Bible study guide A Bible Study that coordinates with the chapters of Gwen Smith’s book Broken Into Beautiful. Great for either group or individual study. Broken into Beautiful

Gwen Smith Broken Into Beautiful

5 Week Book and Bible Study

by Gwen Smith WEEK ONE

READ chapters 1 and 2 of Broken into Beautiful.

Verse of the Week

“Those who look to Him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame.” Psalm 34:5

“Our hope has never been about what we have done; it’s about what CHRIST has done.”



On page 15, I shared of my abortion, "God wasn’t consulted. He wasn’t invited into our decision." How often do you forget or neglect to seek God’s will when you make decisions? Are you prone to lean on your own understanding or His? It doesn't have to be a major situation. Do you seek His counsel when deciding where to spend your money? Your time? Your talents?

Regardless of how we come upon our difficult circumstances, whether they are brought on by our sin, the sin of another, or simply a life challenge - if we start by turning to God for help in our everyday living, it becomes easier to turn to Him when we face the dire.

Are there any areas in your life that God is not being consulted on?

Any places you have been resistant to listening to His still small voice?

What would it look like if you began to invite Him into those areas and decisions?


The first step toward giving your circumstances and choices to God is through prayer. WRITE a prayer below and surrender your choices to Him.

Jeremiah 33:3 reminds us that God will answer when we call on His Name. Psalm 23:3 assures us that He will lead us into the path of righteousness. {Write out Jeremiah 33:3 and Psalm 23:3, then pray through them.}

Jeremiah 33:3

Psalm 23:3


"The guilt, pain, and shame of our pasts tell us we are disqualified to move on,to serve G od, to be free, and to know peace...

Though you may have gone through a season of hurt, rejection, or pain, G od can and will pick you up and place you back on track."


On page 16 I wrote, "A secret kept because I mistakenly assumed that no one else could handle the ugly truth of my sinfulness with grace and forgiveness."

It's true. There are many of our brothers and sisters in Christ {ourselves included} who are blinded by the judgment of this world. God has something else to say. His is a message of conviction, repentance, redemption, and grace, not one of con- demnation. It's the Father of Lies who convinces us that silence is the proper course and that if we were to air our dirty laundry we will be shunned not only by our Christian friends, but by God Himself.

Romans 8:1, assures us that in Christ (once we confess our sin) there is NO con- demnation. If Jesus does not condemn someone who has confessed their sins, why in the world would we? Grab your journal and write out the full verse of Romans 8:1 in the ESV translation and The Message paraphrase.

"There is therefore now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus." Romans 8:1, ESV

"With the arrival of Jesus, the Messiah, that fateful dilemma is resolved. Those who enter into Christ’s being-here-for-us no longer have to live under a continuous, low-lying black cloud." Romans 8:1, MSG


Back when I was overwhelmed by that low-lying, black cloud of my biggest secret (and self-hatred for my choices) I struggled to think I could ever be free of the shame. I didn't want to forgive myself, and I surely didn't think alone anyone else could handle my mess. But GOD's plan is different. Full of GRACE for each heart that believes on Jesus and calls on Him for forgiveness.

Where do you find yourself with the shame of your past?

Are you FREE in Christ?

Have you FORGIVEN yourself?

If YES - pause to give Him thanks.

If NO - are you ready for a fresh start with GOD? If so, write a prayer in the spaces below. Confess your sin. Talk to God and apologize. Ask Him to forgive you. Then believe that He will. He loves you and His grace is sufficient for you. No matter where you've been or what you've done.

What would happen if we, as followers of Christ, listened with open hearts and responded with His love and compassion?

Do you stand in judgment and condemnation of others? (Be honest with yourself.) For those who are restored in the grace of Christ - repentant and redeemed - should there be condemnation from any other believer for past failures?

How should or could this affect you or someone you love?

READ and reflect on Romans 8:31-39.



“G od wants every one of us to experience healing and have an appropriate sense of self-worth. Your worth has nothing to do with your feelings.”

READ Ephesians 4. {Yes... the whole chapter.}

WRITE out the verses from Ephesians 4 that challenge you most on the lines below.

Consider how the LORD might want to move in and through you to impact others, then WRITE a PRAYER in response to the text of Ephesians 4.


“Only G od has the right to define you, and when you are in Christ, you are perfectly beautiful in His righteousness… not broken.”


