Conversation with Vasile Adamescu

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Conversation with Vasile Adamescu Number 55 • July 2015 eafblind International was formerly known Das the International Association for the A message from Education of Deafblind People. DbI Review is published twice yearly, the two the President editions are dated January and July. The editor will be pleased to receive articles, news Dear Friends and colleagues, items, letters, notices of books and information on forthcoming events, such as conferences and courses, concerning deafblind children, young ur last meetings of adults and older people. Photographs are welcome. OManagement Committee All written material should be in the English (ManCom) and Board were language and may be edited before publication. It held in Bucharest, Romania, should be sent for publication to arrive by the date the site of the 16th DbI World below. conference, in May, 2015. Opinions expressed in articles are those of We also set time aside for the author and should not be understood as our 2014 AGM. Highlighting representing the view of DbI. all these sessions was the DbI Review is also available on disk. If you are announcement of the results interested in receiving your copy in this format, of our four year nominations please contact: from a greater diversity of process. Some changes backgrounds and regions. This DbI Secretariat occurred around the Board, is an ongoing challenge given PO Box 143, Burswood including past Vice President WA 6100, Australia the financial constraints we all Email: [email protected] Carolyn Monaco moving face. Tel: +61-8-94735451 to a position where she will One of the highlights of Facsimile: +61-8-94735499 continue to take an active our meetings and indeed lead in the DbI strategy, and the conference itself was Any articles reproduced or quoted from any edition the welcoming of Frank Kat the strengthening of our of DbI Review should be given the appropriate as the new Vice President. partnership with the World reference as to author of the article and edition of Frank will pair his new role the magazine. Federation of Deafblind with the Treasurer position (WFDB). We had a joint on ManCom. At the time of meeting in Bucharest which Editor writing, our Secretary Matthew made for a wonderful Stan Munroe Wittorff is still organising opportunity to renew Design us into our new Board and Geoff Dunn friendships and discuss Distribution and DbI Membership ManCom functions. I much collaboration. It was also DbI Secretariat prefer to say that the status wonderful to have WFDB Email: [email protected] of our organization is really members attend and present DbI Website one of evolution rather than at the conference. Stan Munroe and Secretariat revolution. A complete list of You will read more about the Editorial Office the 2015-2019 Board and CDBA Office, 2652 Morien Hwy, conference in this and future Port Morien, NS, Canada B1B 1C6 Executive membership is found editions of this magazine. But Email: [email protected] on the DbI website. we were delighted that around Website: There is still some work 400 delegates attended from Tel: +1 902-737-1453 to do around Networks and over 40 countries. There was a Fax: +1 902-737-1114 of course we are planning good pace to the conference for the next European and a number of people conference in Denmark in commented on how inclusive 2017. There was quite a lot the event felt. The programme Cover: (L to R): Ricard Lopez (Distinguished Service), of business that emerged content was excellent with Andrea Wanka (Young Professional), Sonja van from the first meeting of the de Molengraft (Young Professional), Gill Morbey some truly new and interesting (Anne Sullivan-Perkins), Cristiana Salomie (Lifetime new Board but I guess some ideas. If I may give a ‘plug’ achievement) of the key themes remain to my own organisation, around encouraging younger we were so pleased that members and representatives Cristiana Salomie from Sense LAST COPY DATE FOR THE NEXT EDITION: 17 OCTOBER, 2015 2 • DbI Review • JULY 2015 International Romania was It was fantastic to be Contents presented with the DbI reminded of the fantastic A message from the President Page 2 Lifetime Achievement Award. work undertaken by our Editorial and Contents Page 3 We were saddened of course friends and colleagues, and Vice President’s messages Page 4 that Joe Morrissey was not although meetings and there to collect his Award. He is conferences are tiring, I think Articles sadly missed. we all leave with a sense of DbI World Conference So we head into the next renewed faith in the service Opening Speech, Gill Morbey Page 5 four years of our strategy with we are doing. plenty of work ahead, and as Opening remarks about the program Page 7 usual, demonstrating much Kind Regards DbI Conference a spectacular success Page 10 energy and commitment. Gill Morbey, President DbI presents awards Page 15 Conversation with Vasile Adamescu