GOVERNMENT OF KARNATAKA STATE PRE-UNIVERSITY EDUCATION EXAMINATION BOARD II YEAR PUC EXAMINATION, March-2013 SCHEME OF VALUATION Subject Code: 21 Subject: HISTORY PART-A I. Answer the following questions in a word or in a sentence each. 10x1=10 1. Who is called as the Father of Renaissance? Ans. Petrarch 1 2. How many colonies did Britain establish in America? Ans. 13 1 3. Name the famous work of Rousseau. Ans. Social Contract 1 4. Who was the ruler of Russia at the time of Russian Revolution? Ans. Tsar Nicolas II 1 5. Name the capital of the French in India. Ans. Pondicherry 1 6. Who founded the ‘Brahmo Samaj’? Ans. Raja 1 7. Which Organization was founded by ? Ans. Ramakrishna Mission 1 8. In which year was the National Emergency declared in India? Ans. 1975 1 9. Which treaty ended the Third Anglo-Mysore war? Ans. Srirangapattana 1 10. Name the British Commissioner who shifted the capital from Mysore to . Ans. 1 PART-B II. Answer any “TEN” of the following questions in two words or two 10x2=20



sentences each: 11. Who circumnavigated the earth for the first time? Which country did he belong to? Ans. Ferdinand Magellan– Portugal / Spain 1+1 12. Mention the three important watchwords of French Revolution. Ans. Liberty, Equality and Fraternity. 1+1 13. Name the architect of German Unification. Which policy did he follow? Ans. Bismark – Blood & Iron. 1+1 14. What Is ‘Great Leap Forward’? Who introduced it? Ans. Economic Plan Introduced In China In The Year 1958 To Increase Food 1+1 Production. Mao – Tse Tung. 15. When and between whom was the fought? Ans. 1757 – & Siraj Ud Daulah (English and the Nawab of 1+1 Bengal) 16. Who introduced ‘Doctrine of Lapse’? Name any two states annexed under this act. Ans. Lord Dalhousie. Jhansi, Satara, Nagpur, Jaipur, Bhagat, Sambhalpur, 1+1 Udaypur and Arcot. (any two) 17. Mention any two awards conferred on Mother Teresa. Ans. Nobel Peace Prize, Magsaysay International Peace Award, Templeton 1+1 Award, Bharatharatna, Padmashri, Nehru Award and Pope John 23rd Peace Prize. (any two) 18. When did take place? Who was its leader? Ans. 1830-31, Budi Basappa (Sadarmalla) 1+1 19. Which was the first Indian city to get electricity and when? Ans. Bangalore – 1905. 1+1 20. Who was the first Kannadiga to get ‘Bharat Ratna’ award? What was his famous slogan? Ans. Sir. M. Visveshwaraiah – ‘Industrialize or perish’ 1+1 21. Mention any two demands of Mysore Chalo Movement.



Ans. (1) To establish responsible government immediately. 1+1 (2) To form a legislature with elected representatives. (3) To set up a provisional government till then. (4) To release all political prisoners. (any two) 22. Name the members of JVP committee. Ans. , Vallabhai Patel, Pattabhi Seetharamaiah. 1+1 PART-C III. Answer any “SIX” of the following questions in 15 to 20 sentences 6x5=30 each. 23. What were the causes for the Geographical discoveries? Ans. (1) Spirit of renaissance – reasoning and questioning (2) Rise of nation states – in England, France, Spain and Portugal. (3) Economic causes – Commercial competition, demand for precious commodities available in Asian Countries. (4) Religious causes – Catholic Priests encouraged voyages (5) Costly old land routes – excess taxes imposed in the old routes (6) Fall of Constantinople – Ottoman Turks captured Constantinople in 1453. (7) Travellers accounts – Marco Polo, Nicolo Polo, inspired others to find new sea routes. (Detailed description of atleast any five points) 5 24. Write a note on Counter Reformation. Ans. (1) A reform brought in the Catholic Chruch to reduce the influence of protestants. (2) Trent council – King Charles V and Pope Paul III held the Trent council. (3) Inquisition – Court conducted to punish the critics of Catholic Church. (4) Ignatius Loyola – Leader of counter reformation, a soldier of Spain, founded the Society of Jesus.