"God is inescapable. He loves you and He sees you. He is available to help you face trials with a courage that is firmly rooted in His strength and power so others might be drawn to Him and know His grace." (p. 28, Broken into Beautiful)

READ Psalm 139.

Underline or highlight any verses or phrases that you connect deeply with, then WRITE them in the space below.

{Above & beyond challenge: tweet, post or Instagram them! #brokenintobeautiful}

PERSONALIZE the following PRAYER that uses the request directives from Psalm 139:23-24:

Search me, Oh God, and know my heart when it comes to ______. Test me and try me - and know my anxious thoughts concerning ______. Lord, show me where there are offensive ways in me. I need direction with ______. Please lead me in the way I should go? In Jesus’ name, amen.


WRITE and personalize a one-sentence summary that features your main takeaway from each of this week's chapters.



FILL IN THE BLANKS on the Verse of the Week:

“Those who ______to ______are ______; their faces are ______covered with ______.” {Psalm ____:5}


“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God—not by works, so that no one can boast” Ephesians 2:8-9

"So now there is no condemnation for those who belong to Christ Jesus." Romans 8:1, NLT

“The Lord is close to the broken hearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.” Psalm 34:18

Heavenly Father, Thank You for seeing me - even in the times when I feel forgotten and invisible. Your Word says that You know my name and consider me precious. Please speak that to my soul right now. (Pause here to listen…) I love You, Lord. Guide me in Your ways today and help me to live out Your grace. In J esus’ name, Amen.


READ chapters 3 and 4 of Broken into Beautiful.

Verse of the Week

“So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.” John 8:36

"Subtle choices such as resentment, laziness, gossip, selfishness, unforgiveness, self-indulgence, pride, and uncontrolled anger (among other things) can diminish the shin on our souls and keep us from G od’s best."



"If you have confessed your sins to the Lord, I beg you: Do not be held captive by guilt and shame any longer!" {Broken into Beautiful, p. 44}

As you read in chapter 3, my son Hunter and I had us a red-lipstick-situation when he was just a little. Ever have one of those? We went on to talk about the red lipsticks in our lives that we try to hide from God. You know - those choices, habits, relationships, addictions and rebellious ways that we try to pretend don't offend God or reject His holy ways. Consider what red lipstick you might be hiding behind your back. WRITE about it.


CONFESS anything that needs to be confessed. {Take this seriously! Get with God about what you need to get with GOD about.}

WRITE your red lipstick on an index card, if you are near a body of water use a stone instead.

PRAY over the lipstick you try to hide, thanking God for His forgiveness.

TEAR the card up and burn it (safely). If you used a stone, throw it into the water.


Move forward in His grace. Don't be held captive by guilt and shame. That's what Jesus died for. For your forgiveness. Your FREEDOM.

"It doesn’t matter if you’ve wandered just a few yards from Him or if you’ve ventured far away. It’s never too late to turn back to G od."


"You are His precious daughter, loved and chosen. I hope you know without a doubt that God loves you completely. Unconditionally. He looks past your past to forgiveness." {Broken Into Beautiful, p55}

READ Ephesians 2 {the whole chapter}

WRITE out any verses that you connect deeply with.


Personalize this PRAYER using the request points from Ephesians 2:7-10...

Lord, expand my vision of what Your love can accomplish in and through my life. Show me the incomparable riches of Your grace when it comes to ______. Thank you for the gift of salvation in Christ. Help me to live and embrace your grace in these areas of my life: ______and ______. Forgive me for the times I take credit for my goodness, when - in fact - anything that is good in me is from You. I sense you are calling me to do good works with ______, will You please lead me in the way I should go? In Jesus’ name, amen.

Be radiant. Live truth. Love well. You are TRULY FREE.



"...the only satisfying response to spiritual hunger is G od. Nothing can take His place. Nothing can supplant G od if you want to satisfy your spiritual hunger."


"Each time we connect with God throughout the day, our souls are nourished. Sometimes we just need a small spiritual meal. Sometimes our needs are greater. In those moments, we are invited by our compassionate God to sit down to a great big dinner." {Broken Into Beautiful, p. 62}

Whether you spend 30 seconds or 3 hours with God, He will refresh your heart. Time isn’t what brings transformation; it’s abiding in His Presence.

READ and MEDITATE on Psalm 63:1-8.

THEN your assignment is to GET WITH GOD. Abide. Seek Him. Experience His grace and be renewed in HIs goodness. Humble yourself before Him in worship. Allow Him to meet you in the hurting places of your heart.

