
The ISME Journal (2013) 7, 384–394 & 2013 International Society for Microbial Ecology All rights reserved 1751-7362/13 www.nature.com/ismej ORIGINAL ARTICLE Pre-exposure to drought increases the resistance of tropical bacterial communities to extended drought

Nicholas J Bouskill1, Hsiao Chien Lim1, Sharon Borglin1, Rohit Salve2, Tana E Wood3,4, Whendee L Silver3 and Eoin L Brodie1 1Ecology Department, Earth Sciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA, USA; 2Hydrology Department, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Berkeley, CA, USA; 3Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Management, University of California-Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, USA and 4International institute of Tropical Forestry, USDA Forest Service, Rio Piedras, PR, USA

Global climate models project a decrease in the magnitude of precipitation in tropical regions. Changes in rainfall patterns have important implications for the moisture content and redox status of tropical , yet little is known about how these changes may affect microbial community structure. Specifically, does exposure to prior stress confer increased resistance to subsequent perturbation? Here we reduced the quantity of precipitation throughfall to tropical forest soils in the Luquillo Mountains, Puerto Rico. Treatments included newly established throughfall exclusion plots (de novo excluded), plots undergoing reduction for a second time (pre-excluded) and ambient control plots. Ten months of throughfall exclusion led to a small but statistically significant decline in soil water potential and bacterial populations clearly adapted to increased osmotic stress. Although the water potential decline was small and microbial biomass did not change, phylogenetic diversity in the de novo-excluded plots decreased by B40% compared with the control plots, yet pre-excluded plots showed no significant change. On the other hand, the relative abundances of bacterial taxa in both the de novo-excluded and pre-excluded plots changed significantly with throughfall exclusion compared with control plots. Changes in bacterial community structure could be explained by changes in soil pore water chemistry and suggested changes in soil redox. Soluble iron declined in treatment plots and was correlated with decreased soluble phosphorus concentrations, which may have significant implications for microbial productivity in these P-limited systems. The ISME Journal (2013) 7, 384–394; doi:10.1038/ismej.2012.113; published online 15 November 2012 Subject Category: microbial ecology and functional diversity of natural habitats Keywords: resistance; pyrosequencing; drought effects; temporal