(5) Jesuits movement – the movements carried on by the followers of Loyola. (Each point to be explained) 5 25 Describe the role of Garibaldi in the unification of Italy. Ans. (i) Helped Mazzini to establish the Roman Republic (ii) Took part in the war against Austria in 1859 (iii) Sword of Italian Unification (iv) Established ‘Red Shirts’ army. (v) Attach on Sicily and Naples – won and handed them over to Victor Emmanuel II. (Brief explanation of each point) 5 26. Analyse the causes of the First World War. Ans. (1) Aggressive nationalism – Superiority of german race. (2) Economic causes – competition for trade and colonies. (3) Moracco crisis – enemity between France and Germany. (4) Unsolved border issues – Border dispute between France and Germany. (5) Secret alliances – Triple Alliance and Triple Entente. (6) Armament race – competition between England and Germany for armaments. (7) Policy of Kaiser William – Superiority of German race – Germans wanted to rule the world. (8) Dissatisfaction of Frace – Capture of Alsace and Lorraine by Germany. (9) Balkan problem – Interest of Russia, England, France and Germany in Balkan States. (10) Role of Press – Published the changes taking place in the world. (11) Immediate cause – Murder of Arch Duke Ferdinand in 1914. Beginning of the war. (Explanation of at least 5 points) 5

27. Describe the Subsidiary Alliance. What were its merits and demerits? Ans. (1) Introduced by Lord Wellesley in 1798 – Indian Princes who



entered into this military alliance had to keep the British army in their states and had to look after its maintenance – main features to be explained. Merits:- (1) Enhanced the power and resources of the company (2) Increased the political influence of the company in the states. (3) British company was able to exclude the influence of the French from Indian states. Demerits:- (1) Ended the independent existence of native states. (2) Led to misrule in native states and ultimately to the annexation of territories by the British. (3) Rulers lost initiative – their Foreign policy controlled by the British. (Brief explanation of the above points) 5 28. Bring out the role of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar in the upliftment of untouchables. Ans. (1) Architect of Indian Constitution (2) Established ‘Bahishkrutha Hitakarini Sabha’ in 1924 for the upliftment of Dalits. (3) Inspired Dalits to fight against untouchability through this papers ‘Mooka Nayaka’, ‘Bahishkrutha Bharata’ etc.., (4) Mahad Lake protest – 1927 with 10000 dalits. (5) Nasik – 1930 entry into Kalaram temple of Nasik. (6) Participated in the Round Table Conference demanded separate electorate for Dalits. (7) Establishement of janata education society – Siddartha College at bombay, Milind College at Aurangabad. (8) Insisted on education, unity and movement for the upliftment of Dalits. 5 29. Explain the administrative reforms of Bowring. Ans. (1) Commissioner Of Mysore Between 1861 – 1870



(2) Administrative Reforms – Reduced The Division From 4 To 3 And Appointed Chief Commissioners. (3) Judicial Reforms – Establishment of High Court at Bangalore In 1864 – Establishment of 125 Taluk Courts. (4) Revenue Reforms – Department of Survey and settlement, Inam Commission, Registration Act. (5) Police Reforms – Responsibilities / duties of DC, AC Amildars – appointment of DIG, IGP and SP. (6) Educational Reforms – Central Educational Department, Establishment of Central College at Bangalore, Teachers Training School. (7) Others – Horticulture Department and Endowment Department established. (Brief description of each point) 5 30. Sketch the life and achievements of Kengal Hanumanthaiah. Ans. (1) First Elected Chief Minister of Mysore State (2) Born on December 10, 1908 at Lakkappanahalli – parents – Venkate Gowda and Nanjamma – Law degree from Pune Practised Law. (3) Participated in the Madras Assembly Session as a student representative in 1927. (4) Participated in the protest against the in 1928. (5) Participated in the . (6) Served as the president of KPCC. Achievements as Chief Minister (1) Construction of Vidhana Soudha at Bangalore. (2) Supported Unification Movement (3) Compulsory education of children below the age of 14. (4) Establishment of and Culture Department (5) Supported Bhoodan Movement. (Brief explanation 5



