______\ ^ ' 'l ^ ’ ______. • ■ Bloodtuobile Visits Concordia Lutheran Church Tomorrow, 1:45 to 6:30 p. m.

/ Average Daily Net Press Run The Weather For Hie Week Ended O ctober 17, 1970 . Cloudy, cool, chance ot light drizzle through tomorrow; to­ night’s low about 60. Tuesday’s 16,020 high near 60. Wednesday part­ Manchester— A City of Village Charm ly cloudy, seasonable.


Nixon Meets American Egypt AccusesE^.S. President Wins Nobel O f Romania OhEconomy Of Arming Israel

WASHING’rCXN (AP) — Presl- STOCKHOLM (AP) — Paul A . By WOXIAM N. OATIS dent Nixon today welcomed Ro- Samuelson of Massachusetts In- ' Associated Press Writer manian President Nicolae Ceau- stitute of Technology was UNITED NATIONS, N.Y, (AP) — Egypt today ac­ sescu to Washington stressing awarded the 1970 Nobel Prize in cused Israel, with the support of the United States, of that he has “ great respect for acquiring new planes and tanks while Israeli leaders the independence of your gov­ economics today. ’The prize call upon Cairo to dismantle its missile sites in the Suez ernment.” committee said he “ has done Ceausescu, completing a twO' more than any other contempo- Canal zone. Opening a General Assembly of the Arab territory occupied week tour of the United States, rary economist to raise the level debate on the Middle East, by Israel as a result o i the got the red carpet treatment scientific analysis In econom- Eg;yptlan Foreig;nsJdlnlster Mah­ aggression of Jime 6, 1967.” with full military honors when Ic theory.” 2 moud Rlad placed much of the he arrived for two-day official Called by a newsman at his Riad declared that Egypt was visit with Nixon. home in a Boston suburb, Sam- blame upon the United States ready to implement the Security In a brief welcoming speech uelson said he had “ no idea fqr what’ he called Israel’s ex­ Council resolution of Nov. 22, Nixon recalled that Just a year be winning.” He said he pansionist policies. 1967, and to cooperate with Jar- ago he was the first American would go to his office as usual He insisted that the Cairo gov­ Hng to facilitate his mission. president to visit Romania, today—“ my wife won’t let me ernment was ready to resume ■‘•4 , (See Page-Eight) “ and today we are honored to stay home, not with the phones- : - peace talks throufel\' p.N.. .spe­ welcome you as the first i>resl- fin in g Uke this.” cial envoy Gunnar V. Jarring, dent of Romania visiting us.” ’The prize committee reported- but that Israel was resorting to Stressing a “ very warm feel- chose Samuelson from about, deception to prevent the talks. 6 Ing of friendship and affection,” nominees. Including Prof. “ In fact,” he said, “ from the Suez Canal Nixon added that he has great Milton Friedman, an adviser to very moment Israel announced "respect for the independence President Nixon, and Prof. Va- its acceptance of the American of your government” —an ob- Kantorovich, the Soviet eco- initiative (to reactivate the Jar­ Seen W eb vlous reference to Romania’s ef- mathematician, ring effort), it'set out to sup­ forts to pursue a foreign policy The 65-year-old professor was press it. Not one single substan­ independent of Moscow. honored for the "scientific work tive contact with Ambassador Of Missiles Both Nixon and his guest through which he has developed Jarring was undertaken by Is­ touched briefly on differences in static and dynamic economic - rael. By MARCUS ELIASON the government structure and ^"<1 actively contributed “ To justify Its position, Israel Associated Press Writer political philosophy between the to raising the level of analysis resorted to lies by alleging that "t e l AVIV (AR) — “rhe chief two'nations. Nixon only referred ta economic science,” the Royal the United Arab Republic had of Israel’s mUitary intelligence to “ differences in government” Swedish Academy of Sciences Violated the cease-fire arrange- department claimed today that while Ceausescu spoke about said In its citation. ments.” Egypt and the Soviet Union “ differences in social order and tt was the fourth of the six Riad asserted that the Soviet- “ have set up one of the most ad- regarding some existing world 1970 awards from the fortune bullt missiles in the Suez area vanced missile systems in the left by Alfred Nobel, the Swed­ were purely defensive and that world” along the Suez Canal. problems.” Detroit Police frisk Panthers as they surrender after standoff. (AP Photo) “ Notwithstanding the differ- ish inventor of dynamite. ’The Bombs Hit Israel is deihandlng "that we Gen. Aharon Yariv estimated m ces,” the Romanian leader awards, worth $80,000 each. surrender our right to protect that 500 to 600 missiles, about added, “ It is necessary to go to­ have also gone this year to ourselves against its air raids, half of them in launchers have American agronomist Norman and thus facilitate its mission of been constructed inside the 30- gether and cooperate in the eco­ Acting Mayor Says: • Post Office nomic, cultural and scientific Ernest Borlaug for his contribu- organized kiling by its bomb­ mile zone just west of the canal fields in the spirit of friendship Uon to Uie cause of peace; Alex- ers.” in violation of the cease-fire ban among nations.” ander Solzhenitsyn, the Russian Riad said it was regrettable on improvement of military po­ Ceausescu, who attended last noveUst, for literature; and Detroit Killing Could Have Been Private Home that the United States has sitions in this zone. Saturday’s White House dinner, three scientists—American “played a principal role in en­ He said the Soviet missile sys­ MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. (AP) spent Sunday in Colonial Wil- biochemist Julius Axelrod, Brit- abling Israel to continue to car­ tem in Vietnam was much infe­ An explosion shattered the llamsbutg and was flown to Ish biophysicist Sir Bernard ry out its aggressive and ex- rior to the Suez Canal defenses. windows of a kitchen and a Washington by helicopter to- Katz and Swedish physiologist panionlst policy.” In a rare on-the-record news ‘A Showdown... A Holocaust’ basement at the home of a gether with his wife and Roma- Ulf von Euler—-for medlcine- conference with foreign news­ Ing the new headquarters, policeman’s parents just before ‘"The United States,” he de­ nla’s 'foreign minister, Comeliu physiology. By HUGH MORGAN them to a nearby police vehicle, men, Yariv also estimated there moved across town to the West midnight. No one was injured. clared, "continues to provide Is­ Manescu. Mrs. Nixon presented Associated Press Writer where arrests were made. are about 3,000 Soviet technl- Side a week ago. “ I don’t know of any enemies rael with Phantom and Sky- a bouquet of red roses to Mrs. Three other youths decided to hawk bombers and other weap­ clans, advisers and other per­ DETROIT (AP) — Acting stay behind, but they were rout­ At a news conference Sunday, we would have,” Mrs. Staley sonnel in the standstill zone. Ceausescu. Mayor Mel Ravltz, who used his Panther leaders said the black FHega Sr. said today, “ but my ons, as well as massive econom­ Immediately after the arrival ed from the building shortly aft­ ic aid, while Israel continues to At the same time he appeared body as a shield to guarantee erward______when police moved In community, not the police, son is a policeman and it could to confirm U.S. newspaper re­ ceremony the two presidents be­ should be credited for lack of have something to do with occupy the territories of three gan their first and only ^sched­ the safe surrender of Black. ^'d'~fired teargas shells. ’They states, members of the United ports that Washington had just Panthers in a police slaying, uninjured. bloodshed. that.” sold Israel a -large quantity of uled business meeting in Nix- Ravitz, however, said that at The father and soh have the Nations, while Israel continues says "patience, discipline and “ It could have been 1967 all to -wage its aggression against armor and artillery. In reply to ' on’s oval office. hardheaded common sense” the Black same name, and Mrs. Flega American sources said they over again, and more,” said the news • conference the peoples of these states, and a question, he smilingly admit­ kept the Incident from being a Ravitz referring to the Detroit Panther leaders "acknowledged said her son told her someone did not expect anything particu­ defies United Nations resolu­ ted that if the reports were C “ showdown—a holocaust.” riot three years ago which left impllcity the response was a had asked lor his first name at accurate, "technically this is an larly dramaUc to come out of tions.” 43 dead. fair response. ’They just refused the station Saturday. important contribution” toward the talks. 'Ceausescu was ex- Meanwhile, 15 black youths Riad.added: Ravitz, Detroit (Jommon to give any acknowledgement to The younger Fiega has not offsetting Egypt’s new missile , pected to stress the importance were charged Sunday with mur­ • "Only two days ago, the Unit­ advantage. • of Increased trade between the der in the shooting death of Pa­ Council president who is serving the police. at home for two years. ed States announced that it was trolman Glenn E...... Smith, 26, , a - as mayor in the absence of va- "it seems that’s something to Mrs. Fiega said she and her providing Israel with 180 of its Yariv displayed maps and two countries but he Is aware aerial photographs which he that Congress Is not In the mood Negro. He was shot in the head cationlng Mayor Roman Gribbs, build on. We have an opportunl- ® ^ most advanced tanks, as part of said showed the missile buildup. to grant most - favored nation ftt near the headquarters of the praised black community lead- ty to say we can behave as you bomb exploded There was a $450-milllon credit facilities for National Committee to Combat ers and the police for their ac- saw. It’s your turn to indicate to & eras an our arms purchases. Yariv claimed that since the tariff treatment to goods from cease-fire took effect Aug. 7, the Fascism, a Panther organizing tions in avoiding further ua you can behave and that , . This represents a further es Romania. number of missile batteries had After the White House meet­ group. bloodshed. you’ve got some responsibility ®^® Hke fire^ calation of the United States’ as- T increased from 16 to 40 or 50. Police said they arrested two sistance to Israel, the aggres­ ing, the Romanian president Of these about 40 are inside other persons in connection with sor. ’Thlb announcement came will attend a luncheon given in ability of the com m ^ ty t p^ugg Superintendent John bioivn throughout the basement. the standstill zone which ex­ his honor by Secretary of State the burning of three cars, in­ after Israel’s withdrawal from Nichols said: “ The problem of ghe said she thought the bomb contacts with Ambassador Jar­ tends 18 miles from the western William P.’ Rogers. In the after­ cluding two police vehicles. leadersj of Detroit and, wlta pa- j.gjjugjng ' a situation like that placed outside the ring and on the eve of the-con­ side of the Suez Canal, he add-^ noon he will lay a wreath at the Heavily armed police waited tlence and discipline, to does not require a policeman’s basement window, where'*a hole and de-escalate a potentially sideration, by the General As­ ed. ’Rimb of the Unknown Soldier, in the shadows for nine hours blood on the sidewalk.' We about 4 Inches deep and 8 Inches He contended that the 500-600 dangerous situation,” the silver- sembly, of the situation in the meet with George F. Shultz, di­ Saturday night and early Sun­ weren’t soft, we were sensible. in diameter was blown into the missiles had been placed with­ haired Wayntf State sociology Middle East. This is an act rector of the budget, and with day as black attorneys and a "We have no quarrel with the ground. in these 40 or so batteries in the professor said. which can be interpreted only Agriculture Secretary Clifford black newspaperwonMin entered Panthers, as long as they act le- “’The blast could be heard all standstill zone, with the closest the headquarters and convinced An investigation,mvesugauon, he..e said.au.u, as a support for Israel, to M. Ha:rdin. over the neighborhood,” she achieve its plans of territorial being seven miles from the ca­ A White House dinner tonight 12 of the charged youths to give would be conducted Into tne witnesses said the trouble be- added. PAUL 8AMUEUSON events which led to the shooting expansion.” nal. ccmcludes Ceausescu’s first day themselves up. gan Saturday evening when two There have been several Yariv added that these mis­ Nobel Prize Winner of Smith and wounding of anoth He repeated his charges that in Washington. Ravitz, white, and Council­ w “ ‘^“ n youths, who were selling Black bombing in Minneapolis and the United States was endanger­ siles had a range of 12 miles in­ man Nicholas Hood and State er black policeman Marshall pj^^y^er newspapers two blocks neighboring St. Paul over the ...... WASHING’TON (AP) — Presi­ ing world peace by its support side the Israeli-occupied side of Still to be announced are the Rep. James Del Rio, blEick, met Emerson Jr., 25. from the NCXJF headquarters, past several months. One youth o('’is’rael. the waterway. dent Nixon returned fronj an Black Panther leaders prizes for physics and chemis­ the youths at the sidewalk of the "By taking this hostile posi­ He said he based his informa­ overnight stay at Camp David in two-story building and escorted claimed police had been harass- (See Page Four) (See Page Five) time to greet visiting Romanian try. s tion toward the Arab peoples tion, on "various intelligence President Nicolai Ceausescu. ’The economics prize was set — and by supporting Israel, the sources” which he refused to Lines of tourists surrounding up two years ago by the Swed­ aggressor, the United States ob­ detail. the White House gave the re­ ish Central Bank in connection structs the realization of peace At the same time,, the Egyp­ turning President a wave as his with its 300th anniversary. in the Middle East, endangers tians also were moving more ar- helicopter lantled on the grassy ’The Swedish Academy said In Santa Cruz world peace, and ncourages tillery into the standstill zone in Ellipse south of the White House Samuelson’s “ extensive produc­ ..the use of force in 1 mational violation of the agreen/ent, as tion, covering nearly all areas at 9:40 a.m. today. relations,’; Riad sai Soviet arms continued to pour On the White House south- of economic theory, is charac­ He urged the United Nations E^ypt, he claimed, lawn, ceremonial preparations terized by an outstanding ability Doctor M^y Have Lunged to a(ft now to curb Israel, but re- Replying to a question he were completed for the official to derive Important new Uieo- peated Egypt’s “ resolute deter­ mination to liberate every inch (See Page Fourteen) (See Page Fourteen) (See Page R ve) At Killer on Seeing Slain Son 2

By EDITH M. LEDERER booked on a warrant charging .turned and lunged for the killer Plane Crash Claims Four Asscolated Press Writer him with the five slajdhgs. and got shot under-the arm,” Russians File Protest SANT ACRUZ, Calif. (AP) — Dlst. Atty. Peter Chang Jr. the friend said. A family friend says he believes , also has said he thinks one per­ TTie killer then finished him Over Border Incident Nine State Residents Die a gunman shot Virginia Ohta son could have killed all five— off, the friend said. -> ... I Dr. Ohta, 46, his wife, 43, their Police have reported that all dead in her home and then lay MOSCOW (AP) — ’The Soviet across the Sovlet-’rurklsh bor­ sons Derrick, 12, and Taggart, the victims were shot once in in wait to pick off four more vic­ Union announced Monday it has der was "clearly accidental.” In Weekend Accidents 11, and Mrs. Cadwallader, 38. the back of the head with a .22- tims. lodged a protest ■with the gov­ “ Violations of the Soviet Un­ 6 ’Die friend said Mrs. Ohta was callber bullet, except Dr. Ohta, short of the runway, according TTie friend told an interviewer ernment of the United States ion’s ■ air spape by American By t h e a s s o c ia t e d PRESS alone in the house last Monday who was shot three times with a planes happen by no means be­ to witnesses. Sunday he believed the next to “ in connection with the violation Nine Connecticut residents afternoon and when she did mot .38—once under the arm, once cause of xSome chance cmicur- In Meriden, 25-year-old Albert die were Dr. Victor M. Ohta’s of the U.S.S.R. state border by died In accidents over the week­ secretary, Dorothy (jadwallad- show up to pick up the sons, in the back and once in the back an' American military plane last rence of circumstances but are Gabryszenskl was struck and school officials telephoned Dr. end, including four persons who er, and one of the Ohta sons she of the head. ^eek.” a result of the general miUtary lost their lives when their small killed by a car Saturday as he Ohta’s office. The friend said he believed crossed Route 66. Police identi­ had brought home from schodl. ’The official Soviet news agen-. activity of the United States in aircraft crashed and- burned “ I believe the killer got Mrs. the youngster who came home fied the driver of the car as ’Then, the friend said, the evi­ cy Tass said a similar protest areas adjoining the Soviet Un- during a landing attempt in Ag­ dence suggested that Dr. Ohta Ohta in the afternoon and sim­ with his father tried to run but was lodged with the government ion,” the statement charged, James P. Dlnneen Jr., 28, of was “ cut with a pistol butt awam, Mass. arrived with another son, found ply waited for the others to of ’Turkey, “ drawing serious at- Soviet authpritles granted per- Hamden. across his forejiead” and then Killed in the plane crash Sat­ out What was going on, lunged come,” the friend said. teiltion to the fact of tl>e viola- mission Sunday for Consuls Pe- In /Prospect, i2-year-old Jo­ urday were Mr. and Mrs. Serge at the lone killer and was shot Dr. Ohta picked up one son shot. tion of air space by ait Ameri- ter C. Swlers and Richard seph Pulaskas Jr. of Waterbury Sidney of West Hartford; the dead in turn. and Mrs. Cadwallader picked up Scarves found binding the vic­ can plane flying tram the terri- Combs to visit Maj. Gen. Ed- was klUed Saturday as he pilot, Gtoorge Larson, 51, of The friend said the last to die the other boy at a different tims’ wrists "were very loosely tory ot Turkeyward C.D. Scherrer, chief of the pushed his bicycle up a hill on Hartford; and Norma Pearl, 49, appeared to have been the son school, the friend said. tied,” the friend said. He con­ ’The statement charged there u.S. miUtary mission in ’Turkey, Route 110. State police said the a slater of Mrs. Sidney. who came home from school ’Ilte secretary arrived home cluded all were dead when the had been ‘^taure than 10 unlaw- and Brig. Gen. Claude M. Mc- youth was hit by a car driven (Larsen is the brother of Mrs. with his father. He said the boy first, about half hour before the killer tied their hands with the ful violations in the past three Quarrie Jr., chief of the mls- by Charles M. Morris, 42, of Walter Ostby of Manchester probably was cut down, while eye surgeon, because Dr. Ohta neckwear—from the doctor’s years alone.” sion’s Army section. Waterbury, who was charged and Erllng F. Larsen of Wind­ trying to flee from the killer. had stopped to visit his mother, wardrobe—and threw them in ’Die announcement of the The pilot of the generals’ with misconduct with a motor sor, formerly of Manchester; ’The friend, who had known Mrs. Kike Ohta, 80, who lives in the pool. protest was made as two Ameri- Beechcraft got lost in turbulent also the uncle of Earl C. Lar­ vehicle. Dr. Ohta 25 years, granted an Santa Cruz, the friend added. - ’The killer then set fire" to the can consuls flew from Moscow weather during a tour of bases In Oppenhelm, N.Y., Robert house. The bodies were found by sen of Manchester. Tliey for­ interview only after being as­ ’The friend said he believed to Soviet Armenia to learn, from jn eastern ’Turkey ahd landed firemen responding to a neigh­ merly operated a hardware F. Brower' ^of Norwalk died sured his name would not be that when the doctor got home the two American generals safely on Wednesday at Lenlna- while trapped in the wreckage bor’s alarm call. store in Depot Square and now used. He said he based, his opi­ he was met at the front door, of aboard the plane just how it kan, just inside Soviet territory, Sheriff’s Sgt. Richard Damon, operate a hardware, store in of his car early Sunday morn­ nions on information he gath­ his home by the armed killer happened to land in the Soviet The U.S. Embassy in Moscow Windsor. An obituary of George ing. Brower, 30, was pronounced and ordered to walk to the one of the principal investiga­ Union last Wednesday. requested prompt release' of the ered while working with sher­ tors,’ was asked his reaction to Larsen is printed on page 8 of dead at* the scene.’ iff’s investigators, and “ a care­ swimming pool, where the" bod­ ’Die plane also carried an plane, the generals, their Amer- Police said the accident oc­ the friend’s explanation of the today’s Herald.) ful retracing of events.” ies o f“the three others had been American pilot and a ’Turkish j^an pilot and a ’Turkish escort PoUce said a»t autopsy Sun­ curred about 1:30 a.m., but the crime. John Linley Frazier, 24, who -thrown. • ' colonel. ’The U.S. Embassy here officer. The Soviets refused, day indicated the victims died wreckage was not discovered Damon said he was “ very lived in a shabby' cabin about “ I think he saw the first had asked for prompt release of saying . the plane “ violated So- of bums and carbon monoxide until several hours later. Brow- glad this is coming out because half a mile from Ohta’s $25b,0(X> child’s body lying in the pool -the plane and its occupants, poisoning. » hilltop mansion, ' has been ■from the steps and he probably (See Page Eigljjl) saying the plane’s intrusion (See Page Five) ’The airplane crashed just (See Page Seven) MANCRESTEK EVENING.-HERALD.. MANCHESTER. CONN.. MONDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1970- PAGE 7HREE ______itrt'i I , ■ t»AGE TWO MANdiESTElR EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. MONDAY, OCTOBER 1970

IT CMC Strike Candidates■e- Debate Issues. y Andover MOVIE RAHNOS Sheinwoltl on Bridge §X A It eA^JElC''V TV Toniflfht« CUSTOM REUPHOLSTERING ______Vernon V THEATER TIME -By (X A Y R. POLLAN- rUT-TL-y mRRARENIBANO ARIIS L lIR A for Complete Listings. SCHEDULE Your Doily A ctiriiy Guide^ Hits Rogers Officials Discuss Bonding ot no extra UNLCCKT EXPERT PLAYS MAR. 21 See Saturday’s TV Week Every piece ^ YOUNG PEOPLE NORTH According fo the Start, ’’ 1-84 IN MANY MODERN GAMES ^Ati. 1* s;;;n Manchester voters who are be taped by Radio Station Protecicd by K ■ f o t c h g a r d cost to you P la y g ro u n d R a te d Th» e titcim of is* tning$ U to iiiiorm A None To develop message for.Tuesdoy, Bumsi'de — Hall Hero, 7:30; 1^17-22-3545 4-18-29-34/ interested in issues to be decid­ WINF, for broadcast on Thurs­ “THE WAY ptrtna obavt ih t MSaMifr of By Alfred Shelnw'pl< O AKQJ 1/59-65-83-90 read words corresponding to numbers Plant Here Perry Man CsUlq^l Horse, 9:10. itm fo contoot tot viowlne Or chUdnn. 4a-50'68 " (18) WUa Wild West ed in the Nov. 3 elections have day. 0 J8765 TAURUS of your Zodiac birth sign. Feeling the pinch of the .Gen­ E q u ip m e n t E4st Harford Drive-In— Re­ Top Priority Today’s hand c^mes from SCORPIO (30) Addems- Family a choice of attending one of two 'The Manchester Property j t--'- 4> 7543 -■X APR. 20 1 Don't 31 If 61 Your ocr. eral Motors Corp. strike and the (40) GUllson’s Island (C) I H E AR D r r open Wednesday. 2Add 32 Problami 62 You'll Weather Watch (U) public meetings Wiednesday Owners Association will con- • ALL ACES AOMinEO "Cut for Partners," vdilch the ^ '1' EAST ( MAY 20 general economic atmosphere, .liZS (40) Manchester Drive-In — Re­ 1 ^ Ctflcnl AuOicnett 3 Try 33 Progress 63 Find NOK. 21 .1:30 (SO) GUlizan’s Island (C) night, both at 8 o’clock. duct a public meeting at Lln-j R equested B y A h e a m late S. J. Simon wrote- some 28 AKQJ 10 76 A 5432 , 1- 5-1031 4 Money 34 Develop 64 Overcome the Rogers Corp. Molding and (40) What’s My Line? (C) open Friday. 65 About 38-47-51-571 The Manchester League - of coin School, at the Center, to <7432 '49-60-73 SShow 35 To 69-72-78 ^ Materials Division on Mill St. 6:00 (3-MO) Weather — Sports and by John Gruber State Theatre — House of Aloysius J. Aheam, Demo­ years ago. I ’d recommend this ^ None 6 If 361s 66 News News (C) Women Voters will conduct its hear town officials explain the A request of the PTO Ck>uncil ALL AGES AOMimO 0 432 GIMINI 7Good 37 Rushed 67 Action SAGITTARIUS was force'd to shut down. last (18). Dirk Van Dyke Dark Shadows, 9:10; 'Dck Tick P irtntit Guidtnci Suggnttd little classic to fun-loving 0 K traditional "Meet the Candi­ need for bond Issues of about for the installation of playground cratic candidate for state rep­ AKI62 * 10 98 8 Today 38 Keep 68 Fovor NOr. 22 A t week to help restore the balance (30) To Tell the Truth (C) Tick, 7:30. 9 Should 39 Stofie 69 The B:ai (40) Bawhide dates" session. It will be in the $2 mllUon for school additions equipment on the grounds of the resentative from Andover, Bol­ bridge players except that it’s y ^ fiju N t 20 between production and unfilled U A ■nieatre—On A CUear Day, SOUTH 10 Resentment 40 You 70, Employment DEC. 2f B:S0 (8) News with Walter Cron- auditorium of the Bowers and renovations, $3.6 _ million town’s elementary schools will out of print. (I found it at the 0)7-12-2046 11 Ar>other 41 Concentrate 71 Act orders. klte (C) 7:00, 9:1S. ton, and Coventry, told the Dem­ A 9? 72 Moin 6-19-24-40^. (8) News with Frank Rey­ School, Princeton and Henry for highways, and $970,000 for People are always talking Massenet and Salnt-Saens were be discussed by the Board of Gambler’s Book Club in Las ^53-703038 12Doy. 42 Into 56Ai82-87V ^ •In addition, a production cut­ ocratic Women’s Club recently RHTHICTCD <7 109 8 7 65 13 Breakfast 43 Is 73 You nolds and Howard K, Smith Sts. sidewalks. . about "the good old days," and just beginning their careers. Education as its meeting to be Undtr 17 rtquirts tccompsnying Veg;a8, periiaps the best place 0 A Q 9 CANCIR 14 To 44 Your 74 Moment CAPRICORN back will result In the loss of (18) Candid Camera P»r«nt or Adult Guordion 75 Coreer (30) NBC News Appearing will be the Demo­ Appearing will be Superin­ it occurred to me to do a little Puccini was twelve years old. held tonight at 7 :30 at the Sykes that if elected he would put the in the world to get new and oW j t A JU N f 21 15 Bring 45 Avoid DEC. 22 jobs for 13 people until the Gen­ Coventry 4> A Q 16 Forget 46 Seeking 76 People *:00 (3) After Dinner Movie cratic and Republican candi­ tendent of Schools Donald Hen- The attitude of audiences was School. routing of new highway 1-84 books on, bridge and a^ s o ^ « ^ 'lU L Y 22 eral Motors strike ends and (8) Truth or Consequences (C) research and see what was going South West North 17 Discretion 47 Your 77 Today JAH. 1 9 ^ dates for Fourth District stake ^nigan, ToWn Manager Robe rt far different from that of today. Equipment on the playgrounds high on his list of priority needs other card games.) you'll find East IB A ffoirs 48 In 78 Chonce 8- 9-15-28i< economic conditions improve.. (18) What’s My Une? (C) on in the field of opera just a 4 ♦ 5 ^ 5462 79 Somewhot (30-40) News — Weather and senator and the Derpocratlt Weiss and Director of Public With the Italian "bel canto” the was removed several years ago CGS Observes of the District. NO ONC UNOEII 17 AOMimO today’s hand as tre d i and tiwe- Pass 1 63-76-79-89 19 You're 49 Someone bo-5546 In explaining the company’s century ago—that 1s, in 1870. The 5 a Pass 20 For 50 Your 8 d lf Sports (C) and Republican candidates for Works William O’ Neill. Presid­ (Ago limit may vvY * ly as the sun that rose this Pass Pass 81 On A ljU A R IU S 7:30 (30) Red Skelton (C) results interested me and I order of the day, people only after several children had been “A state representative must ( Double Pass LIO 21 Don't 51 Eye move, Thomas Johnston, vice- ing at the meeting will be m ctrttif) onii) Pass 6 O. 22 Needed 52 Happiest. 82 Opposing (8) Young Laivyers (C) state representative from the wanted to listen to the arias, a injured either during schodl re­ Education Week keep his constituents Informed," morning. juLr 21 JAN. 10 president in charge of manufac­ ( ) 1 Spy jC) SOFA or TWO CHAIRS FROM hope they'll interest you. Pass Redouble All Pass 23 Family 53 Part-time 83 R o ^ n tic 18 18th, • the 19th and the 20th As­ M POA president Harry Rein- state of affairs that still pre­ cess or while playing on the East dealer. ^AUG. 22 84 With FIB. ^ turing, said that the company (40) It 'Takes a Thief (C) fflstorically, it was quite an said Aheam, "On any state pro- 24 Determined 54 Difficult 8:00 (30) Rowan and Martin’s sembly Districts. horn. - Coventry Grammar School is alroort or whatever '.„AU. SB AMO (B East-West Vulnerable. 25 Stepping 55 Money. 85 Work 3-14-16-23^ Each Piece Stripped to Bare Frame interesting year as well. It was vails. But they carried it a lit­ grounds alter school. This left marking American EducaUon «H>ort or wnaiever. 2-11-25-39 I supplies a lot of molders for Lanch-In (!') Mrs. Jay Rublnow, a charter At both the LW V meeting and Of of A-K-Q-J-10-7-6: Hearts, None; 26 Be • 56 Con 86 Deliberation 3241-8L-S tle further a century ago. Peo­ the town open to damage suits . ^ .. if it affects this area it is the MOTION NCTU« eeqi Of ml#-«oulat)0«i Opening lead — King '58-61-75 57 On 87 Forces General Motors and that many 8:30 (8-40) Silent Force (C) Broken Springs Replaced & Hand-Tied ^ the year that the Pope was de­ 27 Time (18) Movie member and past president of the M POA meeting, the partici­ ple actually dined in their boxes, and led theh f board to have the ^ rerpesenta. Spades. Diamonds, K-10; Clubs, K-J-8-t. VIRGO ;28 Some 58 To 88 Needed PISCiS of the company’s other custom­ Brand New Spring Cushions w _ W prived of his papal states and 69 Unresponsive X8-40) NFL Night Football (C) the Manchester LW^, will be pants will , answer questions sensible bridge player What do you sayT l29W ill 59 Gossip FEB. I f -IS* (30) Movie retired to the Vactican to re­ interrupting their meals only for equipmentluipment removed.removed, Principal Robert Bralrton is «v e to be alert and to keep c l^ e Gladys Jlllson wUl be in charge No s e ^ b le onoge , 30 Good 60 "Bugs” 90 Prospect ers are cutting down on their the moderator. The session will from the floor. Frames Hand Polished (Not Refinished) H u d v c i I c r n t s ’ Answer: Bid one spade. Ihe MAR. 1 0 ^ 9:30 (3) Doris Day Show (C) main his own prisoner there for a particularly tasty tune. They Parents are now requesting inciting ^ e n t s to drop in to communlcaUon between the the program, which wUl con- woiUd fii^ t « m ^ s 10/27 inventories. 10:00 (3) Carol Bnmett Show (C) 5 Year Warranty on Workmanship also visited back and forth and thatat the school grounds once the M h o ^ anytime tomorrow People and the state." slst of a workshop working with hearts mdoubled^ but hand has far too much slam 21-56^3742 « ) Adverse Neutral 13-27-36-44^ The shutdown effected over 00 (18) Conn. Report (C) nearly 00 years. It was also the slst of a workshop working 52-74-77 ^ carried on animated conversa­ again have some play equip­ 67-71-8486 2T people In the plant which has ap­ 10:30 (18) Hartford Talk-In (C) FREE Extra Arm Covers fo Match Upholstery! year that the dogma of papal or Wednesday for an informal For the past few years, tne pine cones. Also suaes oi a re- i^^^riany modem "J ^o u r spadea Y o u ^ ^ lt:00 (3-30) NewL — Weather and proximately 80 employes. infallibility was promulgated. tions during all the "recitatlvo ment. The board has ^ e n told visit and coffee with him and routing of 1-84 has been of great cent flower show will be shown. Uriucky Ex- make ^ slam if partner Sports secco.” that new equipment is much Mrs. Slble Roethke, the read- concern to local residents. Members are asked to bring a l o u r s o n 'e S ; ^ ^ m u c ^ ^ ^ ^rily m ^ e a s l ^ i ^ ^ r ^ Johnston expressed the hope (18) News with Brian Dow Franz Josef was chosen king outgrown uniforms in good con­ 11:35 (S) Movie special purchase of Russian operas were un­ safer than the type formerly Bolton that the 13 layoffs would be 11:30 (30) Tonight Show Johnny Cai^ of Hungary, the throne there ing specialist. Hearings in all three towns have slip or cutting for an exchange, pert a ‘X ^ o r h i r ^ T of cluta T S t dition should drop them off at **T known outside of their home­ installed on the grounds. The short, but added that the Gen­ son (C) ■ having lapsed, but while he was Brairton noted in announcing been held. The result has been Miss Dorothea Raymond and ^ ^ ^ ^ slam if* you opened her house on Rt. 85. (18) Merv Griffin Show (C) land. Opera was a very some­ PTO has pledged to raise money the open house that parents are a) great difference of opinion Mrs. John Ulrich are in charge ger- liw,'but“ a“ spe“cT^'one fo‘r“"the necticut, Hartford County and NoUce; Independents, Demo- Now the diamonds were teaches throughout Connecticut event shows the Shah and his gan break out here and welfare neip snouia not per _____ ..jn Tniland Countv Bar Asi attendants wearing their hats in ?J"' " ...... b e lie f ^ rolls It should council, which will be selecting Tolland County B ar Assocla- crata. Republicans—A1 is a nice . blocked, since South had only DOUBLE IN SIZE and Massachusetts. the roval box while listening to », h f h h t ^ i n thme with real need but sewer assessment commit- tions, he has practiced law in person but Dot hQller is nicer the queen left, with no way to COCKTAILS PTO Open House About 260 • parents .attended r .p,Sfo„““r ' “;,“ «ShS ptjje ihc public r »•—•» s; fp^xpSt-^i- 3 *hS $ 1 .5 0 the PTO open house last week bpt h“ ------D.mocr.ti= Cmmltt.., „ * b O towh,. TW. o» th. .lub Ib»b, o».. recipient to replace welfare to hear the three school prin­ YEARS Manchester Evening Herald Hie Andover Charter Commit- y,^g ygjg gtralght Republican, If this happens to you, don’t Bder Net Included cipals speak and to visit their I can only find out about three gtruck up 'The Blue Danube checks with paychecks,” Sad­ try to explain. Just say that Coventry correspondent Holly tee, the Andover Planning and (or Representative Corn- children’s classrooms, of them. Flotow, the composer vygitz’. In short order things be- lak said. you’re an Unlucky Elxpert. Appetixets Served Noting that no one wants to Gantner, Tel. 742-8796. Zoning Commission, and the mtttee—Donald Davis Treas. Norman Shaw, principal of of “M arta,” offered a new calm down and in a few Manchester Lodge BPOE. He ______Dally Question 5 P.M. to « P.M. hold back help from anyone the hlg^ school, requested the t? opera, oddly enough in French, pnements those who had been resides with his wife and three A s dealer, you hold: Spades, ) ERVICE who shows a real need, Sadlak Manchester Evening Herald, ^ ^ ^ PTO to consider Including "L'Om bre;” I ’ve never heart it ^jg^tlng were happily waltzing children at Wales Road. PROTfCTION CONTRACT said, however, almost everyone Andover correspondent, Sarah Grades 9 through 12 in its or­ but it seems to have survived away in each others arms". Dempsey Frees Vinkels says that if elected, represents spending tax d<^ars Palmer, tel. 742-9247. ganization. No action was taken quite a while and was in the Speaking of "Meisterslnger” he will make the office more B32EE on welfare abusers. $ 3 5 . 5 M i l l i o n u.t the meeting. John Petrus, as­ repertoire of thc( Hamburg one Vienna critic decried the accessible to the citizens and fbt Btauty Of WITH (Criticizing the deficit in the • i j • TP J sistant principal of the Elemen­ c Opera until 1933. famous quintet in that opera will move the office to a central richard benjamin Crrflimg Lift present budget, Sadlak said B uildlllg UnclS Raven of Habit The Freedom tary and Center Schools, re­ There was an opera by <31omes (which ranks vdth the Quartet location at the Andover Town frank langella “ihe Democratic record shows IrMk /■'» <'iMT li Auay! viewed plans for future ex­ called " n Guarny,” about South Office Building. COSTA MESA, Calif. (A P ) — C a r r ie snodgress from Rigoletto and the Sextette a $74 million welfare deficit in HARTFORD, Conn. (A P ) — Ntw American Indians. It still is oc- Lucia) as " a mouthful of Vinkels plans to set up regu­ Leroy, a raven with a ’^hablt of OAIIY AT pansion of the school facilities, under two years. That means q ov. John Dempsey gave the BHsttr« flw : Ixibv 'laktT <:]0 caslonaUy done in South Amer- water", lar office hours during the eve- lifting wallets and watches, is O f a m a d CirrvM ):W as presented to the Planning people 'who need help aren’t green light today to $36.6 mil f i o u a a w l f a Commission earlier this year. COLOR TV up for grabs in this coastal city BARBARA%»SHEY nio ica, and its overture sUU re- y^^ ^gg grttics were some- netting it." He suggested that uon worth of state construction ^ ^ ^ ‘ T, • fraaAi pony fHNi (SI- -TCOtMCa«------S' ■ George Patros, principal of mains a favorite wita concert yjjjgg error even in those the welfare overhaul Include projects, saying he wanted to ^^®® offlM in Hart . . . , bands in North America. ^ .Bargain Hour .1*2 FM. Daily BARGAIN HOUR DAILY—7I« the elementary complex, listed FEATURING proof of need and a follow combat unemployment in Con- insure that the paper ■ wor ^ hin home Saadinr* * HoMay Then on June 26, 1870 Wag- , ‘ ______UNTIL 2 P.M,—EX. SUN. B HOLIDAYS the following needs: ConUnued T ^ o u e h that money is being necUcut ’ necessary to the proper pro- says he is selUng his home and ner’s “Die Waikuere” was' pre­ N l WiNGTON development of Ubraries and in­ ^ tar essenUals. H io governor had held up cessing of est^es is handled Is lo o l^ g for someone who will 666 1401* miered in Munich. His opera “ Let’s use some of the wast- gtate projects last year because quickly and efficiently. Ne take tlw raven, structional resources center, 6IBUN TUfiN^IKi I BIPLIN IURNPIkI and' of curriculum; expansion "Die Meisterslnger” had been Tow n Asks Bids ed money to hire social work- qj high interest rates and high pledged to be a va il^ le any t o e But B e ^ .0 OUT'S id ■ .K ASTMOOR^ " TQ 7 wO GU^S ood GR ANTMOOR premiered jugt two years prev­ ers to work out training pro- cons^cUon costa. It was part urgent problems ^ e . and to ested p ^ t o t the bird plcta of program and- facilities for ex­ iously. Both operas were hailed On Water Tank grams and to set up day care ^ ^ naUonwlde anU-lnflation always t o e the t o e to 1 sten up wallets and watehes left ceptional children; more and as masterpieces by some and better supportive services for as anathema by others. Both r s iz r ” ” n . ’s r r f borderline and slow students; operas are still firmly fixed in continued study of the ways and the repertoire of every opera means of retaining students in mllUon - gallon, water - storage suggested, . company. We even had “WalkU' "W e should not the same grade; more effective tank in the southwest section of He added. HALLOWEEN PARTY in-service programs for the T " Manchester.lester. ItI will be erected write off older ^ ’un- “Meisterslnger” is too big for pubUc works department to go that an active i f ®>^t by of reach, and tear it to pieces. AT staff; review and revisions of in an j t e a ooff Keeney St., in trainables," we f the local company, but doubtless methods of recruitment, seleo the vicinitycmlty of the old Nike Site, their skllta to « f c h to |r ex- Siead with 17 projects. the Judge to the a o f U o n f tj® ______they’d like to do it. The tank is expected to serve perieijce. He conclu y Citing t o need to "bolster our problems before this court will Uon and retenUon of staff; Verdi was resting. He had fin- purposo-to furnish pointing out t o t economy and avert further un- result , in more ^ ^ efficient and less initiation of plans to Include Uhed “Don Carlos” two y®ars ^ g jg ^ ^ te c U o n in the for Increased vocaUonal trto - e^p,„y^ent in the building in- p r^ a te piwedure, T ake drug education and perhaps previously, and would not write complex, and to log and tar dustrx” Dempsey ordered bids Clothing Sale health and family living in the “ AlHo*' 4nv> ftirrt m nrA►re yeara. VAfirn ximH is . ^ domesUc _ .. Use__ i tern ue floUe in^ In.in \riih with hlSWs OrOPOSalS , bg, 'advertlsrt _ , ____i.,?* j on __ thexi. _ follow___ The used clothing Sale, for the a curriculum, and continued study fame was secure apd he was southwest secUon of town, for job ^rfnlng ^

