Synthetic Utility of Beta-Keto Sulfoxides Gerard Joseph Mikol Iowa State University

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Synthetic Utility of Beta-Keto Sulfoxides Gerard Joseph Mikol Iowa State University Iowa State University Capstones, Theses and Retrospective Theses and Dissertations Dissertations 1966 Synthetic utility of beta-keto sulfoxides Gerard Joseph Mikol Iowa State University Follow this and additional works at: Part of the Organic Chemistry Commons Recommended Citation Mikol, Gerard Joseph, "Synthetic utility of beta-keto sulfoxides " (1966). Retrospective Theses and Dissertations. 2908. This Dissertation is brought to you for free and open access by the Iowa State University Capstones, Theses and Dissertations at Iowa State University Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Retrospective Theses and Dissertations by an authorized administrator of Iowa State University Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. This dissertation has been microfihned exactly as received 6 6—10,431 MIKOL, Gerard Joseph, 1940— SYNTHETIC UTILITY OF BETA-KETO SULFOXIDES. Iowa State University of Science and Technology Ph.D., 1966 Chemistry, organic University Microfilms, Inc., Ann Arbor, Michigan SYNTHETIC UTILITY OP BSTA-KETO SULFOXIDES oy Gerard Joseph Mikol / A Dissertation Submitted, to the Graduate Faculty in Partial'Fulfillment of The Requirements for the Degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Major Subject: Organic Chemistry Approved; Signature was redacted for privacy. In Charge of Major Work Signature was redacted for privacy. Head of Major ^Department Signature was redacted for privacy. Defan of . Graduate Iowa State University Of Science and Technology Ames, Iowa 1966 11 TABLE OP CONTENTS Page INTRODUCTION' 1 LITEBATUEE REVIEW 4 The Kethylsulfinylcarbanlon: Generation and Properties 4 Beta-keto Sulfoxides 10 Asymmetry of the Sulfoxide Group 12 Chemical .Reduction of Sulfoxides l4 Pummerer Rearrangement 21 Dimethyl Sulfoxide as an Oxidizing Agent 31 EXPERIMENTAL ^ 40 Preparation of Methylsulfinylmethyl Aryl Ketones, I; Reaction of Aromatic Esters with Dimethyl Sulfoxide and. Potassium jb-Eutoxide 4l Preparation of Methyl Hemlmercaptals of Arylglyoxals, II: Pummerer Rearrangement of Methylsulfinylmethyl Aryl Ketones, Ï 47 Preparation of the Methyl Hemimercaptal of Phenylglyoxal, Ila: Direct Rearrangement of ID-( Methylsulf lnyl)-acetophenone 51 Preparation of «-(Methylsulfinyl)-or- alkylacetophenones, Ilia: Reaction of ^-(Methylsulfinyl)-acetophenone, la, with Sodium Hydride and an Alkyl Halide in Tetrahydrofuran 53 Preparation of <v-(MethylsulfInyl)-ch­ alky lacetophenones, Ilia: Reaction of 0)-(Methylsulfinyl)-acetophenone, - la, with • Potassium jfc-Butoxide and an Alkyl Halide in . Dimethyl Sulfoxide 55 iii Page • Preparation of w-Bromo-w-(methylsulfinyl)- acetophenone, IVa: Reaction of w- (Methylsulfinyl)-acetophenone with Bromine and Sodium Hydride 57 Preparation of 2,3-Diphenyl-2,3-butanediol, V: Desulfurization and Bimolecular Reduction of w- (Methylsulfinyl)-acetophenone with Aluminium Amalgam 59 Preparation of P-Hydroxy-S-phenylalkyl Methyl Sulfides: Reduction of 3-Keto Sulfoxides with Lithium Aluminium Hydride 6o Preparation of B-Methoxy-g-phenethyl Methyl Sulfide, XXIV: Reaction of 3-Hydroxy-e- phenethyl Methyl Sulfide, Via, with Sodium Hydride and Methyl Iodide 62 I _ Preparation of P-Methoxy-P-phenethyl Methyl Sulfoxide, XXV: Oxidation of e-Methoxy-3- phenethyl Methyl Sulfide, XXIV, with Sodium. Metaperiodate 63 Preparation of Aryl Alkyl Ketones, VII, VIII: Reduction of R-Eeto Sulfoxides, I, III, with Zinc and Acetic Acid 65 Preparation of'ff-Hydroxyacetophenone, Xa: Reduction of the Methyl Hemimercaptal of Phenylglyoxal, Ila with Zinc/Acetic Acid or Sodium Pormaldehydesulfoxylate 69 . Preparation of Arylethylene Glycols, XI: , Reduction of Methyl Hemimercaptals of Arylglyoxals, II, with Lithium Aluminium Hydride 71a Preparation of Arlyethylene Glycols, XI: Reduction of Methyl Hemimercaptals of Arylglyoxals, II, with Sodium Borohydride 72 Preparation of or-Naphthylethylene Glycol Dibenzoate Xlg: Reaction of or-Naphthylethylene Glycol with Benzoyl Chloride 75 iv Page •Préparation of or-Naphthyletbylene Glycol Dibenzoate Xlg: Reaction of £v-Naphthylethylene with Iodine and Silver Benzoate 76 • ' 1 Preparation of l,4-Dlphenyl-2,3-dihydroxybutane- •• 1,4-dione, Xlla: Reduction of the Methyl Hemimercaptal of Phenylglyoxal, Ila, with Cupric Acetate/Sodium Formaldehydesulfoxylate 77 Preparation of l,4-Ditolyl-2,3-dihydroxybutane- 1,4-dione, Xllb: Reduction of the Methyl Hemimercaptal of p-Methylphenylglyoxal, lib, with Sahëy Nickel Si Attempted Preparation of Phenylacetic Acid,- XlVa (R" = H): Reaction of œ-(Methylsulfinyl)- acetophenone, la, or w-(Methylsulfonyl)- acetophenone, Xllla, with Concentrated Potassium Hydroxide Solution 85 Attempted Preparation of jb-Butyl Phenylacetate, XlVa (R" = _t-Bu): Reaction of a)-(Methylsulfinyl)- acetophenone, la, or !