Introduction redox potential, soil nutrient availability and the phylogenetic and functional constraints of the Humid tropical are globally important microbial community (Vitousek and Howarth, carbon (C) reservoirs (Jobba´gy and Jackson, 2000), B 1991; Cleveland et al., 2006; Schmidt et al., 2011). storing 25% of terrestrial organic C (Pan et al., Soil moisture has a significant role in determining 2011). The warm humid conditions in these forests rates of by constraining microbial lead to high rates of C fixation via net primary community activity via two primary mechanisms productivity (Grace et al., 2001). Conversely, tropi- that lie at opposite ends of an activity bell curve cal soils have high rates of decom- (Supplementary Figure S1). In one instance, high position and soil respiration (Ross, 1993). Rates of soil moisture reduces gaseous diffusion into and out organic matter decomposition are dependent on of the soil leading to oxygen limitation (Liptzin several factors, most notably soil moisture and et al., 2011). Low soil moisture may constrain substrate diffusion and impart physiological stress on microbial communities. Correspondence: NJ Bouskill or EL Brodie, Ecology Department, Multiple climate models project large-scale changes Earth Sciences Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, in annual rainfall regimes of biomes within low- 70A-3317, Berkeley, CA 94702, USA. E-mail: [email protected] or [email protected] latitude convective margins, including Central Received 2 April 2012; revised 30 July 2012; accepted 14 August America and Caribbean regions (Neelin et al., 2012; published online 15 November 2012 2006; Trenberth et al., 2007). These locations are Pre-exposure to drought increases resistance NJ Bouskill et al 385 likely to experience changes in the magnitude of in rainfall patterns might be smaller in magnitude at rainfall (Giorgi and Bi, 2005), with increased the convective margins, the overall effect on micro- drought and longer dry periods (Easterling et al., bial communities may be greater due to a lack of 2000; Meehl et al., 2006). These changes may have acclimation in ancestral populations to C stress (for significant implications for biogeochemical cycling example, Leibler and Kussell, 2010). due to tight coupling between soil moisture status, Microbial populations are known to develop redox conditions, nutrient availability and microbial resistance to repeated perturbations (Bressan et al., activity. Indeed, previous studies have demon- 2008; Allison et al., 2010; Wallenstein and Hall, strated the sensitivity of tropical forest trace gas 2012). However, it is not clear whether selection for flux to changes in soil moisture (Vasconcelos et al., resistant taxa results from single or multiple pertur- 2004; Holtgrieve et al., 2006), although, the magni- bation events. Here we examine whether bacterial tude of trace gas flux, as well as the direction of that community resistance can develop rapidly by flux is variable (Davidson et al., 2004, 2008; following a 10-month throughfall exclusion experi- Metcalfe et al., 2007; Cleveland et al., 2010; ment at a Long-Term Ecological Research site in and Silver, 2012). Puerto Rico. Throughfall precipitation (that is, the Soil moisture status is also a well-known regulator precipitation falling through the forest canopy) was of microbial community diversity and function excluded in five plots that previously experienced (Fierer et al., 2003; Carbone et al., 2011; Evans and short-term (3-month) throughfall exclusion (Wood Wallenstein, 2011; Hueso et al., 2012), yet to our and Silver, 2012) as well as five additional plots that knowledge there have been no attempts to evaluate experienced throughfall exclusion for the first time. the mechanistic basis by which microbial commu- We measured in situ bacterial diversity and nity diversity and function might respond to microbial biomass across treatments and also exam- changes in soil moisture in a tropical forest. Under ined whether throughfall exclusion selected for decreased rainfall, soil water potential (C) declines, adapted to higher solute concentrations. solute concentrations increase and pore connectiv- This study tests two hypotheses: (1) Microbial ity is reduced, imparting physical and physiological communities within an ecosystem with relatively stresses on individual microbes and whole commu- infrequent drought will be sensitive to small changes nities (Stark and Firestone, 1995; Schimel et al., in C and consequentially show large changes to 2007; Chowdhury et al., 2011) that can significantly community composition and decreased diversity. (2) alter an ecosystem’s function (for example, Zak Endemic bacteria in these soil plots lack the capacity et al., 2003; Carney et al., 2007). Community to adapt to environmental change precluding the response is determined by the severity of drought development of community resistance to a departure and the tolerance of different taxa to changes in C. in long-term environmental conditions. The pre- Because microbial communities are characterized by vious short-term exposure to drought will therefore high rates of growth and community turnover not enhance resistance to repeated drought. (Prosser et al., 2007), prolonged drought may bring about shifts in community structure, selecting for taxa capable of tolerating the perturbation. Materials and methods The degree to which community structure can be perturbed by environmental fluctuations, and Site description, throughfall exclusion, soil sampling hence, their resistance to perturbations, may be and chemical analysis influenced by climate history. For example, This study was conducted in a humid tropical forest microbes in temperate ecosystems can experience in the Bisley Research Watershed of the Luquillo large inter- and intra-annual variability in soil Experimental Forest in Puerto Rico (B350 m a.s.l; moisture that selects for communities acclimated 181 18N, 651 50W; average rainfall B3500 mm per to rapid changes in C (for example, Fierer et al., year with B200 mm per month). A detailed classi- 2003; Landesman and Digton, 2010). Therefore, the fication of these soils has been published previously phylogenetic and functional diversity of microbial (Dubinsky et al., 2010). Throughfall was excluded communities within many temperate regions might with clear, corrugated plastic panels (B1.6 m2) not be greatly perturbed if changes to seasonal mounted 1 m above the forest floor at a 171 angle. precipitation fall within the limits of that region’s Ten plots were randomly established between tree seasonal variability (Landesman and Digton, 2010). stands in June 2008, and five of these excluded for a On the other hand, the adaptive capacity of com- period of 3 months before the shelters were removed munities acclimated to generally high soil moisture, and ambient throughfall resumed (in the present such as the humid tropical rainforests, is still study these plots are termed pre-excluded). The unknown. Microbial communities within humid following year (June, 2009), the shelters were tropical rainforest soil may be more likely to adapt replaced over these original treatment plots and five to rapid changes in oxygen or redox conditions new exclusion plots were established (termed (Silver et al., 1999, 2005; Pett-Ridge and Firestone, de novo in the present study), the remaining 5 plots 2005; DeAngelis et al., 2011), than changes in were never sheltered and served as control plots. osmotic potential. Therefore, while the disruption The plots were not trenched to minimize soil

