Journal of Management (JOM) Volume 5, Issue 4, July–Aug 2018, pp. 349–362, Article ID: JOM_05_04_036 Available online at ISSN Print: 2347-3940 and ISSN Online: 2347-3959 © IAEME Publication


Musarrat Ara Research Scholar, School of Commerce, Reva University, Bengaluru, 560064, India

Dr. Harani B Guide, Assistant Professor, School of Commerce, Reva University, Bengaluru, 560064, India

ABSTRACT The increasing potential of Environmental accounting has been adopted from business practices to universities curriculum during the last few years. The objective of this study is to gather information on the universities who have integrated the concepts of Environmental Accounting and Reporting in their educational program of undergraduates and postgraduates at commerce and management level through case study of 100 Universities from 10 countries to bring out how these subjects make student to think critically on major and minor environmental issues created due to business operation for sustainable development. This paper also highlights the need and importance of integrating Environment Accounting in Indian Educational Curriculum. Key words: Environmental Accounting and Reporting, Sustainability Accounting, University Curriculum. Cite this Article: Musarrat Ara and Dr. Harani B, Environmental Accounting and Reporting: A Case Study of Universities’ Educational Curriculum. Journal of Management, 5(4), 2018, pp. 349–362.

1. INTRODUCTION Natural resources like land, water, air, energy, etc. are the main inputs of any business process. The rapid development in industries are causing more environmental issues like pollution, carbon emission, green house effects, water and air contamination, land and soil contamination, loss of biodiversity etc. So, accountability towards environment has become one of the most essential areas of social responsibility. Our traditional accounting system is limited to record and report financial information of the business process for internal and external stakeholders. This limitation can be removed by implementing Environmental Accounting and Reporting over the traditional accounting system, but requires good knowledge, training and standard guideline. 349 [email protected] Musarrat Ara and Dr. Harani B

Universities are the future builder of our nation, implementation of EAR in university curriculum will help the teachers as well as students in understanding the concept of environmental assets, environmental liabilities, environmental cost, environmental pollution, environmental audit and other environmental contingencies caused in the business operation. EAR in university course will act as a long-term awareness tool for environmental related matters like preventing pollution, producing clean and green product, in developing environmental management systems, green supply chain systems and much more.

1.1. THEORITICAL BACKGROUND OF ENVIRONMENTAL ACCOUNTING AND REPORTING (E.A.R.) - At Glance The issue of environmental responsibility and the sustainable industrial development has given birth to new branch of accounting i.e. environmental accounting and reporting. Environmental accounting is relatively a recent entrant in the domain of accounting. It is the process of identification, measurement and communication of information in the environmental responsibility performance of an entity to permit economic decision. In the other words, “Environmental accounting forms that part of accounting that deals with environmental concerns”. The economic development without environmental considerations can cause serious environmental damage. This in turn is daggering the life of present as well as future generations. According to Ministry of Environment, Japan: Environmental accounting, aims at achieving sustainable development, maintaining a favourable relationship with the community, and pursuing effective and efficient environmental conservation activities. These accounting procedures allow a company to identify the cost of environmental conservation during the normal course of business, identify benefit gained from such activities, and provide the best possible means of quantitative measurement (in monetary value or physical units) and support the communication of its results.

