______ \ ^ ' 'l ^ ’ ________ . • ■ Bloodtuobile Visits Concordia Lutheran Church Tomorrow, 1:45 to 6:30 p. m. / Average Daily Net Press Run The Weather For Hie Week Ended O ctober 17, 1970 . Cloudy, cool, chance ot light drizzle through tomorrow; to­ night’s low about 60. Tuesday’s 16,020 high near 60. Wednesday part­ Manchester— A City of Village Charm ly cloudy, seasonable. VOL. LXXXX, NO. 22 (TWENTY-FOUR PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., MONDAY, OCTOBER 26, 1970 (Classified Advertising on Page 21) PRICE TEN CENTS Nixon Meets American Egypt AccusesE^.S. President Wins Nobel O f Romania OhEconomy Of Arming Israel WASHING’rCXN (AP) — Presl- STOCKHOLM (AP) — Paul A . By WOXIAM N. OATIS dent Nixon today welcomed Ro- Samuelson of Massachusetts In- ' Associated Press Writer manian President Nicolae Ceau- stitute of Technology was UNITED NATIONS, N.Y, (AP) — Egypt today ac­ sescu to Washington stressing awarded the 1970 Nobel Prize in cused Israel, with the support of the United States, of that he has “ great respect for acquiring new planes and tanks while Israeli leaders the independence of your gov­ economics today. ’The prize call upon Cairo to dismantle its missile sites in the Suez ernment.” committee said he “ has done Ceausescu, completing a twO' more than any other contempo- Canal zone. Opening a General Assembly of the Arab territory occupied week tour of the United States, rary economist to raise the level debate on the Middle East, by Israel as a result o i the got the red carpet treatment scientific analysis In econom- Eg;yptlan Foreig;nsJdlnlster Mah­ aggression of Jime 6, 1967.” with full military honors when Ic theory.” 2 moud Rlad placed much of the he arrived for two-day official Called by a newsman at his Riad declared that Egypt was visit with Nixon. home in a Boston suburb, Sam- blame upon the United States ready to implement the Security In a brief welcoming speech uelson said he had “ no idea fqr what’ he called Israel’s ex­ Council resolution of Nov. 22, Nixon recalled that Just a year be winning.” He said he pansionist policies. 1967, and to cooperate with Jar- ago he was the first American would go to his office as usual He insisted that the Cairo gov­ Hng to facilitate his mission. president to visit Romania, today—“ my wife won’t let me ernment was ready to resume ■‘•4 , (See Page-Eight) “ and today we are honored to stay home, not with the phones- : - peace talks throufel\' p.N.. .spe­ welcome you as the first i>resl- fin in g Uke this.” cial envoy Gunnar V. Jarring, dent of Romania visiting us.” ’The prize committee reported- but that Israel was resorting to Stressing a “ very warm feel- chose Samuelson from about, deception to prevent the talks. 6 Ing of friendship and affection,” nominees. Including Prof. “ In fact,” he said, “ from the Suez Canal Nixon added that he has great Milton Friedman, an adviser to very moment Israel announced "respect for the independence President Nixon, and Prof. Va- its acceptance of the American of your government” —an ob- Kantorovich, the Soviet eco- initiative (to reactivate the Jar­ Seen W eb vlous reference to Romania’s ef- mathematician, ring effort), it'set out to sup­ forts to pursue a foreign policy The 65-year-old professor was press it. Not one single substan­ independent of Moscow. honored for the "scientific work tive contact with Ambassador Of Missiles Both Nixon and his guest through which he has developed Jarring was undertaken by Is­ touched briefly on differences in static and dynamic economic - rael. By MARCUS ELIASON the government structure and ^"<1 actively contributed “ To justify Its position, Israel Associated Press Writer political philosophy between the to raising the level of analysis resorted to lies by alleging that "t e l AVIV (AR) — “rhe chief two'nations. Nixon only referred ta economic science,” the Royal the United Arab Republic had of Israel’s mUitary intelligence to “ differences in government” Swedish Academy of Sciences Violated the cease-fire arrange- department claimed today that while Ceausescu spoke about said In its citation. ments.” Egypt and the Soviet Union “ differences in social order and tt was the fourth of the six Riad asserted that the Soviet- “ have set up one of the most ad- regarding some existing world 1970 awards from the fortune bullt missiles in the Suez area vanced missile systems in the left by Alfred Nobel, the Swed­ were purely defensive and that world” along the Suez Canal. problems.” Detroit Police frisk Panthers as they surrender after standoff. (AP Photo) “ Notwithstanding the differ- ish inventor of dynamite. ’The Bombs Hit Israel is deihandlng "that we Gen. Aharon Yariv estimated m ces,” the Romanian leader awards, worth $80,000 each. surrender our right to protect that 500 to 600 