicity Director HARRY L. STROBEL, Miami, '32 End Coach ESCO SARKINEN, Ohio State, '40 Backfield Coach EUGENE FEKETE, Ohio State, '47 Guard Coach WILLIAM R. HESS, Ohio University, '47 Asst. Backfield Coach CLIVE RUSH, Miami, '53 DR . W. E. DUFFEE DR . RICHARD PATTON DR . ROBERT MURPHY Head Freshman Coach Team Physician Team Physician Team Physician E. R. GODFREY, Ohio State, ' 15 LEO G. ST ALEY FRED BEEKMAN ERNEST R. BIGGS Intramural Director Asst. Intramural Head Trainer RICHARD C. LARKINS Di rector Director of Athletics ROBERT C. RIES MARVIN HOMAN RALPH GUARASCI Asst. Ticket Director Asst. Publicity Stadium Supt. Front row, left to right: Jim Hietikko, assistant freshman coach; Gene Fekete, varsity backs; Clive Rush, assistant varsity backs; Esco Sarkkinen, varsity ends; William Hess, tackles. Back row, Ernie Godfrey, head freshman coach; Harry Strobel, guards and centers; Director W. W. (Woody) Hayes, head varsity coach; lyal Clark, defensive line caach. 6 7 ILLINOIS COACHING STAFF HEAD FOOTBALL COACH RAY ELIOT, Illinois, '32 (at right) Line Coach BURT INGWERSEN, Illinois, '20 THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS Backfield Coach RALPH FLET'CHER, Illinois, '21 End Coach a faculty of three in a second-hand building. Today ROBERT KING, Furman, '37 The Gniversity of Illi­ n01 belongs to the peo­ it bas more than 25 ,000 students, total taff of Assist. Backfield Coach ple of the tate 1d1ich it nearly 9,000, with plant and equipment Yalued at CHARLES PURVIS, Illinois, '40 serves. It is the capstone more than $125,000,000 at cost. of their public education In addition to the main campus at Urbana­ Asst. Line Coach ystem. Its activities are Champaign, 1Yhich also i headquarters for many CHARLES STUDLEY, Illinois, '52 threefold : education, re­ statewide sen,ices. there is a professional campus search. and public sen·­ for 11·ork in the health ciences-meclicine, dentistry, Freshman Coach ice. In the ·e it touche. MELVIN BREWER, Illinois, '40 pharmacy. nursing, and as ociated field -in Chi­ on practically every hu- cago. and a Chicago Undergraduate Division which man acti 1·i ti· and interest. Chief Scout provides the first two years of college training. Off­ Its benefits g to every citizen of Tllinoi ·. LEO T. JOHNSON, Millikin, '21 campus classe are held in many parts of the state. The University combines in one institution the The UniYersity teaches both in the liberal arts engineering, medical, agricultural, liberal arts, min­ and the profes ional fields, offering undergraduate ing, law. and other educational and research divi­ and advanc cl training, to prepare men and women sion which in many state are separate in titutions. for life 11·ork, sen-ice, and citizen hip in almo ·t every By their union. the talent· and resource of all are field of encl ea rnr. available together to . pecial needs or abilities and plans of students, to find the an 11·ers in re·earch. Re earch is carried on likewi e in almost every and to provide special ervice . field of human interest and effort. It teacher bring The University 1rns e tablished to meet what in to their classe the latest findings of the laboratory, the mid-1800' , was a new demand: The idea of it and the inspiration of research which is constantly founder has proved sound. The G niver ity has pu bing back the frontiers of knowledge. gro,vn con tantly, not only in ize. but even more Service range from help to farmers, business­ in concept and activities. It ha con tantly moved men, and chool , to extension cour es of many forward to meet new need and ne11· demand - f the kinds and to cooperative research project , financed people of Illinois. prirntely but with the results published for public It opened l\Iarch 2. l 68. 1Yitb 50 students and benefit. Front row, left to right: Burt Ingwersen, Head Coach Ray Eliot, Bob King , Ralph Fletcher. Back row, left to right: Dick Ra k­ lavits, Chuck Studley, Chuck Purvis, Mel Brewer. 