The ISME Journal Pre-exposure to drought increases resistance NJ Bouskill et al 386 disturbance and allow interaction and leaf litter number ID:1005. Full details can be found in the was manually replaced from the top of the shelters Supplementary Material. back to the soil beneath every 4 to 7 days. Soil samples (B5–10 g) were taken at the outset of the study and again at 3 and 10 months after throughfall Results shelters were erected. Soil water was extracted from fresh soil samples and analyzed for various para- Soil water content and chemistry meters, including pH, conductivity, cation and Soil water chemistry was significantly altered in both anion concentrations, whereas soils were analyzed the pre-excluded and de novo-excluded soils when for pH, moisture content and water potential and compared with the unsheltered control soils following microbial biomass by PLFA analysis. A full descrip- 10 months of throughfall exclusion. Measured values tion of soil sampling and chemical analysis appears of C, gravimetric soil moisture, dissolved organic in the Supplementary Material. Additional details carbon (DOC), electrical conductivity (EC), pH, Fe, Al, on the study site and throughfall shelter construc- Na and K concentrations are given in Table 1 (and tion can be found in Wood and Silver (2012). Supplementary Table S1). The strongest treatment effect was observed in the de novo-excluded plots where Na concentrations were significantly higher DNA extraction and barcoded pyrosequencing (P ¼ 0.01) than that of the controls. Conversely, C,soil Total nucleic acids were extracted from 0.5 g of moisture, Fe, Al and P were significantly higher in the soil per replicate according to the cetyl trimethy- control plots than the de novo-excluded plots (all lammonium bromide/bead-beating-based protocol Po0.05). Soil pore water from the pre-excluded plots described in Ivanov et al. (2009). Soil DNA samples also differed from the control plots and showed were normalized to 10 ng ml 1 before PCR. Samples similar trends to that of the de novo-excluded plots; were amplified using a universal primer pair however, these effects were not as pronounced as for targeting the SSU rRNA V9 region and PCR reactions the de novo-excluded plots. C,PandFeandAl were performed using Takara Ex Taq hot-start concentrations were significantly higher in the control polymerase (Takara, Madison, WI, USA). The bar- than in the pre-excluded soils (Po0.05). Soil moisture coded PCR reactions were analyzed for quantity and was higher and Na concentrations lower in the control quality (using a 7500 DNA chip on a Bioanalyzer than in the pre-excluded soils, however, these trends 2100, Agilent Technologies, Santa Clara, CA, USA). were not statistically significant. The pre-excluded Sequencing libraries were created using the SV emu- soils also differed from the de novo-excluded soils PCR kit (Lib-A, Roche, Indianapolis, IN, USA) and with significantly higher soil pH (P ¼ 0.046) and lower sequencing on a GS-FLX sequencer (Roche) at the Na concentrations (P ¼ 0.04). Veterans Medical Research Foundation, La Jolla, CA, Throughfall exclusion had no significant effect on USA. Further details of DNA extraction, 16S rRNA soil water DOC concentrations, which ranged from 1 PCR and preparation for pyrosequencing can be 6.46 to 6.33 mg l (P ¼ 0.44). Ammonium concen- found in the Supplementary Materials. trations in the throughfall-excluded soils increased 27% and 32% relative to the control (de novo- excluded and pre-excluded, respectively) and soil Pyrosequencing data processing and statistical nitrate concentrations were significantly higher in analysis the de novo-excluded soils (two-way ANOVA, Raw 454 sequences were uploaded, denoised and P ¼ 0.012). Soil water Fe and Al concentrations were processed using the Quantitative Insights Into significantly elevated in control soils compared Microbial Ecology pipeline (Caporaso et al., 2010). with the treatment soils (de novo-excluded and Quality filtering, barcode reassignment, processing pre-excluded; P ¼ 0.001) and were correlated posi- of pyrosequencing data and basic ordination statis- tively with phosphate concentrations (all plots; 2 tics are described in the Supplementary Material. r ¼ 0.84; P ¼ 0.002). Furthermore, across all plots a Soil chemistry data was tested for normality and log number of edaphic variables were significantly transformed where necessary. The effects of experi- correlated with soil moisture; for example, solute þ þ mental drought on soil chemistry and enzyme concentrations (Na and K ) were both negatively 2 þ activity was assessed comparing the control with correlated with soil moisture (r ¼0.83 (Na ); þ treatment plots using two-way ANOVA, whereas the 0.73 (K ), P-valueo0.05). relationship between soil water chemistry and changes in either soil moisture or C was further quantified using a regression analysis (Draper and Community diversity Smith, 1998). Variance partitioning approaches The indigenous microbial community of the (permutational multivariate analysis and con- Luquillo Experimental Forest soil was largely strained principal components analysis) were dominated by members of the , Alpha- applied to explain any phylogenetic changes as a and , with slightly function of treatment. Sequences from this study lower abundances of and Gamma- were submitted to MG-RAST under the Accession proteobacteria (Supplementary Figure S2). Before

