Freshman Class
McLeod, representative; Cole, representative; Jordan, secretary; Thiel, vice-president. freshman Class The freshman class of B. J. C. spent a good deal of the year getting caught up with itself. That is to say, when school opened last fall there was a small handful of freshmen and a smaller handful of sophomores. So far so good. Then came the winter term and a big influx of new freshmen, mostly veterans. So everybody had to start over again, more or less, getting acquainted. Now, in the spring term there was another flood of newcomers, again mostly veterans. To be specific, there were 180 freshmen in the fall and at the end of the year this number had doubled. Glory be—that is, for the women. After y'ars and y'ars of being in the overwhelming majority, they once again this year found themselves in the midst of the masculine stalwarts. Of course, they loved it. And the men weren't heard to complain much, either. After all, college is better than fighting Japs and Germans, and ever better than languishing in some foreign country with nothing to do. Freshman officers this year were: President Marty Wilson; vice- president, Marjorie Jordan; secretary, Margaret Adkins; treasurer, Mary McLeod; and Sherm Nesbitt and Betty Jo Cole, Student Council repre sentatives. Jrcskmen pass first mile post 33 Adkins, Margaret M. Music Teacher Meridian High School Meridian, Idaho Allender, Harold Sam Medicine Boise High School Boise, Idaho Anderson, Jeanne Jo Education Boise High School Boise, Idaho Baldwin, Lay ton Boise High School Boise, Idaho Barnes, James E.
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