{PAUSE to PRAY now.}

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


Then WRITE a statement/prayer of gratitude that notes at least 5 attributes of God's character that you are thankful for. Savor Him. {Example: Lord, Thank You for being FAITHFUL, even when I am not...}

WRITE 10 names, circumstances, relationships, or concerns to PRAY about. Then jot down any specifics about who or what you are praying for.













"The miracle came for the widow of Zarephath when she obeyed God, when she chose to surrender, in an act of obedience, what was precious and highly valuable to her. Might God be asking you to surrender something? Something precious and valuable? Maybe it’s a hurt or disappointment that you’ve been holding on to. Perhaps it’s a troubled relationship. Trust Him. His blessings, provision, and mira- cles follow obedience." {Broken Into Beautiful, p. 73}

You've read it in the chapter now hash it out with God.

WRITE a response to the questions above. PRAY and ask the Lord to reveal anything that you might be ignoring, suppressing or resistant to surrendering.

God often provides blessings when we seem to least expect it and when we need it the most. WRITE about a time when God provided a blessing right when you needed it most.


In Christ we are called to continually move forward in His strength and grace. READ Romans 12 {the whole chapter} and highlight, underline, and WRITE any verses that challenge or inspire your heart.

WRITE and personalize a one-sentence summary that features your main takeaway from each of this week's chapters.



FILL IN THE BLANKS on the Verse of the Week:

“So if the ______sets you ______, you ______indeed.” { ______8:_____ }



“Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand”. Romans 5:1-2

"So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed." John 8:36

“You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You.” Isaiah 26:3

Dear G od, Thank You for the invitation to be satisfied in You. I pray that You will bear the weight of the burdens on my heart today, and ask that You would fill my soul with Your rest. Please increase my cravings for You, Lord – so that you can be glorified in and through my life. I know that you see the end from the beginning and that Your thoughts are not my thoughts (Is. 55:8-9). Forgive me for the times when I lack faith and please teach me to trust in You so that when the unexpected storms of life come, I will expect peace in the midst of those storms (Mark 4:37-40) knowing that You are near, You hear my cries, and You are with me and for me. Thank You, Lord. I ask this in J esus’ name,Amen.

17 WEEK Three

READ chapters 5 and 6 of Broken into Beautiful.

Verse of the Week

“We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed.” 2 Corinthians 4:8-9

"Sometimes we are brought through a trial by G od. At other times, we are brought to G od through a trial."



"God looks on the heart of each woman. When you get serious with God—when you get real honest and pour out your soul to Him—He will faithfully replace your empty with the fullness of His peace, whether He removes your burdens or allows them to remain. Don’t doubt it for a minute, friend. “All things are possible with God” (Mark 10:27). {Broken into Beautiful, p. 89}

"Hannah’s peace did not require that the circumstances of her trial be lifted." {Broken into Beautiful, p. 90}

When was the last time you praised God in the midst of a trial? Are you in one now?

18 WEEK Three

"{Hannah} welcomed God’s peace to the extent that she did not withhold worship in her trial. Have you ever done that? Been mad at God and withheld your worship from Him? God can handle your anger, but be careful not to withhold your worship from Him. He is worthy in everything, whether He chooses to give or take away." {Broken into Beautiful, p. 90}

Take a few moments and worship God right now. It could be a song of praise, a prayer of thanksgiving, or an anonymous act of kindness in His name.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I wrote about Amanda in this chapter too. The Lord brought her through a deep valley of emptiness.

In what ways did you and/or do you connect with Amanda's struggles?

READ Psalm 42.

What would it look like today for you to put your hope in God today?

"G od hears your prayers. He cares about your struggles and your relationships. He loves you and wants you to pour out your soul to Him. When you call on the name of J esus,ALL things are possible."

19 WEEK Three

On page 88 of Broken into Beautiful, mid-page, we see that Hannah did two things when she was overwhelmed with the weight of her circumstances. What were the two things? (Hint: v10) 1.


By looking at those two things Hannah did in God's presence, we can see that she was EMOTIONALLY ENGAGED and SPIRITUALLY SURRENDERED. She wept much. She got real with God. She prayed with her heart - not just her lips. LOVE. THAT. SO. MUCH.

Where are you with this? Do you spend much time in God's presence doing serious heart-level business with Him?

PRAY. Park yourself in His presence. Pour out your soul to God. Make a meaningful heart connection and experience the power of His hope restored and refreshed deep within. Move from confession, to adoration, to thanksgiving, and end with your petitions (personal prayer needs - and the needs of others).