The ISME Journal Pre-exposure to drought increases resistance NJ Bouskill et al 387 a a the placement of shelters, the genetic diversity (Faith’s PD) of the soil communities was not different (Figure 1a). Furthermore, Chao1 estimates P of species richness showed no significant difference between treatment and control soils (1589±603; 1618±752; 1578±230 for the control, pre- and 1.53E-03 (3.82E-04) 1.72E-03 (5.42E-04) de novo-excluded respectively). a a,b There was no significant difference in the biomass of the soil plots over time, or between the treatment and control soils (Supplementary Figure S3), how-

0.03 (0.03) 0.02 (0.01) ever, sampling at both three and ten months of a ) a throughfall exclusion found significant changes in M the community composition (diversity and abun- dance) of the de novo-excluded soils compared with the control soils. Following 3 months of throughfall exclusion, the community composition of the de novo-excluded soils diverged from that of the control soils to form two distinct clusters (Figure 2b). Chao1 richness estimates for the

0.02 (0.006) 0.05 (0.04) de novo-excluded soils (average±s.d.; 1909±311) were lower than the control soils (2310±318) and a,b significantly lower than the pre-excluded soils ±

Na K Fe Al (2522 230, P ¼ 0.005). This divergence could be explained by higher relative abundance of members 0.61 (0.13) of the (Rhodospirillales), Acid- b obacteria (Groups 1, 3 and 13) and the Planctomy- cetes (Isosphaera and Gemmata) (Supplementary

Soil pH (m Figure S5) in the de novo-excluded soils compared 4.8 (0.10) 0.33 (0.11) 0.012 (0.003) 0.054 (0.049) with the control soils. Dissimilarity of control and a de novo-excluded soils was even more distinct at 10 months (Figure 2c) particularly when the relative S) m ( abundance of taxa is not considered (Figure 2f).

conductivity By contrast, the diversity of the pre-excluded soils remained significantly higher than the de novo- ) Electrical

M excluded soils throughout the course of the treat- m (

ment (Figure 2c, P ¼ 0.008 (after 3 months), 3 P ¼ 0.0002 (after 10 months)), with taxon richness and diversity similar to that of the control soils )NO

M (Figures 1c and 2f). However, a weighted analysis m ( found that as perturbation continued, communities þ 4 within the pre-excluded soils became more distinct NH from the controls soils and more similar to the )

0.05). de novo-excluded soils (Figure 2c). In this instance, 1 o the influence of eliminated throughfall on the pre- P excluded soils manifested as changes in the relative

5). abundance of , but not as decreased ¼ 0.05). n 6.33 (0.14) 27.74 (6.9) 208.3 (6.7) 37.21 (7.0) 4.54 (0.08) diversity (Figure 1c). o carbon (mg l P Dissolved organic At the level, changes in the community composition between the control and the excluded a soils were mostly attributable to elevated relative (%) Soil abundance of Planctomycetes, Actinobacteria and moisture

65.6 (13.5)59.9 (4.8) 6.24 (0.31) 39.23 (6.0) 214.1 (17.9) 17.13 (1.5) some Proteobacteria in the treatment soils, with s.d. of the plots (

± concurrent reduction of some Acidobacteria, Bacter- a a,b oidetes and (Supplementary Figure S6). ) At finer phylogenetic resolution (that is, the family C ( and genus level), the taxa in higher abundance potential 0.19 (0.03)0.27 (0.06) 76.3 (4.9) 6.46 (0.21) 26.7 (4.9) 200.23 (4.0) 25.3 (6.0) 4.73 (0.08) 0.27 (0.15) 0.011 (0.006) 0.27 (0.15) 0.23 (0.5) 4.23E-03 (2.6E-03) 0.34 (0.12) under throughfall exclusion were remarkably simi-