8 9 ...rw~~wwwwww~~wwww~~~~~~~w~~~~~w~~~~~~~~~~. , ... .. , , . • . , , .. • . , ,.• .. 1 , •••, , ••• , P. .. , t. • . , , .. • .t ' . • ..1, . • .111 , .. • .. t , .. • .. , , .. • ., , ... , , ... , , •• •, , •• • , , ... ... , , ... •11, .. • . • , • • • , , ... .., , . .. , , .. • . , , ... .., , . ... , ... , , . ... , ... ,,.. .. , , ... ,,... ... , . • ..1, .. • .. 11 , ..• ..t , •• • , t ... ..,, .. ...., I Iii-Buck Returns to Ohio State T HE hi tory of the Illibuck-the wooden turtle and spending the re t of the year in the basement trophy for which Illinoi and Ohio tate football of some fraternity hou e, Illibuck quietly expired. teams compete each year-began back in 1925, when He wa replaced, more pessimi tically, with a wood­ the Illini and Buckeye junior men' honorary socie­ en replica-a faithful reproduction of it live pre­ tie decided that it would be a good idea to inaugu­ deces or in hi prime. ince the untimely end of Illi­ rate a trophy to commemorate their hi toric but buck I, the team have competed for a succession of friendly rivalry in the annual game. wooden replicas, of which the pre ent i the third. A live turtle-dubb d "lllibuck' to combine both Although Illibuck has gone back and forth be­ the Illini and Buckeye name - wa fir t chosen a tween Champaign and Columbu many times through a suitable trophy, partly because it wa upposed the year , he ha spent 20 of the e years at Ohio that the marine reptile would di play uitable lon­ State and nine at Illinoi . gevity. The trophy' originator envisioned the same The ceremony of tran £erring Illibuck to his new turtle fifty year hence, hoary but hearty, with the owner traditionally occur during the half-time of score of fifty hi toric Illini-Buckeye game carved the game. Member of Bucket and Dipper, the Ohio DIRECTING ACTIVITIES OF THE on his back. tate junior men' honorary, and Sachem, the Illi­ After the 1925 game, Illibuck' fir t, the trophy noi honorary ( the latt r draped in their Indian MAXWELL R. B. R. PATTERSON CHARLES P. POND GARRET Wrestling Coach Gymnastics Coach Fencing Coach went right back to Illinoi along with the famous blanket ) , parade out on the field and olemnly pa s "Red" Grange, who had played hi last game at the peace pipe around to participant Illibuck is Columbu that year. Illinoi had won 14-9. then given over to the winner of the previous year' Howev r, :after the wear and tear of a few year game, which, today, will b~ · hio tate, on the traveling back and forth between games in a suitca e strength of la t year's 40-7 victory. l 11 CHARLES BELLATTI J. D. KENNEY RICHARD KLEI N Program Manager Ice Rink, Trainer Golf Course Builders of St. John Arena and Ohio State Field House SCENES AT UNIVERITY OF ILLINOIS JOSE PH SKI LKEN & CO. GENERAL CONTRACTORS 383 S. Third St., Columbus, Ohio CA. 1-4547 As Time Passes- OHIO STADIUM Completed 1922 Stands as Positive Evidence of the Enduring Strength Possible to Attain in Concrete by Using MARBLE CLIFF LIMESTONE AND MARBLE CLIFF LIMESTONE SAND ALTGELD HALL MEMORIAL STADIUM THE MARBLE CLIFF QUARRIES CO. COLUMBUS , OHIO 12 13 IJJ.iic.oJJJlll • • • THE EXPLORERS REST AU RANT AN D DR IV E-1 N "A New Trend in Food Service" 1080 Dublin Rd. HU 8-0651 COLUMBUS 8, OHIO ROD HANSON MELVIN BATES RAY NITSCHKE No. 87- End No. 44-Halfback No. 19- Quarterback Illinois Players THE WORLD'S MOST HONORED WATCH Ohio State .. 1mnois Game Quality leader among the finest watches of the world is Longines-winner of 10 World's Fair Grand Prizes and 28 Gold Medals for excellence and elegance, highest Observa­ tory Honors for accuracy. Longines Oslo Automatic. l4K gold waterproof* ca e. Of special to sportsmen is a series of interest Sweep second hand. 195. highly efficient longines Automatic Watche:. employing an exclusive s~l -winding principle. They are shock-re§i.. tant, anti-magnetic, with CHARLES BUTLER JOE BELLEPHANT CLEM RYAN unbreakable mainsprings; many a}'e water­ SOLD A.VI) SF.RV FCE:D No.
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