RIANCHESTER-EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER.-G0NN« MONDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1970 P a g e f i v e PAGE FOUR MANCHESTER EVENING HERAEti. MANCHESTER. CONN.. MONDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1970 was limited,, to other parcels on Adult help, such as Coaches Russians the conveyor. Chamber Asks Region Board Hebron and referees, Is needled 'io assist with the progTom- Therefore, Dodd Blasts Back at Cumuimgs, mVDlE, Calif. (AP) — Fire ' iiiei '--i' ■ anyone interested is urg;ed to at­ ^Protest burned the campus branch of; For Help in Parking Issue Three Appointed to Study tend the Monday meeting. the Bank of America at the u £ Jars and Bottles Gains Some Democratic Backing verslty of California at Irvine The Chamber of Commerce veys: One on parking which he The Hebron Congregational Iixcident today, “ Death to the Pigs’’ and has taken the dispute over park­ said revealed 43 parking places Possibilities fo>r Recreation TUESDAY ONLY SPECIAL! were available within a min­ Church Sunday School Is collect­ By SOL R. COHEN an Independent party — Tom know when to quit. 1 remind '(Continued from Page One) other mesoages were sprayed ing on lower' Main St. by Man­ ing glass Jara and bottles of all on the outside walls with black utes’ walk of the business Robert Dixon, chairman of of the Age of Aquarius comes (Herald Reporter) Dodd is the candidate of his Democrats in Manchester and in ■ o chester Community College stu­ kinds to be sold, with the pro­ vlet air space,” but the United phlnt, authorities said. places; and another, in which the Recreation Commission, for all those bom between Jan. own Sour Grapes Party, and the state—before you say, ’I CHICKEN V 172 of 306 students replying to ceeds to go to the missions. No one was hurt in the 12:18 dents in late afternoon hours to has appointed commission 20 and Feb. 18. A blast at U.S. Sen. only the Republicans have any feel loyal to Tom Dodd,’ ask States said the violation was a questionnaire said they saw a.m. blaze. It was the second the Board of Trustees of Region­ members Leon Gardiner, J[o- Wednesday’s menu will con- Items may either be brought Thomas Dodd by Ted Cum- reason to cheer him on.” yourself, ‘Has he been loyal to “ clearly accidental.” no advantage in switching to to the Sunday SchTOl rooms or chairman of the .Cummings’ statement ,,,7 . LEGS AND c major fire at a campus branch L al Community Colleges. seph Kablik and Joseph sist of Aquarius porkette under the -U.S.-Soviet consu­ Illing. Pelletier to a special subcom- steaks, sunshine sauce, protest Mrs. . Shirley . ^ Schaeffer . , mayj be j luanoneaieiMj^nchester xyeinDemocratic u oia w obrought------a blast in ------return from Dodd, meanwhile, took issue of the world’s largest bank thia It has asked that board to help lar. treaty persons'may be de­ Earlier discussions on the mittee to ascertain faculties potato, vegetable power and contacted if a pi^up is desired, m Committee has ^ denial that the also with a statement by Vice year in California. Lnst Febru­ break the stalemate over student matter ended at an impasse __j o.roOoKi.. tVL___' ______Story Hour xow n g o m m i nT , e '12’ e,r iias Manchester chairman..hoirmnn everovor BREASTS and activities that are available Uranus applesfiuce cake, President Spiro Agnew in Hart­ tained incommunicado for up to ary'demwistrators, saying the parking while attended classes with MOC officials citing the in town for recreation. xhe menu for the remainder Startin^^ Nov. 4, the X>ouglas th ou g h t ft SWlft TBtort iro m for Dodd’s election. Mix of Match . bank represented the Establish­ at Bennet Junior High School. Library will conduct a E^ry the two-term senfttor, ftnd ft Dodd asked for Cummings’ ford Friday nieht that a vote four days, and that deadline inconvenience in switching for Dodd was, in effect, a vote ment, burned down a branch In Today, it sent a special delivery buildings after the opening of passed Stpiday. Soviet ottlclala Isla .Vista adjacent to the Uni­ m aL^aH ^t °lontl^s*'®forom ora^e Tulcl^M a^a,^g^(fn jS^port ejection from the Democratic for Duffey. letter to Henry E. Fagan, board the school year and merchants school children. Party. remain noncommital on when versity of California at Santa conducted by the commission, salad, peanut butter brownies; for Dodd by 12 members of Dodd said Agnew “ has ap­ HIGHLAND PARK MARKET chairman. pointing out the possibility of Mrs. Helen Horton, librarian, town committee. Sen. Dodd issued the follow- the plane and Its occupants B^bara. Dixon, at the meeting Thursday Thursday, pizza, cole slaw. parently accepted in good faith The letter cites two previous their being forced out of busi­ reported that she has received Among those supporUng ing short statement; 317 Highland St., Manchester— Phone 646-4277 would be released, saying only evening, directed the com­ lime Jello with topping; Fri- the misleading and Inaccurate Other Bank of America attempts to settle the contro­ ness. many requests fee the story according to an an- “Cummings has never work- that the incident was under missioners to compile a list of day, school. polls being circulated by my Re­ branches were targets of flre-' versy. A communication to Dr. The Manchester Chamber has 1)0 hour and that last year’s ses- nouncement by James Holmes, ed for me. He has been s{ab- Investigation. facilities and activities to. be PZC Hearing publican opponent’s campaign bombers and window-breakers. Frederick Lowe, ' president of always had good relations with slons were successful. Etodd’s state campaign manag- blng me in the back for years made available to the various ’The Planning and Zlclous X the college offered both class­ Cham'ier went on record In full subcommitteeibcommlttee list a contact in the Town Office B iS d ^ to “ *ong as pa^lpaU on Is mo Directors Frank Stamler and Cummings is a left-wing, possibly Indicating that the gov­ origin," adding they could not suppo "t of the college being es- Demo- room and parking space at Illing throughrough whom a hall or school c o J i l L r ^ L S ^ four l^ e e t .. Mrs. Mary I^Duc. Another is Pink.- Trojan-pony in the Demo ernment does not plan to make Immediately determine the Junior High School. J. Grant tablisvied in the conununity. ..omoo Ton n r TTooT nnd Parents who brijy their chll- Manchester businessman and cratic Party, and he ought to might be reserved. It was point­ an Issue ct It. cause or if arson was commit­ Swank, executive vice president Thi Utter also mentions that names Jan Dr. EMt and ^^g requested to remain gj^jg leader Matt Moriartv an bfe thrown out of it.” Buckley School ted. There was no reported ex­ ed out that the commission is West,Woat BurrowsRiirrnws Hill Rd.Rd and ....y^g _ library_____7. for___ .kothe ooooinnsesslMi. leaner m ail m on an y, an An embassy spokesman said of the chamber says that this the C namher has always taken plosion. constantly receiving "calls to re­ Jones St., Main St. west to the _____ old friend and backer of Dodd. '' Hits Advertisements the consuls would determine offer has now been confirmed pride in sponsoring various bus­ ’The others are Nicholas Jack- Cummings, who said he was Hit by Vandals serve a school hall for a special Marlborough town line, and Rt. Advertisement— E f f u n from the officers and their pilot, The bank’s interior was in writing by both the Man­ iness scmlnaro in cooperation function when the request ston, Joseph Gervals, Mary speaking as an individual—“ as FOB A UFETIME! Army MaJ. James P. Russell, burned out causing an estimat­ 85 south of Rt. 6«. Bob S‘ eele for C o ^ e s^ J t^ te ^ “ ;r ,''E d ^ n ^ w ^ , m Ti^ The Buckley School was brok­ chester Police Department and with he college, that the Cham­ should be made through the a life-long Democrat and not as •you'll never have to buy film ■ ed $125,000 damage, officials The Republic^. Steele For Congress S lif^ M .^ am es P a yU ^ ’ en into during Friday night and because each time Uggelts d w e lls and exactly what happened. They the Board of Education. ber h 13 maintained a represent­ Board of Education. a representative of any candi­ prints your roll of Black & White or said. Nine other businesses In several rooms were ransacked. also will check ltol. picture___ projector,____ . irith___ __ help^ Others whom Nixon met with at Tina’s Restaurant, Rt. 85, Appeals public hearing, 8 p.m., mvestigate Emerson’s shooting, Police said a small package from George Bernato, program ^ 6- series of meetings with six were Emperor Halle Selassie of exploded when a container of from 4 to 7 p.m. Town Office Building; Recrea- was killed by a shot In the director for the Heart Associa­ chiefs of state and heads of gov- Ethiopia, Archbishop Makarios, parcel mall ws dumped <»ito a Adolph Simons, town con- y^^ Council meeting, 8 p.m.,. head, tion. Mrs. Diane LaRochelle, ernment. ' the president of Cyprus, Presl- conveyor. Authorities were Town firemen responded to a stable, has arranged for a po- xown Office Building; Public other casualties were re­ R. N., director of In-service ed­ He assured Nationalist dent Yaya Khan of Pakistan trying to determine "wdio sent call at 68 Butternut Rd. at 10:65 lice escort to meet Dodd at the Health Niu^lng Agency flu din- ported. ucation Is checking out the Chinese Prime Minister C. K. and Demltrio B. Lakas, presl- the package and to whom It was Saturday morning. There was Columbia' town line and escort 7 to 9 p.m.. Agency office. ’ ______sound filmstrip projector with Yen the United States’ efforts to dent Yahya Khan of Pakistan addressed. some difficulty with a cord to him to the affair. ’nmrsday: Board of Select- free Francis Devlin, representing improve relations with Oommu- Panama. Walter R. Smith, 30, a postal an air conditioner there. Richard McDonald and l/Hiis men meeting, 7 p.m.. Town Of- ROCOM Division of Hoffman-La- nlst China In no way l e s s e n s ------Bellone will have Fashion Show worker who was operating a A fire in a car parked cm Gar­ campaign (jee Building. *^an extra Roche, Inc., the maniifactureer. U.S. support for the government Guam In the Pacific was col- posters and markers along the Night, fork-lift, was blown off the vehi­ den Grove Dr. was quickly ex­ Friday: BUI O’NelU The 8-week 120-hour program of Chiang Kai-shek. Mtized by Spain In 1668 and ced- route that Dodd wlU follow. Is Scheduled ROBERT J. SMITH, cle. He suffered only shock. tinguished at 2:16 Saturday af­ Moose HaU, 9 p.m. right will get under way this week Cambodia’s Chen Heng re- ed to U.S. In 1898. Residents of town are cordial­ Saturday; Assessors office By B’nai B’rith INSURANSMITHS SINCE 1914 Postal officials said damage ternoon. ly invited to attend and meet hours, 9 a.m. to noon and 1 to hand the senator. 4 p.m.. Town Office Building. The B’nai B’rith Women of Complete voter instructions Basketball League Manchester will sponsor a fash- 6 4 9 - 5 2 4 1 on how to split a ticket will be PlaytiBx’’ C An organizational mereting of g^ow tomorrow at 8 p.m. at 963 MAIN STREET, MANCHESTER available at the reception for the Hebron Youth BasketbaU Temple Beth Sholom. The event (Ground Floor Next to House & Hole) those interested. League will be held tonight at 8 jg open to the public, and tickets living’^ Glove Zodiac Lunches at the Town Office Building. All maj' be purchased at the door. given with the purchase of a pair Cafeteria manager, Mrs. interested persons are invited to Fashions from the Carriage 'Marjorie Porter, has announc- attend. House Boutique will be modeled ed that starting this week a Boys in the filfth and sixth by Mi-a. Ronnie Teimenbaum, a * limch will be dedicated to those grades at both schools are ellg- niei nber of the sponsoring 1.49 bom imder the twelve different ibie to play. Sign up day will be gro ip, and professional models PLAZA sights of the Zodiac one day Saturday from 1 to 3 p.m. at the pj-o .rlded by the boutique. The T each week in the elementary cmead Hill School. Boys may cairit^e House Beauty Salon schools. also sign up Nov. 2 from 7 to 8 .create the hairstyles. * D EPT. STORE Lunch rooms in both schools p.m. at the school. Chairmen for the event in- We Have A Notion To Please BAST MIDDLE TPKE. have been decorated with post- The league consists of four clule Mrs. Leon Silverman, (Next to Popular Mkt.) ers describing the signs and teams who play Intersquad ticlietj; and Mrs. Roy J. Open Wed., Thnrs., Fri. till 9 what people bom under each games Saturday afternoons at s d wartz, publicity, sign are noted for. Gilead Hill with all-star teams Mrs. Doris Shefisch, a fourth picked to play out-of-town ^ y-\ W 1 / grade teacher at the Gilead games. Hill School, has been busy do- Complete uniforms are hir­ ing all the art work for the nished by the IfA^e. However, menus which are being printed -there is a registration f ^ which with the Zodiac signs. partially covers the cost of In- You knolo Fran! On Wednesday, the dawning surance. To Make Your “He care* about people' Saturday Shopping Easier We Have a S t o n ^ FREE ROUTE 88, TALOOTTVILLE, OONN. -4 PHONE M9-79 2 SHOPPING BAG 6 FOR YOU X *!• To Make Your Saturday Banking Easier t ... our Main Street, Parkade, For Your and Boiton Notch Offices are FAVORITE SERVICEMAN Re Elect Gift Packages of Gourmet Foods WE GIFT WRAP FREE ^ MAIL ANYWHERE FRAN MAHONEY OHBlS'mAS OVERSEAS HAILINO DEADLINE OPEN 9-12 NOON ...... N ov. • 8.AJM. (Space Available HaU) ...... Nov. *9 State Representative P.A.L. (Parcel Air Utt) ...... Nov. *7 Air Mali ...... ,...... Dec. 11 19th Assembly District FOR THANKSGIVING LARGE SELECTION OF Pull Top Lever Savings BankA of Manchester • BOXED COOKIES • PETIT FOURS ' - • FRUIT AND RUM CAKES . Open Mon. - S*t. 194 — Hiura. A Fri. 19-9 — Sunday 1-8 Blahoney Committee; Harry Maldment, Treaa. MANCHESTER • EAST HARTFORORD • SOUTH WINDSOR BOLTON - I /

ftlANGHESiTSR -EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN„ MONDAY. OCTOBER 26, 1970 PAGE SEVEN PAGE SIX MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. MONDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1970 tance to both teachers and gant long presses. Men who di" where toe social hlgWlght which ^h m an flew to England, local nerws published here. electrical transmissions between nerve higher, and more oppressive « * in. » ' .... All rights of repuhlioatlon of speedai dis­ taxes. His program would put ^ Approach” dario in his campaign to become of toe week can be Julie Elsen- This Is toe second trouserless patched herein are also reeerved. hower having her girlfriends party that Lehman has staged ceils. Tbe drug itself becomes a new the power brakes on the run- Editor, our Governor. • f u n e r a l h o m e The Herald Printing Company Inc., as­ away, ruinous spending orgies Connecticut needs a new face over for an afternoon cup of In Washington with the help of K. sumes no financial responsibility for typo­ kind of transmitter,., uniting previously Sincerely, of the past five years, b y : ® fresh approach in - the tea and a movie showing of two bachelor roommates who graphical errors appearing In advertise­ existing responses into new and some- ■ Pascal Mastrangelo ments , and other reading matter in 'Rie 1. Elimination of the wasteful United States Senate. ’The Presl- "Othello” . share his (Jeorgetown Row Manchester Evening Herald. times startling results. ^ duplication and bureaucratic *J®nt needs members of his own Visualize, If you can, Adm. house. Established 1874 Three generations of service Subscriber to Ixw Angeles Times-Waalhlng- sprawl with its creation of lus- Republican Party in the Senate Renti>randt Robinson, Kis­ Last year’s was held in De­ ton Post Nows Servicej- Ibese results can range from depres­ Full service client of N. E. A. Service Inc. clous 320,000 to 330,000 salary In order to get meaningful legis- Weekend singer’s liaison with Chief of cember. "But some people com­ Publishers Renrcsentatlves — Mathews, “ plums” . latlon off dead center. Lowell plained of getting a little 142 East Center Street Shannon and Cullen Inc., Special Agency sion, hallucination, paranoia and in­ Naval Operations Adm. ’Hiom- — Now York, Chicago. Detroit and Boston. somnia on to feelings of omnipotence 2. Calling a halt to the high Welcker can fill these needs, as Moorer, resplendent topside chilly,” Lehman explains. “ So Manchester, Conn. 06040 pressure pork-barrel type ex- At 39 years of age Lowell can Accidents in gold braid and artistically tills time we moved It up to Display advertising closing hours Eind, in a few patientq, increased sexual For Monday — 1 p.m. Friday. travaganzas such as te.D.A.P. claim an envious political rec- attired astern in flower-bedeck- a warmer month.” 203) 649-7196 For Tuesday — i p.m. Saturday. drive. For Wednesday — i p.m. Monday. whose chief beneficiaries are ord including two terms as ed skivvies trimmed in ruffles. The theme of toe party, Leh- For Thursday — i p.m. Tuesday. Q aim Nine 2 those self anointed “ experts” Greenwich First Selectman and There was Richard B. Allen, «>an feels, "is an Interesting For Frklay — 1 p.m. Wednesday. If one chemical, introduced at the (Continued from Page OneJ J^r Souirday — l p.m. Thursday. and masters’ thesis writers who two terms in the State Leglsla- key Nixon campaign adviser on niixture of frivolity, and still For Saturday — i p.m. Thursday. proper strategic sltuaUon, can cross­ have feathered their nests so ture. In Washing^ton this past er had been vacationing in toe foreign affairs and formerly nialntalning decorum.” Classified deadline — 5 p.m. day be- neatly at taxpayers’ expense. jje was recognized as one of the tore publication. 5 p.m. Friday for current the mind into such a variety of area, police said. ^ deputy to Kissinger, wearing a He had a six-piece rock band Saturday and Monday publication. 3. (Jutting out the enormous new, bright freshmen congress- In East Hartford, a 16-year-old tuxedo jacket over a pair of and most of his guests had a results, other chemicals may produce waste so common in most of the men. Monday, October 26 boy was killed early Sunday women’s knee-length bloomers rollicking time. "But there is other results, some of them, perhaps, State oriented activities and j . always someone,” he says, programs "®®*^ ^ spirited and inno- morning when the car he was dyed psychedelic colors, "who stands around looking more dependably specific. As our'State Comptroller, I vatlve. yet practical Senator for driving struck a utility pole, po- a stockbroker from Vlllanova, very sheepish In his garters.” lice said. Robert Berman was pa., wore a costume which could In The Kennedy-Johnson Drift am sure that Nathan Agostinelli Connecticut. I & o ^ Mr. Women guests aD wore ele- Sooner or later, then, there is likely to vrill keep a watchful eye on the Welcker, I feel that he has toe kilidd about 1 a.m. get him arrested in some states. Harry T^m an and Dwight Eisenhow­ William J. Lennon, Director 6 be a chemical medicine of the mind as State’s finances and will render potential to be, not just anotoer On Saturday a Branford man h Is underwear was made from er, not always for life most consistent found his wife’s body floating an American flag, extensive and as respected as the frequent reports on toe financial Senator, but a Senate Leader, Roy M. Thompson, Associate Director in Long Island Sound—just 2% of reasons, were American Presidents condition of toe State. The tax- ^ to consider Lowell Richard Smyser, Kissinger’s R. Bruce -Watkins, Associate Director, Corporation PresidenT chemical medicine which already exists payers have not been informed Welcker when you go to the i>olls hours after police had tempor­ whose world policy built up and in­ Vietnam expert and former for the other funcUons of the body. very accurately for toe past on Nov. 3. arily called off a search for the ABC PIZZA creased the prestige of the United Na- Sincerely, wbman. member of the Paris peace talks Watkins Directors welcome any questions on funerals, customs, pro­ ten years. He has toe ca­ delegation, wasn’t trying to re­ WheUier whatever high destiny or M. Adler Dobkln John Emley said his wife, 6«6%ENTERST. cedures, etc. Come in, phone or write for a dependable answer. No, ions as a law-making and a law-enforc­ pacity and desire to keep all main anonymous in toe crowd. Republican Town (Jhalrman Elizabeth, 60, had left the house MANCHESTER obligation, naturally. ing body. They used it to oppose aggres­ blind chance which created us and put those who are concerned well He had his name stenciled in posted on State affairs. ------in the afternoon to ball water us here is going to permit the chemistry large letters across the back of 643^2141 — 643-2142 sion and end war in Korea, ihsthe Suez. I have full confidence in Na- State-Wide Salary Levels from their boat, but had not ■peirhaps this question has been on your mind: Photographed by Sytvten Ofiara his shorts. John F. Kennedy and Lyndotv John­ of the mind to achieve any greater total than Agostinelli's ability, in- To the Editor, returned. He found her body PENNSYLVANIA BARN The host, John Lehman, wore Q. Can we collect a refund on Dad’s withholding tax for the 9 son, on the other hand, treated the security than that chemistry of the tegrity, sincerity, and honesty. Each passing year salary dls- near the pier where the boat I appeal to aU independent vot- putes with teachers have be­ was moored. his Cambridge University row­ months preceding his death? body, which is always discovering eith­ ed Nations as if it were an optional ers as well as to those of toe come more of a critical ifi- ing blazer over a pair of boxer Instnurtion In er some surprise new enemy, or finding shorts that had been tie-dyed luxury, to be allowed to handle problems . all face. Moreover, he possesses from those of you who have not. Drug Advisory Center, 81 Rus­ two major parties to cast their suse, we as parents and citizens Piano, Org^n or 'Voice A. Maybe, but probably not. A 20 page “Federal Tax Guide ft)r Three-Way Debate and then stitched strategically In which W were not vitally interested, - some old enemy b^ng reborn with new the high degree of character In Manchester alone there are sell St. ballots on Nov. 3, to help elect have to wait with bated breath Survivors, Executors and Administrators” (Document No. .5581) is NEW HAVEN (A P )—A three- by his girlfriend with a toad in iinmuniUes, we may never know. and Integrity so necessary in over 300 volunteers giving their It Is encourag^g to the mem­ our Mayor, Nathan Agostinelli, to see if our children will be cornered debate among Senate Jane^t^^raser Wodal but not to ^ allowed to become the rou­ needlepoint. The toad is the em­ available at no cost in any Internal Revenue Service Office. It covers public officials. time during the month of Octo­ bers of the Drug Advisory as toe next (Comptroller for tfie starting school on time. This has candidates and a speech by New The Open Forum blem of the (Jambridge Dining all rules, requirements and procedures. tine chann^ for use of United States All human affairs may,- for all we I sincerely hope that all those ber in order that we may sup­ Council to note the wide variety State of Connecticut. to have an extremely detriment- Haven Police Chief James Ahem / P h o n e 649-2304 Society to which Lehman be- diplomacy or United States military Commimicatlons for publication on the Open Porurr, will not who have supported me over port the agencies directly bene­ of community groups who are Slncerely yours, al effect on the quality and the will highlight to'e aimual meet­ know, bet based on two fundamental Frank U. Lupien nature of the education our chll- s tre n ^ . \ be guaranteed publication If they contain more than 300 the years will now support Dom fiting the citizens of Manches­ responding to this worthwhile ing of the (Jonnecticut Broad­ laws, the Ri^t that we must constantly words. The Herald reserves the right to decline to publish Squatrito ,by voting for him on ter. For those of you who are endeavor. If you would be inter­ An Independent .Voter (jfen will receive. We have a casters Association here Tues- PrCTldent^ Richard Nixon has aligricd seek all those''goals to which knowledge any matter that may be libelous or which is in bad taste. Nov. 3 to be their new State not familiar with the ^agencies ested in contributing to the on­ need for a more forceful and .day. Free expression of political views is desired by contribution.^ Senator. receiving direct help, they are “ Moflt Uterate, Most Judicial” himself with his two immediate pred­ can lead lis, iMit. the s^ond that we going activities of the Drug Ad­ effective means of settling these The debate, to follow a lunch­ of this charactar but letters which are defaniatory or abusive Sincerely listed below. To toe Editor, ecessors, and his speech to the United visory Center, please send your disputes before they reach toe eon at toe Park Plaza Hotel, never quite attain of them. will be rejected. David M. Barry Association for the Help of Re­ check to the Drug Advisory ’That editorial titled “ The gt^ke stage, and Mim Daddario will bring together Thomas Nations last Friday, on^the 26th anni­ tarded Children OUR LOWEST PRICES OF THE YEAR/ Council, in care of the Manches­ Agostinelli Trample” was ex- ^as provided us with just such Dodd, toe Incumbent seeking re- “ Intend To Vote Yes” Child & Family Services versary of the birth of the world ter Chamber of Commerce, 267 tremely good. It figures that ^ program, election as an Independent, Re­ To the Editor, Community Child Guidance we at toe mlUtary department ,,^g an Increase publican Congn^eesman Lowell -4 8 TH ANNIVERSARY SALE organization, was merely a slightly more Sam Rome Frighten^ Us “ Dedication” East Center Street, Manches­ . DOWNTOWN NEW HIIAIN - COMINI COINEA. WEST HAEITOlO • M»HCHESIE« fAMADE - MNIOE PLAIA • NEW LONDON MALI. issue of 3 1 million at 6 per cent On Election Day, Nov. 3, there Lutz Jr. Museum, Inc. would approve toe sentiments current Mediation Staff Welcker and Democrat Joseph graceful exhibition of Up service than Retired State Pdlice Major Rome To the Editor, would be 313.60. will be many Issues and ques­ Manchester Homemaker Ser­ ter. Cordially, caressed but I am applaudii^ these disputes with Duffey. Kennedy or J(4mson ever bothered to during his long career as a d^ectlve Do you vote at Buckley, High­ * The referendum proposal cost tions to consider as we cast our vice, Inc. the article as a piece of litera­ W. J. Godfrey Gourley, emphasis on selection of indivi­ Ahem is scheduled to speak land Park or Nathan Hale estimate is slightly under 32 votes. Please consider Question Manchester Public Health ture. give. won an enviable reputation as one M the Chairman duals to serve being based on following a 7 p.m. dinner at toe riVE sro n s OP p m h »o** most dedicated and capable police offi­ School? million with the State providing 5, for an appropriation of 31,996,- Nunses Association Drug Advisory Council I remember studying law at impartiality and accept- hotel. It was « brand of Up service which cers In the history of the state. He w m , Do you want to be represent­ 31 million, thereby necessitat­ 000 for additions and renova­ Hartford County YMCA Yale Law School admiring how weis also betrayal, for Imbedded deep the central figure in the successful con- ^ ed by a dedicated person who ing the Town to borrow the re­ tions of Nathan Hale School, As you can see, your contri­ a judge would explore all angles is interested in our government maining 31 million. “ Hla Positive Prb^jmm” in it all was the obvious determination elusion of many a police investigation Robertson School, and Keeney butions. are greatly needed in and approaches to toe case, and often times it was evidence uncover­ and In fiscal responsibility? If I urge every voter In Man­ Street School. We believe that order to keep up the fine work To the Editor, weighing fairly and acknowledg­ q For the first time in the past to keep on with the Kennedy-Johnson ed by him that led to the conviction of S , I urge you to vote for Roger chester to vote "Y ea” for the this Is the most efficient and that has been done over the ing toe validity of toe losing ar­ 40 years, the electorate of Man­ mistake of assuming that we must and criminals. B ^ e y as your State Represen­ school referendum items. economical way to meet the years. I f you have not contri­ guments, and A e n coming to an tative In the 19th Assembly Dis­ Cordially, chester will have the opportun­ can rest our own security on our own Our admiration tov Major Rome, how­ growing needs of Manchester. buted, please make It a point objective an u sin slble conclu­ trict. '' Charles E. Jacobson ity to vote for a candidate from c ever, does not extend so far as to permit The Board of Education is to be to do so 'right away. If you de­ sion. Yrnff^-editorial was just Individual power instead' of on some Roger Is an attorney and an k ' the town running for the office our endorsement of all of the views he Jr., M.D.' commended for its coherent sire further information please such a treatment. executive of the Travelers In­ of State (Comptroller. On Nov. world order. expressed here Wednesday night when Member, Board of long range plan. We intend to call the United Fund Office. ■ 'That (ast sentence was quite surance Company. In spite of 3, our own Mayor Nathan Agoe- he was the speaker at the annual joint Directors vote yes on this very important Thank you so much for your a fine piece of writing " I f any his could be This — the Idea that we can create our the demands of his position, he tinelli who has done a remark­ dinner meeting of Bristol service clubs. question. help. flag is to be trampled, it should own safety—is'the "impossible dream" has been active In public serv­ able job for Manchester will be It is true that he made a good case of “ Dedicated an3 Concerned” Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Walter A. Morrissey, not be our own.” Subscribing the start of ice for over 10 years. His dedl- seeking election to one of the of our time—not, as the President classi­ the necessity for all of us to back up the To the Editor, Marshall Chairman to toe clip service we have had • cation Is motivated only by his six top positions in the State a chance to read all the area something fied things Friday, the "reaUstic" people we entrust with law enforcement. , Government can only be as 189 Shallowbrook Lane U^ted Fund of Man­ T desire for honest and respon­ Government. We all know that a police force is only - Manchester chester, Inc. proposition. *■ sive government. He just com­ good as Its elected representa­ Mayor Agostinelli has all the as efijtfetlve.as'the people it serves war^t pleted a term on the Board of tives. A candidate should have necessary •qualifications and A few of the President’s sentences It to be. Fortunately, most CwmecUcut “ Get The Most” “ Experienced And Dedicated” b i g ! Education where he gave many the welfare of all the people In skill to carry out the duties of LiaeEn drub Illustrate his — and Kennedy’s and John- people respect and support our state po­ hours a week unselfishly for the mind. Dave Odegard Is such a To the Editor, To the Editor, State Comptroller. He has the lice organization and the various local PARKADE sdn’s — mistaken view of what Is good of the town educatl9n sys­ man—dedicated and concerned. As a good friend, I realize On Tuesday, Nov. 3, voters in practical 'w ell balanced ap­ protection departments. OPEN tem. He has worked conscientiously Vivian Ferguson’s capabilities the 19th Assembly District will proach to sound fiscal and fi- realistic. However, it seems to us that Major As I am sure you will wish to on the Board of Directors for the and her genuine interest In have an opportunity to. vote'for fA B A.M. to 10 P.M. Like togetherness! ’Ibe central issue of war or peace, he . Rome went a little too far when he sug­ elect a qualified, experienced past four years, putting forth a people of all walks of life. For and elect Roger Bagley as their (See Page Seven) But for foreverness, gested that private citizens carry guns just make sure the said, "turns in large part on the rela­ leader, cast your vote for total effort. We need a man in this reason, I wish I were able to state representative. and keep their homes armed. Should diamond is Treasure tions among the g^eat nuclear powers." Roger Bagley. the State Senate who will attack cast my vote for her as candi­ I have known Roger and hla such a situation ever come to pass only Chest quality. Only Very triily yours, problems “ head-on” . ‘ Dave date for Representative of the family close to 25 years—since ^Michaels has it. ’"The Issue of war and peace cannot a brave man would dare knock on his Herald Robert J. Reault Odegard will do the job for us. 20th District. our days of PTA meetings and ' neighbor’s door on a dark night even to WANTED! be solved unless we In the United States We urge you to vote for him Lutherweds at Emanuel Oiurch. borrow a cup of sugar. Furthermore, too However, as a resident of and the Soviet Union demonstnite both Full Support” on Nov. 3. He is an experienced and dedi­ Yesterdays many of us with guns handy might just Glastonbury I am unable to do (31eaii4 tate Modd To the Editor, Sincerely, cated leader who hia given the wiU and the capacity to put our re­ be as much of a menace to ourselves so. But I do urge all of you in 25 Ago I Was pleased to note that my Mr. & Mrs. V. Hansen the 20th District to "get the most yeara of faithful aervlce to our Years lationship on a basis consistent with the and other innocents as the proverbial colleagues who serve on the community. USED CARS From as little as $100 child playing with matches. ^ from your vote” and elect Records show that from 1039 aspirations mankind.” Manchester Chamber of Com­ “ Extremely Capable” I urge the votera of the 19th Top Prices Paid Credit to young adults men's handsome men's, women's children's ' Another unhappy angle is that domes­ ' Vivian your Representative I on to present time 77 per cent of misses' and women's “ One of the reasons the world had . merce Bodtd of Directors vot­ To the Editor, Nov. 3. Diatrict to aupport’ Roger Bag- all locEd births occurred in For AU Makes! tic spats might often end in ^the worst ed unanimously at our Oct. 9 Sincerely, ley for the important office of Manchester Memorial Hospital. such high hopes for the United Nations kind of tragedy if more homes ^ e equip­ session In favor of giving full It has been my privilege to atate legialator. He la a man Wellington Boots Nancy M. LaBonne Town’s total eontributions to CARTER CHEVROLET Karlee Dress Shoes Chukko Boots at the time of its founding was that the ped with guns than is now the case. support from the local business have served Manchester for al­ (Mrs. George T.) we can depend on. War Fund goitii. of $M,000 reach C O .. IN C . Arming a trained police officer with a organization to the school ref­ most five years as State Sena­ Sincerely, United States and the Soviet Union had tor from the Fourth Senatorial 319,404.517^ Crepe sole favorites in a natural suede. gun is one thing. But making weapons erendum Items as will appear t Florence Pearaon 1229 Main St. fought together as allies in World War available to folks who are not physically District. “ If You Have Not Contributed” 9.90 & 10.90 . 