OFFICIAL ISLE OF ANGLESEY COUNTY COUNCIL Report to: Executive Committee Date: 16/09/2019 Subject: The North Anglesey Economic Regeneration Plan Portfolio Holder(s): Cllr. Carwyn Jones Corporate Director: Dylan Williams Report Author: Tudur Jones Tel: 01248 752 146 E-mail:
[email protected] Local Members: North Anglesey Area Members A – Recommendation/s and reason/s Recommendations 1. Endorse and support the North Anglesey Economic Regeneration Plan 2. Delegate to the Director of Place & Community Well-being and Portfolio Holder the authority to: a) update the plan accordingly; b) make funding bids, accept funding offers, and award funding for projects that will support the delivery of the plan, subject to agreement by the Head of Finance. 3. Report on progress to the Executive Committee and the Partnership and Regeneration Scruitny Committee on an annual basis. 1.0 A Plan for North Anglesey The North Anglesey Place Plan has been created as a direct result of the responses received from members of the public based on their priorities for regenerating the area. The objectives of the plan is to provide a clear direction of travel and provide a platform to bring about sustainable jobs, investment and opportunities for the North Anglesey area. An initial public and stakeholder consultation process was carried out over the summer of 2018 to identify views, issues, ideas, and priorities. This process drew over 600 responses which indicated that local people were concerned about the future of their area, and were keen to see something done to improve it. A report has been prepared summarising these responess.