Soil physicochemical variables following sampling of control and treatment plots in April 2010, 10 months following the onset of rainfall exclusion lar in the pre-excluded and de novo-excluded treatments (and in the de novo treatments at the 3- and 10-month sampling points), suggesting that, Significantly different from the pre-excluded plots ( Significantly different from the control ( Control Pre- excluded Table 1 Treatment Water De novo Data represents thea mean b over time, organisms that are adapted to more arid

The ISME Journal Pre-exposure to drought increases resistance NJ Bouskill et al 388

40 40 40 35 35 35 30 30 30 25 25 25 20 20 20 15 15 15 10 10 10

Phylogenetic Distance 5 5 5 0 0 0 0 150 300 450 600 750 900 0 150 300 450 600 750 900 0 150 300 450 600 750 900 Sequence number Control plots Pre-exposure plots De Novo plots Figure 1 Phylogenetic distance for control and rainfall exclusion plots over time: (a) June 2009; (b) August 2009; (c) April 2010. The curves represent the average (±s.d.) of the Faith’s PD statistic over time.

Weighted June 2009 August 2009 c April 2010 ab(prior to the placement of enclosures) (3 months post enclosures placements) (10 months post enclosures placements)

1.5 1.5 1.0

1.0 1.0 0.5

0.5 0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 −0.5 −0.5 −0.5 CA2 (21.2 %) CA2 (19.4 %) CA2 (16.2 %) −1.0 −1.0 −1.0

−1.5 −1.5 −1.5

−2.0 −2.0 −2 −1 0 1 −1 012 −1.5 −1.0 −0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 CA1 (35.7 %) CA1 (38.7 %) CA1 (41.7 %)

Unweighted def2 1.0 1 1 0.5

0.0 0 0 CA2 CA2 CA2 −0.5

−1.0 −1 −1 −1.5

−2.0 −2 −2 −2 −1 0 1 −1 012 −10 1 2 CA1 CA1 CA1 Control plots Pre-excluded plots De Novo plots Figure 2 (a) Weighted and (b) unweighted correspondence analysis of the individual control and treatment plots over time: (a, d) June 2009, (b, e) August 2009 and (c, f) April 2010. The CA plots depict the ordination of weighted unifrac distance matrices showing the distinction of rainfall exclusion plots from the control plots following 10 months of the exclusion. Site markers represent replicates within the different treatments.

conditions become numerically more abundant Supplementary Figure S6) in treatment plots and (Figure 3). The Planctomycetes genera Gemmata this was mainly attributed to members of the and Isosphaera increased notably under throughfall , although Rubrobacterales were exclusion in both treatments, as did the alpha- also more prominent under throughfall exclusion. proteobacterial Rhizobiales and Rhodospirillales Finally, despite an overall decline in Acidobacteria (Figure 3). The Actinobacteria also increased at the phylum level, two groups, 1 and 3, increased in abundance (confirmed by quantitative PCR; significantly in the de novo-excluded soils and were

The ISME Journal Pre-exposure to drought increases resistance NJ Bouskill et al 389 Acidobacteria; Gp.1.

Alphaproteobacteria; Rhodospirillales Control Vs De Novo Planctomycetes; Isosphaera Exclusion plots Actinobacteria; Streptosporangineae Actinobacteria; Pseudonocardineae Actinobacteria; Micrococcineae

Betaproteobacteria; Burkholderiaceae Acidobacteria Alphaproteobacteria; Rhizobiales; Hyphomicrobiaceae Actinobacteria ; Cupriavidus Bacteriodetes ; Geobacter Firmicutes Bacteriodetes; Other Bacteriodetes; Chitinophaga Bacteriodetes; Niastella Bacteria; Other Gammaproteo′; Xanthomonadaceae Planctomycetes Bacteriodetes; Other Alpha Alphaproteobacteria; Rhizobiales; Other Beta Acidobacteria; Delta Proteobacteria Deltaproteo′; Myxococcales Alphaproteobacteria; Other Gamma Proteobacteria; Other Other Unclassified Acidobacteria; Gp.2.