11.90 on the Nov. 3 ballot in Man­ (Mra. Hugo S.) 10 Years Ago Phone 649-5238 MICHAELS JEWELERS— Downtown Manchester—068 Main Street Misses’, women’s, men’s Q O A li. We cooperated in bring the U. N. in­ or mentally capable of handling them chester. During that time, Dom Squa­ To the Elditor, reg. $14 reg. $15 reg. $11 & $12 O o T V properly Is another. Surely, Major Rome trito has worked closely with me On behalf of the United Fund to being. ’There were hopes that this co­ I would like to take this op­ Manchester Education Asso- not only during election cam­ of Manchester and the hun­ Thanks Expressed Sturdy leather linei in black or during his long and splendid career must portunity to call to the atten­ - elation asks minimum pay Plain and strap pumps in black, children’s sizes 81/2-3, 31/2-6, M A A operation would continue. paigns but, more importantly, dreds of individuals benefiting To the Editor, have compiled a great deal of knowledge tion of the readers the follow­ scale of 34,000 (to 38,000. reg. $9 O o T V during legislative sessions as from its efforts, 1 would like brown or navy leather. vintage wine color. Great Value. “ It did not continue and much of the of what misuse of guns can do. ing coat to taxpayers by pre­ I take this opportunity to MHS teachers jkonor retired well. He is An extremely cap­ to express my appreciation to world’s and the U. N.’s nuost g^evous In another part of his talk, the speak­ senting some representative as­ thank the Manchester Lodge principal Bdson 'M. BaUey, able man with a deep concern those of you that have contri­ er, assailing our courts, compared for­ sessments on homes and the lat­ No. 1893, B.P.O.E., for its con­ whose portrait will hang in new 2 troubles since have stemmed froyi that for people and the problems we mer Chief Justice Earl Warren unfavor­ ter’s tax increase for these buted and ask for consideration tribution to the Manchester high school. TUNE IN TODAY TO WIHF RADIO children's shoes fact of history.” ably with a man who is hardly an ad­ school improvements:* women's ^dress shoes misses', women's Such spelcific realism adds up to gen- . mirer of the American judicial system— 1. If a taxpayet owns a house girls’ or boys’, reg. $8 to $11 Nikita Khrushchev. assessed at 316,000, his tax in­ loafers eral nonsense. Any particular relation- . ■ If such remarks were intended to crease to pay for a school bond ship between the'United States and Rus­ 12.90 to 14.90 amuse some of his audience, Sam Rome issue of 3 1 million at 6 per misses’, women’s loafers A A A 5.90 to 8.90 may have succeeded. But we wager that cent would be 36.76. F i s c h e t t i sia is only a passing phase in world his­ others may have felt that some of his ob­ 2. If a taxpayer owns a house reg. $15 to $19 reg. to $12 O e # w f(D&L, Shoes, all stores) tory, and, however it was handled, would servations were intemperate. assessed at 320,obo, his tax in­ 01970 Ctiiugo Daily News soon be succeeded by some other rela­ Once again, congratulatlmis to Sam crease to pay for a school bond LIVE DIRECt 6 tionship. For the United States and Rus­ Rome on a great record of pubUc serv­ issue of 3 1 million at 6 per ice. But we still lu ^ that he was not cent would be 39.00. sia tp make all kinds ottpe&e between serious in his advocacy of turning the 3. If a taxpayer owns a house FRQM th e VIP PRESS PARTY AT THE thetnselves would not guarantee peace United States of America into a vast assessed at 326,000, his tax in­ to the world in the slightest. armed camp. crease to pay for a school bond Anniversary Special! issue at 3 1 million at 6 per cent The solution to the world’s troubles Do-it-yourself John Waynes we do not need. — BRISTOL PRESS. would be 311-25. , lies not in the relationship between two 4. If a taxpayer owns a house our famous Henry Margu great super powers of the moment, but assessed at 330,000, his tax in­ crease to pay for a school bond In the relatlcHishlp between all powers A Question For Gov. Dempsey and the concept of a United Nations We have a special question for Gover­ stretch wigs powerful enough. to make and enforce nor Dempsey because we can’t think of A Thought for Today CV/ law which would deny the resort to war anyone else who can provide an "un­ Sponsored by the Manchester biased" answer. Council of Churches to all nations. Emilio Dtuldario, the Democmtlc can­ 1 2 9 0 We cannot, as President Nixon did ad­ didate for governor, in a talk in New reg. $25 The Christian must plunge mit, make this an "American century.’ ’ Haven, made these comments: " I pledge that as governor, .my high­ himself into the life of a godless But neither; for that matter, can we est priority will be to eliminate waste in ' world, without attempting to make it, even if Russia is sincerely will­ state administration and obsolete state gloss over its ungodliness with a ing, into a ’''Russian-American quarter- programs. Duplications and unnecessary veneer of religion or trying to Grond Opening in Manchester Terrific savings . . . for just this week only at this offices must be eliminated through mod­ transfigure It. He must 'live a * century." em management techniques.” “ worldly” life and so partici­ price! Just perfect for your fashion wardrobe. All "nie only tenable “ realism" lor today’s Since D«ddar^», a Democrat has made pate in the suffering of God. . . prerstyled, pre-cut 100% Kanekalon fiber! Ready- situation in the world is the "impossible the elimination of waste his highest pri­ It is not some religious act which makes a CAiristlan what dream" that even the world's greatest ority, we are curious to know exactly • to-wear . . . or to pack, dkimes in all colors; plus where this waste and the obsolete state he is, but participation in the nations should be willing to surrender frosteds. programs exist. Please, Gov. Dempsey, suffering of God in the world. 4:30 »• 6 :0 0 1’» On your AM radio dial the war-making portion of their own will you inform the public as to the . . .Dietrich Bonnhoeffer - r- Gary S. Cornell sovereignty to a world law and a world waste which presently exists which cries (DftL, Wig Department, Manchester Parkade) out for elimination? — WA'TERBURY Associate Pastor /'u L e m S06H AC vou rsHve ME A H m hinh. w ic police force. REPUBUCAN. South United Methodist Oiurch MANCHESTER JfiVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN I MONDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1970 PA G E N IN E PA G E EIG H T •MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. MONDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1970 Manchester Area Rau, treasurer; ' Cindy Fox. for action on the pollution crisis He also was a member of Beth- on Main St., was cut open, po­ Tolland health reporter; Susan Seidel, Tolland County Politics Is good news.” tmy Lutheran .Church of West lice say, from the inside. In news reporter, and Gall Caban- Carruthera welcomed the en­ DAVE REPRESENTS JHE Hartford. Drug Center order to facilitate easy entry Tolland Man Heralding Politics iss', refreshment chairman. dorsement, ‘'I am encouraged TAX PAYER He is also survived a sis, from the -outside .Nothing was Junior Oub Women Boost The group accepted two new by this action of a labor group Obituary The Drug Advisory Center, reported missing. Duffey Disputes Agnew YEAR -ROUND ter, Mrs. Emma Sklimer of Arreste dOn members, Susan Seidel and and feel that It reflects both on 81 Russell St., is observing By Sol B. Cohen Rockville. Gail Cabanlss, into member­ a local and statewide basis the Funeral services will be to­ the following schedule: A woman reported to police jjugh Ward, DemocraUc can- GOP c a n d l^ e for Hartford Assault Counts Burning Ban and Oean Air On State of the Economy Mn. Gertrude B. Ingraham Alfred C. I.eldholdt Monday through Friday. ship. Meetings are held-every workingman’s disappotot- morrow at 11 a.m. at the Ladd that the side view mirror « i renresentaUve County sheAf, said the woman other Monday after school at Mrs. Gertrude B. Ingraham, Alfred Charles Iveidholdt; 90, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. her car CAT wasWRA hmVenbroken oAmAtirvi*sometime alaale lOF Stale represeniauve . >•, utchfleldT.4f/«hfiAM A Tolland man was charged The local ban against burning toe home of Mrs. Howard Bug- By BETTE QUATRALE had observed Houley’s perfor- ;"®"‘- di^lusionment and dl- Funeral Home, 19 Ellington Ave. toe leaders’ homes. 78, of 4 Strong St., widow of of 259 Fern St. died last night ,pj,g Bruce E. Rudolf, pas A teUphone backup ser­ Saturday night while she was Manchester’s Assem- with two counte of aggravated became effective yesterday, t)e®> Mountain Sprfhg Rd. (Herald Reporter) mance. ’’Never to my expert- >®"6nia with to§ Democrats . . . not Class Officers' ence have .1 seen a man take ^ thank Mr. M®tz, business only EdWard L. Ingraham, died last at his home. tor of Trinity Evangelical __ Luth- vice is available Monday visiting a friend oh Rachel Rd. bly District ,sald to^y he is There Is however, another assault and a Mystic man wltt and members of toe Tolland "^® <>* Christian Edu- night at a Manchester convales- Mr. Leidholdt was bom Sept. e'i^Church'' ^i^lt"oH^clate Bur- The seventh and eighth grade D8mo?ratic U. S. senatorial hold of a sttuation toe way Bob manager of toe union and hls ■ before 'through Saturday from 6 ------. “elated” at news that he has woman deputy sheriff. She Is breach of the peace and totoxl- Junlor .Women’s Club’s Conser- ^ classes cent home. M, 1880 in M ^chester s m of ^ p.m. to 3 a.m. A rock was thrown through the unanimous endorsements of Margaret E . J^obeon of Coo- cation,, following a dlsturbwce Aj ^ lAA .. tional Church will meet tonight classes at 'Tolland Middle candidate Joseph Duffey, dls- Houley did , .send him back to members for their support.” • . an election I ■ School recently elected class agreed with Vice President the Senate.” Duffey Party Mrs. Ingraham was bom Aug. Henry and Pauline Schmidt . For drug advhiory Informa- the winddiw In the front bed- two lodges of the International per Lane, Coventry, In Tolland at the home of the Tolland vatlOT Committee began clrcu- at 8 at the church. ’ 16, 1892 In Glastonbury, daugh- Leidholdt, and had lived here all ^ e n d s may call at the fu- Uon, call: 647-9!&!. room of a home on Lydall St. Association of Machinists and fjounty. She is af ormer state man. lattog bumper J stickers. The The annual meeting and elec- officers for toe y e ^ . Splro Agnew’s claim that toe Houley threw a few bouquets Pat Duffey, wife of Joseph ter of Wilbur and M a^ ^ rp e n - his llf^ He was a m em ter of ^ 9 Otto Horn Jr., Loehr Rd., members also held a poster tlon of officers for toe Tolland Bob ,. LaPotote . ... w a s elected „ , gt-biUzimr” qat himself mainly to toe direction Duffey, was the guest of honor Saturday evening. Aerospace Workers, A F lrd O . pollcewomw. economy is stabilizing , Sat- ^ ^ ^md raising cocktail party ter Hollister, and had lived In ^ n c o r ^ L u toer^ C T ^ c l^ ^ —'----- The endorsements, made last Tolland was arrested on the contest for elementary school rovh i.PP®nt; P-la Norman, secre- Supportoig------hls - statemente, the festivities were Hebitm Citizens for Duffey. F(Hl SENATE COMM. Q. Kanebl, Treas. Windsor. • w ife of John Embleton. died last «f Rockville, charged with wll- of the Marilyn Oouris at 40 Ol- said. “I am encouraged also at Duffey now holds. The arreste were m a ^ meet" tonlgirt'at~8 to^ ‘ary, and Virginia Dowty, Duffey rited toe rwent lay^s representative candidate Also attending were toe Dem- Funeral services will be Wed- Leidholdt of Drexel Hill, P a.: night at Rockville General Hoe- ful injury to private building, cott St. was broken Into Satur- the wonderful receptions given Humphrey Is a candidate for by tri»i^ rs from the Staffo Pirst^^acp winner nt Menil *’®toe of Mrs. Maxwell Warren, tr®asurer. at toe F ^ n lr Pl®nt and added Thomas Dooley of Vemon; Nick ocratic candidates for state nesday at 1 p.m. at the Watkins * granddaughter. pltal. Court date, Nov. 9. day night, and the radio knobs me as I walk through the dls- U. S. senator from Minnesota. State Police tiwp. . ^ Krst place atMead- p^bln Circle. Heads Home Ec Association that one firm he has visited Is pg^^iuh, candidate for Tolland treasurer John Merchant; State owbrook was Robert Toombs, „ _ m .. o Rntrt<-ia Terlrriewski Funeral Home, 142 E. Center A^j-so'om at W^r- f Mrs. Embleton was bom born Jan. ------were prie^ off. trict each evening, meeting the He Is seeking the seat being Police S^d Adams and Bac now dovm to a four day a week ghertff, and Thomas Rep. William O’Neill, and State St. The Rev. Dr. J . Manley Wednesday at 2.30 p.m. at Wat- 8. 1896 in Canada, and had llv- Jeffrey A. Morey of Glaston------people and discussing the Is- vacated by Sen. Eugene Me- went to the Horn home with honorable mention award- ^ ® Tolland Junior Women’s . arnr,nm\ra tencher at Ttol* work schedule. j j j candidate for judge Sen. Houley. ed to Lance Shackway and Lor- ^1“’’ P*"® Arts Committee will F "J ^ betn an Shaw, pastor of South United _ 'n.o now Tnoonh Rmim-of Hartford area before bury, charged with passing on A west side window on a sues. Most of the residents Carthy, who was a presidential allegedly struck an Peck an open meeting tonight *and High School, has been ap He also referred to the case ©f probate from toe Vemon- Methodist Church, will officiate. ' i nthomn coming to Rockville five years the right. Morey was arrested home at 246 Scott Dr. was seem surprised that a can- aspirant in 1968. Duffey had wdth a pistol and the butt ^ At Hidks, t h e firstflrst place at 8 aTtoe^'i^ome at the home oF of Mro. Mrs. Sigurd W ^gu®„t pointed - v*^eychairman E a s of f R ^the rio^of Con- turned from duty to Vietnam Burial will be In Riverside Burial will ®**® member of the yesterday afternoon on McKee b-oken by rocks Saturda]^ ^ve- dldate actually takes the time been Connecticut ch^rman In *^®" ___ iirui. place „ , , ___ “ nooiioiit Vniiov Fast Recrion of tumed from duty In Vietnam Carruthera Endorsed Church will officiate. Burial will direction of Black with the pis­ Cemetery, Windsor. Seventh-Day Adventist Church St. Court date, Nov. 9. nlng. to meet the people”'. the McCarthy campaign. r i M t^ lio l^ T c to rtc ^ ;^ th® Home Economics Teachers - a b l e to ^ a job be- oppo- TRICK OR TREAT be In East Cemetery. tol. The constable then arrived Friends may call at the fu­ of Tolland. ------He pledged, “I will keep CANDIES—MASKS 'There are no calling hours. GOP gubernatorial candidate on the scene, and, according to neral home tomorrow from 7 Survivors, besides her hus- Patrick P. Colangelo, 19, of A car parked at 102 Ralph walking and talking right up GOP gube^ior^ oanoiuaie ^ w COSTUMES to 9 p.m. WUUani L. Johnson band, include 2 sons, Beecher 134 white St., charged with fall- Rd. was damaged Friday night until election time” . Thomas Mesklll, aft®r^shaking ^ him Prizes for toe first place win- Schrieder. of home economics teac^rs « ^ all “'® dorsement by toe International ■ Embl®toh of Wlllimantlc and ure to carry license-mid reglstra- by rocks thrown at the rear of ------today at a Hartford I^ta^ trantaH nf Rnekl ners were, subscriptions to the Parents of Meadowbrook from 14 to ^ east of the Con- «^Oayaor to p gn.^^ operating Engineers SOUTH WINDSOR ARTHUR DRUG Mrs. Anne C. Hansen OK Q..111 Robert Roid of Manche^er, tlon. Colangelo was stopped on the vehicle. The trunk door was “Local autonomy is one of P*®- ..in______■ tt. __^ia„i •_ , Louis Johnson, 81, of 1496 Sulll- onH HTwo 1 Ranger Rick conservation ma- School first grade children may nectlcut River from toe Massa- . .jj _^j,ably be the (t*ard hats), Mrs.j«rs. AnneAime C.v,. Hansen,nttiuicn, 94,o-«, ofui „„„ . Qruith~ winHanrwinrt«nr diedhipH ------^®“------‘® and------.Mrs. centerv^ciiic* St. Sunday moriilng for dented and the left tall lights the major reasons I am cam- Hilton Hotel, left for WMhhig- J'R’® gazlne for children. visit their classes tomorrow chusette Une to GlMtonbury. makes to toe area be- about time we elected SUDS New York Oty, formerly of afd““ i° c h a .^ L ^ a routine check. Court date, Nov. were broken. V lv iT F e T ^ : roce^®ion“ In T e ' White ed. Horn was ap p reh en d eS^ Contest judges were Mrs. morning from 9:30 until 10:30 The puJpose of the organlza- ^ g person to toe Senate who will Hartford, mother of William T. “ ''® - Vivian i-ergu pr^gi. state troopers. Horn was being Gerald Pehdvlak, a local artist; as part of toe observance of tlon is to provide up-to-toe- • • stand up for all toe people to AND Hansen of Manchester died of Windsor: a sister, Mrs. Bes- Mrs. Christine Roy, Meadow- National Education Week. minute Information and assls- He spent over an hour at me Tolland County,” the endorse- Hansen 01 mancnesier, [Pittsfield, Mass, and lived In af ironrfnoVpoo------Eight chairs of varying de- son Saturday. Mrs. Ferguson Is dent wid Mrs. Richard Nixon, held on a $600 bond and Black Friday at a Rlverdale, N.Y. Hartfordoru area ou60 years.vears MeHe ®*® ^nnspbell of Kenduskeag. j Alfred W. Munsell, 22, of 161 scriptlon Were stolen from a toe Republican candidate from - . i ____ - ..___ waruoro area 00 years. Me Maine! is «rrandchlldren. and 2S He Is scheduled to resume on a $100 bond,, for 6PP®6rance brook teacher, and Miss The Senior Otizens Club of ‘a«®® ‘®f®‘'®” ^ t o “^ a r i ^ '"®*“ *’®®'^' Carruthers Manchester convalescent home. member of toe Old IS grandchildren, and 22 . charged with reckless series of homes'on House Dr. the 20th Assembly District. She J r . Women’s Club great-grandchildren. campaigning at H ,a.pi. to,mor- In I^ickvllle Circuit Court 12 on Jane Schopfer; Hicks art teach- Tolland will meet tomorrow at "O'"'®® J' a r^ ^ e m o cra te attending Duf- ® *^®“ The funeral was this afternoon Timers Club and a funeral driving. Munsell was arrested priday night. made her remarks at a cam^ ®r. 1:30 In toe United Congrega- help them provide toe best edu- aroa I^m ocm te atten^^^Dto^ backbone to get things mov- presents its 3rd annual SCISSORS Funeral services will be _ _ row. In Enfield. Nov. 17. at the Taylor and Modeen F’u- director and embalmer for toe Saturday night on Main St.; paign meeting at her home. _____ Other area police activity: •nie flret prize posters will be Uonal Church Religious Educa- “ '® P®°P’® H^ieyT^a^d toe entire Demo- torward ” ARTS and GRAFTS FAIR ROUTE 30 • • . neral Home, 233 Washington St., Jam es Funeral Home, Hart- Wednesday at 1 p.m. at toe ^ w rt date, Nov. 9. “We, the people of Manchea- According to Quentin Hinton, and FLEA MARKET POST ROAD PLA21X ' Seventh-Day Adventist Church _____ » a "■ — A 1.* ‘ » I Robert Berdon of New Haven, VERNON displayed at toe Tolland Li- tion Building. Membership is their schools. cratic ticket. *" Hartford. Burial was In Soldiers ford. treasurer of Local 478, lUE, at the VERNON, CONN. of Tolland. The Rev. Mark Fin- \ rirk llf' I rklATfl ^®*^’ ^ ®t”>ng voice candidate for state trea- Two out of town drivers were brary and oto^r winning post- open to those 60 and over from Also attending toe event was Field, Nortowood Cemetery, Wil- ourv.vors Survivors includeiticiuue hisiiia wife.wire, . „ Edward Boyle, 32, Of 176 v v v -k A In preserving toe right to de- ja proposing that “state arrested yesterday by state po- ers will be on view at area surrounding towns. Stonehester Evening Herrid Mr. Carruthers has made hls Army and Navy Club Mrs. Helen Plona Johnson: two t — o.,woi ,.hii Charter Oak St., charged on a . 1090 Main St.< Manchester ed by I^e M ^ in g - Burial will „e„.gup. The council on ministries of ®‘‘*® ourselves what is best ^ a manner lice and charged with failure to stores. The ToUand High„ School PTO ToUand Correspondent Bette ^ candidate this elec- at®"*! '" “ y ‘*‘® for our town” , she insisted. PROFESSIONAL DOC CROOMINC Survivors also Include 2 other sons'. William Storm Jetonson, be In Rose Hill Memorial Park hpM in Ueu'of North United Methodist Church which would result In state dol- drive established lane following A film on air pollution will be vrill hold open house class night Quatrale, tel. 875-2845. tlon. Indicated he feels himself problems which facg the cltl- SUNDAY, NOV. 1st sons, 2 daughters, 8 grandchll- and Louis Alexander Johnson: RM*itv*Wll port. Boyle was held In lieu of g^g gaid, “In talking with toe , working for toe benefit of a two-car accident on Rt; 16 in shown to the children attending tomorrow at 7:30 at toe s c h o o l . ------to be l>art of toe campaign and *®"s of Tolland County and toe 12:30 to 6'AO p.m. m REMEMBER! YOUR DOG*S BEST FRIENDS dren, 17 great -_ grandchildren, and a daughter, Josephine Hel- Friends may call at toe $600 surety bond. Court date. « at j>gopie voUng Dtetricto 6 and <^gcUcuVs\economy.” Vernon. , the story hour at toe Tolland Following opening remarks by ig working towards a Demo- State of Connecticut. .hls sup- 60c Admission (refunded on and 2 great-great-grandchildren, en Johnson: all at home. Holmes Funeral " Home, 400 Oct. 26. ___ 7, I find considerable Interert propose^that toe state Flozell Jones Sr., 46, of Hart- Llbrary on Saturday. Principal Richard Olson, par- Prospect Fatality cratic victory. P°rt of the police and fire de- puTbhase of $2.’is or more) ARE HIS VET AND HIS PROFESSIONAL -c----- ■ TTie. . funeral . - and burial will , be Main St., Manchester, tomorrow ~ The stewardshlD committee Issue. I have not yet y-ggaurer make available toe ford and Donald Mix, 37, of ZIM Hearing Tonight g^jg ^jgjt yjelr children’s Referring to Houley, toe lieu- partmcnte, hls recently an- Over 20 Area Craftsmen private and at toe convenience , __ « -I j GROOMER X Shirley T, Tilton T__ 1^. from 2 to 4 and 7 to 9 p.m. Walter T. Armstrong 46, of Emanuel Lutheran Church ^ wishes toe gy^jg Employes ReUrement West Hartford are both sched- The Zoning Board of Appeals classrooms. PROSPECT (AP) Twelve- tenant governor said as pre- nounced plan for state sup- WIU Be Exhibiting! Shirley Travers 'niton, 72, of of toe family. The James Fu 474A Main St., „charged OA.O.O with nner.oper tonight at 7 ’30 at the ®‘“‘® ‘"'P®®® policies upon Teachers ReUrement uled to appe^ In Rockville Clr- will hold a public hearing to- q-^g Board of Selectmen will year-old Joseph Puluaskas of g,d,n» officer of toe Senate he ported education and hls call WE GROOM ALL SIZES AND BREED S OF DOGS Hartford, died Saturday at St. neral Home. 2016 Main St. ating a motor vehicle while In the community. Specific pro- Fund and other funds for “pm- cult Court 12’ on Nov. 17. No In­ night at 8 In the Town Hall tomorrow night at 7:30 at Waterbury was killed Saturday Robert -V. Clark home of John Haberem, 11 Francis Hospital. Hartford, is in charge of ar toxlcated. Armstrong was arrest grams may call for several yg„t and ImaglnaUve Invest- juries were reported, ♦«.to ooiact o.r>on »<»,..four requests (or Town Hall. *^® Pua^ed hls bicycle up a ELLINGTON — The funeral Brent Rd. variances. The funeral was this morning rangemente. ed Saturday afternoon on Hll towns to join , together and to ^ g ^ jg .. Mlqiiel Fernandez Alamo, 28, The Tolland Junior Women’s So, we don't cut prices of Robert Vincent Clark, 65, of David SUva of Rt. 74 is seek­ at toe Fisette Funeral Home, 20 Hard St. Court date, Nov. 9. __ , ^ expend combined funds for Hls proposal Is in three parts: West Main St., Hockvllle Club Ways and Means Commit- State Police said ^ was Wt Green St., who died Friday in ing permission to construct a for quality work and in Sisson Ave., Hartford. Burial George R. Larsen ___East______Windsor____ as______a result of ein 'First, I propose that the state charged yesterday with tee will meet tomorrow nirfit ‘’y ® ®“ ‘ ‘‘riven by Oiarles M. was In Soldiers Field, Northwood Funeral services for George automobile accident was held Steve Phillip Waldo, 16, ol 15 ’ Trinity Covenant as a school lor handicapped ^ggg operating a vehicle while hls 11- loading dock in a commercial g^ Morris 42, of Waterbury who addition we show pa> Cemetery, Wilson. R. Larsen, 51, ol Hartford, own- corning from’ the Bas- E v a ■ » ., chm,.d intjx,..- "'la “ ”” “ “• SOI., It a ^ a ™ under .uapenalon, J. zone. Butler, Baxter St charged with misconduct tlon and breach of peace. Waldo church. Donald Duncan of Old Staf­ with a motor vehicle. tience, love and under­ 1&. Tilton was born July 17, er and pilot of a plane that ginger Funeral Home, 37 Card- , . , = d 'ramnln dt. oholra' ot te » >■«>also ««a«ut.o scheduled »to appear,p p .„ in Halloween Happening Facts are Facts— 1898 In Tolland and lived most crashed Saturday near Agawan, ner St., Warehouse Point, with scheduled jfor court today, -TO. Tir I, A ™ ®A®*' community to make toe order rtonnectl- Rockville Circuit Court 12 on ford Rd. is seeking permission standing to your pet. The Manchester Fine Arte decisions for toemselves.” ®>^®te cost housing In Connectl The Board of Recreation will of his life In the Hartford area. Mass., will be held tomorrow at ^ Mass of requiem at St. Nov. 17. to add onto an existing ga- Nathan Hale is 47 years old and has had minimal renovation with the ACCIDENTS AssociaUon at its October ^^g Ferguson repeated her ®Ht- rag®- sponsor a "Halloween Happen­ He was a U.S. Navy veteran of 2 p.m. at toe Carmon-Poquonock LAi^e’s Church. Burial was in ELUNGTON ing” at toe high school from 7 exception of a new heating system in 1969 to replace the one that Police Issued a summons to meeUng chose toe following pledge, “K elected, I plan to ’’Second. I propose tnai me Mrs. Lynn Brennan of 6 Fern Edwin Wilhelm is seeking per WorliJ War I, and was employed Funeral Home, 1812 Poquonock gt Catherine’s Cemetery, mission to construct an addition 1® P-m., Friday. Refresh- failed. at Grody Chevrolet of West Mr. Larsen, a member ol Broad Brook. Edwin J . CrandaU of 219 Cen- pictures for exhibition; “Lone j,oid monthly hearing sessions, state treasurer also make avail- was Rockville, charged ....a..™ .Just think! Your pet looks ter St., for failure to drive right. Birch,” by Mrs. Pearl Oohen, to afford the people I serve toe able these funds for m r tg ^ following too closely and to a one story cement block will be served and a do- The proposed renovations will provide adequate eating, recreational, ■Hartford before his reUrement. Delta Chapter, RAM, Is toe ^r. Clark was bom in Ban- building In a commercial zone, nation Is requested to offset to you for lot'e and protec­ He leaves hls wife, Mrs. brother of Mrs. Walter Ostby of ggr Maine and had lived In ^ P®*® “v V*® opportunity to express their for “ ^^g^gat^^coni operaUng with unsafe Ures, fol- GASO LiNF. and lavatory facilities to bring this school up to the level of newer James Tisdale and August costs. > tion, to his vet for good Esther Tynan niton™ ton Of ot Hart- Manchester, and Erllng Larsen |.tingtonEllington for the past 6 years.years ’S ' kou^ ^ ’’* V _____ . rc^f^^S-ectlcut’s -^®^- Bonola are seeking a variance Club schools. health, to his professional ford; a daughter, Mrs. Timothy of Windsor, who owned and op- jjg jigy pegn employed as an Wetoey, at toe Mary Cheney When Mrs. Helen Beigenty of' peacetime Industry. from present square footage re- Th® Flying Squirrels - Four groomer for good looks and J . Ahem of Newington, and three erated Larsen’s Hardware inspector at Hamilton Standard In' addition, special flexible learning areas will be provided for children Police issued a summons to Library; and “Nogges” by pialnvllle campaigned in Man- “ And third, I propose that t volved was J’ i:i: Mrs. Blanche Spearot Sulll- He Is also survived by another Survivors include his wife, VIRGINIA KIRKA, Prop. was issued after toe car Kutch- rhe cast for toe Little ’Theatre Connecticut. Mrs. Bergenty, toe Issues.” fered a bump on her head no- ford Rd. Mrs. Nancy Bodeh was I'l':!.. li I!)- van, 66, of Hartford, sister ol sister. Mrs. Ethel ManlSy Clark; his BuUetin Board elected president; Karen Paid for by Concerned Citizens for Bettor Education A Member of the Professional Do^^Jiwpmers AasoclatlOT Albert Spearot of Manchester, Burial will be In Bose Hill parents Mr. and Mrs. Stanley ®c W M drivl^ left toe r o a d ^ d of Manchester production of “I ------^ lice said. The Republican Women’s Smith, vice president; Michelle i;.M ivMii.- '...... •, OPEN MON. - SAT. 10 A.M. - 6 P.M. — PHONE 875-7024 died Friday at an out-oMown Memorial Park, Rocky Hill. Clark ^ Camden Maine* a ^ a N iver Sang For my Father" will professional Women's Club to- "Tills proposal, obviously Mrs. (Brennan is scheduled to Club will meet tonight at 8 at Davis, secretary: Jennifer hospital. She was toe wife of Friends may call at toe funeral gp_ Robert O ark ’J r of Ellimr- *^®® ®®“ hearse tonight and Wednesday morrow at 7:80 p.m. In toe Fed- Arab Inspired, must be rejected appear In Rockville Circuit Frank Sullivan. home tonight from 7 to 9 9.. ton-ton; and four daughters. M^sMiss Court date. Nov.. 9. g: 8 at toe studio. 22 Oak St. eratlon Room of Center Con- out of hand.” said an Israeli of- Court 12, Nov. 17. Survivors also include two ------Lyn„ clark. Miss Elizabeth ------gregational Church. Bashour, a flcial in Jerusalem. Others said SOUTH WINDSOR sons, a daughter, her mother, Minnie A. Helmerdlnger Clark and Miss Roberta Clark, A car driven by William Center Congregational Church member of the Hartford Board toe African authors of toe reso- South Windsor poUce are In- another brother, a sister, and VERNON — Mrs. Minnie A. all of Ellington, and Mrs. An- Stack of Windsor, rolled o ^ r ■■ [>uesday Morning at 10” will , pf Education, will discuss toe lutlon should try to get the So- vestigatlng a break Into the slx grandchildren. Helmerdlnger, 80, of Plymouth, (lJ.gY^r Quinn of Port Jefferson. at toe end of Rt. 6 near ML g, gg^ tomorrow In toe library of habits of various birds. Host- viet-Egyptlan missiles removed home of Paul Goguen, 340 Main The funeral will be tomorrow Mass., died Saturday In Ply- n .Y. Nebo yesterday afternoon. Stack church. The Rev. Clifford esses are Miss Jan Brimmer, from toe Suez Oanal zone “In- St. Police said toe break occur- at 9:15 a.m. at the Rose Hill mouth. She was toe widow of ______was unhurt. 0 . Simpson will lead a discus- Migg Sylvia Claflin, Mrs. John stead of always pointing the fin- ed sometime Saturday night Funeral Home, 580 Elm St., Arthur E. Helmerdlnger. s: on of the book, “Madam Sarah Flynn and Mrs. Marion Me- ger of blame at us.” while the house was unoc- A written warning was Issued Rocky Hill with a Mass of re- Funeral services are tomor- (;?,ernhardt)” by Cornelia Otis Lagan. Israel has said repeatedly cupled. When Goguen returned Friend Tells to Ann E. Baling of 80 Vernon ilklnner. ----- that It will not return to toe Jar- home he found toe house had Andersoil-iitt/e Sulo o f AH VViM ther C osts A C ar C o a ts ! qulem at St. Mary’s Church, 7row at 1 p.m. at Union Con- St., for failure to grant toe Newlngton at 10. gregational Church, Rockville. Preceptor Gamma Chapter, ring talks unUl Egypt pulls back been’ entered by someone forc- right of way yesterday after­ Friends mhy call at toe fu- Burial will be In Grove Hill Manchester Chapter, Beta Sigma Phi Sorority, will Soviet anUalrcraft missiles ing the cellar door. Some $100 His Version noon. The car she w m d riv l^ tPEBSQSA, will rehearse to- meet tomorrow at 8 p.m. at toe which Israel and toe United m cash was reported missing. neral home tonight from 7 to 9. Cemetery, Rockville. I was Involved In a c o llls lw ^ to g u,g Army-Navy —— Friends may call at the W. W. home of Mrs. Horace Blssell, States charge have been moved ______Andrew Dxlekan Beaman Funeral Home, 18 Mld- Of Shooting one driven ^ ^ T (.lub. The rehearsal is open to 109 Carmen Rd. closer to the Suez Canal In vlo- QO OOVENTRY — Andrew Hen- die St., Plymouth, Mass., to- of 64 Concord M . ‘ i ll men wishing to sing four-part, ----- lation of toe three-month cease- OOdd ^curred at E. Center and gty,g harmony. Cprrection ry Dziekan, 63, of Wlllimantlc, night from 7 to 9 p.m. (Continued from Page One) The American Leg;lon will R^e that began Aug. 7. d or father of Don^d Roger Dzle------Walker «is. Those wishing more Information meet tomorrow at 8:18 p.m. at Indications were given Sun The names of two Child Guld- it 00 there has been a lot of fears in kan of Coventry, died Saturday Ernest W. Olson A car driven by Edwin M. My contact Dennis Santoro. 397 toe Post Home There wUl be a ats three grandchildren. pltal after being stricken otat v,iohls °“<^“ “ !j^ r8t|^ator 8teeaTerthat » oT’l - i ^ t ^HartfordV'The accident .i_vt.light _tat o8 at„t <->O00 ^- g0-0 e tiqii Hall. -Re.Re- Cub Scout Paclc 261 will meet ______^______;______;______' ____ The funeral will be tomorrow horn®. He was the husband of authorities were continuing to took place on Trebbe Dr. near Ireshments will be served. tor a potluck tomorrow at 6 ; 8:16 a.m. from the Commu- Mrs. (Gladys Taylor Olson. possibility that more Thompson Rd.. last night. Tickets may be obtained at the p.m. at 'Verplanck School. nity Funeral Home. 134 Church Mr. Olson was bom Oct 11, ^ involved. door. Meskill Wins Backing NQ\A(ONSALEAT St., Wlllimantlc, with a Mass of 1906 In Hartford and had lived MeanwWle security returned A, car driven by WUliam J . Parents Without Partners, requiem at St. Joseph’s <3iurch in Coventry before coming to ug^mal at toe county jail Sheckerow of East Hartford St. Mary’s Circle, Daughters Manchester Chapter, will hold a at 9 aim. Burial will -be In St. Andover In 1965. He was em- Frazier Is being held, toe struck a motorcycle driven, by of Isabella, will Install officers meeting tomorrow night at 8 at Of Three State Papers Joseph’s Cemetery. ployed as an assembler at Pratt gj,eriff’s office said. When he Robert W. Jacques of East for toe coming year tomorrow at .(^njmunlty Baptist Chuch, 688 NEW LONDON, Conn. (AP) — state government Is toe fastest. Friends may call at the fu- and Whitney Division of United brought- In Friday, armed Hartford, on Broad St., Satur- 7 ;3o p.m. at the KofC Home. e . Center St. The meeting * _ , . _ » - t *. t< • 1 neral home tonight from 7 to 9. Aircraft Corp., - East Hartford, g^^^ds working in pairs were day afternoon. Jacques, and a Mrs. Lucille Slebert of Meriden scheduled especially for single ^ ® New elective hieans of c earing ------Survivors, besides hls wife ^gted grallTour comers of toe passenger on the motorcycle state regent of toe Daughters of. parents who are Interested .In dorsed Republican Rep.’Ihomas away toe ^cumbent bweaucro- Joseph V. Naugfaton Include a son, Kurtland Olson of were able to jump off before toe Isabella, will Install the officers, becoming members and to ac- J*®®*!?’* E°vemor m ;1 said cy which hM threaten^ to be- Joseph 'V. Naughton of Pensa- Harvard,1. inaaa., Mass.: a brother,mumci. Wil- Deputies „^gg reported Frazier______vehicles made contact. Miss Ann Marie Falkowskl will quaint them with toe organlza- “ ‘'?P®‘L ‘^® ^ “ Institution In iteeU over \ cola, Fla., brother of Mrs. Har- Ham Erbe Jr . of C w m ry. a housed In a four-cell block be toe marshal. All members tion. would give V Its ^bematorial the years, rather than a means old R. Bailey of 15 Robin Rd., sister, Mrs. NeUle DeCarll of .^uh 19 other men accused of fe- A written warning was Issued are Invited and refresljmente ___ candidate “otoar bpportunltlesbpi of accomplishing g;ood govern- died Saturday at hls home. Coventry; and three grandc_ - jg^ies. There are passageways to George A. Johnson of NeW will be served. Manchester WATES wUl have’ *°|_P'>’’“®®®'’^‘®®” . ment,” toe Wlnsted newspaper The next governor is going to ggld. Survivors also Include hls ^*'®"- , , , between cells, permitting all -19 Britain------— for ------following------too closely.. ----- Its annual Halloween party to- „ wife, a stepson, a brother, an- Private funeral services will to visit In other cells. ^ His— car struck.... toe rear of one • Memorial Temple, Pythian morrow at toe Itallan-American Cominei^ on toe Candida^ 1995 other sister, and two grandchll- ^ ^ °n Sunday, toe court-appoint- driven by American Glaccemlnl gigters, will meet tomorrow a f club. Weighing in will be from Rovemor,. the ^er sister, an gr ^ P- Q“‘®h Funeral H^e 226 attorney for Frazier, jVmes of 68 McKinley St. The accident 3 p.^.’gt the Odd Fellows Hall. 7 to 8 p.m Prizes will be award- n®«'fP®P®'’ «>e Bov®mor Evening Otizen said: ”... no \ The funeral will be tomorrow „ F A’ nnvli nnqtor of Second A Jackson, said he was consid- occurred c. on« Hartford ^ M . near .fUgre------will be a cake sale after g^ for costumes and games. ^ ® F®“ * at 8:16 a.m. from toe Fisette correlational ^ur^^^ ®*^"® “®^®® Saturday afternoon, the meeting. Judges for the costumes are ^ ^ Democrat, we be- ____ , _____ ^ Oiooo,. congregational Lnuren in man . bearded former ------»»•— r.