
Info well-respected a as industry the in place her . and made vocalist has nine With collaborations, eye. several public the including in releases comfortable more much felt singer-songwriter the and collaborations lm " on worked Sia’s on original vocals featuringreleased be should track the decided Guetta demo her hearing on Keys, ‘Titanium’Alicia by feature vocals to di!cult, and longing for a private life she decided to focus on increasingly songwriting famefor found a Sia time. Havingdecade Granted’. ‘Takennextfor originally single the intended solo Over her debut song her released and Pool, Dance a backing vocalist for global superstars Jamiroquai. In 2000 the singer signed a solo contract with ’s sub-label, Crisp disband and so Sia moved to London in hope of furthering her music career, getting her "rst big break performing as 500,000 copies he sold was awarded Diamond status inhis home of country . the strongest on the release. Selling just under one million copies in the UK, Guetta achieved 3 x Platinum status and his with to well-receivedwasbyalbum many‘Nightworks,earlier comparison tracksthe with Your of in Life’ and‘Titanium’somewhat as highlighted being lacking was it felt reviewers some While Switzerland. and SpainGermany, Belgium, four million records sold. with US the Platinumin x 2 copies,and million two of shortjust sales with UK the Platinumin x 3 "ed certi was single hook-up”Guetta’s#intriguinge “mostof album. the studio far h ‘Titanium’"$ bysong’s that was stating the hook, of likened to the works of and Sia’s vocal was compared to that of Fergie. Many reviewers raved about Sia’scollaboration on delivery and phenomenal vocal performance. asDescribed “epic and energising”, ‘Titanium’ was musically an in incredible10s twenty "ve countriestop across globe. the and countries four in 1s number achieving worldwide, markets music top the of many in received well year.‘Titanium’same that wasof December in album the from single fourth the as released o !cially was hit the 2011, album the for singles promotionalfour of one as digitally released Initially Sia. singer e success of ‘Titanium’ saw Sia’s career relaunched in many ways. Finding her way with being famous, she also also she famous, being with way her Finding ways. many in relaunched Sia’s career saw ‘Titanium’ of success e # Sia is an Australian singer-songwriter launched who her career with acid- Crisp in mid-1990s. the 1997 saw Guetta’salbum Sia’sto thanks album the of stoppershow the be to it claimingmany with reviews, positive with met was single #e Australianfrom vocals featuringGuetta, David producermusic and DJFrench for hit one number ‘Titanium’a was

UK Chart Peak:UK Chart NothingButBeat! e Produced by: Produced by: Written By: Song Title: Released: Released: Album: Genre: Label: Label: Nothing But !e Beat

Titanium 1 // Sia/David Guetta/Giorgio Tuinfort/Nick van deWall House/Urban-Dance Virgin/Capitol US 2011 topped the album charts in the DJ’s the in chartsalbum the topped Australia,homenationas France,wellof as ‘Titanium’ Guetta |David (feat. Sia) , which Sia, which was not happy about. ‘Titanium’

Nothing but the Beat the Nothingbut David Guetta(feat. Sia) in August in 15 Acoustic Guitar Grade 1 RSL-724565065067 / 1 / Pete Smith / [email protected] 16 Acoustic Guitar Grade 1 Titanium [13] & & & & & & [9] [5] C C C œ Œ œ Œ œ Œ 2 2 0 A B & & T ‰ ‰ ‰ œ œ œ All RightsAll for EMIMusic Publishing Ltd. and Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC Administered by Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC, 424Church Street, Suite 1200,Nashville, TN37219 0 1 0 4 4 c 4 4 You I’m I’m

126 œ œ œ œ 0 j j j C p œ Œ 0 Copyright ©2011What APublishing Ltd., KMRMusic Royalties IISCSp, EMIMusic Publishing Ltd., Sony/ATV Music Publishing LLC and Afrojack Publishing shoot talk crit œ œ 2 œ œ œ 2 House/Urban-Dance let ring - - me ing œ ‰ 1 œ œ œ i - You All RightsAll for What APublishing Ltd. and KMRMusic Royalties IISCSp Administered Worldwide by Kobalt Music Publishing œ œ 0 œ œ down, 0 œ œ œ cized, loud, j 0 shout œ œ œ œ œ it G G G œ œ 0 œ œ œ 0 0 out, œ . . . All RightsAll for Afrojack Publishing Administered by BMG Rights Management (US)LLC Words and Music by David Guetta, Sia Furler, Giorgio Tuinfort and Nick Van Wall De œ œ œ 0 0 œ 0 G œ 0 but œ not œ œ 3 j j œ 0 œ œ 0 say I œ œ 0 All Rights Reserved Used RightsAll Reserved by Permission - get œ ing œ 3 œ but œ œ 0 Œ œ œ up. 0 œ much. œ all but œ A A A 2 œ 2 œ J œ 2 m m I œ m your œ A œ J œ 2 m œ 2 œ 1 can’t œ bul œ J œ 0 œ 1 Ó 0 œ œ J 2 - œ hear J œ 0 Ó lets œ œ J œ 2 œ a ri œ j David GuettaDavid (feat. Sia) word œ j - 1 F œ œ 3 œ 1 j œ œ 2 j co œ you Arranged by Hards Ashley œ œ 0 œ 2 - œ 1 J œ chet. Session Style 3 œ J say. œ 1 œ 3 œ 3 œ 0 œ 2