9 6 3 0 3 6 9 12 Elevated relative abundance Elevated relative abundance in rainfall-excluded plots in control plots

Planctomycetes; Gemmata Control Vs Pre-excluded Planctomycetes; Other Exclusion plots Planctomycetes; Isosphaera Actinobacteria; Rubrobacterineae Actinobacteria; Streptosporangineae

Actinobacteria; Corynebacterineae

Acidobacteria; Acidobacteriaceae Betaproteo′; Burkholderia ; Aquicella Bacteriodetes; Chitinophaga Deltaproteo′; Polyangiaceae Alphaproteobacteria; Other Alphaproteo′; Rhodospirillales Betaproteo′; Burkholderia

Acidobacteria; Gp.1. Gammaproteobacteria; Other Planctomycetes; Planctomyces Acidobacteria; Gp.2.

9 6 3 0 3 6 9 12 % change between control and treatment plots Figure 3 Differences in the relative abundance of different taxa between the treatment and control plots following 10 months throughfall exclusion. The different bars are colored by phylum (with the exception of the Proteobacteria that are differentiated at the class level). The data is drawn from the OTU tables and the labels identify the most prominent taxa down to highest taxonomic level available. Bars are the average of five replicate plot/treatment. Significant differences (ANOVA, Pp0.05) between the two groups are signified using red dots adjacent to a given bar.

large contributors to community structure differ- contrasting responses to treatment in the de novo- ences at both the 3- and 10-month time points (see excluded compared with the pre-excluded soils, and Figure 3 and Supplementary Figure S5). Despite increased in relative abundance in the de novo- increasing relative abundance of Rhizobiales and excluded soils. However, given that the highest Rhodospirillales, the reduction in diversity of the de taxonomic resolution achievable was at the genus novo-excluded treatment communities could mainly level, it is possible that the reason for these be attributed to the loss of Proteobacteria (in divergent results is rooted in greater diversity at particular other Alphaproteobacteria) and Acido- the species level. bacteria (Supplementary Figure S7). The Acido- To examine the relationship between treatments and bacteria Group 1 and the Rhodospirillales show edaphic properties toward community dissimilarity,

The ISME Journal Pre-exposure to drought increases resistance NJ Bouskill et al 390 the following variables were used in a permutational Discussion multivariate test (Adonis): (1) treatment (control or exclusion); (2) C, Na concentrations and the inter- There are many reasons to expect that tropical action between these variables (Supplementary microbial communities, like temperate communities Table S2). The analysis demonstrated a significant (Landesman and Digton, 2010), would contain a effect of changing physicochemical properties of the wide adaptive capacity to respond to perturbation. soil water (Supplementary Table S2), Na concentra- Microbial communities in some tropical soils are tions (F ¼ 2.88; P ¼ 0.02) and the interaction between characterized by large population numbers (B1011– Na concentrations and C (F ¼ 3.21; P ¼ 0.01). 1012 cells per g soil, Dubinsky et al., 2010) main- A principal components analysis was used to taining an extensive reservoir of physiological and elucidate the genotype–environment relationships functional plasticity that can adapt to a range of and determine which edaphic factors are important optimal environmental conditions. In addition, in driving the dissimilarity between individual microbes harbor multiple mechanisms to directly samples of the different treatments. After 10 months, respond to changes in localized environmental the treatment communities separated from the conditions, which in the case of drying soil, include control soils across the primary axis (Figure 4); with the upregulation of stress pathways to protect the de novo-excluded soils forming a more coherent macromolecular structure (Walsh, 2000) and, if cluster than the pre-excluded soils. The de novo- necessary, dormancy (Jones and Lennon, 2010). exclusion plots showed a positive relationship with Conversely, theoretical studies in general ecology changes in soil chemistry that could be attributed to have demonstrated that the severity of risk of a reduction in throughfall, that is, elevated pore climate change is dependent not only on the rate water solute concentrations (for example, Na) and a of change of a given parameter (for example, decrease in C (Figure 4). The community structure temperature or drought onset), but also on the in these soils was negatively correlated with soil pH physiological sensitivity and adaptive capacity of a and the concentration of Fe and P. This was also true population to buffer the effects of change (Deutsch for de novo soils following 3 months of throughfall et al., 2008; Huey et al., 2009). Consequentially, exclusion (Supplementary Figure S8). The commu- temperate organisms generally have a broad toler- nities in the majority of the pre-excluded soils ance to environmental change built around large

showed a positive correlation with NO3 and Ca seasonal fluctuations in temperature and rainfall concentration and correlated negatively with gravi- compared with tropical organisms that are accli- metric soil water content, which declined over the mated to low seasonal variability and living close course of the experiment. their environmental optimum (Deutsch et al., 2008; Bonebrake and Mastrandrea, 2010). In the present study, we demonstrate that the microbial community structure in a humid tropical 0.2 forest was profoundly affected by changes in soil Secondary axis seperates the two different treatment scenarios (mainly on the higher chemistry accompanying throughfall reduction, 0.15 solute concentrations in the more recently supporting the first hypothesis that humid tropical established treatment plots). environments are sensitive to changes in rainfall. 0.1 This degree of sensitivity, however, is greatly