Page 17 Conference photos Page 19 Pursuing happiness through trust, relationships and communication Page 21 Editorial Guided by Scent Page 25 elcome to the 55th Country News Pages 28-54 WEdition of DbI Review. Africa (AFDB), Argentina, Australia, Canada, Italy, Once again we’re starting off Netherlands, Russia, Sweden, Switzerland with emphasis on the recent DbI World Conference hosted Self-regulation of behaviour in by Sense International in CHARGE Syndrome Page 55 beautiful Bucharest Romania. Stress in individuals with Several articles regarding Usher Syndrome Type 2 Page 61 the conference include Gill Morbey’s welcoming address, Network News Pages 65-73 Tony Best’s remarks about ADBN, CHARGE, Communications, the program, and an article Outdoor, Research. Usher, Youth, Rubella outlining the day to day suggests that one can either plenaries supplemented by choose to see the challenges Perkins School for the Blind a number of photos. DbI of the variety of human Perkins online class Page 74 16 indeed was a spirited differences or choose to the Perkins International Latin America conference from start to see the miracle of human Web page Page 75 finish. The Bucharest location differences; by choosing Social inclusion a reality in Latin America Page 77 really helped to encourage the latter, one can develop Perkins awards Anne Sullivan medals Page 79 participation from Eastern more connections and hence Image up close camera Page 80 Europe. I anticipate that become richer human beings. Kaanbart – a Swedish art project Page 81 the next edition will feature Marian Waanders-Westman several papers from the from the Netherlands DbI News and Membership Pages 82-88 conference. submitted a very interesting Secretariat News Further to conferences, I article (based on her book) wish to bring attention to about the value of scent in Board Membership 2015-2019 a wonderful plenary from the support of individuals DbI sponsorship guidelines the November 2014 ADBN with deafblindness. This Corporate Membership Listings Conference in Belfast: Paul paper furthers the discussion Hart’s sensitive ‘Pursuing about the significance of Happiness through the (little discussed) sense Trust, Relationships and of smell which helps persons Communication’. Paul’s conclusion in this plenary (continued on page 6) DbI Review • JULY 2015 • 3 Vice Presidents’ Messages Vice Presidents’ Messages Bernadette M. Kappen reports: people were presenting their work. meetings. The Board learned about The special nature of DbI comes work going on to train interpreters out when people who work in to work with people who are the field of deafblindness come deafblind. together. People are focused on the A goal of DbI is to partner with same issue… supporting people other groups to increase awareness who are deafblind. We don’t about deafblindness. I think we are have to explain ourselves – we on the way to expanding in this understand. People connect easily area. and at the end of the week, you I feel especially honored to have the opportunity to meet so have been able to work with the many wonderful people. I don’t Awards Committee to review the etworking, learning and believe any other field is quite like nominations of six outstanding Nsharing were the highlights the field of deafblindness. individuals who received awards for me at the World Conference in The Conference was very special at the Conference. These are Bucharest, May 25-30, 2015. The because of the interactions leaders who have demonstrated program provided a wonderful with members from The World outstanding skills in promoting the environment to re-energize and Federation of the Deafblind. needs of people who are deafblind. work harder on behalf of individuals The ManCom members had an who are deafblind. The workshops opportunity to meet with the WFDB Bernadette M. Kappen were outstanding and so many new members and share ideas for future Frank Kat reports: in talents and behaviour. One child with the World Federation of the is curious, while another is shy. One Deafblind (WFDB). We look forward may be proficient in sign language, to enhancing our collaboration while another is a good speaker or through the existing working connects with the world through a agreement (MOU), and making different sense, such as touch. practical working arrangements.. One thing that all children have Finally, I should like to say in common (which adults have something about Informational lost over the years) is their special Technology (IT) and our DbI work. ability to have a hundred ways of It’s striking how IT is increasingly thinking, speaking, playing and supporting the quality and intensity dreaming. To maintain this power of our interactions. This was have been honoured in the recent that children possess is one of reflected throughout the many election with becoming a DbI I our main tasks in teaching, and presentations at the Bucharest Vice President.
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