HOUSE of REPRESENTATIVES-. Tuesday, April 30, 1991
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April 30, 1991 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE 9595 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES-.Tuesday, April 30, 1991 The House met at 12 noon. around; the person to your left, the minute and to revise and extend his re The Chaplain, Rev. James David person to your right, they may very marks.) Ford, D.D., offered the following pray significantly be out of work in the very Mr. FROST. Mr. Speaker, during the er: near future. And remember, the person last Presidential campaign, there was a Gracious God, may we not express next to you is looking at you. refrain of "Where's George?" asking the attitudes of our hearts and minds And what is the answer of this ad where then-Vice President Bush was on only in words or speech, but in deeds ministration to this problem? Nothing. a variety of issues. and in truth. May our feelings of faith Where is the legislation to take care of Unfortunately for the country, that and hope and love find fulfillment in all those unemployed who have lost refrain rings very true today. charity and caring and in the deeds of their jobs where there is no unemploy Our President, George Bush, loved justice. Teach us always, 0 God, not ment compensation? There is not any. foreign policy and handled the Persian only to sing and say the words of What is the answer of this adminis Gulf situation well, but our President praise, but to be vigorous in our deeds tration to the problem of the recession is nowhere. to be found when it comes of mercy and kindness. In Your name, that we are in? Cut Medicare, cut stu to the domestic economy. we pray. Amen. dent loans, that is the answer. No an Unemployment is climbing, banks swer at all. are failing, the country is in a reces It is time to stand up for America sion and our President, who is our do THE JOURNAL and working Americans, and this ad mestic Commander in Chief as well as The SPEAKER. The Chair has exam ministration is not. And it is time we our foreign policy Commander in Chief, ined the Journal of the last day's pro got some answers from the President. has no program at all to meet this cri ceedings and announces to the House sis. his approval thereof. Indeed, where is George? You can see Pursuant to clause l, rule I, the Jour NEGOTIATIONS OVER CIVIL from this chart, Mr. Speaker, that we nal stands approved. RIGHTS BILL have had two successive quarters with a decline in the GNP. Those are in red. (Mr. GUNDERSON asked and was When those lines appear in red, that PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE given permission to address the House means working Americans are out of for 1 minute and to revise and extend The SPEAKER. The gentleman from work, have lost their jobs. his remarks.) Mr. Speaker, the President does an Florida (Mr. SMITH) will please come Mr. GUNDERSON. Mr. Speaker, last forward and lead the House in the excellent job on handling foreign pol week a number of speeches were given icy, but he is absent without leave Pledge of Allegiance. on this House floor critical of the fact Mr. SMITH of Florida led the Pledge when it comes to solving the pressing that the so-called negotiations over the domestic economic problems facing the of Allegiance as follows: civil rights bill had been terminated. I I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the country. have to ask you to think about that. Is It is time for the Commander in Chief United States of America, and to the Repub that what this government has deterio lic for which it stands, one nation under God, to come home. It is time for some lead indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. rated to? ership. George Bush is in charge of this The two interest groups can self-ap Nation. Come home, George. We need point their organizations to go intone you. ECONOMIC INDICATORS gotiations, and if those two interest groups reach a common ground, they (Mr. SMITH of Florida asked and was ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER can somehow order and impose that so- PRO TEMPORE given permission to address the House 1ution on the Congress of the United for 1 minute and to revise and extend States and the President? There was The SPEAKER pro tempo re (Mr. his remarks.) not one elected official, not one Mem MCNULTY). Members are reminded to Mr. SMITH of Florida. Mr. Speaker, ber of Congress, not one Senator, not address their comments to the Chair. today as the country continues in the one person from the administration in recession, we anticipate by tomorrow volved in those negotiations. and by Friday two further pieces of bad REPUBLICAN RESEARCH COMMIT I would suggest if we are serious TEE ADDRESSES TRADE ISSUE news. about negotiations, we get the elected Tomorrow, the unemployment statis officials of this Congress on a biparti (Mr. HUNTER asked and was given tics are going to be released for last san basis to sit down and begin nego permission to address the House for 1 month. More than likely they will tiating. In the absence of that, the vic minute and to revise and extend his re show a further loss of jobs for Ameri tims will be the victims of no civil marks.) cans and the unemployment rate com rights legislation, the minorities of Mr. HUNTER. Mr. Speaker, first, the ing close, if not on, 7 percent, which America. previous speaker has a chart over here has not happened since back in the This President is very likely going to that shows a number of lines, and I mideighties under Reagan. be reelected and, therefore, we are would just remind my colleagues who By Friday we shall get the Leading going to have him for 5 more years. Do are watching that all those blue lines Economic Indicator figures, which by you want to wait 5 years to enact bi reflect some 16 quarters of economic all indications are going to be down, partisan civil rights policy? I hope not. growth. I do not want it to be mis once again paving the way for further construed as representing a decline in Americans to lose their jobs. the gross national product. A full 15 percent of those eligible to Mr. Speaker, I think it is fair to ask work in this country have lost their WHERE'S GEORGE? the question today on the Republican jobs or are in 'fear. Those . of you that (Mr. FROST asked and was given per side of the aisle as well as the Demo can hear me, if you are in a crowd, look mission to address the House for 1 crat side of the aisle: Is free trade real- DThis symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., D 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. 9596 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-HOUSE April 30, 1991 ly the conservative position? We are Mr. PETRI. Mr. Speaker, nothing is amendment to our Constitution will engaged now in a series of debates that more important to America's future occur next week. It is time that we ex will be hosted by the Republican Re than the education of our young peo amine the facts. It is time to put aside search Committee, in which we have ple. That's why it's so important for us emotion and perception, and just look excellent participants, and tomorrow to find affordable ways to make it pos at the facts. Because, thus far, the only between 11:30 and 12:30 p.m. in H-227 of sible for each and every qualified thing that has been debated is emotion. the U.S. Capitol we will have a debate young American to go to college and There are a number of advantages to between Bill Frenzel, our former col beyond, or to receive technical train the legislation introduced by the gen league, guest scholar of the Brookings ing after high school. tleman from West Virginia [Mr. STAG Institute, versus Pat Choate, presently Accordingly, in the near future I will GERS]. It imposes no undue delay for chairman of the Congressional Eco introduce the Income-Dependent Edu individuals wishing to purchase a hand nomic Leadership Institute. This issue cation Assistance Act, also known as gun. It requires a criminal background is absolutely relevant in light of the IDEA for short. check on all individuals wishing to pur fast-track request by the administra The IDEA Program would provide chase handguns. It mandates an im tion, and I think it is a good time for education loans to students on reason provement in all deficient criminal his conservatives to re-examine their po able terms-better terms than in cur tory records. sition. rent programs for most students. On the other hand, the legislation Most conservatives like the idea of And it would do this while saving bil that has been called the Brady legisla free trade, but again, most conserv lions of dollars. tion imposes a 7-day waiting period for atives also like the idea of strong, un Under IDEA, there would be no fixed the purchase of a handgun, requires no fettered debate. And you are going to repayment schedule. Rather, repay background check of any kind, and re see a strong unfettered debate when ment would be geared to the incomes of quires no improvement in deficient Bill Frenzel and Pat Choate hook up the borrowers, and would be stretched criminal history records.