2. REVIEW OF LITERATURE (Mathews, 2002) Argues that however, the technical percept of accounting is seen in educational process as well as in our professional life but there is need to do more additions in both the areas. to an individual is to make him able to adopt changes, to develop his skills and helps him to get updated by replacing it with new skills. There is need of introducing updated theoretical and practical basis for the new generation accountants either as a separate subject or as a part of current Accounting theories. [[1]] (Reyes, 2002) reveals that Philippine Institute of Certified Public Accountants (PICPA) are conducting various activities in spreading and educating its members about the basic concept of environmental accounting and the modern environmental related approaches by three ways firstly by continuation of their profession by education which is termed as CPE (Continuing Professional Education), secondly by assimilating Environmental Accounting in the accountancy curriculum for undergraduates and thirdly by sharing the information on Environmental Accounting through written materials in conferences, seminars, etc. [[2]] (Pattanayak, Das, & Sen, 2008) took the perception of management students for integrating Environmental Reporting practices in their management accounting course and reveal that their perceptions vary significantly before and after implication. [[3]] (Sen, Choubey, & Pattanayak , 2010) Examined the perception of industry experts about the assimilation of environmental accounting in Indian management course. They revealed that the concern towards the environmental damages and problems caused by business activities 350 [email protected] Environmental Accounting and Reporting: A Case Study of Universities’ Educational Curriculum encourage the integration of Environmental Accounting in management program ultimately benefiting their organisation in coming time. [[3]] (Muninarayanappa & Amaladas, 2014) identified the importance of saving the Environment for sustainable development and suggested that Environmental Accounting should be included in the university curriculum for undergraduate and postgraduate students of commerce and management. The authors' proposed module for EA syllabus aims to study the global trends of environmental accounting, make better understandings of various pollutants and their measurements, and also to measure and account for environmental abasement and its disclosure in the financial statement. This integration will help teachers to train and implement the environmental accounting and in achieving the dream of Green Environment in the coming time. (Das, 2016) made an attempt to highlight the environmental awareness in developing nations like India and discuss the problems associated with the implementation of environmental accounting. Although in India, Environmental Accounting has been contempt by different irregularities, it has become an emerging characteristic which has to be considered in accounting schema within the corporate sphere. The revealed point of author is that planning for sustainable economic development requires an estimate of environmentally adjusted GNP. The concept of environmental accounting suffers from certain problems viz. poor valuation techniques, partial values, uncertainty in values, changing social values, non-economic values, individual and aggregate values, incremental and relative values, inapplicable assumptions, uncertainty and risk, lack of reliable industry data, etc. [[6]] (May, 2017) wrote that “At the 71st UN General Assembly (UNGA) education was a clear focus on the agenda. There is an acknowledgement that the success of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) rests on the achievement of SDG4: universal high-quality education for all… I believe it can only be achieved through innovative models that deliver meaningful reform.” [[7]]

2.1. OBJECTIVE OF THE STUDY The objective of this study is to gather information of the universities who have integrated the concepts of Environmental Accounting and Reporting in their educational program for undergraduates and postgraduates at commerce and management level and also to bring out how these subjects make student to think critically on major and minor environmental issues created due to business operation for making sustainable development.

2.2. SCOPE OF THE STUDY This study throw light on the upgraded curriculum of different universities in India and abroad which create a landmark for other universities to upgrade the traditional and conventional subject for achieving sustainability through education. It also gives avenue to researchers to work on developing Environmental Accounting theory and practices which can be implemented in course structure of accounting programs in India.

3. RESEARCH METHODOLOGY A case study of 100 universities of countries from Australia, Bangladesh, China, India, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, , United Kingdom and United States has been conducted through the secondary data available on their websites. The data pertaining to undergraduate and postgraduate programs, related curriculum, syllabus, learning-outcomes, skill development etc. has been reviewed to collect the information. 351 [email protected] Musarrat Ara and Dr. Harani B


3.1.1. Indian University TERI University is the only university in India who offers various academic as well as research programmes for sustainable development and possess grade “An” accreditation by NAAC. It has also been awarded the most innovative curriculum by India Today award. The university since from the last 15 years focuses on giving the knowledge and education for sustainable development through its unique academic program under different departments. M.B.A is one of the programme which is being conducted under the department of Business and Sustainability with two specialization that is M.B.A. (Business Sustainability) and M.B.A. (Infrastructure). With the conventional subject, the other subjects included in core group are Principles and concept of Sustainability, Sustainability Reporting and CSR, Sustainable Business Strategy, Environmental Economics, Accounting and Finance for sustainability and the elective subjects offer are Sustainable production and consumption, Techniques of environmental Valuation, Environmental Management System, Project design and management for sustainable development practices. It is also notable that TERI has recently started school named as ‘TERI Prakriti School’ to impart quality education on environment with the modified conventional NCERT syllabus. Their aim is to build the student creative and mould them in understanding the importance of environment from their childhood. [[8]]