about each point) PART-D IV. Answer the following question as indicated: 5+5=10 31. (A) Mark on the outline map of India provided, the following places associated with Pre-Gandhian freedom movement of India. Add on explanatory note for each in two sentences. (a) Meerut – In U.P Sepoy Mutiny started here on 10th May, 1857 – 1 Sepoys released the prisoners and attacked the British officers – Revolt spread to Delhi. (b) Calcutta – Capital of West Bengal – on the banks of river Hoogli – 1 it was the first capital of the British. (c) Oudh – In U.P. in 1856 Lord Dalhousie annexed it on the pretext of 1 maladministration – led to the 1857 revolt. (d) – In District of Karnataka – when the British tried 1 to Annex it in 1824, Rani Chennamma opposed it – war – Channamma defeated and imprisoned. (e) Srirangapattana – Capital of the Wodeyars from 1610 – also 1 centre of administration during Hyder and Tippu’s period. OR Mark on the outline map of India provided, the following historical places. Add an explanatory note for each in two sentences: Ans. (a) Jallianwala Bagh – In Amritsar of Punjab – on 13th April 1919, 1 when a group of people assembled here peacefully to oppose the , General Dyer opened fire on them and 379 people died. (b) Buxar – A small town in East Bihar – Battle in 1764 – British 1 defeated Mir Khasim. (c) Hyderabad – Capital of Andhra Pradesh at present – centre of 1 Nizam’s Administration. (d) Ankola – In North Canara District – Salt Satyagraha under the 1 leadership of M.P. Nadakarni in 1930 – also called ‘Karnataka’s



Dandi’ (e) Bangalore – Capital of Karnataka – in 1834 administrative officer 1 were shifted to Bangalore. FOR VISUALLY CHALLENGED STUDENTS ONLY (B) Answer the following question in 30 to 40 sentences: 10 Analyse the achievements of Napoleon. Ans. (1) Born on 15th August, 1769 at Ajjaccio – 1796 – Italian invasion – 1798 invasion of Egypt – consulate government – 1799 – 1804 – elected as consul for life after 1802. Reforms; (1) Centralization of administration (2) Army and police (3) Economic reforms – Bank of France 1800. (4) Concordat – 1802 (5) Legion of Honour (6) Judicial Reforms – 1804 (7) Educational Reforms (8) Public works (9) Industries, Trate, Agriculture (10) Continental system (11) Russian invasion – Defeated in the war – deported to St. Elba. (12) Back to Paris in 1815 (13) Battle of waterloo – 1815 – lost the battle. (14) Sent to St. Helena – Died there in 1821. (explanation about at least 10 points) 10 OR What were the cuases and results of 1857 Revolt? Ans. (1) Political Causes – Doctrine of lapse, abolition of titles, racial discrimination. (2) Administrative casues – Higher posts for the British – lower



pay for Indians. (3) Economic causes – Looting of raw – materials, decline of rural industries drain of wealth, unemployment. (4) Social causes – British reforms were against the Indian traditions. (5) Religions causes – conversion, spread of Christianity. (6) Military causes – Higher posts for the British – no promotions to Indian soldiers. (7) Immediate cause – Introduction of Enfield rifles Cartridges smeared with fats of animals – refusal to use. Results (1) End of ’s rule (2) Proclamation of queen Victoria (3) Reorganization of the military – more enrollment of British soldiers. (4) Rise of Nationalism (5) End of Mughal dynasty 10 PART-E V. Answer the following questions in 30 to 40 sentences each: 2x10=20 32. Explain the course and results of Second World War. Ans. (1) Invasion of Poland by Germany – September 1st 1939 – Beginning of the war. (2) Hitler’s attack on Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Holland. (3) Hitler’s attack on France in 1940 – France surrendered to Germany. (4) Hitler attacked North Africa – Captured Greece (5) War of London – Use of modern war planes and ships – Loss to Germany (6) Attack on Balkan States – 1941 – Bulgaria, Hungary – Rumania. (7) Attack on Russia – Defeat of Russia in 1941.



(8) Entry of America into the war – American ships bombed at Pearl Harbour – 1941. (9) Victories in Africa – Defeat of Italy. (10) Surrender of Italy – 1945. (11) Defeat of Germany – Surrendered on May 7th 1945. (12) Surrender of Japan – Nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6th and 9th 1945. Results: i. Destruction – Loss of life – 5 crore people killed – 2 crores injured. ii. Economic depression iii. End of dictatorships – end of Hitler and Mussolini. iv. Division of Germany into 4 – Placed under the control of allied powers. v. Japan came under the rule of allied powers. vi. Beginning of cold war between Russia and America. vii. Establishment of UNO for World Peace – October 24th 1945. 10 viii. Establishment of French republic OR Analyse the role of India in the UNO Ans. India respects the aims and objectives of UNO (1) Nehru brought to the notice of UN – the Kashmir issue. (2) Indian peace keeping force has participated in the peace keeping operations of UNO. (3) India criticized apartheid and insisted UNO to oppose it. (4) Indian peace keeping force took part in the . (5) India’s General Thimmaiah worked for UNO in resolving the Korean crisis. (6) India’s Brigadier K.A.S. Raja and Rajendra Dayal worked on behalf of UN secretary in resolving the Congo crisis. (7) Cornel Nambiar of India led the peace keeping force in



