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2»I7ffis?FS!?Srk°* to which it to M pretty ***~- "".* *"* ^ »tueted. TMs republish * doeameat likely replaced by tlie Roman Re eu tab'laded In ",l° «»»' charee, and is not »o the ¦ttimrtfflr ¦Mowtiwfl in i*t .r T nrattan tWth vHoU bad barn momks of lfie republic. botutd obey express auihori/.atlou OX the ttupreino Apostolic See. Council met In tna rear 381, and reaiBrmed that frequently Nlimd to during the 1804 by Napoleon L, it was overthrown by the Em¬ 2»i7ffiS?FS!?srK°* til liiuj.c iiilti«s which M|H Ilift establishment Ol sanction »nd ratiQctv- wlucii thu Council o( Nice bad namely, Council. Wo refer to tbe oeiebrated lotter from tae rAKrajtiBM, natuuaubm and absolpts hation- bisuoprh* auJ the of buliopa. faeiKM ta« Hovurvign ronturs proclaimed,ami who peror himself in 1809. Restored u 1814, tfie Unit audm. Ft appointment Uon ol alt the ecu aad decrees oi' a General Council tuat Uod the Hon i« cousubstaatial coequal Prince President ot the French to Oolouel care of flu-..< .Government mar, lu its own rignu It alteffwardBindiBpeaaablj required for tueir vaud¬ Gad tue Father; and amo that oar Sanoar bad a ltepubllo the Pope, when he arrived la Rome on the Ttoew exists no supremo all-wtso tnd all- Change cue «vta prescribed by toe Ohnrcti for the ret!* no action of the body apart irom tu® 1h.iii.ui m well as a divine nature, or tnat be was Edgar Key. It runs thus:. 88th of May. was td abolish tlio French laws and in¬ <1'8uuct ,r""» tai* universe, triotts pr^feiTon of men Aud womru, anil mi/ require it,, there uemg acount 16, im«. f]^D..'» U'oth»n°.«aine aa nature *nd is 01 lead. A i cceie&iasnoai council or synod may »>e "perfect Uod and periect man." Hardly, however, to reinstall the Jesulis the & consequently religion- ordera ttiat none i»e admitted to taw »«¦ of or dm hail rho ilrit ciouu'l of Constantinople Closed iu sit¬ Mr Dfah Nby.The French republic uaa not sent stitutions, and reopen ;?r_.k°d God- ,B trut"' .*»» bolb in man »o:« nii vow* without its defined as a ».estimate nibly prelaw# there. but i,0,,0,^ arc Cod have puruinaioo. Al Churcn, oouveued lor the leguauon 01 ua publ:o tings una pronounced it* decision* (decisions which, an army to Koine to stuie Italian liberty inquisition. Destroyed anew lu 1818, again raised thnJUmii5 r'1 Ior an thiugs and /.Vl .'iiie laws securing the status or reit* saiairs." councils are ecumenical, general or par¬ by the way, were confirmed by the rope or Kome on the contrary to regulate it by preserving it ajraiuat np and unstained by the arrrs of Prance, it l« now Uic very substance of God; and as God la one and aloii» orders and the cx-Tdse of their rtfjMii and beloro were a new Heresy, its owu excesses uu<i to it on a solid »>attH uy Wlt,t t,Je universe ,plrit 13 identical uuties should i>e ticular. Au kcuweuical Council id one wlnoh repre¬ they promulgated), when place who called in question &i ter a crisis in without a,a* abolished; tneriiatJ even ennui® sents the whole catho.ic Church. tor such a coua- epeculnuve, ol con mo. as cumin* from the Eastern*, replacing on the fontifltmi throne the prince which, with matter. necessity wltli liberty. truth witu proiler li !p to all tuose who wish to withdraw Trow Lroke to of Um been the first to tnuUei! at the head the help of its it would have Uood, goon with ovii ana justice wiUi tujajtioc. t.iO to cu it sutn-»a mat the chief part or the Churcti out, and combat It thi) Council Kptiesus, put boldly that the powerful auxiliaries, religious life they have entered upon, and . louid imvo assembled m utfrotment vvitli tue Sovi r- 1110 innu upon my list, was convoked In 431. Tho of all u<»iul reioruis. 1 hear with regret infallibly succumbed to the pressure of outside U(,U Ul>uU "»'i Ue break tneir solemn vows; and in Utta manner ins (jounc.l ol Nice and the lirst Council or Constants- good latenuous of the Iloiv Father, i|ka our own fctate l.an coiie- e.nn Hound. A General council is one which i# cou- of hostile public opinion. Of the effects of the woflOafctbotfeuSi0' power to auopres* religioui onler« uncuoiii tor the nuiauer ot prelaws, but which, noyiu had euectuaily sot at rest the questions re¬ e.iueavor*, remain Uarica in preeeuoa mjarlou? 7 UiJ!M>n> without havinraDf regard i»lat» ."