
Journal of Structural 24 32002) 743±762 www.elsevier.com/locate/jstrugeo

Extensional -related folding, northwestern Red Sea, Egypt

S.M. Khalil1, K.R. McClay*

Fault Dynamics Research Group, Geology Department, Royal Holloway University of London, Egham, Surrey TW20 0EX, UK Received 7August 2000; accepted 1 June 2001

Abstract The Duwi and Hamadat areas on the northwestern margin of the Red Sea system exhibit superb outcrop examples of kilometric scale, -related folds. In this area, the Nakheil and Hamadat faults of the Rift border fault system consist of a series of WNW- and NW-trending segments that link through breached relay ramps. The fault hanging walls are characterised by a series of offset with non-linear axial traces sub-parallel to the faults. The synclines are doubly plunging and, in the immediate hanging wall to the normal faults, the strata dip sub-parallel to the fault. These folds result from along-strike displacement variations on the individual fault segments together with extension-related fault-propagation folding as the faults propagated upwards through a highly anisotropic pre-rift sedimentary section. In the Duwi area, the axial traces of the synclines are offset and bend in the regions of relay ramps. In the Hamadat area, the synclines associated with individual fault segments are separated by transverse hanging-wall that formed where segment linkage occurred. Numerical simulations of extension-related fault-propagation folding using a trishear model produce geometries that closely match those of the Duwi and Hamadat folds. The dimensions of these hanging-wall synclines and their relationships to fault displacement variations indicate that they are formed by extensional fault-propagation folding rather than by frictional drag along the fault surface. q 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Extensional fault-related folding; Breached relay ramps; Synclines

1. Introduction Extensional fault-related folds 3cf. Schlische, 1995) include: Fault-related folding in extensional basins has been the focus of much recent research. Schlische 31992, 1995) 1. Hanging-wall fault-bend folds generated by changes in described systems associated with extension in the dip of the fault surface 3cf. rollover anticlines and ramp , eastern USA; Janecke et al. 31998) described synclines in seismic sections and in analogue models examples of extensional folds from the Rocky 3e.g. McClay, 1990)). , USA; Gawthorpe et al. 31997), 2. `Normal drag' folds caused by frictional resistance along Gupta et al. 31999), and Sharp et al. 32000) have described the normal fault plane where hanging wall beds are extensional fault-propagation folding in the eastern Gulf of dragged up the fault surface and footwall beds are Suez, Egypt; Maurin and Niviere 31999) analysed dragged down the fault surface 3cf. Twiss and Moores, extension-related folding in the Rhine ; Keller and 1992; Davis and Reynolds, 1996; Peacock et al., 2000). Lynch 31999) described extension-related folding in Nova 3. `Reverse drag' folds where the hanging-wall beds bend Scotia, eastern ; and Cor®eld and Sharp 32000) have down towards the fault surface and footwall beds ¯ex documented extensional fault-propagation folding in the upwards 3cf. Hamblin, 1965; Barnett et al., 1987). In Halten Terrace, offshore mid-. In particular these many cases hanging-wall reverse drag is synonymous studies have highlighted the complex of hanging- with rollover anticlines 3cf. Peacock et al., 2000); wall deformation features that may arise in normal fault 4. `Transverse folds' 3Schlische, 1995; Janecke et al., 1998) systems. generated by displacement variations along the strike of the fault. These folds have axes perpendicular or at high angles to the fault surface. 5. `Fault-propagation folds' produced by folding ahead of a * Corresponding author. 144-1784-443618; fax: 144-1784-438925. propagating fault tip line 3e.g. Allmendinger, 1998; E-mail address: [email protected] 3K.R. McClay). 1 Now at Department of Geology, Faculty of Science, Suez Canal Hardy and McClay, 1999; Cor®eld and Sharp, 2000; University, Ismalia, Egypt. Sharp et al., 2000). In some papers these have been

0191-8141/02/$ - see front matter q 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. PII: S0191-8141301)00118-3 744 S.M. Khalil, K.R. McClay / Journal of 24 -2002) 743±762 S.M. Khalil, K.R. McClay / Journal of Structural Geology 24 -2002) 743±762 745

Fig. 2. Summary of the northwestern Red Sea rift system. Data from Said 31990), Purser and Bosence 31998) and the authors' own work.

