Research Collection Report ETH Zurich Annual Report 2006 Author(s): ETH Zurich Publication Date: 2007 Permanent Link: Rights / License: In Copyright - Non-Commercial Use Permitted This page was generated automatically upon download from the ETH Zurich Research Collection. For more information please consult the Terms of use. ETH Library ETH Zurich Annual report 2006 Annual report 2006 Contents ETH Zurich 3 Highlights 5 Foreword from the President 6 What motivates us 8 Research and Teaching 14 Corporate Communications In Focus: 25 Systems biology 26 Vision and reality Energy science 33 Environmentally conscious and capable Information technology 38 intelligent and networked Renata Cosby, Andreas Fiersbach, Katrin la Roi, Arturo La Science City 45 Vecchia, Martina Märki, Dr. Verena Schmid Bagdasarjanz High-tech with a thinker’s culture Figures and Facts 48 Design and layout: Inform. Agentur für visuelle Kommunikation AG, Zürich Photos, illustrations: Daniel Boschung; Ruth Erdt; Nathalie Guinard; Maurice Haas; Prof. Gramazio / Prof. Kohler, DFAB, D-ARCH, ETH Zürich; J. P. Li, CCA California College of the Arts, San Francisco; and others Print: NZZ Fretz AG Circulation: 1200 Cover photo: A research team led by Dr. Christian Baerlocher and Dr. Lynne McCusker from the Laboratory of Crystallography at ETH Zurich has succeeded in solving the structure of the zeolite IM-5. The Annual report can be obtained from: Though IM-5 was first synthesized ten years ago, its complex structure remained unclear until now. ETH Zurich, Mailing Department,
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