brining under control the fight between Christians and Muslims at Sarajevo. (8) India is working along with the UNO in controlling epidemic diseases. (9) Many Indians like, Smt. Vijayalakshmi Pandit, Sir Ramaswamy Mudiliar, Shivaram, Dr.S. Radhakrishnan, Rajakumari Amrit Kaur have worked in various capacities in the UNO. 10 33. Sketch the role of Gandhiji in the freedom movement of India. Ans. Father of India – Followed the policy of non-violence in the freedom movement. (1) Supported Champaran and Kheda Satyagrahis. (2) Gave a call to observe Hartal on 6th April 1919 against the Rowlatt Act. (3) Surrendered his titles to the British opposing the Jallian Wala Bagh massacre. (4) Supported the . (5) Started the non cooperation movement in 1920 – Chauri Choura incident – 1922 the movement was called off. (6) Civil disobedience movement – Dandi Salt Satyagraha – 1930. (7) Round Table Conference. (8) Poona pact – 1932 between Gandhi and Ambedkar. (9) Opposed . (10) Quit India Movement – 1941 August 8th at Bombay. (11) Cabinet Mission – 1945 – Interim Government. (12) August 15, 1947 – India’s Independence declared. (Brief explanation of each point) 10 OR Describe the achievements of Sir Mirza Ismail as the Dewan of Mysore. Ans. (1) Served as Dewan of Krishnaraja Wodeyar IV (2) Administrative reforms – Abolished Taluk Boards – Freed



Village Panchayats from District Boards. (3) Gave autonomy to local bodies. (4) Industrial reforms – Iron industry at Bhadravathi – paper and cement industries, HAL at Bangalore, Mysore Lamp, Sugar Factory at Mandya, Agricultural Implements factory at Hassan, Match factory at Shimoga, foundation to Hydel project at Sharavathi in 1939. (5) Economic reforms – Establishment of Khadi Centre, increase in income. (6) Agricultural reforms – construction of canals and dams. (7) Educational reforms – education in Kannada medium (8) Health reforms – NIMHANS at Bangalore, Vanivilas Hospital at Mysore, Mcgann Hospital at Shimoga. (9) AIR at Bangalore and Mysore – Airport at Jakkur. (10) Brindavan Gardens near KRS. (11) Production of electricity – supply of electricity to Mysore. 10 PART-F VI. 34. Arrange the following events in chronological order: 5x1=5 a. Shivapura b. Treaty of Mangalore c. Belgaum Congress Session d. Rendition of Mysore e. Establishment of Mysore University Answer: 1. Treaty of Mangalore 1 2. Rendition of Mysore 1 3. Establishment of Mysore University 1 4. Belgaum Congress Session 1 5. Shivapura Flag Satyagraha 1 35. Answer the following question in 15 to 20 sentences each: Write a short note on



Ans. (1) Born on January 23rd, 1897 at Cuttack – parents Janikinath Bose and Prabhavathi. (2) Passed ICS examination – took part in non-cooperation movement and civil disobedience movement. (3) Served as congress president at Haripura in 1938 and Tripura in 1939. (4) Founded INS in 1941 – fought against the British. (5) Delhi Chalo – Captured Kohima in 1944, Imphala Kakinada. (6) Killed in an air crash on August 18th, 1945. (7) ‘Give me your blood and I will give you freedom‘– His slogan. (8) Conferred Bharata Ratna posthumously in 1942. 5 OR Write a short note on the role of Rayanna in Karnataka’s Freedom movement. (1) Born in 1798 at Sangolli – parents – Bharamappa and Kenchavva. (2) As a soldier of Kittur, he fought against the British along with Rani Chennamma. (3) Continued the fight even after the Rani Chennamma. (4) Military organization, Guerrilla warfare against the British. (5) Destroyed British officers and looted their treasuries. (6) Rayanna was captured and hanged at Nandagad. 5