------1 — a was hostile to the point that Ugve^ hls hands would be tied Funeral Home, 20 Sisson Ave., g^ester, will officiate. Burial for the shaggy, bearded former ------Mrs. Raymond Heimequln and ------— ------Hartford, with a Mass of re- gt the convenleice of auto mechanic. Police Issued a written warn- There will be a special Hallo- Mrs. John E. Collins. M rs. “ ^ ZIP-OUT PILE UNED quiem at toe Church of St. family. ing for failure to drive a^rea- ^gg„ gtory Hour for preschool jan„es Desauteis is in charge d isZ v rn n m te 1 „ v.., T4T 1 distance apart to David children (ages 4 and 6) tomor- of the program. The executive . LIn its endorsement of l^esklU Mark toe Evangelist, West There are .no callh hours. ALL WEATHER COATS Hartford, at 9. Burial will be In NewHNB Branch J- 68 Benton St HIs row, from 10 to 10:45 a m. at board will meet ’Ihursday at h00-mll------1.1 Today's most popular all weather coat of 65% Dacron*' Waterbury. John J . Cain Onened in Town °"® driven by Richard B. Members "of the Junior Worn- lan-American Club. Co-hostesses “ “ ® r>^r>oFrH,> budget deficit for the cur- 35% Cotton-. Single or double breasted styling, fully '' A Relnahl of 91 Walker St. The en’s Club, Mrs. Alan Chaloux are Mrs. Roger Cady and Mrs. ro oio<-tir>n in thn biennium and scored the Friends may call at the fu- John J. Cain, 78, of Suffleld, Roger Cady Dempsey for re-election in the rv .< .i-mT >. lined with a warm zip-out pile liner. Tab sleeves and slash neral home tonight from 7 to 9. father of Mrs. Phyllis Me Hartford National Bank & accident took place at E. Center who is chairman of the educa- william Labadie. last ^rnatorial election. , Democratic party. 'They ^v® pockets. Choice of solids or patterns. Geovm of Manchester. died Trust Co. formally opened Its Walker Sts., Saturday morn- tlon committee for the club and . ...----- . . The Day also said It favored become ^ IrrespoMlble with fl- Friday night at St. Francis North Manchester branch of- Mrs. Raymond Ailain, will be VPW AuxUlary will meet to, Meghm-g running mate. State " “ cea that they have operated Hospital, Hartford. flee this morning following tra- ' 1^® storytellers. morrow at 7:30 p.m. at toe Poet gg^^ q, d a rk Hull for ^® ”®"^ Department of Com- Personal Notices The funeral was this morning dltlonal ribbon-cutting ceremo- COMPLAINTS -r ■ Home. lieutenant-governor. The news- -^lelfs with long-term TOWN & COUNTRY from toe Nicholson Funeral nles. A home at 142 W. Vernon St. The Women’s Home League paper said Hull “will provide a bonding instead of current rev- In Memoriam Home, Suffleld, with a Mass of The office, toe bank’s fourth was broken Into sometime Sat- of toe Salvation ^ y will meet measurable reinforcement for ®toi®6> thereby imposing an add- CAR COATS In loving memory of Peter Reed renaJenirequiem a t ' Sacred - Heart___ in Manchester,____ - Is located__ - in the_ “^day. and a small television tomorrow at 1:30 p.m. in toe toe governor’s office If Mr. Mes- ®H burden on future taxpayera." •» — ■> •->» — •------— Junior Hall of toe Citadel. This who passed away Oct. 26. 1967. Suffield“ Burial was In North E n d 'shopping Center $35 in cash was stolen U.N. Hears kill Is elected. Mr. Hull Is pre- Th® Waterbury RepubUcan Rugged Salik Cotton Suede coat with full pile liping. Tn-D llule hands ore resting, Po- now nearing completion at will be a service meeting. Mrs. cisely the kind of man any ®®1H that the choice for U.B. Expertly tailored in double breasted style with both slash A loving heart is still, St. Joseph’s Cemetery, Main and N. Main Sts. In toe A 1966 blue Buick, 4 Dr. se- Albert Turgeon is In charge of governor needs In liaison with senator is really between Welck- and patch pockets. A llule grandson we loved Is wait- quonock. dan, was stolen Friday night toe birthdays to be celebrated, Egypt Rap lust over the hU. SuiMvors also Include a son redevelopment area. toe legislature.” ®r Joseph Duffey, toe Demi a sister, six grandchildren, and from the 'VFW lot on E. Mld- The Day said It hoped toe ocrat, and dismissed the can- Gramma ^ond Grampa ***® Tpk®-. Where it was parked. William O’Neill, Manchester Slriokiajid a great-grandchild. the Board of Directors, Eighth ^ . l«« director, will dls- U.S., Israel Democratic psuty would find didacy of Sen. TTiomas J . Dodd, District, and Redevelopment other opportunities for Its guber- a Democrat running for re-elec- A man reported to police that cuss toe referendum question (ContinueO from Page One) In Meitioriam Robert A. Davies - Agency were among toe Invited ^j^jg ^g driving hls car bh concerning road reconstruction natorial candidate. Rep. Emilio tion as an Independent. In loving memory ot Peter Reed ROCKVILLE — Robert A. £;ueste. who passed away Oct. 26. 1967. Acting at Egypt’s request, a Davies, 75, of Hartford, former The branch opened for busl- L 'T e a r d ^ a '^ r ^ ^ d to 'e 'T h i t o e ^ l w a ^ f c i u T S . ^ ' a ^ g r l T o l otoer ^ ri‘L 7 S t e “s ‘^'^® Waterbury Republican an- dem^^^^^ toe needs’T f Or® R®®’*''!'!® a»derman and police ness l^ t Wednesday, ’^ e fa- window ot tot car was noon at toe Manchester Coun- S v e drawn up a resoluUo^ de- n°“n®®d ‘t® endorsements Sito- Connectlcnt take precedence a it In OTr hearts arc m em ories. commUsloner, died yesterday at clllty had been temporarily lo- g^jattered Police report that It try Club. manding that Israel resume the Republicans Lowell P . over the needs of hls party na- That wiu forever last. Hartford Hospital. He was the cated in a trailer at 27 Hilliard ^ ^ g ^ ^ damage ----- indirect talks "With Egypt and Welcker Jr. for the U.S. Senate UonaUy. It said Duffey “has so Anderson-Litt/e S?hy “ rt_Tom husband of Mrs. Geraldine M. st. ^^^g ^ g g Members of toe Manchester Jordan which U.N. envoy Gun- governor. TOe split up his owm Democratic Ken and Carol Bud Davies. The new branch will provide Civic Orchestra will rehearse nar V. Jarring arranged with R®Publlcan also endorsed two party that hls ability to serve IN MANCHE&rrER Mr. Davies was bom July 3, all regular loan and deposit The resident Of 560 Spring S t tonight and hereafter at toe, himself as go-between. The res- Congress—Rep. as a unifying senator is In doubt CHAMCIT, (Mwtehester Parkade) West Middle Turnpike-Broad Street In Memoriam 1895 in Ellington, son of Henry services Including _ checking _ and complained that his car was _ Keeney _St. _ School „ auditorium___ olution calls _ for a report to toe Monagan In toe 6th In a time when unity in the na- R i?d '“vJ^ p 2 ^ "a w a y ^®.'' » . Degenkolbe savings accounts, safe deposit, kak^^l^ed'"* skmetlrn’k ' “BYiday'became of Inadequate parking iikkkmbly to te^o“m‘^ V , to eiT- District and Ella T. Grasso to tlon is so vital.” Phone 647-9776 1967 Davle^, and lived in Rockville and night depository facilities, night. 'Hie car was parked in facilities at the high school. Re- feet giving Israel that length 4>y the hospital, in nor’s Highway or C. Burrill of order to bring the latest in Tiger^Devour Ex-Rockville 97 Beelzebub Rd. Sewer Proposal on Agenda During MMH Anniversary medical advances to the com­ Now Is The Time..- Audition CaU munity. Hebron Rams Clergyman To St. Margaret Mary Ladies j j.. j. HAVE UNWANTED HAIR REMOVED Guild is Peking cast and creW * In recogniUon of Manches- pltal in Hartford wlU A fired up team*of Bolton Exhibit Art Of Commission Tomorrow for a Christmas play, the name ter Memorial Hospital’s 60th ‘ ^ ® M wUUi{$ClliCllb ^em ent o t theUiC Al*A1 I Get the money Tigers completely devoured the PaUent In the ^ Com- Body Recovered South Vtaidaor Sewer Com- to begin in April or May of of Mdilch will be announced Anniversary next month, and Hnmltnl’> defenseless Hebron Rams Sun­ saM y aiid permanently by electrolysis, A former Rockville minister tlons. AU work done by appointment only. Please can— mission will meet at 8 p.m .to- 1971 and completed in July or later. First rehears^ is sched- importance of contfiulng ^ Z BRANFORD (AP)—John Em- day by a devastating score of uled for 2 p m Sunday and the — importance oi conunuuig Howard the Rev. Forrest Musser, wll morrow at the Town Hall on -^UKUSt of 1-972. Assessments ley of Branford found his wife’s you need ••• with an 52-0. be the featured artist at an ex play wlU be present^ some- educaUon of physicians,' four gp,ro. professor of Medicine at Sullivan Ave. to discuss the Octo- body floating in Long Island Cheered on by a crowd of en­ hibit to be sponsored by th< ^ X MARY WARD her of 1972 or the first of nine Ume In December in the church specialists well known in their Yale University, i^ k e Sound Saturday just 2% hours thusiastic Bolton supporters Woman’s Board of the Hart proposed 35,142,000 sewer ref- aimual installments plus an hall on Hayes Rd. fields "have been Invited to lec- rounds with the medlc5J--Serv- after i>olice had temporarily grreatly outnumbering the home 91 A1/(DN ST., MANCHESTER • 649-2«7 American Loan! ford Seminary Foundation fronr, erendum which -will appear on interest charge will be due In Anyone Interested in joining ture to the staff during Novem- ice from 10 a.m. to n^ n Cmcs called off a search lor the wom­ town Hebron rooters, the Tig­ Nov. 2 through Nov. 30. the nroduction is asked to call her. The hospital’s anniversary wlU then be presented for dls- an. ers staged a convincing demon­ the Nov. 3 election ballot. October of 1973. The show will be held , in the \ Also under unfinished busi­ Mrs^^Gloria Hartan, 131 Scantic will be observed publicly dur- cussion, following which Dr. Emley told police about 9 p.m. This is a time of year when many people stration of the football prowess Last week at two page bro- Ing the week of Nov. 8-14. Spiro will speak on "Diseases MacKenzie Lounge on the sem­ ness, the Commission will dls- Meadow Rd. Friday his wife, Elizibeth, 60, find themselves short of cash. If you need that earned them the division inary campus, SS Elizabeth St., 'diure, prepared by the Com- ___ Dr. Milton Markowlcz, pro- of the Blood Vessels of the Gas­ championship. , ...... the Metropolitan. District trointestinal Tract." had -left the house in the after­ Hartford. A tea will be held mission was mailed to all rest- Commission and Burnham Street Evenlng Herald fessor of pematrlcs at the Unl- money, for any reason, now’s the time to Making ■ .a' complete . turn­ Manchester The fourth lecturer lor No­ noon to ball water from their Sunday from 3 to 6 p.m.. In the dents in South Windsor In an Sewers. South Windsor corfeapondent verslty of ^nnecUcut and an boat and hod not returned. He around after their winless sea­ intemationEd authority on Rheu­ vember will be Dr. David apply for an American Loan. Put cash in lounge, for faculty, staff, stu­ Barbara Varrick, Tel. 644-8274. maintained his search after of­ son last year, the Tigers fin­ SPECIAL OCT. 2Z - 28 effort to clarify questions re- • Under new business the sewer matic fever, will -visit Nov. 6 State, chairman of the Depart­ your pocket or purse now... and sele(?t the dents, the Parson’s Union, Con­ ficials terminated theirs. He dis­ ished this year without a loss. garding the prtqiosed sewer ex- Commission will reconvey right- and will make roimds with the ment of Surgeiy at Albert Ein­ necticut alumni, news media, covered the body about 2 a.m. repayment plan most convenient for you. Only one of their six victories SOUR CREAM ^ ^ V2^,4?lnt 22* tension. The printing was done of-way to Savin Brothers In e?c- pediatric service in the morn­ stein College^ of Medicinb in corporators and members of by citizena who believe rest- change for new right-of-way New York. He will, speak to tlie near the pier where the boat When borrowing makes sense, come to was a close game. the Woman’s Board. SAVE 5c Le Of transportation, talks. No details of the dlscus- made a two- point conversion he has done counseling, inter­ “We Can Work It OufTogether” on another play. church work and has chronicled thnt it wniiM hA in the hert These may range In seriousness slons were disclosed. Paul Groves ran wejl all af­ an artistic aoclo-philosophlc intArAAt of the town to have I™*" request from an elderly, 'Tugs using detergents broke ternoon. His reward came in the commentary on the phases and hnti. nmiAAta annearintr on the person for a ride to the grocery up a mile-long oil slick from the h iiot^ oi o store, to an injured person re- Pacific Glory earlier and offl- specl^izatlons of his ministry, - form of two touchdowns and ^ iiA qulring transportation to an cials termed "not excessive” three conversions. the places he has become part WE MAINTAIN OUR LOWEST PRIDES Sewer Commissioner Edward ^.ray laboratory. the danger of beach pollution. Ryba, in addition to making of for extended times, person­ Jarzebowski explained that af­ Transportation is provided by A spokesman for the Royal several long and well placed ter the commission reviewed ally and professionally. FISH volunteers to people who Navy said the 77,0(K)-ton tanker, kick-offs, scored six points on Feeling that the arts can D ay In...Day Out... alternate plans for sewer lines, need immediate, temporary which burned for two days after iteiMiiiSi ■ a brilliant x’eception of Muro's communicate through a sacred- ,(tle-in with the Vemon sewer help and cannot obtain it from a collision Friday night, waa J ^ 1 option pass. Also to his credit Youthful Ferguson Workers on Campaign Trail secular fusion. The Rev. Mr. lines, and extension of sewers the usual sources (friends, rela- bumping bottom four miles off was a timely pass interception Musser has spear-headed the to the Manchester line), it was the Isle of Wight In the English ' which put the Tigers in scoring Mrs. Vivian Ferguson, flanked by daughters Leigh, they were treated to lunch, at the 78 Forest St. formation of several art associ­ agreed the moat practical and PRESCRIPTIONS FISH Is soliciting for addt- Channel. AnUpoUuUon teams position. Ferguson home. Mrs. Ferguson said today, ‘I have ations which have developed 08 on left, and Laurie, distributes campaign pencils inexpensive route was throug;h ,, , Ime transportation waited for gales and a high sea Steve Munson, the backbone always believed strongly that our young people appreciation for artistic media to some of her youthful election workers. Mrs. ... resulting in meaningful the town’s own plant on Vlberts volunteers as ,this is when the to subside ao they could trausfer of the "B ” team’s running at­ of expression. Rd. Hie town would otherwise should be encouraged to participate in politics ^nd group is called on most heavily. 60,000 tons of crude oil still in C i l l d o l tack, consistently reeled off val­ Ferguson is the Republican candidate for state rep­ that they should learn of the importance of the His paintings are now to be savings to you every day! be financing sewer lines belong- uable yardage. Two of his found in many churches, public' For further information contact her tanks. resentative from the 20th Assembly District. Sat­ two-party system. Someday, one or more of those Ine to Vemon or Manchester. j ’Two tugs steadied the wreck. charges ended in six points each buildings, and homes through­ No np6 and downs in your Prescription * TYIAH Rhnwinir ^nn Peters of 60 Lewis Drive urday morning, about 40 volunteer boys and girls, who campaigned for me, or for some other candi­ A diagram map g Cottle of 78 Dog- and officials said there waa Ut- for the 'Tigers. On another op­ out New England and In vari­ costs—no “discounts” today, “Regular three distinct sewer areas accompanied by some adults, distributed campaign date in Manchester, also may be running for politi­ prices” tomorrow! wood Lane. tie danger of a repetition of the tion play, Munson placed a ous countries. Recently he has also contained In the brochure. •mm Lions Auction Torrey CanyMi disaster three long spiral squarely in the material door-to-door in Voting Districts 6 and 7, cal office. Their experiences now will help them had a painting accepted in the No “reduced specials”—no “temporary The first was the existing, sew­ The fourth annual Lions d u b years ago, when that grounded hands of end Rick Holcombe. which make up the 20th Assembly District. Later, later.” (Herald photo by Buceivicius) Loweli Jury Show and received redactions” on PrescriptionB to tare ers In South Windsor; tse sec­ Munson also had a fumble re­ honors at the Wakefield Art cu stom ers! country auction will be held on tanker spilled 90,000 tons of oil ond, pnqwsed sewer lines for Nbv. 9 at 7 :30 p.m. at the Com- Into the waters off southwest covery to his credit. 410 South Rd., Bolton; Raymond Storrs; Cathleen A. Dore, Show and the Leominster An­ At the same time, there Is never any this referendum, and third .the. Smash Savings on Top Hits Dane Ward demonstrated how Manchester Woollett, 175 S. Main St. Storrs; Theodore Caddy, Keeney nual Exhibit. compromise in servloe or quality! munity -Hall on Main St. in England. Hospital Phone area which will eventually use South Windsor. Five crewmen were killed and O p q u e to keep the defense honest with BIRTHS SA’TURDAY; A ^r., Bolton; Denise K. Barnett, During last month aIIa^ this the proposed sewers as Indica­ his, perfect execution of the month, his paintings have been Gabe Gaulin, Oiairman of the eight others were missing after Hospital Notes daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Dale Enfield; Mrs. Parise R. Le- The telephone number for YOU GET OVB l o w e s t ted by special markings. "Statue of Liberty’’ play. Zahner, RPD 4, Mountain Spring Maire, 82 Converse Rd., Bol- Manchester Memorial Hospi­ shown in a three-man exhibit to auction committee has an- the Pacific -~ Glory and the PRICES EVERY DAY OF THE Jarzebowski explained that Q(,i_ Francis Col- 46,000-ton tanker Allegro collld- Stereo LP’s Tom Harris made numerous VISITING HOURS Rd., Rockville; a daughter to Mrs. Ruth S. Murphy, tal was changed a few initiate the Wallace Civic Cen­ We Deliver YEAR . . . AND YOU SAVE no proposed future costs for the Stafford Springs will be ed and the Pacific Glory explod- crushing, tackles, most of which Intermediate Care Semi- Douglas Wether- Glastonbury; Mrs. Georgianna months ago, but too late to ter in Fitchburg, Mass. .Everywhere Panty Hose Beatles - Let it Be s Band - Stage Fright • Ringo Star - •rae show in Hartford will be MORE THROUGHOUT THE thlrd or eventual use area can aucUemeer. ed in flames. ’The dilp’s 29 other took place well l?ehind the Rams’ private, noon-2 p.m., and 4 p.m.- ell 460 Miller Rd South Wind- Bletzer, 31 Willard Rd.; Mrs. be listed correctly in the new Beaucoups o f Blues eiJoe Cocker - Mad Dogs & open to the public all during YEAR . . . ON ALL YOUR Fast be determined now as prices Anyone having items to do- crewmen escaped, line^ of scrimmage.------8 p.m.; ------private rooms, “10 a.m sor; twin daughters to Mr. and “ y^Ue K. Tedford, 18 Hendee phone books. The hospital Englishmen s Moody Blues - A Question of Rete Ryba quarterbacked the 2 p.m., and 4 p.m.-8 p.m. Rd.; Mrs. Bernadette Rivas, 96 November, from 9 a.m. to 4:30 PRESORIPTION NEEDS. do fluctuate, “ but In choosing Mrs. Charles ’Thompson, 125A ’number is 646-1222. Balance • Blood, Seat & Tears - Number 3 • Paul "B " team on several sustained Pediatrics: Parents allawed p.m. There will be no charge. the approach for adding both Main St.; a son to Mr. and Mrs. ' $ ' McCartney - Mc(Tartney s Hot Tuna - Hot Tuna marches. On defense, his big any time except noon-2 p.m.;' Martin Stacy, 60 Northfield Rd., Benton St.; Mrs. Patricia areas for sewer lines, the com­ mission la taking what they be­ numberniimho** ““io*» 12’’ wasiirna also frequent- others, 2 p.m.-8 p.m. Coventry. *’ Pcuch.Peach, A4 84 RachelRflchf*! "RH Rd.; • r?Arnl Carol TRY US AND SEE E598 Deakin, 25 Hansen Dr., Ver- Downey Dr.; Mrs. Lorraine lieve will be the most reason­ D498 ly seen in the Hebron, backfield. Self Service: 10 a.m.-2 p.m., Also, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Jones, 14 East St., Rockville; WANT TO BUY on top of their ball carrier. 4 p.m.-8 p.pn _ non; David J. Ryan, Wethers , , r. r able action” . C Edward Shunta, East Hartford; (igid;; Eionald A. Weber, 23 Mucha, Wilson; Jarzebowski continued,, “ We Joey Fontanella set up a Mun- Intensive Care and Coronary Nude heel, run stop top and a son to^Mr. and Mrs. Craig pairview Ave., Rockville. Oscar E. Stanford, Longmea--- envision future programs to be INTRODUCTORY son score with a key fumble re- Care toe. Black, navy, brown, Immediate family only, p^^ker, Enfield; a son to Mr. Also, Mrs. Harrietwompr n-E. i-ooxeCooke, dow. Mass.; William J. Nechl- of less magnitude If sewer lines tilo. East Hartford; Paul J. Cav- OFFER beige, white, bone, grey, CHEVY? are put In now. It wUl be to the 2.57 3.17 agnaro, 78 Woodstock Dr.; Mrs. town’s advantage to consider proportioned sizes_ A,B,C,D. Jd ,o „u. me U,« p.™?' „d i-M P.n,.., S Z Belle Romeyn, Schenectady, We have in stock for ' installation now.” FOR P’-«-:others. 3p.m ..4p.m ., and p^^k St.; a daughter to Mr. 3^7 E Centerst Mark Henni- Marklw, 134 Char- Immediate delivery new 1970 and 1971 Chevrolets. Commission Chairman Rich­ be 6:30 p.m.-8 p.m. and Mrs. John Docherty, 174 giin, 232 Ralph Rd.; Wesley ard C. Reeves said "Property - . DacK in action for the playoffs. Age Limits: 16 In maternity, Summit St. vine, 316 Center St. We also have a good selec­ GLOraA >. Clifford, 147 W. Center St.; Mrs. owners on proposed streets to The final score does not re- 12 In other areas, no limit in tion of new 1971 trucks. General Electric BIRTHS YESTERDAY: A son Hilda C. Shuart. 80 Tallwood Also, Elwood Anderson, He- Why not stop and see if AT THE PARKADE — WEST MIDDLE TPKE. be sewered would- Initially pay Ladies’ T T^e^'Tleers fumWert self-service. to Mr. and Mrs. Richard Marsh. Dr., South Windsor;Christopher bron; James Gagnon, 63 Fair we have what you want? a front foot assessment plus a the S o n ^ .. Enfield; a son to Mr. and Mrs. Faletti, 472 Tolland Tpke. Held St.; David A. Malinoski, 29 lateral aasessment, as sewers. BOUCHARD ine Hebron 10-yard line. They Due to construction, parking Ferguson Miriam Dr., Also, Mrs. Lennard Toccaline Auburn Rd.; Richard Van- We also have a, large selection of 1970 demos 'Increase the benefits to the prop­ Automatic Toothbrush w V ^ emerKene*®* *» severely re- vemon- a daughter to Mr. and and son, RFD 2, Rockville; Mrs. Duyne, 320 Tolland Tpke.; Mrs. erty owners and this Is how It DiocKed punt nullified because of stricted. The public is urgently „ ' mchard Belanger RFD 4 Donald Bailey and daughter, Patricia D. Griffin, Warehouse and executive cars for Personsillzed hair shaping, Striped Body Shirt sale at great savings! Re­ Is reflected” . all phases. Hair styling and requested not to park near the g-aton Rd., Rockville. East Hartford. Point; Lionel LaCroix, 45 Farm­ member all of these bar­ FREE* Fro^ G. E. 6 Extra Brushes Reeves also noted that pay­ hair coloring . . . haUed by Illegal motion DISCHARGED SATURDAY: DISCHARGED YESTERDAY: stead Dr., Wapping; Mrs. Nan- gains carry the 6-year fac­ ment can be made over a pe­ I The Bolton defense nermhtert «»eel- ^ ^ j^^s. Olive G. France, Ripley Carol Dr. tory warranty! riod of ten years for these as­ and 6 Tubes Crest Toothpaste t h S ^ s t S e r Z t r territn^ Mrs. Kathleen Kelly, Hill, 'Coventry; Alvarado J. Mrs. Rolland R. Cote Jr. and sessments. o n W ^ Z and thi? e a Z ^ Z East Hartford; James W. SlaL Sabourin, Stafford Springs; Joe son, 107 Harlan St.; Mrs. Rqlph A connecUon charge would be < Our Our hlnLert er. East Hartford; Gregory A. W. Shepard, WilUmanUc; John Zahner and son, 148 Prospect CARTER levied for those who want to Permanent — Long Lasting Reg. Reg. ^ e ^ e t n Z n s einh e.rt eeeeh 'viH'InstTUct you whCFe to couture, 52 Oak St.; Herbert A. Vincelette Jr., East Hartford; St., Rockville; Mrs. David Lyon use sewers and all chaiges to Including: Haircut, shampoo, test curls, styled 3.69 12.97 „ f .f ^'Ive to pick up the patient. xanner 's t.; Russell Patricia McCluskey, East Hart- and daughter, Rt. 66, Columbia; CHEVROLET the property owners ■would be 2.88 8.87 es were greeted by the tradition- ^ M a r s h a l l Rd.; Mrs. ford; Carol Hurlburt, 18 Bonner Mrs. Donald Pitkin and son, between 32 milUwi to .32V4 nill- hair set and glamour spray . . . M l 'ISA Cordless rechargeable power handle with effective ujj-and al champagne and s ^ a barrage Patients today: 275 Barbara G. Montetream,. Mart--Rd.; Mrs. L auretteI.Poins-E astH artford;M rs. RobertDu- llon. ’The ovei^ll tax-mill r ^ 1229 Main Street (olfer ends Saturday, Oct. 31) Permanent press fabrics! An assortment of colors in wnen tney amved at the Bolton a D M IT T E D SATURDAY: borough; Mrs. Rowena G. Pair, sonnier, 184 Nevers Rd., Wap- baldo and daughter, 135 Wells would increase less than S irnlia -down motion, better results than hand brushing! Buy Con^unity Hall. A large group Leona F. Bombard, 22E Somers. ping. St.; Mrs. Alfred Peduzzi and Manchester • 849-8238 for sewer installation. HAIR COLORING WITH STYLE SET . .$6 ^ woven stripes. Sizes 10 to 16. ^ *Ask Clerk for Details! now and get a gift from G.E.! 1 per customer of -nger supporters turned out ^ase Dr.; Gary Collins, 165 Also, Mrs.-Lucille N. O’Brien, Also, Mrs. Sandra G. Shay, 46 son, 108 McKee St. ’The brochure noted that there at the center to share the team’s - - - - - ■- —■ SHAMPOO SET ...... $ 3 .0 0 School St.; James Davidson, Rt. does not appear to be funds victory celebration. Refresh­ 6, Andover; Thomas N. Frevln- ments of soda,'Icake, and Ice available for the town for this J ^ ^ thick, Scotland Conn., Pauline work but all possibilities are PETITE BEAUTY SALON LeClair, 68 Oak St.; Mrs.-Eunice Athletic Association. being studied. 34 CHURCH ST., MANCHESTER • 643-0322 ' K. Loyzlm, '‘YlFD 3, Coventry; If voters approve the referen­ Best Seller Books Next week the Tigers will play Mrs“ “^radys L; Ric”c’io7“l4''H;rt- (Closed Mondays) v Girls’ Bulky Orion® Sweaters dum, construction is expected Pub. List Sale an exhibition game against Glas- Rd,; Don L. Skewes, 11 CONSTRUCTIO N SERVICES tonbury in Glastonbury. The fol- WilUam St. ^ lowing week the playoffs will be- Islands in the Stream 5.97 ' gin. Bolton’s opponent has not Also, Mrs. Donna Waller, Rt. OF BOLTON ^ or Bonded Acrylic Slacks yet been determined. Listed as thick, Scotland Conn.; Pauline RAYMOND J. NEGRO, Pres. ^ * 1 • Hemingway possibiles are the Enfield Ram- 6, Andover, t biers, the Vemon P*ioneers, and ADMITTED ■ YESTEIRDAY: VOTERS AT VERPUNCK & WEST SIDE REG ii-. 2 the East Hartford Itallan-Ameri- Francis G. Adams Jr., 124 W. can Club. ' Middle Tpke.; Nancy A. Ander- . W£ ikO THE COMPLETE JOB at Xian Rich Man, Poor Man 7.9s 4.77 _____ son, 274 Abbey Rd., South Wind- " O O i t * Shaw Advertisement— sor; Mrs. Nellie E. Bradley,. 44 INCLUDING PLUMBING, WIRINQ, YOUR CHOICE Notice; Independents, Demo- Greenwood Dr.; Frederick G. HEATING Our Reg. crats. Republicans—^A1 is a nice Clay, East Hartford; James V. AN EXPERIENCED MAN ea. 3.99 ea. VO»7;| person but Dot MJUer is nicer Collier, 281 Center St. 2.99 8-95 ' Papillon 5.37 and will make a better repre- Also, Mrs. Rosemary Cronin, PERSONALIZED SERVICE sentatlve of all the people 97 Lenox St.; Mrs. Juanita J. Cardigans in novelty stitch and cables. 4 to 6x, 7 to 14. Charriere of the ABC towns. This Day, East Hartford; Sandra Flare leg slacks, solids and plaids; sizes 7 to 14. time vote straight Republican. Deyeau, 322 Oakland St.; Mr^. MODERN 6 Miller f.ov Representative Com- Patricia C. Evans, 45 Peach ROOM RECREATION ROOMS mlttee—Donald Davis Treas. ’Tree Lane, South Windsor; ADDITIONS KITCHENS ‘Collections Were The New • ____ Lawrence E. Fentiman, Standish & Manchester Evening Herald Rd., Coventry; Mrs. Elsie H.' BATHS CALDOR Bolton correspondent Judith Gevry, Stafford Springs. GARAGES Good T oday ’ Men’s Brushed INTRODUCTION W hirlpoolXcOftKMtAnON Trash Masher ALL WORK PLANNED, SUPERVISiED AND '' N. CHARLES] N. CHARLES Donohue, tel. 649-8409. . Also, Stephen M. Hanley, 190 DORMERS IN THIS AREA Brjran Dr.; Mrs. Edna Harp- FAMILY ESTIMATED BY OWNERS, iNO SALESMEN ham, 29 Cottage St.; Linda A. ' ( INVOLVED. FREE ESTIMATES AND BOGGINI BGGGINI Compaetor Volcano Provides ROOMS ATTIC Cotton Flannel Shirts Haskell and Susan A. Haskell, PLANNING SERVICE, 30 YEiARS’ EXPERIENCE ROOMS Autumn Spectacular 90 Scantic Meadow.Rd., South ( • IN ANY business enterprise, as seen CATANIA, Sicily (AP) — Aft- Windsor; David Neff, 15 Wel- good collections play a vital part Just say on TV er disappointing summer tour- come PI.; Mrs. Irene R. Jodoin, in its success. That is doubly CHARGE IT! 95 ists with only a few sputtering WllUmantlc; Edward M. Kaplan, true when a young man is in $ outbursts, Europe’s tallest vol- 23 Watson Rd., Vemon; Mrs. SORRY! WE ONLY DO WORK business for himself, for the Our cano fired molten rock 900 feet Olive M. Klrbell, Mountalnvlew EAST OF THE RIVER first time — as is your news­ Reg. Simple, convenient! Just open a drawer, cjrop trash, into the air today In a series of Rd., South Windsor, paper carrier. 2.99 ea. garbage in bag, close drawer, push button. Refuse is violent eruptions. Also, Mrs. Carol LaCross, 118 IN ORDER THAT WE MAY BETTER SERVE for compacted to 1/4 its original size, ready sealed for 'The new outbreak was from Tudor Lane; Peter Nese, East OUR MANY SATISFIED CUSTOMERS IT GIVES him a real thrill disposal. Bag holds from 20 to 30 lbs. o f normal house­ the so-called 1970 crater that Hartford; Mrs. Beula E. Nich- every time he is able to collect WILL DO THE MOST FOR YOU! opened early this year between ols, Milwaukee, Oregon, hold trash, bottles, tins - disposables for family o f 4 for his accounts in full, pay for his Well tailored, matched plaids with popular spread collar, two older craters on the north- Also, Mrs. Colleen N. Perkins, newspapers, and enjoy 100% about a week. Plug into any AC outlet. cast slope of Mt. Etna. 8 Rachel Rd.; Marion Preusse, CALL649-9408 ANYTIME INCLUDING SUNDAY RE-ELECT BOGGINI 2 pockets. S,M,L,XL. profit from his efforts. Yes, it INCUMBENT REPRESENTATIVE Observers reported a river of Gall Dr., Ellington; Victor Pyke, FOR ANY TYPE OF CONSTRUCTION, LARGE OR SMALL aids and encourages him more lava streaming from the crater RFD 4, Rockville; Jeffrey C.- than you may realize, when you down the side of the two-mile- Stephens, 13f Timrod Rd.; John PULL TOP LEVER FOR TOP TEAM SILAS DEANE HIGHWAY. ROCKY HILL SALE: MON. thru WED. high volcano. h , Taylor Jr., 514 Abby Rd., have the money ready. Prompt There was no alarm. The lava Wapping; William J. Taylor, 88 payments by you, mean GOOD At. Hi. IntanKtion of Rxlf 24 A Intorstafo VI was miles away from the near- W. M ^ le Tpke.; Mrs. Nadia CONSTRUCTION SERVICES collection days for him! 1145 TOLLAND TPKE.. MANCHESTER est fields or houses, and lava Tedford, 21 Clinton Dr., South O F BOLTOI4 flows usually spread out and Windsor. ^Bogginlj^niimIttee|^^aine«^^B^ll^^ cool In depressions on the moun- Also, Charles A. VanAllen, FREE ESTIMATES — BUDGET PLAN AVAILABLE iWanrhrBtrr lEttrnittg IfrraUi tainside. > Glastonbury; Alan C. Wiedie, MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. MONDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1970 PAGE TWELVE Section Two MONDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1970 MONDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1970 Pages 13 to 24

Manchester November Calendar 1 Fine Arts and Chafts Festival, Manchester Fine Arts Association and Lions Club, Man­ chester High School, 1-6 p.m. I Arts and Crafts Fair and Flea Market, Man­ There% a chester Junior Women’s Club, Army-Navy Club, 12:30 to 5:30 p.m. 1-30 Fruit Cake Sale, Civitan Club. 3 Commencement of Christmas Mitten Tree, Beta Sigma Phi - Xi Gamma Chapter, CBT Main Street Office. 5 World Community Day — “What About Our Billies, Manchester?’’, Church Women United, Branch on the St. Bridget’s School Cafeteria, 8 p.m. * 7 Rummage Sale, Beta Sigma Phi - Xi Gamma Chapter, Mott’s Supermarket, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. 7 Oktoberfest in November, Manchester Junior Women’s Club, Knights of Columbus Hall, 8 p.m. to“^l a.m. 7 Annual Dinner-Dance, Midget and Pony Foot­ ball Association Auxiliary, Manchester Arm­ S.B.M. Family Tree ory, 7:30 p.m. to 1 a.m. 2 8 Harlem Magicians Basketball Game, B’nai B’rith — Charter Oak Chapter, Manchester High School, 1:30 p.m. 8 Veterans’ Day Parade, Commencement of Hospital Week, 1:30 p.m.' , 8 Rededication Ceremonies for Manchester Mer morial Hospital, Manchester Armory, 3 p.m. 9-12 Hospital ’70 — An open house displaying com­ r Israel Bond Co-Chairman plete picture of total health care within/and 6 r Co-chairmen of the -Manchester Israel Bond com­ without the Hospital, Manchester Armory, 2 mittee, Atty. Philip Bayer, left, and Atty. Rolland- to 5 p.m. and 6:30 to 9 p..m daily. j i \ J Castleman, discuss a reception to be Held Sunday, 9 “A Friendly Game” — film on brotherhood, NoV, 8, at 8 p.m. at the home of Dr. and Mrs. Leo YWCA,.12:30 p.m. J Charendoff, 135 Steep Hollow Lane, to celebrate 9 Negro History — a lecture by John Rogers, I f i c e i s Israel’s 22nd yiear of statehood. The affair is being Ladies of St. James, St. James’ School Hall, 8 Jp e n held in behalf of the 1970 State of Israel Bond cam­ p.m. paign. Others assisting in the fund drive are MrS'. Joseph Kopman, vice <:hairman; and Aaron Wein- 10 “Youth Speaks” — a panel ihoderated by the Rev. Robert Saunders, Guild of Our Lady of In the New Shopping Center at Main and No. Main Streets traub, chairman of guardians. St. Bartholomew, St. Bartholomew’s School Hall, 8 p.m. between the four, buildings as 10 Radio Auction, Kiwanis Club, W IN F Radio, Fashion Show Rehearsal Open House Set they search for the appropriate 8 to 11 p.m. , rooms Before the bell tings, ac­ Mrs. Frank Lane; posters, Mrs. from their area repesentative I I Radio Auction, Kiwanis/Club, W IN F Radio, Young parishioners of St. and Mrs. William Garvey; pro­ By Bennet PTSO cording to PTSO President Jay Margaret Mary Church got to­ gram, Mrs. Sedlock; door prizes, Donald Kozak. Is asked to call Mrs. Salvatore S \ ^ R. Stager. 8 to 11 p.m. Mrs. John Patrick; decorations, Tickets have been distributed Curvlno, 347 Felt Rd., or David gether Saturday In Msinchester The annual , “ meet-the-teach- Bennet students will be ex­ 11 Bazaar, Women’s Fellowship of Center Church, Mrs. Morland Beckman and Mrs. In all areas In town and anyone MjcGonigle, 79 Laurel St. ers-dlscuss-therprogram” open pected to “ teach their parents” Center Church, 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. to rehearse their modeling Kenneth Campbell; table favors. Interested In obtaining tickets (Herald Photo by Bucelvlclus) house will be h^ld Wednesday at how to follow the seven-period 13 “Fifth Season”, Community Players, Bowers chores for the fashion show to be floating schedule, and should be Bennet Junior H l^ School be­ School, 8 p.m. presented by the Ladles Guild bringring their parents an Invita­ and Burton’s of Manchester. ginning with the child’s first pe­ 14 “Fifth Season”, Community Players, Bowers tion from the school with basic . The show, theme of which Is riod class at 7:30 p.m. information about the open School, 8 p.m. “ Aquarius” , Is scheduled for 8 Parents will be following their house program. Student Council 14 Benefit Dance, Manchester Hospital Auxiliary, p.m. tomorrow In the church 1 BELIEVE... child’s schedule for the day and memebrs will serve as guides to Manchester Armory, 8:30 p.m. to 1 a.m. hall, 80 Hayes Rd., Wapplng. that' the sale ot mailing lists by the Motor Vehicle Depart­ FREE GIFTS be In nearly continual motion “ lost” parents. Women’s and children’s fashions ment must be stopped. The resulting flood of junk mail 14 Holiday Fair, Emanuel Lutheran Church Wo­ Choose one of these Gifts when you open a ffEW Savings Account of $50 or more at our No. End Office * * will be featured. men, Church Hall, 10, a.m. to 3 p.m. loads the Post Office with mall that does not pay its own The young models are, from 16 Halfway House Speaker, Women’s Fellowship the left, Lynn and Anne Marie way and is not wanted by the public.” of Center Church, Church Hall, 8 p.m. Pane, daughters of Mr. and 18 “Holiday Arrangements” — Mrs. Sidney Ellis, Mrs. Francis Pape, IBl Clinton ROGER BAGLEY Manchester Garden Club, Concordia Lutheran Dr.; U sa Sedlock, daughter of “Let Your Voice Be Heard” Church, 1:30 p.m. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Sedlock; YOUR CHOICE FOR 64 Mountain Dr., and Kathleen 18 Y — Wednesday Dessert Series — “Creating Sheppard, daughter of Mr. and from Scratch” — Koffee Krafters Community Mrs. Donald Sheppard, 06 Gleh- STATE REPRESENTATIVE, t9th ASSEMBLY DISTRICT . Y, 12:30 td 2 p.m. wood Dr. (THOSE VOTING AT BUCKLEY, HIGHLAND PARK AND NA’THAN HALE SCHOOLS) Vivian Ferguson 19, 20 “Pure as the Driven Snow or a Working Girl’s Coordinators of the event are Mrs. Pane and Mrs. Paul White. VOTE REPUBLICAN ON NOVEMBER SnI C Secret” by Paul Loomis, Sock and Buskin for Drama Society, Manchester High School, 8 Committee members are: Re­ Citizens for Roger Bagley, Gordon Fogg, Treas. p.m. freshments, Mrs. Barry Noonan State Representative — C.O.P. 29 Carole Sing, Nativity Scene Committee, Center Park, 7 p.m. These monthly cEUendars of fund-raising and public in­ terest events In Manchester are submitted by member clubs To Help You of the Service Club Coordinating Committee, Initiated by the Manchester Junior Women’s Club, For information about list­ T ings, call Mrs. Joseph Sabatella of 81 Mountain pr.. South Windsor.' Cut the Cost of Living...