Fig. 1. 3a) Plate tectonic setting of the northwestern Red Sea rift system 3modi®ed after Hempton, 1987). 3b) Principal structural elements of the northwestern Red Sea±Gulf of Suez rift system. Bold arrows indicate the dominant stratal dip directions within the individual half-graben sub-basins. ZAZ, MAZ and DAZ are the Zaafarana, Morgan and Duwi accommodation zones, respectively. 746 S.M. Khalil, K.R. McClay / Journal of Structural Geology 24 -2002) 743±762 S.M. Khalil, K.R. McClay / Journal of Structural Geology 24 -2002) 743±762 747 fault segments of the Border fault system, uwi±Gebel Hamadat area 3locations are shown in 3a)). Fig. 3. 3a) Simpli®ed of the Gebel Duwi±Gebel Hamadat area, northwestern Red Sea. KF, NF and HF indicate the Kallahin, Nakheil and Hamadat respectively, and AF and ZF indicate the Anz and Zug El Bahar fault segments of the Coastal fault system. 3b) Regional cross-sections across the Gebel D 748 S.M. Khalil, K.R. McClay / Journal of Structural Geology 24 -2002) 743±762 termed `forced folds' 3Stearns 1978; see also a compre- by a major NW-trending border fault system whose throw is hensive review by Cosgrove and Ameen, 1999). commonly of the order of 3±6 km. The dip directions of 6. Compactional `drape' folds produced by differential the fault blocks in the sub-basins together with the dips of of over a pre-exisiting extensional the normal faults switch across the accommodation zones . 3Fig. 1b).