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

“Sometimes G od allows our comfort to be removed. He leads us to a place (or allows us to pass through places) of brokenness where the only option is to trust in and lean on Him.”


READ: Psalm 18

20 WEEK Three

WRITE out your favorite verses from this passage.

Consider some of the places of brokenness the Lord has brought your through. Write them down. What traces of His fingerprints do you now see looking back that you might not have seen in the thick of the hardship? List 5 things you are thankful for regarding that season of strain in your life. List some lessons learned.

You might be hard pressed on every side, but you are not crushed. You might be perplexed, but you are not in despair. You may be persecuted, but you are not abandoned. And you might be struck down, but - because you are HIS: YOU. ARE. NOT. DESTROYED!!!

21 WEEK Three


"{G od} can be trusted with your family, finances, health, wealth, in times of victory and in times of misery. He can be trusted in your sunny celebrations and in your shattered matters."


Rosetta's story begins on page 97. Her biggest fears centered around her children. She was faced with situations that were outside the scope of her control and she agonized over having to let them go.

What fears do you struggle with?

PRAY and ask the Lord to contend with your heart about matters that you are struggling to surrender. In what situation(s) might you need to trust Him more?

What would it look like if you were willing to trust and depend on Him more?

"Though we aren’t always kept from experiencing shattered matters, we never have to endure them alone."

22 WEEK Three

WRITE and personalize a one-sentence summary that features your main takeaway from each of this week's chapters.



FILL IN THE BLANKS on the Verse of the Week:

“We are hard ______on every side, but not ______; ______, but not in despair; persecuted, but not ______; ______, but not destroyed.” {2 Corinthians ____ :8-9}


“The Lord is my strength and my shield; in Him my heart trusts, and I am helped.” Psalm 28:7

“Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised is faithful.” Hebrews 10:23

Dear Lord, Thank you for always being by my side. Thank you for giving me your strength and grace when I am simply weak and broken. Please help me look to you in every shattered matter. In J esus' name, Amen.


READ chapters 7 and 8 of Broken into Beautiful.

Verse of the Week

“But sin didn’t and doesn’t have a chance in competition with the aggressive forgiveness we call grace. When it’s sin versus grace, grace wins hands down.” Romans 5:20, MSG

"Your past sins do not define you. Your painful scars do not define you. Your present sufferings do not define you."



"The restoration from broken into beautiful is neither easy nor instantaneous. It demands a yielded heart and can be quite painful, but it comes with great reward. God will need your broken pieces—your scars, shame, insecurities, disappoint- ments, betrayals, and failures. Do you have some of those? Are they tucked away in a safe, do-not-enter part of your heart?" {Broken into Beautiful, p. 114}

PRAY about where you find yourself in all of this. Are you beginning to see the beauty of a mosaic in your life?

READ: Psalm103

PRAISE: Spend a few moments doing what the psalmist encouraged: praise God and forget not all His benefits. LIST 5 things to thank Him for and spend a few moments thanking Him for the shards of your life that are being made beautiful in His hands.

24 WEEK four

"What felt like {G od} deserting me when times got hard became a revelation of just how valiantlyHe had rescued me from destruction. What had seemed like {G od} stripping everything away turned into an overwhelming sense of His restoring power in my life."


"No matter what you’ve been through, no matter the secrets you’ve been hiding or accusations you’ve been listening to, God is able to redeem you. Do you believe that? He is waiting to show you the big picture. If you’ve been holding something back from God or resisting His healing, then it’s time you take your faith and trust to another level. No more safe living." {Broken into Beautiful, p. 121-122}

Do you believe that God is able to redeem anything and everything you've ever been through or are going through? Why or why not? What does the Bible have to say about it?

READ Romans 8:28: “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.”

What does this passage teach you?

25 WEEK four


“G od cares much more about our internal beauty, our reverence and love for Him, than our external beauty. Measuring up to Hollywood’s version of beautiful has never been nor ever will be, what G od desires for us.”


"Charm is deceptive, and beauty is fleeting; but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised." Proverbs 31:30

“As a child, Denise gave her heart to Jesus. As an adult, she surrendered her life to Him. There’s a big difference.” {Broken into Beautiful, p. 131}

In what ways did you and/or do you connect with Denise's struggles?

When did you first believe?

Have you surrendered your life to the Lord?

If you haven’t surrendered all to Jesus, what is holding you back?