«-(Methylsulfonyl)- acetophenone, Xllla, with Potassium _t-Butoxide 86 Preparation of Arylglyoxal Hemihydrates, XVII: Hydrolysis of the Methyl Hemimercaptals of Arylglyoxals, II in Aqueous Ethanol 87 Preparation of Phenylglyoxal, XVIa; Hydrolysis of the Methyl Hemimercaptal of Phenylglyoxal, lia, in Aqueous Acetic Acid 92 Preparation of Phenylglyoxal, XVI: Aqueous Phosphoric Acid Hydrolysis of uj-(Methylsulfinyl)- acetophenone, la 93 Preparation of Arylglyoxals, XVI; Reaction of the Methyl Hemimercaptals, II, with Mercuric Oxide or Cupric Acetate ' 9^ Preparation of l-Phenyl-l,2-propanedione, XlXa; Reaction of l-Phenyl-2-(methylsulfinyl)-1- propanone, Ilia, R' = CH3, with Aqueous Phosphoric Acid 96 I V Page Preparation of Phenylglyoxalic Acid Derivatives, XX, XXI, XXII: Decomposition of w-Eromo-w- (methylsulfinyl)-acetophenone, IVa 97 Preparation of d,l_ Mandelic Acid, XXIII: Benzilic Acid Rearrangement of the Methyl Hemimercaptal of Phenylglyoxal, Ila' 101 Preparation of p-Carboraethoxybenzyl p-Tolyl Ketone, X/CVI: Self-condensation of Methyl p-îoluate 103 DISCUSSION OP RESULTS 105 Condensations with Dimethyl Sulfoxide: B-Keto Sulfoxide Formation 105 Methyl Hemiraercaptals of Arylglyoxals: Pummerer Rearrangement 119 ^-Substitution Reactions of B-Keto Sulfoxides 120 Glycol, Alcohol and Ketone Formation from B-Keto Sulfoxides 127 Desulfurization of the Methyl Hemlmercaptals of Arylglyoxals 13^ Biraolecular Reduction of Methyl Hemlmercaptals of Arylglyoxals 137 Glycol Formation from Methyl Hemlmercaptals of Arylglyoxals by Metal Hydride Reductions 1^1 I A New Method for the Synthesis of œ-Dicarbonyl Compounds l44 The Structure of Hydrated Arylglyoxals 153 Oxidation and Oxidation-reduction Reactions on B-Keto Sulfoxides and Methyl Hemlmercaptals of Arylglyoxals 153 SUMMARY 169 SUGGESTIONS FOR FURTHER WORK 17^ vi I Page BIBLIOGRAPHY 176 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 186 1 INTRODUCTION A survey of the literature reveals that intensive study of the chemistry of the sulfoxide group is a relatively new area of organic chemistry. The commercial availability of dimethyl sulfoxide has stimulated numerous programs aimed at utilizing the novel properties of this compound. As a dipolar, aprotic solvent, it is especially useful as a medium for the generation of carbanions under relative­ ly mild conditions. This property has been utilized in extensive studies on the sterochemistry of carbanions, acidity of hydrocarbons and oxidation of hydrocarbons via a carbanion intermediate. The solvent properties of dimethyl sulfoxide have also been used to advantage in synthetic procedures involving displacement reactions on saturated carbon atom. Since the sulfoxide group is in an intermediate state of oxidation, it is easily oxidized or reduced. Numerous studies have demonstrated the ability of dimethyl sulfoxide to act as an oxidizing agent for halides, alcohols, and alcohol derivatives. i The present study was undertaken to find ways to in­ corporate the methylsulfinylmethylene group (CH^SOCHg-) into a variety of organic molecules such as nitriles, halides, epoxides, and esters. The initial products derived from these reactions RON •• > HC( =NH) CHgSOCH^ ( i) EX > RCHgSOCHc (ii) EE' C— CE' « E'" >EE' C( OH)C(CH-SOCH^) R"R"' (iii) 2 J ECOgE' >EC0CHg80CH (iv) showed promise of being useful synthetic intermediates. The B-keto sulfoxides, formed from aromatic esters, Équation 4, proved to b.e an interesting class of compounds. Efforts were then directed toward exploring the chemistry of these compounds. The bifunctional nature of B-keto sulfoxides was utilized in attempts to devise practical synthetic procedures for the formation of ketones, ketols, glyoxals, or-diketones, glyoxalic acids and esters, and glycols. I In the brief review which follows, some of the more important aspects of the chemistry of sulfoxide derivatives have been presented. The review is by no means complete since the reports of uses for, and studies on dimethyl sulfoxide, and sulfoxides in general, are legion. The term', "dimsylsodium" has been coined for sodium (methylsulfinyl)-methide, CH^SOCH^Na (1). Similarly, the term, "dimsylpotassium" can be applied to the potassium salt. These terms will be used in the discussion that follows. It is to be understood that "dimsylsodium" refers to the salt generated from dimethyl sulfoxide and sodium hydride, and "dimsylpotassium" refers to the salt generated from dimethyl sulfoxide and potassium _t-but oxide in _t-butyl alcohol. Exceptions to this will be pointed out. LITERATURE REVIEW The preparation of sulfoxides, their structure, and chemical behavior have been reviewed (2, 3> 4). Reviews with specific emphasis on the use of dimethyl sulfoxide as a reactant and a solvent
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