The aim of this paper is to describe two well-exposed 2.1. Stratigraphy examples of fault-related hanging wall fold systems in the The stratigraphy of the northwestern margin of the Red northwestern Red Sea margin, Egypt and to propose models Sea consists of Precambrian crystalline basement 3meta- for their 3D development. Analysis of Landsat TM images, volcanics, metasediments and granitoid intrusives; Akaad aerial photographs combined with detailed geological and Noweir, 1980; Said, 1990) together with ± mapping, and section construction has permitted determina- Cenozoic pre-rift sediments and Late Oligocene±Miocene tion of the 3D fold geometries. Previous interpretations to Recent syn-rift sediments 3Fig. 2). The basement contains attributed these folds to sinistral strike-slip motion on the strong fabrics 3faults, , zones and dykes) bounding faults 3Jarrige et al., 1986; Montenat et al., 1988, oriented WNW, NNW, NS and ENE 3Fig. 3). The basement 1998). Here an alternative model is proposed whereby the is unconformably overlain by a 500±700-m-thick section of folds were produced by both extensional fault-propagation pre-rift strata that ranges in age from the Late Cretaceous to folding as well as by along-strike variations in normal fault the Middle 3Fig. 2). The lower part of the pre-rift displacements. The results of this ®eld study are compared section is the 130 m massive Ð thick-bedded, siliciclastic with numerical models of extensional fault-related fold Nubia Formation. This is overlain by a 220±370-m-thick systems. sequence of interbedded , and limestones of the Quseir, Duwi, Dakhla and Esna Formations 3Fig. 2; Youssef, 1957; Abd El-Razik, 1967; Issawi et al., 1969). 2. Stratigraphic and structural framework of the The uppermost pre-rift strata consist of 130±200 m of northwestern Red Sea, Egypt competent, thick-bedded limestones and cherty limestones of the Lower to Middle Eocene Thebes The Red Sea rift system was formed in the Late Formation 3Fig. 2). Oligocene±Early Miocene in response to the NE separation The Late Oligocene to Recent syn-rift strata unconform- of Arabia away from Africa 3cf. McKenzie et al., 1970; Le ably overlie the Thebes Formation and vary in thickness Pichon and Francheteau, 1978; Meshref, 1990; Morgan, from less than 100 m onshore to as much as 5 km in offshore 1990; Coleman, 1993; Purser and Bosence, 1998). In the basins 3Heath et al., 1998). The lowermost syn-rift strata are Late Middle Miocene, continued opening of the Red Sea dominantly coarse-grained clastics 3Nakheil and Ranga became linked to sinistral offset along the Gulf of Aqaba± Formations; Fig. 2). Overlying these clastics are lime- Levant Transform 3Fig. 1a; Freund, 1970; Ben-Menahem et stones, clastics and 3Um Mahara, Sayateen and al., 1976; Steckler et al., 1988). The extension direction was Abu Dabbab Formations; Fig. 2). Late Miocene carbonates N608E from the Late Oligocene through the Miocene and reefs and Pliocene to Recent syn-rift clastics overlie the 3Bosworth and McClay, 2001). Dixon et al. 31987), evaporites in the coastal outcrops 3Figs. 2 and 3; Montenat Moustafa 31997) Younes et al. 31998), and Younes and et al., 1998; Plaziat et al., 1998). McClay 32001) have shown that pre-existing basement fault zones such as NW-trending shear zones of the Najd 2.2. Structure system in the Arabian plate 3Davies, 1984) were reactivated during the Late-Oligocene±Miocene extension. These The structure of the study area is dominated by two large, Precambrian fault zones strongly controlled the orientations linked normal fault systems Ð the Border fault system and of the Cenozoic rift faults. the Coastal fault system 3Fig. 3a), and includes part of The northwestern Red Sea±Gulf of Suez rift consists of the Duwi accommodation zone 3DAZ in Fig. 1b). This four distinct sub-basins 3with half-graben geometries) accommodation zone appears to have been localised by separated by complex accommodation zones. In this paper the Precambrian Hamrawin 3Moustafa, 1997; the term `accommodation zone' refers to a complex zone of Younes and McClay, 2001; Fig. 3a). In the northern part faulting that accommodates an along-strike change in both of the map area, the major faults dip to the northeast. South the fault dips and in sub-basin polarity within a rift of the prominent Precambrian Hamrawin shear zone system 3similar usage to that of Bosworth 31985), 3Fig. 3a), the fault polarities change and the fault dip is Rosendahl et al. 31986), and Faulds and Varga 31998)). mainly to the southwest 3Fig. 3b). The Coastal fault system These accommodation zones are generally oblique to the dominantly trends NW and delineates the main exposures of rift trend 3Fig. 1b) 3Moustafa, 1976, 1997; Bosworth, syn-rift strata along the Red Sea coast 3Fig. 3a). Here the 1995; Cof®eld and Schamel, 1989; Khalil and McClay, Anz fault segment 3AF in Fig. 3a) dips NE but to the south, 2001). Each sub-basin is asymmetric, bounded on one side across the accommodation zone, the Zug el Bahar fault S.M. Khalil, K.R. McClay / Journal of Structural Geology 24 -2002) 743±762 749 segment dips SW 3ZF in Fig. 3a). Minimum throws on the Relay R1 occurs along the margin of the Hamrawin Coastal fault system vary from 0.5 to 2 km 3based on topo- body and relay R2 links the southern segments of the fault graphic offset of basement and pre-rift strata). system 3Fig. 4a). Fig. 5 shows the fault-displacement The Border fault system is more complex. North and west pro®les for the Khalahin and Nakheil fault systems calcu- of the Hamrawin shear zone it consists of