
Outgassing and eruption of basaltic magmas: The effect of conduit geometry

L. Pioli1*, B.J. Azzopardi2†, C. Bonadonna1, M. Brunet3, and A.K. Kurokawa4 1Departement des Sciences de la Terre, Université de Genève, 1205 Geneva, Switzerland 2Faculty of , University of Nottingham, Nottingham NG7 2RD, UK 3Laboratorie de Géologie des Systèmes Volcaniques, Institut de Physique du Globe de Paris, 75005 Paris, France 4National Research Institute for Earth Science and Disaster Resilience, Tsukuba, Ibaraki, 305-0006, Japan

ABSTRACT with either or aqueous solutions of glucose syrup at different concentrations, with ranging from 10−1 to 70 Pa∙s. was mea- sured with a system of six transducers mounted in rows of threes at 0.5 and 1 m from the base of the column. Visual observations and high-speed recording of the flow were aimed at evaluat- ing the distribution in the column and the average and instantaneous column heights attained by the mixture of and during the flow. These data were used to discriminate different flow regimes, assess transitions, and calculate the gas fraction in the mixture by com- paring the height reached by unaerated liquid INTRODUCTION low- magmas), shearing effects deter- and the mixture during the runs. Scaling of the Several mafic eruptions are fed by fissures mine lateral gas segregation and can have a pri- experiments with respect to magmatic flow con- which range in length from a few hundred meters mary control on the flow pattern and phase dis- ditions was checked through several dimension- to a few kilometers (Genareau et al., 2010; Reyn- tribution, eruption dynamics, and vent location. less parameters. Further details on the apparatus, olds et al., 2016). However, long-lived fissure These effects are neglected in most volcanic con- experimental techniques, and scaling consider- eruptions (i.e., weeks to months) are very rare duit flow models, which usually assume vertical ations are reported in Item DR1 in the GSA Data because the flow tends to focus into a single axial of the flow (Gonnermann Repository1. or multiple, regularly spaced eruption points and Manga, 2007). which are either stable or migrating with time For these reasons, the characterization of RESULTS accompanying fissure extension, such as in the properties and stability of flow patterns is fun- documented cases of the A.D. 1943 Paricutin damental to quantify flow dynamics. Existing Flow Pattern Map (Mexico), 1970 Hekla (Iceland), and 2002 Etna computational dynamics models of sepa- Experimental results showed that two main (Italy) eruptions (Foshag and González, 1956; rate multiphase flows within fissure-like systems patterns occurred within the column: (1) homog- Andronico et al., 2005; Thorarinsson and Sigval- (Pan et al., 2000; Joshi et al., 2002) are calibrated enous bubbly flow (for gas flow rates <5 L/min dason, 1972), determining progressive sealing of against experimental data obtained at very dif- and almost all liquid viscosities), with non- the non-active portions of the fissure. ferent dynamic regimes (i.e., water-gas flows) interacting multiple bubble chains developing Non-homogeneous cooling and crystalliza- and cannot be directly applied to real eruptions. from each nozzle, and (2) bubble plume patterns, tion of magma along the fissure can determine Dedicated experimental activity is essential to where all bubbles rapidly converged toward the flow localization and the evolution toward central fill this gap and provide the necessary physical center to form a coherent plume with large- eruptions (Bruce and Huppert, 1989; Wylie et al., constraints to model magma flows. The purpose scale, gas-driven liquid cells, devel- 1999; Wylie and Lister, 2006). However, flow of this paper is to present results from scaled oping at both sides into circular to elongated localization has also been observed in very early experiments aimed at exploring the stable con- geometries, complementary to plume geometry eruption stages and in very energetic eruptions, figurations of separate two-phase flow regimes (Fig. 1). Increasing liquid viscosity increased the when the effects of magma cooling and solidi- in mafic magmas along fissures and compare size of the bubbles in the stream, which were fication are less relevant. It is well known that them with flow dynamics in cylindrical conduits. subjected to repeated coalescence and breakup the geometry of volcanic conduits significantly during rise. In particular, at constant gas flow affects the shearing geometry of magmatic flows EXPERIMENTAL APPARATUS and the distribution of horizontal and vertical Experiments were performed on a 1.5-m-high 1 GSA Data Repository items 2017249, Item DR1 velocity . In the case of separate two- × 0.75-m-wide × 0.03-m-thick rectangular bub- (experimental techniques and apparatus), Item DR2 phase flow (i.e., when gas bubbles rise within ble column at the University of Geneva (Swit- (experimental regimes at Ka = 169), and Item DR3 (experimental pressure gradients for selected experi- zerland). Air (from 2 to 80 L/min) was injected ments), is available online at http://www.geosociety​ *E-mail: [email protected] at the bottom of the column through equally .org/datarepository​ ​/2017/ or on request from editing@ †Deceased spaced nozzles. Experiments were carried out geosociety.org.

