LinkSquare Collector Software Tutorial

How to Use Collector (Windows)

1. Getting Started Page | 1

Fully charge your LinkSquare device prior to use.

The Battery Indicator will stop blinking when charging is complete.

Download the LinkSquare Collector software on your computer.

Download the software from the link provided in your order-related emails.

Enter your UDID and the software.

Enter the UDID from the Welcome card that is included in your LinkSquare box.

Prepare your samples.

Make sure you have the objects you want to scan prepared on a stable and clean surface.

© 2018 Stratio, Inc. All rights reserved. LinkSquare Collector Software Tutorial

2. Connecting LinkSquare® and Computer

Turn on your LinkSquare device. The Indicator turns blue when LinkSquare is on. When you click Page | 2 the LS button, it turns either blue or green depending on the Mode.

Open LinkSquare Collector on your PC. The connection screen will appear. You can choose between IoT Mode and AP Mode to connect.

Choose desired Mode to connect.

Press LS Button to switch between the two Modes. Indicator turns blue on IoT Mode, green on AP Mode.

IoT Mode AP Mode Connect via your internet router1. Connect via LinkSquare’s built-in Wi-Fi. Select “LS-XXXXXXX” on Wi-Fi network settings and NOTE: Not all routers are supported. If you can’t enter the following password: 00000000 connect via IoT Mode, try AP Mode.

© 2018 Stratio, Inc. All rights reserved. LinkSquare Collector Software Tutorial

3. Exploring the Main Screen

You can view the collected data in graphs by selecting the data from the ‘Sample’ window. Right-click for viewing options. You can also export the data in csv or bin formats. Page | 3





A. Functions Menu provides various program functions.

B. LinkSquare® Connection Menu controls connection with a LinkSquare device.

C. Scan Options let you select the number of scans and intervals per one scan button.

D. Sample List shows a list of scan data by samples and lets you manage them.

E. Graph Pane displays graphs of the selected data from the ‘Sample’ window.

F. Sample Property shows the information of the selected sample.

© 2018 Stratio, Inc. All rights reserved. LinkSquare Collector Software Tutorial

4. Collecting Data

Page | 4

Click ‘+’ and enter a sample name to add a new sample.

Alphanumeric and special characters are allowed. Some special characters might get replaced with the underscore character ( _ ) due to system requirements. Sample names cannot be duplicated.

Select the device

Select which LinkSquare model to use, and whether or not to use Liquid Station. The default sample option will be automatically generated according to the option you have chosen.

© 2018 Stratio, Inc. All rights reserved. LinkSquare Collector Software Tutorial

Set ‘Count’ and ‘Interval’ as you desire.

‘Count’ allows you to designate the number of scans from one click, ‘Interval’ the number of seconds between the scans. Page | 5

Scan the object. Point LinkSquare device as closely as possible the object to be scanned in a perpendicular manner.

Collect spectral data as needed. By repeating the same procedure with other samples, collect spectral data as needed.

© 2018 Stratio, Inc. All rights reserved. LinkSquare Collector Software Tutorial

5. Setting Options

Click Options > Settings to change setting options.

Save Options Page | 6 Default Save Path allows you to select a path when saving data.

Default Export Path allows you to select a path when exporting data.

Graph Visualization Options Light Source lets you choose which spectrum is to be displayed.

Smoothing allows you to choose graph’s the level of smoothness.

Standard Normal Variate (SNV) transform allows you to choose to apply SNV transform.

Horizontal Axis allows you to choose the unit between . Pixel Number (0-600th pixel) . Wavelength . If you are using LinkSquare (400-1000 ) . If you are using LinkSquare NIR (700-1050 nm)

© 2018 Stratio, Inc. All rights reserved. LinkSquare Collector Software Tutorial

6. Displaying Graphs


When you select a scan from the Sample List, a graph will appear in the Graph Pane. You can select one or Page | 7 more scans by activating each scan or ticking the checkbox.

The horizontal axis of the graph starts at 0 and ends at 600, which indicates the pixel number of the scan data measured by the LinkSquare device. You can switch the unit of the horizontal axis between Pixel Number and Wavelengths which runs between 400 nm and 1000 nm for LinkSquare 1 and between 700 nm and 1050 nm for LinkSquare NIR device.* The vertical axis denotes the intensity value and the value changes depending on the unit of the horizonal axis. * Please follow the directions in the Graph Visualization Options section under 5. Setting Options on page 6 to change.

LinkSquare uses two kinds of light sources, LED and Bulb. You can choose which light source(s) to show on the graph – right-click in the Graph Pane and click Light Sources to choose from the three light source options, or go to Options > Settings > Graph Visualization and choose the light source(s) in the Light Source option.

Internal LED Internal Bulb LED + Bulb

You have two options to display the graph – the SNV (Standard Normal Variate) option depicts the values normalized by the intensity raw data; the Smooth option smooths out the fluctuations of the datasets for better visualization by computing the average of different subsets of the graph; when you choose both SNV and Smooth, the graph shows the average values of normalized values from the raw intensity data.

▣Smooth, ▣SNV □ Smooth, ▣SNV ▣Smooth, □SNV

© 2018 Stratio, Inc. All rights reserved. LinkSquare Collector Software Tutorial


If you want to set one reference to compare it with other scan data in a visualized form in the Graph Pane, you have the Difference Graph option, which utilizes the MAE (Mean Absolute Error) method.

Hover over the Sample List, choose one, right-click on it and pick Difference Graph > Set Reference to set it Page | 8 as a reference. The reference scan will show along the horizontal axis, i.e., with the value of (0) on the vertical axis. Tick the checkboxes of the scan data you want to compare with, and they will appear in the Graph Pane vis-à-vis the reference.

Reflectance Reflectance Graph shows the relative intensity of the selected scans within the range between the preset minimum and maximum data. The scan data will appear between (0) and (1) on the vertical axis vis-à-vis the preset minimum and maximum datasets.

Choose Reflectance Graph > Set Min and Reflectance Graph > Set Max to set minimum and maximum. You can always undo the settings by choosing Reflectance Graph > Reset to Default.

© 2018 Stratio, Inc. All rights reserved. LinkSquare Collector Software Tutorial

7. Exporting Files

Click Export > Export to Files to select files to export.

Select files to export from the pop-up window. Page | 9 You will see the list of sample files in the Select Samples to Export pane in the Export menu. Files are sorted in an ascending order. You may change the location of the files to be saved under Directory. Next to File , choose ‘Stratio Data File’ if you plan to upload them to Stratio’s AI Server. Otherwise, choose other file formats.

Advanced Options: You can customize the more Export options. Please Help> LS Collector User Guide for the detail explanation of each item.

Click ‘Export’.

A new *.zip format file will appear in the location you designated under Export Directory above.

© 2018 Stratio, Inc. All rights reserved.