the NE-dipping lated using both stratigraphic and topographic offsets 3note Kallahin fault 3KF in Fig. 3a). South of the Hamrawin shear that these are minimum offsets as in most places the foot- zone the Border fault system dips to the SW and is strongly wall stratigraphy has been removed by ). The relays segmented with two dominant faults Ð the Nakheil fault and accommodation structures are developed at displace- 3NF in Fig. 3a) and the Hamadat fault 3HF in Fig. 3a). Both ment minima on the fault pro®les 3Fig. 5). Relays R1 and of these faults exhibit three major strike directions Ð R2 appear to be breached relays 3cf. terminology of Childs WNW, NW and N 3Fig. 3a) Ð and typically display a et al., 1995). zig-zag pattern. The hanging-wall structure of the Border There are four distinct, offset, NW-trending, hanging- fault system is characterised by several large, doubly- wall synclines in the Duwi area 3Fig. 4a). The northernmost, plunging, asymmetric hanging-wall synclines, the largest SE-plunging is outlined by the massive outcrops of of which, the Gebel Duwi structure, is over 40 km long Thebes limestones and occurs in the hanging wall of the 3Fig. 3a). The hanging-wall of the Hamadat fault also NE-dipping Kallahin fault, in the zone of transfer between displays three prominent, but smaller, doubly-plunging it and the SW-dipping Nakheil fault system 3Fig. 4a). The synclines 3Fig. 3a). In the immediate hanging-wall of the main northern Nakheil syncline is some 23 km long and has Border fault system, the beds dip steeply sub-parallel to the a curvilinear axial-surface trace, merging with the Kallahin fault 3Fig. 3b). Rare isolated outcrops of Late Oligocene syncline at its northwestern end 3Fig. 4a). Its southern termi- syn-rift Nakheil sediments are found in the core of the nation is a complex of en eÂchelon normal faults where the Duwi structure 3Fig. 3a and b). In the map area the estimated syncline plunges gently to the north. The axial trace of the stratigraphic throw along the Border fault system varies northern syncline has two bends localised by the Hamrawin from 1.5 to 3.5 km 3based on topographic offset against granite and the relay ramp R1 3Fig. 4a). The doubly- basement and offsets of the pre-rift strata). plunging, central and southern Nakheil hanging-wall Cross-sections through the Duwi and Hamadat areas synclines are associated with separate NW- and N-trending show that the Border fault system bounds a series of Nakheil fault segments 3Fig. 4a). The central and southern WNW- and NW-trending half whose average synclines are offset through a NS-trending fault that cuts width is 8 km and average dip is 158 towards the across Wadi El Nakheil 3Fig. 4a). The Nakheil synclines northeast 3Fig. 3b). The half grabens are cut by smaller are noticeably asymmetric with gently 312±198) E- and displacement faults into 1±3-km-wide, domino-style fault NE- dipping limbs and steep 330±608) W±SW-dipping blocks. These smaller faults dip 55±658 and have strati- limbs 3Fig. 4b). The E±NE-dipping limbs decrease in dip graphic throws that range from tens to a few hundreds of to only 7±98 further westwards away from the in¯uence of metres 3Fig. 3b). the Nakheil fault. The panels of W±SW-dipping strata vary from 0.5 to 2 km in width. The width of the steep limb adjacent to the fault decreases with depth and appears to 3. Extensional fault-related folding be absent at the top of the Precambrian basement and Nubia sandstones. Where the faults cut through basement 3.1. Duwi Area and the massive to thick-bedded Nubia sandstones, footwall and hanging-wall deformation is localised to a few metres The Duwi map area is dominated by the massive outcrops either side of the fault and no signi®cant footwall or hanging of the Eocene Thebes limestone that form parts of the large wall folding is found. The NE±SW-oriented cross-sections complex, asymmetric syncline systems of the hanging wall show that the structural relief of the northern and central of the Nakheil fault system 3Fig. 4). The footwall of the synclines is about 2 km and the wavelength is 5±6 km. Nakheil fault system consists dominantly of Precambrian Stereographic plots of poles to bedding 3Fig. 6) show strong basement 3including the Hamrawin granite; Fig. 4a) except scattering typical of non-cylindrical fold systems with both in the southern sections where gentle, moderately east- N- and SSE-plunging fold axes. The double plunges 3cf. dipping Nubia sandstones occur in the footwall 3Fig. 4b). Fig. 6) and basin shapes of individual synclines 3Fig. 4a) Although the overall strike of the Nakheil fault system is can be directly correlated with the along-strike displacement NW, in detail the fault system is strongly segmented with variations of individual segments of the Nakheil fault NW-, WNW- and NS-striking sections 3Fig. 4a). These dip system 3cf. Fig. 5). 58±668 SW and have minimum stratigraphic offsets of 1.5± 2.3 km. There are two distinct relay ramps 3using the termi- 3.2. Hamadat area nology of Larsen, 1988; Peacock and Sanderson, 1991; Peacock et al., 2000) that link what appear to be originally The Hamadat area displays three well-exposed, doubly- separate segments of the Naheil fault system 3Fig. 4a). plunging hanging-wall synclines bounded by distinct 750 S.M. Khalil, K.R. McClay / Journal of Structural Geology 24 -2002) 743±762 Fig. 4. 3a) Detailed geologic map of Gebel Duwi area. 3b) Structural cross-sections across the Gebel Duwi area 3locations are shown in 3a)). S.M. Khalil, K.R. McClay / Journal of Structural Geology 24 -2002) 743±762 751