Co., against Gerald and Judith Public Records Monahan, 676 Bush Hill Rd., We Have Cut the Cost of Borrowing! Quit Claim Deeds $5,000. John E. and Helen Wilson to Connecticut Bank and Trust James S. Wilson, half interest Co., against Mary Kosky, 688 In property at 81-83 Laurel^ St., Bush Hill Rd., $1,660. conveyance tax, $14.86. 'Trade Name Real Estate Attachments CHECK OUR William W. Wlgglesvirorth of Connecticut Bank and Trust TalcottvUle, doing business as Co., against W. Arthur Evans, General Business Services, PO 95 Galaxy Dr., $1,200. Connecticut Bank and -Trust Box 74, Vernon. REGULAR Savings Accounts Earn INTRODUCmC- No. End Banking Hours

Men.'Wad.— 9 am to 3 pm 90 DAY MISS Thun.— 9 am to 3 pm-6 pm to 8 pm NOTICE Ldfe-long resident of manchester. i Frii—9 am to 3 pm Accounts Inherited pollUcal Interest from her father, the late Harry LOWER RATES 2 UNDA Earn J Flrato, former deputy mayor and member of Man­ Sat.— 9 am to 12 noon chester Board of Directors. Served four consecuUve terms—a total of eight years. M iss U n d a is aa mit- Has served boards of directors and-working member of ON many organizations Including AYI 2 Year First Recording Secretary, Manchester Historical Society. Everyone Eligiblel You Need Not Be a Depositorl Certificates Earn Writes column “ Prom Your Neighbor’s Kitchen" appearing I weekly In Manchester Evening Herald. LOANS e WONDERFUL WORKING OLIVE OIL IN EVERY DROP Pa?t President, Manchester Republican Women’s Club. . protects and lusters your hair as it waves, it simply cannot leave the hair dull and dry, it gives you the softest, Past Vice-President and charter member, Harfford Chap­ loveliest, most lasting permanent you’ve ever had. CALL US AT ^ •iiiNeet t i n eiletle* ter, National Secretaries Association. Formerly lm MintflNMi 4wpM)t MMt r«Mlfi fwr 12 ntt. executive secretary. Wife of co-publisher The Manchester Fhrenlng Hermd — S P E C IA L . . . Caryl Richards 'Thomas F. Ferguson. Mother of 3 children—Laurie 16, OLIVE OIL Permanent ♦11.62 Leigh 14. and 'Tommy 13. 646-1700 Savings Bank^ of Manchester Includes Haircut, Shampoo, Teat Curls, Styling Set and Glam- Voters at West Side Rec our Spray by Misses Marion, Sandra and Tricia. A Mambar and Verplanck School Schulfz Beauty Salon Savings BankO of Manchester Eifht comtnlml officn ureing Performance Is Her Motto MANCHESTER • SOUTH WINDSOR 0 EAST HARTFORD a BOLTON 44 OAK STOEET— PH ONE 643-8951 Light co>i«emcnl officet terving Ferguson for Representative Committee Air Conditioned— Ample Parking MANCHESTER • EAST HARTFORD • SO. WINDSOR • BOLTON NOTCH William ’Ihomton, ’Treasurer MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER.'CONN.. MONDAY,.OCTOBER 26, 1970 p a g e EIFTEEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERa LD. MANCHESTER. CONN- MONDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1970 PAGE FOURTEEN covered he was a white known San Luis Obispo, Calif., where Mideast Hides^ chiefly for his advocacy of LSD he was serving a 10 to 16-year Steele as a 'young' mM of as does Friedman, in the maga- dynamic economic theory. 1 and marijuana, the welcome sentence on narcotics charges. Hugh F. Ward Second Conffressional District - dorsement by “Connecticut Cir- zlne Newsweek on economic af- At MlfT, Samuelson holds the Suez Canal Campaign Battles Heated and Wife cooled off. He arrived In Algiers last week fairs and related matters. rank of “institute professor,” a , Missed serverence.V American ' Sources at the Beirut airport as the guest of Black Panther Democratic Candidate He is the first American to title used spdringly by the VERONA, Italy (AP) — BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) — “■He has his mind set on serv­ reported Leary, his wife and Je ­ leader Eldridge CHeaver, anoth­ win the economics prize. The school to recognize outstanding Pvt. Luigi Marella was sen­ Seen Web T he, whereabouts of Dr. 'Hmo^ for ing Ihe people of his district and nifer Dohm arrived there from er fugitive from the U.S. courts. WinsNohel first was awardee) last year to members of the faculty. tenced today to a year and As Final Full Week Opens thy Leary remained a mystery State Representative the ability to achieve his estab­ Cairo 'Sunday and left the air­ President Endorses Dr. Ragnar Frisch of Njorway Samuelson said he planned to seven months in prison for today, but apparently he is lished goals,” the magazine Of Missiles port. Some sources said they (Waddell-Robertson Schools) and Dr. Jan. Tlnberger of the go to his MIT office as usual to- throwing a footstool at an of­ By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Nicholas Eddy, R-New Hartford, his "unflinching anti-Communlst somewhere in the Middle East. states. “This is his first ven­ On Economy Tile campaign capers contln- were quoted as saying they co- stand” and from those Demo- Black Panther sources in Ai- were touring the Middle East as TRICK OR TREAT Netherlands. ficer who refused to let him (Continued from Page One) ' Manchester 1st & 2nd Voting PistricI Steele for Congress ture as a candidate, but he has go to town on leave because ued over the weekend as Con- sponsored and introduced the crats who “cannot stomach ADA “glers reported Sunday that the guests of A1 Fatah, the largest CANDIES->MASKS a broad background of interna­ (Continued from Page One) Samuelson, who has advised “My wife won t let me necUcut residents faced their fl- leglslaUon and that Weicker’s (Americans for Democratic Ac­ fugitive from a U.S. prison term of the Palestinlan^,gueirilla tablishment of an oceanograph­ his hair was too long. said Israel had observed the COSTUMES By BETTE QUATKAL,E tional affairs, defense spending past administrations in Wash- home,” he explained, npt with nal full week of pre-elecUon claims were "inaccurate and in­ tion) chairman Joe Duffey as a on drug charges had left the groups, but a Fatah jspfffcMman “Tax reform is long overdue . . the time to act is now!” ic center for southeastern Con- rems, and to find new applica- The stool missed Lt. Gae*,_^ cease-fire and standstill faithful­ (iterftid Reporter) and environmental control. His ington, was critical last summer the phones ringing like thlS!^ candidate.” Algerian capital for Amman, asserted: "W e have -nothmg to tano Bonavlta but a military rhetoric. flated.” ARTHUR DRUG WARD for Representative — Joe Csenrinskl, Tiueewter necticut, terming the proposals approach to this country’s tions for existing ones of President Nixon’s policy on The Gary, Ind., native holds ly. Battling by press release and Weicker spokesmen Sunday Jordan, after the Algerian gov- do ■with these people.” Republican Congressional ‘■enmnlptelv‘completely inadequateinndeniiate and im-un- ...... t . . ,__ l ._____ inflation degrees from the University of court found the enlisted man problems will be valuable to his His best known work is The general read what he said personal appearance were five evening said that Weicker real- a;—.. emment refused to let him hold Leary escaped from prison in candidate Robert Steele of Ver­ realistic.” He ioiiied Gardner Ackley Chicago and Harvard. He joined guilty of insubordination and b ^ news conference. constiuents and to his fellow “Foundations of Economic was a hitherto-unpublished seci major candidates, two seeking ly wrote the law which Rourke IS U} Observatory non has received the endorse­ “The Nixon administration •• violence against an officer. PALOMAR MOUNTAIN, Cal- These sources said Leary and house members.” Analysis,” a standard textbook Uon of Paragraph “C” in the to succeed retiring Gov. J ( ^ and Eddy dumped into the leg- ment of President Ricliard and my opponent are doing nomlc Advisers under President p Z a ^ d ^ computer-aimed fjjg .y^rife, Rosmary, were ac- Steele toured the proposed cease-fire agreement under Dempsey and the others gunning istative hopper, nothing of real sig^iiflcance on central economic theory. Lyndon B. Johnson, last July in fha I r m a r Both Wefeker and Duffey seek telescope enabling astronomers companied by Jenifer Dohm, Nixon, “I need you here in about developing the _____Danielson neighboriiood de- for a seat in the U.S. Senate. “ The prize committee said that assailing Nixon’s budget policy j^”r io r c r a ir f o S have six chil- Fire Empties which both sides are bound: to unseat Incumbent Sen. Thom- universe 10 mil- the slsteV of Weatherman leader Washington and I look forward raphic industry,” Plckett velopment area this morning, Gubematorial candidate Emi­ Uon times better than with the in his books and eirticlea, Sa- and the monetary policy regu- “I. Not to introduce, move- lio Q. Daddario blasted his op­ a s ,J. Dodd, a Democrat who Bemardine Dohm, who is on the to celebrating your victory on claims. acting on a request from sever- naked eye has been dedicated at muelson “has rewritten con­ lated by the Federal Reserve ______Caldor’s Store forward, construct or otherwise ponent’s voting record in Con­ bowed out of the party nomina­ F B I’s most wanted list. Nov. 3 and to working with you Speaking before the Marine concerned residents of that siderable parts of central eco­ Board. They said the govern­ install missiles in this zone. gress as “one of the worst.” tion fight and is seeking re- the Hale Observatory. Informants in Algiers said the for good government in the Draftsmen's Association town. ■M.T . e A fire Saturday night in a The new 60-inch Mayer tele­ Algerian government gave nomic theory, and has in sever­ ment should attempt to expand 2. Not to construct any cem- "Since the beginning of i970, election as an independent. years ahead.” Groton, Pickett charged that Accompanying Steele on the the U.S. economy to fight unem­ JNatlOn S W eather stock room behind the garden , ^ scope, joining three others atop Leary a visa because it thought ______the "oceanography industry is tour were representaUves of_the al areas achieved results which center at Caldor’s on Tolland crete structures for the em- Tom Meskill has missed 112 of His candidacy got a boost Sat­ Die statement is included in now rank among the classical ployment. urday with formation ofw. aV. group__ ® 5,600-foot peak, can focus on he was a black man who was Tax- By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Tpke. forced the store to close placement of missiles. 196 roll call votes,” said the a: letter Steele received 'from ETOing to get started only when Chamber of Commerce, theorems of economics . . . He Said Samuelson: “A congres­ caTled “ReimbUcriis'fOT MesWlL objecU nearly three billion light joining the Black Panther office and Fair and pleasant weather for tfie remainder of the night. "3. Not to carry out any work Democrat Daddkrio. ’ the President recenUy, extend- the Federal government makes payers A s^laU on, town has developed and Improved sional Medal of Honor should be Dodd ’’ years away. ^ there^ When the Algerians dis- borough officials, state and lo­ The store opened today on for the establishment of new A spokesman for Rep. Meskill ing his congratulations to Steele fl- significant commitment. several Important theorems given by Congress to Congress. covered most of the nation to­ day although rain or drizzle fell sites for missiles. said his Republican boss dfd in­ A petition backing Dodd was on the "energetic campaign” he creating a wet NASA.” cal candidates and newsmen. within the theory of internation­ For if it had not overcome Nix­ schedule. along the Eastern Seaboard Eighth District firemen re- “4. Notwithstanding the con­ deed miss 112 congressional roll sigped by 68 GOP members of is waging in the second district. Although a “blue ribbon” The Danielson request was al trade.” on administration resistance to ceived the call at 6:36 and sent gent to accept maintenance of calls this year. the new club. Among them were The president placed major presidential comniittee recom- made after Steele was “instru­ increased Social Security bene­ from North Carolina to New A native of Gary, Ind., Dr. England and thundershowers three engines to the scene. The exisUng installaUons, no im- But, said the spokesman. Rep. Yale Prof. David Rowe, co- stress on Steele’s plans to "de- mended the creation of a large mental in obtaining the long- fits and to government pay IP' Samuelson went to MIT in 1940 fire was lipmedlately brought provement shall be made in ex- Daddario was absent during 120 chairman of “Scholars for velop working lines of commu- independent agency to stimu- delayed urban renewal grant creases: m .rw and was named institute profes­ ’ homa. under control. Sprinklers in the igting missile sites or emplace- roll calls during the same Nlxon-Agnew” in 1968; Dr. Jus­ nicatlon” with the people of the late the use of the ocean's re- for Norwich.” the Department of Commerce sor in 1966. He has been a con­ Snow flurrifes..dottcd the moun- stdre.had contained the fire un- ments.” period. tin van der Kroef, chairman of district. sources, Fdckett claims Steele ------sultant to the Federal Reserve itself, we would not have had in A number of veteran political Bridgeport University’s Political F ir s t SPEOAU from the^'PMlflc North- til firemen arrived. 2 Steele has campaigned on the did not discuss this agency hi , the second quarter a razor-thin tains Yariv said particular atten­ Board since 1967 and has served into the North Central Thick smoke forced the store observers have been saying- Science Department; and Clar­ basU that he would open four detail “because he knew that- M ail, OOV IniUreCl in many other government advi­ rise in the real Gross National west tion was paid to the missile Rockies as far south asTlenver. to close. some with surprise—that Mesk- ence Whitney, a former Repub­ N ational permanently staffed offices in yjg Nixon Administration failed » j ■«», » sory positions. Product.” _ clause because Israel knew, 111 appears to have the edge in lican candidate for mayor of M O N. • TUES. • W ED Temperatures ranged earlv.^ There was no estimate avail­ when it signed the agreement, Eastern Connecticut, hold open to act on the commission report - l n 1 x 0 0 ( 1 M . l S n a p S The author of several widely the race for the Statehouse. At New Haven. S to r e s day from 18 at Kalispell, Mont> able of the amount of damage. “that we were taking a grave office hours on his weekend gj^d failed to give a meaningful used college textbooks and BELMONT, Mass. (AP)—Paul least one poll released Sunday Dr. van der Kroef said he visits back to the District and to 79 at Brownsville and Kings Fre marshal William C. mandate independent Two people were hospitalized coauthor of numerous other A. Samuelson, -winner of the risk.” bears out that view. found wide support for Dodd, es­ make a personal appearance in vine,' Tex. Mks

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9 5 ^ Many quiet neighborhoods where people once felt w) '439.95 1 ONLY secure are now unsafe. And this condition affects all 1 ONLY COPPER people, no matter what race or group. Lowell Weicker believes we can make our neighborhoods WAYS TO 1. (BSESBI 2b P i V V A T 1 (5«»»»r(i«ir9W, I safe again. He worked hard to accomplish this as a Congressman by introducing legislation to provide GOODYEAR Federal funds to strengthen local police forces and by voting for three anti-crime bills. v Elect Weicker to the Senate so he can continue to work for improved law enforcement and safer neighborhoods. GOODYEAR SERVICE STORE KELLY RD. VERNON, CONN. OPEN MON.-WED. 8;M-6:00 THUR8. - FBI. 8:80 - 9:00 SAT. 8:00-3:00 M 6 - 0 1 0 1

W. tCMfve TW llfbt Te Liieit Qeiatiti.! PriiM EHtetiv. In Rnt Netiwul Sup.rnurk.U l«r, »nd T.but. ProAicU Ei.mpt Fc m Stwip Oft.. Put your confidence in a man with guts. Make Congressman Lowell Weicker your Senator. Paid for by Citizens for Weicker. Joseph Wilcox. Treasurer. ' '' j . aiANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CQNN^ MONDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1970 PAGE SEVENITJEN MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHEST«R, CONN.. jjONDAY. OCTOBER 26, 1970 ?AGE SIXTEEN chard St., all of Rockville; Somers; Pauline Anderson; Mt. Terrace Dr., and Margaret 51st District Rockville Kimberly Headen, Stafford' Spring Rd., Tolland; Daniel Koschwitz, Keeny St., Rock­ ville ; Mrs.' Richard Eames and iHER GLASS GOi o f Ma n c h e s t e r Coventry Quiet at 89 Dodd Busy Dodging Hospital Notes Springs., Ehirieko, Snipsic Lake Rd., Dixon Applauds Discharged Wednesday: Daryl Rockville; Wesley (hareer, son, Warren, Mass.; Mrs. CANNES, France (AP) -* Cook, Dockerel Rd., Tol­ fePD No. 1; Ellington; Flor­ James Jehkins and son, Staf­ Visiting hours are 12:30 to 8 54 McKEE STREET Pablo Picasso, who hates land; Loretta Schweitzer, Broad ence Grotta, Prospect St., ford Springs; Mrs. Earle CHark New Booklet Hopes to Better Miller Stand'Gii Superpatriot Label p.m. In all areas except ma­ birthdays, has passed his Brook; Shirley Frederlch, Rockville. ’ and daughter, East St., Rock­ Now is the time to bring tai your screens to be repntiM. 89th in seclusion. ternity where they are 2 to 4 ville; Mrs. Lucius Sherman Storm Window'glass replaoed. By DON MEIKLE “ i never stole anything In my Florence St., Sandra Thomas, Discharged Thursday: Jane Bouquets, gifts, letters and Law and Order and 6:30 to 8 p .i^ and son, (h’estrldge Dr., Ver­ Police-Community Relations HAMDEN, Conn. '(AP) — life. I’m cld your purse tight Hooper, associate patron and THE NORTH END SECTION 4 6 OZ ly while walking on the stree forgive the senator this eccen- ( matron; Mrs. John A. ^ t t e r , OF MANCHESTER cans .tricity. He had somehow struck Our best or it may be taken by purse secreta^; Mrs. Marlon C. ^atehers before you realize it.” a chord within them on the sub- ( ' Stop & Shop ^mknes j Schumann, treasurer; Mrs. IWD- ject of Americanism ,and that - Also: "Every citizen sboold ert M. Bantly, conductress; Mrs. give special heed to his conduct was sufficient. { prederlck A. Recave, associate MANCHESTER WATER COMPI^tY “ In Dodd We Trust," said the while in the company of younf conductress; Reginald E. Allen, people. A poor example or lacl lapel pins on the Dodd staffers. | of restraint, indulgence in pett: A new pin was reputedly in the PORE SALE ^*MsofMrs- Earl C. Salad Oil gambling, irresponsibility or in Lamb Clwp works which will say ” Dodd ( temperance,tempe.rance, sets a poornoor stan ^ ,8 ^ e to n ^ . Elliott, Bless America.” Our Best Center Cut dard for the observant young R______o^ rt C. Eels, “ When Tom Dodd Wins, i /«a* Stop & Shop ster. His Imitation of his eldon Adah, Mrs. GENUINE SPRING IMPORTED NEW ZEALAND LAMB America Wins,” Is the best__ S ; I^s? WllUam J- 16-oz bottle in that respect may start him Father' Mrs. Herbert R- Klug^ known of the Dodd campaign toward the career which makes slogans. It adorns many an it necessary for the community S Jr ^ automobile bumper; it kails mo­ Lemtett, Electra; Miss .Shoulder to have a constant armed guard Dickson, warder ; torists In enormous letters from over the lives and property of jit Bantly, sentinel; and Mrs. the side of a building in Water- All Purpose Flour its citizens.” Charlotte R. Gray, . CHOPS [CHOPS buiy. Regarding sex offenders, the Reservations for the poUuck Dodd has almost pre-empted booklet makes these observa­ close tonight and m a y ^ the use of the colors red, white JLOOB Stop & Shop Tender, lean chops from only the finest young porkers. You can be lb tions: "They have been "classi­ ^ th Mrs. Leigh HIU, Mrs. Joto and blue. 5-lb bag sure of fi/ie quality meat if it is maxi-man meat. fied as physical cowards or per­ vJmDeck or Mrs. James Nichols. He is obviously a symbol to sons of unbalanc(l|d mentality. a many Connecticut voters. A 3 B These characteristics make symbol of Americanism. A sym­ Hippie Barrier them .^rticularly dangerous if bol of anticommunism, a reas­ You'll love our o ir n Stop & Shop brand meats Boneless Pork Cutlets 94^lb their careers sire not checked NANTUCKET, Mass. (AP) — surance to those who feel the uy in*.c=* »**v. ______Voters'in this Island community by arrest and conviction. Fall lb. United States is gravely threat­ Sliced Bologna 7 9 ‘ ure to press ca^ s and testify 30 miles at sea have been sum- yoti/T^ay Lgm Frozen Food Buys Merit Sliced Countrystyle ened from enemies within and lib 2 when necessary may result in monqd to a special town meet- Sliced Pork Ribs T9M without. Stock your freezer and save! All Meat Franks 75' continuance of the career of ing Nov., 6 to consider bylaws But the symbol Is also a 68- some of these until . ..serious designed to rid the Island of u,s. ^ year-old human being. A human Extra Mild Tranks Rib-4' harm or death may be inflicted what selectmen call the “ hippie *1 Bacon Mb being who suffered a heart at­ Boneless Pork Roast Sugar Cured upon some helpless child. element^’ tack last May, tind who cites Sausages 79* “ If a person has facts con- One article would prohibit five Thero's nothing that heart attack as' the reason ceming one of these matters. It or more unrelated people from quite like mint- for his decikiim last June to Sliced Cold Cuts 39* pricing^ to *ove Pork Butt Steaks ' lb is his duty to testify. ’The de- living in the san)e dw elllng,^- you money. You'll ^withdraw from the heated com­ STOP & SHOP . . . 6-02 package Mve dey In ond partment will respect this con- other would ban all hitchhiking Bologna, P iP . Olive & .Testy Oey out of Stop 4 petition for the .U.S. Senate Shop. fldence.” and a third would make it ille- In four years as deputy mayor nomination at the Democratic Ground Pork Children should be tqld not to gal to put up a tent after 8 P-*"- - V. . \ i ----- Peas ..4 or A Corn ^ M 6 and a director of the town of Man­ 3 state convention. Dodd withdrew Your choice of Peas be friendly towards strangers, without first having the he^th APPLES from contention about 10 days or Corn. Why not try I and to shun any advances that department approve sanitation chester, I have attended almost both and keep them ! befpre the convention and later may be made towards them, facilities. 100% of all meetings, with my handy m your 6 'is 95* Stop & Shop . . . Yah Yah U.S. *1 ONIONS 3 lbs. 39' announced that he would con­ freezer. homeworlc completed! duct an independent campaign for re-election. The point is: — BUTTERNUT and ACORN SQUASH TOa His opponents are much Fish Sticks Sliced White Nice treats from Perfect for bobbin’! younger men—^young enough. In 16-oz package 1. I know the elected politician fact, to be his s(»is. Republican our oivn bakery! Juicy, Native CORTLAND 24 Hour Towing Pop tn Ihe even heef oi«d 643-5135 should really‘work. Omgressman Lowell P Welcker serve. You'll reoliy enioy CABBAGE and TURNIPS lOL Jr. Is 30, Duffey Is 38. Stop f Shop tiih sricki 59< 2. I have done this continually. And the Dodd staff is protec­ Bread Daisy Donuts 3 ^ 4 tive of their candidate. They MORIARTY 3. If I am elected to the State Plain or Sugar . . . A real favorite. Russett Baking Potatoes 'b!;'’ TO lbs. 8 9 ' prefer to display him in well- wnatoengjge Senate, you jnay expect the structured situations, where a Drange Juice same effort all the time! speech- Is all that la required. •ciTii I 12-oz cwncan I Start your whole family’s CupcskGS ‘ 49*^ ApplesU.S, No. 1 . . . 2*/i inch minimum 4 '4 3 However, Dodd did consent to BROTHERS GOLDEN YELLOW BANANAS 2 lbs. 29' day with a glass of coo! Halloween . . . TVj Oi pKg of 6. sit down vrith a group of news­ vitamin lo a d e d orange No. 6 in a series men Thursday night In Bridge­ iuice. lbs port and chat informally cm a Pop Corn Real Poprnng For Professional Quality T O M A T O E S 3.nj 4 P.i29' Fresh $ g g ODEGAiRD DOR SENATE COMMITTEIE variety of subjects ■while he baked Pflrty C K ‘ 89® sipped vodka on the rocks. ice Cream from l<4-lk Halloween decorated . . ■ 1-lt), 2‘/7 0z pkg Freshly Roasted G. KANiBHL, Treasurer 12oz Controlled Auto Body Repairs "I wouldn’t be running again Cataract Kitchen . . . Pint Carton our ll»IS Peanuts in Shell if I didn’t think it would be own Rk;h creamy ice cream, kids ovens! good for me,” he said. "I don’t of atl ages love it so why Brownies ‘'"'2 on all mak^s want to die.” , not pick up a few pints and Chocolate Walnut or Butterscotch save. 39‘ Jack D’Lanterns DAVE ODEGARu Final Weak for Free Glasses DAdd Is as disarming as ever. We reserve the right to limit quantities — STATE SENATE G.O. R ‘"fte censure was unjust,” he S01-S15 CENTER ST. says. “ If I had been guilty of 263 MIDDLE TURNPIKE WEST, MANCHESTER’ STAX OQMEK, Mgr. MANCHESTER any wrongdoing, I wouldn’t have Stop & Shop will redeem your Federal Food Coupons WITH COUPONS FROM POPULAR’S BIG CIRCULAR BOOKLET! dared face the people of my own state. MANCHEiSTER BJVENING HfiRALD, ■ MANCHEStfeR. CONN., MONDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1976 PAGE NINETEEN PAGE EIGHTEEN MANCHfeSTER EVENING H^IIALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. MONDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1970 Yale and Dartmouth Win Impressively, Eastern % Aerial Offensive es End Series Proves Too Much for Tribe With Penney in Win Fro Football By DEAN YOST The Indians’ leading ball car- Balesano went off tackle from handed off to Fleishman \rtio American Conference Statistics didn’t tell, the I^er, Jim Balesano,. churned out the one yard line to score at romped 22 yards to paydirt, By PAT McCABE down. Sullivan continued to at- der another threat he inter- Setting Stage for Showdown Saturday East Division Country Club tack the Penney defense through cepted a Cippollh aerial at the whole story Saturday after- yards in 34 carries and tain- 4 :22. The extra point by Jackson The Red and White, pulled W L T Pet. Pts. OP UConn took a big step towards The Cardinals have taken ord at 3-3, while Bridgeport Is noon in Bristol when Bris- touchdowns, Dennis Wlr- was wide of Its mark. , ahead with a successful extra BEST 12 SATURDAY The Eagles o f East the air spotting Perry, on a Eagle 10 and returned ItNJo NEW YORK (AP) — dance figure under 65,000 for 34-19; Montclair (N.J.) State Glassboro kicker Mike Castel- B^ti. 5 1 0 .833 134 109 Class A—Prank Klernan 43-4- Catholic had the last laugh down and out pattern as a last the Eeigle 34. overpowered Southern Connecti­ luccl booted a 42-yard field goal a Yankee-Conference UUe com- three of their five games while 2-4. tol Eastern High defeated hardnmnlng with 10:66 remaining In the point conversion, 28-21. the game Saturday. the Lord Jeffs are 4-1. Pullback Maine MarlUme rolled up 504 Miami 4 2 0 .667 lOT M 39, Steve Mataya 42-2-40; B— b y defeating the hard'hit- gasp effort by Penney defensive From here once more the Yale thumped Cornell 38-7 cut 38-7; Ithaca (N.Y.) over­ in the last quarter and had an­ coming from behind and tying sophomore Dave Fleishman ^Irst half, Schermerhom, oh Only 10 secemds remained to , . . _ Yale has been more Impres­ Dave Revenaugh scored three yards total offense against Wes- Buffalo 2 4 0 .333 78 137 Manchester High, 34-28, in u. three plays, covered 31 yaurds play In the third period when Warren Butler 47-6-41, Del St. ting Black Knights o f Pen- back Tom Serruto to break up And once again the Eagle at Ithaca, N. Y. Saturday, sive this year than last although came the University of Bridge­ other blocked with 40 seconds UMass at Amherst, Mass. * touchdowns and carried for 75 tern Connecticut at Castlne, Boston 1 6 0 .167 67 126 a key CCIL football contest gest ^ running day plus a TD. highlighted by a 20-yard romp Matt Bortone fumbled. A 70- Job** 48-6-42, Carl Bolin 48-6-42, neyrHigh 13-6, in the final P^®y- ’f**® latter tapped the offense . t(xjk advantage of while'Dartmouth had little the Ells eventually got a share port 15-6; and Maine MarlUme left In the game against Central The Huskies Were again with­ at Muzzy Field. The story was yards. ^o 96 yards NY Jets 1 5 0 .167 117 146 Quarterback John Wiggln tossed by Faraclass and Lou MiUer yard bomb from the QB to Maynard Clough 48-6-42, Earl between the " two ^® al®rt Perry Knight miscues and converted trouble disposing of Har­ of lts'''fourth straight Ivy League romped past Western Connect­ ConnecUcut at New Britain. out the services of all-Yankee the passing of Lancer quarter­ game hUktA has a 3-3 record, while the ball 16 times, completed but booted the extra point. • East- Schmaltz knotted the count 28- Everett 48-6-42, Mike Karpuska gathered In the stray pass for many third and fourth down vard 37-14 at Harvard title. Bob Blackman's Indians icut 48-7. The Blue Devils are 4-0-1 for running back Vinny Clements of Montclair fullback Tony Val- Central Division back Dennis Schermerhom and schools Saturday afternoon at Maine while holding WestConn three for 47 yards and had three em led, 7-6. 28 as play went into the fiifil 48-6-42; C—Ed McLaughlin 61-10- Mt. Nebo in Manchester. the score. Eagle placekicker plays rambling 64 yards climax- Stadium, setting the stage are always a solid contingent. Yale sophomore Rick Jauron Uie season and 2-0-1 in Eastern SouUiington who might play next pone powered for three touch- playing iU first year Cleve. / 4 2 0 .667 160 130 the catching of Lou Miller, Rick 41, Carl Engberg 62-11-41; Mort Mike Ward added the extra ed by Wholley’s five-yard scamp- week, ConnecUcut Is 3-2-1 for the downs as the Indians rolled over Houston 2 3 1 .400 103 102 picked off by the enemy. He Bristol t(x>k advantage of two 12 minutes. for a showdown of the un- In other football games Sat­ ran for touchdowns of 34 and 62 Football Conference play. Glass­ of varsity football, has a 1-3 S(:hmaltz and Tom Pullen. Man- Herman 60-8-42; Low gross— The Eagles upped their record point giving the Eagles a 7-6 er to paydirt for the score. The year and 3-0-1 In the conference, Southern Connecticut in New Pitts. 2 4 0 .333 71 94 also scored once. Manchester mistakes, a fumble . Manchester was unable to get beatens in the Ivy League urday Involving Connecticut col­ yards and piled up 176 yards In boro is 3-1-1 for the year and slate. chesOer is 4-2 overall and 3-2 in Bay Evelhoch 72; Blind bogey— to 2-4 by defeating the winless lead. extra point attempt was bl(x:ked while the Redmen are 1-4-1 and Haven. CinU. 1 6 0 .167 93 166 On the other hand, Bristol had by Wiggin, and an Intercepted Its offense moving and a stub­ at Yale Bowl next Satur­ leges: Previously imbeateh and 14 carries against the Red Raid­ 2-0-1 in league compeUtion. In games next week: Yale the league with Eastern being pass, to account for two more Bundi Tarca 76. Knights (0-6) for the fourth time The Knights were down but giving the Eagles a 13-6 margin, - - . only 67 yards rushing. Schermer­ born Indian defense kept East- untied Central ConnecUcut was ers. Meanwhile, the tough Ell 1 1 1 The Indians boosted their rec­ meets Dsirtmouth at Yale Bowl; 4-1, 3-1. PRO SWEEPS In the seven-year series between not out as they recovered an on- The Eagles were led by the day. Central ConnecUcut was West Division hom accounted for all the yard­ scores before the half. Pullen em from moving the ball un­ Tile Big , Green (s currently deadlocked by Glassboro (N.J.) defense slapped the shackles on WPI fullback Scott Dlneen car­ ord to 6-1 while Southern CormecUcut takes on Boston Un­ The loss was costly for' the Low gross—Ray Evelhoch 72, the two arch rivals. side kick by the Eagles at the forced to convert senior, defen­ Denver 4 2 0 .667 128 100 ' age in the air, hitting 19 of 35 caught a 26-yard pass with 4:56 ui 3 :16 remained on the clock. powerful mnning of Wholley ranked No. 1. In the Associated State 17-17; Trinity lost its first ______Ed Mamaro holding the naUon's ried 25 times for 120 yards as dropped to 3-2. Each are 2-1 In iversity at Storrs; Coast Guard Indians in the (XSL race. Hall, The Knights left no doubt in 36. Cippolla rallied his offense sive back Marc Lyons to Oakland 3 2. 1 .600 161 136 passing attempts for 312 yards. remaining and Rick Lundqulst pastern held the ta^ans on a E^y Gordon 77, Ted Plodzlk 77, who gained 84 yards in 19 car­ Press poll of New England foot­ game of the season at the hands ground gainer to 62 the Engineers upset the Coast league play. is at Trinity; Wesleyan Journeys with a victory over Windham, caught a 41-yard toss with 8:06 Elnar Lorentzen 77; Low net— anyone’s mind that they came through the air as the Knights quarterbacks when the regular Kan. City 3 3 0 .600 183 138 One toss was intercepted by key fourth down and five situ­ ries topping all mshers while ball teams and the Ells are rat­ of the University of Rochester carries. Guard at Worcester, Mass. Ithaca used a blocked punt to Hamilton, N.Y. for a game tied Eastern for top spot with left. to play, as the second time the passed their way to the Eagle quarterbacks were hospitalized San Diego 1 3 2 .260 122 140 John Leber. Eastern managed ation and Ux>k over posaession Steve Matava 73-4-69,. Harry Perry amassed an impressive ed third behind Boston College. (N.Y) 24-7; the UiUverslty of , „ with injuries. It was WPI’s second win in and a fumble recovery to spark against Hamilton. a' 3-1 record. M[anchester is tied Manchester countered with Elch 73-4-69, Ray Dotchin 78-8-70, Knights had the pigskin they 10. From here the Knight backs 61jjyard total while also excelling ConnecUcut, No. 6 in the AP Jauron’s performance left him on their own 21-yard line. Each Is 6-0 for the season and six games, while the Cadets are two touchdown drives and de­ Edlnboro (Pa.) State meets National Conference for third ■with a 3-2 mark along ®"'y first downs and punt- two scores of their own to knot In five plays the Lancers cov- Carl Engberg 91-21-70x^ marched 74 yards to paydirt got the call to bring It in but ^ a pass receiver, New England poll, tied the Uni- Just one yard shy of the one- Rochester rolled up its fifth East Division ed the ball seven times for 36 3-0 In Ivy competition. 4-3. feat Bridgeport at Ithaca, N.Y. Central ConnecUcut at New Bri­ with Wethersfield. Bristol Cen­ the count at halftime, 21-21.' ered 79 yards' when Schermer- FOUR BALL behind the pinpoint passing of the Eagle- defense stiffened The Eagles paid dearly for verslty of Massachusetts 21-21; game Yale record In 1948 by I^- straight victory In six ouUngrs W L TPcLPts. OP yards per punt. Last year Dartmouth trounced Wesleyan took the first leg of It was the third straight win tain; AIC goes against Southern tral is 2-1-1. Quarterback Wiggln ran horn scored on a quarterback First net—John Wilks, Del St. quarterback Frank Cippolla, and forcing a fourth and 10 play victory as defensive Ward and Worcester Polytechnic InsUtute vl Jackson. The Svvampscott, this year when It upended Tri­ Dallas 4 2 0 .667 106 107 Yale 42-21 fiefore 49,958 at the Its defense ked at it from the stats’ the Lancer ground game. East­ tempt waa good and the score em led, 34^ . Jacobsen, Joe Calamari, Carl rambled In from the one yard tighend Jason Theodore who CJippolla highlighted an Im- Wesleyan trounced' Amherst five varsity contests.