3.1.2. Foreign Universities Western Washington University is the third largest university of Bellingham engaged in providing higher education through master, graduate and undergraduate programs under several departments. To comply with societal needs for sustainability they have upgraded their curriculum by adding environmental accounting and sustainability reporting in graduates’ program and Sustainable Accounting and Reporting for masters’ program respectively. The objective of these subject is to make aware and develop the managerial skill of students for comprehensive analysis of environmental issues caused during business operation. The teaching methodology is accompanied through lectures by experts, seminars, discussions, book reading on the related topics, project and assignments covering the real issues concerned with the environment and business. [9]

3.2.3. RMIT University RMIT is an Australian global university situated in Melbourne, internationally reputed for its excellent professional education and applied research. The researcher like Prof. Craig Deegan, Lee Parker who are the great contributor of many research work in Social and Environmental Accounting are the prestige of this university. RMIT is global leader in Engineering, Architecture, Computer Science and Information system, Education, Business and Management, Development, Communication and Media Studies. The educational programs of RMIT with their innovative curriculum engage students in active learning and helps them in developing appropriate skills. An integration of E.A.R. can be seen in following courses: • Accounting for Sustainable Management This subject has been specifically structured to make students capable to gain knowledge and develop their ability in sustainable accounting and management. It enables the student to learn the accounting mechanism which can be applied to reduce the adverse impact of business operation on the society and the environment. With the help of up-to-date theoretical and practical concepts of Sustainable management, students are able to examine various theories 352 [email protected] Environmental Accounting and Reporting: A Case Study of Universities’ Educational Curriculum associated within social and environmental accounting, sustainability reporting which help them to critically assess and analyse the role cast of business and accounting in sustainability management. [[11]] • Understanding Global Accounting Practices through an International Study Tour This course is part of both undergraduate and postgraduate career program from the academic year 2014. Along with developing capability on Financial reporting regulation and understanding the role of international standard board like IASB, FASB and AASB, this course also aims in providing accountabilities for social responsibilities, environmental performance and its impact on climate change. This subject mean to student to learn and understand what sustainability means to the large and multinational companies of Europe and Singapore, and how they account and report for social and environmental impact caused due to their business operation [[11]] • Accounting, Accountability and Society This course has been integrated in the year 2006 for postgraduate career. This makes students to learn conventional techniques of recording, reporting which are required for decision making in financial management and accounting. It also makes students to identify various environmental variables that influences in measuring and reporting financial information and decision-making process. [[12]]

3.1.4. Harvard University Harvard University does not need any introduction, the name has its own identity as the world’s rank one university for business and management studies [[13]]. Under M.B.A. program, “Reimagining Capitalism: Business and Big Problems” is an elective subject which is designed for those students who desire a change from old-style case-based courses to explore their ideas in addressing major world-wide issues like environmental degradation, income inequality, poor educational system, economic distress, disrupt climate change due to greenhouse gas emission, rise in sea level, inadequate access for reasonable health care. Formerly, this subject was named “Reimaging Capital” but later it was renamed to Reimagining Capitalism: Business and Big Problems to justify the course objectives. Though direct implication of E.A.R. is not found in the course content but somehow this subject reflects the environmental concern. [[14]]

3.1.5. Oxford University Oxford University argues that in this global economy, environmental management through legal frameworks for individual and organisation has become outdated. The government and other regulative authorities are simply there to certify that any business process should not do any kind of damages to the environment. The university has integrated theory and practices of E.A.R in programmes called M.Sc. in Nature, Society and Environment under the department of Geography and the Environment, particularly discussed below: • Corporate Environmental management It is for those students who wishes to understand the modern business and can act as internal or external representatives to control corporate environmental performance. The subject area begins from the description of stakeholders of company, what are the function of stock market and how environmental liabilities impacts stock market price, what is the role of national legal frameworks towards environmental liabilities, environmental risk analysis, cost-benefit of managing environment with reference to Europe and USA [[15]]. • Corporate social and Environmental Accountability 353 [email protected] Musarrat Ara and Dr. Harani B

Its makes students to know the function of institutional investors in developing and promoting local and comprehensive environmental and societal ethics which can meet the required environmental expectation. It also makes students to examine long-term investment for environmental renovation and covers other corporate social responsibilities which any organization will requires for sustainable development. [[16]]