GEOLOGY, August 2017; v. 45; no. 8; p. 759–762 | Data Repository item 2017249 | doi:10.1130/G38787.1 | Published online 9 June 2017 ©GEOLOGY 2017 Geological | Society 45 | ofNumber America. 8 For| www.gsapubs.org permission to copy, contact [email protected]. 759 u Fr = sg , (2) gD

where usg is the superficial gas velocity, which is the ratio between the gas volume flow rate and the cross section area of the conduit, and D is the hydraulic diameter of the column. “Homog- enous flow” patterns were observed at any Ka for Fr < 0.05. For higher Fr, bubble streams started interacting and neighboring bubble streams coalesced with each other, forming bubble plumes that gradually converged toward the cen- ter of the column. Two main liquid circulation cells developed at both sides of the column. This pattern has been called “laminar bubble street” (Rietema and Ottengraf, 1970). For the lowest liquid viscosities (i.e., <0.01 Pa∙s), the bubble stream was wavy and not stationary (i.e., it was subjected to periodical oscillations by the forma- tion of temporary, smaller liquid circulation cells Figure 1. Flow map. Experiments are marked by small squares; colors differentiate flow at the column sides; Fig. 1). This pattern was regimes. Gray area marks expected conditions for flows of mafic magmas. Black squares called “vortical bubble street.” Finally, for flows indicate average conditions at vent at open conduit for the following volcanoes: involving with viscosities >15 Pa∙s and S—Stromboli (Italy); V—Villarrica (Chile); E—Etna (Italy). Superficial gas velocity is gas volume u of 0.003 m/s or larger, bubble coalescence led flow rate divided by cross section area of tank. Ka—Kapitsa number; Fr—. sg Representative drawings of each flow regime are shown (white is gas, orange is liquid). to the formation of a chain of large bubbles at the middle of the column. These bubbles were the largest observed in the experimental runs. This rates, the largest bubble measured in the flow Pioli et al. (2012). Figure 1 shows the stability pattern was called “bubble chain flow.” When increased in size with increasing liquid viscosity field of specific flow patterns observed when the gas was inserted only from the central nozzles, (Fig. 2). The different trends in size showed by gas was uniformly injected and in terms of two stable bubble plumes formed even at the lowest the largest measured bubbles and the bubbles key dimensionless parameters: the Kapitsa (Ka) gas flow rates. forming at the nozzles suggest that coalescence and the Froude (Fr) numbers. Ka quantifies the effects are not uniform and likely affected by the ratio of tension to inertial forces Time-Averaged Flow Properties flow patterns (Fig. 2). (Kapitsa, 1948) and corresponds to: With increasing superficial gas velocities or

In high-viscosity liquid experiments, a 02. 5 liquid viscosity, the average properties of the marked bimodality of bubble sizes existed  gηρ4∆  flow vary with trends similar to those of cylin- Ka =   , (1) between the central stream, with centimeter-scale ρσ23 drical bubble columns. The average vesicularity  l  bubbles, and the peripheries, where microvesicu- increases with increasing gas volume flow rate lar liquid circulated within cells. The where g is the acceleration of gravity, η is the and liquid (Fig. 3A), and, in the investi- smallest bubbles dispersed in the liquid origi- liquid viscosity, ρ and σ are the liquid density gated experimental range, ranged from 0.1 to 15 nated at the liquid- from the burst of and , respectively, and Δρ is the vol%, measured with an uncertainty increasing large bubbles and incomplete retraction of the difference in density between gas and liquid. with increasing gas flow rates because of larger liquid film, as observed by Bird et al. (2010) and Fr, quantifying the ratio of inertial to gravi- oscillations of the free surface of the liquid (Fig. tational forces, corresponds to 3A). There is a net increase in vesicularity with

