1--> , - 1· 71;e /Vlazmiana Collection ch best refi::re icc , ork on Africa. '.s _ . • Afncana L1branans Council, USA & Library ot Congress (Ini:11a) 'f Africa;s Ab<lul Samed Bem,uh, ,.he committed P= Afr'.rnnis,, has given us ,he w,4 ' navigate the mind ofAli Mazru1, one of Afncas greatest rhmkers. Nor only/lo we IQ have a book that leads us inrn rhe valley of knowledge; we have rhe key co open rhc mi door ro che scholarship of the fomrc and the bright Africa. C dawn char awairs Throug this collccrion, we will cLscover inreUecmal prudence, srimularing words. meo cal vinuosi ry, and profound insights. Toyin Faiola, University ofTcxas ar Ausrin,_ l'JS/\ Experience Edited by Ali A. Mazrui Patrick M. Dikirr . .: Robert Ostergard Jr. I 111 Michael Toler and Paul Macharia 9 788120 740853 £ 29.95 US$ 49.99 STE LING PUBLISHERS PVT LTD This volu11 about the· experience the Proph, religion, v STERLING PUBLISHERS PRIVATE LIMITED asylum to A-59, Okhla Industrial Area, Phase-II, New Delhi-110020. from pers• Tel: 26387070, 26386209; Fax: 91-11-26383788 Islamic N- e-mail:
[email protected] Muslims· www.sterlingpublishers.com Egypt. Contents This voh: ' upon Afr Preface and Acknowled ents vu Muslim l gm African Impact on Muslim History: A Prelude geograpb Introduction: The ................................................................................ ix revival o Ali A. Mazrui politiciz: Africa's Islamic History, AFRICA'S RELIGIOUS CANVAS: AN OVERVIEW both col Experience: Culture, and Politics © 2009, Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd. 1. Islam, Christianity, and Africa's Indigenous Faiths: Is Islam ISBN 978- 81-207-4085-3 African Demographic Introduction ..................