3.1.6. Royal Hollow University of London As per Times Higher Education World University Rankings for the year 2017-18, Royal Holloway holds 31st rank in UK and 197th rank in all over the world. An integration of environmental accounting and reporting mostly found in programs for undergraduate [[16]] but less in postgraduate programs under the following course name: • Economic and Social Foundations of Sustainable Organisations • Management and Environmental Sustainability • Business in Society • Accounting for Corporate Accountability • Accounting for Sustainability Oregon State University is an international university connecting more than 100 countries who offers more than 200 undergraduate and 100 graduate degree programs [[19]]. The proposal for integrating Environmental Accounting and Reporting have been submitted on 29 April 2011 and got approved on 4th May 2011. The design of this course is planned in a way to make student adoptive towards understanding the importance of measuring the environmental performance of any business and learning the strategies for accomplishing sustainable business goals. [[19]]

3.1.7 The University of Melbourne The University of Melbourne is second ancient university in Australia, holds 33rd rank in the world as per Times Higher Education [[20]]. The academic and research programs and courses of this university helps students to become thoughtful and to develop professional skills which can make positive impact for their future. Their main focus of research is on the economic social, and environmental issues what the world is facing today as well as in the future. For sustainable studies, following subject shows the integration of environmental accounting under Bachelor and Masters Programs: • Sustainability Accounting This subject is synonym for Environmental Accounting and Reporting offered for graduate program in core group, which is being renamed to Sustainability Reporting and Management for academic year 2018. It explains how traditional model of finance can be extended for sustainable decision-making [[21]]. • Environmental Economics It is an optional subject offered under Bachelor of Design program. It explains the interconnection between poverty, population growth with degradation of environment, the different approaches to deal with environmental problems, evaluating monetary value of environmental resources and importance of environmental accounting through empirical evidences [[22]]. • Sustainability Management of Design Assets 354 [email protected] Environmental Accounting and Reporting: A Case Study of Universities’ Educational Curriculum

It is the core subject offered under Bachelor of Design which enable students to learn economic, financial, environmental and legal aspects which are related to sustainable portfolio management. [[22]]

3.1.8. University of St. Andrews After Oxford and Cambridge University, University of St. Andrews (founded in year 1413) is the third oldest university in the world [[24]]. It is excellent in both academic and research outcomes. Prof. Robert Hugh Gray and Jan Bebbington, who are prestige of this university are great contributor of academic as well as research in social and environmental accounting. And also, CSEAR- Centre for Social and Environmental Accounting is being sponsored by this university under the directorship of Prof. Robert Hugh Gray. • Corporate Social Responsibility, Accountability and Reporting covers theory and practices of basic corporate responsibilities as well as of environmental accounting and the function of accountability in satisfying social responsibilities. It is an optional subject for bachelor degree in management-honours, management science and sustainable development programs [[25]]. Some other related subjects are Responsibility Sustainability and Accountability in Organisations [[26]] and Sustainable Development & Management [[27]]

3.1.9. Anteneo De University, John Gokongwei School of Management It was established in the year 1859, which makes it third-oldest university in Philippines [[28]], well recognised for its cognitive academic education as well as research. The university offers Master’s program in sustainable development [[29]] which makes this university different from other university in the country. The concept of Environmental Accounting and sustainability reporting has been well distributed under following subjects: Core Subject: Electives: Systems Thinking for sustainability Greenhouse Gas Reporting Environmental Finance Corporate Sustainability Green Accounting Business Continuity, Sustainability, and Innovation Sustainability Reporting Business Negotiation for Sustainability

3.2. Need and Importance of EARP in Education The United Nations’ (UN) Transforming Our World: The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (UN, 2015) has adopted 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) which are rapidly referred as “The Global Goals” intending to inspire the importance of humanity and the planet for the next 15 years. These SDGs are gaining more traction and attention among the 193 UN members including policy makers, NGOs, business and professional organisation of public as well as private sector [[30]]. ( Bebbington & Unerman, 2018) reveals the evidence of function of accounting profession and pivot role of accounting and accountants in realising these SDGs. And at the same time organisation have also started to account for both financial and non-financial aspects which impacts the environment or to the community either in positive or in negative sense. But unfortunately, our traditional accounting system do not have such measurements to capture the significant cost of all economic action (see figure-1). For example, traditional accounting system gives no space to record for environmental externalities like pollution, waste disposal, noise and litter costs etc. This is the reason that traditional accounting system is being scrutinized by the regulatory bodies to bring more transparency and accountabilities. 355 [email protected] Musarrat Ara and Dr. Harani B

