Heritage Impact Assessment for Conversion of the Former
HHeritageeritage ImpactImpact AssessmentAssessment forfor ConversionConversion ofof tthehe FFormerormer CClubhouselubhouse ooff RRoyaloyal HHongong KKongong YYachtacht CClublub aatt 1212 OOilil SStreet,treet, NorthNorth PointPoint iintonto a CCommunityommunity aandnd PublicPublic ArtArt CentreCentre - ArtspaceArtspace @ OilOil StreetStreet VVolumeolume 11-- BBaselineaseline SStudytudy SSeptembereptember 22011011 AArchitecturalrchitectural ServicesServices DepartmentDepartment AArtrt PPromotionromotion OOfficeffice LLeisureeisure andand CulturalCultural ServicesServices DepartmentDepartment HERITAGE IMPACT ASSESSMENT FOR THE FORMER CLUBHOUSE OF ROYAL HONG KONG YACHT CLUB AT 12, OIL STREET, NORTH POINT, HONG KONG VOL. 1 – BASELINE STUDY September 2011 Acknowledgements We would like to acknowledge the permission given by the following organizations and person for the use of their records, maps, photos and information in the report: Antiquities and Monuments Office Building Information Centre, Buildings Department Information Services Department Public Records Office Survey & Mapping Office, Lands Department i Research Team Team Members Position and Discipline/Work Undertaken Ho Puay-peng Architectural historian, Conservation MA(Hons), DipArch(Edin.), PhD(London), RIBA specialist Director, CAHR, CUHK - research supervision Professor, School of Architecture, CUHK Honorary Professor, Department of Fine Art, CUHK Lo Ka Yu Henry Researcher BSSc(AS), MArch, MPhil(Arch), HKICON - research coordination Research Project Manager, CAHR, CUHK Ho
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