IPv6 Around the world

Global IPv6 deployment is vital to the continued growth and stability of the .

Today, key organizations, governments, and the CONTENT PROVIDERS private sector are working - often in partnership - to Major Internet content providers such as implement IPv6-ready networks, and to ensure all (including YouTube), Facebook, Yahoo, and Netflix regions and sectors have access to the equipment also provide their services using the IPv6 protocol, and education necessary to deploy IPv6. offering access to all Internet users. A supply of global IP addresses larger than the currently available pool of IPv4 addresses is IPv6 FOR EVERYONE necessary to maintain the sustainable, long-term Approximately 90% of end users have computer development of a global and open Internet. operating systems capable of working seamlessly over IPv6. This means that many home and small Momentum for IPv6 deployment is increasing business users are simply waiting for their service globally as IPv4 addresses become scarce. Around providers to offer IPv6 connections. In some cases, the world, there are efforts to increase broadband they may already be using IPv6. penetration. More smart phones and network-ready devices are entering the market, and the number of Meanwhile, the explosive growth of mobile-only Internet users is steadily increasing. Internet access, which sees voice, messaging, and data delivered through IP-based services, will only INTERNET SERVICE PROVIDERS AND increase the demand for IP addresses. IPv6 will MOBILE NETWORK OPERATORS satisfy this demand, and sustain future business Many of the world’s major ISPs and mobile network growth. Companies like T-Mobile US (which in operators, including Wireless (USA), StarHub 2014 launched an Android phone that defaults to Cable (Singapore), Chubu Telecommunications IPv6-only connections) and Apple (which requires (Japan), Kabel Deutschland (Germany), IPv6 support for all iOS 9 apps) are examples from (Swiss), T-Mobile USA (USA), (Australia), an industry that is moving toward full, native IPv6 and Telefonica (Peru) are providing IPv6 commercial support. services to both business and residential customers. Distributing IPv6 Around the World

The five Regional Internet Registries (RIRs) Cooperation Telecommunications and manage the distribution of IP addresses directly Information Working Group (APEC TEL) and to Internet Service Providers (ISPs) and network the Association of South East Asian Nations operators within their regions. (ASEAN) This allocation is based on demonstrated need, according to policies created by the Internet CANADA AND THE UNITED STATES community, following an open and transparent »» IPv6 training courses are available throughout policy development process. IPv6 allocations are the region, offered by technical consultants being made all over the world. and organizations such as the (Deploy360) A significant percentage of ISPs and operators in »» ARIN has continued to reach out to enterprises each RIR service region have already obtained across many industries through the Get6 an allocation of IPv6 address space from their campaign, encouraging organizations to make RIR (see facing map), with more than 55% of their public-facing services IPv6-enabled Autonomous Systems currently announcing IPv6 »» As a resource for higher education institutions addresses to the public Internet. in particular, ARIN has worked with several universities and colleges in the US and Canada Around the world, RIRs are working with their to develop detailed case studies about their communities, business stakeholders, and experiences adopting IPv6 in a real-world governments to develop the human and technical setting capacity vital to the full adoption of IPv6. »» A community-managed listing of companies offering IPv6 services (Web hosting, DNS, AFRICA Training, and Consulting) resides on ARIN’s IPv6 »» African IPv6 Task Force (www.af6tf.net) created Wiki; it includes over 70 providers from across to encourage IPv6 deployment and serve the region as of September 2017 as a regional consolidated platform for the exchange of knowledge and best practices EUROPE, CENTRAL ASIA, AND THE MIDDLE EAST »» January 2016 to August 2017, AFRINIC has »» Strong support from the European Commission trained 1,038 people from 28 different countries via initiatives like Gen6 and the IPv6 in Africa Observatory »» RIPE NCC offers basic and advanced IPv6 ASIA PACIFIC training courses to members throughout the »» APNIC provides face-to-face and web-based region and via the online RIPE NCC Academy technical training in IPv6 deployment as well as »» National “IPv6 Week” events in Lebanon and detailed technical assistance Israel tapped into interest in local communities »» APNIC technical experts also collaborate »» IPv6 Roadshows, cooperative efforts between with the ITU’s regional office to organize joint governments and the technical community, workshops that provide capacity development have trained nearly 1000 network staff in the in IPv6 Middle East and CIS »» Many governments and inter-governmental »» National task forces continue to foster progress organizations support IPv6 deployment, in countries including Saudi Arabia and the UAE including the Asia Pacific Economic % OF MEMBERSHIP WITH IPv6 ADDRESSES (NOVEMBER 2017)