Figure 1 Traditional to Sustainability account Therefore, environmental accounting and reporting is a measurement tools which overcomes to traditional accounting system which desegregates the internal accounts to disclose costs and benefits relating to economic, social and environmental performance (Triple Bottom Line). It also extends the accounting boundary by considering the financial cost of external impacts. (Parkin, Johnston, Buckland, Brookes, & White, 2003). [[31]]


Table 1 List of Countries Integrated E.A.R In Educational Curriculum

Countries No. of Universities under No. of Universities study Integrated EAR

Australia 10 10 Bangladesh 10 2 China 10 2 India 10 2 Japan 10 1 Malaysia 10 3 *New Zealand 8 5 Philippines 10 1 United Kingdom 11 7 United States 11 9 100 42 Source: Researcher Compilation. (*totally there are eight universities in NZ) 356 [email protected] Environmental Accounting and Reporting: A Case Study of Universities’ Educational Curriculum


United States Australia

Bangladesh United Kingdom China India Philippines Japan *New Zealand Malaysia

Figure 2 Countries integrated EAR in curriculum The author found that: • Out of 100 universities, 42 universities have significantly added Environmental Accounting and Reporting by different names like Accounting for sustainability, Sustainability Accounting, Green Accounting etc. • Universities from US, UK, Australia and New Zealand are most offering of Environmental Accounting and Sustainability Reporting and fulfils the requirement of 21st century pedagogy. • Environmental accounting and Reporting is being integrated with both undergraduate as well as postgraduate programs like M.B.A. (Business Sustainability); MS (Sustainable development); M.Sc. in (Nature, Society and Environment), BS with specialization like accounting, management, or combination of both. • The subjects like “Understanding Global Accounting Practices through an International Study Tour”; “Reimagining Capitalism: Business and Big Problems”; “Sustainability Management of Design Assets for portfolio management” are the showing the advancement of traditional E.A.R. concept. • The teaching methodology is accompanied through lectures by experts, seminars, discussions, book reading on the related topics, project and assignments covering the real issues concerned with the environment and business.

4.1. Get Inspire to Inspire Energy, Water, Education, Poverty, Health, Human Rights are the global problems which could be solved by collective action of Non-Profit Organization, Responsible Business action and Government for greater impact. Universities are required to educate insightful leaders to bring out world visionaries, system thinkers, and empathetic innovators for social and environmental change. An inspiration can be taken from the Centre for Social Innovation, Stanford University whose mission is to bring social and environmental change to the world through research, education, and creating opportunities for pragmatic learning and providing fellowships to MBA and MS students and Imperial College London, Business School offers MSc. (climate change, management and finance) to provide interdisciplinary skill to solve issues related to climate change and business. Cambridge Institute for Sustainability Leadership (CISL), University of Cambridge for over 25 years, CISL have been contributing towards building leadership capacity for tackling critical 357 [email protected] Musarrat Ara and Dr. Harani B global challenges like climate change, sustaining natural capital through business practices, sustainable finance which is being accomplished by executive and master's programmes. Similarly, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Yale University and New York University have sustainability initiative courses and centre for responsible and sustainable business

5. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION For 21st century, it is obvious that the business which make less impact on environment will succeed. Likewise, sustainable development is obvious when we consider the purpose of creating knowledge, developing skill and undertaking research. Graduates from any branch who will be sustainability ‘literate’ will be of premium quality. It is believing that for accomplishing Future Earth [[32]] and to enhance sustainability, there is need to bring changes in three areas of competencies, one is ‘critical thinking’, other is ‘normative dialogues’ and also to bring ‘transformative leadership’. To bring competency-based education, ministry of education of developed countries and developing countries have to think on changing curriculum with additions in coursework which will also create opportunities for students of under developed countries. “The curriculum should have students consider model problems that begin to mirror real-world complexity – not merely simulations that produce predictable results, but situations that require them to solve both resource management and human problems.” (Yasuhiro Fukushima, 2017) [[33]] As per UGC data there are 789 universities in India, but only handful of them have updated their curriculum to bring sustainable and responsible business leaders. Though it is not only important to recognise student’s interest but also to inspire them to serve in public benefit. To do so there is necessity of providing them such resources which helps them to make it possible.