26 WEEK four

READ Philippians 3.

Write down the verse(s) that connected with your heart the most.

“True beauty begins when we hold tightly to the truth of G od andallow the truth of G od to hold tightly to us.”


"Comparing your life, your family, your stuff, your failures, and your accomplish- ments to that of someone else is dangerous. Very dangerous. It draws the focus of your heart to you instead of to God." {Broken into Beautiful, p. 132}

"God intends that we should bloom where we are planted and thrive in our giftings so that His church can function in a healthy way." {Broken into Beautiful, p. 134}

You've read it in chapter 8, now hash it out with God. WRITE out where you find yourself with the content in this chapter about measuring up. Be specific.

27 WEEK four

PRAY and ask the Lord to reveal anything that you might be ignoring, suppressing or resistant to surrendering. Be honest with God and with yourself.

Are you willing to trust God with these things? {Why or why not?}

As I said in the book, “It’s time we quit chasing the interests of others and start pursuing the passions that were written on our hearts. Our role in the Body of Christ is essential. God wants us to stop trying to measure up to everybody around us and be content in Him."

READ the verses below and highlight or underline any verses that resonate in your heart.

"For the body is not one member, but many. If the foot says, “Because I am not a hand, I am not a part of the body,” it is not for this reason any the less a part of the body. And if the ear says, “Because I am not an eye, I am not a part of the body,” it is not for this reason any the less a part of the body. If the whole body were an eye, where would the hearing be? If the whole were hearing, where would the sense of smell be? But now God has placed the members, each one of them, in the body, just as He desired. If they were all one member, where would the body be? But now there are many members, but one body." 1 Corinthians 12:14-20, NASB

WRITE and personalize a one-sentence summary that features your main takeaway from each of this week's chapters.

28 WEEK four



FILL IN THE BLANKS on the Verse of the Week: “But ______didn’t and doesn’t have a ______in competition with the ______we call ______. When it’s ______versus grace, ______wins hands down.” { ______5:20, MSG}


“Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.” Romans 12:2a

"But sin didn’t, and doesn’t, have a chance in competition with the aggressive forgiveness we call grace. When it’s sin versus grace, grace wins hands down." Romans 5:20

Dear G od, Please renew and transform me from the inside out. When feelings of inferiority, insecurity, and self-doubt creep into my heart, help me to see myself the way You do. I want to be held tightly by your truth. You are the true source of all that is good and lovely. Help me to quit chasing the attention and approval of others and instead pursue the deep beauty found in Your presence and Your promises. Please take the broken pieces of my life and don’t allow me to grab them back. I surrender to Your healing. M old me and shape me into a beautiful reflection of Your glory. In J esus' name, amen.


READ chapters 9 and 10 of Broken into Beautiful.

Verse of the Week

“Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves receive from God.” 2 Corinthians 1:3-4

"The mystery of G od’s love cannot be solved. The magnitude of G od’s love cannot be grasped. The measure of G od’s love cannot be comprehended. He loves you perfectly and eternally."



"BEFORE God spoke the heavens and earth into existence, BEFORE His voice lit the sun, causing darkness to separate from light, BEFORE He decorated the sky with stars and called them each by name, BEFORE He commanded the waters to divide from land and established living creatures to inhabit the earth, BEFORE He breathed the first breath of life over the dust of the ground and into the lungs of Adam, the mysterious and mighty God of the universe LOVED you." {Broken into Beautiful, p. 140}

Try to fathom that for a few minutes.

On page 144, I tell the cute story about a game. Now... personalize that and consider what that looks like between you and God... "Have you thought about the pleasure God experiences when you simply approach Him just as you are, warts and all, because He loves you? He delights in your attention. He takes plea- sure when you go to Him simply because you are His." p. 145


READ Zephaniah 3:17

Now read it again aloud and insert your name after each ‘you’…

“The LORD your God is with you (insert name here), He is mighty to save. He will take great delight in you (name), He will quiet you (name) with His love, He will rejoice over you (name) with singing.” Zephaniah 3:17 (NIV)

How would your life look different if you internalized the truth and magnitude of God's love for YOU... personally?

What does your heart hear when you are still?

PRAY: Ask the Lord to show you where you fit within His love. Trust that what He says in His Word is truth. Ask Him to help you to thrive in the freedom and beauty of His love. Savor the time. Cherish the One who loves you perfectly.

WRITE ONE TRUTH that you are learning from the study this week.