0.05 dependent on previous exposure to perturbation and the temporal extent of throughfall exclusion. 0 Evidence for this comes from the resistance to repeat exposure of communities subject to prior perturba- −0.05 tion (that is, the pre-excluded soils). These soil plots Component 2 (13.7 %) −0.1 showed no significant reduction in phylogenetic diversity, whereas diversity declined in the de novo- B −0.15 Primary axis seperates treatment from control excluded soils by 40%. There was, however, a samples (mainly on the basis of total water- content and solute concentrations). compositional shift in the pre-excluded commu- −0.2 −0.2 −0.15 −0.1 −0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 nities following repeat perturbation, likely attribu- Component 1 (27.3 %) table to elevated relative abundance of drought

Control plots Pre-excluded plots De Novo plots tolerant organisms. On a qualitative scale, the pre-excluded soil plots Figure 4 Principal components analysis detailing the relation- appear more resistant to future perturbation: ship between plot community composition and edaphic factors following 10 months of rainfall exclusion. The principal compo- although tolerant taxa are selected for in both nents analysis plot is based on correlations between biological treatment plots and subsequently increase in rela- and physicochemical variables. Biological site markers are the tive abundance (see discussion below), differences same as that for Figure 2. Abbreviated physicochemical variables: were noted in the response of the putatively Ca, calcium; Cl, chloride; DOC, dissolved organic carbon; Fe, iron; K, potassium; Mg, magnesium; Mo, molybdenum; Na, sodium; sensitive taxa to the effects of treatment (that is,

NH4, ammonium; NO3, nitrate; P, phosphate; SO4, sulfate; C, decreasing C and increasing osmotic potential). The water potential; WC, water content. de novo-excluded plots maintain lower diversity