______five games. Wash'n 3 3 0 .600 138 118 2 er Is expected to keep the atteh- sheet. Unbelievable, but accu­ ern ran off only 69 offensive was 14-14. Balesano scored on The visi^re threatened in the Engberg 67; Third — Ray Evel- dropped the pigskin at.the Eagle presslve Knight effort rushing Phlla. 0 6 0 .000 104 166 rate the Red and White called plays- a two-yard plunge over the last...... minute...... of______play only______to have hoch,____, ____ Dick Gardella,______, Joe Ma ^ ® point attempt by Ben two and once again the flounder- for 62 yards In 12 carries. 102 offensive plays, ran for 40l Scoring at will in the first 24 middle with 1:19 showing be­ a successful drive stopped on Roundup ^ Detroit 6 1 0 .833 178 82 tot{& yards, passed for 47 and minutes of play, both teams fore the half. the Lancer 20 with 46. seconds ^ i m Melley, Earl Everett, " ~ ~ enemy territory. mentor (Jliff Demers cited the M inn;- 4 1 0 .800 141 36 recorded 23 first downs. ’Ihey seemed to, have a great offens­ The Indians were quick to remaining on a Jim Morrissey Tom Turner, Gil Stephens 69; In the third stanza, the The final period saw once ■contest as a typical Penney- Via Playoff Green (Bay 4 2 0 .667 113 142 were charged with 46 yards in ive attack while the defense was add to their total in the in n in g Interception. Eastern ran out Fifth — Pete Staum, Maynard Eagle offense got two timely more aggressive Eagle defense East game marked by hard- Chicago 2 4 0 .833 76 120 penalties and Jim Jackson bm- sleeping. minutes of the third ^riod. the clock and walked oft with enough, Earle Rohan, Charlie breaks which changed the com­ foiling the Knights In Eagle ter- hitting agresslve play. Demers Illinois and Wichita State ed three punts for an average Manchester Jumped off to a Dick Tyo recovered a Scher- a hard earned,' 34-28” ~CXHL idC' ’ Ferguson; ’ Low gross — Steve plexion of the whole affair. ritory — Penney defensive t>ack also expressed sorrow at. losing For $30,000 West Division of 41 yards. quick 6-0 first quarter lead as merhom fumble and Wiggin tory. Matava, Terry Schilling, Pat The Eagles returned the open­ Joe Curley intercepted . a' the' great rivalry between the Los Ang. 4 .800 126 64 Mistrettq, Paul Dutelle 68. y'' ing kickoff to their own 33. From aerial returning It to the Eagle schools as next year Penney be­ NAPA, (Calif. (AP)—“ I never .800 189 109 6 San Fran. 4 BEST 17 SUNDAY / here Sullivan speared receiver 45. But a personal foul penalty comes the 10th team in the CCIL- gave up on myself,” Ken Still Lose on Field but Winners Atlanta 3 .600 101 101 Class A—Ray Gordon 68-6-62, Norm Yester at the 46-yard ilne, moved the ball back to the Pen­ Demers also cited rival coach said. “ I struggled and fought New Orl’ns 1 .200 68 136 ever see another football with Ohio State and unranked Sports Slate Bob McGurkin 69-7-62,, Tom but an alert Eagle, Bill Perry, ney 37. On the ensuing play, Bob Wood for a creditable Job NEW YORK (A P)—Illi­ walloped and had troubles, but I never pounced on a Yester funible at Frank. Cippolla rambled 33 yar^ amldlst many injuries to key game."' Northwestern, which gave up on myself.” Sunday’s Results Zemke 68-6-62; B—Mort Rosen­ midfield. On the ensuing play, to the Eagle 30 before being, Penney players. nois and Wichita State “These are great people,” Purdue 38-14. . . . He was talking about the sea­ Baltimore 27, Boston 3 TODAY thal 72-11-61, Fred Nasslff 77- Wholley rambled to the Penney run out of bounds by John Healy The Eagles will be looking for were losers on the football said Bob Seaman, who replaced -LSUs victory end^ '^“X l d son-long slump that has Buffalo 10, New York Jete 6 Soccer 14-63; C—Stan Mloganosky 79-16- 46. And from this point, Sullivan Eagle defense came up with the their third win as they face St. field Saturday, but came the late Ben Wilson has head unbeaten ™cord plagued him, but the irrepress­ (Cleveland 28, Miami 0 Manchester at Bristol Central 63, Russ Johnson 81-15-66, Ned found his favorite target, Yester, big play as defensive back Bill Paul’s of Bristol Saturday in out winners anyway. The ible Still could have been talk­ Houston 31, San Diego 81, tie South Windsor at Hall Creed 82-16-66; Low gross— coach. "and Coach Frank " .fe ? mVeat Ray Gordon 74; Blind bogey— at the Knight 37 for a first Lodge cut the legs out from u'n- Bristol, at 1 ;30. mini won back their coach Broyles Is a ftae fe n U e -^ . He “ in V e loutheas- ing about the long, 37-hole wind­ Oakland 31, Pittsburgh 14 Cross Country Detroit 16, Chicago 10 Windham, Wethersfield at Ray Remes 101. and Wichita State won the could have made it 160-0 but he Conference, with Auburn, up that brought him the 330,(XX) Atlanta 32 ,New Orleans 14 Manchester PRO SWEEPS hearts of football fans put in the second ^ d third and Mississippi State first prize in the Kaiser Inter­ Rugged Colt Defense Too Much for Patriots teams.” Actually, Arkansas’ national golf tournament Sun­ Green Bay 30, Phlla’phia 17 . Low gross—Ray Gordon 74, everywhere. -1 * 4 * j ,#* a notch DeiUnci. day. NY Giants 36, St. Louis 17 TUESDAY, GOT. 27 Erwin Kennedy 75; Low net— Ilie fjnal scores—Ohio State flret team sat down after seven touchdowns by Soccer Still, a 35-year-old bachelor Washington 20, ClcinnaU 0 Mort Rosenthal 78-11-67, Tom 48, Illinois 29 and Arkansas 62, minutes. -> Hamilton on a pass from Dallas 27, Kansas (City 16 Cheney Tech at Ck)ventry Zemke 76-6-69, Doc McKee 75-6- “ I don’t care what that thing ^ ^rt Cantrelle’s who came into his own last Wichita State 0—were almost San Francisco 19, Denver 14 Ellington at Tolland 69. immaterial. The Illinois players says ” summed up an A r k ^ ^ one-yard plunge gave the Tigers season with his first two tour .. Cross Country Uniias Tosses Three TDs victories and a spot on the Ry­ WOMEN’S DIVISION gave the top-ranked Buckeyes fan looking at the scoreboard. ^ and a goal line stand Monday’s Game East Catholic at St. Joseph __ back Joe Kapp and Mike Talia- ble,” Rush said. “ Of course. der (Cup team, had to whip ' FOUR BALL, BEST BALL BALTIMORE (AP) fits for three periods and then ' 1, witl' four minutes left preserved Los Angeles at Minnesota, ElUngtcm at Tolland - Sunday W ith Tnhn TTnitns t/^oaino- ^®*'™ trying to their defensive line was some- announced they .would not play tough Lee Tre\dno and Bert night, national TV Simsbury at Rockville w iin jo n n unitas tossin g losses. thing else, and that makes a Yancey on the first extra hole Sue Eggleton, Barbara Davis, the final four games if the uni­ tag flred-up nitaols on Parker threw three II.■‘jf- South Windsor at Northwest three touchdown passes Kapp^ under constant pres- pretty bad-combination. I know of a sudden death playoff. Sunday’s Games Helen Meegan, Marge Smith 71; versity’s athletic board went strength of Jetan Brocktagton’s touchdown passes to Ernie Jen- Catholic. sure, waa caught behind the line I wouldn’t have wanted to play He had gone into the 36-hole Buffalo at Boston Cora Anderson, Mary Gange- and the defense putting on through with plans to fire Coach three touchdowns, Texas, Ne- ^ aeventa-ranked Air seven times—once for each of quarterback today.” finale—forced wdien Friday’s Miami at Baltimore w.ere, Rita Creed, Hilda Kris- Jim Valek. braska and Michigan, rated sec- ______. tripped Boston College WEDNESDAY, OCT. 28 an awesome show, the Bal­ the seven touchdown passes he Unitas, who sets a record with play was rained out—with a two Oakland at Kansas City tof 73. The rebellion proved success- ond, fourth and fifth, respective- 35.^0; No. 8 Stanford needed Soccer timore O lts battered the threw against Baltimore last every pass, upped his all-time stroke lead. He t(x>k a 71 in San Diego at (Cleveland ' Manchester at Westport ful Sunday night when the board In The Associated Press col- field goals by Steve Ho- Boston Patriots 27-3 Sun­ year when he and the Minnesota mark to 273 TD passes ■with' a the morning round and Trevino Chicago at Atlanta EUinjrton Ridge succumbed and reinstated Va­ lege football poll, posted easy rowltz, the last a 30-yarder with Stables day and took over the East­ Vikings romped/62-14. flye-yarder to Jackie Maitland, closed to within a single stroke. Green (Bay at San Francisco Cross Country &turday lek for the rest of the season victories but sixth-ranked Au­ 4:67 left, to edge 16th-ranked ern Division lead in the ‘"Ihey had a heUuva rush,” a. 15-yarder to And in the afternoon, StiU Los Angeles at New Orleans ^ (A P FtlOtOllMC) Bacon Academy at Bolton Low gross—cnass A—Stan Hll- but made it clear a new coach burn bowed to No. 14 Louisiana UCLA 9-7 and remain In the Pa- Ktq>p said. “ Baltimore was and another lor 26 yards to Jim- lost, regained, then lost the lead Miimesota at Detroit SHORT-GAINER— MacArthur Lane of the Cards picks up short yardage Inskl 73; B—Jim McCarthy 80; C!onfer- State 17-9. Notre Dame, No. 3, clflc-8 driver’s seat for the Rose ■k- Coventry at East Hampton was favored for 1971. Ihe Illini again with three-putt bogeys on Philadelphia at Dallas C—Milt Stein 84, Joe Renert 84; ence with a 5-1 record. great and I don’t want to give my Orr. was idle. Bowl while Oregon stayed one- against Giants^ before falling at Yankee Stadium. Fred Dryer (89) closes in. any excuses. But, I’m still not The tosses to Jefferson and have lost four of six starts this i the 16th and 16ta holes. That Houston at'St. Louis E>—cniff Pasternack 88; E—Bill Unitas, sidelined with an inju­ half game back with a 10-7 uj^ (AP Fhotofax)* doing things automatically like I Orr In the end zone comers season and Valek has a 7-291 . Texas trounced Rice 45-21 as put him one stroke back of Tre­ New York Giants at New York Podolny 97; low net—A—Stan ry when Baltimore last won a Eddie Phillips scored three set of lOth-ranked Southern Cali­ NOT QUITE LONG ENOUGH—Wide receiver Ron Sellers of Boston reaches HiUnskl 73-2-71; B—Jim Me- title should.” were perfectly timed, as was record In lour years. vino and Yancey, in the club­ Jets Wichita State resumed its times and Steve Worster blasted fornia on Bobby Moore’s for pass from Joe Kapp but Baltimore defender Tom Maxwell tips ball away. Carthy 80-7-73, Lou Becker 82- in 1968 and who has had some Kapp referired to the short another to Jefferson in the third fourth-period touchdown smash. house with 278s, 10 under par. Washington at Denver football pr<^;ram following the for 170 yards and a record-tying He came to the 18th, a par 97-3; C—Glen Gould 82-12-72, atudous momenta since, has had time he has had to work with quarter ■which was nullified by a Oct. 2 plane crash that took the 28th career toucliddwn. The In the Second Ten, 11th- Tarkenton’s Finest Hour Andy Repko 86-14-71; D —Cliff much better days during his 15- the Boston offense since playing penalty. five, needing a birdie to tle- Pro Basketball Standings ranked Tennessee handed Flori­ lives of 30 persons. Including 13 Longhorns pulled Into a tie with Still chipped to eight feet and Pasternack 88-18-70; E—^Blll year pro career. out his option with Minnesota Maitland caught his alter da and ex-Vol coach Doug Dick­ NBA players, all of them flrst-string- ninth-ranked Arkansas for the dropped the. putt for a share. Eastern 'Conference Podolny 97-20-77; kickers—How- But his 12 completlMis on 21 and Joining the .Patriots early drifting out to the right from his ey a 38-7 thumping. No. 1 Ari­ Cowboys’ Offense Explodes ers. Captain Jetan Hohelsel, his Southwest Conference lead. Then on the first extra hole. Division ard Latimer, Henry Abuza, Pat attempts lor 166 yards told only this month. , runnfng back position as Unitas zona State rolled over Texas-El Atlantic Indomenlco, Tom Walsh, ’Ted part of the story. It was his tlpi- Boston (3oach Clive Rush de- faked Tom Nowatzke Into the leg in a cast as a result of the Nebraska zoomed to a 41-7 Still ripped an iron to within W. L. Pet. (G.B. C Paso 42-13 and 13th-rated Mis­ Bantly, Lou Becker 76; Nelson ing, pipolnt throwing and fended Kapp, saying he Just line on a fourth-and-two situa- crash, hobbled out to- midfield halftime lead and crushed Okla­ three feet of the hole and made New York 5 2 .712 — As Pro Sparks New York sissippi, with Coach Johnny Skinner, Bill Podolny, Dave for the pre-game coin toss and homa State 66-31, the Cornhusk- the birdie putt that secured it. play-calllng which stirred the doesn’t have enough time to tion. Vaught hospitalized and missing In Upsetting Kansas City Philadelphia 6 2 .712 — Berger 79. the Shockers received a stand­ ers’ bigfgest scoring output ever Yancey had a par from a trap nostalgia of local fans. pass. “ Still,” Rush said, “ I Wide receiver Ron Sellers of for the first time since 1947, Boston 3 4 .429 2 “ Fran was as sharp as I’ve conceded after Tarketon’s per- and limited Lane, who went into PRO SHOP EVENTS ingui* ovation from the_____ crowd______inagainst a Big Eight foe. They j i. , „ j kiu •>« and Trevino, winner ot two play­ On Sunday, the modern-day think he’s done a remarkable Boston hurt his knee after dropping the Cardinals into a tie their third straight victory, Buffalo 1 3 .260 NEW YORK (AP) — ever seen him” said speedster feet first-half passing foreed the the game as the NFL’s rushing Sunday Little Rock when they took the lead the conference by one-half turned back van er - . NEW YORK (AP) — offs this season, was lying three Ck>lta limited Boston to 46 yards Job for the amount of time he’s passes for 101 yards. Sellers is ■Houston, No. 16, lost to Ala- with Dallas for the NFC East snapping a four-game St. Louis Fran Tarkenton’s throw­ aifton McNeil, whose catch- Cards to abandon their potent leader, to 37 yards in 13 carries. Low groes—^A—Stan Hlllnskl field. game over Kansas State. Hank Stram has been and had no chance when Still Central Division rushing. Intercepted four passes had.” not believed to be seriously In- lead. wrinning streak in the process, ing arm took one painful and-cariy on a 69-yard pass ground game for a futile exer- ij-he (tards, meanwhile, keyed 81; B—Roger Mountain 81; C— “ It was a funny feeling, going Ti,rrunnlng of ilTly’ Taylor ^ama 30-21 as Richard Clemny shortchanged by the Dallas made it. 4 2 .667 — and tossed Patriots’ quarter- "Our offensive line ■was horri- Jured. “ booted three field goals and Elsewhere, 43-year-old George with the first five-touchdown Baltimore shot from St. Louis— and play in the opening minutes sent else in catch-up football. their defense against Ron John- Larry Chaine 84; D—Bob out on the field,” said Hohelsel. (151 yards) and Fritz Seyferth Cowboys — Duane Foster “ I Just said to myself, ‘Okay, Atlanta 1 3 .260 2 Steve Higginbotham scooted 80 Blanda fired Oakland to a 31-14 spree of his career. gave the New York Giants Giants on their way. Tarkenton, who completed all son. New York’s top ground- Brody 87; E—BUI Podolny 94. “ I wish I was out there playing. (four touchdowns) powered and Bob Hayes splitting grandma, here we go,’ ” Still CSIncInnati 0 6 .000 3^ yards with an interception; victory over Pittsburgh; Balti­ He completed all of his 10 five life-saving transfu- ^he b o m b to McNeil, on the 10 of his first half passes and I6 gainer and 'pass-cat^er. But . But I guess I should be glad to j^fichigan past Minnesota and thie difference. ^ more drubbed Boston 27-3; said, and explained his grand­ (Tleveland 0 7 .000 4% T 18th-ranked Pitt rolled to' a pass attempts in the first half , Standing jOvation dor Green enabled the Wolverines to stay mother, Mrs. Mary Mc(Cready, sions riants’ third offensive play, set of 18 over-all for 280 yards, was Tarkenton picked their second- Cnass A—Stan Hlllnskl ^1-37 be alive. Just after that plane quick 28-polnt lead and held off Foster and Hayes exploded Cleveland pounded Miami 28-0; and -was 15-for-18 over-all, with died last week and he had dedi­ Western Conference T^u-kenton tossed five touch- threeyard scoring fUp to hit in the arm as he ran for five ary apart by throwing six times John H a r r ig ^ 40-3-37; B—Lou crashed I didn’t think I would in a tie for the Big Ten lead Miami, Fla. 28-17 and Colorado for game-breaking touchdowns Washington blanked (Cincinnati two scoring strikes to rookie cated the tournament to her. Midwest: Division d < ^ passes-the last two after C ^ t o n tal- yards on the final play of the to the 23^i«und Tucker for 160 ^k®r 4^6^36; ^ ^m y and Toledo, tied lor 19th, met in the third quarter Sunday as 20-0; Detroit shaded Chicago Bob Tucker and one each to After First Goat for Bruins Detroit 7 0 1.000 — his right forearm was bruised ^ 41-yard touch- third quarter. He threw Just two yards and five times to McNeil ^ « ® opposite fates. The Buffs lost to the Cowboys bounced back from 16-10; Green Bay t<^i>ed Phila­ “ I’d have done the same thing Aaron Thomas, (Clifton McNeil whether I had finished 50th or 3 1 .760 2% on a third-quarter scramble—as pggg to rookie Bob Tucker passes after being shaken up— for 110. > ^ Thirteen months of torture Delvecchlo and-^Frank Mahov- POWDEi^ PUFF — Marilyn Missouri 30-16 while Toledo used their darkest National Football delphia 30-17; San Francisco Milwaukee i. j 38; kickers—Ben Brown, Joe Guaranteed $200,000 To Show and Don Herrmann. 3 the petsslng of Chuck Baley and. League hour to whip Stram’s edged Denver 19-14; Atlanta first,” Still said. Chicago 3 2 .600 the Giants toppled the Cardinals i3ryarder to McNeU that both for touchdowns. . "The O ib™ ™ , Art 1>.nn so, lArty ended with a standing ovation llch against MontrfeaL Chmlelewskl 179-460, Eleanor Blanda came oft the Oakland "It’s tough work,” he said. the ruimlng and receiving of Joe Kansas-City Chiefs 27-16. trimmed New Orleans ?2-14; Phoenix 3 3 .600 36-17 Sunday In a National Foot- carried New York to a 21-iO "The arm Is sw^ling a little No. 30 (Johnson).,” Tarkenton Chaine 72. for Boston defenseman Ted iiie move paid Irnujedlate B.uck 179, Mary Gryk 179, Cathy bench after Daryte Lamonica “ You have to keep your com­ ball League upset. halftime lead. bit,” he told p ost-g ^ e visitors said. "He poses a real threat to Ladles ■ 'Green, who has come back with dividends with both How^-and Wynn 471. Schwartz to beat Kent State 34- Hayes, making his first start Buffalo nipped the New York was sidelined by a pinched Pacific Division of the season, turned a Craig Jets 10-6 and San Diego played posure all the way.” The gifted quarterback’s fin- ^ fourth quarter he hit after spending 16 minutes in the their defense, so they’ve got to SATURDAY ' a bang to the National Hockey Mahovllch scoring and/ assist!^ ------17. nerve in his back and riddled He finished with a final 72, Seattle 3 2 .000! — Ali Returns to Ring Elsewhere, Dartmouth ripped Morton pass into an 89-yard. Houston to a 31-31 standoff, est hour in 10 pro seasons car- j„j. yards, and trainer’s room, "but I think It’ll watch him. Low gross—A—Jan Harrlgan League.


BUGGS BUNNY OUR BOARDING HOUSE with MAJOR HOOPLE Business Services THERE 0U6HTA BE A LAW BY SHORTEN and WHIPPLE Help Wanted— Help Wanted - BUGS IS PULLING HIS Offered 13 Femcrie 35 Female 35 u C arbuncle oomeg nomc from a hard PHONV SLEEPWALKINS AW, IT AIN'T Ti4e BEAT, CLASSIFIED T hen het(?ie6 to forget his ti^mjbles by PILGRIM MILLS Needs a wom­ ITS t h e MSSffAiSe TIMBERLAND Tree Service, DAV^-VNORl^ AND 16 IMMEDIAtEL'/ BOMBARDED TVG FINALLV m e t a LISTENII4G10 TV AND GETS 1HESE GLADSOME an to work in pattern depart­ THAT COUNTS.'' Aaiwtr to Frtvioui Puxile tree removal, pruning, shrubs, p r o b l e m t h a t a l a a o g t A \WORp-CUINSGR BV BAD NEW6 - TIDING S - ment. Experienced in answer­ CHALLENGBC m e , C N U F F V ./ LlViG >tPU O O SK TA Spanish Variety B I d M a iil and lots cleared. Fifteen years MATURE WOMAN ing telephone and a knowledge MUtfIC 1C THE BECr WAV TO BE ABLE TO h a c k . ADVERTISING experience. Bonded and Insur­ BRADMEUA BRORE>MER ARM of sewing is a must. Also sales­ RBA04 yfc)UNS PECJPLE, BUT OUT A WORLC? - ed. Free estimates. Call 647- MV CLASSICALTRNNIN& ACROSS 3 Shah's ALL 1ME FUSES IN INE HOUSE Gai Friday for factory sales girls needed for 10-3 shift. _ BEATER.' -Th e n CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING DEPT. HOURS 9479. \S «EEANNSUy AN CTUSr SCREAM OR 1 Spanish city country BLEW - ' I HAD A TKiUT VllTH office. Accurate typing for Apply Pilgrim Mills, Oakland IMCUBMOUNTASLE MOAN AM' VOUVE 6 Spanish river 4 Guided 8 AJM. to 4 :3 0 P.M. HILDA FRUMA-*BAWYir order write-ups. Shorthand St., Manchester." BARBIEte ' «t OH I BASHED IKJ THE IT'D BE DI6E5TAWyrHIKJi3TILL HE'S 46 Chinese ■ BOX LETTERS Special Services 15 Bonds— Sroek*— Help Wanted— Small nursing home. Rock­ FROKJT OF THE CAR B E TTE R 0EEM TOLD-AKJD MOBOPVXL “ way" 29 30 31 32 33 1957 CHEVY BelAir, 6 cylinder, Fully insured. Call 649-6422. ville, 875-9121. older lady, light housework RIC»HT MOW, MA, AKJD IF YOU BE ABLE TO DliSEST AKJY- 47 Choose , 1 Mortqogos 27 Female 35 and cooking. 643-1008. DAVY .lONES BY LEPF and McWILLIAMS C3ET rrOVER WITH?/ THIMO A F T IR HE'S BEEM Fmr Year running„ condition,------—Any ^ reason------. ,< . ROBBINS ORCmSTRA offers TOLD HIM SO City on the 34 35 36 able offer. Call 646-4814, after trucking, odd Jobs, also yjg music for your I'M ^ETriW ’ WERVOU^ AFTER TOLD.* Bdyy. I’M OLAP I’M Tagus 1 MORTGAGES — First and see CLEANING woman wanted. 3-4 THE Manchester Homemakers WATTIMV W E CAT... EATIMS OUT TOMIOHT/ InConnation 6 p.m. moving large appliances. 52 Don Quixote's 37 38 wedding reception, Christmas All types to suit reaulre- BAKERY Saleswoman, mom- days weekly. Permanent posl- Service, Inc. is seeking mature BUT WHAT IF w e DON'T . WE MUST, MARCO/ home town 1 THE HERALD will not Burning barrels delivered, $4. party. Make your party the' tion. Send name, address, ments. Confidentisd, efficient h'8' or afternoon hours. Apply .. ^ women witn s k u i s in nome LOCATE THE WRECK, BLISS? THE PINTA IS HERE AN " 55 Hidden 39 40 41 42 43 dlB clone the Identity of 1963 PONTIAC, good running 644-1776. women with skills in home h / / U ■ talk of the town with a live or­ WE FIN D IT... •shooter condition. Needs some trans­ service. P. A. Thome, 649-6281. in person, good wages, ateadyX P^one number and references j^an ^n ien t and caring for 44 47 48 any advertiser using, box chestra. Call 247-7136, 232-6475. ------position.position. Parkade Parkade Bakery, Manchester Herald. ,,______56 Superior sets ■ ■ ■ letters. Reeiders answer­ mission work. $225. Call after YOU ARE A-1. Truck is A-1. the sick, the elderly- and chil­ 57 Italian city MORTGAGES, loans, first, sec­ Shopping Parkade. All replies confidential. Writ­ 50 51 52 S3 54 ing blind box ads who 6 p.m., 640-3390. Cellars, attics, yards, drive­ FREE TOYS and gifts can be dren. Part-time Work at a good 58 Cultivates ways sealed and small truck­ ond, third. All kinds. Realty ing ability not r^uired, • land 56 desire to protect their yours in time for Christmas. hourly'rate,* plus prdfes^onal 55 • • statewide. Credit rating 'onnec- V, - identity can follow ‘bis 1964 FOUR-door Falcon Putura, ing done A-1 right. Call Tre- Let me give a toy party in . training and the satisfaction of DOWN 57 58 procedure; very clean. Mechanically ex­ maho Trucking Service toll- essary. Reasonable. Conflden- g g ONE OF THE FINAST V. your home. You’U love it! 647- community service. Phone, 1 On tiptoe free. 742-9487. tial, quick arrangements. Alvin p r in t in g p l a n t Enclose your roply to cellent, seven wheels, two with 9613. Bqa. GAL FRIDAY 643-9511 between 9-4 p.m. Z Girl's name snow tires, fluid drive, radio __ Lundy Agency, 627-7971. 983 the box in an envelope — Main St., Hartford. Evenings, (Ntwspaptr fnitrprist Assn.) and heater ^NOW plowing (Commercial CREATIVE Catering — offer- Need four (4) women to A<3cOUNTS Payable Clerk — address to the dassltied 233-6879. Ebccellent opportunity for an T H A T WILL Manager. Manchester and residential fast, efficient tag ,orm S in lnT m odern buf- East-of-Rlver office. Experi­ SAA'i^EPP) > 1969 PLYMOUTH Fuiy HI, 4- service. Call 646-1974. ' experienced, accurate typist work days (or about 4 to 5 SURELY END THE tVAYNB Eh/enlng Herald, together fets, cookouto, s t ^ partiM MORTGAGES — 1st. and 2nd., enced woman to do costing and ARGUMENT... '30miH9 door sedan. Fully equipped. to work in a small office weeks. Hand collating — no with a memo UsU^ the TREE SERVICE (Soucler) — created especlsUly for you. 24 mortgages—Interim financing posting through general ledg­ to -ze Air-conditioned. Low mileage. within our organization. experience necessary. A companies you do NOT Trees cut, building lots clear­ Leggett St., East tfartford, — expedient and confidential er. To .$120. Fee paid. Rita CARNIVAL BY DICK TURNER want to see your letter. $1,960. 643-6639. 628-6348. Our hours are 8:30 - 4:30. chance to pick up some Girl, 99 East Center St., Man­ Your letter will be de­ ed, trees topped. (Cot a tree service. J. D. Real Estate Company offers excellent extra cash for the upcom­ chester, 646-3441. s stroyed If the advertiser problem! Well worth phone Assoc. 643-6129, wages and working condi­ WAYOUT BY KEN MUSE }8 one you’ve mentioned, Trucks— Tractors 5 call, 742-8262. Roofing— Siding 16 tions, convenient free park­ ing holidays. it not It will be handled ing and an excellent free 1966 INTERNATIONAL Scout, STEPS, sidewalks, stone walls, Wrapper — Nights, 4 to 12. Help Wanted— Mala 36 in the usual manner. P A S ROOFING and repairs RucIiiacs OnBartunitw 28 benefit program. I'O LIKE TO SEE ahd utility trailer, 16,000 miles, fireplaces, flagstone terraces. done reallaticallv.realistically. FreeBYee estl-esti­ “ “ *•"•** O p p o r t u n it y ZU No experience necessary. OPPORTUNITY unlimited — TIMIKIiS 10*2^ SSSnaSti 7 PT WIA to< T M !.» U 1 >*. 0«». like new, 6%’ 4-way snow All concrete repairs, both in' At this time we have an ex-. - SOMETHING mates. Call anytime. 640-1516 BEAUTY parlor for sale In Apply plow, 4 new wide oval summer side and outside railings, land­ or 742-8388. Vernon. Four operator shop. Apply In person or call. cellent opening for a man to IN A SNEAKER.' - Autom oblm For Sole 4 tires, 6 new snow tires and scaping. Reasonably priced. Call 663-4342. First National Stores, Inc. be trained In sales and service. i/H)S£ wheels, many extras. Amie’s CaU 643-0861. BIDWELL Home Improvement Allied Printing Services This position is permanent SHORT RIBS BY FRANK O’NEAL n e e d c a r ? Credit very bad? Gulf Station, 250 West Middle Co. Expert InstaUation of Park & Oakland Aves. with a bright future for on? Bankmpt, repossession? Hon­ Tpke., Manchester. aluminum siding, gutters and 679 Middle Turnpike, West who qualifies. Salary, commis­ MOBIL East Hartford, Conn. Manchester, Ck)nn. lo/U, est Douglass accepts lowest Household Services trim. Rooting Installation and sions and .car allowance, vaca­ SHOOT, PEASANT. ■ 643-1101 down, smallest payments, any­ Offeied 13-A repairs. 649-6496, 876-9109. tion with pay, insurance and {(' where. Not small loan finance Trailers^— has a new high volume 3- ■ bay Colonial Service Sta­ MATURE individual wanted as other employe benefits. This is company plan. Douglas Mo­ Mobile Homes 6-A a better than average opportu­ Roofing and tion under construction pMl-tlnie cashier. Apply In DEMONSTRATORS — Are you tors, 346 Main. LIGHT TRUCKING, ceUar.and nity. If you .feel you can qual­ SPRITE 1968, 16' travel trailer. attics cleaned, odd Jobs, lawns, Chimneys 16*A In Manchetser. Aggressive person: State Theatre, Main interested in home decorating? Sleeps five. Heater, awning, . ambitious buslnessmeui de­ St., Manchester. ify please apply to Mr. Moore, TRIUMPH 1969 Spitfire con- trees cut and removed. 643- (Something new, something Singer Co., 832 Main St., Man­ vertible, low mileage, good self-contained. Many extras. 6000. ROOFING — Speclalixlng re­ sired with these qualifica­ different) $50.-$100. weekly. Excellent condition, $1,4(X). pairing roofs of all kinds, new tions: BEELINE FASHIONS seU chester, Conn. condition, call between 6:30-7 themselves, we need you to Call 628-0505. Call after 4 p.m., 643-0629. TWO handymen want a variety roofs, gutter work, chimneys p.m. 646-1887. 1. GOOD HEALTH BUZZ SAWYER BY ROY CRANE of Jobs by day or hour. We cleaned and repaired. 30 years show them. No collecting or delivering. For Interview call 1964 FORD, (Colaxy 600, 6 cyl- TWO-BEDROOM furnished clean yards, attics and ceUars. experience. Free estimates. iNSIDE SALES AND .1 SAW THOSE L0N6HAIRS LEAVE ULCER AGAIN. TAKE ME HOME.. 1 KICKED THEM OFF THE TEAM. WELL NOT trailer for sale. Excellent con­ 2. GOOD CREDIT STANDING 633-2218. YOliR OFFICE LAUSHINS, ROCKY, inder, standard shift, new Reasonable. Call 643-6306. Call Howley, 643-6361, 644- WE’RE IN TROUBLE, NELLY... WIN ANOTHER SAME, I'M PROBABLY dition. Plus tool shsd. $3,400. INVENTORY CONTROL WHAT HAPPENED.’’ snow tires, $260. 649-1477 after 8333. 3. ^ MANAGERIAL ABIL- p a r t - time secretary, t^o Professional wc WASHED UP AS Strout Realty Co., Hebron, 228- CUSTOM made draperies, slip 5 p.m. ITY days, for law office. Write box M A ^ 9116. covers and reupholsteiin$f. “B’’, Manchester Herald. WMV IS IT THAT '-IWATS EAST. O M E ^ VOLVO m s . 1967, low mileage. ------^------Budget terms. EstabUshed In 4. SOME INVBJ8TMENT CAP­ N u rse s iWE QUEEN IS D0E5ST WANT -ID Never wAter driven. AM-FM, 1946. Days, 624-0164, evenings, Heating and Plumbing 17 ITAL MATURE woman wanted as wanted for wholesale lum- radial tires. Immaculate. Iver and plywood firm. Five- NEVER SHOWN IN SCARE HIS READERS., Auto Driving School 7-A ______GRANT'S Plumbing Service — _ _ companion and to live In, own F1U1 and part-time nurses on $1,800. 646-0679, evenings. day week, paid holidays and THIS COMIC srp/p? FYee estimates, plus quality MOBIL OFFERS." room. Call 643-6097. all shifts, (no rotation, at vacations, profit . sharing DAY’S Driving School — 26 UGHT trucking, yards, cellars least one-year experience is 1962 PONTIAC convertible, en­ work. 643-6341. TRAINING, FTNANCIAL WATIRESS — part-time, 11-3. plan. Experience helpful but years professional driving ex­ attics cleaned and removed. necessafy to be eligible (or will train. Call Mr. Jolly be­ gine recently rebuilt, excellent perience. Call 649-6160. Bulk deUvery. 644-8962. SAM WATSON Plumbing and ASSISTANCE, BUSINESS W. T. Grant Co., Manchester day shift). tween 10-12 and 2-4. 289-1691., condition. CaU 649-6695. Heating. Bathroom remodel CXIUNSELING. Shopping Parkade. REWFIAVTNG of bums, moth- We provide a continuous in- SEABOARD PLYWOOD 1966 'PLYMOUTH Fury n .~ T holes, zippers repaired. Win­ ing and repairs. FYee esU' For further information. CaU ALERT woman, earn $60 a service education program C UH t, HU, W . TM. 1... UJ. M . OH. Motorcycles— door sedan, V-8, automatic, dow shades made to measure, mates. Call 649-8808. Days: Mr. Watstm, 622-8231 ext. week and new wardrobe sell- tailored to the individual & LUMBER CORP. m radio, power steering, extra Bicycles 11 aU size Venetian blinds. Keys 36. tag FYtshion Frocks. Managers needs of our nursing person­ South Windsor, .(Jonn. “Oh, no, I'm not the football coach, Ma'am . . . I just nel on all shifts. drive the school bus!’’ wheels. 648-2880. 1968 BSA, 600, low mileage, ex­ made while you wait. Tape re­ Millineryi A and hoetesses wanted. Call corders for rent. Marlow’s, 867 Nights: Mr. Aubln, 666-6830 872-8646 or 289-8098. MICKEY FINN BY LANK LEONARD 1067 DODGE RT. 440 cu. Inch­ cellent running condition. CaU Dressmaking 19 Planned orientation, tuition after 6 p.m., 649-6864. , Main St., 6 4 9 - 5 2 2 1 . ______reimbursement after onfi es, 4-speed transmission. Good year fulltime employment. Legd Notice condltiim. $1,300. Call 742-9521. PIANO TUNING and band In- TROUBLE finding minis? Cus- DISTRIBUTORSHIP without And excellent medical and d e c b e e ' o n l im it a t io n o f STEVE CANYON BY MILTON CANIFF strument repairing by Hartt tom made^dresses,^ ladle^sults^ Investment: Deluxe candy and HALLOWEEN WITCHES life insurance benefits. Staff CLAIMS AND BETUBN __ 1966. DODGE (Joronet, running Business Services (College of Music graduate. gowns and ■* aerations. Prompt drug specialties to taverns, assignntant and salary will AT A COURT OF PROBATE, B il l Hudson condition, ideal for parts. $100. service. CaU 649-1183. take into account individual holden at Coventry, within and tor ABOUT MV /MISSIN' BESSIE IS AN ATTRACTIVe V i 'M ON M Y ^ POaVANNA-CANYON'sTHE’S IN THE AIR Ward Krause., 643-6336. restaurants, stores, etc. Direct STIR UP MAGIC the Dlalrict of Coventry, on the 20th LASHES OUT BROTHER, AN'/VIE Call 643-9682. Offered 13 background and experience. AT MICKEY./ WD/V)AN, BUT M5U TWO WAY TO SEE ADVICE TO THE LOVE - FORCE.' IT COULD factory connection earning day of October A, D. 1970. AN'HIS WIFE.' WORK THIS OUT.' HER.'MAY BE LORN.' HOW DO I KNOW . HAPPENTOM ' ALL AROUND men, we clean HE IS WANTED high daUy cash commissions. AVON Representatives stir Present, Hon. David C. Rappe. BETTER FOR HOW I WOULD REACT I * 1967 (3HEVROLET, 4-door, 6 attics, ceUars, garages, re­ If you find it difficult to see Esq., Judge. FOR TWO YOU TO BE $10 Moving— rucking— Everything furnished, but us during the day, we will On motion of the executrix, Jeanr MURDERS : WERE A PRISONER cylinder standard. (3all 643-1264 JUNK (J ^ S removed, move frees, etc. Reasonable. up magic too, when they ELSEWHERE.' ■2 each. CaU 872-1 must be bondable handling our' make arrangements (or ah nine Roy Ouellette, 6 Oliver Street, 3 ALREADY-AND after 6 p.m. Storage 20 Hartford. Connecticut, on the estate FYee estimates. 628-0670. merchandise and cash.' Part or build successful, profitable evening interview or if You HE IS IN A MOOD ROOFING and carpentry — of Lydia B. Culp, late of Coventry TO KILL HIS A DUNE BUGGY — Show winner, MANCHESTER — DeUvery- full-time. Write: Chexco., 2910 businesses of their own. (Jail pref/er we would be pleased within said dlalrict, deceased. BROTHER-IN-LAW custom paint, Pos-A-Tractlon new and repairs. Capable, con­ Ught trucking and package de­ N. 16th St.. Phlla., Pa., 19182. to forward an apj^cation This Court doth decree that three and upon receipt ..will con­ months be allowed and limited tor AND MICKEY— ", tires, Hurst S-W and more. scientious work at reasonable Building— Uvery. Refrigierators, washers the creditors ol said estate to ex­ Jo'*a« prices by Scotty, 046-2829. tact you for an . Initial tele­ hibit their claims against the same Must sell, $2,800. or best offer. Contracting 14 and stove moving, specialty. 