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C:\ICCCI -JMACHARE\Abstracts Vo SOCIEDAD GEOLÓGICA DEL PERÚ fundada el 3 de julio de 1924, en Lima International Congress on Climate Change and its Impacts Abstracts Volume November, 2017 SOCIEDAD GEOLÓGICA DEL PERÚ All rights reserved. Todos los derechos reservados ISSN: xxxx.xxxx Layout: Sonia Bermúdez Lozano - Email: [email protected] Printed by: Tarea Asociación Gráfica Educativa Funded by: Colegio de Ingenieros del Perú. Consejo Departamental de Lima. All correspondence related to this publication must be sent to the Responsible Editor: [email protected] journal homepage: www.sgp.org.pe Sociedad Geológica del Perú, Av. 28 de Julio 745, Miraflores Lima - Perú INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON CLIMATE CHANGE AND ITS IMPACTS ORGANIZING COMMISSION Executive Committee President: José Macharé Vice – President: Víctor Benavides Secretary General: Lionel Fidel Treasurer: Ricardo Morante DIRECTORS Scientific Comittee: James Apaéstegui Communications Committee: Deisy Arriola Logistics Committee: Ronald Concha Finance Committee: Julio Castañeda MEMBERS Diana Ochoa Boris Santos Nicole Bernex Elizabeth Silvestre INSTITUTIONAL REPRESENTATIVES Institut de Recherche pour le Développement: Jean-Loup Guyot Instituto Nacional de Investigación en Glaciares y Ecosistemas de Montaña: Roque Vargas Colegio de Ingenieros del Perú: Carlos Herrera D.y Lizett López Academia Nacional de Ciencias: César Vidal C. SPONSORSHIP COMPANIES The Geological Society of Peru and the Organizing Committee of the ICCCI 2017 express their gratitude for the generous sponsorship and collaboration received from the following companies and institutions, support that has been vital for the successful development of this Congress. SPONSORS GOLDFIELDS LA CIMA COMPAÑIA DE MINAS BUENAVENTURA HOCHSCHILD MINING REPSOL PERÙ ORAZUL ENERGY PERÙ SOUTHERN COPPER PERU CORPORATION COMPAÑÍA MINERA ANTAMINA ESPIASA - ESPINOZA ASOCIADOS S.A. UNEP DTU PARTNERSHIP ENGIE ENERGÍA PERÚ CEPSA PERÚ ALLIED INSTITUTIONS INSTITUTO DE INVESTIGACIÓN PARA EL DESARROLLO INSTITUTO NACIONAL DE INVESTIGACIÓN EN GLACIARES Y ECOSISTEMAS DE MONTAÑA SOCIEDAD GEOGRÁFICA DE LIMA COLEGIO DE INGENIEROS DEL PERU ACADEMIA NACIONAL DE CIENCIAS CONSEJO NACIONAL DE CIENCIA, TECNOLOGÍA E INNOVACIÓN TECNOLÓGICA INSTITUTO GEOLÓGICO MINERO Y METALÚRGICO SERVICIO NACIONAL DE ÁREAS NATURALES PROTEGIDAS POR EL ESTADO INSTITUTO GEOFISICO DEL PERÚ INTERNATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR PROMOTING GEOETHICS ORGANIZACIÓN DE LAS NACIONES UNIDAS PARA LA EDUCACIÓN, LA CIENCIA Y LA CULTURA KONRAD-ADENAUER-STIFTUNG PROGRAMA REGIONAL SEGURIDAD ENERGÉTICA Y CAMBIO CLIMÁTICO EN AMÉRICA LATINA Media Partners CORRESPONSABLES MUNDO MINERO REVISTA DIGITAL NATURALEZA INTERIOR MINERANDINA COMUNICACIONES MINING REPORT ACTUALIDAD MINERA DE LA SOCIEDAD PERUANA DE DERECHO AMBIENTAL HORIZONTE MINERO STAKEHOLDERS FOREWORD To say that Climate Change is a complex matter is certainly a truism. Satellite monitoring of weather parameters has strongly progressed only in the last three decades. Previous climate information relies upon data from unevenly distributed meteorological stations, few of them with long records for one century or more. Going backin time, it appears that paleoclimatologists use varied techniques to record proxy parameters of ancient climates in different natural and man-made archives. Climate modelers have developed algorithms allowing interpretation of all these data in terms of climate variations. On another hand, impacts of climate changes on natural systems and on human beings are also difficult to measure and assess. Despite their systemic internal weaknesses, the Climate Change science is expected to provide validated and rigorous information to society and its leaders, i.e. politicians and other decision makers. The I International Congress on Climate Change has gathered a select group of climate scientists dealing with different disciplines, techniques and objectives to present and discuss update information on Climate Change and its impacts. This Abstracts Volume and the accompanying digital ICCCI 2017 - Libro de Trabajos Cortos (Short Papers Book) collect of all the contributions presented in the twelve technical sessions, four keynote conferences, and thematic tables held during the three-day congress. We are pleased to convey our special acknowledgement to authors, sponsors, and collaborators that have made possible the edition of these volumes, hoping that they will be useful to improve the knowledge required to set up actions in benefit of our society. José Macharé O. CONTENTS pages KEYNOTE CONFERENCES 17 South American summer monsoon reconstruction over the past millennium from isotopic 19 proxies Mathias Vuille Impact of global change in the intertropical zone: what is at stake? 