Fig. 4. 3continued) sections of the Hamadat fault 3Fig. 7a). Here the Hamadat the footwall to all segments of the Hamadat fault. Strati- fault consists of two southern segments that trend NW, with graphic offsets vary signi®cantly along the strike of indi- each segment having a small individual hanging-wall vidual fault segments 3cf. Fig. 7b) giving rise to the doubly- syncline, and two northern, N-trending segments, one of plunging, basin-shaped synclines with syncline axial traces which bounds the larger Hamadat syncline 3Fig. 7a). Fault sub-parallel to the fault segments 3Fig. 7a). Calculations of dips are typically 55±608 SW. Precambrian basement forms greatest fault offsets in the central sections of each fault 752 S.M. Khalil, K.R. McClay / Journal of Structural Geology 24 -2002) 743±762

Fig. 5. 3a) Simpli®ed fault map for the Nakheil fault showing along-strike fault linkages, the Precambrian Hamrawin shear zone, the Khallahin fault and the Duwi accommodation zone. 3b) Fault displacement pro®le along the Nakheil fault showing minimum fault displacements based on present day topography. Note that these are minimum throws as in most places erosion has removed all of the pre-rift strata in the footwall 3data courtesy of A. Younes, pers. comm., 1998). segment give 1.6 km for the northern syncline, 0.9 km for the northernmost Hamadat syncline 3Fig. 7a) the maximum the central syncline and 1.2 km for the southern syncline. fold amplitude of the fold is about 1.5 km and the wave- Note that these are minimum values as the pre-rift strata are length is 4.5 km 3cross-section B±B0; Fig. 7b). For the eroded from the footwalls of the fault segments 3Fig. 7). For central and southern Hamadat synclines 3Fig. 7a), the fold