289-4922 phone Interview. to' the' executrix and directs that CaU 628-0342, 28941131. Folding chairs for rent. 649- EARN $15-?30,0G0 / * . public notice be given of this order . 0762. by advertising In a newspaper hav­ 1968 CORVETTE Coupe, 427,- GiriTERS and downspouts m a s o NARY — AU types of MANCHESTER ing a circulation In said district, and AS A PART-TTME help wanted. Ap­ by posting a copy thereof on the 400. Turbo-hydramatic, tran­ cleaned. Call 742-7894. stone anil concrete work. No . public sign post In said Town of sistorized-, power windows, SHARPENING Sendee — Saws, Free esUntates. ply in person, Harry's Hzza, MEMORIAL HOSPITAL Coventry nearest the place where MR. ABERNATHY BY ROLSTON JONES and FRANK RIDGEWAY Painting— Papering 21 SHELL DEALER 832 Main St., downtown, Man­ the deceased last dwelt. AM-FM radio. Priced right. knives, axes, shears, skates, Quallty workmanship. Work Certified from Record guaranteed. Out of season chester., 649-6639. 71 Haynes Street 2890321, 649-869d. rotary blades. Quick service. JOSEPH P. LEWIS — Custom DAVID C. RAPPE, Judge 1 HAVE WHY DONVVtiU WHAT A STRANGE SENSE OF , ^ rates. CaU after 6 p.m., 648- Capitol Equipment Oo., 38 Painting, interior and exterior, Ambitious man desired now HOUSEKEEPER — Motherless 646/1222, Ext. 443 AAR. A N IDEA. GO A5 ATUBE HUAAOR FOR A GROWN AAAN. 1968 OPEL Kadett Ralle Sport. 1870 or 644-2976. \ J Main St., Manchester. Hours paperiianging, fully Insured. for existing 3-bay service home in need of Uve-ln house- NOTICE ABERNATHY^ OFTDCTHRA5TE1 26,000 miles, very clean. 4- station with high gallonage, WINTHROP BY DICK CAVALLl dally 7:30-6, Thursday, 7:30-9. l e ON (3LE3SZYNSKI builder — For free estimates call 649- keepei^ three well mannered ______EIGHTH UTILITIES DISTRK3T. I don't THEN r CAN speed, bucket- seats, radio, located in Tolland, Conn. Saturday, 7:30-4.*. 643-7968. new homes custom built, re- 965^. If no answer 643-6362. TChool-age children. 649-6190, an ELDERlftr LADY wants NO'nCE TO TAXPAYERS KNOW WHAT SQUEEZE YDUi rear window defroster, disc Exc«ellent opportunity for cxci^ aggressive - type indiridual. 649-7842. housekeeper - companion. No All taxes unpaid November 2 cMJAiXJ r ACX3RE SCHOOL/ TM OBAZY NICE TRY. ^ brakes. Gold and blhck. $1,496. „ & l UGHT trucking: Lawn vftTenT’ F A L L - A good time to* have TO WEAR , , / a heavy work. Call 649-1666. shall be charged % of 1% In­ I UfcCE S C H O O L / ABOUTSCHOOL... AABRjaSH / Call...... 643-4638. garages, kitchens remodeled, painted. CaU Rich­ EARN $60 and more in famous ID TH E maintenance, leaf removal, bath tile, cement work. Steps, terest per month until paid. COSTUAAE I LCVE SCHOOL/ tree and riibbisH removal. No ard E. Martin, 649-4411. Pro­ SHELL OFFERS brand items. No investment. 1968 LINCXJLN. air-conditioned, dormers. Residential or com­ WAITRFISSES — Nights. Week­ The hours: PARTY iMWILDABCXir Job too small. Reasonable fessional painters, free esti­ Help friends shop from home. full power, $2,400. 1966 Volks­ mercial. CaU 649-4291. • Paid Training end nights a must. Apply In SEPT.—NOV. 2nd TOAAORROW SGHOOL/ rates. Ceill after 6 p.m., 875- mate. Send for free all new catalog. wagen square back sedan, • Financing Available person, Alice’s Kitchen, 363 Monday-Friday NIGHT, 8676. DORMERS, garages, porches, • Insurance A Retirement Popular (Jlub Plan, Dept. Z601, $800. Savings Bank of Man- inside:—outside painting. Spe­ Broad St., Manchester. 10:00 A.M.-1:00 P.M. rec rooms, room additions, Plans Lynbrook, N. Y. a cial rates for people over 66. ■ V 2:00 P.M.-4:00 P.M. Chester, 923 Main St., 646-1700. MESITE work — repair walks kitchens, add-a-Ievels, roofing, • And many more benefits Call my competitors, then caU SECRETARY — Plush area of- EXPERIENCED saleslady for SATURDAY—OCT. 31st > FIREBIRD 1967, V8, automatic, driveways. Holes repair^ siding, general repairs. QuaUty 9:00 A.M. - 12:00 P.M. ed; Reasonable. For free esti­ md. Estimates given. 649-7868. flee. Moderate typing and junior and pre-teen depart­ z I power steering, brakes, vinyl workmanship. Financing a v a U -______GET THE FACTS NOV. 3—MAY 1, 1971 mates caU 643-0112. shorthand skills. Switchboard ment of quality specialty store PRISCILLA’S POP BY AL VERMEER top, radio, 21,000 miles, like able. Economy BuUdors, 'K's decorating service. Tuesday and .Thursday 648-6169, 872-0647 evenings. CaU collect days: 203-289- experience helpful. $100. Fee located downtown Manchester, new. 646-8807. LA'WN Mowers — Garden trac- ______Painting, Interior and exterior, paid. Rita Girl, 99 East Center 11:00 A.M. -'1:00 P.M. H E A R t UAT/' T H E Y 'R E ^ 1621, Mr. Palumbo. Ehre- full-time only need apply. (Jail tors repaired and diarpened. CARPENTRY and Remodeling paper ahd vinyl hanging. FYee nings, 649-0294, Mr. Beaton. Stc, Manchester, 646-3441. Mary P. Laraia, Q\\, OLD PAINITF, PLAYING PONTIAC LeMANS—1966, V-8, dStlm>ites. 668-8089. 643-2128 between 9:30 - 4:30. OUR Parts and accessories.' New * ■ rec rooms, dormers, kitchens. Tax Collector b l o w s ^ automatic, bucket seats, vinyl 32 Main St. / ^ ^ C o V n T E S SONG-.' /a-is roof. ExceUent condition. $996. and used lawn mowers. Hours additions and garages. B. H. MAGOWAN JR. A Sons," 8 to 6. Monday to Saturday. Tom Corbitt, 648-0088. NURSE’S aide, 3-11. (Jail 646-3681, after 6. interior and exterior painting, SHELL OIL COMPANY “ ■ H O W L------j------—. Mini-Motors, 188 (rear) W. paper hanging. Thirty years 649-4619. 4I' CAPTAIN EASY BY LESLIE TURNER CARPENTRY — concrete steps, Middle Tpke., 640-8706. . experience, four generations. 477 (Jonn. Blvd. 1061 OLDSMOBHE — floors, hatchways, remodeling NOW LET Me GET -AM I TO UNDERSTAND YOU TWO WELL-.0FF THE BUT TMEY HAP BILL CRAWFDRD & Son, elec­ FYee estimates, fully insured. SALESCLERK DENERAL MAINTCNANGE WORK THIS 6TRAI6HT,MIB^ CONCOCTED THOSE ABSURD WITCH , KECOKPiVES... A PIFFBRENT gone. Make an offer. 649-9989. porches, garages, closets, ceU- East Hartford; (Jonn. K/y-EKi WOOLLY-. POLLS- ANP MV MIPNISHT CALL WE Wer e hopins trical contractor. Residential, Ings, attics finished, rec 643-7361.______* ______Mature female wanted for em­ SINCE WU AND YOUR KBA90N FOR ployment in medicine and cos- [-t^TO M ’PR. WOOLLY’ ? TO SPOOK YOU NOT WAMTINS 1066 RAMBLER Classic, 4-door, commercial, industrial. (Jail rooms, formica, ceramic, Oth- p a in t iNG done part-time eve- FREE FIANCE WANTED OUTOFBUYINfi YOU H ERB- after 4, 649-3663. 183 High St., ;------■ .-----"T------. metic department of large mod- THIS ANCESTRAL ~ HOUSE 1 standard 6, good condition.-649- er related work. No Job too ^ weekends. Kxperi- PIZ21A and grinder shop at 814 nhormnev. Sninrv nlua com- CMS — BLUE CROSS — UFE INSURANCE | Manchester. smaU. Dan Moran, BuUcler. “ ------em pharmacy. Salary plus com­ OMEOFWUKS- 710V. enced. Interior, (JaU 647-1186 M ^ St for sale. ^ceUent o ^ m ^ o M ^ e d on ;x*perience. Evenings, 649-8880. missions based on experiei after 6 p.m. portunity, great potential. T. J . Apply______at______once_ to Manager. (Jrockett, Realtor, 648-1677. N. J L A F L A l ^ - C a i^ n t j NAME your own p riceX Paint- AMERBELLE CORP. B H70 >, HUL Uc T>tiw. u.i. w . an. c«itractor. Additions, remod- ^ paperiianging,’^ m oval. ■ - Lifirgrett Parkade Drug 104 E. MAIN STREET) ROCKVILLE, CONN. eling and repairs. Call any­ Prom ^ service, fully Insured. An equal opportunity employer time for free estimate. 876- Satisfaction guaranteed. Call Privota InstrucHom 32 *’“ *“‘*" Apply between 8:30 - 6:30 p:m. L ^ N C E L O l BY COKER and PENN ASSEMBLERS 1642. 876-3326 Jerry Kenny, 647-9664. STATE Certified elementary WANTED — (!jleening woman / WeLL.JHE e>ROCBH}^ '’' h o p e I. REMeMBEBeCP gVBRVTHINe,,, WES ROBBINS (Jarpentry re­ school teacher, wishes to tutor one day a week. References (JONTRACTTOR — Interior, ex­ ■ '' SHOPPING IS PONE MILK... B eeAD ...eG SS... BLTTTER /W AT'S FUNNV...I HAVE 1 Light assembly work. First or second shift. modeling siiecialist. Additions, children lii her home. Grades required. (Jail 649-5824 after i terior painting, paper hanging. FC« ANOTHER 'tiPiSURT,. PEANUTS... OABRCTS... ( FEELING X FORGOT rec rooms, dormers, porches, one through 8. (Jail 647-1625. 6 p.m. WEEK/ ^ p O K i e s ... CDRANGES... C E R E A L . Discount on wallpaper. Call SO/ViETHING Several openings. Apply to: cabinets, formica, bullt-lns, v : bathrooms, kitchens, 649-3446. Oscar Hebert, 646-3048. ------MATURE woman wanted as Holp Wonlacl— companion for elderly lady. No LITTLE SPORTS BY ROUSON Personnel Office NEWTON H. SMITH A SONS— Fm im !* 35 heavy housework and no laun- RNs - LPNs - NURSES’ AIDES Remodeling, repairing, aolntment. 646-1218. p.m, ’A J PAGE TWENTY TT/O MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN.. MONDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1970 ■ - • • •• » ___ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHES’TER. CONN".. MONDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1970 PAGE 'rWENTY-'THREE Houses For Rent 65 Houses For Sale 72 Houses For Saie 72 Boats and Accessories 46 Kouies For Sale 72 Houses For Sale 72 Houses For Sale 72 Out-of Tovm Out of Town 46th District GERICH Marine Service 1082 FIVE-ROOM house, completely MANCHESTER — U & R, 7- MANCHESTER is not far from For Sale 75 For Sale 75 Tolland Tpke., Buckland. BERRirS WORLD furnished for rent. Three ref­ room deluxe Colonial, 2^4 this beautiful 4-room Ranch. anxloua for quick MAl^CHESTER — Six l room CLASSIFIED Evinrudc Sales and service erences required, $260. per baths, double garage. Ex­ Hot *Vater heat, oil, copper Sht-year-old U & R Co- Cape, Verplanck School. 12x24' 35 Timrod Road ASSUMABLE MORTGAGE — Donnelly Asks Redirection and Evinrude snowmobile month. Philbrick Agency, clusive ^ecutlve ■ neighbor­ plumbing. House Is In first lonial. Five bedrooms, 3% Hying room, fireplace, three new listing, 6-room Cape, ga­ SOUTH WINDSOR sales and service. Boating- Realtors, 646-4200. hood. Selling below replace­ class condition. Full price, baths; 2 fireplaces. Many other bedrooms, garage. Excellent Like the exterior? You'^ should see the interior! rage, treed yard, wall-to-wall Snowmobile accessories.: . ment cost. Hayes Agency, ,^6- $14,900. Call The Mitten Agen­ , extras. Price reduced to $69,- condlUon. Only $24,900. Hayes Seven-room Colonial, 2 fireplaces, screened -porch For Student Involvement ADVERTISING 0131. carpeting, vacuum system, $7,- Just listed this charming cy, Realtors, 643-6930.^... 900. For details call Philbrick Agency, 646-0181. SHELL- Lake 18' wood run­ with carpeting, large family room, extra large 000 assumes 6% per cent mort­ 6*/4 room Split level that State Rep. Thomas J. Don- has discussed the. legislative CLASSIFIED advertising DEPT. HOURS Out of Town Agency, Realtors, 646-4200. off/ers 3 bedrooms. large liv­ about, complete fiber glass, 18' MANCmSTER -— Vernon line, MANCHESTER — 4 -bedroom kitchen with appliances, wall-to-wall carpeting gage. BeauUpil condition. nelly, candidate for re-election, system and its function in Oon- 8 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. three-bedroom home, garage. MANCHESTER — Three-bed- throughout, 3-zone heat, full attic, 2-car garage, ing room with sunny kitchen trailer, Gator tilt, 40 h.p. For Rent 66 ^ baths, 28’ paneled MANCHESTER — 4-bedroom room Ranch, ideal starter or Transfer refiron for sale. $22,- with good sifled eating'area. whlle approving of the social talked wlto Living room with fireplace, Cape, near bus, school, shop­ Evinrude electric motor, 3725. family room, living room with retirement home. Convenient­ enclosed rear yard, professionally landscaped. 900 M. I^len Palmer, Realtor, Also, spacious. paneled fam­ , Girl Scouts, has been active In NEW 3-room apartment, Ver­ wall-to-wall carpet, dining and political involvement of uttle League and has worked COPY a.OSING TIME FOR CLASSIFIED ADVT 14' Little Dude trailer, used cathedral ceiling, large kitch­ ping. New roof, wiring. Ren­ ly located with city water and Priced low for quick sale. Many other extras. 643-6321 ( ily room, 2 full baths, well non Center. Seen by appoint­ room and modem kitchen with ovated kitchen—bath, wooded college students, has called for with the Boy Scouts, has taken twice. Also 14' aluminum boat, en, dining area,- garage. For­ sewers. Basement beautifully landscaped yard, aluminum 1:30 P.M. PAY BEFORE PimjCATION ment only, 875-9676. built-ins, family room, 1% lot. $21,600. Meyer Realtors, SOUTH WINDSOR, first time $200. 649-1772. est Hills area. Price reduced paneled and carpeted. Flag­ CHARLES LESPERANCE storms, nice location. Im­ redirection of their involve kids from both towns on a baths, treed lot. Convenient to 643-0609. offered, 3-bedroom Ranch, at­ maculate throughout. Asking Headline lor Saturday and Monday Is 4:30 p.m. Friday HEBRON — Surburban living to $29,900. Frechette Realtors, stone patio, permanent gaa ments. tour of the Capital during schools and shopping. $25,600. 649-7620 - tached oversized 2-car garage, $26,000, take a look! I , the past session. Donnelly has 20 minutes from downtown 647-9993. BIGHT-ROOM Colonial, Uke barbeque and tool shed in He said "Many are Fuel and Feed 49>A D. W. Fish, Realtors, 643-1691. porch, extras, excellent loca­ effectively shown his interest in YOUR COOPERATION W T IX m R | L A ^ Hartford,' 2-bedroom apart- 6-ROOM RANCH with attached new, tastefully decorated. small cozy backyard. Price re­ tion, immediate occupancy, valuable time through BE APPRECIATED irIMk 0*f I I SEASONED fireplace wood, full ments, children welcome, car- MANCHESTER 7-7 Duplex, duced to $21,900. The Paul W. U & R R E A L T Y CO., INC. wrong involvements and at the the students." the spokesman garage, in desirable area, fire- Wall-to-wall carpeting, built- GREAT 2-famlly value, 6-6, PRIVACY, quiet, convenient, $25,900. Herb Bishop, owner- said. or half cord lots. Delivered peting, appliances, heat, hot all very large rooms, 2-car ga­ placed living room, dining ins in kitchen, 14x24’ living Dougan Agency, Realtors, 649- walk to shopping, schools and attractive, relaxing, very cen­ broker, 644-1798. Robert D. Murdock, Realtor expense of others." 4635, 646-1021. 875-6575. water, storage, parking. No­ rage. Custom built for present room,''kitchen, 3 bedrooms, full room ^ large church. A lovely home and a tral Ranch, 6 extra large 643-2692 While the social and political progress of today’s student ad- Continued From Preceding Page vember occupancy. $186. owner. Fine residential area. ceramic baths. Nicely treed fine Investment. The smart rooms, jalousied enclosed BOLTON — Ranch, six rooms. FIRE WOOD for sale very rea­ room Cape, three-four bed­ ______vances, Donnelly said, "the monthly. 646-0882, 649-2871. Priced to sell in mid 30’s. lot, $23,900. Wolverton Agency S-ncSOLD,^rr ^ way to become a property own­ breezeway, oversized garage. large kitchen, three bedrooms, Pre-Yule Layoff sonable. Call evenings, 649- Flrechette Realtors, 647-9993. bedrooms. Well planned clos­ rooms, fireplace. Large pri­ Hartford _ 7 - room role of the educator and the uni- Realtors, 649-2813. vate yard for children. $20,000. er. $26,000. Call Warren B. Hutchins Agency, 649-5324. large living room with fire- EAST Help Wanted-^Male 36 Help Wanted-^— 1142. ROCKVILLE — Duplex — 9------^------ets and storage areas. Phil­ Raised Ranch,, rec room, den, versity is being questioned. It Planned by GE room apartment. Call 872-4538 $27,900 — 7 - ROOM Raised R. T. Dolln Agency, 643-2861, Howland, Realtor 643-1108. place and exposed beams. Lot Male or Female 37 SEASONED cord wood, cord MANCHESTER — A cream brick Agency, Realtors, 646- 2.7 ACflES beautiful view, 7- with 300’ frontage. $22,70f/. garage, aluminum siding. Bet- seems that no one Is willing to or 749-2^3. Ranch. Stove, dishwasher, 247-3780. BRIDGEPORT, Conn. (AP) and half-cord lots. Sawed and puff. Immaculate 6-room dor- 4200. MANCHESTER Center — 6 room custom Ranch, 3 baths, Philbrick Agency, Realtors, ter than new. Bel Air Real Es- suggest that they return to the ACCEPTING applications for wall-to-wall carpet, king-sized to The General Electric Company delivered. E. Yeomans, 742- HEBRON—Available Nov. 1st. mered Cape, fireplace, ga­ SUBURBAN Splendor, 8-room room Colonial. Excellent po­ family room, 2-car garage, 646-4200. tate 643-9332. of teaching students LOVE WANTED the position of part-time assist­ bedroom, garage, trees, PURE enchantment — Eleven Icam to think, and to develop as here plans temporary layoffs of 8907. Four-room heated apartment. rage, quiet family neighbor­ Contemporary Split In ex­ tential for professional person. privacy. Hutchins Agency, ant manager. Must be able to sewers. Hutchins Agency, Real­ rooms, 3!^ baths, carpeting, BOLTON — Second Boltonindividuals.” some 700 workers during the Individual willing to work Wall-to-wall carpeting, stove, hood, wooded lot, garden, con­ quisite setting on 1% acres. Bus- line, parking, easy access. Realtors', 649-5324. VERNON — Modem 6-room Co­ tors, 649-6324. double garage, fireplace, 225’’ Lake, Greir Rd., lakefront He proposed restoration of month before Christmas, hard to assist in pet shop. type> and be accurate with SEASONED fireplace wood, $12 venient to shopping, bus, Only three years young, 1% Only $22,900. Hayes Agency lonial. Three bedrooms, two refrigerator included. Call 228- Coventry lake frontage. Owner property with 4-room .unfinlsh- "the mental and moral dis- Company spokesmen said the Fiill-time employment, op­ figures. Apply in person. State pick-up load delivered. 644- SIX-ROOM Cape — Good loca­ schools. Meyer Realtors, 643- baths, basement garage. In­ 646-0131. king sized, sewing room, spa­ Theatre, Main St., Manchester. 0727 or 644-1359. 9300., transferred west. Morrison ’ ed cabin, $11,990. Can Paul W. cipline In the university tha^al- layoffs were not related to any portunity for advancement. tion, good neighborhood. Near 0609. numerable extras you must ______clouscious I ^ **re- Realtor, 643-1016. Dougan .Agency, 649-4535. lows the students, to pursue general nationwide business let Good wages. Call between HEBRON — 3%-room apart­ see. Mitten Agency, Realtors, SEVEN-ROOM Cape, full cel­ place, JI I ) room, COUNTER help wanted—week­ shoppi^ ^ main ^ o r o ^ - j^^n CHESTER ------scholarship.” down. Rather, they said, the lay- 10 a.m. - 5 p.m. 643-6108. ment, heat included. Year's fare. Can be used as four bed­ 643-6930 or 647-1673. lar. Baseboard heat. Only LOVELY GAPE wall-to-;'^'^-^-'-'^ S'v.SOLD , 1% ends, Friday, Saturday and duplex , plus 3H*room apart­ COMFORTABLE and excep­ P I 77 condoning youth Involve- offs were planned to pave the 2 $14,500. Pasek Realtors, 289- Sunday nights. Must be 18 Garden— Farm—y lease. Four-room apartment, rooms if needed. ' Priced at tionally clean older home. baths, large lot with a view. 1970 bx NEA, ment, excellent Investment, 7476, 742-8243, 646-4678. Here Is a home with today’s Y*aniGa*“ KCai CSiaTG / / ment Donnelly said he believ- way for inventory taking, instal- years old. Apply in person electric heat, stove and re­ $21,600. Call Peterman, Real­ Tliree twin-sized bedrooms, a OLDER Colonial bungalow, six Assumable mortgage. $26,900. WILD CARGO Dairy Products 50 $27,600. Call owner, 633-7928. essentials and tomorrow’s ALL CASH for your property young people should have a lation of new equipment and frigerator. Strout Realty Co., tor, 649-9404. yard of imposing trees and large rooms, garage. A b lo c k ------Philbrick Agency, Realtors, PET SHOPS only. Howard, Jcrfmson, 394 Tol­ from everything. Priced in the NEW Usting, 6-room Cape, Ga- possibilities. A house with within 24 hours Avoid red politics, in government lighting and rearrangement of land Tpke,, Manchester. APPLES for sale—Courtlands, "Ask yore o/' la^y— how should I know what's with the Hebron, 228-9116. MANCHESTER—Woodalde St. shrubs and a locaUon that 646-4200. Delicious and McIntosh. Also MANCHESTER — 6 and 6, spa­ low twenUes, Bralthwalte rage. New kitchen with built- the feeling of home. Six spa­ tape, instant se’rvlce. Hayes in social problems - but work. 511 Main St. Manchester broads' liberation movement?" Immaculate Shannon Built, 3- makes It more than simply a ODVENTRY Pears. Volpe Farms, Birch cious two family in ^excellent Agency, Realtor. 649-4693. Ins- $21,900. Pasek Realtors, cious rooms, baths, jal­ Agency 646-0131 expense, physical or The GE announcement fol- bedroom Ranch, country kitch­ good home value. An invest­ 289-7476. 568-1663. ousied porch and sunroom, ______moral, of students who are at iqwed a meeting between the Sihiofions Wanted-* Mountain Rd., Bolton. > condition.' Recently moderniz­ ment you can enjoy. $29,000. SOUTH STREET RANCH ______Business Property ed, large treed lot. Many ex­ en, fireplace, patio, spacious OLCOTT Dr. — front-t6-back one-car garage. This is a Custom built—plaster wall _ college to learn and want to ac- company and officials of the In- Call Warren E. Howland, Real­ PULL ■ or part - time tire Fem ale 38 GREEN Mountain potatoes. tras. Asking $33,600f The Mit­ landscaped yard. Garage, Oc­ ll’vlng room, 3 bedrooms, 1% MANCHESTER — Three-bed- four-bedroom home priced contemporairy Ranch. The LAND — Louis Dimock Realty quire a true education. ternatlonal Union of Electrical changer, mostly on passenger Apartments— Flats—- Apartments— Flats— ______For Sale > 70 cupancy! Upper 20’s. . Man- tor, 643-1108. EKPERIENCED babysitter Call 649-7591, after 4:30 p.m. ten Agency, Realtors, 643-69^0 baths, large treed lot. Upper room Ranch, modem kitchen to sell quickly at $24,900. perfect starter home. Fire- - Realtors, 649-9823. 'The serious student .cannot Workers jVPL-CIO,' .ov6r the and small truck tires. Apply Tenements 63 BUSINEISS property, Spmce giaflco & Brooks Realtors,' 668- ______concentrate with distractions; weekend. will care for your children, all day Saturday and Sunday. Tenements 63 or 647-1673. 20’s. Keith Real Estate, . 646- with built-ins, dining “ L” , fam­ For an appointment to in­ placed-livlng room, dining Brown's Tire Shop, 333 Main St., older 4- family, comer ;______4633, 563-0129. 4126, 649-1022. ily roo ^ T->. 'waU-to- spect, call Mrs. Wagner, room — equipped kitchen— "while we commend their The first layoff will be during Street, Manchester. days, evenings, weekends. property, lot approximately MANCHESTER —Price reduc- MANCHESTER Call 647-1377. wall c 11 I ) f® Jarvis Realty Co., 646-2623, enclosed breezeway and two D flC tor Rockefeller concern" Donnelly remarked, the week of Nov. 30, the second Fertilizers 50-A o n e - b e d r o o m apartment, MANCHESTER — Nice one- 95x75. Will lease or sell. 649- ed on this quality 9-room, five- MANCHESTER — one year Old COUNTRY CLUB area. . .new recreati^'--^-*— y loca­ 643-1121. , car attached garage. Large "we must disagree with the during the week of Dec. 14. PART-TIME truck driver, 8-1 large living room- and kitchen bedroom, first-floor apart- . 7 - room ' Colonial, 2% baths, DELIGHTFUL CAPE 4522 bedroom, two-year-old Gar­ nine room colonial. Four bed­ tion. Very clean. Assumable patio with barbecue. $21,- Albany, N. Y. (A?>) — Gov. methods of those who dissent The company said the second Good clean cow with heat, electricity stove, re- ment, private entrance., $166 double garage, % acre treed BABYSITTING in my licensed ^OR SALE rison Colonial. Kitchen with rooms, 2% baths, “two car ga­ mortgage. $29,500. Philbrick 900. Mr. Lewis, 64&-5306. Nelson A. Rockefeller has or- through distraction and destruc- layoff would continue into the person. Alcair Auto Parts, 226 manure delivered, $6 and $12 frigerator, $155. monthly. Call monthly. Including appliances LIQUOR store in Manchester, built-ihs, family room with lot. $37,900 Heritage House, Six cheery rooms, large eat- rage. Now under construction. home. Age 3-5. Call 649-7025. good location. Good income. Agency, Realtors, 646-4200. dered that at least an apple a tion. week of Dec 21 and continue un­ Spruce St. loads. 643-7804, 649-8731. 643-4491. and heat. Call Paul W. Dougan, fireplace, 2Mi baths, 2 garages 646-2482. Choice setting, land adjoins IMMACULATE 4% rooms, con- ^ For details call Philbrick in kitchen, fireplace, finish­ day be given to residents of in- Donnelly said that there is no yt Dec. 23 when the plant will Realtor, 649-4536. and aluminum siding. Now Town watreshed property. T, venlent location, living room, B & W stitutions operated by the state better way to achieve objectives down for the holidays. The TAKING evening courses? This LARGE 3-room apartment, Agency, Realtors, 646-4200. ed basement, baths, car­ J. Crockett, Realtor, 643-1677. Manchester eat-in kitchen, sunroom, half BARROWS and WALLACE Co. Dogs— Birds— Pets 41 asking $39,960. Philbrick Agen­ Departments of Social Services .iban to ‘organize’ and work company said the plant will re- might be just the job you’re Household Gdods 51 stove, refrigerator, heat, hot peting, patio and garage, on Manchester Parkade RESTAURANT business show- cy, Realtors, 646-4200. WOODLAND bath down, 2 large bedrooms, and Mental Hygiene. within. . the system,^ to . work sume full production Jan. 4. looking for. General stock FEEE>—Kittens, delivered to water, electricity, adults. Ref­ beautifully landscaped priv­ MANCHESTER vicinity —Look­ bath up. Walk-up attic, $21,900: Manchester 649-6306 SINGER touch and sew with Furnished LOW 20’s “ If everyone would eat an ap- change the system by run- Q,g claimed the layoffs would work in prestige drug store. good homes, orange and white, erences, no pets, November ing excellent net profit in high- RfvvvERS Area — 7-room Cane ing for a starter home? We Wolverton Agency Realtors Prefer ^ull-time but will con­ cabinet. Monograms, hems, Apartments 63-A traffic count locaUon. , Es- B»W E«S Area - 7-room Cape, MANOR ate lot. Centrally located. have several priced from $14,- Six-room Cape, 3 or 4 bed­ pie a day all wolld be better nbig for public office, or to work some 700 worker^, or and black and white. Call 742- 1st. $130. 649-5324. 4 bedrooms, 2 baths, fireplace, 649-2813. $21,900—VERNON — Immacu­ ^ " rr\*»for fnzi the election of orkvvmrknAsomeone xirhrt who sider someone interested in embroiders-, etc. Used, excel- ____ tablished over 20 years. Price Immediate occupancy. Ask­ 900 to $19,500. Mitten Agency, rooms, centrally located. oft," Rockefeller said. about 17 per cent of the 4,300 8258, 646-0253. garage, mid 20's. Helen D. late 2-bedroom Ranch. Large malor shares your beliefs. working mornings. Call lent condition. Guaranteed. FOUR large rooms, stove, re- ATTRACTIVE 3-Troom, fumish- includes all the real estate, APARTMENTS ing $25,900. Realtors, 643-6930, 647-1673. Immediate occupancy. PROFESSIONAL man’s Ranch, New York State is employes at the Personal Ap- Cole, Realtor, 643-6666. living room, fireplace, wall-to- Of violence on campus, Don- ij^^ces Division which manu- FYanklin Pharmacy, Glaston­ GOOD HOMEIS wanted for 4- Full price now $56 or 7 mbhth- frigerator, heat, central loca- ***’ heated apartment. Large restaurant fully equipped, plus Homestead Street Six-room Cape, fireplace, 3 approximately 2,800 squal’e producer of apples. wall carpeting, dining area, nelly sa d he d(«s not advocate f^ctures housewares. bury, 633-7000. months old kittens. "Brownie” ly payments of .$8. 522-0476. closets. Private entrances. a house. $65,000. Owner will Manchester, 'Conn. SIX-ROOM Ranch— Wall-to-wall or 4 bedrooms. Immediate feet of living space, 15x24’ liv­ tion, parking. Security $170. occupancy. Owners desper-' kitchen, breezeway and over­ _____the stifling of dissent, but — Interestingly mottled. dealer. Adults. No pets. References. take back fnortgage. Philbrick Jacqueline-Roberts Agency carpeting. Built-ins, fireplace. ing room with fireplace, The union, however, estimated monthly. Call 649-3340. WOODLAND MANOR offers ate. All ' offers considered. sized garage with electric eye. recognizes that students are MECHANIC — FVll or part- "Beauty” and "Betsy" —gaily 643-4860. Agency, Realtors, 646-4200. 646-8389 Attached garage. Aluminum formal dining, modem kitch­ that 720 workers would be laid EVERETT T. the ultimate in convenient Very clean. Convenient location. Bus line. INVITATION adults, and want to -be treated time, mornings or ^temoons. tri-colored. 643-2210. SEWING MACHINE — New m a in ST. — 3 rooms, sec- siding. Only $24,900. Vacant. en, library with fireplace, 1. off during the early period and ’Th r e e rooms, shower, all util- MANCHESTER suburbs, busl- prestige living, with schools, Six-room Cape, fireplace, (Jerard Agency, 649-0638, 643- as such. "Therefore, those who ^ 30 more later. Call 643-2819. ^ ' 1969 zig zag, unclaimed laya­ ond floor, heated, one or two Owner would consider option three large bedrooms, spacious FREE kittens — Two brown ities included. Just finished re­ ness location 5%-room Ranch, M c K i n n e y shopping religiious facil­ 1% baths^ immaculate 0365. TO BID destroy property should be way, buttonholes, monograms, adult family, security required, SIX ROOMS, well maintained, rental to buy. Pasek, Realtors, paneled family room with fire------WANTED man with some elec­ and white males, trained to lit­ 1% baths, excellent condition, ities nearby. throughout, privacy. Sealed bids wlU be recelyed ®ware of the law and thus treat- hems, etc. Now only $54. Easy $125,-646-2426. decorating. No children or with establislied shaded yard 289-7475, 646-4678, 742-8243. place, 3% baths, wall-to-wall SOUTH WINDSOR trical and plumbing experi­ ter box. Call 643-9348 after 4 :30 pets. Older employed person, country store, out buildings. Real Estate Not Kosher, terms. 522-0931 dealer. IMMEDIATE OOCtra»ANCY and neighborhood, garage. carpeting in many rooms, at the office of the Director of “ v ^ ‘"rl'l ence for service department p.m. 260' frontage. Hayes Agency, carpeting and appliances. Can MANCHESTER is next door to FRECHETTE LARGE FAMILY ROOM 149 OAKLAND ST. — Three parking. 272 Main St. CcnsuRoifts Spacious one and two bed­ patio, swimming pool, two-car With sliding glass doors, Geneml Services. « Ce^er faws “ annot be NEW YORK (AP) — Iffit’s fi­ at Culllgan Water Condition­ CLEAN, USED refrigerators, rooms, first floor, one or two . 646-0131, room apartments, refrigera­ be bougdit completely fur­ this beautiful 4-room ■ Ranch, let mignon, it Isn’t kosher, says REALTORS garage and a 3 acre lot with’a patio, large lot, attached broken at the discretion of the ing, 162 Governor St., East ranges, automatic washers adult family, heated, $96. se­ THREE-room heated furnished______tor, stove, dishwasher, dis­ nished or unfurnished. Conve­ has oversized garage and in New York’s commissioner of FOR SALE — Warm dog house, apartment. Call after 6, 643- VERNON—Route 83, near traf- ★ 647-9993 view, surrounds this lovely garage, front kitchen and November 5. 1970 at 11:00 a.m. Donnelly concluded. Hartford. with guarantees. See them at curity required. 646-2426, 9-5. posal, air conditioning, full nient to shopping, schools, bus excellent condition. Call on this. consumer affairs. never used. -Call 875-4179. 1203. fic circle, modem commercial custom built home. $60’s, Phil­ attractive landscaping for for Teens for, Donnelly B. D. Pearl's Appliances, 649 carpeting, electric heat. line. Call Charles Ponticelli, $19,600. Mitten Agency, Real­ ONE FOUR (4) DOOR STA- Commissioner Bess Myerson WANTED grill man full or building approximately 2300 Commerckil and BIRCH St. — Compact 6-room brick Agency, Realtors, 646- only $26,900. Call John Mc­ “ Teens for Donnelly'’ have or­ FREE —to good home, very af­ Main St. Call 643-2171. 12 STRANT St. — Two bedroom otmer-broker, 649-0644, 872- tors, 643-6930. Grant says kosher catering es­ part-time, experienced only. - - duplex. Garage, heat. Decern- square feet, central atr-con indusiricd Properties bungalow, big front porch, 4200, Laughlin at 649-5306 for 'nON WAGON ganized in South Windsor to fectionate, all black male cat. nished,. private bath and en­ Model apartment open for 4732. r e c r e a t io n d e p a r: T- tablishments that offer filet mi­ Apply in person. See Mr. Cole­ APARTMENT sized refrigera­ ber occupancy, Adults, no dltioning, large display area GARRISON Colonial, modem small lot. Only $19,600. T. J. appointment. support Donnelly’s campaign. 649-7906. trance, utilities, no pets. 226 inspection Sat. and Sun. 1-6, CENTER ST. — Spacious 6 and MBNT ATH LE’n C SUPPLIES gnon at Jewish weddings and man, Bonanza, 287 W. Middle tor, like new, $76. gas stove, pets. 643-7467. plus waiting and conference LisVings Wanted kitchen, formal dining room, Crockett, Realtor, 643-1677. Organizers of the group are Charter Oak, 643-8368. week days by appointment. $24,000 BUS LINE 6 - room 6 duplex. Two-car garage. Im­ BACKHOB LOADER bar mltzvahs "are deceiving the Tpke. AKC REGISTEREID Golden Re­ $35: combination aluminum rooms, large paved parking Ranch, acre lot, wall-wall car­ large . living room with fire • • B & L W Tina and Peggy Oberg, Jackie 4% room Starting at $176 mcmthly. and two-half MANCHESTER — Immaculate maculate condition. Separate Bid forms, plans and speclfl- Lynn Parks and Greg public." triever puppies, male and fe­ doors, 32x80, and 36x96, $10 635 CENTER ST, lot, $60,000. Philbrick Agency, 643.2226 pet, plaster walls, screened place, one full BARROWS and WALLACE Co. PART-time, husky, hard work­ baths. Four bedrooms, lot lOOx 7-room Colonial with 2-car ga­ utilities. Bus at door. $26,900. cations are available at the Nicholas. They feel they would Filet mignon is from the hind- male. For information call 742- each. 643-2465 evenings. duplex, 1% baths, all appli­ 646-4200. porch, gaxage, trees. Hutch­ Manchester Parkade ing laborer, after school hours ances, fully carpeted, two alr- 180’. $30,900 PhilbHck Agency, rage located off Keeney St. Llpman - Chorches, 643-1869, General Services Office, 41 Cen- jujg tell voters of Don- . quarter of the cow, Mrs. Grant 9725. Business Locations ins Agency 649-6324. Manchester 649-5306 acceptable, 643-1442. SEWING machines, new, used, condltloners, heat and hot wa­ BUSINESS property. West Realtors, 646-4200. Large family room off kitchen 872-0671. ter Street, Manchester, Connec- nelly’s work with yoith in South said. And Je'wlsh dietary laws repossessed.. Zlg zags, used For Rent 64 with fireplace, living roojn ter, sound proofing, storage Center St., near apartments, TIw tlcut. and East Windsor.'