missiles, about added, “ It is necessary to go to­ have also gone this year to ourselves against its air raids, half of them in launchers have American agronomist Norman and thus facilitate its mission of been constructed inside the 30- gether and cooperate in the eco­ Acting Mayor Says: • Post Office nomic, cultural and scientific Ernest Borlaug for his contribu- organized kiling by its bomb­ mile zone just west of the canal fields in the spirit of friendship Uon to Uie cause of peace; Alex- ers.” in violation of the cease-fire ban among nations.” ander Solzhenitsyn, the Russian Riad said it was regrettable on improvement of military po­ Ceausescu, who attended last noveUst, for literature; and Detroit Killing Could Have Been Private Home that the United States has sitions in this zone. Saturday’s White House dinner, three scientists—American “played a principal role in en­ He said the Soviet missile sys­ MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. (AP) spent Sunday in Colonial Wil- biochemist Julius Axelrod, Brit- abling Israel to continue to car­ tem in Vietnam was much infe­ An explosion shattered the llamsbutg and was flown to Ish biophysicist Sir Bernard ry out its aggressive and ex- rior to the Suez Canal defenses. windows of a kitchen and a Washington by helicopter to- Katz and Swedish physiologist panionlst policy.” In a rare on-the-record news ‘A Showdown... A Holocaust’ basement at the home of a gether with his wife and Roma- Ulf von Euler—-for medlcine- conference with foreign news­ Ing the new headquarters, policeman’s parents just before ‘"The United States,” he de­ nla’s 'foreign minister, Comeliu physiology. By HUGH MORGAN them to a nearby police vehicle, men, Yariv also estimated there moved across town to the West midnight. No one was injured. clared, "continues to provide Is­ Manescu. Mrs. Nixon presented Associated Press Writer where arrests were made. are about 3,000 Soviet technl- Side a week ago. “ I don’t know of any enemies rael with Phantom and Sky- a bouquet of red roses to Mrs. Three other youths decided to hawk bombers and other weap­ clans, advisers and other per­ DETROIT (AP) — Acting stay behind, but they were rout­ At a news conference Sunday, we would have,” Mrs. Staley sonnel in the standstill zone. Ceausescu. Mayor Mel Ravltz, who used his Panther leaders said the black FHega Sr. said today, “ but my ons, as well as massive econom­ Immediately after the arrival ed from the building shortly aft­ ic aid, while Israel continues to At the same time he appeared body as a shield to guarantee erward______ when police moved In community, not the police, son is a policeman and it could to confirm U.S. newspaper re­ ceremony the two presidents be­ should be credited for lack of have something to do with occupy the territories of three gan their first and only ^sched­ the safe surrender of Black. ^'d'~fired teargas shells. ’They states, members of the United ports that Washington had just Panthers in a police slaying, uninjured. bloodshed. that.” sold Israel a -large quantity of uled business meeting in Nix- Ravitz, however, said that at The father and soh have the Nations, while Israel continues says "patience, discipline and “ It could have been 1967 all to -wage its aggression against armor and artillery. In reply to ' on’s oval office. hardheaded common sense” the Black same name, and Mrs. Flega American sources said they over again, and more,” said the news • conference the peoples of these states, and a question, he smilingly admit­ kept the Incident from being a Ravitz referring to the Detroit Panther leaders "acknowledged said her son told her someone did not expect anything particu­ defies United Nations resolu­ ted that if the reports were C “ showdown—a holocaust.” riot three years ago which left impllcity the response was a had asked lor his first name at accurate, "technically this is an larly dramaUc to come out of tions.” 43 dead. fair response. ’They just refused the station Saturday. important contribution” toward the talks. 'Ceausescu was ex- Meanwhile, 15 black youths Riad.added: Ravitz, Detroit (Jommon to give any acknowledgement to The younger Fiega has not offsetting Egypt’s new missile , pected to stress the importance were charged Sunday with mur­ • "Only two days ago, the Unit­ advantage. • of Increased trade between the der in the shooting death of Pa­ Council president who is serving the police. at home for two years. ed States announced that it was trolman Glenn E...... Smith, 26, , a- as mayor in the absence of va- "it seems that’s something to Mrs. Fiega said she and her providing Israel with 180 of its Yariv displayed maps and two countries but he Is aware aerial photographs which he that Congress Is not In the mood Negro.
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