Fig. 6. Lower hemisphere equal area stereoplot of bedding in the three main hanging-wall synclines along Wadi El Nakheil. Where there was suf®cient data, each syncline was divided into a north-plunging and south-plunging sub-area in order to determine the mean fold axis orientation. S.M. Khalil, K.R. McClay / Journal of Structural Geology 24 -2002) 743±762 753 amplitudes are 800 and 900 m, and the wavelengths are 2.2 McClay, 1990). Previous interpretations attributed the Duwi and 3.2 km, respectively. Between the synclines there are and Hamadat folds to strike-slip motion on the bounding two distinct but narrow, transverse anticlines 3terminology faults 3Jarrige et al., 1986; Montenat et al., 1988, 1998). of Schlische, 1995; Fig. 7a). These are located at the link No ®eld evidence for strike-slip or oblique-slip normal points between originally separate segments of the Hamadat faulting was found in this study. The en eÂchelon nature of fault. These are points of minimum fault offset as indicated some of the initial fault segments of the Border fault system by the outcrops of the basal pre-rift Nubia sandstones in the is attributed to N608E regional extension, which was immediate fault hanging walls. oblique to the reactivated basement fault zones, thus pro- In cross-section the Hamadat synclines are strongly ducing a pattern of en eÂchelon offsets as observed in asymmetric with long, gently NE-dipping limbs and short, analogue models of oblique rifting 3McClay, 1990). The steeply W- and SW-dipping limbs 3Fig. 7). In the immediate extension-related hanging-wall folds were therefore also hanging wall to the Hamadat fault, the steeply dipping 335± offset, controlled by the original extensional fault segmen- 568) panels of pre-rift strata vary from 0.4 to 0.8 km wide. In tation pattern. this steep NW-dipping limb, the shales of the Dakhla and Rift faults in the Gulf of Suez and the northwestern Red Esna formations are thinned from an average total thickness Sea exhibit essentially planar domino geometries 3cf. of 150 m to only 60 m. Isolated outcrops of syn-rift Nakheil Bosworth, 1995;Patton et al., 1994; Moustafa, 1997; formation occur in the core of the north Hamadat syncline Heath et al., 1998; McClay et al., 1998; Khalil and McClay, 3Fig. 7). Stereographic plots 3Fig. 8) show that the poles to 2001; Younes and McClay, 2001). This, together with a lack bedding are strongly scattered, re¯ecting both the NW and of ®eld evidence of steepening downwards fault systems, SE trends of the doubly-plunging synclines, with the SE precludes a simple convex-up, extensional fault-bend fold, plunges 322±288) being slightly greater than the NW ramp-syncline model 3cf. McClay and Scott, 1991; Suppe plunges 310±168). 1983) for the longitudinal hanging-wall synclines in the Duwi and Hamadat areas. As these late Oligocene±Miocene age folds are developed in an already lithi®ed and 4. Discussion compacted Cretaceous±Eocene pre-rift sequence, com- pactional drape folding may be ruled out as the mechanism The excellent exposures in the Duwi and Hamadat areas for their development. The size and shape of these hanging show in detail the 3D geometries of kilometric-scale, asym- wall synclines do not correspond to the `reverse drag' metric, hanging-wall synclines associated with major models of hanging-wall folds 3cf. Hamblin, 1965; Barnett normal faults along the northwest Red Sea rift margin et al., 1987). They are also not compatible with `normal 3Figs. 4 and 7). They are characterised by doubly-plunging, drag' structures, which tend to be much smaller in scale basin-like geometries, offset in an en eÂchelon pattern and 3normally only a few metres to tens of metres in size and elongate sub-parallel to the Border fault system. In particu- restricted to the immediate hanging walls and footwalls of lar, the folds are characterised by steep SW-dipping limbs normal faults; Twiss and Moores, 1992; Davis and that dip in the same direction and are adjacent to the Border Reynolds, 1996). fault system 3Figs. 4b and 7b). The kinked or rhomboidal Our preferred interpretation for the development of these pattern of the Border fault system 3Fig. 3) together with the hanging-wall synclines is therefore that of extension-related identi®cation of breached relay ramps 3Fig. 4a) and along- fault-propagation folding along individual segments of the strike variations in fault displacements 3Fig. 5) indicate that Border fault system. Tip-line or fault-propagation folding this fault system was initially strongly segmented. The 3also termed `forced folding'; Stearns, 1978; see also review development of a number of individual and en eÂchelon by Cosgrove and Ameen, 1999) has long been recognised as offset hanging-wall synclines along the Duwi and Hamadat an important fault-related fold mechanism in thrust fault system is attributed to this initial fault segmentation 3cf. Rich, 1934; Dahlstrom, 1970; Suppe, 1985; Jamison, 3cf. Schlische, 1995). Displacement variations along indi- 1987). It has received only relatively recent attention in vidual fault segments 3Fig. 5) gave rise to the periclinal extensional terranes 3Allmendinger, 1998; Cosgrove and double plunges of the asymmetric folds. Between the fault Ameen, 1999; Hardy and McClay, 1999; Cor®eld and segments and the individual hanging-wall synclines are Sharp, 2000; Sharp et al., 2000). It has, however, been local highs and transverse anticlines 3Fig. 7a). With contin- recognised in regions where pre-extensional salt layers ued extension during rifting, along-strike fault propagation have in¯uenced hanging-wall geometries 3e.g. Withjack et to breaching of relay ramps 3cf. Childs et al., 1995) al., 1989, 1990; Richard, 1991; Withjack and Callaway, and fault linkage 3Trudgill and Cartwright, 1994; Dawers 2000). In particular, few 3D descriptions of exposed and Anders, 1995; Gupta and Scholz, 2000) producing the examples of extension-related fault-propagation folds have present-day fault pattern 3Figs. 4a and 7a). been given 3e.g. Gawthorpe et al., 1997; Maurin and The kilometric-scale hanging-wall synclines of the Duwi Niviere, 1999; Sharp et al., 2000). and Hamadat areas are not typical rollover structures that Extension-related fault-propagation folding 3cf. Hardy are associated with listric normal faults 3cf. Gibbs, 1984; and McClay, 1999) would produce hanging-wall synclines 754 S.M. Khalil, K.R. McClay / Journal of Structural Geology 24 -2002) 743±762 3b) Structural cross-sections across the main Gebel Fig. 7. 3a) Detailed geologicalHamadat map area of the 3locations Hamadat are area shown showing in the 3a)). Hamadat fault and the doubly-plunging hanging-wall synclines along Wadi Hamadat. S.M. Khalil, K.R. McClay / Journal of Structural Geology 24 -2002) 743±762 755