55% 86% 41% 72% 56%


LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN »» LACNIC staged an IPv6 awareness tour in more »» Many Caribbean ISPs have deployed IPv6 in than seven countries their core and aggregation networks. IXPs have »» National IPv6 task forces promote IPv6 in the been deployed with IPv6 infrastructure and LACNIC region , like GREX, the Grenada IXP and AMS-IX »» IPv6 training courses held at Campus LACNIC Caribbean (http://campus.lacnic.net/), LACNIC on the »» Research on the transition to IPv6 in Latin move meetings, and other events America and the Caribbean (LACNIC and »» LACNIC holds the IPv6 Latin American Forum Development Bank of Latin American). Find each year, where ISPs, companies, academia, out the results: http://portalipv6.lacnic.net/ and the technical community meet to promote wp-content/caf-lacnic/CAF-LACNIC-IPv6- IPv6 on regional scales Deployment-Social-Economic-Developmentin- »» LACNIC promotes the new Dr. IPv6 initiative. LAC.pdf This new project consists of answering the »» CaribNOG, the local operators forum, community’s questions on IPv6 implementation provides IPv6 training with support from via podcast: http://portalipv6.lacnic.net/ LACNIC and ARIN, along with the Caribbean dripv6es/ Telecommunications Union, CANTO, and CITEL »» IPv6 tours held throughout the region, training hundreds of people www.nro.net | @theNRO

IPv6 and the Technical Community

The technical community is responsible for much »» All 13 root name servers offer services over IPv6 of the work necessary to make IPv6 access at multiple locations around the world ubiquitous. Organizations such as the RIRs, »» Of 289 country code TLDs (ccTLDs), 264 have the Internet Society (ISOC) and the Internet deployed IPv6 Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers »» All 753 generic Top Level Domains (gTLDs) (ICANN), as well as many academic networks, have at least one name server reachable over are involved in joint initiatives to raise awareness IPv6 about IPv6 deployment and how everyone can contribute.

Learn More About IPv6 Adoption Around The World

Growing awareness of the need for IPv6 adoption, The five RIRs provide data, statistics, and analysis driven by the exhaustion of IPv4 address space on IPv6 adoption via projects including: and enhanced by events like the World IPv6 Day (2011) and World IPv6 Launch (2012), means that »» IPv6 RIPEness: A rating system providing a the global IPv6 deployment situation is evolving unique indicator of IPv6 readiness of RIPE NCC rapidly. There are many online resources that can members by country, sector, and network size: provide up-to-the-minute information http://ripeness.ripe.net and statistics. »» APNIC Labs: Provides measurements of global IPv6 usage by economy, UN geopolitical »» The World IPv6 Launch saw Internet region and Autonomous System Number (ASN): companies including Google, Facebook, http://labs.apnic.net/ipv6/ Yahoo!, Akamai, and Limelight Networks »» IPv6-enabled Autonomous Systems: This contributing to a global IPv6 rollout effort. interactive tool shows the percentage of Current data on its progress is available at: networks in a given country or region that www.worldipv6launch.org/measurements announce IPv6 addresses on the public Internet: http://v6asns.ripe.net


www..net www.apnic.net www.arin.net www.lacnic.net www.ripe.net

Updated November 2017