"G od loves us perfectly. The greatest call in our lives is to love G od in return. Our life song should be a love song. Many of us sing that tune regularly, but let’s choose this day to turn up the volume on our love for G od. Let’s live love louder. Take a moment to center your heart, soul, and mind on Christ right now. Worship Him in spirit and in truth. Adore Him. Praise Him. Pray that He will help you live love louder today."



"God is truth. His Word is truth. His Word says He loves you and He loves me. We need to take Him at His word and trust Him at His heart." {Broken into Beautiful, p. 141}

"God loves you with a personal love. He knows your name. He knit you together in your mother’s womb. He considers you highly valuable. No matter what you’ve believed in the past, choose by faith to believe this now: You are valued, priceless, and adored by God." {Broken into Beautiful, p. 143}

Consider how you feel about the quotes above. Write down and honest response to your reflection. Do you know God as love (1 John 4:8) on a personal level or are you afraid that you might be the one exception to His divine affections that make broken people beautiful?

PRAY about where you find yourself in all of this. Are you beginning to see the beauty of His grace in your life?

READ: 1 John 4:7-21

PRAISE: Spend a few moments doing what God does: love. Love Him with praise. WRITE 5-10 reasons why you love God and spend a few moments thanking Him for the areas of your life that are being made beautiful in His grace.


On pages 150-153 of Broken into Beautiful, there is a list of Scriptures. Truths about who GOD says you are in His eyes. Choose one or more of these verses to cling to this week. Write them on a note card and slip it into your wallet. Use post-it notes to put the verse where you need to see it most, on the bathroom mirror, at your computer at work, on your dashboard, and anywhere else you need a reminder of God’s Truth.

What verse(s) did you choose for yourself?




"God had a plan for my testimony—or my messtimony, as I often call it. That plan was all about His glory. It was all about revealing His unconditional love and point- ing to His great mercy that are available to everyone." {Broken into Beautiful, p. 158}

"I thank God that in that crisis moment, because of what I’d been through, I was able to relate to and minister to my dear friend. I thank God that in that crisis moment He used my story as a weapon for truth and life." {p. 160}

"He wants you to stop fighting Him on this and be willing to speak for Him so others can know the same healing that you know. He wants to bring beauty up from the ashes of brokenness all around you." {p. 167}

Do you know someone who needs Jesus or who is struggling in a crisis? How could you reach out to encourage them?

READ: Psalm 107

WRITE the verse(s) or thought(s) that connected with your heart the most.

REST in the complete beauty found in God. Make a choice and move forward in His lordship. Trust Him with your story... because it's more HIS than yours. ~ ~ ~ ~



"Brokenness. We don’t want it, but we’ve all got it. When our brokenness is surren- dered to God, restoration begins and beauty blossoms. He restores our wounded hearts with His unconditional love. This exciting, life-changing truth should make even the most conservative Christ-follower want to jump up and shout, “Hallelujah!” Do you get it? What we do with our restored hearts makes all the difference. Got beauty? What are you going to do with it?" {Broken Into Beautiful, p 170}

READ 2 Corinthians 5:11-21

WRITE out a PRAYER using 2 Corinthians 5:11-21 as your spring board... {Lord, Please expand my vision for how the story of my life can be used to impact others toward hope and healing in Christ... }

WRITE and personalize a one-sentence summary that features your main takeaway from each of this week's chapters.




FILL IN THE BLANKS on the Verse of the Week: “______be to the God and ______of our Lord ______, the Father of ______and the God of all ______, who ______in all our ______, so that we can ______those in any ______with the comfort we ourselves ______.” {2 Corinthians 1:_____}


“Loves requires action.” 1 John 3:18

"Let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth." 1 John 3:18

"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.” Acts 1:8

"But in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have." 1 Peter 3:15

Dear Lord, Please forgive me for the times when I’ve chosen my plan over Your plan. Align my will and heart to Yours. Help me to express my love for You by obeying your Word and by responding to the promptings of Your Spirit so that You can be glorified in and through me. In J esus’ name, amen


I’m SO PROUD of you for seeing this study through to the end! I pray that God has met you on the pages of the book, this study, and in deep crevices of your heart as you have sought Him. I pray that you will continue to encounter His love, grace, healing, hope, and peace. And now, I leave you with a challenge: to move forward in the freedom that

Jesus has called you to and continue to grow in His grace and truth each day.

Thanks for joining me in this journey! I love you and cherish the time we’ve spent together.

Warm Blessings in Christ, Gwen