Fig. 7. 3continued) of the kind found in the Duwi and Hamadat areas 3Figs. 4 in the proximity of the major faults 3both in the footwall and 7). In particular, the highly anisotropic nature of the and in the hanging wall). Late Cretaceous units, namely the Queseir±Esna section with abundant units, noteably in the Dakhla and 4.1. Trishear numerical modelling of extension-related Esna formations 3Fig. 2), would enhance ¯exural slip fault-propagation folding needed to accommodate fault-propagation folding 3cf. Suppe, 1985). Outcrop studies in the Duwi and Hamadat In order to validate our interpretation of an extensional- areas reveal that the Dakhla formation in particular is fault propagation origin for these hanging-wall folds, a commonly highly sheared with abundant gypsum veining series of numerical models were constructed using 756 S.M. Khalil, K.R. McClay / Journal of Structural Geology 24 -2002) 743±762

Fig. 8. Lower hemisphere equal area stereoplot of bedding in the three main hanging-wall synclines along Wadi Hamadat. Where there was suf®cient data each syncline was divided into a north-plunging and a south-plunging sub-area in order to determine the mean fold axis orientation.

Fig. 9. Numerical models of extensional fault-propagation folds simulated using the Trishear program 3Allmendinger, 1998). The initial stratigraphic template was constructed using the mean thicknesses for the pre-rift succession in the northwestern Red Sea rift margin. Results of four models with different trishear angles. Initial fault dip 658. Total fault slip 1500 m. Fault propagation to slip ratio 20.5. Total rotation 188. Initial position of fault at base of pre-rift Nubia section. 3a) Trishear angle ˆ 308; 3b) Trishear angle ˆ 608; 3c) Trishear angle ˆ 908; 3d) Trishear angle ˆ 1208. S.M. Khalil, K.R. McClay / Journal of Structural Geology 24 -2002) 743±762 757 Allmendinger's Trishear modelling program cross-sections 3Figs. 4b and 7b; 3and in the numerical 3Allmendinger, 1998). Trishear deformation was ®rst models), the Duwi±Esna section is strongly thinned in the proposed by Erslev 31991) and then developed by Hardy hanging wall with increased in-line length compared with and Ford 31997), Allmendinger 31998) and Hardy and the basal Nubia section. McClay 31999) to numerically model fault-propagation In 3D the along-strike map patterns 3Figs. 4a and 7a) folding. In the trishear model, fault-propagation folding is show that the offset hanging-wall synclines are related to achieved by deformation in an outwardly-widening individual segments of the normal fault system. Along- triangular zone of simple shear emanating from the fault strike displacement variations 3cf. Fig. 5) give rise to the tip, which also moves through the stratigraphy as the fault double plunges observed in the ®eld and on the maps. Fig. 12 propagates up-section. The resultant fault-propagation fold shows a conceptual kinematic model for the 3D evolution of is a function of the angle of trishear, the total fault slip S, and the Duwi folds. Initial N608E-directed extension reactivated the ratio of fault propagation P to the fault slip S NW-trending basement fault zones producing isolated, 3Allmendinger, 1998). We have applied this modelling asymmetric synclines at the surface 3top of the pre-rift method to simulate 2D fault-propagation folding above an sequence; Fig. 12a). Continued extension produced upward upward-propagating normal fault. For these models, an fault propagation such that surface breakthrough occurred initial fault dip of 658 was chosen with the initial tip of 3Fig. 12b). The steep limbs of the synclines were cut by the the fault located at the top of the basement and below the normal faults, producing a hanging-wall panel that dips basal pre-rift succession. In this way the models attempt to steeply in the same direction as the fault. With continued simulate the reactivation of a pre-existing fault in the base- extension 3stages II and IV, Fig. 12c and d), along-strike ment. The pre-deformational template above the initial fault propagation of the individual fault segments produced link- tip was constructed using mean values for the pre-rift age and relay ramps that became breached. Transverse folds stratigraphy 3note that the numerical models are purely and elevated zones formed at the points of segment linkage geometric and there is no mechanical stratigraphy). Total and at the breached relay ramps 3cf. Fig. 7a). Continued slip fault displacement of 1500 m and a total rigid block rotation on the linked fault system produced larger, linked hanging of 188 was chosen in order to approximate the ®nite fault- wall synclines 3cf. the long north Duwi syncline; Fig. 4a). block geometries in the Duwi and Hamadat areas. Syn-extensional would have been focused Fig. 9 shows the end results of four extensional fault- along the longitudinal axes of the hanging-wall synclines, propagation models with trishear angles that vary from 30 whereas footwall uplift would have produced erosion of the to 1208 and a constant P/S ratio of 20.5. With increased pre-rift strata 3Fig. 12d). angle of trishear the amount of footwall folding is reduced The kinematic model proposed in Fig. 12 accounts both and the width of the hanging-wall syncline increases 3Fig. for the longitudinal plunge variations of the hanging-wall 9). For a 1208 trishear angle, there is very little footwall synclines as well as the extensional fault-propagation deformation and a broad hanging-wall syncline with a features of these structures. A similar model may also be substantial panel of strata dipping steeply in the same applied to the Hamadat synclines where probably both direction as the fault. As the fault-propagation folding is NW- and NS-trending, pre-existing basement fault zones accommodated by bed-parallel slip, a trishear angle of were reactivated during the Late Oligocene±Miocene 1208, which has one of the boundaries of the trishear zone extension. sub-parallel to the bedding in the footwall block 3Fig. 9d), Kilometric-scale, extension-related, hanging-wall fault- simulates the development of layer-parallel ¯exural-slip propagation folds have been described in similar pre-rift deformation in this block. This is considered to be a close sequences on the eastern Gulf of Suez rift margin approximation to the intense layer-parallel shearing 3Moustafa, 1987; Patton et al., 1994; Gawthorpe et al., observed in the ®eld in the shale units Ð particularly in 1997; Sharp et al., 2000). There they clearly in¯uenced the Dakhla and Esna formations. Fig. 10 shows the results of and played an important role in the dispersal of syn-rift 1208 trishear models where the P/S ratio was varied from sediments and on syn-rift stratal architectures 3Gupta et 21.0 3fault slip ˆ fault propagation) to 20.1, 3where the al., 1999; Sharp et al., 2000). Extension-related fault- fault only propagates one tenth of the slip value). With a propagation folds also have been described for structures decrease in the P/S ratio the amount of hanging-wall folding in the and offshore Norway 3Cor®eld and increases until at P/S ratios of 20.1 the fault tip does not Sharp, 2000) and for fold structures in the Rhine Graben propagate beyond the base of the Duwi formation. Folding 3Maurin and Niviere, 1999). is accommodated by layer-parallel slip and thinning of units in the hanging wall 3Fig. 10). Fig. 11 shows the progressive evolution of our preferred model that approximates many of 5. Conclusions the features seen in the natural extensional fault-related folds with little footwall deformation and a wide hanging Detailed ®eld mapping and analysis has demonstrated wall syncline that compares closely with the Duwi and that the kilometric-scale, doubly-plunging, asymmetric Hamadat folds 3cf. Figs. 4b and 7b). Note that in the natural hanging-wall synclines of the Duwi and Hamadat areas 758 S.M. Khalil, K.R. McClay / Journal of Structural Geology 24 -2002) 743±762

Fig. 10. Numerical models of extensional fault-propagation folds simulated using the Trishear program 3Allmendinger, 1998). The initial stratigraphic template was constructed using the mean thicknesses for the pre-rift succession in the northwestern Red Sea rift margin. Results of three models for 1208 trishear angle, but with different fault propagation 3P) to fault slip 3S) ratios. Initial fault dip 658. Total fault slip 1500 m. Trishear angle 1208. Total rotation 188. Initial position of fault at base of pre-rift Nubia section. 3a) P/S ratio ˆ 21.0; 3b) P/S ratio ˆ 20.5; 3c) P/S ratio ˆ 20.1. S.M. Khalil, K.R. McClay / Journal of Structural Geology 24 -2002) 743±762 759