[1] Mathews, REFLECTIONS ON SOCIAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL ACCOUNTING EDUCATION, Charles Sturt University, Bathurst., 2002 [2] Maria Fatima Reyes, Environmental Management Accounting Education in the Philippines – the Accountancy Profession as a Medium for Change, Philippine Environmental Accounting Committee, Institute of Certified Public Accountants (PICPA) yes.pdf, 2002 [3] Niladri Das, Mitali Sen, J.K. Pattanayak, "Assessment of students' perception towards developing a course in environmental accounting", International Journal of Accounting & Information Management, Vol. 16 Issue: 2, 2008, pp.122-139, [4] Mitali Sen, J.K. Pattanayak & Balram Choubey, “Designing a course curriculum on environmental accounting: Viewpoint of Indian industry practitioners”, Social and Environmental Accountability Journal Vol. 30, Issue 2, 2010 [5] Muninarayanappa and Augustin Amaladas, ENVIRONMENT ACCOUNTING: A CURRICULUM MODEL TO INDIAN ACADEMIA, European Scientific Journal September 2014 /SPECIAL/ edition Vol.2 ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e - ISSN 1857- 7431, 2014 [6] Pradip Kumar Das, Environmental Accounting: A Conceptual Study of Indian Context, International Journal of Social, Behavioural, Educational, Economic, Business and Industrial Engineering Vol:10, No:8, 2016 [7] Shannoy, Education Lessons from one of the world’s toughest places, World Economic Forum, places-to-learn-heres-how-thats-changing/, 2017 [8] 358 [email protected] Environmental Accounting and Reporting: A Case Study of Universities’ Educational Curriculum, [9] [10] [11] [12] [13] rankings/2017/business-management-studies [14] [15] [16] [17] management.aspx accounting.aspx sustainability.aspx human-resources.aspx?nomobile=1 marketing.aspx?nomobile=1 international-business.aspx?nomobile=1 digital-innovation.aspx?nomobile=1 [18] [19] [20] [21] [22] [23] [24] [25] 2018/Management-Honours.pdf [26] guides/pgt/MN5603.pdf [27] guides/ug/MN4238-sustainable-development-management.pdf [28] [29] [30] Jan Bebbington, Jeffrey Unerman,"Achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals: An enabling role for accounting research", Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, Vol. 31 Issue: 1, 2018, pp.2-24, [31] Parkin, S., Johnston, D., Buckland, H., Brookes, F., & White, E, Accounting For Sustainability: Guidance for Higher Education Institutions, Higher Education Partnership for Sustainability. London: Forum for The Future, 2003 [32] 359 [email protected] Musarrat Ara and Dr. Harani B

[33] Yasuhiro Fukushima, Gakushi Ishimura, Andrew James Komasinski, Reiko Omoto, Shunsuke Managi, "Education and capacity building with research: a possible case for Future Earth", International Journal of Sustainability in Higher Education, Vol. 18 Issue: 2, 2017, pp.263-276,