The ISME Journal Pre-exposure to drought increases resistance NJ Bouskill et al 391 than both the pre-excluded and the control plots, than C substrate limitation in this system. In support indicating an effect of exclusion on putatively of this, throughfall-excluded plots showed an sensitive taxa that are absent in the pre-excluded elevated relative abundance of a number of bacteria plots. Both treatments (pre-excluded and de novo- (for example, Actinomycetales) that could be con- excluded) select for organisms (Streptomycetes spp.) sidered drought tolerant, while also supporting that are adapted to grow at higher NaCl concentra- bacteria that exhibit a greater tolerance of osmotic tions than the control plots (Supplementary Figure stress and perhaps a preference for elevated solute S4) indicating a similar extent of adaptation. concentrations (Supplementary Figure S4). Furthermore, the phyla responsible for these com- We also observed a phylogenetic signal to the positional differences between the treatment plots changes in community composition under altered and the control plots were similar in the de novo- soil moisture, which seemingly selected for Actino- and pre-excluded plots (for example, Actinobacteria bacteria and Planctomycetes, both of which showed and Planctomycetes) (Figure 3 and Supplementary elevated abundance under throughfall exclusion. Figure S6); yet the magnitude of the differences was Actinobacteria are a widely distributed group with a greater in the de novo-excluded plots. It would well-studied ecology (Goodfellow and Williams, follow that pre-exposure to perturbation selects for 1983) show adaptive resistance to drought (Davet, tolerant taxa, but may also condition putatively 2004) and reach high abundance in arid soils (Okoro sensitive taxa to repeat perturbation. et al., 2009). Actinobacteria (specifically Streptomy- Given that the initial de novo-excluded and pre- cetes) have been demonstrated to grow at low excluded communities (June 2009) were so similar, osmotic potential (Klevenskaya, 1960), and also the fact that one short period of perturbation could increase in proportional abundance within dry soil condition the pre-excluded communities is surpris- (Bacher et al., 2010). In addition, although the ing. However, microbial communities are known to spores of Actinobacteria are known to survive adapt rapidly to fluctuating environmental condi- extended periods of desiccation at high tempera- tions (for example, Schimel et al., 2007; DeAngelis tures (Williams et al., 1972), it is also likely that they et al., 2011) and resistance has been recorded for soil are also capable of growth during periods of communities subject to repeat perturbation (Wertz prolonged drought (Williams et al., 1972). Further- et al., 2007; Chaer et al., 2009; Bowen et al., 2011; more, the ecological distribution of Actinobacteria Evans and Wallenstein, 2011). Although identifying displays a negative trend with soil moisture content the mechanisms underlying this pre-conditioning to and tend to dominate arid environments (for future disturbances requires further investigation, example, Chanal et al., 2006), therefore, it is perhaps our second hypothesis, that short-term throughfall not surprising that the changes in soil pore water exclusion treatment is insufficient to allow devel- chemistry recorded in this study favor elevated opment of resistance, did not hold for this forest. relative abundance of Actinobacteria. On the other Eliminated throughfall was accompanied by hand, a lack of cultured representatives means that changes in soil chemistry that likely had a large little is known about the ecophysiology of the role in shaping microbial community composition. Planctomycetes. However, they are likely to be Previous studies examining changes in soil trace gas important players in the C and N cycle (Fuerst and flux under decreased throughfall have reported Sagulenko, 2011), and are widely distributed across significant responses of soil respiration to changes different ecosystems with high abundance in arid in soil chemistry (Cleveland et al., 2010; Wood and soils, such as the Atacama Desert topsoil (Drees Silver, 2012). Our conceptual model depicting et al., 2006). Based on these observations and the microbial activity along a gradient of soil moisture data herein, it is possible that the Planctomycetes (Supplementary Figure S1) would predict that maintain adaptive traits that allow the group to under water-saturated conditions microbial respira- increase competitiveness under low C. However, tion is limited by a lack of O2 diffusion into the soil previous work (for example, Bacher et al., 2010) and and the formation of anoxic regions (Liptzin et al., the present study (Supplementary Figure S6) also 2011). At the other end of the gradient, retreating demonstrate Planctomycetes to be sensitive to water films impart substrate limitation on microbial changes in soil water content. Therefore, further activity through reduced diffusion (Stark and work is required to understand the mechanism by Firestone, 1995). In addition, and in the same region which Planctomycetes adapt to their environment. of the curve, physiological stress, imparted as soils Throughfall exclusion had a large effect on soil dry and pore water solute concentrations increase, water content and solute concentration, which can also have a large role in shaping community accounts for the largest statistical variance across activity and composition. In the present study, it is the microbial community dataset (component 1 in likely that treatment soils can be placed at the Figure 4). In addition, exclusion affected nutrient intersection between substrate limitation and phy- cycling and may have had an effect on soil siological stresses (Supplementary Figure S1). Con- mineralogy, both intimately intertwined with the strained ordination analysis (Figure 4) suggests that microbial components of soil. Highly weathered physiological stress resulting from decreased C and tropical forest soils are generally assumed to have elevated solute concentrations are more important low available P concentrations (Walkers and Syers,

The ISME Journal Pre-exposure to drought increases resistance NJ Bouskill et al 392 1976; Vitousek and Sanford, 1986) with P limitation Acknowledgements compounded by the high sorbtive capacity of Fe- rich primary (Geothite) and Al-rich secondary We thank Julian Fourtney and Kristin DeAngelis for assistance in the field, Joern Larsen and April Van Hise (kaolinite) minerals. Our data show that P avail- for ICP-MS analyses. NOAA Climate and Global Change ability declined in soils under throughfall exclusion postdoctoral fellowship to TEW. This work was partially and a likely explanation for this is the changes in Fe supported by an NSF grant and DOE grants to WLS and by redox cycling that occur as soils become more oxic. the Laboratory Directed Research and Development The oxidation of Fe(II) to Fe(III) will result in Program of Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, by increased sorption of soluble P (Reed et al., 2011), the Director, Office of Science, of the US Department of whereas previously sorbed P is no longer released Energy under Contract No. DE-AC02-05CH11231. through microbially catalyzed reductive dissolution of Fe-bearing minerals (Chacon et al., 2006; Liptzin and Silver, 2009; Wood and Silver, 2012). Our data support this rationale; we recorded a significant decrease in soluble Fe and Al concentrations References between control and treatment plots and a strong Allison SD, McGuire KL, Treseder KK. (2010). 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