■I / forbid...... eating' " meat from the PART-time help wanted 4-5 Singer portable, $15.95 up. on buViine, sewer and water. PRESIDENTIAL Z'S. firopirce la:;^rkUchen SIX (6)-bedrom single on Sum'- NORTH ^ventry - 8V4-room Town of Manchester, one- of the members said hindquarters of any animal. hours daily, hours may be ar- Articles For Sale 45 and parking. On bus line, near IHorroiMT b u llt ^ r o v e n ^ d range, mit St.. 2*^ baths, fireplace, Ranch, flrenlace.fireplace, bullt-lns.built-ins, ga­ea- Parts and service. Ideal Sew­ Will le t ^ or sell. 649-4622. V IL L A G E . Connecticut ‘‘Donnelly has visited almost all She said the caterers may be ranged to suit applicant. Call ALUMINUM sheets used as shopping. $195 per month. STORE or office, 637 Main St„ dishwasher. Formal dining .many extras. Will take present rage, patio, nice area near ing Machine Service, 9 Web- Phone Charles Ponticelli, 649- paneled, $136. 629-0618. APARTMENTS school, $£0,900. Hayes Agency, Robert B. Weiss, the schools in both towns, ad- substituting a cheaper cut of 649-4523. printing plates, .009 thick, 23x ster St., Hartford, 249-0786. Assumable 6% VA Mortgage room, wall-to-wall carpeting. 'home In trade. T. J. Crockett, 9644. Now renting, one and two 646-0131. General Manager dressed the student boqy, and meat. C MAIN STREET office space, U & R Beautiful home to see. Please Realtor, 643-1677. DEPARTMENT Managers ^ SEWING machine, Singer zig Investment Property bedroom 'apartments. Carpet­ within half mile of shoppli^ center. Terrific’ property all For women’s apparel and do- 643-271L______100 per cent location near ing, 2 alr-conditleners, 1% REALTY CO., INC. call Art Schulz, at Paul W. MANCHESTER — ^bedroom zag, in cabinet, slightly used, apartment, call banks, air-conditioned, auto­ For Sale 70-A wooded. Can be bought In separate parcels or as a whole. Dougan Agency, 649-4345. mestlcs. Very promotable. s c r e e n e d loam, processed baths. 99 EAST CENTER STREET Colonial, 1% baths, garage, low monograms, button holes, 5 p.m. 649-6633. matic fire sprinkler. - Apply Call Frances K. Wagtier Starting to $176. Fee paid. Rita gravel, bankrun gravel, sand, hems, etc. Originally over $300. ______^______.VIANCHESTER close to shop­ MANCHESTER, CONN. CIRCA 1740 large authentic Co­ 20’s. Helen D. Cole, Realtor, Marlow’s, 867 Main St. Rental Manager * 16 Acres $9,500 Personnel, 646-4040. fill, stone. George H. Griffing, now only $52. Easy terms. 622- MANCHESTER — three-room ping, 4-famlly with 4 room 646-9661 or 648-2692 lonial, 11 rooms, 7 fireplaces, 643:6666. apartments, 4-car garage, new 646-2823 or 648-1028 Inc., Andover, 742-7888. 0931. Dealer. apartment. Porter St. area. ** 2 Building lots at $3,500 $7,000 2 baths, some of the origlml j^lvNCHESTER — 6 and 6-two HIGH School Grads — If you ______heating syste-..., and roof. Mid Heat, utilities, and parking. OFFICE SPACE $18,000 floors, laths, doors, etc. Can family. Three bedrooms, over­ have no milltaiy obligation, we PROVEN carpet cleaner ELECTRIC stove and refriger- Available November 1st, ideal 30's. Hayes Agency, 646-0131. N** 2 Bdrm. Ranch. Lot 124x356 rent upstairs while restoring If have fantastic career opportu­ sized garage. Near shopping. Blue Lustre Is easy on the ator. Both for $125. 643-9363 af­ lor newlyweds. Rent $130. desired. Assumable mortgage. NEW LIFE nities lor you. Fee paid. Rita M\NCHESTER — business $34,500 Extra two-family building lot. budget. Restores forgotten ter 3:30. Call 236-0664. 600 square feet available in Philbrick Agency,- Realtors, T Personnel,' 846-4040. blojk with 6 apartments, ex­ Low 30’s. Hayes Agency, 646- colors. Rent electric shampoo- executive suite area, second OfFICE AND PROFESSIONAL SPACE The whole package for sale, beli/eve it or not, for $28,500. 646-4200. er, $1. Paul's Paint & Wall­ MANCHESTER — 3-room cellent condition. Owner will 0131. MAINTENANCE Engineers — floor over Grant’s store in A terrific buy on today’s market. paper Supply. apartment, second floor, new finance 80 per cent at 8H per MANCHESTER — New on mar­ Degrees preferred. To $16,000. Musical Instruments 53 Manchester Shopping Park- FOR LEASE kitchen, tile bath, extra nice. cent. Terrific income produc­ ket, modernized 2-famlly Fee paid. Rita Personnel, 646- Lots For Sale 73 for OLD SCHOOLS USED galvanized iron s e v e N-PIECE Majestic drum $156, heat, electricity Included. ade. Most deslnable location er. Call now, Haj-es Agency, NEW OFFICE BUILDING house, central location, large ______4040. 1%” to 6 in width, ® *2® set, set. .3 3 weeks old.old, excellent con-con­ Lease. Hayes Agency 646-0131. in Manchester area. Call airy rooms, ceramic tile baths. VERNON — Acre plus, high lengths in excellent condition, 046-0131. o KEITH REAL ESTATE SHOE Store Manager Trainees dition. Sacrifice, $200. Electric Frank Williams. Rom» 83, V«mon, Com. Also ideal for in-law situation, geenic locaUon. $6,900. Bolton large quantity. Rockville Hagstrom 12-string guitar with MANCHESTER, one and two- 646-4126 649-1922 $26,000. for immediate sale. Lake, Vernon, half acre $4,200. — One year shoe sales experi­ Scrape, Route 30, Rockville, bedroom deluxe apartments VERNON HARTFORD ence required. Fee paid. Rita case, like new, $100. 646-3479. Houses For Sale 72 Bel Air Real Estate, 643-9332. Tolland acre, $3,000. Hayes 872-9032. ' available now and November 525-5616 66S-0IS1 Days Personnel, 648-4040. MUST SELL — Gulbransen or­ 1st., from $150 per month. In­ 6 4 9 -4 6 0 6 CONTEM^oS y 7% - room Agency, 646-0131. ____ ROYAL - electric tjmeSvriter, LAND — 3 acres in Manchester Mr. Chessarl 649-9179 Evenings gan, 1970 President if model, cluding heat and appliances.______Ranch, large lot In beautifully /^n d OVER — Wooded building DATA Processing — Project regularly $195.-now ,$M. Roy­ with 7 - room Colonial, 1% used 3 months. Moving to Flor­ Call Paul W. Dougan, Realtor, MANCHESTER Mlddle Brokers Protected Hr. Arnold wooded -j—. eplace.. jot, artesian well, walking dis- leaders, analysts, program­ al portable, $75. Remington baths, large frofit-to-back liv­ mers, starting to $26,000. Fee ida. May be seen at Keyboard 649-4535. Turnpike Near Parkade, mod­ It Swirl Two To Please three be II I I tance to la)te and school,-very deluxe adder, regularly $139. Studio, .Route 83, Vernon. 872- ing room, formal dining room, paid. Rita Personnel, 646-4200. ern office or store space for modem eat-in kitchen and den lly roon'’-''^ * '’ ’*'^’*"'^ * paUo. good resldenUal aresa. Paul W. now $80. Royal adder, reg. 4622. NORTHWOOD" Apartments — $20,600. Philbrick Agency, Dougan Agency, Realtors, 649- $119. now $69.95. Final Sale due lease. Will sub-divide. (2- on first floor. Three large bed­ MOTEL desk clerk, Manchester One and two-bedroom apart­ Resators, 646-4200. _ 646-1021. to relocation. Call 649-7798 alter USED Wurlitzer organ, one- months free rent for hew ten­ rooms up. Large screened 4536 area, full-time, possible room ments, central air-condition­ ants.) Call Lou Arruda, 644- 5. year old. Cost $1,000., sacrifice ing, carpeting,' balcony, car­ porch. Beautiful grounds. Sled MANCHESTER — Immaculate A-ZONED wooded bullting lot IncludedT. Call 247-0706 for a p - ______1539, 643-6454. $-600. Will fiance. Keyboard ports, plus oUier luxury fea- trail for children. Stone walls, 6-ro6m Ranch, plus beautiful on Carol Dr.. All uUllUes on polntment. Only sober resp^- o a r k , rich, stone free, loam, In real estate Studio, Route 83, Vernon. 872- etc. Ptirt of land Is extra family room, garage, large street. Bralthwalte Agency, - slble need apply. five-yards, $20. Sand,’ gravel, .lures. From $225. J. D. Real APPROXIMATELY 5,000 4622. Estate Associates, 643-5129. building lot of record, 102 x treed lot. Must be seen. Up­ 649-4593. stone, 'fill, manure, pool and square feet of space ih the LOOK TO AN EXPERT! MEDICAL Doctor — for well Manchester State Bank build­ 600'. Philbrick Agency, Real­ per 20’s. Frechette Realtors, known insurance Co. To $ 2 5 , -patio______salfd.______■ 643-9604. BOLTON.— Deluxe 3V6 rooms, tors, 646-4200. 647-9993. HIGH and dry choice location, Wanted— To Buy 58 carpeting, appliances, air-con­ ing at 1041'Main Street. Ideal 120’ front by 227’ depth. Rea­ 000. Fee paid. Rita Personnel, goRRY SAL is now a merry ditioning, private finished base- for offices, etc. Will sub-di­ MANCHESTER sonably priced for this presUge 646-4040. gal. She used Blue Lustre rug HOUSEHOLD loU — Antiques vide. T. J. Crockett, Realtor, HENRY STREET nrients. Attractive residential neighborhood. Call Peterman, and upholstery cleaner. Rent brick-a-brac, locks, frames, 643-1577. CHOICE AREA area. Adults only, no pets. L.F. Prime location for this id^al Custom built 8% room Ex?- electric shampooer $1. Olcott glassware. We buy estates.------^ ^ family home.' Seven rooms in Realtor, 649-9404. Fiano, 649-5371. INDUSTRIAL — 6,900 sq. feet,’ all, 4 and 3, plus. 1% baths, cuUve Ranch on half acre Salesmen W anted 36>A Varlety Store. Village Peddler, Auctioneer, lot in presUge neighborhood. MANCHESTER - - 2% acres, 420 Lake St., Bolton. 649-3247. VILLAGER Apartment — one- wilt sub-divide, 3-phase wiring. Completely redecorated. Must beautiful wooded hlde-a-way, 8 X 10 HAND BRAIDED rug. office, parking lot. Woodland be seen to be appreciated. •About 2200 sq. ft. of top 2 bedroom, carpeting, two alr- Asking $10,000. Frechette SALESMAN wtuited, living "pref­ varigated, little used, $100 or WANTED — Antique furniture. St.. 649-5043. Priced to sisll. T. J. Crockett, quality building plus cen­ erably in Manchester - Vernon conditioners, heat, appliances. Realtors, 647-9993. best offer; two matching 3 x 6 glass, pewter, oil paintings or Realtor, 643-1577. tral air condiUonlng for area, to service existing ac­ $185. Charles Lesperance, 649- 113 EAST Center St. — Prime only $47,900. PlCase call rugs, $25. Green corduroy , stu­ other antique items. Any quan­ com­ counts and solicit new busi­ 7620. office space. Ideal for profes- -John McLaughlin at 649- THESE ARE THE FACTS... dio coUch cover, 3 pillow cov­ tity. ■ The Harrison’s, 643-8709, plements this 6-room Ranch, ness. Salary plus commission. sionals. Beechler - Tanguay, " ° 5306. Resort Fro^ i^ ers, $10. Little used. Two bed­ 165 Oakland Street LARG;E four rooms tile bath, living room with floor-to-cell­ 1. 80 Students presently bused out of Keeney Street School. No experience necessary. We spreads, Bates, blue, white 646-2212. For Soli 74 will train. Telephone Hartford appliances, parking, heat, h o t ______ing fireplace, formal dining 2. Robertson School enrollment up 20% compard to over-all toviTi increase ball fringe, pink cotton ruf­ water, $165. Near bus line. OFBTCE for rent, central loca- room, eat-in kitchen, 3 bed- • • B & W « * COVENTRY — Log Cabin sum­ 249-8651. ’United Coffee Blrew- fled. $2. each.. 628-5789. Rooms Without Board 59 of 5%. ■ * ' ers. Adults only, no pets. Avail- tion, completely renovated and rooms, half-bath off master, BARROWS and WALLACE Co. mer cottage, fireplace, com­ 3. Basement cafeteria at Nathan Hale inadequate. No hot lunch program FREE wheels —buy new snow THE THOMPSON House — Cot- able November 1st. Charles air-conditioned. Immediate oc- wall-to-wall carpet. Yours for Manchester Parkade pletely carpeted, enclosed available because of lack of space and facilities. tires, get new wheels free, tage St., centrally located. Lesperance, 649-7620. cupancy. 31 West Middle $33,900. Wolverton Agency, Manchester 649-5306 porch, large lot, owner will 6 4. Inadequate g3Tflnasium facilities at Nathan Hale limit Physical Educa­ Help W onted- Realtors, 649-^13. help finance. $9,000. Hayes Cole’s Discount StaUon, 461 large pleasanUyfurnished ■WE HAVE customers walUng TpHe-., 643-1186. MANCHESTER — 8-room Colo­ tion program. West Center St., Manchester, rooms, parking. Call 649-2358 Agency, 646-0131. Male or Female 37 for the rental of your apart- STORE, 20’x70’, 846 Main St., NEW LISTING — two-family, 4- nial, four bedrooms, 1% baths, Several potentially hazardous conditions at Nathan Hale. 643-5332. overnight and permanent ment or home. J.D. Real Es- Downtown Manchester. Avail- 4, new furnaces, new oak recreaUon room and two ga­ WE HA'VE an opening for one guest rates. Inadequate areas for individual remedial and learning problems. full-time experienced hair- BE GENTLE, be kind, to that tate Associates, Inc. 643-5129. j^^le now. Call 522-3114. floors, two-car garage. Call us rages, on a rural % acre lot. Out of Town Delay will be expensive — building costs are skyrocketing at the rate Asking $26,900. Philbrick Agen­ dresser. Apply at Your Star expensive carpet, clean it with ROOM in private home, free slx -R O O M flat, IMs baths, sec- Green—Ground heritage House, 646- S u y For Sale 75 of 1% per month. . , . x. Dust Beauty Salon, 30 Lafay- Blue Lustre. !^Rent n t electric partog. Reference required, ond floor, garage. No pets. One ureen-urouna 2482. cy, Realtors, 646-4200. floor, 900 square feet, front 8. Approximately 50% of the needed $1,996,000 will be reimbursed by the ette ^uare, Rockville, Conn, shampooer $1. The Sherwin- gentleman only. Call between THIS lovely 7-room Colonial is month security deposit. $155 portion carpeted. Second floor MANCHESTER’ — This older -ROOM Ranch, breezeway, located four miles from Ver­ State. or call 876-2752. . Williams Co. 4-6 p.m., 649-1972. garage, 1% baths, fireplace, monthly. Available Nov. 1st., 3 adjoining offices. Will rent lovely 7-room Colonial has non Circle. This home is set on king sized bedroom, recreation COMFORTABLE furnished 649-7581. together or one or two separ­ aluminum siding, modernized Counseling... a % acre lot, has paneled fam­ room, air-conditioning, view. sleeping room, for genUeman, LOOKING for anything in real ately. Call 649-2741, 649-5688. kitchen, large IBx21 family ily room, one-car garage and parking, 272 Main St. room, 2-car garage, formal can be very helpful when buying or sell­ $29,900. Hutchins Agency, 649- HERE IS THE FUTURE... estate rental - apartments, many more extras. Priced to dining room, wall-to-wall car­ 5324. sell at $29,900. CaU Paul W. NICE LARGE bedroom for gen­ homes, mulUple dwellings, no ing property. A Realtor takes pride in • 86,900 Sq. Ft. of renovations and additions will supply adequate facili­ WANTED fees. CaU J.D. Real Estate As­ pets, Interior and exterior MANCHESTER — $26,9(X), Im­ Dougan Agency, 649-4535. tleman, with references, pri­ Houses For Rent 65'^ hi$ counseling. He can tell you countless ties for today’s needs with provisions for tomorrow. completely redecorated. Lo­ One scarf and two tarns maculate -bedroom Ranch. vate home, very near center. sociates, Inc. 643-5129. ’’little things" which help insure a prompt A delightful dress for 3 $18,900 BOLTON, clean 6%- • Postponement will not eliminate the need — it will only increase the cated in center of town. In­ the young Isdy . . . a add up to a pleasing set Garage. Two-years old. Very FUU-TIME EXPERIENCED 649-4966. MANCHESTER —Deluxe 2- SEVEN-ROOM Raised Ranch. room Itanch, private beach cluded is addiUonal B zone lot sale of your prooerty at the best possi­ sweater-like top over a for cooler days. One tarn central quiet street. Hutchins cost. _ . . Rec room, fireplace, two-car of record. $32,600. Call Art is in mesh crochet: the privileges. $27,900 — Andover, , bedroom duplex. Carpeting, ble price. And ne will act as a go-be­ swingy skirt for today s Agency, Realtors, 649-6324. • 1,000 new living units already approved will mean a future increase in LUBRICATION MAN FOR DAYS garage. $280. per month. The Schulz /kt Paul W. Dougan 8 3 JO other rib-like pattern . . . drasUcally reduced, modern ROOM with kitchen privileges, appliances, air-condiUoning, tween, an advisor, if you find property favorite look. No. the school enrollment. Paul W. Dougan Agency, 649- Agency, 649-4636. ' with PHOTO-CUIDE is in big and floppy. No. 2628 5-bedroom, 9-room Ranch. You’ll enjoy working at Manchester’s finest centrally located, 14 Arch St. full private basement. Heat in­ hard to bargain for. See himl has crochet directions NEW LISnTNtJ — Oversized cluded. $220 monthly. Call 4635, 646-1021. ------^------Sizes 8 to 18 (bust 31%- Garrison Colonial, less than Complete built-in kitchen, 2 seiwice station. Working conditions are pleasant T> 1 T7,>oi«n.^ ftiQ. ------MANCHESTER — First time 40). Size 10. 32% bust for both tarns and scarf. FURNISHED room in private Paul W. Dougan, Realtor, 649- EXECUTIVE Special — Ideal on the mlarket, 4-bedroom old- . . . 3 yards of 45-iTicn. SEND 804 is e e liii ter ties pit- one year old. Owner trans­ baths, privacy. Anxious out of and your fellow employes are most congenial. home. Porter St. area, kitch­ ttni tt lacladt flitt-ela»« ■alllns. state owner, Lawrence F. 4535. setting, Raised Ranch, 4 bed- er home. Large kitchen, living Patterns available only ferred. Eight rooms, 2% baths, A YES VOTE WILL MEAN. You will receive full company benefits — plus en privileges if desired. Ref MANGHESIER Aane Cabofc Fiano, Realtors, 649-6371. rooms, 2 baths, .fireplace, room, dining room, and sun in sizes shown. first-floor family room with many fringe benefits, too! Good pay, plus good erences required. Woman on- ^Newer gj'SafaSSSgfiEETYSSli • ipereased specialized facilities for all learning disabilities. large yard, 2-car garage. Bol- room down, $18,500. Wolverton fireplace, formal dining room, hours! Apply in person at ly. Call 649-7276. bedroom - —garden ... .type apart­ BOARD ol REALTORS Iw i ts Iscirte imt-cl««» ■sOlei- W.Y. 4 bedrooms, aluminum siding, • Educational programs and facilities comparable to newer schools. ment, $196 monthly Including ton vicinity. $275. |. monthly. Agency Realtors, 649-2813. Prist IUn4. *d«r.u alttl ZIP ELLINGTON — Four - room CODE aid Stria Numbar. 2-car garage. Excellent neigh­ • Eliminating the overload op adjacent schools— ^Washington, Verplanck, NICE large bedroom for gentle­ heat and appliances. Call Paul Call 649-2871. 1 borhood. $43,600. Philbrick Ranch. Six acres of nature at DUTCH Colonial, 9 rooms, i>or- The Fall & Winter ’70 Its best, 700’ frontage. One Bowers. man. Private home. 281 Wood- W. Dougan, Realtor, 649-4635. s e v e N-ROOM Colonial large ter St. area. Four bedrooms, ir.Y. v m t . ,,, ALBUM IS 65$, includes Agency, Realtors, 646-4200. Only A ReolK* Is QiiolHiad Milt acre fresh water pond with Wloriarty Brothers b rl^ e St. Call 6^ 962. rooms, $260 monthly. Security formal dining room, library, postage and handling. FTVE rooms, second floor, 17 To Display .'/his Seal CODE, Ityl* liwrtsr u 4 TWO-FAMILY. 3-3 flat, garage,, white sandy beach, ^ t r a Tbla aii. paid for by Concerned Citliena for Better Education deposit and references. Chil­ assunr.able $21,000, 6 per cent The Fall & Winter 70 STAR BUILTS...t«al«e lovely de- 316 CENTER 8T., MANCHESTEttr CONN, Ridge St., $120. monthly, ref­ slnif in a star metifl Pattern corner lot. Convenient loca­ acreage available. ***tdeal for Raymond A. Guertin, Treasurer ROOM for rent. Call after 6 erences, no pets. Available dren accepted, no pets. Call mortgage. Philbrick Agency, Basic FASHION Book is pieces; directions. Qt10-85(, in­ 65$, includes postage and cludes postage end handllnf. tion. Bralthwalte Agency, 649- horses. Char Bon Agency, 643- November 1st. 1-413-567-5928. 649-9615 after 6. Realtors, 646-4200. p.m., 649-5633. handling. 4693. 0683. , ■ ‘ Average Daily Net Press Run PAGE TWEKTY-FOUR MONDAY, OCTOBER 26, 19^ For Tbe Week Ended ^The Weather October 17, 1970 Partly cloudy, cool . tonight/' iKanrljPBtw Saining liwali low upper 308-low 40s. tim orrow partly sunny; high In BOs.Thurs­ lUes will be available for a Manchester Busy Beavers ■ Air Force M. Sgt. Donald M. ing and Commerce and the Grade 9 Methodist Youth er. Refreshments were served Howell Cheney Technical 16,020 day (air. About Town question and answer period fol­ 4-H Club recently elected offi­ by Miss Eiebbie Lopes. School will hold Open House to­ Anderson, son of Mrs. Harold University of Puget Sound in lowship of So u t h Unlta lowing' the showing of the film. cers at the home of Mrs. Wil­ morrow from 9. to 11 a.m. and 1 Chambers of S7 Summer St., is Tacoma, Wash. His wife and Methodist Church, will meet t| Manchester— A City of Village Charm “ Why Billy Can’t Ueam," m Everyone interested In seeing liam Lopes, their leader. Miss A coffee for David Odegard, to 3 p.m. in observance of serving as an aircraft mainten­ their three children joined him night from 7 to 9 In the chure educational film about learning: this film is invited to attend. Abby Rocker is president. Miss Arnerican Education Week. ance superintendent with an in Turkey in July. lounge. VOL. LXXXX, NO. 23 Republican candidate for state ___ t ■ , (’TWENTY-FOUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1970 (Classified AdveiOsiiig on Page 21) PRICE TEN CENTS diaabiUtieEi; will be presented Mary Connors is vice presi­ senator in the Fourth District, Guides will be availably, class­ Air Force Suppoi;t Unit at In- tomorrow by'the Bentiey School South School will hold Open dent, Miss Susan Sturgeon is wilt be held tbmorro:^ at 9:30 rooms and shops in full opera­ cirlik AB, Turkey. He previous­ The council on ministries of Manchester Jaycees , wl PTA on Hollister St. at 8 p.m. House tomorrow from 6:30 to secretary, iMiss Lynn Rocker a.m. at the home of Mrs. Rob­ tion, displays in showcases, but ly served at Wheelus AB, Libya. South United Methodist Church meet tonight at 8 at the Blitlll A representative from the 7:30 p.m., and FUchard Martin is treasuere, ^ s s Christine ert Hogue, 434 W. Middle Tpke. conferences with instructors A veteran of Korea, lie attend­ will meet tonight at 7:30 lA American Club on Maple d Manchester Association for. School on Wednesday at the Ward is news reporter, and Mrs. William Murray' is co­ will have to be scheduled for a ed Cheney Tech and New Susannah Wesley House Of the Members a r e requested ) Children with Learning IMsabil- same time. Miss Karen Turek is song lead­ hostess. later date. Hampshire College of Account­ church. bring a guest to the meeting^ Debate on Mideast Nixon Ratifies Bill In U. N. Questioned Stiffening Penalties By TOM HOOE that Egypt is shoveling In n\ore Associated Press Writer arms and equipment, "probably UNITED NA’nONS, N.Y. even as we are talking now.” He told the newsmen that as­ ('AP) — Israeli Foreign Minister For Drug Pushers warm up to savings in sembly debate on the Middle d famous panty hose Abba Eban is questioning the East at this st^ e might be a By MARK BROWN. .. D SD right of the U.N. General As­ STORES OF violation of the U.N. charter. He Associated Press Writer Our own Merry Lee sembly to discuss the Middle added that he would sound out WASHINGTON (AP) — President Nixon today sign­ delegation chiefs on what he de­ cozy sleepwear sheer panty hose, pin Bast while the issue Is before J ed a drug bill aimed at drug and narcotics pushers, ask­ the Security Council. scribed as this "dangerous situ­ ing publi,c support for an all-out fight against drug use ation.” point mesh, run-stop He raised the question at a by young people. news conference Monday, min­ Eban said as he arrived In cotics If there is a cure for such at bottom and toe. utes after Egyptian Foreign Enforcement tools provided New ITork Sunday that he had addlcUon.” reg. $6 to $9 3.99 to 5.99 Minister Mahmoud Riad made not come "In a defensive by the new law, plup the support S prs. SS.70 Most wanted shades, sale the opening speech in the as­ mood.” of all citizens, may "save the Persons convicted of selling short, med., tall. sembly debate. Eban said that lives of thousands of young peo­ narcotics and drugs may be sen­ reg. $2 pr. The roadblock to negotiations, tenced to maximums ranging starfs in his address to the 127-nation he charged, was Soviet and ple who might otherwise be assembly today he would "not hooked on drugs,” Nixon said. from 6 to 16 years on the first All the famous labels you love in Egyptian "violation ot the today take the defensive” but would cease-fire standstill." , “ In order for the laws to offense and up to 26 years if 2 makb new charges. The chief of Israeli military t'-. mean anything they must have they fall. Into the category of a thru long gowns, short gowns and pa- Riad accused Israel and the intelligence, Gen, Aharon Yarlv, the support of the public,” he special'' dangerous drug offend­ United States of collaborating In told a news conference In Tel said. er. Second offenses require dou­ jamas. Cozy brushednj^ylons, soft a policy ot deceit a.id aggres- Aviv that Egypt and the Soviet bled sentences. Saturday slmi that has blocked peace in The drug bill eases somewhat Union have set up one of the the penalties for narcotics and Federal control of narcotics ICJ challis or featherweight flannels. the Middle East. most advanced missiles systems and dangerous drugs, now exer­ AH 5 D&L s t o f s The hsraeli foreig;n minister drug users, stiffens penalties for in the world in the Suez Canal professional drug trafflckers cised through a registration sys­ opm llib WMk called Riad’s speech “ a violent zone. He estimated that 600 to tem, will be replaced by a li­ Delightful prints or soft pastels. and dishonorable tirade.” and extends federal controls Mon. riiru Fri. over previously unregulated censing system for drug manu­ Eban said it is well known (See Page Fifteen) facturers -and diatrihutors. to 9 All with original labels and price drugs. ^ 7 Nixon, addressing himself to establishes five tags. P-S-M-L-XL and 32 to 40. "all of you who may be seeing “ hedules or categories of nar- I thls signing ceremony or hear- dangerous drugs, li... ing It." said drug use a m o n g ^ ‘^ narcotics, haluclno- (Qld., lingerie, all stoiee) South Vietnamese To Push people is a major naUonal cri- m ^juana ajg being In schedule one. Regula- m - ’ tions vary In strictness from one Deep in Cambodian Drive Hie ceremony took place at schedule to another with sched­ ule downtown Washington head- gtrlcOy By ROBERT TUCKMAN Kompong C9iam, 66 miles west quarters of the Bureau of Nar- controlled Associated Press Writer of Snuol. cotics and Dangerous Drugs. ^ \ , “ Our objective is to force the On display as the President 3A1GON (AP) — The Com­ enemy to react and to accept The I^esldent said the mes- signed were charts describing mander of the new South Viet­ sage that drug use can ruin a bureau acUons in Detroit, San the challenge of our combat Police inspect rear entrance of Temple Beth Sholom in Rochester after bomb blast today. (AP Photo) namese offensive salA, today units,” said the general, who young life should be stressed Francisco and Los Angeles in that his forces will push deeper gained considerable prominence In every home, every school, \irhich hard narcoUcs and halu- every church and in the newspa- cinogenic drugs worth more Into Cambodia to try to force for the aggressive showing of ^ r Md television and radio me- than $5 million were seized OUR LOWEST PRICES OF THE YEAR.# "the North Vietnamese to fight. his troops in Cambodia last May , . , No One Injured Lt. Gen. Do Cao Trl also said and June. He is the military Displayed on a table beside North Vietnamese troops face' a commander for South Vietnam’s Nixon said the new law not the President were quantiUes of whole "new situation” In both gj.^ Corps area, made up of Sai- only provides stronger enforce- heroin, cocaine and marijuana Cambodla and South Vletnain and the 11 provinces around Bombs Rock Rochester Synagogues ment tools for federal author!- seized in the Detroit raid, and that they are In a bad way ties, but establishes “ a forward Also on the table was a quan- S TH ANNIVERSARY SALE it. looking program in narcoUcs ■4 militarily in both countries. ’Trl said there are no restric­ Uty of cash, part of 3264,000 that By DON WATERS • DOWNTOWN NEW BRITAIN • CORBINS CORNER. WEST HARTFORD "I am confident,” ’Tii said, Dist. Atty. Jack B. Lazarus of (ederal building, county office Temple Beth Sholom. He and addiction . . . one that we must was seized by federal agents In • MANCHESTER PARKADE • BRISTOL PLAZA • NEW LONDON MALL tions on the extent of South Viet­ Monroe County said "the clr- building, two churches vvith pre- his wife were in their apartment haye support for. We want to do “ that in the near future they Asaociated Press Writer Detroit. namese operations in Cambodia cumstances would make it dominantly black memberships at the far end of the building all we can to cure people who RfXMESTER, N.Y. (AP) — will be forced to withdraw and gud that his troops can "go any- seem” there was a link between and the home of a union leader when the blast occurred. are addicted to drugs and nar- (See Page Six) accept some poUUcal soluUon." y^^iere in Cambodia. Explosions rocked two syna- the bombing of the synagogues were hit. Six other buildings suf- Rabbi Cohen said most of the . ’Trl spoke to two ne'wsmen at "When we feel the North Viet­ gogue^ today and authorities and the earlier bombinga. fered side affects. damage to the Sephardic Center ' ...... misses & jr. coots his headquarters in nearby Bien said there appeared to be a c Police said Tuesday the shoot- gine burst into flames. ditions." It urged the PAA to t , j law-and-order advocate, who Is “ We looked out the window act to prevent recurrences of In- drawing more Republican than itigs occurred ^ter an argument famous couturier between Roosevelt Johnson, 36, and saw a giant flash and a cldents such as had occurred Democratic votes. huge sheet of flames,” one pas- aboard 747s belonging to A m ^ - Against such a background, and his common-law wife, jewelry KJ EUizabeth Jones, 35. They said senger aboard the Pan Ameri- can Airlines and Air Ftsnce. tonight’s televised debate can World Airways plane said. explosion and fire aboard among the three contenders Johnson left the apartment and returned later with a .12-g:uage Hie passengers, some in ^ American Airlines jumbo as could prove crucial. near-panic, took off riioes and ^ from San Francisco Vz off reg. to $20 Mhny Democrats still fear shotgrun. winter right colors wraKied themselves In blankets international Airport and a sim- famous make that unless Daddarlo, the first Killed in the shooting spree reg. $14 for .the sUde. Several suffered jnddent on an Air Firance Pendants, rope necklaces, earrings Itallan-American candidate for WEICKEB DUFFEY D01M> were Mrs. Jones; Mary John­ Lined wool pants for minor cuts and bruises. Two Mwitreal to Paris and bracelets in this unusual fashion right styles in knit or polyester governor, can pull closer to—or son, the 7-year-oId daughter of group. Gold or silver, shiny metals, Mrs. Jones and Johnson; Dar- f a i n ^ prompted the board’s request. defeat—Republican Rep. Thom­ Bob h ^ ^ l, the Pll^ P ^ some crystals and pearls. “with it” fashionables. as j;. Mesklll, the entire Demo­ month ago, had increased to 44- eluding state (Chairman John M. hurt by cutbacks In defense and tired ot high prices? Are ydu lene Martin,, 15, a neighbor who ^ . . lid he planned to restart the . j • x cratic ticket including Duffey 32 due to gains In the Hartford Batley, Sen. Abraham A, Ribl- aerospace spending—defense tired of unemployment and re- gone to the apartment to planned lo u n ge w e or contracts are the state’s No. 1 duced hours? Here’s what you ^ {d y with the Johnson glrl,rand engine to snuff the fire but de- ^ pantdresses Right now solids and could go down to defeat for the area visited by President Nixon coff and Arme Wexler, Duffey’s cided to open the escape hatch- 'n*® engines are manufac- two weeks earlier. campaign manager, decided industry. can do about it NOW. 'Vote Edward Corbett, 36, who was first time since the GOP swept ea when some passengers grew tured by Pratt & Whitney, misses' cotton shirts Oonnecticut In the 1956 Eisen *rhe Becker poll on the Senate last Hiursday to pin the rest of ■’Logically,” he said, "it is the Democratic—Piill the Top Lever visiting Mrs. Jones at the time excited. Bi Washington the National pgttems in sizes 8 to 20. hower landslide. A Daddarlo rkce published Monday indlcat- the campaign entirely on the Democrats, who are respimstble .^Top Team.” 1/4 to 1/3 off of the shooting. "H the fire had occurred in Transportation Safety Board, reg. $12 to $35 29.90 reg. to $45 loss would put a Republican- In ed Duffey’s lead had diminished traditional Democratic econom­ for cutting defense and aero­ The stralgnt party appeal was Aiier me snooungs, police saio, - „ g agency responsible for the Ckmnectlcut governor’s somewhat from a 32-to-26 mar­ ic appeal. space spending. Unfortunately, 3 J 9 reg. to $8 Increasing the revolutions of the investigating chair fer the first time in 16 gin last month, but showed him ■ With the state’s cost-of-llving the . people don’t understand. h e ^ H e Ts^ “ d In cifti^ so lu tio n s of the investigating airline accld«it., A glowing group of hostess robes, long or. The fashion look that’s making news . . . engine,’’ he said. said it had two investigators Favorite solids, prints and stripes ypars. leading Welcker 30 to 27 with 16 Increase . matching or surpass­ They blame NIxmi.” the liberal Duffey, a Congrega- cal condition today at a Brldge- short robes and lounging pajamas. You’ll The plane had been on the ready to fly to Limdmi If necea- specially priced for our Anniversary Sale! For weeks. Democrats have for Dodd and a massive 27 per ing the naUonal rate, and unem­ -Democrats used the economic Uonalist minister -who is nation­ port hospital. in cotton shirts with long or rolled ground about two mlmites. sary. ■ sleeves. A variety of colorings, find Estron, nylon fleece or cotton quilts .. Solid shades of blue, green or yellow or been expressing confidence that cent unde61ded, ployment -Veachlng 16 p er' cent issue successfully in a registra­ al chairman of Americans for Two other children of Mrs. It is that undecided vote that In soihe industrial centers, it’s a tion drive that brought 16,000 Hie Federal Aviation Admin- a spokesman for the Board sizes. 10 to 18. a great selection.of styles and colors. Sizes another style with checked top over solid Daddarlo’s campaign would Democretic Action, for the 63- Jones were not at home at the pick up. But a Becker poll pub­ is worrying the Democrats. Fri- potent issue, more voters into the party’s time of the shootings. istration in the United States ggld preliminazy indicatlaiis 8 to 18, 32 to 38 and P-S-M-L in the group. year-rtd Dodd; pants. Sizes 6 to 15 or 8 to 18. lished in Sunday’s Hartford vate polls show that It Is largely Republican C^lrm an Howard ranks. A flyer printed to spur Some longtime party officers, "Hie scene of the slayings earlier this month praised the were, however, that the difficul- Hmes showe4 that Meskill’s Democratic. In an effort to keep Hausmah conceded in an Inter- the effort showed Daddarlo and 747’s safety record and said en­ It In Uhe, top party leaders in- view that Republicans tu-e being Duffey And asked: “ Are you (See Page Faur) (See’ Fage Seventeen) gine overheating was not a (See Page Four) (DftL, Loungwear, all Btorea) (DAL, Dreues, all stores) lead over Daddarlo, 40 to 34 a