-nri1'1 .» and aimp'e beuetioes. own buck an iw tlie divine natnre of nod tlio Son. and had passion ant influence. It is dealred to make pro¬ nn:on o tho Cfturch with the 8i.'te, and the conse¬ ». ,V<IwT,,,'J!f''D w lll« -010 oi uaiu and are under s tiiroi.uh not oeiui.c confirmed by tiio bOTerelffti specting of . ^ ?,myl tli<; right of a patron, mid at I Pleasure pouiur, or lor so ne o her reason, is not lield to re- also spoken out aud proclaimed tuo opinion tnat scription and tyranny the bams of tUe re-entry quent luLcrleren;» at lay pi luces In matters purely of 2wa »««» «vil; it i* U i... for itself tad t nze i" iftr. ilic'r goods ;uid revenues, snbjouiug iuo universal Lhutcii. Jasua CUrist Had no hqman nature to be erroneous, ine Pope. Tell uenorai Koeioian ttiat ho must not c mselenco, ilm exceeding great tr.buia'.iona whlcii is >. imuent i>r Its own natural etreiuta u i'vwu«provide the.a t in i>ubuo service. preae.ii shadow of last , . A HartteuUi Couuc.t u cue which r5pres"ntn only but aa jet the Church had not officially, so to speak, allow any net to be commuted udder the tlie Ecu .iculca! Couucll.«>f Trent- experienced for the troo 1 01 men and nations. f .'i. i.-,-)viu*iaad winces ate not onlyrout- a oi tiio doiined ui wuai wanner or now Christ was my bon our na^ widen ini^tu alter ttio character ol owinter¬ ui'Oru oacl proui. Convoked in the it met Uutlj3 01 tr«m the SiJe tlio in,iroii' < but Boruoa Cnuroo. Such Codhclis are:.Fust, In 3i! year 10M, lu,c religion spring jurisdiction, tak* nrecewi« national, orpnni'iuuJ; second, provincial, or initio- of Cod. vention. j, r.nd was to irequenily dispiaccaorsuspended n/tnLT/'^" i*aniaa reason; at- j ic .non u iua of (!. i.'Uui in determining dUputea mat have rei poi.tui; whleu are c.tlteu About the yoar A. V. 410 or 415, Nescorlus, on life re establishment ortlia temporal po.ver of tho tliai it did not terminate until latiJ. 'i'lie Dune of pvVr1' '.«' n refty uioa can an t ou,zhc to obuui u croj'."5 to iaruuieuon. thud, Mooofian, simply :, j1, . fiyuoda. aichpriest in Constat)tlnopl«(, began to teach that Pope can only take place on these conditi^is:.-lien- Mantua prevented tho mcetiug; next, tue exigen¬ Uowiedge or oil initio, or whaiev. , i;i j. r ¦ I V..; Church should \*> separated frota HWe 1..Tlifj deOnlttons of fin Ecumenical Council inert) w< re m .'e-sus Christ two persons unifd; mat eral aiuiieH^y, sauulanzatiou ol' the administration, cies or tn.' um')ivssadars of Oharlee v. decided tlie »'ev»».ation la lmpci-',and cons';. tho Slate mid the .-tate from the Church. i was t j in matier id laiiu or luorais tent not if ihe.y merely the Son of uod bulug one of tnese persons, liad who ly code Aapoiuuu liberal uovorouie.it. per¬ Pope trawler u to Hotogi a: but the tnperor re- uocauv /T ^v COii'iiiiUt Uli 1 .iiiLi! QroitroriH EHUC.:. 10:. KAtWiVL A.IU CI1BIST1AM repaid U.i<ii[,liuc) '.viuu uy tao Sover¬ sano uied tiiootiior, or huuiaa person, out that the sonally pained tn reading tho proclamation 01 the tamed at Trent ttio bMiops of uuiSt&tea and obliged m* 10 tUu pl'^liUJ 'uuUtt °> touuaa ETHICS. are, approved of , eign Houtut certain unU inialliofes. farmer had uuver died, had never suffered ami lud three cardinal* io seu tn»t no inuutun wad uiado Juiiiu in. to re-e. UbiisU tlie Awettuiy mere. The KA«,n! .-xf7».The of morality neel no divine Jiuic ouiiCt wiietiier General or not bteu i>oru of tue Conaetiaemiy that France or of tho of our bravu soldiers, King ol Franco tiio of .Sixtft-.-uio faith or Oh rut is to human sanction. and It la i..omeri s, Par- Virgin Mary. ..uir.riags tlio piuieauoJ aguiuai, resumption opi.o-<d- not at uM necessary that humau Ueuiur, havi» (.Ely as macli authority at tune ttte He was noru at Hettilchern, and who Buffered and livery insult offered to our (lag or our unttorm noei d?.ibeuitona, and the Elector Maurice dispersed u " ¦¦¦' °r ""-:- la*/ .i' 1)2 ij'ade eoiirormai>!o to the laivs oi vsn.c.i Uieu o.i Hie cros-.', wan uo uuui.iu nature ami human to Ik and 1 desire you to make is llio lo vlataie-it /.Vm.,r,°;iei.u-:'juCU f0 la ,..it e or receive Wtiorcliti they repi'Caeui. i'&eir author.iy right my art, sl.e CouuCii, Wiilciionly met agaiu wn years later Uyu,10U3 i-s-rscioaur t'aeir biudi,i{ loroe ironi <>od. may ue t^jeat, but it canno. lufaliibio qui si it be form; out that Ho who had ascended luto Heaven known that tr t'rauci; does not sell her services finally coucludaits difficult career.
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