APPENDIX Worl Integrati Worl Integrati Universities d on Universities d on Rank Found Rank Found United Kingdom United States California Institute of 1 University of Oxford 1st Y 22 3rd N Technology 2 University of Cambridge 2nd Y 23 Stanford University 3rd Y Massachusetts Institute of 3 Imperial College London 8th Y 24 5th Y Technology 4 UCL 16th N 25 Harvard University 6th Y London School of 5 Economics and Political 25th N 26 University of Chicago 9th N Science 6 University of Edinburgh 27th Y 27 University of Pennsylvania 10th Y 7 University of Manchester 54th N 28 Yale University 12th Y University of California, Los 8 University of Bristol 76th N 29 15th Y Angeles University of Glasgow Adam University of California, 9 80th Y 30 18th Y Smith Business School Berkeley 1 University of St Andrews 143rd Y 31 New York University 27th Y 0 1 Royal Holloway, University Western Washington 197th Y 32 NA Y 1 of London University Australia Bangladesh 1 University of Melbourne 32th Y 33 University of Dhaka 1001+ N 2 1 48th Y 34 University of Rajshah N 3 N * Bangladesh University of 1 Australian National website 61th Y 35 Engineering & Technology Na 4 University undercon (Department of Humanities) structn 1 65th Y 36 University of Chittagong Na N 5 1 Rangamati Science and 80th Y 37 Na N 6 Technology University 1 University of New South 85th Y 38 Dhaka International University Na N 7 Wales 1 University of Western Bangladesh University of 111th Y 39 Na Y 8 Australia Business and Technology 1 American International 134th Y 40 Na Y 9 University-Bangladesh 2 201- Port City International James Cook University Y 41 Na N 0 250 University 2 401- Central University of Science RMIT University Y 42 Na N 1 500 and Technology China India Site 4 under IIT, Bombay (Shailesh J. 351- Peking University 27th 53 N 3 construct Mehta School of Management) 400 ion 4 601- Tsinghua University 30th N 54 Aligarh Muslim University N 4 800 commerc e and 4 601- Fudan University 116th mgmt 55 Banaras Hindu University N 5 800 not found N, Lack 4 University Of Science And of course 601- 132th 56 University of Delhi N 6 Technology In China disclosur 800 e 360 [email protected] Environmental Accounting and Reporting: A Case Study of Universities’ Educational Curriculum

Worl Integrati Worl Integrati Universities d on Universities d on Rank Found Rank Found 4 Indian Institute of Technology 601- Nanjing University 169th N 57 N 7 Madras 800 N, Lack 4 of course Zhejiang University 177th 58 Christ University NA Y 8 disclosur e 4 China Europe International NA Y 59 TERI University NA Y 9 Business School 5 Cheung Kong Graduate 601- NA N 60 Panjab University N 0 School of Business 800 5 Xi'an Jiaotong Liverpool NA N 61 NMIMS University NA N 1 University 5 Shanghai Jiao Tong 801- 188th Y 62 Jamia Milia Islamia University 2 University 1000 ** Jawaharlal Nehru University 1001+ N Japan Malaysia 6 - Faculty 351- The University of Tokyo 46th N 73 Y 3 of Business and Accountancy 400 6 Universiti Tunku Abdul 501- 74th N 74 N 4 Rahman (UTAR) 600 Nagoya University of 6 301- Universiti Kebangsaan 601- Commerce & Business N 75 N 5 350 Malaysia 800 (NUCB) Kobe University - Graduate 6 601- 601- School of Business Y 76 Universiti Putra Malaysia N 6 800 800 Administration Universiti Sains Malaysia 6 - Keio 601- (USM) - School of 601- N 77 N 7 Business School (KBS) 800 Management and Graduate 800 School of Business Universiti Teknologi Malaysia 6 Waseda University - Waseda 601- 601- N 78 International Business School N 8 Business School 800 801 (IBS) Tokyo University of Science 6 601- Universiti Tenaga Nasional 801- - Tus School Of N 79 N 9 800 (UNITEN) 1000 Management International University of 7 Japan Graduate School of NA N 80 Monash University Malaysia NA Y 0 International Management 7 201- Osaka University N 81 Sunway University NA N 1 250 Asia Pacific University of 7 201- Tohoku University N 82 Technology and Innovation NA Y 2 250 (APU) Swinburne University of ** Technology (Sarawak NA N Campus) New Zealand Philippines 8 University of the Philippines, 601- University of Auckland 192th N 91 N 3 Diliman 800 8 201- Cesar E. A. Virata School of Y 4 250 Business 8 351- University of Canterbury Y UP Manila 5 400 8 351- Y UP,Loyola 6 400 8 Auckland University of 401- University of the Philippines Y 7 Technology 500 Los Baños 8 401- N 92 Ateneo de Manila University Y 8 500 8 Victoria University of 401- Adventist International Institute of Y 93 N 9 Wellington 500 Advanced Studies 9 501- - Ramon V. del Lincoln University N 94 N 0 600 Rosario College of Business 95 Aklan State University N Adventist University of the 96 N Philippines 97 N 98 University of San Carlos N 99 University of Santo Tomas N 361 [email protected] Musarrat Ara and Dr. Harani B

Worl Integrati Worl Integrati Universities d on Universities d on Rank Found Rank Found 100 Batangas State University N 362 [email protected]