Christmas Through the Eyes of a Child

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Christmas Through the Eyes of a Child ‘You shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.’ – John 8:32 VOL. 66, NO. 51 | DECEMBER 22, 2017 WORCESTER, MASSACHUSETTS HOME DELIVERY $39/YEAR FREE IN PARISHES & ON NEWSSTANDS Saint Bernard’s graduate named bishop R in Japan E H IS L B U P F O N IO S IS M R E P BY TANYA CONNOR BY D SE U THE CATHOLIC FREE PRESS SS RE P Y’S AR T M AIN ©S A Fitchburg native, who, at this time of year, plays Santa Claus, and all year long cares for the poor in Japan, has been named a bishop there. Pope Francis, on Dec. 9, appointed Franciscan Father Wayne Berndt, 63, bishop of the Diocese of Naha, in the Okinawa Prefec- ture. His ordina- tion is scheduled for February. The bishop- elect, a mission- ary in the Order of Friars Minor Capuchin, suc- ceeds Bishop Father Berndt Berard Toshio Oshikawa, of the Order of Fri- ars Minor Conventual. In a letter to Bishop Mc- Manus and the people of the December 2017 Worcester Diocese, Father God has My dear brothers and sisters in Christ, Berndt gave thanks for the prayers and best wishes he come to us A chapel in ShepherdsÕ Field outside of Bethlehem commemorates the wondrous events has received on his appoint- of Christmas in three beautiful paintings. ment. He asked for continued In the first painting, the shepherds, keeping watch over their flock by night, are roused prayers for himself and his bringing us from their silent vigil by the glad tidings of an angel, glorious streams from Heaven, and people, offered his prayers the strains of an angelic choir. to the diocese and expressed In the second painting, the shepherds, having traveled to Bethlehem, bow in awe and gratitude for people here who the path adoration before the newborn Christ Child in the manger as heavenly light illuminates the fostered his vocation. Holy Family. In the final painting, dawn is breaking, the Heavenly streams of GodÕ s glory Ò In the name of the diocese, to joy are fading, and the shepherds are again back amidst their flock. But the shepherds are I want to thank the bishop- changed. elect for this wonderful let- In the third painting, an elderly shepherd looks upward with an expression of wonder. ter,Ó Bishop McManus said. Another shepherd pipes a tune on a simple musical instrument while a shepherd boy Ò He can be assured of our skips with exuberance, joy, and uplifted arms. They have returned to the place where best wishes and prayers. they were but they have not returned the way they were. They are filled with joy, wonder ItÕ s a proud day for the Dio- and awe that God has come to them. cese of Worcester.Ó Christmas reminds us that God has also come to us. The shepherdsÕ path to joy is also Bishop McManus said that ours. At Christmas Mass and every Mass we might think of ourselves as shepherds going the divine gift of a vocation is to Bethlehem. After hearing GodÕ s Word, we go to Him in the communion line, bow in ado- fostered in the local Catholic ration and receive the same Divine Child born of Mary and worshiped by the shepherds at community, especially by the manger. priests and religious, as Fa- As the shepherds departed from the stable, so may we depart Christmas Mass, and ev- ther Berndt noted in his letter. ery Mass, with joy, wonder and awe that God has come to us. May this Christmas change The bishop spoke of the need us so that as we return to our routines with a deeper appreciation of God s love for us, we for missionaries to present may bear witness to that love just as the shepherds did on that first Christmas morning. Christ, especially in a culture where Catholicism is seen as With every prayerful best wish for a Blessed and Merry Christmas, I remain Western. Father Berndt, son of Sim- one (Jacques) Berndt and the Sincerely yours in Christ, late Francis Berndt, was born May 15, 1954, in Fitchburg and grew up at St. Joseph Parish there. He attended St. Joseph Elementary School and Most Reverend Robert J. McManus St. Bernard Central Catholic SEE BISHOP, 12 Christmas through the eyes of a child BY MSGR. ANTHONY S. CZARNECKI her, What would you like for Christmas?Ó The girl re- time and space, a vital power which permeates the pres- sponded, I donÕ t want to buy anything.Ó Then she looked ent. It radically boggles the human mind and stretches Every year, Christmas is anticipated by children and intently at the woman and quietly whispered, I just have the imagination that God not only descended to become a adults with increasingly growing interest. It seems that one wish, may I call you Mommy - just for Christmas, human being, but also became humankindÕ s partner for this is the most joyful and colorful worldwide celebration. please?