Figure 2. Equivalent (eq.) diameter of largest bubble (red squares; calculated from image Figure 3. A: Average liquid vesicularity versus superficial gas velocity in outgassing experi- analysis) versus liquid viscosity in experi- ments. Errors are shown as bars parallel to axes; if not visible, they are smaller than symbol. ments with Froude number Fr = 0.02–0.03. Squares refer to experiments done in apparatus described in this paper; circles refer to experi- Gray line represents size of bubbles forming ments in cylindrical conduits by Pioli et al. (2012). Ka—Kapitsa number. B: Vesicularity in at nozzles, calculated after Gaddis and Vogel- central plume structure in rectangular column experiments versus superficial gas velocity pohl (1986). Cross on top left indicates error for various liquid. Numbers indicate Ka values for each set of experiments. Cross on top left in measurements. indicates error in measurements. Dashed lines are extrapolated patterns.

760 www.gsapubs.org | Volume 45 | Number 8 | GEOLOGY increasing both Fr and Ka, with low-viscosity fissure width) expected for large Ka. However, enhance also the on the liquid, with the liquids showing a monotone increase, and pure in analogy with slug flows (i.e., the flow patterns formation of stable convection cells (Fig. 4). glucose syrup reaching a plateau between 14 marked by the rise of equally spaced gas slugs in The occurrence of plume-driven convection and 16 vol% at usg > 0.03 m/s. The number and the conduit), this particular regime’s stability is cells has important effects on magma mixing arrangement of gas inlets did not affect these also a function of the width and the size and homogenization within the fracture. Image results, and flow pattern shifts determined no of the largest stable bubble (Suckale et al., 2010); analysis suggests that these hydrodynamic struc- apparent discontinuities in the trend. in other words, it can occur only if bubbles with tures involved up to 70 vol% of the liquid in the The pressure drop in the column was pri- thickness comparable with the fracture width column in the single bubble chain patterns, and marily controlled by the liquid vesicularity, and are stable in steady flow conditions. Due to the up to 50 vol% in the vortical plume patterns. because of the non-homogeneous distribution lack of general models, this remains an unsolved Recirculation is expected to be much less rel- of vesicles in the flow, the pressure gradients point; however, as we will discuss later, it has evant within cylindrical conduits: for similar Ka, inside the fracture varied laterally according to minor implications when modeling most of the experimental results of Azzopardi et al. (2014) the flow pattern geometries. In general, vertical key properties of the flow. In all cases, magma have shown that the fraction of liquid flowing pressure gradients measured at very low gas flow outgassing or gas segregation within fissures will down due to bubble movement increases with rates (<5 L/min) were uniform along the col- rapidly lead to bubble clustering and the forma- decreasing melt viscosity, decreasing superficial umn, but they varied laterally for higher Fr and tion of stable vertical bubble plumes, and the gas velocities (which control the rise speed of Ka (Item DR2). Lateral variations were highest onset of lateral gradients in the flow. gas), and increasing conduit diameter, and for for single bubble chain flows, where the lowest similar Fr, it corresponds to ~30 vol%, suggest- pressure was attained at the center of Effect of Conduit Geometry on Flow ing a much less efficient induced recirculation. the column, reflecting bubble distribution pat- Properties It is worth noting that it is expected that mul- terns (Fig. 3B). In vortical bubble street patterns, To understand the effect of conduit geometry tiple, regularly spaced plumes will develop in there was a less regular distribution; the lowest on the flow dynamics, it is necessary to compare whose length exceeds the maximum pressure drop was attained at either the center or the experimental results obtained with this two- attainable lateral extent of a single plume unit: at the periphery of the column, suggesting that dimensional column apparatus with similarly spacing between plumes is mainly controlled by the time-averaged pressure drops were balanced scaled outgassing experiments in cylindrical the fracture depth. According to Beek (1965), by the lateral oscillations