RSL-724565065067 / 1 / Pete Smith / [email protected] [33] [29] [25] [21] [17] & & & & & & & & & & 2 F F F F P F m m m m œ œ œ Œ 3 3 œ œ œ œ œ 3 2 1 0 œ œ œ œ œ 3 2 1 0 . . . . a a . . a a . j j j . . . . j . . . . 7 7 7 7 f F œ œ œ w 3 2 1 œ œ 2 2 ‰ Œ ‰ œ œ 1 1 You œ œ œ 3 2 1 œ œ œ œ J 2 1 0 You j œ œ œ œ 2 1 0 I’m j œ œ œ 0 0 j j shoot shoot œ œ œ œ 3 2 1 œ bul Ri œ œ - me - œ me œ let co œ œ œ œ œ 3 2 1 - - down, œ œ down, chet; œ œ proof, G œ œ œ 0 0 0 G G G G œ œ œ œ œ 0 0 0 3 œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ œ 0 0 0 3 0 0 ...... œ œ œ 0 0 0 œ œ 0 0 œ œ 0 0 but œ œ œ 0 0 0 but J œ œ œ œ J 0 0 3 J œ œ œ œ J 0 0 3 noth you œ œ J J œ œ 3 3 œ œ I I - œ œ œ 0 0 0 take ing œ œ won’t won’t œ œ your to œ œ E œ fall; œ œ œ 2 0 0 œ fall; m œ œ aim; lose; œ œ œ 2 0 0 E E E E œ œ œ œ œ 2 0 0 0 œ œ œ œ œ œ œ 2 2 2 0 0 0 m m m m ...... œ œ œ 2 0 0 œ œ 0 0 Œ Œ œ œ 0 0 œ œ œ 2 0 0 œ œ œ J 0 0 0 J œ œ œ 0 0 0 œ œ 0 0 œ I œ I œ œ ! ! A œ œ œ 2 2 1 - - m am am œ œ re re œ œ œ ti œ ti œ œ œ œ œ 2 2 1 a a - - - - ta œ ta œ œ œ way, way, œ œ 2 2 0 - - œ A A A A œ œ œ œ œ 2 2 1 0 œ œ œ œ 2 2 œ œ œ œ œ 2 2 1 0 m m m m ...... - - œ œ 2 2 0 œ œ œ 2 2 - - œ œ 1 1 ...... ni œ J J œ œ œ 2 1 0 ni œ œ œ J œ J 2 1 0 ! œ ! œ J J œ œ 0 0 F w w w 3 2 1 re re - - œ œ œ œ . . - - œ œ - a a - - - J œ um. um. œ J way. way. œ œ 17 Acoustic Guitar Grade 1 RSL-724565065067 / 1 / Pete Smith / [email protected] 18 Acoustic Guitar Grade 1 to achieve if you want top marks for an exam performance. Try ashort taking repeating pattern and going from This features an ascending dynamic throughout which can be challenging at first, but is nevertheless important Titanium |Technical Guidance significantly louder or quieter than others. the Doing can this change sound the produced inunintended ways. to make at sure begins section bar that strumming When 33try your full the attack is even and that no notes are toclose end the of written the rhythm as is realistic and natural for your performance. to influence marksbegin given for here. rhythmic accuracy Some to time move is reasonable, but you should aim as to be value.given Allowing full their for time extra chord changes by moving overall the early affect too sound will produced and The eighth notes throughout piece the should rhythmically be evenand dotted the quarter notes inbar 25to bar 29bars shifting is required. This should allow you to keep your fingers to close fretboard the and develop fast and changes. efficient to prevent strings from accidentally muted. being Many of shapes the to are close eachother not so much too very position The open position chords/arpeggios (bar 1to bar 7for example) to need ring clearly, fretting agood position so is needed hands. and to F and you will start to develop an intuitive sense of how much pressure and attack is needed for your particular instrument p to P to f

RSL-724565065067 / 1 / Pete Smith / [email protected]