Ó The lady was astonished by such a perceptive the journey of life. Even before Advent begins, the Christmas season is clear- wish and obviously said, Of course you may.Ó The girl Similarly, the message of the Good News takes fleshÓ ly visible in the commercial world. People feel pressured gave her a big hug of gratitude, took her hand and said, in the family and community. We must kindle a sense of to go and buy. Shopping centers have become temples Ò So letÕ s go home, Mommy.Ó childlike wonder. Children display a sense of amazement of consumerism. In fact, rabid commercialism seems The little girl was wise beyond her years. Not having a and approach the world trusting in the goodness of oth- to obscure the true meaning of Christmas. But because family of her own, she understood the bonds of family ers. We must replace the spirit of mistrust in our hearts children have the unique ability to express the real mean- life where people who love each other are worth more with a childlike eagerness to perform good deeds and to ing of Christmas in their own simple way, we oftentimes than any material possessions. God so loved the world learn to delight in the goodness of others. refer to Christmas as the Feast of Children.Ó that He gave His only Son so that everyone that believes The Holy Infant and infants in general teach us that we At one orphanage, there was a practice that a family in Him might not perish but have eternal life.Ó John 3:16. flourish when we open ourselves to others and live in the could take a child home for Christmas. One family was This little girl perfectly captured the true meaning of context of family and community. This applies to both assigned a 7-year-old girl. On the way home from the or- Christmas. our earthly lives and our life of faith. We phanage, the woman decided to surprise the girl and take Incarnation is not just a historical fact or a season of her shopping for whatever she might want. She asked the year, but rather has its own meaning that transcends SEE CHRISTMAS, 12 Find us on Facebook and Twitter WORLD NEWS 2 LOCAL NEWS 6, 8,9 Getting ready for Bishop’s Senior Scene: Christmas during NATIONAL NEWS 3 OBITUARY 7 Christmas Dinner takes lots World War II was a different time CHRISTMAS GOSPEL 4 SENIOR SCENE 8 COMMENTARY 5 AROUND DIOCESE 10 of preparation. 6 for families. 8 FUNDAMENTALS 5 CATHOLIC QUIZ 11 102 Randolph Road • Worcester, MA 01606 508.853.8180 • A higher Level of Care than Assisted Living. More Affordable than a Nursing Home. CALL 508-853-8180 FOR A FREE TOUR ask for BEN or MIKE Revolutionary New Secure Residential Care Facility for Individuals with Memory Impairment and Dementia 2 AROUND THE WORLD THE CATHOLIC FREE PRESS | DECEMBER 22, 2017 Pope meets Jordan’s king amid rising tensions in Jerusalem BY JUNNO AROCHO ESTEVES | CATHOLIC NEWS SERVICE Francis spent 20 minutes speaking alone with Israel,Ó the Jordanian government with King Abdullah and Prince Ghazi, said. VATICAN CITY (CNS) Pope Francis met an adviser to the king on religious and The Vatican said Pope Francis and King with JordanÕ s King Abdullah II at the Vati- cultural affairs. After their meeting, the Abdullah renewed their commitment to can, two weeks after U.S. President Donald king and his delegation met with Cardinal Ò encourage negotiations as well as promot- TrumpÕ s decision to recognize Jerusalem Pietro Parolin, Vatican secretary of state, ing interreligious dialogue.Ó as IsraelÕ s capital provoked outrage in the and Archbishop Paul Gallagher, Vatican President Trump announced his deci- Middle East. foreign minister. sion Dec. 6 to move the U.S. embassy According to the Vatican, the cordial In a statement, the Jordanian govern- to Jerusalem from Tel Aviv, fulfilling a conversations focused above all on the ment said the meeting focused on the de- promise he made during his presidential theme of the promotion of peace and sta- velopments related to JerusalemÓ as well campaign. bility in the Mideast, with particular refer- as the implications of the U.S. decision The announcement sparked anti-U.S. ence to the question of Jerusalem and the and its provocation of Muslims and Chris- protests throughout Asia and the Middle role of the Hashemite Sovereign (the king tians in the region and beyond.Ó East and drew warnings from Middle East- of Jordan) as custodian of the holy places.Ó Ò The king stressed that the U.S.
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