of the central plume. pipes (Fig. 3A; Pioli et al., 2012; Azzopardi et this spacing is approximately twice the dike In all of the experiments, the lateral variation al., 2014). Results suggest that outgassing within depth, which would suggest that only longer of pressure drop stabilized to a maximum value fissures is marked by lower vesicularities (up to and/or shallower fissures could develop multiple at the highest gas flow rates (usg > 0.04 m/s), in ~15 vol%), which vary with similar patterns with eruptive centers contemporaneously. analogy to the average vesicularity of the mix- respect to flows in cylindrical conduits, and the ture. The vesicularity within the central plume difference increases with increasing Ka. The gas FINAL REMARKS structures (estimated from the pressure drop drift model predicts that the gas volume Gas segregation and pro- measured in the central sensors) was up to three fraction εg changes as a function of superficial cesses play a fundamental role in magmatic flow times larger than the vesicularity averaged over gas velocity and gas drift velocity vgd (i.e., the and in the eruptive dynamics of mafic magmas. the entire column, but followed similar trends, rise speed of bubbles in the liquid), modulated Gas segregation is enhanced by low magma vis- with linear increase with superficial gas veloc- by a distribution parameter C0 which is a func- cosity, which controls bubble rise speed, and low ity at low Ka, and strong nonlinear behavior at tion of the velocity profile in the conduit (Zuber surface tension, which controls bubble coales- high Ka (Fig. 3B). and Findlay, 1965; Wallis, 1969): cence. We note that our experimental results do not take into account topographic effects on the usg EXPECTED REGIMES IN MAGMATIC µg = . (3) geometry of the fissure opening (i.e., uneven FLOWS Cv0usgg+ d topography determining partial opening of the Magmatic flows occur at Ka between 100 and dike to the surface), which would have strong 102 (for magma of 2800 kg/m3, surface Assuming similar gas drift velocities, dif- tension of 0.08 N/m, and viscosities between 100 ferences in vesicle content arise from a steeper and 103 Pa∙s; Gardner et al., 2013), correspond- velocity profile in the elongated conduit. This ing to the highest-viscosity liquids employed assumption is supported by the experimental AB C in the experiments. Because of the difficulty in observations, which also suggest stronger lateral measuring the absolute mass of gas emitted at variations for the more “clustered” chain flow the vent, only a few data exist on the average out- and laminar bubble street regimes. Based on gassing rates at open-vent volcanoes. Average experimental data, we calculate C0 of 6.9 ± 0.7 conditions measured at Villarrica (Chile), Etna, for high-Ka flow experiments (Item DR1). How- and Stromboli (Italy) volcanoes (after Shinohara ever, the average vesicularity is only a reference and Witter, 2005; Aiuppa et al., 2008, 2010) cor- value and is not representative of any real liquid respond to Fr at the vent between 0.001 and 0.1. parcel in our experiments or magma in the fis- Lower Fr is expected at higher depths due to sure. Our experiments show that the vesicularity pressure and gas density increase. When plotted within the plume structure increases with both Figure 4. Expected regimes in fissure erup- tions. A: Pure outgassing accompanied by on the flow regime chart (Fig. 1), it appears that gas flow and liquid viscosity, reaching values magma convection; Froude number, Fr > 10–2.5. magmatic flows should occur in the chain flow up to 35% for Ka on the order of 102 (Fig. 3B). B: Central eruptions either in Strombolian or and laminar bubble street regimes. Both regimes The steeper velocity and vesicularity profiles Hawaiian regimes; gas segregation is still are marked by the occurrence of stable central are also associated with stronger lateral pressure effective in formation of central bubble plume; Fr > 10–2.5. C: Fissure eruptions (fire curtains); bubble plume configurations, with slug-like gradients, which are expected to increase with large mass eruption rate (MER) or very low bubbles (i.e., bubbles with a strongly flattened increasing gas flow and melt viscosity. Finally, gas flow rate (Fr < 10–2.5) prevent efficient lat- shape, with one dimension comparable with the bubble clustering and central plume formation eral magma segregation.

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