19 T. Lebel Is the rapid recession of tropical glaciers unusual at world scale? 20 Bernard Francou, Antoine Rabatel Climate Change and human health risks and vulnerability on Latin-American populations 20 Ana Rosa Moreno Sánchez SESSION I : CLIMATE VARIABILITY 21 Spatial and temporal analysis of droughts and floods in the Upper Apurímac Inter basin - Peru, 23 1986-2015 Odilon Correa Cuba Lluvias intensas sobre la vertiente occidental de los Andes peruanos asociado a circulación de 24 escala sinóptica Alex Chancafe, Victoria Calle Trend and return period of regional daily extreme precipitations in teleconnection with PDO- 25 AMO-ENSO in the core North American monsoon Omar Llanes-Cárdenas, Héctor J. Peinado-Guevara, Mariano Norzagaray-Campos, T. Leticia Espinosa- Carreón, Alberto Gaxiola-Hernández, Rosa Delia Estrella-Gastelum, José de J. Armenta-Cabrera Calentamiento - enfriamiento global: recurrencia y la importancia del vapor de agua 26 atmosférico Leonidas C. Ocola Study of the interannual and decadal rainfall variability in tropical South America over the last 27 century Laura Paccini, Myriam Khodri Caracterización de eventos extremos de precipitación en Colombia 27 Melissa Rodríguez Torres, Paola A. Arias, Andrés Ochoa 29 SESSION II : ENSO AND OTHER CLIMATIC FORCINGS Physical impacts of the CE 1600 Huaynaputina eruption on the local habitat: geophysical 31 insights Anthony Finizola, Luisa Macedo, Raphael Antoine, Jean-Claude Thouret, Eric Delcher, Cyrille Fauchard, Rachel Gusset, Saida Japura, Ivonne Lazarte, Jersy Mariño, Domingo Ramos, Thibault Saintenoy, Liliane Thouret, José Antonio Chávez, Rolando Chijcheapaza, José del Carpio, Ruddy Perea, Nino Puma, Orlando Macedo, José Luis Torres, Marc-Antoine Vella Impactos de la erupción del Volcán Huaynaputina en el sur del Perú 32 Luisa Macedo, Jean Claude Thouret, Anthony Finizola, Saida Japura, Kevin Cueva Slow onset events: relating Climate Change science to management in Peru 32 José Macharé O. Impacts of ENSO flavors and Tropical Pacific convection variability on summer rainfall of the 33 Peruvian Andes Juan Sulca, Ken Takahashi, Jhan-Carlo Espinoza, Mathias Vuille, Waldo Lavado pages Influence of the eruption of the Huaynaputina volcano on the local and regional climate of 34 South America through paleoclimate geochemical records Carol Romero, James Apaéstegui, Leonidas Ocola SESSION III : CLIMATE CHANGE AND ITS EFFECTS ON LAKES, GLACIERS AND MOUNTAINS 35 Rock glaciers and Climate Change in the arid Andes 37 Lukas U. Arenson, Juan Umerez, Pablo Wainstein, Matthias Jakob . Distribution of weather stations and temperature trends by altitude in the Chitwan-Annapurna 38 landscape, Nepal Ram Asheshwar Mandal, Pramod Kumar Jha, Madan Lal Shrestha Evolución glaciar a finales del Holoceno en glaciares de la Cuenca Parón (Cordillera Blanca – 39 Ancash) Ronald Concha, Anderson Palomino, Igor Astete, Joshua Iparraguirre, José Úbeda, Pool Vásquez Low cost albedometer for snow and ice measurements – Theoretical results and application on 40 a tropical mountain in Bolivia Thomas Condom, Marie Dumont, Lise Mourre, Jean Emmanuel Sicart, Antoine Rabatel Managing new and future lakes in the Vilcanota-Urubamba catchment 40 Fabian Drenkhan, Lucía Guardamino, Christian Huggel Trends in snow cover in the dry Andes using MODIS Data 2000-2016 41 Patrick Grover, Marc Olivier Trottier, Lukas U. Arenson, Pablo Wainstein Retroceso del Glaciar Ampay debido al Cambio Climático en el periodo 1980-2015 41 Walquer Huacani, Carlos Coacalla Responding to climate change and resource management in mountain regions: a case studies 42 of Garhwal Himalaya Suresh Kumar Bandooni, Mirana Laishram Changing regimes of Glaciers in Garhwal Himalaya Region using geospatial methods 42 Praveen Kumar Rai Reconstrucción de ELA AABI en Glaciares de la Cuenca Parón (Cordillera Blanca) 43 Álvaro Navarro, Jose Úbeda, Nelson Santillán, Luzmila Dávila, Ronald Concha, Alejo Cochachín, Jesús Gómez, Rolando Cruz, Lucas Torres Characteristics of precipitating storms in glacierized tropical andean Cordilleras of Peru and 44 Bolivia: 2014-2017 L. Baker Perry, Anton Seimon, Marcos Andrade, Jason L. Endries, Sandro Arias, Sandra E. Yuter, Eric J. Burton, Evan E. Montpellier, Ronald Winkelmann, Heather Guy, Courtney M. Cooper, Maxwell Rado, Nilton Montoya Origen, dinámica y estructura interna de glaciares rocosos: implicancias hidrólogicas para el 45 Valle del Río Cochiguas, Región de Coquimbo, Chile Catalina Pino, Roberto Merino An analysis of climate variability and change in Liangshan Mountain Region, Southwest China 45 Vishwambhar Prasad Sati, Deng Wei, Song Xueqian, Zhang Shaoyao El impacto de las partículas absorbentes de luz en los glaciares peruanos en un clima 46 cambiante Wilmer Sánchez, Carl Schmitt, Benjamín Morales pages Fragmentación de bosques de Polylepis en la Quebrada
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