Fig. 11. Numerical models of extensional fault-propagation folds simulated using the Trishear program 3Allmendinger, 1998). The initial stratigraphic template was constructed using the mean thicknesses for the pre-rift succession in the northwestern Red Sea rift margin. Progressive evolution of the preferred model with a trishear angle of 1208. Initial fault dip 658. Total fault slip 1500 m. Fault propagation to slip ratio ˆ 20.5. Total rotation 188. Initial position of fault at base of pre-rift Nubia section. 3a) Initial state; 3b) after a fault slip of 500 m; 3c) after a fault slip of 1000 m; 3d) after a fault slip of 1500 m. are large extension-related, fault-propagation folds formed strike plunge changes are a result of displacement variations in anisotropic pre-rift strata during Late Oligocene± on the bounding normal fault segments. Numerical simula- Miocene extension of the Red Sea rift. Separate offset tions using the trishear model show how these hanging-wall synclines were formed in the hanging walls of individual synclines may have formed by extensional fault-propaga- NW- and N±S-trending segments of the rift Border fault tion folding. The models successfully replicate the Duwi system. Continued extension produced along-strike linkage and Hamadat fold geometries and dimensions in 2D. Bed- of the fault system and formation of the large, asymmetric, parallel ¯exural slip and thinning of anisotropic shale layers hanging-wall synclines that are observed today. Along- in the pre-rift sequence is an important accommodation 760 S.M. Khalil, K.R. McClay / Journal of Structural Geology 24 -2002) 743±762

Fig. 12. Conceptual kinematic model for the progressive evolution of extensional fault-related folds in the Duwi area. 3a) Isolated asymmetric synclines, offset in an en eÂchelon pattern. 3b) Surface breakthrough of segmented normal faults offsetting the syncline limbs. 3c) Linkage of normal fault segments by along- strike propagation and breaching of relay ramps. 3d) Continued extension on linked normal fault system with along-stike linkage of hanging-wall synclines. mechanism that permits these hanging-wall synclines to acknowledged for allowing us to use his Trishearnumerical develop. The Duwi and Hamadat folds compare closely in modelling program. Fault Dynamics Publication No. 104. size and characteristics with similar extension-related fault- Critical reviews by D. Peacock, T. Apotria, N. Dawers and propagation folds described by other authors from the D. Waltham were greatly appreciated. eastern Gulf of Suez and offshore Norway. References Acknowledgements Abd El-Razik, T.M., 1967. Stratigraphy of the sedimentary cover of the Anz±Atshan±south Duwi district. Bulletin of the Faculty of Science, This research was supported by the Natural Environment Cairo University 431, 135±179. Research Council ROPA Grant GR3/R9529. Additional Akaad, M.K., Noweir, A.M., 1980. Geology and lithostratigraphy of the support from the Fault Dynamics Project 3sponsored by Arabian desert between latitudes 258350 and 268300. In: ARCO British Limited, PETROBRAS UK. Ltd, BP Cooray, P.A.T.S. 3Ed.). Evolution and Mineralization of the Arabian- Nubian Shield 4. Permagon Press, New York, pp. 127±135. Exploration, Conoco 3UK) Limited, Mobil North Sea Allmendinger, R.W., 1998. Inverse and forward numerical modelling of Limited, and Sun Oil Britain). K. McClay also gratefully trishear fault-propagation folds. 17, 640±656. acknowledges support from ARCO British Limited and BP Barnett, J.A.M., Mortimer, J., Rippon, J.H., Walsh, J.J., Watterson, J., 1987. Exploration. Bill Bosworth and Marathon Egypt Displacement geometry in the volume containing a single normal fault. are thanked for logistical support. Bill Bosworth and Amgad American Association of Petroleum Bulletin 71, 925±937. Ben-Menahem, A., Nur, A., Vered, M., 1976. Tectonics, seismicity and Younes are thanked for many fruitful discussions on the structure of the Afro-Eurasian junction Ð the breaking of an incoherent geology of the northwestern Red Sea. S. Khalil was plate. Physics of the Planetary Interiors 12, 1±50. supported by a Research Grant to KMcC. from BG Inter- Bosworth, W., 1985. Geometry of propagating continental . Nature national. BG Egypt and Maher Ayyad kindly assisted with 316, 625±627. additional ®eldwork in the northwestern Red Sea. T. Dooley Bosworth, W., 1995. A high strain model for the southern Gulf of Suez 3Egypt). In: Lambiase, J.J. 3Ed.), Hydrocarbon Habitat in Rift Basins. kindly assisted with the numerical modelling and diagram Geological Society of London Special Publication 80, 75±102. preparation. R. Allmendinger 3Cornell) is gratefully Bosworth, W., McClay, K.R., 2001. Structural and stratigraphic evolution S.M. Khalil, K.R. McClay / Journal of Structural Geology 24 -2002) 743±762 761

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